Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1920, Page 7, Image 7
, f . v 1 THE BEEt OMAHA, TUESQAY, DECEMBER 28, ' 1920. . V 1 ,-the Jki ' Up'io - IT Predict Banner Sport in State i Cornhuskers, Conference and High School Preparing for C Busy Season Annual Tourney in March.' 6askct ball, king of the indoor S)Krts among the colleges aud uni versities during the winter months, will start his rcigu over the realm of sportdom next month in real fashion. Frgrn all indications, basket lall will have a banner season in l')21, just the same as foot ball and other branches of sport witnessed in 1920. - ' With the holiday vacation period drawing to a close, coaches through out Nebraska are planning stiff vorkwuts from their basketeers and before the new year is many days old the majority of earns will be selected to represent their respec tive schools.- ' , ! Huskers Play Illinois Jan. 1. Tne University of Nebraska has the jump on niost of the state schools. The Huskers play their first game New Year's' night. The Creighton cdach has his squad well in ' hand audi when school takes up ext month I the Blue and White sers will continue practicing for i first garde of the season sched uled with Yankton, January 7. v IJie high schools throughout thg state are ready to start the cage sea non, an d several schools have played games. Couimerce, South Hifh, Central and Creighton Highs wiH got down to real work next month and taking high schocl basket ball in Nebraska as a whole", interesting , and hard-fought games are predicted J before the . season , closes, and es Tccially nCCthe .state tournament in Lincoln during March. great season for basket ball among i the Nebraska conference .hools is predicted in 1921. With eleven teams entered in the confer ence race and each , school repre sented b experienced players, com fjotition for the title is expected to Mic close throughout 'he schedule. Maroons in Conference. , Coach Ernie Adams has- entered a team in the conference scramble and no doubt the Maroons will giv the othr-squads a hard, fight for the lienors, asthe local quintet .will be composed of nearly all last year's cagers. The Omaha fcasl&t, flippers, plowed though ' the 192Q; season nit!iit a defeat and as a result of their clean slats, 'elaim, -the confer 'rnce championship. . . ., . ... 1 The following institutions will enter teams In the race this winter: Nebraska Wesleyan university, Hastings college, Doane college, Grand jlslan college,' I Wayne , nor-jd-ma!, Zotnef : "university, Peru nor- i-- Trial TTnivirifv nf. Omatia f!fUan college, Kearney normal and Yoik coiiege. -i Reports from the different schools it point to a season; of interesting basket ball. Majority of the insti ' ' tutions have larger squads than last 1 year aud the coaches are confident of putting out well-balanced ma ( chines 'this witer. The cage sche ' lules of the different schools calls " or games with members of state .. conference as weir as contests with representativ out-of-th-staje teams. - Creston Wrestlers Out To Meet All Grapplers , Creston, la., Dec. 27. (Special. lc 1 Ed Bules, welterweight, and Earl - V Conrad, bantamweight, wrestlers, are anxious to melt any grapplers in the country weighing from 115 to 160 pounds. The wrestlers are man- aged by W. Conrad, who expects to tour the state with his proteges next month meeting alt comers. For n . matches with .the Creston mat artists write W. Conrad,s612North Cherry street Creston, la. Omaha Church Quintet v . Defeats Woodbine Legion ,The Grace Lutheran basket ball team defeated the American Legion . V, team of Woodbine, la., Saturday , night on the latter's floor by a score of 29 to 21. Walker of, the Grace Lutheran, team matte 17 points. The feature of the gamewas the guard ing of Speccard. Hedberg also played a good game, shooting three baskets from the center-of the floor Head of U .S. IIockeLeague To Probe Rough Tactic Game Pittsburgh, Dec. 27. William S. Haddock, president of the United States Amateur Hockey Jeague, an nounced today that he will' investi gate reports of rough and unseemly playing in the game here last Tues day evening between the Granites of ' the Ontario Hockey,association arid the Pittsburgh club Of the Unitefl States Amateur Hockey league. 