10 feet. He felt very queer. There was a strange, tight feeling about his stomach. And his lides were no longer thin. They stuck out just as they had before winter came only more so. And what v alarmed Fatty was this: his sides seemed to be sticking out more and more all the time. ' He wondered what he had been eating. Those dry things that tasted li'-e apples he wondered what they were. Now, there was some pnnttng on the outside of the box which held those queer, spongy, flat things. Of course. Fatty Coon could not read, so the printing did him no- good at all. But if you had seen the box, and if you are old enough to read, you would have known that the printing said: , EVAPORATED APPLES, i Now, evaporated apples are noth ing more or less than dried apples. The cook of the loggers' camp used them to make apple pies. And first, before making his pies, he always soaked them in water so they would swell. -' - : Now you see what made Fatty Coon feel so queer and uncomfort able. He had first eaten his dried apples. And then he had soaked them, by drinking out of the brook. It waS-. no wonder that his sides stuck out, for the apples that he had bolted were swelling and puff ing him out until he felt that he should burst: In fact, the wonder of it was that he was able. to get through his mother's doorway, when he reached home. ' But he did it, though it cost hira a few groans. And, he frightened his mother, too. t "I only hope you're not poisoned," she said, when Fatty told her what he had been doing. And that remark frightened Fatty more than ever. He was sure he 'was , never going to feel any bet ter. Poor Mrs. Coon was much wor ried all, the rest of the night. But when morning came she knew that it because of something he said. It was this: "Oh, dear! I wish I had some thing to eat!" , men? They don't need it. They do their work. r No, I am not afraid of them, al though I wouldn't care to have iny argument with any one of them. , I know how to run my business, and I am going to run it my way. You're out of luck, if it makes you sore. . ' If you attended to your own af fairs you'd be a great deal better off. (Copyright, 113, Thompson Feature Service.) with the baby's hand, or his height with the baby's fc height. He will learn in time. $1.1 lY-TIME TALCS Sin Francisco J THETALE OF PATTY COON Where It Started 1l Dear Folks: I '.arty this morning big party of ua wont down o Fitihcnuau'a Vfliart to pee tho flailing boats come In through the Golden Gate with their catch for the day's market. .Thla wharf Is an old landmark of the city. 5 Rohert Louis Stevenson listened to the yarns 'of the sailors here and got many plots for his aea stories In this way. We got buck to the hotel Just in Urn for breakfast and my, dldn' we eat! I'M THE GUY Bloomers. These articles of apparel, now so universally used, were invented' by a Mrs. Bloomer, from whom the name is derived, in the nineteenth century. Despite the obvious prac ticality of the garment, they were much sneered at and even ' con demned by certain divines as im moral. It was long before they became at all popular. (Copyright, 1M0, by the Wheeler Syndi cate, Inc.) Shopmen Laid Off Galesburg, 111., Dec, 28. Twenty five per cent of the employes of the Burlington road here are to be laid I'M THE GUY who steamfaces round his office. Well, -what of it? I'm the boss, am I not? And I know how to get the work done. ' I've got to keep after them all the time. I have to show my authority. If I don't bawl them out all the time they'd think I was easy, and would loaf on me. Of course, I do most of my yelling at the girls and young boys. They need it most. They wouldn't do a decent day's work once in a month if I wasn't howling my lungs out at them all day long. And don't worry, I do the same to my wife at home. She needs it, too, just as well as the girls in my office. ( Why is it, I dton't bawl out the BAILEY dSi CHAPTER XIX. ' Fatty Grows Even Fattei. When Fatty Coon's burned feet were well once more, the very first night he left his mother's house he went straight to the loggers' camp. He-did not wait long after dark, because he vvas afraid that some of Parents Problems : III. How,". can "an affectionate, but rought boy' of 7 be taught to be more careful in handling his little sister of , 2, of whom he is very fend?; , The little boy should not only be told how much smaller and less strong than he his little sister is but this should be demonstrated to him by.letting him compare his hand Ratea at Hotel 'Whit comb from $2.00. 