Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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Minor Leagues
Opposed to New
Ball Agreement
Little Ones Complain Because
They Have No Voice Nor
Vote in Major-Minor .
't Controversy.
:hlemrTrlbuii-Onih Be ltd Wire.
Chicago, Dec. 28. Opposition to
the new agreement between major
and minor leagues drafted in New
York recently, crystalized yesterday
at a conference in Chicago between
President Maines seem to be that
Micfligan-Ontario league and Presi
dent A. R. Teamey, of the Western
league. President .Sexton of the
Minor League association was to
. have attended the conference, but
wai delayed.
The chief objections to the pro
posed agreement between the big cir
cuits and the little ones as stated by
President Maines see into be that
the minors will have no voice or vote
in any major-minor controversy, that
the 25-ycar life of the agreement Is
1 too long, and that it gives the minors
no voice in the choice of a successor
to Judge Kenesaw M. Landis at the
expiration of his seven-year term.
President Maines ve-iccd the opin
ion previously expressed by Presi
dent Hickcy of the American associ
ation that the minor leagues would
be willing to accept Judge Landis as
a commissioner of base ball with all
' the powers granted him by the pro
posed agreement, but would want
that agreement to expire when Judge
Landis ceases to hold that power.
In fact the final article of a sub
agreement proposed by President
Maines, reads as follows :
"Thl compact ahull remain In ' fores
no Ion nil tha Hon. K. M. Laiulla contin
ues to hold tho offloa of commissioner."
In discussing this angle of the
proposition, President Maines said:
"If tha major-minor compact were to
remain In force -toily. as ionir as Juilne
I.andls rontlmiia to hold th offUs of com
missioner, It would make llttlu difference
; whether or not tha minora hud a voice
1 In choosing his aucreasor, or whether pro
vlilotia for tha voice were made at thla
' tlm. I
"That brldg-e can be crossed whn we
eome to It, and aa many of the faces
' now In the majors and minora probably
will be dimmed before another commla
, aloner muat he choiie.11. a method of choice
satisfactory to everybody, may be reached
by that timo."
World's Champs Will
Train at Dallas, Tex.
Cleveland. Dec. 28. Cleveland's
r world champion's will do their sDrinir
' training in Dallas, Tex,, next year,
according to a contract made yestcr
! day by Manager Tris Speaker and
communicated to President James
Dunn for approvaj. By the terms of
the contract the Cleveland club is to
' receive the sum of $7,500 from the
uanas inamoer ot commerce and m
return is to donate to the chamber
the, proceeds of one game to be
played on a week-da v date.
Baptie Wins Speed
, Race on Steel Blades
New York, Dec. 28. Norval
Baptie of Bathgate, N. D., defeated
Don Baker of New York last night
in an ice-skating match for the pro
fessional ypeed championship, Skat
ing on an indoor 20-Iap track, Baptie
won" two events, the 440 yards in 42
3-4, seconds and the one-mile in 3
minutes, 34 1-5 seconds.
Baker won the 220-yard race in
24 4-5 seconds.
Alexander and Lamson
To Box at Walthill Jan. 1
Waterloo, la., Dec. 28. (Special
Telegram.) Ralph Alexander. Wa
terloo heavyweight boxer, has Ven
Signed to meet George Lamson,
WalthilL Neb., Indian battler,' in a
1 , six-round bout at Walthill on $$ew
Year's day.
' . Alexander and Lamson met In a
six-round bout at Camp Cody, when
both were preparing to go overseas
with Uncle Sam's fighting forces.
The local heavyweight scored a
; knockout in the final franr. '
Smith, 185-Pounder, After
, Bouts With Omaha Boys
' Fred Smith, Omaha 185-pound
Scrapper, is ' anxious to swap
punches with Bob Ferguson and
Andy Schmader. Smith , knows
there Isn't a chance to appear in
this city with the padded mitts, but
;the local battler believes some ot
fthe promoters in Nebraska might
want to match him for a bout.
Smith is under the direction of
Paul Murray," local boxing . in
structor. . iS
Creston Wrestlers Out
To Meet AH Grapplers
Creston, la., Dec. 28. (Special.)