'Gillis and Partjuette. ' To Wrestle Wednesday Storm Lake, la., Dec. 27,KSpe cil.) Roy Gillis of Sioux City, wrestling cop, and Eugene Par quette ot-Des Moines, will meet here x in a finish match Wednesday night, "December 29. Both men weigh 175 pounds and are considered among the best grapplers in tne nawiceye state, , - - Dodd's Team Leading , Race in Volley Ball Loop Everetil Podd's team went into ' first place in the Business Men's Noon Volley Ball league at fV Y. Mi C A., by defeating Charles ' Boice team two straight games, 15-8 and 1511. 'Boicce team Is now tied lor 'second place with Long team and Stine's team in fourth. HIGHSCmL BASIvETBALL V MowelIf, IS; North Bend. 1. ,v ' Vorth Bend, Neb.. !?. 57. (Speeint. ' The Howell High liool ba.vkrt ban team defeated the Nortti Ben a quintet her By score er z to iw. la a ara; Oate News dn& GossM-h He Has Some Stride.1 1 I . Ok- lJ: , 2 J Think of striding a mile in six minutes and 35 Seconds and at each stride clearing 41 inches. That's just what Joe Pearman",New York A. C. holder" of three national titles,' did in winning the one-mile national walking championship raca- Pearman ''finished second, in the 10,000 meters race at the Olympic games,, ajid is holder of tlte one, two and sev- . en-mile national titles. This picture clearjy illustrates Pearman's'-tre-; meridous stride and his'perfect walking position. He is one of five men in the United States at present who can walk.a mile in less than seven.. minutes. . ; T POTTOSTHE NEXT CN& OVER" ' .' TheCabinut. Our net President Harding has opened up'an employment agency, iorjrcabihethelp. . . .." He has already fired 11 full cab liietstefore he has hired 'em. Which indicates a hasty Ohio disposition. Even ' Woody V didn't can7 anybody until he" Ifes been president for- al most five minutes.. V , , - The last bird mentioned for War ren's cabinet is Bill Bryan. ..Very correct. He ' should"TJe-- the ast cuckoo mentioned. , Charles, E. Hughes.Uhe only gent with two full sets of whiskers on one chin, also has been subpoenaed by gossip for the job. Mr. Hughes was once the owner of a cabinet himself for 24 hours. He went to sleep president, but made the . fatal mistake of waking up. There 4re 10 jobs pen in the cabinut. There is theSecretery of Foreign Entanglements, Secretary of Labor Strikes, Cec. of Army Graft Contracts, -Sec. of Bootlegging, Sec. of War laxes, the Postmusser-Gen-eral and a couple of other secre taries, v,.- ' ' Each vacancy pays 12,000 checks a year, but thejack is almost chewed up by the tax on amusements. The job isn't life imprisonment but 6nly for the duration of feeble behavior. Soon as a cabinet member con tracts symptoms of tljinking in habit forming quantities, he. is amputated from his portfolio and- receives a souvenir postcard with a picture of Union station on it. ' The Pennsylvania runs very pop ular three-day excursions to Wash ington, patronized by school teach ers in sdmmer and cabinefmem bers in winter. He lives to an unripe old ge and Will Decide Champs t Of T Hand Ball The "Y" hand ball committee is planning an elimination 'singles' tournament for the afternoon play ers and also one tor the. evening players. When the champions ' of these two divisions have been de cided, the w1nners""will be matched to play a series of contests with Ed Lawler, present champion of the noon section. Nk In the finals for the consolation tourney, Avery defeated Haven two out of three games, 21-13, 15-21 and 21-10. , t Ice Hofekey Teams in Compete Soon ' This winter is going to be the greatest ever for ice skating ii gen-i erai ana ice hockey in particular. , Hockey for the first time is being governed by a? organization that is not tied up with speed and fancv' skating. TBere has been, a lot of con tention in recent years about the hockey interests dominating skatT i$g to the ejtclusion of speed and fancy skating and vice versa. All that is now done away, with. The hockey players now have, their own association and the speed and fanCy skaters will have their wants at tended to by the International Skat itg Union. " There are 12 clubs in the asso ciation- at this time and these clubs have been placed in three groups as toiiows:' Group 1 Boston A. A., St. Al- honsus of Boston, Philadelphia and XT.,.. V 1. Group Pittsburgh. Cleveland. Cleveland, St. Paul and Duluth.