. t The Omaha Daily VOL. 50 NO. 167. Eiittrad Seawd-CUi Matter May It, IK. t Omaha P. 0. 0tr Act el Mtnh 3. 1178. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1920. By Mall (I yar. lailda 4U Zona. Oaltt aad Suatfay. M: Dally Only. M: Strntfiy. M Oatiiaa 4th Zaaa (I yaar). Dally ia Sunday, tit: Dally Oaly. $12; Sunday Only. It THREE CENTS Bee I. lb i X -save i-v Ruth Ayer's m f Stvpptnpnrf Kills Self . Francis Alexander, Lover of Hayes Center Girl Who Died . From Illegal Operation, Shot Accidentally. Suicide Was First Report Hayes Center. Neb., Dec. 28. (Special Telegrim.) Francis W. Alexander of Hayes Center, sweet heart of Ruth Ayer, 19, who died 'h August from an illegal operatin iu Omaha, was shot with, a .22 caliber rifle Monday morning at 9, dying an ' hour later. Walter Counce, son of Alexander's brother-in-law, at whose home, the shooting occurred, and who Jwit- , nessed the shooting, said Alexander had planned to go on a hunting trip and was opening the barn, door, carrying the loaded rifle in his hand, when the gun was accidentally dis charged. Alexander fell to the ground, un conscious, and was carried into the house. A doctor who was sum- ' moned stated after an examination that . the bullet had penetrated ths .' youth's abdomen. He died at 10, an hour after the shooting, without regaining con- sciousness. - . ISuicide Theory Denied. ' Frist reports of the affair' stated that the boy had ended his own life' as1 a consequence of grieving over the death of his sweetheart. -He had declared more than once that he ' would rather be dead than hear about the story of the girl's death any more. f ' , The suicide theory, however, is emphatically denied by members of his family. No inquest was held, the coroner who investigated the affair apparent ' ly being satisfied that death was ac cidental. ' Funeral services ( were held at Hayes Center today. , . Young Alexander came to Omaha in August in answer to aUetter written by Ruth Ayer just before her death. He was arrested upon his arrival and charged with being an accessory after the fact of her death, alleged to have resulted from an illegal operation. t . - Stunned by News. He was stunned by the news of ;hjs sweetheart's death, and when jbwn her body at the inquest, stepped back as if struck in the face, crying: : "My, God! Yes" in. answer to County Attorney Shatwell's ques- tion: f s-'th' lr'AyerH':,,:r". youth at once told the au thorities of his relationship with the girl and how, after he had learned of the'r condition, had begged v her to marry him. ; The gir1!, he "declared, refused to marry because she wanted to learn nursing and wanted him to continue collegiate studies, and insisted on having an operation. He then . gave her all the money he couM raise, he 'said, and let her ctonie to Omaha the night of Au gust 2. s Trio Arrested. The next time he saw his sweet heart, she lay cold and dead on a slab in the Omaha morgue. Immediately after the girl's death, Dr. L. S. Fields; Mrs. Minnie Deyo, practical nurse, at whose home the girl is said to have died, and young Alexander - were arrested. The doctor was convicted of man slaughter two weeks ago, and young Alexander was the principal witness for the state at his trial. During his testimony on the witness stand the young man could hardly rontain himself and spoke in such faint whis pers the judge, ordered him to speak up. Kisses Letter. While attorneys for the state and defense wrangled over the admission of the girl's last' letter to her lover into evidence at the trial the youth raised the letter reverently to his lips and kissed it, as his eyes filled with tears. ' ' -r . v - Dr. Fields admitted treating the girl, but denied performing the op eration. He said he merely tried to save her me atter someone eisc naa performed the operation. urse Deyo refused to testily, motion for a new trial for Dr. Fields was to have been heard yes terday afternoon in Judge joss divison of the district court. Sale) of Whisky in Kentucky Widespread, Governor Says , Louisville, Ky., Dec. 28. Gover nor Edwin P. Morrow, addressing a' joint session of the Kentucky Judgea association and the Ken tucky Commonwealth . Attorneys association, declared that the illicit manufacture and sale of whisky in Kentucky h more widespread than ever before.