r ' I1 State Bar Votes Down Resolution To Incorporate Proposed Move Denounced as "Tyranny" and "Freak Legislation in Hot Discussion. Lincoln, Neb., Dec 28. (Special Telegram.) After a warm discussion for more than two hours the State Bar association refused this after noon to adopt a resolution to in corporate by a vote of 54 t J2. This is the fourth time the association has defeated the move. Oppos:tion to the resolution was vigorously made by Judge W. V.' Allen of Madison, ably seconded by Judge Paul Jessen of Otoe county. I he resolution would proinbit any dliumcy fiaiuiiUK umcaa in: wa a j member of the bar association and Judge Allen said th was rehen. ' c.KIa Bnfl iti. A TYiArirnn anI if th riQ, olution passed, he would go before the state jegislatnre and fight its bei-g enacted into law with all the ability he could muster." j "tyranny, wh. e Judw . J?enre- , I- t j . (...!. i.:t-).' " I ferredto.it as 'freak legislation. I C. E. Abbott of r-remont said that incorporation would elevate the profe?si"n," while John H. Dryden of Kearney said that incorporation of the bar associat'on would "lend dignity to the orofession." Chairman J. H. Broady of Lincoln, of the committee which drafted the resolution, said that the committee was now through with the matter. Urge Changes in Laws. Members of the state bar associ ation in attendance at the antyial gathering here went on record as fa- voranie to me ncwconsuiuiion, dui expressed the opinion that the leg islature should - make changes or addit;ons as it has a right to do un der the new document. Belief was expressed' that a law should be enacted making it the duty I of every district judge as wen as supreme judge to report' in writing , to the legislative reference bureau , all defects in existing laws which ( out of 650 embryonic policemen forp jhe smouldering recentment to come' under his notice and in con- j final training were announced by ward prohibition broke into flame in ntction therewith recommend 6uch changes as in his mind would make the laW more operative. . Belief also was exoressed that the supreme court should prepare and promulgate rules of practice and procedure for all the courts of the state and prepare for the use of the legislature such changes as it deems should be made in the interests of better laws. A resolution was adopted asking the legislature to amend Section 875 of the revised statutes of 1913 in creasing punishment for persons, ob structing authorities and refusing to disperse in cases of riot after a proc lamation is made, or in case rioters commit any .unlawful act. Qualifications for Judges.' " : " "V0" csm t": I he convention also desires an act pussca uii no pcrsua snail u or judge of the supreme -tourt or of age, a cit.zen of the United States. ' idm,"!drt?.Lh.eb.ir: fi in the practice of law for five years next precedir-g his election. . The association would have the assistant to a crime punished the same as the principal and declared that the. universal use of the auto mobile has become such an agency to crime that the old common law relative to thfe- aiding and abetting hPfor. the fact should be done awav . with. .The association went on record as opposed to a state custodial home for males in order that first offenders might be'segregated from the hard ened criminals. . Lincoln Citizens Raise Fuel Fund for Poor People Lincoln,' Neb., Dec. 28. (Special Telegram.) Citizens of Lincoln are providing a fund of $10,000 for the use of poor people wno are unanic . f mi . ..:n u. 1 A jo buy coal This sum will be loaned sumcent smounts ana xne coai will be fu-nished at cost. Many people suffered quite severely dur ingMhe recent cold spell and with the large number out of work there might be much farther suffering be fore the end of winter if coal were Nr.ot provided. State Legislator-Elect Resigns as Deputy Shentt Beatrice, Neb.. Dec. 28. (Special.) Frank W. Atkins, state representative-elect from Gage county, ten dered h:s resignation as deputy sher iff to the board of supervisors at a meeting this evening. ET C Salis bury was ramcd as h;s successor. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births iAiunra and Florena Bat. J0 Houtn Blxte-nth trrt. slrl; Mlk na Luck Karmlnkl. 454 PoutbTwn.y xvvtnth stret girl; Anton and DametrU Kasomonoi, IS213 8outh Twenty-fovrth itreet girl; Jami and Edith Manard. Forty-elghth avenua and U street, frlrlj Rudolnh and Francea Jornxon, hoapltal, boy, I.eo and F.llsabeth SnralUer, SHS9 South Tweny-hlrd itroet elrl; Dominie and lna vanaina, iwniy i5!afi'rU.M.,M:70H,Si,caH appropriation of $40,000. McNcai. jo7 South seventeenth atreet. 