Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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Few Candidates,
Have Cinches on
; 'Assembly Jobs
Several Aspirants in Sight for
President Pro-tem of Ne
braska Senate and Speaker
Of the House, v
Lincoln, , DcT 27. (Special.)
AVith the session of the. legislature
only a week away, there appears to
be very few candidates for legisla
tive jobs who have a "lead-pipe
cinch" on the offices. ' In the senate
the present secretary, Clyde Barn
ard, appears to have no oppostrloin.
That body will have back 14 of
i the old members who are -so well
ackut'nted .with the work of Mr.
Binard that they are tullyatisfied
thai lie should rema n in office. On
rofr of this there are a half dozen
or mora former members of the
home or the constiiutonal conven
tion who are also well acquainted
with, his .work and have no desire to
i ml&ny change.
. This may also be said of Jerry
-Wilhelm, who represented Postmaster-General
Burleson in she senate
the last session Tind handed out the
mail with efficiency. It is under
stood also that James Howell of
Albion,- who was assistant sergeant-at-arms
of the schate last 'sessiQn,
will probably be retained, as every
one was, satisfied with hs work. Out
side of these three - places, senate
positions are still in doubt.
President Pro-tem.
There are several candidates for
president pro-tem of the senate. The
lieutenant governor by constitutional
provision is the presiding officer of
that body, but a president pro-tem
is elected to take the place .of the
ltcutenant-gcWernor in his absence.
During the last session the lieutenant-governor
told the senate caucus
that the man selected by his associ
ates as the:'r temporary (presiding of
ficer would be called 'to the chair
frequently. This vear it is nrnhahle
al3o that the office will be made one
. Of not onlv hnnni"" hut corvirs I
Th. 9r. -J'Ti-V ' on at tne om 01 ras tatner-in-iaw, m. u fianit, in tsraastiaw, near
oRlh& e$XYk Neb' Nicholson first beat his wife to death with a hammer, cut
WoV V HnTiH u n the threats of his two daughter, and a baby son, and t.:en shot him
fete0 ' si!; Hi2fi :dr?LM o:ng to the basement, ostensibly U tend the furnace.
O'Neill. Spnatnr P H
IJandolph. a-d Senator Charles A.
Saunders of Omaha are the o.d mem
bers who are frequently mentioned
for the place, while R. H. Norval of
Seward appears to have some strong
oacking for. the position. , x
...)' Honor in 02ice.
. That the office of president pro
tem carries with it considerable
honor and service was. shown in the
last session, when the lieutenant
governor was called to be acting
gdve-nor of -the state once in the
regular session and once in the
6pecial sessisn and President Pro
tem B. K. Bushee became presiding
officer of the senate. Later, in the
absence of both Governor McKelvie
and Lieutenant Governor Barrows
from the state at the same time.
Senator Bushee became acting gov
Over in the house there is quite
a contest for the big job of speaker,
the presiding off'ce. Rrenresenta
tives .George C. Snow of Chadron.
James Rodman of Kimball, E. E
Good of Peru, Geo. A. Williams of
Fairmont, A. H Byrum of Bloom
ingtpn, Robert Druesdow of Omaha
and Dan McLeod of Schuvlcr are
mentioned among the possiblities for
that nosition from among the old
rne nbers, while Walter Anderson of
Lincoln is also a candidate;
Candidates for Chief Clerk.
For chief clerk, Will Hitchcock,
clerk of the last session, is again a
candidate, as is Frank P. Corrick of
Linco'n. Hitchcock appears to have
considerable opposition from many
of the o!d members with' whom he
had trouble during the last session
because of certain acts of the chief
clerk, but Hitchcock row says that
he has profited by his experience.
,wr. lornck who is recognized by
larse number as fully competent
hpflliCA ft nrairlnite eorniA in 1on
entitled to recognition because of his
very valuable work in the last two
campaigns, when ,he made good as
manager of the sjeaker' bureau Sfr
the two state committees, appears
to be very srong with toth old and
new members.
-For scr.-;ant-at-arms of the house
there are several candidates, among
them Dr. Bass of Broken Bow and
Henry Allen Brasnerd, former presi
dent of the state press association
1 - . J '.1 . t. . , . . . I
aiiu vui'itci eu Willi me last session
as proof reader. I
' " I
Poor Families Supplied
With Food by Woman's Club :
. T?cuI!?.se " Neb-' ec- 27. (Spe-
ci.ii.) i he wet are committee of the
Tecumseh Woman's club supplied
17 poor families with Christmas
cheer, A big dinner was taken to
each, includirg- Chickens, fresh and
canned vegetables, fruits, cand:es and
nuts. There was also a distribufon
of clothing, beddini? and fuel. The
pco-Me of the commun.ty responded
to the aopeal of the committee for
help until there was san abundance'
of everything needed for each poor
family. Other cluh women of the
city distributed foods to the poefr and
flowers to the shutvns.