- I Group 3 Houghton, Caltiment.pStevens, New' York university and! ault bte, Mancand Eleveth. Minn. X J dies having achieved every Ameri can's ambition of- leaving a thumb print on a high silk hat. Just when a cabinet member gets expert enough to be seated com fortably on the lumpy tail j of his full dress uniform, he picks up a flashlight picture of the cabinet and discovers he ain't in it. ''Then he knows that he has resigned after mature deliberation. ,A ' ' ,He prepares a newspaper state ment in which he' states that he is, sorry to leave the country flat, on its' national debt, but must resign, be cause he and the president were un able' to decide whether a veto was a habit or a laundry mark. 1 He. goes back home and picks up the scattered threads of his life, sells the riparian rights to his book on four minutes in Washington, and joins post No. 6745 of Veterans of The Cabinet. .- ' Association College V Quintet Cancels Game , With Bowen "Bones"! x . j ' I The .basket ball game scheduled between the Bowen Furniture com pany of the Greater 'imaha league and the Association 'College quintet of Chicago at the local "Y" 'for Thursday evening, has been 5 can celed, according to N. J. Weston, physical director of the "Y." . The Association College team w'as unable to arrange jtheir, schedu so as to arrive in Omaha 1 in." time for Thursday night's contest. Accord ing to present "conditions at the "Y" it will be impossible to arrange an other game with the ChicagoanS. Wants Out-of-Town Games "Monty? Montague, manager bf the Grace Lutheran basket ball quin tet, wants to arrange out-of-town games for his basket ball tossers. For contests with the Church league team write Montague, 70 . .South Thirtieth street, Omaha. Casey to Coach Mount Union. Alliance, O., Dec 27. Eddie Casey, captain of the 1919 Harvard foot ball team, today signed to coach the "Mount Union 'college foot ball squad for the next three years. He coached Mount Urun this season. Country tq . for Championship a schedule 6f ganles, then the win ning team in each grouo will olav each other to decide tWe, champion ship of .the United States. The win- j"her of the United States 'champion- snip will play the Canadian cham pion for the championship of North America and the winner of this matct wilL play the winner of the International championship in Stock holm, Sweden, for the championship of the worltf, V The colleges 'aje nre interested in hockey this year. Columbia is back with a team tfter a iap?e of six years. Rutgers will also, have a team, a skatinpi pool having been made on Nielson, Field. Harvard, Yale and Princeton will have teams but not in the intercollegiate league. These teams play with seven men while the league rules call for six players. Permsvlvania. Dartmouth. Cornel! and Fordham will make nh the league, ; Hamilton- St... Pauls. West. Point are other eastern insti- Will Organize V Association to overn Boxins Delegates Appointedby Gov kernors of 1S( States "' Will Meet in New York Next Month. New York, Dec. 27. Formation of a national body to govern and control professional, boxing will e undertaken here ixt month. Dele gates appointed by the governors of 18 states will convene at the headquarters1 of the International Sporting club oir January 10, 11 and 12. During thtf three-day confer ence the foundation for a national organization will be laid -and rules and regulations for the standardi zation of boxing throughout the United States established. The qew association,, which will absorb the army, navy and civilian board of boxing control, will be formed by carefully selected and of ficially, appointed : delegates from New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts,' Maryland, New Jer sey, Connecticut, Colorado, Wis consin, Montana Minnesota, Ore gon, West Virginia, Louisiana, Washington, Florida, Tennessee and Oklahoma. t i This group represents almost all cf the states where