1 pin; Hot aid Pearl Hatfield Fifty-fourth und S atreeta. Rlrl; Ewl and Catherlna Faust, 6838 Shuth Twentlein atreel, ooy: -lloward and Mabnlla Uumherspn, hoapltal, I Klrl; Claud and Edna Krlnsch. hoapltal. L boy: Dr. Clnn and Marnia Frit. hoa-T pttal. W! CMrW M r. , noapuai ypin; tj i tut na xniiici v- , - dersnn, SOU' Bedford avenue, boy; Ray- state COnviCt farm at Tucker Sun mond and Elizabeth Coftev, 161 Sonlh i :uf rmnrtA anrrnnnHfrl Thirty-third atreet. oy. BenjRmin and uay u'Bnt were reportea surrounnea Agnei Haiier. hoapitai. boy; John and o an island in the Arkansas river Helen Heafey, hoapltal, boy; John and Pactnria - Ark earlv todav Florence M .ran. hospital, boy: William and "ear -taSlona, rK., eariy loaay. Davlna Rennle , 4S4S North Forty-first . Fosses were preparing to CrOBS tO ?oyurrhm,M.Lb,oty: "X'vVn! isla" " attemP? ft0 '?,re Sena Welch. 4B3o south Forty-fifth atrK-t. j them, rour other convicts still are hoy; Paul and Mary C. ftarhrkl, JaM ' at larffc BUHia IWDnijr-DUlll flllTti, Kill, r, Afne Rakiwsky. 1328 R atreet, pirl; Rcsa and Marciret Rloharda, hoapltal, boy. Ueorr and Helen Rnsenberry hoapltal, Slrl; Sam and Mary Suxman, 1823 North Twenty-aecond atreet. boy; Jaoob and Sylvia Codhlr.der, hospltnl. boy. Doatha ltehen Nazarcr.e Uello S6, SIS South Flfrhteenth atreet; Hannah Puree II, SS,i424 Lincoln binlevard: Peter C. Nlaaen, 6, 1 4905 California, atreet; Ell t abet h Alice Ramsey fS. 70 South Twenty-ninth street; Lawrence Dtfnlap Carroll, 74, hcspltal; Karen Westlund, 37, !H1 Ellison avenue; John Rudolph Faith, 7, 17H7 Davenport atreet: Earnest L. Hess. 14,' Welllnitton Inn; Mary A. Baker, 1, SIS South Twenty-third atreet; Mar tin Sorenaen 73. Sll North Forty-fifth street; Francis Gtllla Edwards. 61, 2510 Lake street; William Aaron Brown, in fant, 114 Orant street; Patricia Ellen Kesladek. Infant, 1114 South Thirty-fourth street; Eleanor Frodyma, 4, 4117 L atreot; Fdwln A. Joseph, 45, 131 Grand avenue: Henry All-n 61, hoapltal; Lorraino Kathrine l,ren. Infant. 371 North Forty-third street; Jack t. Scott, I, hos pital; Georgia Applegate. Infant, hospital. - - -- Lighting Fixtures Granden Elec- trie Co., formerly Burgess-Granden Cov Adv,' ; " - Fugitive Is' Captured a ITT. Alter I U-lYlonth Hunt t - c vi tl... , (-J :M MnM. . . " ""tS s . W " ?" " j - . A- &;Kypj K&S'1 h5s rbeen captured m WohJ".ft0"; : , nation wmp -,, for '10 m(w,ths. He was ks aHd bond houses, wmcn, witn progress lor ju ikihiuis. ic was .,, hv Antnt.t Mavr nnrl r.rnv R ' M " Vn,., rfirprfiveo 6S0 New Police Called to Halt New York Crime . . , . ,. ' I Special Officers Are Guarding Every Entrance fo City in Endeavor to Check Tide ' Of Outlawry. New York, Dec. 28. Placing of ,vcry railroad, street car, terry and highway entrance into the city under special i police Kuard an the calling Police Commissioner tnnght last night as thi N latest measures to check New York's tide of outlawry. Police previously had been order ed, to halt, question and search, if necessary, all suspicious characters and to- seek explanations from all persons found in unfrequented thor oughfares between midnight and dawn. Meanwhile the police department fearing another gang feud as a re sult of the murder of "Monk" East man, former notorious gang leader and war hero, yesterday, exerted themselves in an attempt to estab lish the identity of his slayer. t A theory that Eastman, as the head of a "whisky ring," met death (dates over division of profits was - as a result of a quarrel with asso- investigated. In this connection the l r , , ' ,7,. 4i-,ri,. j.;,ri. , 'n.:'f.A : an atnmn. bile business after the war. said he was endeavoring to. locate the gang- ster's sister. He - added that he would "see to it tha Eastman has a good funeral and that there will be a lot of good men there to show their friendliness toward him." Jones asserted '' 1 Tlif T1 1 (mimiM Yldn rOllllfl VflUfUta ITiail 1 UM11U Dead In His Room Prolonged Drinking Spree Following Quarrel With 'iWfe Proves Fatal. Henry Ostensen, 34, 629 South Nineteenth street, was found dead in bed at 3:30 this afternoon by C. L. -..-. u: i ii -.-j ri:.. .... ' ounced death caused . : alcoholic poisoning, Goltry told the police Ostensen and his wife had had trouble several days ago, and the man had been drinking heavily since. He said be did not know where the wife is. Ostensen's wife, Goltry said, tele phoned him last night to ask how her husband's condition was, but re fused to leave any word for him. D? SB1UU,CI v "U1- Goltry said Ostensen went to his room at 9 this morning and did not come downstairs. He said he went in the room to ask his condition and found him dead. He called police. The body will be held until the wife is located and the mother noti fied. Municipal Sunurer Camp v ti tor Boy contemplated A summer camp tor boys is con- templated by the "public recreation department which has included an amouitt of '$1. 