Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1920, Page 7, Image 7
THE BSE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, W20. V Society Hoadley-HoeL . t ... .... .. . . , Air. and Mrs. K. H. Hoel an- 'hoance the marriage of their daugh ter. Lucille M. Iloel to liewev A. lVHoadley of Cambridge, Mass., which .1... T....-.I the First Presbyterian church. Rev, Hart Jenks aud Dr. Faulkner offi ciating. Miss Lois Hoel, sister of the bride were ' maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Frances Harrison of Minneapolis and Miss Marjorie Harrison of Waterloo, la. Rollin Baird of Con- Tad, Neb., served as best man a." the ushers were Frank Hoel and Ivan Hedges of Mt. Vernon, la. The bride wore a gown of white satin, with veil of tulje and carried a shower bouquet of ' bride's roses and lilies of the valley. ' flic maid of honor was gowned ' in orchid tulle and the bridesmaids wore apricot satin. ' Mr. and Hoadley will make their home in Cambridge, Mass. - For Anne Potter. . Misses Helen and Lucy Garvin en tertained at a tea at their home Tues " day afternoon in honor of their fuesl', Miss Anne Potter of Morrison, !1. Poinsettias and red roses formed the decorations. Assistinn the host esses were Mrs. Theodore Maenncr, Mrs. Kenneth Snyderi Mfcsses Doro thy and Marion Weller, Henrietta egele and Martha Noble. Achoth Sorority. Omaha alumnae of Achoth I so rority were entertained at the home f Mrs. M. C. Beust, Tuesday after noon. Active members ho have returned to Omaha for theyiolidays , $vere present. Mrs. W. F.' Stone ipf Lincoln, who is the euest )f Mrs, Beust,, and Miss Edna Silsbee at J-incoln, who is visiting Natlier , ne,. Reynolds, were out-of-town : guests. y. ... Alpha Phi. .nA, Alpha Phi sorority will entertain at a dancing party Wednesday even- - jug at the Phi Rho Sigma house for alumnae and active members of the , aorority. The out-of-town guests will include Genevieve Loeb and u (iencvieve Roberts of Lincoln, Pau line Starrett .of Centra! TZity and , , Kathleen Stitt of Grand Island. j Afternoon Tea. , Misses Winifred Brandt and Doro lliy Cavenaugli a tea ' Tuesday afternoon at the M. W. Cavciiaupfh home., Those assisting 1 were Mrs. Richard Peter?, Misses Bearn'cc Johnson, Helen Parish, Martha Smalley, Dorothy Hippie and '-Altqe Huntington. -' Miss Fogg to Entertain. Haltrdra Bestoff of the Pavlowa ""ballot will be a guest at the home " of Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Fosg while .-"in Omaha. Miss Adelaide Fogg wilt "rnt'ertain in his honor at luncheon at - the Athletic club Thursday; , i VJch Party. ' ' ' MY. and Mrs. H. B.'Bergquist will entertain at a watch party at their : lionie New. Year's eve. , -f-T-. - 5 Dorothy Belt Makes Debut the last of the season's debutantes is M is s Dorothy Belt. She made her "bow" Tuesday evening at a dinner dance for 100 guests given at the Hotel Fontenelle by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. T. Belt. Holiday decorations were used. Mrs. Belt was gowned in black net and her flowers were roses and violets. The debutante wore a gown of white net combined with iridescent beads. Her shower bouquet was of roses, forget-me-nots and filics of the valley. i I A Dorothy Belt What's What By HELEN DECIE At all homing seasons, and es pecially during the holidays, a va riety of ilMoor TMttertainment should be allowed to the younger members of the family and to their school and college friends. Music, hether classical or jazzical, the chorusing of college and school songs and the singing of the popular lyrics of the day these are all welcome "glees" in the orchestra of youth. Parlor games and impromptu dances should be encouraged. A simple buffet supper ' of sandwiches, cakes and cider-cup will present no difficulties to the hostess-chaperon. The young people will never for get these fialcyon days. So long as they can find the wholesome joy o life in the haven of home, they will never be tempted to seek unworthy pleasures.' ' Copyright, 1920, by Public Ledger Co, The B'Nai Ami club-will give a dance Friday, December 31, at the Hotel Castle. 