Ed Bules, welterweight, and Earl
Conrad, bantamweight, wrestlers,
re anxious to meet any grapplers in
the country weighing from 115 to
160 pounds. The wrestlers are man
aged by W. Conrad, who expects to
tour the state with his proteges next
month, meeting all comers. For
matches with the Creston mat artists
write V. Conrad, 612 North Cherry
street, Creston, la. - ,
Ty Cobb to Attend Dinner
In His Honor at Detroit
Detroit, Dec. 28. Definite word
has been received from Ty Cobb
that he would be in Detroit the lat
ter part of January to be the guest
of honor at a banquet celebrating
his acceptance of the managership
of the Tigers. Plates for 600 are
planned. President Johnson of the
American league, President Heydler
of the National and public officials
IiaTe been invited. -.
Ohman and Cunningham to
Plav for Omaha In Chess Meet
Howard Ohman, champion chess
player of Nebraska, and H. G. Cun
Itingham will defend Omaha's honor
at the chess tournament of players
from Iowa, Nebraska. Minnesota
and South Dakota, which will be
held in Sioux Gty Friday and Sat
urday. . Wn8 Out-of-TWn Games
"Monty" Montague, manager of
the Grace Lutheran basket ball quin
tet, wants to arrange out-of-town
games for his basket ball tossers.
For contests with the Church league
team write Montague. 706 . South
thirtieth street, Omaha.
LlFt LAST N6vT- MY -
'of Tvost ewopsah
"WW VjOST 008
Johnson Signs
Washinjrton. Dec. 28. Pitcher
the season of 1921. his 15th season
f v .
i. iSsStfi Sw- aL. tt .JS - A.
ceived in the mail today by President Griffith o the Washington Amer
ican league club. Johnson wrote from his farm near . Coffey ville, Kan.,
that the injury to Ins arm which handicapped him last season, naa yieiaea
to treatment and that he expected
Cousin Caruso clripped his vocal
gears trying to hang a high note
over the chandelier in the patent
medicine opera "L"Elsir c"Amore.
He sorained his scale over m JJrook-
lvn and has a chance of recovering
if his friends stop ringing him up
over the phone to ask him how his
robust tonsils arc.
Caruso has a voice- that would
make a canary bird pull in its beak
like a turtle. When he starts whist
ling for the grade crossing on High
C. the folks in the gallery forget they
had to climb steps to get there.
A couple of sprained ligaments in
his repertoire won't stop that man
any more than amendments will
stop thirsts. He is the only tenor
in the big wheel who can come out
and take 16 curtain calls on a bad
The old boy is not one of those
pantomime tenors from the hip and
Belgian Green Cloth
Champ to Play Slosson
Xew York, Dec, 28.r-Edvvard i
Horemans, the Belgian billiard play
er, will meet George Slosson, one
of the leading American profession
als, at Boston on January 6, . 7 and
8, it was announced last night.. They
will play 18.2 balk line billiards for
2.400 points in blocks of 400 points
each in the afternoon and evening
Ray Moore Substituted
In Place of Pal Moore
Chicago TrlbnD-Omah B leaiej Wire.
New York, Dec 28. Ray Moore,
the bantamweieht of St. Paul, has
been substituted in place of Pal
Moore of Memphis, to meet Jack
Sharkey for 15 rounds at Madison
Square Garden, Wednesday night.
The Memphis boxer wired Tex Rick
ard today that it would be impossible
for him to keep the engagement be
cause of an infected !eft ear.
Centre College Team at
Fort Worth for Next Game
Fort Worth. Tex., Dec. 28. The
Centre'college football team of Dan
ville, K, arrived here today and will
meet Texas Christian university on
the gridiron New Year's day. Coach
Charles Moran and Athletic Direr
tor Myers are in charge of the squad,
1921 Contract
Walter Johnson's signed contract for
in major league base ball, was re
to regain nis tormer enecuveness.
elbow" school of singing, When he
yawns the larks go on a hunger
strike, and even his sour notes are
like the tinkling of a woodland
waterfall. Ha, the tinkling of water.
That used to, be beautiful before it
was compulsory.
, Caruso possesses the wide range
of a train announcer plus the bell
like note of the curfew. If that
laryngal carillon is stilled, forever,
then this nation is a , loser. Pro
vided we have anything left to lose
after v this congress starts reducing
taxes by adding some more.