500 in its tentative Kit r nrf nyf TVllO Kt1 Cf pt ' twice the amount allowed by the . ,lnr-;i fnr inon i City council tor IVU. A Convicts Are Surrounded Pine Bluff, Ark., Dec. 28. Six of ! IJ r.ri.nn,.r. u.-ho .SranH from tlf Man Leaves Home Rather Than Help Wife Do Washing He was toasting his shins at tht fire. ' .Too cold to go out and he couldn't find work. A knock and a humane officer at the door with an fedict. The edict: William Miller, 1953 Vinton street: Roll up your sleeves and help vonr wife with the washinc." - Miller departed for parts unknown and his wife didn't shed a tear. ancs uomg wasning io support tour children by another marriage. , The Associated Charities will helu Iher, '- 1L l I II l 'Armed Federal i a Id In Booze Raid Two Bob Sleds Used by Offi cers to Take Care of Con- fiscated Liquor Taken by Searchers. Hurley, Wis., Dec. 28. About 70 persons were arrested, 27 , saloons searched, and two bob-sled loads of liquor seized in a raid by federal prohibition enforcement agents here today, according to a statement b Joseph. Callahan, in charge of th agents, who came here from Chicag unexpectedly. . The federal agents, with their pris oners and seized liquor, planned ti go to Ashland, Wis., to arraign the prisoners before a United Mates commissioner on charges of violat- ing the federal prohibition laws, Mr. i Callahan said. From the viewpoint of a surprise T 'Jj " . . J mu. I nartif tfn affair wo a a mmnlntil cii.. vW3, ' icuvi di agents agiKU vv line it was declared the saloon men had. been "tipped doff" last night, appar- pntlv tin OTMt miantitv nf tinnnr hail " o - -- i . . -j - " .....a . been "tipped off" last night, appar- citizens, Street cars were used to transport the agents, their prisoners and seized liquor from Hurley to Ironwood, where they were taken aboard the special cars. More arrests were expected this afternopn. . An unusually "wide open" night last night, with bargain sales in wet goods, showed its .effect today. Many of those arrested were lumberjacks and others almost par alyzed with drink. Moonshine, according to observers who pretended to know, constituted the principal "wet" haul although there was a considerable quantity of the kind that bore brands formerly familiar sights in every saloon win dow. But the "real stuff" was de clared in the. minority. Is Logging Camp. This logging camp town has been the center of anti prohibition feeling for several months. Many ot the lumberjacks are foreigners. a battle nere on uctooer y, wnen prohibition operatives encountered . bootleggers who lost contraband ( whisky, estimated to be worth $85,-1 UUii Uneman was KUiea Mn me fight and another was seriously wounded. Since that time, it Is said, prohi bition agents avoided Hurley, wait ing until complete preparations could be made to make a raid in force. Law Defying Community. The whole district In this part of the north woods has been regarded by dry officials as a law-defying community. Reports that dance halls, saloons, gambling rooms and bootleg joints flourished openly ch one selling any kind ot liquor obtainable, from moonshine whisky to Italian wine have been numer ous. Onoositinn to anv encroachment from outside took definite form, ! however, after the ambush in Oc tober. It was asserted that the bootleggers organized and issued w a' ina in 'rs' promotion ageni to show himself in Hurley would be shot They vowed, it was said, to keep Hurley "a man's town for real men." Home brewing has become a prominent industry, according to residents of the town, which boasts little more than 3.500 people. Ken ituckians, driven from the bills of their own state by revenue agents, are said to have migrated to this district and. set ujvtheir stills. Armed Agents on Way. Chicago, Dec, 28. Forty-eight armed prohibition agents headed by Joseph Callahan, chief of staff to Major Dalrymple in his Iron River, Mich., liquor raid last spring, were en route to Hurley, Wis, this morning, to clear the town of al leged bootleggers. The party car ried 38 warrants, with instructions to arrest every man named, by force, if necessary. 