Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1920, Image 3
THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1920. Cabinet Job for GustafsQii Said To Be Unlikely JVebrasla Senate Delegation r-xpecieu lo lake no At firmtive Action in En dorsing Candidate. By E. C. SNYDER. IVMlilntton Corrpat-jit Omaha lie. Washington, D. C. Dec. 28. (Spe cial Telegram.) Senator Norris has issued a call for a meeting of the Nebraska delegation at his office on Wednesday morning. While there is no indicated reason for the meet ing of the republican members from the prairie state, patronage is be lieved to be the impelling motive back of the call. The candidacy of C. H. Gustafson of Lincoln for secretary of agricul ture, it was thought among the mem bers, would be a subject of serious consideration and the advisibility oi getting behind Gustafson for a cab inet place may be earnestly advo cated by at least one or two of the delegation. But now that Henry Wallace of Iowa seems to have thii 'nside track fo'r the agricultural port folio it is doubted if any affirmative r.cticn will be taken looking to the endorsement of Gustafson of the Ne braska delegation. Hyron Clarke, general attorney of the Burlington, has written a letter to Senator Harding endorsing Mr. Gustafson for secretary of agricul ture, according to members of ths Nebraska delegation, and has ad vised theni to get behind Gustafson. t.oupled ' with tins endorsement onies the information that a group nf Gucta tVnn'a arlmirrrc (rnni TsTf-. braska are ,enroute to Washington to prrssinis claims before the dele gation fcfr endorsement. Kriends of Victor-Rosewatcr, prob ably will present his name on Wed nesday as first assistant postmaster general. They believe his years of service for 'the party which comes into power on i March 4 in all branches warrants affirmative action and they are going to ask the dele gation to endorse him to the president-elect for that position. Senator Hitchcock has asked a few old Omaha friends pf William F. Gurley to dine with hiiii on Wed nesday evening at the Hitchcock residence in honor of the well known Omaha attorney. City Council Refuses Loan to Water Board For Interest Payment An attempt of the city council committee of the whole to get the council to vote to loan the Metro politan Water board $125,000 for the first semi-annual interest pay ment on $5,000,000 gas plant bonds has failed. 1 lie interest will be due Saturday, and, as yetj no provision has been made to meet this obliga tion. - ;- "Mayor Smil,h,i3s 'chairman of the Ure, Ringer and Butler to serve as a special committee to confer with, members of the Water board and the city treasurer, wnn a view ui ai- ranging to have this money in the ci.ty treasury not laterjthan Satur day monimg. 1 New Company to Be Formed To Take Over Oil Leases Beatrice. Neb.. Dec. 28. (Soecial.) A meeting has been called at Wymore Tuesday evening to or ganize what is to be known as the Gage County Oil company. The company plans to take oyer the in Gage county which cover 48,000. acres of land. If the organization is perfected, active drilling operations will be started without delay. Funeral Services Held For Burlington Brakeman Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 28. (Special.) The funeral of the late C. Arthur Munyon, Burlington brakeman who was killed last week while switching in the yards at Crab Orchard, was held from the Baptist church at Wy more Sunday afternoon. Burial was in Wymore cemetery. Mr. Munyon was 28 years old and unmarried. He was a son of George Munyon, an old resident of Wymore. A To Hold Membership Drive Plans for a membership campaign through Nebraska will be la'c atithe meeting of the American Association or the Recognition of the Irish Re- tic at 218 South Eighteenth street Wednesday nieht. when the organi zation will be completed by the elec tion of active and honorary vice presidents. Machine Badly Damaged ""' In Collision at Beatrice Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 28. (Special.) Two autos, one ownea Dy v.- v. Bcckwith of this city, and the other belonging to C. O. Wilkinson, a farmer living north of town, col lided at Ninth and Grant streets, badly damaging the Beckwith car. Beatrice Man Returned To Face Check Charge Beatrice, Neb, fiec 28J Special.) Ralph Mawherry 6f this city, who wa3 arrested at Alma, Neb., on the charge of forging two checks, one for $25 and, the other for $15, was brought here by Sheriff Schiek and lodged in the county jail to awaU hii ncaring. ' ' Injured Man Recovering . Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 28. (Special.) .. . i . I heouore v-iaassen. wnose leg was crushed in an automobile accident some weeks ago, necessitating ampu tation of the member, is recovering oi was removed from a hsopital to tiis home yesterday. A PLEASANT EVENING with all the comforts of home and club, can be spent in the luxuriously ap . pointed observation lounge car on it.. nu( ah x.ruicxcn t tm. ITED" via the Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul Railway. Leaves Omaha 6:05 jp. in.,' arrives Chicago 8:05 a. m. W. E. Bock, , General Agent Pas-senget-J3ejpartmeiit. Telephone Doug- Chief of New York Air Police Startles Gotham With Tricks t- ILL K. lf 'W,'- tT "3T rt; if-: at. Prices Best at Omaha Market, Say Stockmen Shipper Received as Much for 10 Cars of Cattle Here As for 14 Cars at Kansas City. That prices are better for live stock at the South Omaha market than other markets recently has been evidenced by the reports coming from several shippers of Wyoming who ent a number of loads of live stock to Kansas City. According tg reports received by Everett Buckingham, general man ager of the Omaha stock yards, sev eral live stock shippers of Lincoln county,' Wyoming, thought they could get better prices at Kansas City Among the shippers were J. C Angus and Austin Richardson of Daniel, Wyo. Both men say they arrived at Kan sas City the same day and received $1.25 a hundred less for their cattle than the pre'vailing prices at Omaha the same day. They diverted their shipments at Hastings to Kansa3 City. Mr. Angus had 14 carloads of cattle that -brought him a little over $40 a head and a fine shipment of beef steers owned by Mr. Richard son brought an average of $41 a head. . W. E. Enos shipped 24 cars of cat tle from his ranch in Wyoming re cently, sending 14 cars to Kansas City and 10 cars to Omaha, receiving as much for his 10 cars of cattle at Omaha as for his 14 cars at Kansas City, making an avreage return of about $50 a head for his entire two shipments. Hogs are on the upgrade at the Omaha stock yards nad quite a num ber of Nebraska farmers have shipped loads this week that have brought the top price, among whom was E. S. Preston of Lyons, who sold 6i head of choice Duroc-Jer-seys, averaging 149 pounds, at $10.15 a hundred F. A. Roberts of Mercer received the top price of $10.15 for 44 head of last spring pigs, averaging 241 pounds, which were bought by packers' representatives. A load of mixed breeds averaging 253 pounds, brought in by Henry Johnson of Albion, caught the fancy of a local packing house buyer and brought the top price. . Canadian War Service Wins Bunk In Army for Omahan Loss of teeth in the battle of Chateau-Thierry while in service in France with a Canadian regiment from Montreal, almost kept Arthur E. Brassard, Hotel Rome, from joining the United States army, but Recruiting Sergeant Robb received a special waiver yesterday from Washington in answer to his plea for Brassard because of his excep tional service with the Canadians in France, and the Omaha man will be assigned to duty with an infan try division in Hawaii. . - Modern Girl Low Brow With Liking for Jazzy Poetry, Librarians Say Chicago Trlbnne-Onialm Bee Leased Wire. Chicago, Dec. 28. According to librarians here from all over the country, the modern girl is a low brow. She is strong for kneej frocks, she is admittedly pretty and wears tortoise-shell campus windshields, but when it comes to literature, any thing deeper than the lightest of fluffy stuff, she is not there. "Oh, lookl" she says to the pa tient librarian, I ve got to read some books. It's for my English IV semi-finals.' Have you got 'The- four Horsemen With the Erysip elas, by that Spanish Caveman? And I want a book of poetry, too, something kin of jairy, sec. ' War booksimmensely popular a year ago, are now gathering cob webs on the library shelves, while (he reading public is devouring works on spiritualism, occultism and new thought. The demand for fiction iiuu&s i matksi-ktijat. . ! V I j:r x : i 9 m 1 v IIP fl i i , J k yit H IP P jiH Ji I - -ip wif , ' V'' t & i e i r s -hut . it ?:s T"''' w i Hum" I " At pfcgWIfl HI MM ! Willi, 1 , Caplatj C TtijTef&XAl Capt. Charles N. Fitzgerald, aer lalist and daredevil, who is m com mand of New York's air police, per formed daring and thrilling stunts on top of one of New York's new skyscrapers that fairly raised the hair ot persons watching from Broadway", hundreds of feet below. Dancing and walking out on nar row steel girders, hanging by his hands, standing on his head and other thrilling stunts were noncha lantly gone through by Captain Fitzgerald "just to keep in trim," he said. His daring even made the most hardened ironworkers, at work on the building, gasp. Rancher Must Pay For Airplane Ride, Judge Here Rules Justice Baldwin Allows Avi ator $500 for 160-Mile Flight for Which Passen ger Refused ta Pay. C. S. Hoyt, 65, banker-ranchman of Whitman, Neb., felt frisky Thanksgiving day after celebrating in Omaha and decided to taxi home by air ... H arranged with A. E. Atkinson. aviator, to be conveyed from the city to Whitman by airplane, and with Pilot R. C. Marshall at the control lever the flight was begun. But after a stop at Osceola and dranrl Tel and an A a fain at Abbott c, ( J tiiff fiS-vear-vounir ranchman de cided the train was good "enough for him. So the flight ended riglt there. Declines to Pay. ,VVin VTnvt declined to oav for the unfinished trip Atkinson brought 1 rnnrt in Omaha for $500 fee, the first suit of its kind in the history of Nebraska courts. The case was heard Monday be fore Judge Arthur Baldwin and Marshall testified that not only did Hoyt show young ideas about fly ing, but he imbibed in spirits of the alcoholic temper. Marshall declared they spent the night at Osceola and the next day stopped at Grand Island for oil. Then when they hopped off again, Hoyt called for the earth just over Abbott. Landing, Marshall said Hoyt asked for $8 for train fare and he gave it to him. Sleeps on it. Judge Baldwin, after sleeping on me? c.ive his decision yester day morning that banker-ranchman must pay for his JLhanksgiving frolic in the air, because, "the inter- rnntlnn nf the contract was Caused by the actions of Hoyt." From Umalia to addoii, wnere the trip ended, is 160 miles. From Dtn-ili tn Whitman where the trip was supposed to end is 354 miles. Hoyt s ride cost $J a mile. Bootleg Is Blamed for Death of 2 Frisco Men San Francisco, Dec. 28. Two men are dead and a third probably dying from drinking "bootleg" whisky in the bay section today, according to police physicians. Corp. J. H. Durham, U. S. army supply corps, died last night in Oak land emergency hospital. Police Said he died after drinking liquor iven him by two men who robbed the soldier of $125. A man the police said was Dan Shanahan was found unconscious in Portsmouth square here. He died at the emergency hospital. Physi cians said "bootleg" was to blame. Children Guests at Xnias Party at Salvation Army Hundreds of children were given a Christmas party at the Elks' club rooms Monday night by the Salva tion Army. Brig. William Andrews, Capt. Arthur Brewer and Capt. II. Booth, of De3 Moines, and Capt. Arthur Andrews of St. Louis were present. Mayor Smith spoke. Stere optician views depicting the birth of Christ were shown. Children took part in the program with drills and musical numbers. Rubbers, candy and toys were given the youngsters by v Santa Claus as they gathered around a Chrsitmas tree. Fire Does Damage Montezuma, la., Dec. 28. Dam age estimated at $75,000 was done by a fire here last night, starting in the Johnson building on the west side of the public square. The dam age to the building was about $20, 000, and to the property of the H'ghler-Thorne general store about $35,000. The remainder of the loss vas to adjoining luuidings ana oc- iniajatg, eunantsV "" ;-;.