Whatta orchestra that bird has
coiled up in his Adams apple. He
can sine A. B or C and make you
think each letter is the whole alpha
bet. His voice wanders up and down
like a butcher shop fly on a string
of frankfurters. Now his voice is
nlavine with the tracks in the carpet,
And now it is making new cracks
in'the plaster on the ceilinsr. Each
whisker on his chin vibrates tike a
string on a golden harp and he eats
soaahetti with a tuning torK.
we ve ueara ine village quaricuc
tearing the moss off the Old Achin'
Bucket, but Caruse could sine aoout
an evedropped and beat 'cm by a
Tennv Lind's eolden voice is gone
forever, tp thanks to Edison, Ca
ruso will live forever like install
ments. Thanks to science, his notes
will share the soothing silence of
the midnight hours with the creaking
of the dumbwaiter vote.
Not to science alone,
to the power above.
The family upstairs.
But thanks
Toronto Hockey Team Plays
Pittsburgh Team Tonight
Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec, 28. The
University of Toronto hockey team
will play the Pittsburgh team, mem
ber of the United States Amateur
Hockey association, here tonight.
Coogan Meats O'Connell '
Pittsburgh, Pa.. Dec. 28. Mel
Coogan of New York and Charlie
O'Connell of Cleveland will meet in
a 10-round bout at the Motor Square
Boxing club here -on New Year'g
day. v
McKechnie Is Released
Pittsbureh. Pa.. Dec. ' 28. "Bill"
McKechnie has been released by
the Pittsburgh National league
base ball club to the Minneapolis
team of the American association".' it
became known here today.
rlrVKS -
Will Organize
Association to
Govern Boxing
Delegates Appointed by Gov
ernors of 18 States Will '.
Meet in New York
Next Month.
New York, Dec. 28. Formation
of a national body to govern and
control professional boxing will be
undertaken here next month. Dele
pates appointed by the governors
of 18 states will convene at the
headquarters of the , International
Sporting club on January 10, 11 and
12. During the three-day confer
ence the foundation for a national
organization ill be laid and rules
and regulations for the standardi
zation of boxing throughout the
L'pited States established.
The new association, which will
absorb the army, navy and civilian
hoard of- boxing control,- will be
formed by carefully selected and of
ficially . appointed delegate"? from
.New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jer
sey, Connecticut, Colasado, Wis
consin, Montana"; MiniRsota, Ore
gon, 'West Virginia, Louisiana,
Washington Florida, Tennessee
and Oklahoma. ,
, This group represents almost all
of tha? states where boxing is lcgal
izedv Botcing is permitted in sev
eral other states under what may
be termed local option, but those
which will be represented by offi
cially appointed delegates - will be
the ones to take the initial steps in
the formation' of the new national
governing body.
Dick'Burrus Sold
To Columbus Team
Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 28. Dick
Burrus, first baseman recruited by
the Philadelphia American league
club from Columbia, S. C, two years
ago, has been sold outright to the
Columbus cluo ot tne American as
sociation, it was announced yester-Ai-
Kv Manacrpr Mack. He added
,that it was a straight cash transac
tion, no other players ngunngg in
the deal.
Postpone Davis Cup
' Tennis Match for Today
Auckland, N. Z., Dec. 28.-The
Davis Cup tennis match scheduled
or today -has been postponed on ac
count of rain. ' ,
Massachusetts Chess
Players Win Three Games
X'ew York. Dec. 28. Massachu
setts Institute of Technology made
a spectacular entry into the inan
gular College Chess league today,
winning three games from Pennsyl
vania and losing one through de
fault by the absence of a player,
rnmell. winner of the champion
ship, last year, had a bye in the first
round and the match between New
York university and the college of
the City of New York resulted in
a c-i tie. ,
Purdue Will Not Be Dropped
From Western Conference
Chicasro. Dec. 28. Denial .of
rumors that Purdue university was
to be dropped from the Western
conference was made today by Nel
son Kellogg, director of athletics at
Pnr(W He said the circulation of
the fumor ppparcntly was an effort
to belittle athletics at tne university.
Dodd's Team Leading
-Race in Volley Ball Loop
F.vereti Dodd s team went into
first place in the Business Men s
Vollev Ball leaeue at the Y.
M. C A., by deteatmg cnaries
Boice team two straight games, 15-8
and 15-11. Boicce team is now tied
for second place withVSLong team
and Stine's team in fourth.
(hit-ago. 111.. Bcr. S7. Charley WUIle
resumed tralnlnB thla afternoon for hla
mutch New Year's afternoon t Payton
with Young Webb. From there Charley
will go on to New York to witness tha
nitehle Mttrhell-Benny Leonard bout Jan
nirr u nnd in Inveattaata what chance
f he has ot laclns the champion himself.