'The town of Hurley is alleged W be one of the "wide open" spots in the north woods. It is a logging camp and said to be the seat of ex tensive moonshining operations. Rum Runner Killed. , It was near Hurley that John Cbiapusio, an alleged liquor runner, was killed last fall in an encounter with Leo J' Grove, prohibition agent in upper Michigan, whom Wisconsin authorities now are seeking to extra- dire for trial. Grove made the com-, plaints that caused Major Dalrym ple, former prohibition enforcement aent for the central states, to lead h's expedition to Iron Riven The expedition to Hurley was or dered at the instance of Federal Judge Landis, after reports had preached him that alleged moonshin-' v m nau till vauuv.u Lif diiuul ail V Ul J hibition raiders who put in an ap pearance. 100 Places Sell Booze. More than 100 places, it was re ported, make or sell whisky and wine.. Thirty-eight are salmons and the raiding party carried warrants for the arrest of the proprietors. Other places said to be selling liquor , were pool roonls, private stills and ' back-bar shops. ' Frank B. Richardson, Major Dal- J rymple's successor, is said to have ' been working quietly for several (lavs on preparations for the Hurley raid in an effort io avoid the oppo sition of state authorities and citi zens such as was encountered by Dalrymple at Iron River.v j Hurley, whih has been referred to as one of ,tne "wettest" spots in the country, was reported to have been "wide open" last nighty .Actress Kills Self Paris, Dec, 28. Another screen star has become a victim of the giddy life of Americans in Paris. Mrs Hallye Peck, formerly Miss Whatley of Louisville, is a suicide, having died of veronal poisoning this morning. Penniless as a result of her gilded life in. an expensive apartment, res taurants and dance halls and failing to secure an engagement the actress took to drinking. It is said that she tried suicide repeatedly, but had been watched careftillv. Last Thiirs. 'day her husband started r-roceedings for a divorce. j i Bee want ads arc best business 1 getters, s THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1920. New Polish Minister Arrives in New York Count Francis Pulaski, t,. und ent of the general who won glory in the American Revolutionary waf, re cently arrived in New York from Europe as counsellor of the Polish legation in Washington. He said that all questions, political and racial, were being put aside in (Po land for the economic rehabilitation of the country, which was in the hands of the socialists and peasants. London Papers Are Alarmed At U.S. Naval Policy Leading Journals Propose Powers Mutually Agree to Curtail Naval Armament ' Expense.- London,' Dec. 28. Calls for United States. Great Britain and Japan to curtail naval expense by mutual agreement were featured by a number of London newspapers this morning. In1 following this course the journals give expression to the anxiety " which has prevailed here -since the receipt of reports of the new American naval program, an anxiety which may be traced to the assumption that if the United States builds a big navy, Great Brit ain must do likewise. The Morning Post laments that American politicians have chosen a moment when the war-time fellow ship of the American and British navies and the "chivalrous courtesy of American seamen" have united the naval services of the two na tions, "to declare, in effect, that the British navy is a potential raenace to America." Tlje Post contends that "the con clusion of a working arrangement between the United States and Great Britain would do more to establish and maintain the peace of the world than any other plan conceivable," and urges that "the recent utterances of Senator Bdrah and other Ameri cans encourage the belief that such an arrangement is possible." Another plea for an agreement between the United States, Japan and Great Britain is voiced by the Daily News, which urged that the interval between the present mo ment and the inauguration, of Presi-' dent-elect Harding should be uti lized by the statesmen of the three countries to educate the public. , The Express ma-ntains that an agreement between the three powers would "assure prosperity as well as peace." Agreement With Japan Now Regarded Probable t (Continued from rant One.) , no longer is dependent upon foreign cap'tal for development, and that the phenomenal growth of the state in population in the last decade and the influx of wealthy easterners give ample assurance that there will be no dearth of American capital seeking investment in the development of California's natural resources. Meeting Today. There will be another meeting of the delegation tomorrow for further' discussion