-- It has reached a point, he declared, where its suppression presents one of the most serious problems confrontinf the state. . He asked energetic co-operation in suppressing the traffic, adding that one of its most alarming fea 1 tores was the spread of intemper ance among youths of the state. , -. Two Lava Streams Flow ' From Kilafiea Volcano iHilto. T.'HW Dec, 28. Two lava streams, each a quarter of a mile wide, are flowing from Kilauea vol cano after several weeks of steady rise of the lava pit. according to re ports from the Yolcano observatorv The overflow is through a crack made by eruptions of 1868 about 50u "feet above the main pit. where lava fountains have been playing spec- : tacnlarly for eeks. Illinois It. Cold Dixon, 111., Dec. 28. Ten degrees below zero, the coldest of the win ter, was officially recorded IstS dur ing the night. Hayes Center Youth Who Shot Himself Harding Hears Varying Views On League Issue Ideas of Senator McCumber Of North Dakota and Oscar Straus of New YorkAre" Conflicting. Marion, O., Dec. 28. Conflicting counsel regarding an association of nations was given Presiden-elect Harding today by former supporters of the league of Versailles. Senator Porter J. McCumber of North Dakota, who voted for un reserved ratification of the Versailles treaty, advised the president-elect to put the league aside and try for a new deal all around in his efforts to form an international peace so ciety. 1 n Oscar Straus of New York, a for mer ambassador to Turkey and pro league worker in --the ' treaty fight, took the view that the United States still ' should accept the league in some form and should launch its next move for world peace through that agency. ( Both expressed confidence in Sen ator Harding's policy of seeking to unite tho country behind an inter national program, but neither would express an opinion- regarding the president-elect's specific proposals for a world concert' as he outlined it to them. , ' ' Although he was the leading re publican supporter of . the league thmughbath, ratification, battles in the senate Senator McCumber said he regarded the covenant as defi nitely rejected so far as the United States was concerned and thought an association of nations now could be built tip independently of the league machinery. He suggested that the greater powers be linked by a network of arbitration treaties as the basis of the new society and that a disarmament agreement might be consummated as the next step to ward world peace. As acting chairman of the senate finance ' committee, Mr. McCumber also talked with the president-elect about taxation and tariff proposals. He held out little hope that the pres ent session of congress would ' do' more than pass appropriation bills and a budget measure. ? All Momehce, 111., Is Present at Funeral Of Lieut. Pat O'Brien Momence, 111.. Dec. 28. This lit tle city saw Pat O'Brien again Mon day. For the first time in the his tory of Momence he was quiet. Through sa blinding blizzard, a long procession of automobiles and citizens on foot moved slowly and sadly to the cemetery: They were burying Lieut. Pat O'Brien, aviator hero of the great war, the light hearted boy who ran away from home to seek adventure and found it; who dodged German machine guns, escaped from German prisons and finally took his' own life in a hotel in Los Angeles. At the head of the funeral pro cession marched the Knights Temp lar, the Shriners, and other repre sentatives of the Masonic order. Atyong the dignitaries was Governor-Elect Len Small. Despite his sad ending. Lieutenant Pat will al wjtys be a hero in Momence. Milwaukee Rail Agent Sees Signs' of Business Reviyal G. L. Cobb of New York City, general eastern agent of the Mil waukee railroad, spent Monday in Omaha and brought an optimistic re port as to the .probable revival of business prosperity. Mr. Cobb is a former Nebraskan and made his an nual Christmas vis.it to his mother at Fremont Eastern manufacturers and whole salers are planning to send out more salesmen in January than ever be-, fore, according to railroad reserva tions now being made, Mr. Cobb said. This he accepts as indicative of a business revival. He also de clared that California travel is un usually good. i President Wilson Celebrates His 64th Birthday Quietly Washington, Dec. 28. President Wilson today celebrated his 64th birthday, receiving numerous mes sages of congratulations. Two of the president's daughters, Miss Mar garet Wilson and Mrs. W. G. Mc Adoo, were with him for the oc casion. Tonight Mrs. Wilson and the president's daughters expected to attend the wedding of Miss Mar jorie Brown, cousin of President Wilson's first wife. ' ftllfl Judges In With VlcKelvie ' Violent Verbal Argument Marks Conference of 24 District Judges With Gov- , eruor On Paroles. Wl Ask Change in Law Violent verbal clashes between four judges of the district court of Douglas county on one side and Governor, McKclvie and H. H. An tics, secretary-of the State uoard