boxing is legal ized. Boxing is permitted, in sev eral other states under what may e termed local, option, but those which will be -represented . by om cially appointed delegates will be the ones to take the initial steps in the formation of the new national governing body. t K ' A man of national reputation and an outstanding figure in sport prob ably will be selected for president of the body. Tex O'Rourke, pres ent matchmaker for , the Interna tional Sporting" club. wil be secre tary. It is expect the formation of a national governing body for boxing will lift the sport to a high and permanent plane and good fa vor 'with the newly-elected govern ors of such states as do not now have a boxing law or who are in clined to frown upqn the sport due to -unsatisfactory conditions which surround the game at this time. De Oro Issues Challenge, i Publicly to Willie Hoppe New York, ' Dec. ' 27. Alfred De Oro,' former '' champion at three cushion, and pocket billiards, has is sued a public challenge to Willie Hoppe, the balk line titleholder, to ADVERTISEMENT. MRS. CLARA MARKLEY of Kansas City, Mo.r who says from the. way Tanlac has brought back her health and strength after five years' suffering it seems like it was made especially for her &se. ' ' . ' "'' , " "I don't know what I would have done without Tanlac, for when I be gan taking this grand medicine I felt so weak, tired and worn out I -was hardly able to do my housework and look after the children. ' I suffered for five years with the worse kind of stomach trouble and nervous indiges tion and only weighed 110 pounds. "I had to appetite and nothing I would eat seemed to agree with me. My-food always seemed to sour on my stomach, and I suffered nearly all of -the time with terrible head aches and severe pains across my back. Iik fact, I just had to drag myself around. "I doctored and doctored and tookl all kinds of medicine, Tbut iust kept getting worse oil of the time. Fi nally I got so bad off I had to lief, as I could get no rest or sleep at night. " , ,"I had seery so many ads in the papers about Tanlac that I got a bot tle to try. I hadonly taken a bottle or two until I could notice tht I was gaining back my strength. I kept on taking it and got so I could eat and digest Anything I wanted to eat. It not only gave me art appetiterbut I got so I could sleep good at night and felt rested and refreshed when I got up in the morning. "It looked like Tanlac was made speciattfor my case. I have gained twelve pounds in flesh ajid am able to do all my washing and 6tand it just fine, and an) in better general health than I haYe been for five vears. never intend td be without Tan lac in the house as long as it is pos sible to get it, as I consider it the best medicine I have ever taken." , " The above statement was made by ml Clara Markley, No. 819 S. Sixth street, Kansas City, Mo., ' a well known and highly-respected resident of that city. - Tanlac is sold in Omaha at all Shermafci & McConnell Drug Com pany's stores, - Harvard Pharmacy and West , End Pharmacy. Also in South Omaha 'and Benson Phar macy, Benson; George Siert, Flor ence, Nef).; Saratoga 'Pharmacy, 24th and Ames, North Omaha, Neb., and the lqading druggist in each city and town throughout the state of Ne r f ' 111 meet him in a three-cushion match. The Cuban : player announced that Hoppe can have the privilege of naming the number of points to be played and the date for the match. Dick Burnis Soli To Columbus Team X Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 27,. Dick Burrus, first baseman recruite'd by the Philadelphia American league club from Columbia, S. C.r two years ago, has been sold outright to the Columbus club of the American. as sociation, it was announced today by Manager Mack. lie added that it was a straight cash transaction no tther players figuring in the deal. Hee Wan Ads Are Best Business Getrers.'