of the project for an am plification of the landholding law. If the propsed concession finds favor vith the delegation it will address to Governor Stephens a recommendation- of amendment of the land law by the legislature. The atti tude of Governor Stephens and mem bers of the legislature is not know here, but those behind the movement in California have brought a "tr ances of the existence of a wide spread, sentiment favorable to the comvromise suggested. Whether the people oi California would be disposed to continue to rely upon a gentleman's agreement for the exclusion of Japanese im migration is another question. Gov ernor Stephens regards the existing gentleman's agreement a failure and advocates direct exclusion by statute, the registration of all Japanese now here lawfully and the imposition upon every Japanese, of the burden of proof of his right of residence by the production of a certificate, as in the case of the'Thinesc. Bee Shoe Fund The following additional contribu tions to Th Bee's Free Shoe fund have been received: s Previously reported SUMS F. P, Ward b 00 Thrf-ln-One , . js oil John Frerlnhs, Jr., OgslUla, Nek. 5.0) Thomas Jarrett, jr., Dorchester, Nob. j.oo Qonevlev Window, Falrbury Neb i.oo Children's Friend, Hyiinnls, Neb,. S.08 Younr People's Sunday Buliou) Cls, Hayes Center, Neb " t (0 R. P. Peterson Co., Winner, 8. D .' 5.(10 Mrs. A. B. Wiley, Ravenna, Neb.,' 1.00 Helen and Shlrlry Jane Stone..,. 1.10 Cash, Oakland, Neb.'. 1.00 M. I Phumway, Lyons, Neb......'' 5.00 Cash, Fremont, Neb , a.oo K Friend s.on A Bie Reader 1.00 A Frlond , J.OO Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Martin. Albion, Nb , 5.10 I.oul Malpr, Humphrey, Nub., 3.10 May Hchuts, Otoe. Nub - 1.00 DontJonea. IS years old Chrlatmos tree money) , coo Cash, Qlenwood, la,., 1.00 Tblal. . S 1,8(17.83 JThe shoe fund will close Decern- ' t-:W Interest Waxes kWarm in Packing J Plant Disposal A - i' Alliance and Scottsbluff Con tending for Location of In dustry Directors Face Two-Fold Problem. Alliance. Neb., Dec. 28. (Special Telegram.) Interest is waxing keen here and in Scotts Bluff as to whBt will transpire at the first annual meeting of the directors and stockt holders of the Alliance Packing Co.; to be held in Alliance, January 3. According tojocal menin close touch with the situation, a two-fold problem will be faced, namely, whether the packing company is to survive at all, and. in case it does, whether the headquarters will con tinue at Alliance and a large pack ing plant be erected here or wheth er the company will locate at Scotts Bluff. - Several weeks ago it was asserted by some . stockholders that R. E. Plumb, president of the company, had been flirting with the Scotts Bluff Chamber of Commerce rela tive to transferring the company there from Alliance. A vigorous protest was immediately voiced by the Alliance Chamber of Commerce, whose secretary was J. W. Guthrie, a member of the board of directors of the packing company, and a mer ry war has been on between the two towns over the proposition. 1 Favor Dissolving Company. It is reported that a number of ttie larger stockholders favor dis solving the company altogether and returning to the stockholders 821-2 per cent of the stock subscribed. Another group of stockholders are said to look with disfavor upon this proposed action and to be exerting their influence toward keeping the company alive and building a plant at Alliance, according to the ordinal plans. Approximately 5200,000 worth of stock has been sold and the promotion of the project was progressing satisfactorily when the money stringency tied up further ef forts, It was reported. Stockholders Have "Cold Feet Some of the-stockholders are said to have got "cold feet" since that time, while others are sitting tight and are apparently determined to push the project if it can be legiti mately done. It Is understood that Scottsbluff is extremely anxious to get the plant located there, while equal efforts are being put forward by certain stockholders to keep the company at Alliance. J. W. Guthrie of the board of d'rectors has been in Lincoln for several days and it is reported that he will have some important informa tion to impart at the stockholders' meeting next week. , i Railroads' Fuel , Bm increases Coal Costx $97,026,624 More This Year Than Last, Re port Shows. Washington, Dec 28. The rail roads' coal bill for the first nine months of this year was $97026, 624 more than during the corre sponding period ,last year, said a statement issued today by the in terstate commerce commission. A