- 2 Counties Sure Of Relief Quotas Butler and Burt Report Total In Siglit: Douglas County Far Behind. Chairmen from Butler and Burt counties wired to G. W. Wattles, state chairman of the European Re lief drive, yesterday that their com plete quota would be subscribed. The Butler county quota is $5,510 and the Burt county quota, $3,000. The Douglas county quota of $52,000 is far from being raised. The actual cash on hand yesterday from Douglas county was $10,039.03. The actual cash received "from the state is $3,006.57. making a total of $13, 045.60. Subscriptions received during the day included $172 from the Omaha Metropolitan police department; Kent & ,; Burke company, $50; A. H. Richardson, $50; Peterson & Pcgau Baking company, $50; Moth ers' club, Madison, Neb.. $40; Hast ings Rotary club, $50; Mason City, Neb., $375; Trinity Methodist church, Omaha, $55; All Saints' church, $99.54; Methodist Sunday school, Wayne. Neb., $205.25; Kitch en Brothers Hotel company, $100; Presbyterian church, Hastings, Neb., $787.50; Knights of Columbus, Oma ha, $433; Louis G. Doup from hos pital bed, Omaha, $50; Jefferson county, exclusive of Fairbury, $1,000.30. Setting Aside of Citizenship Asked Attorney Asserts False Repre sentations Made by "Boob" Milder of Omaha. Lincoln, ' Dec. 28. (Special.) Charging that they were secured on the strength of false representations, the citizenship papers granted Harry B. "Boob" Milder of Omaha, are asked to be set aside, in an appeal which has been carried to the United States circuit court of appeals, ac cording to an announcement made foday by District Attorney T. S. Allen. Milder, a native of Russia, wealthy Omaha hotel and rooming house keeper, was admitted td citizenship March 24, 1919, by District Judge Wakely of Omaha after a hearing in the district court. Action was then begun in federal court by District Attorney Allen to cancel the citizenship papers, al leging that Milder's representation that he was a man of caoA character Phas false. Allen charged that Milder, in the operation or his saloon and rooming house at 211 South Thir teenth street, had violated the saloon closine laws and that his rooming house had an unsavory re putation. The petition to have the citizen ship papers set aside was refused by Judge Woodrough in the federal court at Omaha. Escaped Convict Is Found Through Wife Staying at Kearney Kearney, Neb., Dec. 28. (Spe cial.) Jay Brough, alias Dick Evans, sentenced to 20 years in the peni tentiary at Deer Lodge, Mont., for murder committed at Billings, and who escaped in June after serving four years of his sentence, has been apprehended in San Francisco, ac cording to word received by Chief of Police Morris. The latter was responsible for the arrest, having located Brough's wife here and through that source determined the whereabouts of the ex-convict after several weeks of trailing. Brough, after making his getaway, married Pearl Taite at Omaha and brought her as far as Kearney, where hevdeserted the woman. Brough was in Kearney about three weeks ago, at a time when Chief Morris was absent from the city, and he made his way west with stops at Denver, Salt Lake City and other points. Canal Fortifications Planned by Congress By The Associated Presi. Washington, Dec. 28. Adequate protection for the Panama canal from attacks of enemies from the air, land or sea is to be provided for in a bill soon 'to be drafted by the house committee on appropria tions for fortifications and seacoast defenses. Members of the commit tee now are virtually agreed upon a plan to make the canal impregnable. They involve the sending of nec essary ordnance, including the larg est calibered artillery pieces, to the canal as soon as they are produced. This ordnance includes those guns which were authorized in 1918 for coast defense purposes, the first of which are to be delivered next spring. Negro Leaps On Motor Car And Shoots Girl Occupant New York, Dec. 28. Raymond Amos, a negro, early today leaped on to the running-board of an auto mobile, shot to death Lucia Har per, one of the car's four negro pas sengers, and then killed himself. The murder and suicide occurred at the corner of 130th street and Seventh avenue, just a few moments after a police "sharpshooters' squad" had passed the spot in an automobile. Police are searching for Charles Brown, chauffeur of the automobile, which, they said, bore the license number of the late Bishop Charles Sumner Burch. Cardinal Gibbons Said to Be Continually Improving .Baltimore, Md., Dec. 28. Con tinued improvement in Cardinal Gibbons' condition was reported tor day from Union Mills, Md., where he is staying at the home of Robert T. Shriver. Mr. Shrivcr taid the cardinal was bright and cheerful. Joseph Barker Is Under Treatment at Hospital Joseph Barker is undergoing treat ment at the Methodist hosoiUL His Ififindilica is oat