of Public Welfare on the other, marked a banquet and conference called by the, governor in Lincoln Monday night. Governor McKelvie, after hearing the heated lemarks oi district Judges against the evils of sentencing men for crime, only to see them turned out of the penitentiary by state of ficials, announced that he will rec ommend to the next legislature the amendment of the indeterminate sen tence law. 24 Judges Present i With the law amended judges will impose whatever sentence, within certain limits, they believe fits each case and will proceed to "put the fear of the law back into the hearts1 of criminals and check the present wave of crime." They also hope to have the present parole law amended. District Judges Troup, Sears, Goss and Day were present. Twenty other district judges from all over the state were there.' The word battles started over the indeterminate sentence and the pa role activities of the state. . - Given Hope. The district judges declared that the efforts of their courts, juries and prosecuting attorneys in securing convictions of criminals were being persistently interfered with by the activities of the state officials in paroling convicts. Mr. Antics said that all convicts worked on road gangs were men to whom hopes of paroles had been held out. "And was Ben Marshall on one of these gangs?" asked Judge Sears. Marshall is a negro sentenced 12 years ago to 30 years imprisonment for two assaults on Omaha women. His impending parole was stopped by public protest a few weeks ago. "He was," said Mr. Antles. j Nothing to Say. "And had you seriousJy intended to parole that man in the face of two letters I wrote you about his case and in the face of his crime and conviction?" demanded Judge . ''Yeweladlaid irrV Antles.: j .. "If that is tbe condition of, things in this department of our govern ment, I have nothing more to say. It would; be. useless," said Judge Sears. , ' ' '.'-: Mr. Antles, earlier in the meeting, had - declared that the only thing the - parole board considered in paroling a. prisoner was the possi bility of reformation. Punishment Must Follow. The judges declared that the in dividual's past record should govern "his parole. They declared that the laxity of penitentiary sentence en forcement has come to be a scandal. "The time has come," declared Judge Troup, "when an adequate punishment must follow conviction of a crime. ,The building of a wall of sentimentality and unwarranted pity around every convict must stop if nve are to check csime and make society safe. . . "Why, ft has come to a pass where criminals laugh at us. They be lieve that even a heavy sentence means only a few months in the penitentiary. All they need to do is stay on their good behavior for a short time and appeal to the sym pathies of officers and ., make promises. There is too much nambypamby iu the carrying out of sentences duly imposed after fair trials" . Missing Balloon Said to Have Landed Near Lake Ottawa. Dec. 28. The missing United States 'navy balloon A-5598, with three naval officers aboard, which' floated away from Rookaway naval air station. New York. De cember 13,.' and was swallowed by the mists of the northland after be ing last sighted at Wells, N. Y., is believed to have descended near LakeTemiskaming, 200 miles north west of here, i ' Sir Rupert Stupart, director of the Dominion meteorological bureau at Toronto, reported today, that a care ful analysis of winds and other at mospheric conditions obtaining dur ing the flight made it nearly a cer tainty that the gas bag had been carried into the Temiskaming re gion. Lake Temiskaming is an elongated body of water forming part of the Quebec-Ontario line at the head waters of the Ottawa river. Massachusetts Coal Men Ordered to Adjust Prices Boston, Dec. 28. Massachusetts coal dealers were told to come down from the high price perch of re cent months in a communication from- Fuel Administrator Eugene C. Hultman. Asserting thaf the price of anthracite coal in many commu nities was excessive, the adminis trators said there was no justifica tion for continuance of high prices and he requested a (prompt read jtistment Author Is Bankrupt New York, Dec. 28. Eugene Walter, author and dramatist, filed voluntary bankruptcy proceedings, placing his liabilities at $7,49 and as sts at $100. Among the creditors named arc David Belasco, producer, $500 for money loaned, and the Friars club, $388 for dues and house account. Women Would Sprinkle Streets With Liquor Seized in "Dry' Raids Albuquerque, N. M., Dec 28. Five hundred gallons of liquor seized in raids in New Mexico will be used to sprinkle streets in Al buquerque, if a celebration being planned by the state W. C, T. U. for January 16, is carried out. A delegation of women asked Capt. R. E. Perkins, prohibition en forcement officer, for permission to use the liquor in this manner. They j plan to put the liquor into a sprink- i ling wagon and spread it over six blocks. The day will be "Carrie Nation Day." Captain Perkins has not yet announced his decision. Italian Troops Occupy Fiume, Is Word of Premier Report of Wounding of D'An nunzio Confirmed Leader Struck On Head at Head quarters by Shell. London, Dec. 28.