resolution asking the commission for a report as to the amounts spent by the roads for coal this year and last was adopted yesterday by the senate. " . During the first nine months of this year the roads spent $326,923, 642 for coal as against $229897018, the commission's statement showed. The cetjtral western district had the lowest coal cost, railroads pay ing only $3 38 per ton. In 1919. they paid $2.97 a ton. The total coal consumption by the railroads during the nine months of 1920 was 81,752,821 tons, while dur ing the same period in 1919 they used 71,619,009 tons. 1 Merchants in Golumbus Fleeced hy Check Artist t Columbus, Neb., Dec. 28 (Spe cial.) Columbus merchants are hav inga "wave" of phony check trou bles. A tew days ago a traveling man, who said his home was in Fre mont, and who gave the name of W. H. Jones, passed a half dozen checks in Columbus for varying small amounts. H, H. Adams, a clothing merchant, gave him $9 in change on a $10 check, which proved to be worthless, and others were similiarly "fleeced." " : Prior to that a man who was Charles A. Anderson at one place and a few moments later Charles A. Andrews, bought merchandise and instructed the merchants to mail it to two different addresses. Worth less checks wye given in payment. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' The following persons were Issued per mits to wed- Uriah Hsmilton, 2S, Omaha and Blbbls lllcks. 22 Omaha. , Arnold H. WleboMt.' 11, Llgh, Neb., and Ema Vloiiny, 27, Madison, 'Neb. Jes Johnson. 31. ' Omaha, and Eliza beth Patte-son, 82, Omaha. Antonio UlarorelH, US. Omaha, and Mar guerite Morean. 19, Omaha. Henry wrWoods, S3 Omaha, and Eva Hobbs, 27, Os-den. Utah. William Mann, over 21. Omaha, and Mlnnio Mann, over 18, Omaha. Fred W. Schneider, 44 Nebraska City Neb. and Leah Woods, 41, Nebraska City Neb. Edward H. Manlon, S4, Omaha, and Alice Moeller, 21, Omaha. Orrln h. Hollls 00, Chicago, III, itid Minnie Dunnn fi. Omaha. Albert Washington, 21, Omaha, and Nettle Wright. 1, Omaha. Pets Talles, Si, Omaha, and Mary Tarl gan 19, Omaha. I ' Will E. Keen. 46, Kansas city, mo., ana May Eva Martin, 42, Lawrence, Kan. Elyah T. Tire's, 24. Lincoln, Neb. and Ruth 1. Leavttt. 24, Omaha. Adrian B. Oraham, SO. 8lou City, fa., and Roberts W.VCoulter, 22, Omaha. flrover J. Foster, over 21, Omaha, and Dora Belle Hendricks, over II, Omaha. Oeorge A. Kennedy, 72, Hyannla Neb.. nnd Dora M. McCreary, SI. Omaha. Dewey A. Hosdley, 22. Cambridge. Mass., and Lucille M. Uoel, 21, Omaha, Willie Ktolsen. 21. Duulap, la., and Marjorie Gould, 18. Dunlap la. CAREY ARRESTED! Frank Carey of the Carey Cleaning Co., 24th and Lake streets, has arretted tlia attention of all Omaha by pressing vests for 10c, trousers for 26c, and coats for 40c. Webster Oh I 102. Unable to Communicate With Dead Husband, Widow Takes Own Life Mrs. John A. ' Lee, widow of a prominent Brooklyn physician andj A-ray specialist, who, it is believed, committed suicide on Long Beach, after failing to communicate with her husband's spirit. Extreme meloncholy over the death of. Dr. Lee about six months ago, which led her into spiritualism in efforts to communicate with her dead husband's spirit, was advanced by friends as probably the reason for suicide. 7" K. C. Judge Plans T ITiIa Tnl Mai X V VjUCU 1T1CII Of Omaha to Court Bonds Set for Four Sheridan Officials tyho Have Ig nored Indictments Charg 4 ing Profiteering. y Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 28. (Spe cial.) Bonds for four officials of the Sheridan Coal company of Omaha who thus far have ignored an indict ment in federal court charging prof iteering in violation of the Lever act, have been set at $2,500 each by Judge Arba S. Van Valkenburgh. This is $1,500 more than has been required from the officers of other coal com panies indicted on. the same" count. Steps will be taken immediately to hale these officers into court, ac cording to Sam O. Hargos, special assistant to the office of the attorney general, who is handling the case. The officers are J. E. Megeath, vice president; A. P. Whitmore. secre tary: GA. Rehm. treasurer and G. 3 W. Megeatlv chairman of the board directors. L. D. Kniffin. manager of the coai office of the Sheridan Coal company, appeared in the federal court to an.- swer the indictment and was given 60 'days to enter a plea and was re leased on $1,000 bond. .The bond of the corporation was set at $1,000. Boy Is Accidentally Killed by His Brother Columbus, Neb.7 Dec. 28. (Spe cial.) Frankie Kuta, 11, sort of Mr. and Mrs. John Kuta, was instantly killed when an older brother, Charles, shot him through the heart with a. .32-caliber rifle. The two boys had arisen from bed before their parents and had gone out- to the barn to play , soldier, i frtirlaa tnriA la 1C VA fiA Haw Vliai 41. 