0 Special Player Piano Offer FOR THREE DAYS ONLY ; $485 buys a new 1920 mode.1 player . piano, regular $700 value. Liberal' terms Z can be arranged, a little down and a little each month. Bench ana selection rolls - FREE. Sheppard-Towner Bill Passed by Senate "We Know that it is only ever lasting industry that ever accom plished anything," said Mrs. Maud Wood Park, chairman of the Na tional League of Women Voters, when asked if the congressional workers for the league would take a vacation during the holiday period. "The next few days are important ones for the Sheppard-Towner billj therefore i our efforts must-be re doubled rather than abated. The Sheppard-Towner bill, which is the first on the legislative pro gram endorsed -by the league and tor which representatives are now ac tively working in Washington, is the bill which seeks to provide public protection to maternity and infancy by enabling the federal government to co-operate Avitfi the states in dis seminating information ' concerning child hygiene and the care of moth ers in order that the enormous ma ternal and infant death rate in this country may be reduced. It has been endorsed by the Omaha Wom an's club andtthe Nebraska State Federation. Personal Judson Hughes is home from Northwestern university. A son was born Christmas day to Mr.jnd, Mrs. John B. Jenkins. George Peterson who attends school in Chicago spent Christmas in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Dade Stine spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George Su.ress at Lincoln. , Miss Maurine Walrath spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Walrath, at Osceola, NtU Mrs. Robert Hawthorne of Des Moines is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John B. Long, jr., of Council Bluffs. Miss Ruth Redlield, a Smith col lege student, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Redficldr Will T. Graham and daughter, Dorothy, will return Wednesday from Frceport, 111., where they vis- Wardrobe Keep Your f X f v i in such condition that x you will always know f what to wear. f t Ready for Any Occasion lO qIwQVQ flit P9CO Wlfll 4 AM Mr f 7 k- CXI XX VMWV " I tvift our regular patrons. Because we maintain a complete service, special izing in cleaning, press ing, dyeing, repairing. Pantorium "Good Cleaner and Dyers' 1515 Jonei St. Phon. Doug. 0963 So. Side, 4708 So. 24th St. Phone -So. 1283. Guy Liggett President for 23 Years, g if. N. B. We pay parcel post charfea T i one way on all order. 4 Will N 1 ' 1 - This extraordinary piano offer is made for Wednes day, Thursday arid Friday only, so if you -wish to take ad vantage of thm wonderful values, DO NOT DELAY. Call tomorrow. W only havea few of these players. They lire'factory samples nd demonstrating instruments in ma hogany and oak cases that must be sold before inventory time. - Few Real Bargains in Used Instruments Mueller Upright . . .$210 Mansfield Player ..$245 Angelus Player and 75 rolls $315 Kussell Upright ....$ 92 Chickering Upright $150 Kroeger Upright . . .$165 Bush & Gertz Up ' right- $185 Tiese are instruments that, we have taken in exchange on new play er pianos, everyone thoroughly o y. r Jiauled and fully fruaranteecL Clip, sign and mall Coupon, i Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. I 1514-16-18 Uodga St., ' Omaha, Neb. , G'entlemen: Send me complete de scription and terms in Pianos Players Kame .......'.... .V.....M City Schmoller & Hueller PIANO CO. 0mab, 5eb. W U everything in small musical instruments and sheet music; also teacher's supplies. Spend Your Christmas Money for a Victrola This Beautiful Style XI im the Popular dak Finishes Also Walnut or Mahogany $158.50 With 20 Selections " If any one thing more than another can add, to the joys of the home life, it js music and the Victrola can bring into your home any music you wish to hear. ' A small payment is all you need at M1CKEUS "TheHouse of Pleasant Dealings" 15th and Harney PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM RraioTHDandniff-fetoptHalrt'aUlBr Restores Color and Beauty to Cray and Faded Hair Mb. m.nA tl.flO ftt Dm trtr i t . cam A Splendid Line of A Carpets D V I . D ! JLjr uic a mu ai uun" en's. Now. at Less Than Wholesale Price. We have a wonderful selection of yard Carpet goods in genuine Wil tons, Axminsters and vel-N vets, which we are offer ing right now at prices we believe much lower than they will be next, spring. We simply have put the prices so low that it will be a big induce ment for you to carpet that hall or room, office, lodge room or church, now. We are at your service always to give you esti mates or serve you in any way possible. -Advertisement (TABLETS or GRANULES) e INDIGESTION Take dry on tongue orj with hot or cold water. 