-There is reason to believe Fiume is occupied by regu lar troops, Premier Giolitti of Italy declared at a press conference at Rome last night, says a Central News dispatcVi from that city. . Triest, Dec28. (By The Asso ciated Press.) News confirming re ports that Gabriele d.Annunzio, the Italian insurgent leader at Fiume, had been wounded in the recent fighting between his legionaires and General CavipHa's regular troops, was received here today. No details were given, however. . Later advices said that d'Annunzio was struck in the head by a piece of shell while conversing in the palace, but that the wound was slight. Paris, Dec. 28. Newspaper reports received here declared that the wound suffered by Capt. ; Gabriele d'Annunzio at Fiume was caused by a fragment of shell which fell on the palace where d'Annunzio has his headquarters. A Rome dispatch states that Premier Giolitti told a delegation from Parliament that Italy was forced to hasten its action against d'Annunzio to avert an at tack upon Fiume by Jugo-Slavia. Ancona, Italy, Dec. 28. Italian troops attempting to dislodge legion naries at Zara were hindered in their work by women of that city, accord ing to statements made by soldiers who have arrived here. As the troops advanced toward the barracks where the legionaires were stationed, many women formed in line in front of them, screaming: "Kill us first, and then you can exterminate the volunteers." A few hours later the legionaires surrendered, and were brought to this city asrisjjmers. " Rome, Dec 28. The mayor of Fiume has asked General Caviglia, commander of the regular Italian forces, for a suspension of hostilities, says a Fiume dispatch today. Gen eral Caviglia stipulated two condi tions, one of which already has been accepted. It is expected that in an interview arranged for today be tween the mayor and General Fef rario, commander of the blockading force, the terms of capitulation will be agreed upon. Maj. Gen. OmarBundy And Wife to Visit In Central America Maj. Gen. Omar Bundy, comman der of the Seventh army corps, with headquarters at Fort Crook, will de part Friday on a two months' leave of absence. ! General and Mrs. Bundy wlil sail from New York January 4, accom panied by Mr. ana Mrs. Jonathan S. Bryan of Richmond, Va. Theywill visit Jamaica, Colombia and Pan ama and also Central American countries. Mr. Bryan is publisher of the News-Leader of Richmond, Va. and was editor-in-chief of "Trench and Camp" publications is sued during the war. While General Bundy is away, Brig. Gen. Edward Mann Lewis, now in command of the Third division at Camp Pike, Ark., will be in command of the Seventh army corps. Cyclone in Spain Oviedo, Spain, Dec. 28. A cyclone has caused enormous damage in the province of Oviedo. Forty homes were destroyed in the hamlet of Sama de Langreo, and buildings in many min ng settlements of that re gion were - unroofed. V The potato, maize and chestnut crops are said to be destroyed. ' "Uncle Joe" Establishes New , Record for Length of Service Washington. Dec. 28. "Uncle Joe" Cannon, war horse of the house of representatives, today es tablished a new American record W'ith the close of a dull house session he passed the mark for length of service set by Justin Smith Morrill of the Vermont, who as sen ator and representative, served, 43 years, nine months and 24 days. The former speaker will begin tomorrow adding new time to his own record, with the hope of reaching the ripe old age of 100, and 'beating Glad stone's record of S3 years in the British house of commons. "Uncle Joe's" achievement will be celebrated in the house tomorrow with Champ Clark, himself a veteran, who retires March 4, leading the speaking ceremonies. Mr. Cannon also will speak, and many of the older members will ask time for a few remarks. Walking about corridors of the capitol today, chewing his long black cigar, Mr. Cannon told a friend there was no use offering a little advice to younger representa tives, because somebody else was Discordant Notes in the Christmas Spirit I 1 ' 11 imv in ' - ' Plot to Release State Convicts Is Discovered Arkansas National Guard Troops Sent to Prisons Fol lowing Disclosure of 'Plan For Wholesale Escapes. ' . Little Rock, Dec. 28. Reliable re ports of a widespread plot to free convicts in the state penitentiaries were responsible for the mobilization of the Pine Bluff machine gun com pany of the Arkansas national guard, according to a statement by Gover nor Brough. . . According to the (governor, the plot was reported to him by peni tentiary officials and involved plans for the release of Tom Slaughter and FuUon Green, Oklahoma out laws, now serving life sentences for murder. 