3t Vf iiV a Aaa alCtVA la supposedly empty, while Frankie had an air rifle. The little fel'ow peered around the corner of the barn and the older boy shot him through the heart. t I ' Charles ran crying to Vie house with his .little brother in nis arms. Doctors were summoned at once, but the boy died within five minutes. County Attorney Walter ouestjoned the family and decided it was so obviously an accident that an in quest was not necessary. Man Engaged for Fourth r. A.erra, "niW . m c a . vjcucvd, itcu., xrci. 4o, tjjciiai At a meeting of the directors of the Fillmore county farm bureau yesterday, J. L. Thomas was engaged for his fourth term as county agri cultural agent. , The junior club leader, Lee Thompson, who has been dividing his time between Saiine and Fillmore counties the past year, was hired to give,' his entire time to Fillmore county next year. A gathering of precinct vice presi dents the farm bureau was held yesterday following the directors' meeting. L. I. Frisbie 'of 'the uni versity extension department at tended both meetings. Indestructible prescriptions fof spectacles, invented by a Chicago occulist, are stamped upon aluminum and can be filled by opticians in any country. Cheese, peanut butter, milk, jam, soup, after-din- ' ner coffee all taste better when accompanied by PREMIUM SODA CRACKERS. KATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 3 Fair and Warmer, , , ' Weather Prediction Fair and warmer weather last night and Wednesday was promised in umana in the forecast issued yes tcrday from the federal weather, bu reau, i The mercury was 2 below zero In Omaha Monday night and at 7 yesterday morning it was 5 above and it continued to rise throughout the day. At North Platte and Valentine? iNeb., usually the two coldest towns in the state, the mercury was 22 and :o above, respectively, at 7 yester day morning. Man JTio Posed A Rickenbacker Deserts Bride Psuedo American Ace Leaves Wife li Chicago Formerly Groom In St Augustine Stable. Jacksonville, Fla.. Dec. 28. The man who, posing as Eddie Ricken backer, the American ace, married a New York girl here last wek, has de serte'd his bride of a week in Chi cago. The young woman so In formed her mother today. The pseudo-Rickenbacker is said to have really been, a .groom from a wealthy man's St. Augustine stables. Posing as the .noted Ameri can airman; he was lavishly enter tained in the best society and won a bride. Warrants charging him with embezzlement of several hun dred, dollars in connection with his adventure are in .the hands of po We, N - V' , - . , National Police Bureau Is Urged Governor Edwards Recom mends Department to Check v Movements of Criminals.. Trenton, N. J., Dec: 28. Estab lishment of a central national police bureau in Washington, through which information could be flashed around the world to keep a check on movements of known criminals, was one of the principal recommen dations made at a conference of state, county and municipal officials called by Governor Edwards, to de vise some means of combatting the present crime wave in New Jersey. Police Commissioner Enright of New York City, who suggested the establishment of a central bureau, declared the United States was far below the "fficiency of police of Eu ropean countries and that the police of this country could not expect co operation from foreign countries un til a system of checking convicts was adopted. He asserted crimi nals from England were entering this, country daily through Mexico. Mexico. - . , "Scotland Yard and other Euro pean police departments are unable to secure information regarding criminals from this country." he-said "and until we can give them suffi cient data ' we eannot expect co operation from , them. . With a na tional police bureau, communication could be maintained with Scotland Yard and other great policegencies of the world. Lack of co-operation of the police system throughout the country is astonishing." The conference adopted a resolu tion requesting Governor Edwards to name a committee to draw up proposed legislation along the lines suggested. ' Unemployed Railroad Men Given Work Harvesting Ice -Alliance. Neb., Dec. 28. (Special Telegram.) Ice harvest opened here today- A large force of men are be ing employed by the ice companies. Most of the ice will btr taken frpm the big overflow at Mrsland and stored in local ice houses. Prefer