400 outside rooms. Writ for folder containing map of city. J. H- VAN HORNE. Manager. Hotel Whitcomb k " Chx Center f off the first of the year, according trt nrdcre split nut trtrlav. Nrarlv SAN FRANCISCO; 3,000 men are employed at. the local USE BEE WANT ADS THEY BRING RESULTS ratty was out of danger, bhe knew yards. l He waa Thirsty, theru his neighbors might have found that there were good things to eat about the camp. And Fatty wanted them all. To his delight, there" were goodies almost without end. He nosed about, picking up potato peel ings, and bits of bacon. "And per haps the best of all was a piece of tornbread, which Fatty fairly gob hied. And then he found, a box lialf-full of something scraps that tasted, like apples, only they were not round like apples, and theywere miite dry, instead of being juicy. But Fatty liked them; .and he ate them all, down to the smallest bit. Hewas thirsty, then.' So he went down to the brook, which ran close by the camp. The loggers had cut a hole through the icee, so., they could get water. And Fatty crept close to the edge oMhe hole and tlrank. He drank a great deal of water, because he was very thirsty. And when he had finished' he sat down on the ice for a time. 'He did not care to stir about just then. And he did not think he would ever want anything to eatagain. . At last Fatty Coon rose to his BLANKETS AllD COMFORTS 12 OH it Dowen'i ' For This Week's Selling We are going to sell very blanket and com-' brt on our shelves. v The quality of every one is the very best the guaranteed kind. . Our prices 'r for this week are going to move, them, and do it quick. The prices have been so reduced that you will at once recognize1, these as a great big falue in Blankets and Comforts.' Advertisement t i a .FINAL CLOSING-OUT SALE Discount 25 to . SO Per cent. M. D. FRANKS JEWELER . 201 So. 15th St. Room Vacated January 1st. ADVERTISEMENT FREE TO ASTHMA JWFFERERS Fra Trial of a Method That Anyone Can Ut Without Discomfort -or Los of Tim We have a method for the control of Asthma, and we want yon to try it at onr expense. No matter whether your ease is of long standing or recent jlevelopment, whether it is present as occasional or chronic Asthma, yon should send for a I tree trial or our method. No matter in what climate yoa live, no matter what your aire or occupation, if you are trou bled with asthma, our method should re lieve you promptly. We especially want to send it to those apparently hopeless cases, where all forms - of inhalers, douehes, opium preparations, fames, "patent smokes," etc have failed. We want to show everyone at our expense, that our method is designed to end all difficult breathing, all wheeling, and all those terrible paroxysms. . This free offer is too important to neg lect a single day. Write now and begm the method at once. Send no money. Sim ply mail coupon below. Do it Today you do not even pay postage. ' FREE TRIAL COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room I84N Niagara and Hudson Streets, Buffalo, NY. j, - Send free trial of your method to: SIOUX CITY " NEW YORK Unequaled Value Giving in this Supreme Sale Event 0 the Year OMAHA LINCOLN 318-320 SOUTH SIXTEENTH ST. 9m s Mkt ABJBJUAL 0 1i IE Compare Our Values and Prices With Others-It is to Our Advantage ARANGE I- i i: . . OFFERING MORE THAN V2 OFF IN MANY, MANY CASES Our Entire Stock of Plain and Fur Trimmed INTEM COATS Up to $85 Values. ... .... Smart styled, self and fur trimmed Velvets and Plushes of splendid quality lpto$95 Values........ Splendid models in deep piled Peco , Plush with huge cape collars and cuffs of far. . . . Ft MMST W Plush Coats Cloth Coats SEA75 Up to $115 Values ....... ' ... 