Billy Glbon teleirrnpha that Benny
Leonard's tllnees which has prevented him
meeting "Click" Slmler In Philadelphia on
Christmas aflernoon Is nothing more than
a severe cold .and that the champlor
will start draining this week tor Ms
MKohell bout. Lew Tender took Benny's
place and stopped Slmler In seven rounds.
Not only It he New York bolng com
mission atrk-t In punishing boxers, but
it has haidfd out a 3-ly suspension
to Tommy Connolly, referee, for failure
to correct the mistake of an announcer
at Trov. The latter Informed the fan
the wrong man had won.
Jimmy Dunn, manager of many boxers
has signed Charley O'Connell, Cleveland
lightweight, with Mel Coogan In a 10
round bout New Year's afternoon at Pitts
burgh. Jimmy "union. lft Uhtwrlht, ha
broken with Kmll Thlerv and for the
present will look after his own business.
Hankn has a 11-round bout scheduled
with Hobby Wanrh at Fort Worth for
New Tear's and will leavt tomgrrgsr fcir
tha southern cltv.
ncTtS. ?iTlCKK0
Gridiron Elevens
Ready for Game
Ohio State Practicing Daily
California Training to Break
Up Visitors' Defense.
Chicago Trtbnne-Omahs Bee Leased Wire.
Pasadena. Cal., Dec. 28. If hard
work and conscientious trying will
bring about the desired result, the
inter-sectional struggle on New
Year's day between Ohio State and
California at Tournament park will
be one of the hardest fought in the
history of the Tournament of Roses
games. ,
Ohio State has trained as laith
fully as it did during the confer
ence season. JNot only is tnis true
of the players, but even Coach Wilce
and his assistants are appearing
every day in uniform.
Ihe actions of the Buckeyes show
they are in condition. They may be
a trifle wind shy, but by game time
should be thoroughly acclimated.
The Dlavers know their plays per
fectly, while the substitutes fit into
the machine in perfect union.
Forward Pass Not a v
Threat, Says Williams,
In Discussing Play
Coach H. L. Williams of the Uni
versity of Minnesota, speaking at
the frargo college gridiron banquet
at Fargo, N. D., declared that the
gridiron in the tuture will De tne
hich school players of today who
devote themselves carefully to the
use of the forward pass.
"The forward pass is not a threat
any more," Coach Williams said. "It
tormerly was used particularly as
a deceptive play to keep the de
fensive backs far behind the line of
scrimmage. ' It is now a scoring
weapon of the' most effective cali
ber, and without its use this sea
son, Ohio Mate and many other
teams in both the east and west
would not have won ' champion
ships." -
It was the throwing abilitv of
Workman of Ohio State, Coach Wil
liams said, that led his team to vic
tory this season, together with the
care he took to watch every one of
the ends and Jcks as they raced
down the fielcr4s receiving poossi
down the field as receiving possi-
which he acted.
Ruth' Expects to Land
75 Homers Next Year
. . N.
Xew York. Dec. 28. "Babe" Ruth,
heawweieht slusreer of the New
York Yankees, will make 75 home
runs and mavbe 100 next season, he
predicted today. The Bflbe return
ed from Cuba for a month's rest
in New York. He will go up in the
Maine woods later and shoot a few
bears or lions, or whatever they have
up there, before going south on the
spring training trip.
Durincr his brief stay in the Pearl
of the Antilles. Babe cleaned up
approximately $20,000. He was guar
anteed $100 a game.
"I just got the range out at the
Polo grounds about midseason."
"Babe" said. "I'll be greatly disap
pointed if I don't slam 6ut 75 home
runs next season. .
"I'm all set for a good start and
I'll get 100 if I can." v
Changes Mav Be Made
In ftules'of Foot Ball
Chicago. Dec. 28. Conferences of
athletic officials ot various miacue
west, eastern and southern instini-
change theJ tenor of intercollegiate
athletics next year. The first ses
sion will be held today vby the AWk
letic Research society.
n,i WerlnpsHnv hp intf rcolleeiate
athletic association will discuss pro
posed changes in foot ball rules.