. - . - ' ' 1 , ' v V 'Di JOHN A. SWANSON, Pres. JjggJfeJciflfl ' ' !Wl IIOLZMAN, Tku ' :-r-Lm y ; aed ttae WvSthi ' - r no t a , hi- : : Is CDmi . , ; IN FULIL BLAST ' ; " PLEAN HOUSE, Glean House as We have V never Cleaned House before," Says the "I Wil, Man and suits the 'action to thefworSs by throwing upon themarket unprecedented stocks, of the finest ot finlothellt's like old -times toee the enormous crowds, sq ..forget loss, cot or value, makefthis event the .rnost tonlshing clothing sale in tjie 'lwiir Man V history." ' ' . ' . ; ; Crowds SMffis'.juid ' -' by' " . The cream of House of Kuppenneuner, bocaety Brand, Hickey-Freeman, Fashion Park, Campus Togs, Langham High and many other famous quality lines of Suits and Overcoats. $25.00 Suits and " Overcoats v Half Price " $45.00 Suits and Overcoats Half Price $75.00 Suits and Overtfoats f Half Price r - Special Notice During this sale the following rules trill apply i . , POSITIVELY NO C. O. D's. S HO EXCHANGES. ALL SALES FINAU Not more than two Suits or twOver coats to one customer. ' ' None sold to dealers. n Partial payment of one-third will be , accepted, and purchase held for-ten days only. ' Deliveries by regular auo routes only. " - ' No Special Deliveries, j No Exceptions to These Roles. - " A SMALL CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS. v SEE THE "I WILL" , MAN'S- WINDOWS TODAY. I Pgris U. S. Tennis Team Name for Cup Play Tilden and Johnston' Selected " as Davis Trophy Players. By JACK MYERS. New York Tlmew-Chlcago Tribune! Cable. Copyright, l".i. . Auckland, N.- Z. Dec. . 27. The Davis cup American and -Australasian tennis doubles teams have been selected. For ' America William Tildsa, II, of Philadelph:a and William M. Johnston of California were chosen and for- Australasia, Norman E. Brookes of Australia, Are Attending America's Original Of Greater -ENTIRE STOCK , v j t . Men's and Young Men We do ndt except fur collar, fur lined or leather lined overcoats it's clean house sale of gigantic proportions, never before known in the history of re tailing men's clothing. - ' -v I Choose, Tuesday v 12? 222 $30.00 guits v and Overcoats Half Price nn .Quito and Overcoats Half Price $80.00, Suits and v Overcoats Half Price COM l li "l M'i'AI!! former British champion, and Ger ald L. Patterson, also of Australia, former, world's champion, were picked. The play will begio on December 28. ' The choice of the American team wa fully expected as a result ot the form the two experts lwve shown since their arrival here, wlrile the I choice of their opponents was un certain until the last moment. For a '. time it was believed Brookes could not standthe strum of play in both doubles and singles, but he has been displaying a good bit of his old brilliance in. practice and seems to believe be caihold up his end. . ' ( ' ' Patterson has been . showing er ratic form in his practice 'games, but is confident he wijl overcome this before the challenge round starts. v I Experts here regard the contest Nebraska's OF ?EDaitfS Thousands upon thousands of garments, even all :. blues and blacks, included. (Full Dress Tuxedo Suits and MacMnaws alone , excepted) in this -sale. : . -..' As Follows: .-j tritx $ 1 WOO x $35.00 Suits and Overcoats Half Price $60.00 Suits v and Overcoats .Half Price ( $100.00 Suits and Overcoats Half Price 25k $ Magnificent Fur Collar Overcoats - and Fur Lined Overcoats All $110.00 to $300.00 Sff TSS. most distinguished imported silk lined French lontesnacs to luxurious fur lined, leather lined, fur collar overcoats. Em phatically the finest overcoats in ihe world go at ' HAKE -PRICE t,'H ""3 vr 'n"l as an open on. The " wagering, odds, however, favor the Ameri cans. , , . Ira Vail Wins Auto Race At Track at Bakersfieltl Bakersfield, Cal., Dec. 27. Ira Vail, Sunday, won from Roscoe Soarls and Eddie Hcarne what was f i advertised as 'the dirt track auto mobile championship,"- '' when hi made 100 niiles over a ofie-mil track here. -Vai'Vs time was A :28;18 ,V5. The world's record is , lipid by Tommy Milton, who 'covered th-i distance at Phoenix, Ariz., on Oq- ober.10 of this year in 1:24 2-5. Race officials believed that Vail established new records for the 25, 50 Mid 75-mile marks over a mile li.;t track,'1 d T is 25-niilc time was 22:294-5; the 50 miles was made in 45:04 and the 75 miles in 66:57 2-5. ji He 17 30 50 SEE THE'I WILL" MAN'S -WINDOWS TODAY. The, team ijn each goup will play tutions with team braska. - .