1 , : , A latge group of unusually good quality Plushes and finest Velvets. Up to $135 Values.. Fur Fabric Models of Highest qual ity',' with splendid fur trimmings and lovely linings Up to $150 Values...... d Luxurious models of Behrine Seal. Yukon Seal and Ungava Seal, handsomely lined 792 - r - .v ' Up to $175 Values. Deepest piled Fur Fabric models, trimmed with best quality furs. If wonderful coats 99, 75 Up to $39,50 Values. & fl jfVTlt Dlever styled ', Coats of Melton, Velours and other coatings of II J ' , e w " .j- j .............. Up to $490 Values . . . . . One of the best groups offered, in both style and quality of materials Up to $75 Values. A . great assortment of fine Vel ours, Meltons, Silvertones, etc., in smartest styles . . COAT SECTION SECOND FLOOR 1 .t :- $2975 $392 Up to $95 Values. . . Handsome Coats of Suede Velours, Duvetyn, Chameleon, Bolivias, with lovely linings. ' i Up to $115 Values...... Coats of extraordinary quality and style distinction, lavishly fur trimmed . . Up to $145 Values. Ultra smart models in Marvellas, Bolivias, Evoras, etc., trimmed with finest quality furs. $49 59 $69 75 715 75 Hundreds of Beautiful DIES An Incomparable Collection of "Finest Dresses Offered at Unequaled Reductions Dresses Formerly Selling Up to $35 . . . , . . . r . ... Serges, Satins, Tricotines and Georgettes; smart rnollels of gicab viiaiiu , , . v Dresses Formerly Selling Up to $45 ....... ... Rich Velvets, some fur trimmed;, Tricotines in, newest beaded and embroidered' effects . . . . ft ; . . . ; . . n . . , , i ' ' ' -, ' ;p .. " Dresses Formerly Selling Up to $85. . . . . ; .... ... . . . Stunning models in TricotinePoiret Twill, Charmeuse and Aiuen s mar urepe ! M42? $2475 $ A A 75 0 IMPORTANT As , different lines and groups become depleted during, the selling, the few remaining garments are added to the next lower priced groups, thus giving many greater and better bargains than are listed in our ads. Our Entire Stock of Finest SUETS uxuriously Fur Trimmed and Plain Tailored 1 Models In Finest Fabrics (- Suits Formerly Selling Up to $45 . .Smkrt styled Tricotines, Serges and Velours in Navy, Black aim uuici vvauicu tuiuio. $nA75 ar Dresses Formerly Selling Up to $125. .: . . . ; Exclusive models in , the veryV finest : materials ; iOne-of-a-' Kind" models of great beauty . . . ; $69 75 Handsome Dresses Priced Less Than the Cost of the Materials and Making DRESS SECTION SECOND FLOOR Our Entire Stock of FINE FURS Every Garment and v Separate Piece at OFF Our very low prices 'Suits Formerly Selling Up to $65. . . . . . ;i . ... Smartly trimmed and, richly lined, suits of exceptipnally good styles Suits Formerly Selling Up to $85:. :'. ... Tricotines, Suede Velours, Duvetyris and Poiret Twills stunning styles and richly fur-trimmed. . Suits Formerly Selling Up to $125 Styles that are ultra-exclusive, fabrics that are the very finest, lavishly fur-trimmed models. . ...... ... . Hr u $742 An Unequaled Opportunity to Secure a Beautiful Suit ! for Immediate and Early Spring Wear , SUIT SECTION SECOND FLOOR .A: v BLOUSES Up to $7.50 Values. .... ... . . ..... . ..... . . . .:. . t '.' 400 Georgette Blouses, in ever color, style and trimming effect Up to $10 Values.... ....... ... .... ..... . Finest Georgettes and a few Crepe i de Chines' and xao oiiKSt Up to $15 Values. Wonderful tailored Crepe de' Chines,' Tub Silks and loveliest Georgettes.. ... . . $095 $495 $Q95 Hundreds not listed are radically reduced for clearance, BLOUSE SECTION MAIN FLOOR 1,000 FINE ALL WOOL SWEATERS Slip-over models in every color and combination, amaz ing values at this extremely low price ..... MAIN FLOOR , $95 SKIRTS Up to $15 Values. 4t7Q A lnrtro nnmhfr nf fimflH: nlairla in pharminff p.nlnr m combinations Up to $25 Values........... Plain, pleated and plaided Poplins, Serges, checked Velours and others 0 : H'2 95 las 95 Up to $35 Values. sassSSSSMSHaBBBBBBBBMSBBBBSBBBSSSBSSSSSBSSSS Handsome Plaids and Superfine Serges in novelty pleated and plain effects Many others in every wanted style, material and color SKIRT SECTION SECOND FLOOR ; , 1 .1 , 1