1 . . ' ' Slaughter and Green are confined at the penitentiary at Little Rock and principal precautions are to be taken there, but It was learned detatch ments of the Pine Bluff company also will be sent to the state farms at Tucker, where white convicts are confined, and to Cummins where negro convicts are imprisoned. The governor's action in calling out the troops, he said, followed a confer ence with penitentiary 'and military authorities, during which the reports of the plot to escape were given. He said it was not known how wide spread the pldt may be. Governor Brough declined to dis cuss the details of the reported plot, but stated that the troop would be kept on duty long enough to prevent the contemplated escape. The gov ernor also declined to say whether the plot includes reports of outside aid to the eonvicts as was the case several days ago when trustees at the penitentiary confessed that a similar plot was on foot to release Slaughter, Green and other convicts. It was learned that the troops stationed at the penitentiary will conduct a thocough search ,of the convicts- and the buildings, for weapons or tools and prohibit visi tors within the wa'Is. Burlington Cuts Force Aurora, 111., Dec. 28. Orders were received here today to lay off 25 per cent of the employes of the Chi cago, Burlington & Quincy railroad shops December 31. About 2,000 men are employed in the shops. always thinking up smart things and attributing them to him. The re mark, charged to Mr. Cannon, that they put spurs o nthe heels of army' officers to keep their feet from slip ping off the deck, was never uttered by him. "But what's the -use?" he asked. Counting his victory in the recent landslide, Mr. Cannon has been elected to congress 23 times. He is now ending the 44th year of service. First elected in 1872, he has just kept coming to congress ever since, with the exception of two bad Novembers, when his people failed to return him. On, May 7, next he will be 85 years old. Few of his friends remember that he was born at Guilford, N. C. He served eight year as speaker, and has been doing committee work so long he has for gotten when he started. "Gladstone served 53 years In the British house of commons and with good election luck, I hope to beat that," the former speaker said. "I have had four years' absence I didn't ask for, and hope to reach the 53, but then you never can ttV. i ; ' (CscTTifM: 1930: My fhe Chicaco Tribune. 1 Mexican Killed In Poker Game McCook Man Charged With Murder by Dying Victim " Is Arrested. . McCook, Neb., Dec. '28. (Special Telegram.) A brutal murder con cluded a poker game last night be tween, three Mexicans employed by the Burlington railroad here. Jdse Sanchez, a roundhouse employe, is dead, and his alleged, murderer, Pete Lopez, a section' hand is in the coun ty jail. Manuel Sanchez, connected with the affair, is still at liberty, although his arrest is expected at any time.' Sanchez died within two hours of the shooting through the abdomen, but charged Lopez with the crime before his death. Lopez spent last night in a hay stack south of McCook, but was ar rested this afternon within a mile of Cedar Bluffs, Kan., by Sheriff Mc Clam and City Marshal Traphagan and is now confined in the steel cell in the county jail. Lopez bears an unenviable record for cruelty and it is charged that he formerly mur dered a white man, and a year ago roasted an aged man and woman over a hot stove in an effort to ex tort money from them. The murder is said to have re sulted over the refusal , of Sanchez to loan Lopez some money. Court Holds Pardons y' Of Villistas Legal - Santa Fe, N. M., Dec. 28. Par dons granted by Governor A. O. Larrazolo to 16 Villistas serving terms in the state penitentiary for their participation in a raid on Columbus, N. M., are valid, the state supreme court ruled, but it like wise upheld the action of Luna coun ty officials in rearresting the men before they had been actually re leased from prison. The Mexicans will be kept at the state prison pending trial on new