icriaus. Man, 72, Marries Woman Whom He Courted by Mail Correspondence Courtship Culminates In Marriage of Aged Hyannis Man to Omaha Widow. "In 1 he Springtime Younir Men's Kniiry l.lghtiy Tunis lo Thought of Love" There was no sign of spring in the frigid atmosphere Monday, nor did the white hair and stooped form of George A. Kennedy, 72, of Hyannis, Neb. show any resemblance of youth. Yet at exactly 1 :30 p. m. Monday Mr. Kennedy took upon himself a blushing bride of 61' years, and de clared he was filled with all the vivacity of youth and the thrills of romance. Bride Echoes Sentiment. The bride, formerly Mrs. Dora McCreary of 111 Sanford Circle, smilingly assured her 72-year-old husband of about 30 seconds that "no one is ever too old to love," and that "the gentle breezes that blow in the springtime" are not in the least essential to real romance." The ceremony took place at the home bf Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Jones, 111 Sanford Circle, where Mrs. McCreary has resided as one of the family for many years. Miss Gladys Jones was bridesmaid, and Clyde McCreary, 35, son of the bride, acted as best man. Courtship by Mail. The-marriage is the culmination of a correspondence courtship, started several mouths ago. Two weeks ago Mr. Kennedy came to Omaha for two days and saw his future wife for the first time. He promised to return to Omaha to marry Mrs. McCreary on Christ mas day, but was unable to come un til Monday. The ceremony was followed by a wedding feast and much jollity. Many of Mrs. Ken nedy's Omaha friends were present and escorted the couple to the sta tion, where they boarded a train for Hyannis, thir future home. Wants Rice and Shoes. "But where is the rice and the old shoes," protested the aged bride groom as they left for the station. "They shouldn't have been neglected. Mrs. Jones explained that out of respect for their age this important feature of the marital adventure had been omitted. "Age?" inquired Mr. Kennedy, "Why, I feel like a boy." Mrs. Kennedy was a trained nurse. Her first husband died many years ago, and she has been .busily engaged in her profession since. She gave up a case to be inarried. Mr. Kennedy is a retired business man and rancher. He is a civil war veteran, and the father to two grown sons, who are ranchers near Hyannis. Sterling Citizens Want Cutoff From Goldenrod Highway Tecumseh. Neb.. Dec. 28. (Spe cial.) Sterling merchants and pro fessional men are endeavoring to bring about a cut-off road from the Goldenrod highway to connect with the Cornhusker trail from Beatrice to Lincoln near Qortland. This, the men assert, would make an ideal road from Johnson county to Lin coln. At a meeting of Sterling citi zens a committee was chosen to take the matter up with the Lincoln Auto mobile club, asking assistance from that organization. At the same meeting a committee was chosen to appear before the Johnson county board of commis sioners with a request that the coun ty officers petition the coming legis lature for state and federal aid to this proposed 20 miles of highway. The board acted favorably on the request and the petition will be pre sented. The Goldenrod highway, state and federal aid road, was ex tended through this county last year. Storm of Utmost Violence Rages On French West Coast Paris. Dec. 28. A storm of ut most violence is raging along the western coast "of France. The sea is very heavy, even in the roads of Brest harbor, where a vessel was sunk last night ADVERTISEMENT. BEATS GASOLINE AT 15 CENTS A GALLON New Invention Make Fords Run 34 Mile, on Gallon of Gasoline and Start Easy in Coldest Weather. Other Cars Show Proportionate Savings. A new carburetor which cuts down gasoline' consumption of any motor, including the Ford, and re duces gasoline bills from one-third to one-half, ia the proud achieve ment of the Air-Friction Carburetor Co., 928 Madison St., Dayton, Ohio. This remarkable invention not only increases the power of all motors from 30 to 50 per cent, but enables every one t;o run slow on high gear. It also makes it easy to start a Ford or any other car in the coldest weather without previously warm ing the motor. Wrth it you can use the very cheapest grade of gasoline or half gasoline and half kerosene and still get more power and more mileage than you now get from the highest test