The elimination of the goal kick
after touchdowns and tne suppres
sion of the forward pass have been
ti1L-d r( Rnrrino- rf distance ren-
alties within 10 yards of the goal
t . .. ..
line, except tor intentional rougn
ness sufficient to put a player out
of the game, nas also Deen sug
gested. 1
May Reorganize Old
Northwestern League
Fargo, N. D., Dec. 28.-
Telegram.) Success of independent
base ball throughout the northwest
dunne the nast season has opened
discussion of reorganization of the
old Northwestern Base Ball league,
in which Fargo was represented by
a club." During the pist few years
thie section has been without or
ganized base ball.
Gillis and Parquette
To Wrestle TTetluestlay
Storm Lake. Ia., Dec. 28. (Spe
cial.) Roy (jillis of bioux City,
wresttincr coo. and Euscne Par
quette of Des Moines, will meet here
m a finish match Wednesday night
December 29. Both men weigh 175
pounds and are considered among
the best grapplers in the Hawkcyc
Drawn for
f ' i 5;am tmpm iTriNf-. in THE
1L I,
By The Tribune Company, Lhicago,
Win $100? Here's Your Chance!
Guess the identity of the movinjr picture stars, parts of whose pic
tures are being shown daily in The Bee. Sixty pictures will be shown.
The individual who guesses the largest number correctly wins ?10Q,
Other prizes are:'
Second ..... .$50 Fifth...... $10
Third $25 . Twenty-five next...... $5 each
' " v ' Fifty next Autographed pic
Fourth $15 turei of the stars.
The rules are simple. Fill out the attached blank. Be sure to sign
your name and address. Mail it to The Bee "Movie Contest Editor" with
in three days of publication. Place your, name and the numbers of the
pictures on the outside of th pnve'onn
" i '
, , , , - , - ,;,n
Movie Contest Coupon,
No. 47 is ....;.....;;....
No. 48 is . .
Tonr ame.)
(Toot Street Address.)
Fill in this entry blank and mail
Bee." Write YOUR NAME and the
on outside of envelope.
Two pictures"will be published
More Truth
oi t a nitkio im
When Yank or Briton nobly serves his nation,
He gets a welcome at the city hall, !
And sundry speeches of congratulation
From dignified officials that is all. .
But when a Frenchman does a deed of glory,
With ululating thousands at his heel
He's dragged, still powder-stained, and torn and gory,
Upon the stage at the Hotel de Ville.
And there, some podgy geek
Implants a dozen kisses on each cheek.
And this explains, what you perhaps have wondered,
Why Frenchmen who are heroes to a man,
And ne'er retreated wen the cannon thundered
Grow long and brfftly whiskers if they can.
These brushes are not worn for pride or pleasure,
By Gallic heroes they would be eschewed,
But they provide the best defensive measure
Against the common form of gratitude.
You'd grow your lilacs, too,
If fat officials started kissing you!
And now that osculation's interdicted,
And handshakes substituted over there,
Hirsute adornment's sure to be restricted
To people's heads if they possess the hair.
All honor to the gallant men who wore 'em,
For kisses were the heroes' certain lot,
So every Frenchman had a reason for 'em
Which those who wear 'em over here have not.
Why gents let whiskers sprout
This side the sea, is what we can't find out!
The market expert who tells us that feathers are down must have
been browsing through the dictionary.
We learn that alcohol can be made from gasoline, but if the con
vene were true it would help more.
The Bee by Sidney Smith.
Coat RiOHT OVER the: ml.inv
l- .;;
. . - .... a"
(Your I'lione Number.)
tClty or Town.) "
. . ....
to "Movie' Contest' Editor, Omaha
each day for 30 days.
Than Poetry
a m nr C rVT? OVT
Free Briikefor !
Omaha Endorsed
' BvC.ofC.Bodv
, i
Committee Says Present Facil "
ities Inadequate Recom
mentis Structure Adequate
For Years toT Come.";.
,'i ii . -
A free bridge for Omaha wa. en
dorsed in a report submitted .to'.the
executive committee of the Chamber
of Commerce yesterday by a special
committee, composed of 12 members,
appointed to investigate the practi
cability of the project recently pro
posed 'by Mayor Kd P. Smith.,.-
Because of the growth of popula
tion and development of traffic-between
Omaha and Council , Bluffs,
the committee went on record , in
the report as being unanimously of
the opinion that the present bridge
facilities between the two cities are
inadequate. ' .
. in IIS rt'puil 1" w. ...... ....
omniends that steps be taken in the
near future to develop plans' for the
building of a new bridge, which -will
provide for largely increased, busi
ness in the future. ; .'