charges of murder . in connection with the raid. The supreme court's decision was handed down a.s a result of habeas corpus proceedings brought to com pel the prison officials to release the Mexicans in accordance with the governor's pardons. Parties fight ing the release of the men argued that the governor exceeded his authority in pardoning the men with out the recommendation of the state prison commissioners. The court held that the governor's con stitutional pardoning power was absolute and could not be restricted by any legislative act. Phi Gamma belta Opens 72d Session at Kansas City Kansas City, Mo.,1 Dec. 28. The 72d annual ekklesia of the Thi Gam ma Delta, a national college frater nity, with 'a membership of about 20,000. opened here today. Glen Mil ler of Salt Lake City is president Among prominent members-of the organization are Vice President-elect Calvin Coolidge, Vice President Mar shall, Secretary of .War Baker, Post master General Burleson and Charles P. Steinmetz, the scientist. . Illinois Farmers Urge Substantial Wool Tariff Chicago, Dec. 28, -The Illinois Agricultural association sent a tele gram to the American Farmers Bureau federation headuarters at Washington, urging support for a substantial tariff on wool, declaring that such a tariff would be necessary to preserve the sheep industry of the United tSates. "A substantial tariff would not increase the price of all-wool suits by more than $1.50, the telegram said. i Statements of Houston Scored By Legion Head Commander Says Testimony! Before Senate Finance Com mittee on Proposed Soldier Bonus Is Misleading. Wa'sington, Dec. , 28. Testimony by Secretary Houston of the treas ury1 Defdre the senate finance commit tee yesterday, placing the cost of carrying out the pending adjusted compensation or soldier bonus bill at $2,300,000,000, was characterized by F. W. Galbraith, national com mander of the American Legion as a, "cuttle-fish skirmish to muddy the waters $o that the principle involved can be clouded in a lot of figures that mean nothing." Mr. Galbraith estimated the maxi mum amount the bonus bill would cost the government at $1,878,800, 000. " "Secretary Houston's whole pre sentation of the matter," said the legion commander, "was misleading and designed to frighten the coun try into a repudiation of its obliga tion to ex-service men. The gen eral impression was conveyed by his testimony that the passage of the adjusted compensation .bill would entail the immediate aupjopriation of billions of dollars by the government and seriously cripple the financial con dition of the treasury. The facts are that appropriations necessary to carry out all features on the bill ex cept that of ' cash compensation would be negligible for this year and for several years to come and that appropriations for cash compensa tion are not asked until July, 1921, and are to be spread over two years." Utah Mining Property Damaged by Snowslide Salt Lake City, Dec. 28. A snow slide four miles in length carrying thousands of tons of earth and debris from the mountainside, dam aged the properties of the Utah Michigan, the South Heda and the Alta Consolidated Mining compa nies in Little Cottonwood canyon Sunday, according to Teports reach ing here. A boarding house in the path of the slide escaped demolition, the snow sliding off the roof. No body was injured. The damage to the mining properties is estimated at several thousand dollars. The slide js said to have been one of the most severe in Utah. ' i : Countess Markievicz Is Sentenced to 2 Years In Pen Dublin. Dec. 28. Countess Geor gina Markieviczi who was tried by a court-martial on a charge of con spiracy to organize a seditious so ciety, was today sentenced to two years at hard labor in prison. The specific allegation against her was that between1 January 1918, and September, 1920. she had plotted to organize a "Fianna Eireann," or Sinn Fein boy scouts society. This or ganization has been charged with the conspiracy to murder military police and with unlawful drilling. The Weather Forecast. Fair and warmer Wednesday. Hourly Temperature. 5 a. m. 6 a. m. 7 a, m. a. m. ID a. m. a. m. ... S 1 p. m. ., ?3 ... 4 S p. m. 27 ...5 I p. m HO ... 1 4 p. til it ,...11 p. m. 31 ...10 5 p. ni tt ...11 1 p. m. ........ .SI ...SI p. m. 3! 