gasoline. Many Ford owners say they now get as high as 45 to 50 miles to a gallon of gaso line. So sure are the manufactur ers of the immense saving their new carburetor will make that they of fer to send it on 30 days' trial to every car owner. As it can be put on or taken off in a few minutes by anyone, all readers of this paper who want to try it should send their name, address and make of car to the manufacturers at once. They also want local agents, to whom they , offer exceptionally large profits. Write them today. (jK) gtig1"".; Chicago Company Sues Norfolk Man Plaintiff Asks Collection of Sum Alleged lo Be Due on Grain Dealings. Norfolk, Neb., Dec. 28. (Special.) Thomas Eastergard, a prominent contractor, has been named defend ant in a suit filed in federal court here by James E. Bennett & Co. of Chicago, dealers in the buy ing and selling of grain, provisions, stocks and bonds. The plaintitf asks the court to enforce collection of $3,731.33, which it is alleged is due them from the defendant. While" the petition, is not specific in its details, it is admitted in the local office of the Bennett company that the amount mentioned represents deal ings in grain on the part of the de fendant. It is alleged in the petition that Eastergard gave the plaintiff a check on the State bank of Niobrara, Neb., on November 10. 1920, for $2,241.93 and a check for $1,486.80 on the same bank November 12, 1920. It -is further alleged that the defendant stopped payment on the check. The Bennett company recently took over the brokerage offices of the Trusler Grain company in Nor folk and in Sioux City, la. The busi ness here is managed by O. D. Cas per. Joseph Laird of Chicago, one of the executives of the company, was here recently making the trans fer of the business. Russian Girl Stowaway Who Came for Marriage To Return to Siberia Seattle, Wash., Dec. 28. Eva Printz, Russian girl, who came into Seattle as a stowaway On the steam ship Cross Keys in November, planning to be married to Lloyd D. Jacot of San Francisco, has lost her fight for admission to the United States and must be deported, to Si beria, according to a telegram re ceived by immigration officials here from Washington yesterday. The U. S. Department of Labor was wilting to stretch a point and admit Miss Printz, it was announced, but the State department refused to waive passport regulations. Anna Lapin, who accompanied her, will also be deported, it was said. Three Octogenarians Die " During 2 Yuletide Days Three Omaha octogenarians died Christmas day and the day follow ing, according to the death certifi cates received at the office of the health commissioner yesterday. Stephen H. Melio, 85, 625 South Eighteenth street, arid Peter C. Nis sen, 80, 4905 California street, died Christmas. Mrs. Hanorah Purcell, 85, 424 Lincoln boulevard, died Sun day. i ADVERTISEMENT. SWEAROFF li "No-To-Bac" has helped thousands to break the costly, nerve- shattering tobacco habit. Whenever you have a longing for a cigarette, cigar, pipe, or for a chew, just place a harmless No-To-Bac tablet in your mouth in stead, to hpln retievp that awful dp- Isire. Shortly the habit may be com pletely broken, and you are better off mentally, physically, financially. It's so easy, so simple. Get a box of No-To-Bac and if it doesn't release you from all craving for tobacco in any form, your druggist will refund your money without question. Cuticura Soap Will Help You Clear Your Skin 8OT.OIatmeat,MuTTvta'. laaate trm sf Oitlnre UWnibtMt, Bat. X. MiHh.Im, YOU MUST WIN an overwhelming victory over weakness: nothing else will make your strength secure. SCOTT'S EMULSION is a dependable means of fortifyinsz the svstem against weakness. A very little regu larly, tends to confirm the body I 11 OUC1IKL11. Give Your Furnace A Treat Buy Your COAL This Winter From the UPDIKE LUMBER & COAL CO. Phone Walnut 0300 on . A. Doesn't this weather i make you think of warm blankets and downy comforters? Well, Listen! i Thursday is the beginning of our Mammoth Blanket and Bedding Sale V Biggest Values In i Brandeis Stores' History Sale Opens Thursday, 9 A. M. TSxtra salespeople will be on hand to give you the greatest blanket and bedding bargains you have ever had. See ad vertisement in Wednes day's papers. iiilliyllMlllIlMOa HilliUlU'lllllfeillfliH!"""""1 " " " " ' "