1 - QUICK RELIEF! frlc, 25-50-75 MADE mr SCOTT Si bownc MAKERS OF SCOH'S EMULSION CUTICURA PREVENTS FALLING HAIR If your scalp is irritated, and your hair dry and falling out in handful s, try this treatment: Touch spots of dandruff and itching with Cuticura Ointment and follow with hot shampoo of Cuticura Soap. Abso lutely nothing better. SsaablsearmtirKsa Atidrm:"0itirl. rMMu.D.t l!S.Mtl4.K " SoMavrry. . 8oap 26c Ointment X kn to. Talooia 36c. BaaVCuticnra Soap thavea witkeat ams iteA Mr. Graham's mother, Mrs. Margaret Graham.y Mrs. Alice Stockdale spent Tues dayn Omaha en route to Dorches ter, Neb., after a holiday visit with her sister in St. Paul, Minn. ' Frances Foote, w he attends the University of Nebraska, is spend ing the holidays with her parents, Dr. and. Mrs. V. K. Foote. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Cunning ham and small daughter, Alice Vir ginia of Auburn, Neb., are spend ing the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Grcusel., . Mrs. C. M. GVuentlier and son, Lieut. Alfred Gruenther, who is here frcm Camp Knox, Kentucky, re turned Tuesday from Platte Center, Neb., where they visited relatives. Ralph Upton, son of Colonet and Mrs. L. S. Upton of Fort Crook, who is home from Principia school for the holidays, has as his uest his schoolmate, Ralph Kingman of San Francisco. , - ;f Among the Nebraska university students who are home for the holi days are Isabel Pearsoll, Jean Hampton, Delmar Eldredge, Francis Hopper, Ray . Medlin and James Probestein. Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX Do They Mean It? Dear Miss Fairfax: We are two girls that are much perplexed aud would like your best advice. N There is a very handsome boy who hangs around as much as possible, whom we try to avoid, because he is often very, very vulger, and if we didn't have better sense we would truly be in love with him. Please advise us how we can keep away from him. B. B. and S. S. Keep right on using that good sense which you claim to have. There is usually a tactful, refined way of avoiding people whom we really wish to avoid. I am inclined to fear that you rather enjoy at tention from thijs man even thought you do not approve of him. Make up your mind that you do not wish to receive his attentions and the polite ways of letting him know your attitude will reveal themselves. A Mercenary Wooer. Dear Miss Fairfax: I went out with a young: man for three months. During that time he tried to find out whether I have money. Although I have $1,600 I did not tell him, and j thinking I have none he stopped calling. Ni5v I love him very much. Do you think It worth while to let him know, as then ho would come back to me? I P. Surely you don't want to have a man marry you for your money. If he did not care enough for you to maintain his lntrest on a basis of congeniality you can't buy happiness even If you can "buy" him back. You wouldn't respect him or your self if you were to try to got him back in this way. Maybe he wanted to borrow your money, not marry you. Has Ho Sense of Honor? Dear Mlsa Fairfax: I, have been goingi with a young man for a num ber of years and he is always saying some of these days we are going to get married but I always tell him we have gone long enough to be married a dozen of times and he tells me ho'll do his own proposing. Now pleaso tell me what you think of a young' man like that. He likes to play cards and many evenings when he is to come and call on me, never ehows up, but thinks I ought to be satisfied to know he is there instead of out with women. ANXIOUS. From the meagre Information you give me It sounds as though this man were selfish and cared