11 13 , Shipper' Bolletln. Protect ililpmsnlt durtnv the next 14 to S hour (rom temperature a follow: North and xt, IK degree above: touth. IS dfrcc.i; weat, 20 drirsea Agreement" ' With Japan Probable Movement Under Way to Ef fect Compromise on Immi gration and Land Owner- j ship Controversy. r Both to Concede Points By ARTHUR SEARS HENNING. Chicago Trlnhnnr-Omalia Bee leased Wlrev Washington, Dec. 28. A move ment of influential sponsorship is under way to effect a compromise of the immigration and land owner ship controversy with Japan on this basis: ' ' 1. Extension by California of Its recently enacted land holding law so as to prohibit the acquirement '; of title to real estate by all alienes instead of aliens ineligible to citf zenshio.. 2. A revised "gentlemen's agree ment" under which Japan would ' prevent the immigration to conti nental United States and the Hawa iian islands, of all Japanese. If this proposition meets with a favorable reception by the people of aCh'for nia, the legislature of that state at its forthcoming session will h al. ,cd to amend the act adopted by ini- iiauve at tne November election so as to apply the land holding prohibi tion to all aliens. The Japanese government has indicated that it will he urillincr Ia settle, the controversy on the basis prohibited. 1 i Concessions on Both Sides, Such a settlement wnulri sent concessions by both parties to me dispute, japan would yield, cm , the exclusion from America of farmers and the. relative nf In nese already here, which classea , were exemptd from th terms of the existing gentlemen's agreement. Cal ifornia would viclrl (in -th evrlitcinn of all aliens from land holding pri- vneges. . From the beginning of the land ownership row in 1913, Japan has contended that the California law was a discrimination against race, inasmuch as the statue prohibite land holding, not by all aliens, but by only those aliens ineligible to American citizenship. Under the American law, only a white or black person is eligible to naturalization. Tokio indicated that ground for ob jection would be removed if the prohibition applied to all aliens, as it does in the land holding laws of Illinois, Washington and some other states and the District of Columbia, and in Australia and New Zealand. - Calif orni Suods Patt--- - California however, was unwilling in 1913, and has continued unwilling ly, to prohibit all , aliens from ac quiring land. The state was un willing to, exclude the investment of all foreign capital in the. develop ment of its resources. The'extent to which European capital has been poured into the state is indicated by the fact that 30 per cent of the oil . lands of California are British owned. ' Of late, however, a change of view on this question has been noted. Some of the most active of the anti Japanese leaders in California have come out for the exclusion of all aliens from land ownership. It was as a result of this change of attitude that the members of the California delegation in congress met a few days ago and discussed the proposal that they sponsor a movement for action bv the state legislature, exoandinir th land hold ing discrimination 'to apply to all foreigners. In this conference the argument was made that California (Turn to Pago Two, Colnmn Fogr.) John Evans, Prominent, Veteran of Civil War, J Dies at North Platte North Platte. Neb.. Dec 28. (Special Telegram.) John E. Evans, civil war veteran, died nere Nyester day. He was born in Wisconsin, November 7. 1847. Mr. Evans served throughout the civil war as a member of the first Wisconsin cav alry, the regiment which brought' about the capture of Jefferson Davis. He was a member of the Grand -Army of the Republic, Odd Fellow, and Elks. x He had held the public offices of postmasteh, county clerk, clerk of the district court, county judge. Deputy secretary of state, member of the legislature and registrar of the United States land office. Mr. Evans spent considerable time in Utah, Montana, Idaho and Oregon prospecting, minin gand ranchig, following the war. In 1871 he settled in North Platte, where he has lived for SO years. He was married to Marion H. Hall in 1881. His wife survives him. They have one son, Everett H. Evans. Negro Sentenced to Death For Murder of Sheriff Madisonville, Ky., Dec 28. Lee Ellison, a negro, was found guilty of murdering Sheriff R. Scott Hunter of Hopkins county, on November 5, and sentenced to death in the electric chair on January 31. The Ellison trial opened this morning and the veridct was returned late this afternoon. Ellison was arrested in Hannibal, Mo., two weeks ago alter a search that extended over a half dozen states. He yms returned to Ken tucky and lodged in the Jefferson county jail at Louisville for safe keeping. Cuban Steamer Seized Hamburg, Germany, Dec. 28. The Cuban steamer Maximo Gomez, which arrived here from Galveston, Tex., December 17, has been seized by the authorities as a consequence of a dispute regarding payment of the port charges i