Favors Building of Bridge." '
To that end the committee's re
port, as adopted by the executive
committee, advises: ,1'
"1. That the .Chamber of Com
merce of Omaha declare itself m
favor of the citizens of. Omaha and
Council Bluffs initiating plans to se
cure the needed bridge within a rea
sonable time after due consideration
of location, size, cost and adapta-
That the Chamber of. Cohi
mere'e appoint a committee. -to; e
known as the bridge committee, -ot
25 members, which shall be represen
tative of the wholesale, retail, manu
facturing ahd real estate interesttj
the community. This committee shal
appoint an executive committee ot
seven from its number to consider
the location that is best adapted to
serve Omaha and Counci Bluffs, to,
study the demands that will be made
upon the bridge, to secure all neces
sary information as to the size. charj
acter and cost of the bridge, and to
study all phases of the bridge ques
tion with a view to serving the best
interests of the two communities,
v.nnrts to Re Made.
"The executive committee shall re
port back to the bridge committee
for suggestions and advice, and tipon
the completion of its work, it hall
malr a fill 1 rpnnrt to the bridge com
mittee, which shall in turn report its
findings to the executive committee
Of the Chamber of Commerce.
"The bridge committee shall serve
until it shall have secured full in
formation that may be desirable for
the citizens, of Omaha and Council
Bluffs to have, preliminary to intelli
gently voting upon bond issues. -
"3. The committee suggests .that
the bridge, when built, shall ade
quately provide for heavy traffic
such as street railway and trucks
and also for lighter traffic of wag
ons, automobiles and pedestrians.
While we recommend the utmost
economy in building the, bridge we
enarowct that trii nolicV should Dot
be carried to the extent of impair
ing tne adequacy oi mc eiim-iit.
Would Await .Low Prices, r
"4. We submit that an under
taking of this importance should
not be entered upon with too great
haste. ., The. state of the bond rrjar-'
ket at the present time is such that
bonds canndt be marketed at rea
sonable rates. In view of the pres
ent high cost of steel, cement, other
materials and labor, and the prob
ability that the cost of these items
will K tnnlpriallw lower in trie nJext
year or two, it would seem prudent
before entering activelv uoon the
construction of the bridge."
Ihe toiiowing memDers
the special new bridge committee:
John L. McCague, chairman; J.Vfi.
Sunderland, E. G. McGiltoa, George
H. Kelly, B. R. Hastings, W.lS.
Adair, 1C C Belden," C. E. Blacky.
T. Byrne, AT C Scott, Carl Chaag-
tt r n i ... 1
Pflllin NAT GET
. -
Suffered Dreadfully :W;fth
Rheumatism Tanlac ;;
Restores Him. :
"Since taking Tanlac I cin ;0
about my work as well as 1
could," was the statement made re
cently by George T. Smiley, offhc
Hoof and Horn club. Live Stock
Exchange, Kansas City, residing) at
25J5 College avenue. J
"For about five years I haa a
pretty hard time trying to staybn
my feet. I had no appetite, and
what little I did eat soured on ,mv
stomach and formed, gas whjch
bloated me terribly. .
"The rheumatism worked in inv
back and limbs,.'' Sometimes it was
so bad I couldn't get up out of !fny
chair, and my legs hurt so terribly
at times I could scarcely hobble
around. Although I just tjied
everything I could hear of for thse
troubles. I just suffered right ori.
"Finally I began reading about
Tanlac in the papers and sawl a
statement from a judge which; J so
impressed me I decided to try 'the
medicine out in my case. After fin
ishing my second bottle I notice a
change for the better, so I went
right ahead taking it until notf I
don't feel like the same person,1 I
can cat anything I want and nU-er
have the least touch of indigestipn.
The has disappeared
from my back a-.J limbs and I;(an
get about just like I used to vjar?
ago. I sleep like a log. too, and
mornings 1 feel fine. Tanlac Ker
taihly is great and I am glad of the
chance to say a good word forljt."
Tanlac is sold in Omaha at;all
Sherman & McConncll Drug Com
pany's stores, Harvard Pharrncv
and Wet End Pharmacy. Also- in
South Omaha and Bcnon Phar
macy, Benson; George Siert. Frnr
ence, Neb.; Saratoga Pharmacy, J3th
and Ames. North Omaha. Nebnd
the leading druggist in each city and
town throughout the state ot Jse
.braska. - ,