little about your feelings. The young man la under no obli gation to propose to you, you must remomber, nor Is ho obliged to spend every evening with you. However, If you think he is merely trilling and does not Intend to marry you, I ad vise you to break oft your friend ship with him. The young mii would keep a date he mado with you, or let you know. ho could not come. If he had any sense of honor. Do you want to marVy a man with out a sense of honor? For Flora Marsh. i Mrs. William Marsh entertained at luncheon at the Athletic club Tues day for her daughter. Flora, who is home from Keptplace school in New Jersey.. Baskets of Ophelia roses formed the centerpiece and tiny New Year's cards marked the places. Covers were placed for Virginia Lcussler, Irene Simpson, Frances Patton, Rowena Pixley, Helen Rog ers, Bcrnice Meieryurgen, Mary Drake, Marjorie Ribbel, Frances Liudcrholm, Margaret Eastman, Lois Thompson, Elizabeth McDonald and Virginia Barker. Informal Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Devereux will entertain informally at dinner at theft home next Monday evening. Their guests will be Messrs. and Mes dames Arthur Lowman. Robert Gantt, Lloyd Wilson, Roy Walker, G.. H. Pratt an4 Mr.- G. Cozad of Denver. V WiE "I WILL" MN'S APOLOGi "The crowds at the open, ingl of this sale were go great that it was found aec. essary to close the store for a short interval at noon to straighten tip stocks. Even lira special saje, service to our patrons most he consid ered. We strive to serve in telltgently and trust that those of you who could not be Sirred at the noon hoar, wheY vre vrere forced to close the store, will Understand our pre dicaaent we humbly apologize for it" TOURS FOR ' SERV ICE, TOO, THE "I WILL," MAN. : JOHN' A. SWANSON, Pres. 3539ktSfj; WM' U HOLZMAN, Trea. r . : n r Mr 61i(gil(ilfefl nm , or IMS! THE mightiest price smash because never in all the history of this store have, we ever thrown out on sale such enormous stocks. But clean house NOW sell re gardless of cost, loss or valuej is the "I Will" Man's one thought and the people are here in crowds. They know tnat the "I Will" Man means what he says and that here is ; - ; - ' . w America's Original . HALF-PMCE SALE? Our Entire Enormous Stocks of Men's and Young Men's mM . ail v0wF(Daitt tyfust Be Sold Choose Wednesday as Follows: 172 $25.00 Suits and Overcoats Half Price $45.00 Suits and Overcoats i Half Price $75.00 Suits and Overcoats Half Price 1250 $22 $30.00 Suits ..0 A and Overcoats i $ WOO f Half Price JLtJ $35.00 Suits and Overcoats Half Price" t $50.00 Suits and Overcoats Half Price $80.00 Suits and Overcoats Half Price $2522 $40 $60.00 Suits aaa and Overcoats ? -c ( flOO Half Price Ovr $100.00 Suits and Overcoats $Jv nOO Half Price tfJ The cream of Hoise of Kuppenheimer, Society Brand, Hickey-Freeman, Fashion Park, Campus Togs, Langham High and many other famous quality lines of Suits and Overcoats , Thousands upon thousands of garments, even all blues and blacks, included. (Full Dress Tuxedo Suits and Mackinaws alone excepted) in this sale. . V We do not except fur collar, fur lined or leather lined overcoats it's clean house sale of gigantic projtortions, never before known in the history of re tailing men's clothing. ' ' Special Notice- Daring this tale the following rales will apply, POSITIVELY NO C. Q. D's. NO EXCHANGES. ALL SALES FINAL. Not more than two Suits or two Over coats to one customer. None sold to dealers. Partial payment of one-third will be accepted and purchase held for ton days only. Deliveries by regular auto routes only. Ko Special Deliveries. Ko Exceptions to These Bales. A SMALL CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS. Magnificent Fur Collar Overcoats . and Fur Lined Overcoats All $110.00 to $300.00 Finest overcoats. The . stvlea ran ire from th most distinguished imported silk lined French Montegnacs to luxurious fur lined, i leather lined, fur collar overcoats. Em phatically the finest overcoats in the world go at HALE - PRICE $55i to 15022 SEE THE "I WILL" MAN'S WINDOWS TODAY. mi nm 1 THE "I WILL" MAN'S WINDOWS v TODAY. CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND W0MEN