Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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ii Graham-Coulter, v
The marriage of Miss Robert
iiltor 'Hanohtrr nf Mr. Alie V.
fnU 3nH A Aril P (IfiluTfl nf
Sioux 'City - took place Monday!
jchurch. Rev. D. E. 'Jenkins
jpfficfated. ' '
The bride'i attendants wereMrs.
Richard Coad, Mrs. Malan Brambo,
Ruth Peterson and . Annie Jenkins.
They wore pink and pale green
tafetta gowns with hats to match.
The bride wore flesh color
georgette. ' '
Herbert -Connell acted as best
frian and the ushers were Richard
Coad, John Barnes and Halsey
Js'oyes. ,, ' . ' .,
Harry Rite, nephew of the bride,
Itarried the ring.
The ceremony wis followed by
ft reception in the church parlors.
The., couple will . spend the re
mainder of the holidays in Sioux C'ty
with A. B. Graham. ; They plan to
jreside in Sioux City. t - .
j For School Set.
' Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Arter, and
Sir. and MfS. J. Conrad enter
tained at ' dinner Monday even
ing at the Athletic club for Miss
Dorothy ArterUnd Miss De Weenta
Conrad. Pink roses formed the
idecorations. . Coveres r were placed
for Margaret and Mary Wattles,
Willow O'Brien, Eleanor Burkley,
Dorothy Balbach. Helen Rogers,
Peggy Reed. Virginia Pixley, -.Emily
Burke, and her guest. Adeline Kent
of Kentfield, Cal. Lieut. Kenneth
iWedemeyer of Columbus, Ga.; MV
lard Rogers, Richard Smith, Myron
Goodrich, James Wyman, ' George
' ftoss, Jasper Hall, Robert Burkley,
'Morton and.VThompson , Wakley,
Charles. Hhondes, George Stocking,
and William atta. following the
dinner the guests will attend .the
,debt party of Miss Sfary Gifford,
" " for Miss Silsbee.
Miss Katherine Reynolds will en
tertaininformally at a bridge party
at her home, Tuesday, in honor of
lier guest, Miss Edna Silsbee of Lin
coln, t. - "' -V '
Miss' Virginia Halpine . will en
tertain Wednesday evening .at her
jbome for Miss. Silsbee. .'
; An informal dancing party will
fce given New Year's night by Miss
Reynolds- for, her ' guest. . . .
Luncheon for Visitors.
Mrs. F L. Devereux will entet
larn at luncheon, Wednesday, at the
Omaha club, for Mrs. G. P. Kincaid
lmdMrs. Dudley Kincaid, both of
JCansas City, who are visiting Mrs.
Paul Gal!:her. Guests will include
Mrs. Arthur S. Rogers, Mrs. Robert
:Forgan of New York, and Mrs.
Barton Millard, ,; ...
r Maurice Hyland spent the week
'end in Lincoln with his parents.
Miss Marion Wyman of Lincoln
Spent the week-end in Omaha. " v
Mrs. Nellis Balis Dailes spent sev
, eral days in Lincoln last week. .
' W. J: Connell and DrJ Karl Con
- aell spent Christmas in Lincoln. ?
H. 'P. Smith of Fargo. N. D is
frisking Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shively.
Miss Mina'Htfbbell spent Christ
mas with Mrs. J. F. Stowe of Lin
coln. A daughter, was born Sunday to
Mr. and Mrs. H. .A. Gumbcrsen at
Stewart hospital. I
Miss Edna Silsbee of Lincoln ar
rived in. Omaha Sunday to visit Miss
Katherine Reynolds.
Mr.and,Mrs. Guy'.L. Smith, spent
Christmas in Lincoln as the' guests
f Mrs. Lauretta E. Smith.
. A s6n, Paul H., was born to Mr.
arid Mrs. Paul Kepler, Thursday, at
Clarkson hospital.
i Miss . Marie Vernon is spending
. the holidays in Little Rock, 'Ark.
Problems That perplex
Answered by
f . ' Not a Straight Story. . ,.