ence for this employment has been given to local railroad employes, many of whom have been laid off during the last few days. No "float ers" will be given employment until after all of the local men have been provided for, it is announced. New Woodman Circle Is Formed at Alliance Meet Alliance, Neb., Dec. 28. (Special Telegram.) Anew Woodman circle, to be known as, the 'Alliance Grove circle, was organized at a special meeting here. The meeting wasin charge of Supreme Banker Kathryn Remington and District Manager Hattie A. Jaskilik of Omaha. The meeting was an enthusiastic one and the organization promises to be one of the most active fraternal societies of the city. . f THOMPSON, BELDEN COMPANY,' ' ! - ' . " -I ! II I - I - ...... i , . I . I II Stick to Quality It is much better 1 to buy once arid be satisfied than to buy twice and never be satisfied. War Bride Sues on Day Hubby Makes Escape From Jatt Chic Parisian Wife of Blu A Lad Who Holds Record as Deserter Seeks Marriage Annullment. Amid the lights and music of tha Follies 'Bergeres, in Paris, Jesse K. Crumb. U. S. A., met Mile. Charlotte Chesnel, a pretty grisette of gay Paree. The war was over and Tesse, whostj home is in plain Council Bluffs, la., was stationed for a while in the French capital after having fought through the war with the Rainbow division. v, He liked mademoiselle and she whispered to him, "Je t' aime." , And they were married in Paris, September 20. 1919. x Cupid Flies Out Window. Yesterday Charlotte filed suit in the Douglas county district C0Urt to have the marriage annulled. Ooo, la, la! Crumb is the well-known "desert- ing soldier." ' . And his wife, furthermore, ae clares be isJ'insane and a lunatic." " Her petition says he was adjudged insane in the courts of Pottawat tgmit county. As if to show what ho can do. -Crumb broke out of the guardhouse at Camp Funston yes terday, the very day his wife filed suit. J. C. Travis, her attorney, re ceived a tele-gram . to this effect from the adjutant at Camp Funston. Takes French Leave. ' Jesse enlisted in 1917 in Council Bluffs in Company L, 168th infantnl. to help make the world safe for v democracy. He deserted at Camp I camp Mills where his regiment was preparing to embark. He escaped from the guard house there and was arrested later, and sent overseas under guard to rejoin his outfit. He was wounded twice at Chateau Thierry. - . vAfter he returned to this country with his bride, he was discharged, ' but re-enlisted again, was assigned to recruiting duty in Omaha and then transferred to Camp Funston. He deserted when he was assigned to Funston and was then arrested and sent there to the guard house from which he has now "deserted." Longs for Gay Paree Mrs. Crumb lives at 1815 South Twenty-ninth street. ' " "I weesh I was again in that so dear Paree," she said yesterday. "Umm bebeei Zee' bright lights of Montparnasse and zee grandes boulevards 1 Ooo, la, lall" She says Crumb has abused her and has threatened to kill himself. Not until two weeks ago did she learn, she says, that he had been adjudged insane. She asks to be re- lieved of 4he name. Crumb, and to ;' be again Mile. Charlotte Chesnel. President's Yacht Damaged By Fir v7 Board of Inquiry Will Probe I Mysterious Blaze On Mayflower, Washington, Dec. 28. The mess room and several state rooms in the officers' quarters 'on the presidential yacht Mayflower were bussed out today while the yacht was tied up at the navy yard here. A board of inquiry was convened to determine the origin of the fire. Secretary Daniels said the amount of the damage had not teen de termined, but that a number of the officers on the vessel lost all of their personal effects. The fire was Ex tinguished before it reached, the state dining room and thejjresident's quarters. Eight newspaper reporters and photographers who entered the nav" yard by passing the marine guard were arrested and held at the com mandant's office for questioning', but , Deportations. Resumed Washington, Dec. 28.t-Deportatioii of Russian radicals . Has been re sumed, it was said today at the De partment of Labor. The radicals are sent to Libaji and moved thence by rail into soviet Russia. ",udwig C. A. K. Martens, self-styled Rus sian soviet ambassador, will be sent to Russia by way of LibaTT Although he has been reca!ledj)y his povern ment, the expenses of his deporta tion will be paid by the United States. There are about 500 Russian radicals awaiting deportation at New i one ana elsewhere. Tannery workers in Jaffa, Pales tine, receive from 60 cents to $1 per day, A I. V fill i fei 4 "t"