Dear "Miss Fairfax: I am a con
stant reader of the lovelorn column,
so I am coming to you for advice. I
am a young lady 18 years old. Some
- months ago white in a small town
near by I met a young man about
82 years old whom I had never seen
before or do not know his name.
Now, Miss Fairfax, please tell me
how to get acquainted with this man
and also tell me how to find out
where he is living, as I learned to
know he is a. very dear friend of
-mine. And also, Miss Fairfax, do
;you think it would be proper if I
. find his address to send him a
i friendly letter. Please answer in
JThe Omaha Dally Bee soon. I am
- Tour story is not a very straight
I one. You say yfeu'met this man.
h Then why do you not know his
jname, or why can you not ask it of
the one who introduced you ? Evi
dently yod did not meet him ' in
i proper way If at all.' Also you say
you had never seen this mart, before
(and then say that you '.earned he is
f a very dear .friend of yours.. Your
thoughts .are wooly.. '.
Now, my dear, you are young. 'Do
r not start out on your career as a
young lady by seeking promiscuous
acquaintances. Be fine and true and
good and sincere. The men you can
pick up an acquaintance with ' are
. not the mn who will bring you
honor and happiness. Let the man
t seek your friendship and let him do
! it In a respectable and manly way
- if he would succeed in gaining your
Harry H.: There is no rule about
f the young man walking on the right
or left of a girl. , Ho usually takes
the outer side of tae walk.
' Heartbroken: . Some people think
it is fun to quarrel, .lust to have a
j chance to make up. Maybe you are
I one of that klndi -1 never could .see
the pleasure in that sort of diversion.
"There is always a little sting and
. pain Over a quarrel, and if you are in
earnest, and the point was one of
' principle, -I think - the renewed
friendship suffers.' ' Evidently the
young man has ha'd enough of quar-
reilng ana doesn't care to go witn
you . any more. Perhaps he is as
i much to blame as you. At any rate,
$ the experience may teach you more
1' of the value of friendship. Keep
' your friendships unsullied by cross
' words, arguments and angry feel-'-
Xi wr fYoav. Tr-trw r am nfraid vnil
. and I cannot settle all the courts and
legal problems in the country. If we
do what is right ourselves, maybe we
She will return home about Janu
ary, 15. ; , -. -
Dr. and Mrs. A. I.' McKinnon of
Lincoln are planning to come to
Omaha Nevi Year's eve for a holi
day visit, ... - " '
A daughter, Dorothy Doreen, was
born December 25 at St. Josephs
hospital, to , Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
jonas tsenaer ana auss iyaia
Bender t)f Yutan are spending sev
eral days in Omaha with Mr. and
Mrs: WVG. White - ..
. Mr. and Mr. "George DeLacy
spent Christmas in Lincoln with
Mrs. DeLacy's parents, Dr. and
Mrs. A, O. Faulkner, r ,
. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Vorzimer
and son, Adolph, . leave Tuesday
for New York City where they will
make their future home. -
- Miss Ann Howland returned Mon
day from Lincoln,, where ,she spent
Christmas with her brother, W, A.
Ifowland, and, Mrs. HoWland.
A son, Donald Eugene, was born
December 25 at St. Josephs hospital,
to Mr. arfd Mrs. Ross S. Richards.
Mrs., Richards was formerly Miss
Margaret D, Moofe. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dean Ringer and
family spent Christmas in . Lincoln.
Mr. Ringer returned Sunday, the
family remaining for a few .days
with Mrs. Ringer's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. B. Trigg. . V - "
'- m ' i ',.15- t v-
: Miss Anne Maury, who was a vis
itor ft Council Bluffs last tall, has
been 'the guest of her aunt. 'Mrs.
Woodrow; Wilson, at t 'the; White
House for a short time,; leaving last
week in time to spend Christmas
with her father at Roanoke,', Va.
. H.'E. Li P. Club. . . . s
The H. E. L. P. club will give a
(dinner ' party at, the Social Settle
ment house iuesday evening. -
. : t: r ; - ,
III ' ww. cAyyy U mli ( 1 frfr 1 M . f i I II II II; I l I II ill 1- I II Wl . . ' , A ' . J,
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,. t . ' i ...... . . . . - . . ly
Miss Mary Gifford, daughter of
Dr.'f and Mrs. Harold Gifford, was
the third of the season's debutantes.
Her formal bow'-to 1 society was
made Monday evening at-the Fonte-
rielle at a dancing party for members
ot the ypunger set.- " This is the first
debut party which has been given
exclusively for the members of the
young set. About 300 "attended
the dance, which was tollqwea
decorations were used.
In the' receiving line were Dr.
and Mrs. Sanford Gifford and Mr.
., i . .. . i. i. , .ii - - 11 . . . , , ; ....,... - , i I... . . , , 1 -f - ' " ! F 1 -
' -MaaaaaaaaaMaMaaMMaMMaMlaaM
and Mrs. ". Newman Benson. The
other, debutantes assisted.
, Miss Gifford wore a gown of
geranium pink velvet tripimed in
jequins and carried Ophelia roses.
Mrs." Harold ; Gifford wore black
net combined with jet. .
The debutante leaves January 1
for New York City to enter the
Makei a Family Supply
- of Cough Remedy
' Bratlr brtrtr than ready-made
cough yruis, itnd Mm abontU,
If you combined the curative prop
erties of every known "ready-miule'
cough remedy, you probably could
not get as much real eurative power
as there J8 in this simple home-made
cough syrup, which is e.sily prepared
in a few minutes.
Got from any druggist 2 ounce
f Pincx, pour it into a.pint bottle
end till the bottle-with syrup, using
either plain granulated sugar syrup,
clarified molatises, honey, or corn
syrup, as desired. The result is a
lull pint of really better cough syrup
than you could buy ready-made for
three times the money. Tastes pieai
ant and never spoils, -r
This Pinex and Syrup preparation
gets right at the cause of a cough and
gives almost immediate relief, lb
loosens the phlegm, stops the nasty
throat tickle and heals the sore, irri
tated membranes to gently and easily
that it is really astonishing.
A day's use will usually overcome
the ordinary cough and for bronchitis,
croup, hoarseness and bronchial asth
ma, there is nothing better.
" Pinex is a most valuable concen
trated cortlpound of genuine Norway
pine extract, and has .been used for
generations to breaV severe coughs.
To avoid disappointment, ask your
druggist for "2V3 ouns of Pinex"
with. full. directions, and'don't aeaept
anything else. . Guaranteed to give
absolute " satisfaction or money
promptly refunded. The Pinex Co,
Vt Wavne. Ind. W .
... . . j , j-
Training School for Nurses
Roosevelt hospital there.
at the
Miss Louise Brown of St. Louis,
Mo., sister of Mrs. Carol Belden,
is a guest at the Charles Belden
home. Mrs. CaroKBelden's brother,
Charles Brown, will arrive Tuesday.
Cjtind ant
how to give your family the
New Edison they want. Come
in! Investigate oar Budget
Plan. It fits the payments to
your pocketbook.
313 South
Miss Helen Welsh left Sunday to
spend the winter in the .east. She
will visit ler sister, Mrs. Sherman
Edward McNamara in Buffalo, N.
Y.. and will go to Peekskill, N. Y.,
to be the. guest of Captain and Mrs.
Douglas Donald.
LL il
15th Street.
Phone Douglas 2793
iww . unettr Qa.MJ
uwid r ah hah
Commercial Printers-Lithographers Steel Die Embossers
" - : : 2 - a
Kill That Cold With
X FOR ' "'fctfiV1' '"' AND ..' .
Coldi, Coughi OM La Grippe
i ' Neglected Colds ue Dangerous v'
Tk no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first aneaze.
Breaks up a cold in 24 hoars Relieves
Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache
Quinine in this form does 'not affect the head Caseara Is best Tonic
Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ; ,
Jyg I
MT Mmunl
Mir i i ii -HaaaaaM
;nr eg.
Lam llX
can keep out of them.