Air Mn Taken to Beatrice
On Stock-Selling Charge
Beatrice. Neb.. Dec. 27. (Special)
A. V. Green, who is charged with
selling stock in the Blue Star Avia
tion company without a license, was
brought to Beatrice from Omaha
bv Sheriff Schiek and lodged in jail.
While here a few weeks ago he de
posed of about $1,000 worth of. stock
to business men of Beatrce at $100
a 6hare. He will TiaveVhis hearing
within th n"xt cav or two.
County Aent Will Serve
Farm Bureau Second Year
Tecumseh Neb Dec. 27. (Spe
cial.) The Johnson County Farm
bureau has closed a contract with
County Agricultural Agent J. F.
Purbansh for another year's service
and Miss Edith Place has-been re
tained as his stenographer and of
fice assistant.
Two Judges Take Exams
For, Admission to Practice
Lincoln, Dec 27. (Special.) Two
county judges, J. A. -sO'Keefe of
Gage county and B. B. Webber of
Harlan county, whose terms will ex-
pire with the end of the year, took
state bar examinations for admission
to oracti -
Girls Who Were: Brutally
Killed by Grazed Father
J7 p
I jff I
ne Nicholson, 12, and Madclir.i
cut while sleeping early Fridly morning by the'r father,
Daring Fremont
Holdups Staged
One Victim Secures Shotgun
And Causes Arrest of "
Bandit Suspect.
Fremont, Neb., Dec. 27. (Special
Telegram) Fred Porter, janitor of
the Frahm bu'lding, was held up and
robbed last night by a gunman who
stopped him on Broad street while
many persons were passing on their
return from church. The thief found
pnly $1 on Porter, who had . just
emerged from the basement where
he had fixed the fires for the night.
As he reached the sidewalk a re
volver stared him in the face and a
gruff voice . ordered him to "shell
out." ,
N'cholas Reese, while returning to
his home, was held up and robbed
of h:s watch and a few dollars. The
thief held his hand in is overcoat
pocket and pointed sorneting that ap
peared to be a Sunt Reese made no
objections and emptied, his .pockets.
When the highwayman allowed
him to go he procured a shotgun at
the nearest house and returned for
another engagement. He locate the
suspect and after getting the drop on
him with the gun, searched the man
for arms, but found nothing.' He
threw down his own gun and went
after the man with his fists. After
mauling him he turned the suspect
over to the police.
y He proved to be John Jones, a
laborer known in this citl. We de
nies the holdup. The watch was
found Sunday morning in the snow
Men Convicted of Theft
Of Money From Station
Miller, S. D., Dec. 27. (Special)
Estey Draphal and Irving Arnold
entered pleas of guilty in the state
clrcu't court here to the charge of
stealing a package containing $1,000
from the Northwestern railroad sta
tian at Miller. The money belonged
to a Miller bank, which had turned
it over to the express company for
L. 1 !. r T-t.
ampuicm m uauK ti ivcc xiciK'io
It was left in the station over night
and when the building was opened
the next morning the package had
defendants were sentenced to the
Sioux Falls penitentiary.
Oregon Man Claims He Can
Locate Coal in Nebraska
fcincoln, Dec 27. (Special.) T.
F. McNamara of Granite Puss. Ore.,
Khas written Secretary of State
ivAmsberry to inquire if Nebraska of-
fers a bonus for discovery of coal
mines within us state. Mr. Mc
Namara says that he knows of .a
place where he can locate coal and
will demonstrate that it is all right.
Mrsv Amsberry has written him
that the state will, pay a bonus of
$4,000 for a vein of coal 26 inches
thick and $5,000 for one 36 inches
thick, but it must be close enough
to the surface of the earth to be
mined successfully.
Railroads Reduce Rates v
' For Farmers Convention
Omaha offices of the I Farmers'
union were notified yest-day that
the Western Railroad Passenger as
sociation had granted its application
for a reduced rate to the annual con
vention of the Nebraska Farmers'
union which will be held in Omaha,
January 11 to 14. .
The railroads will allow Nebraska
delegates to the convention a rat
of one and one-half, for the round
trip. ' 1
Grip Containing $700 in
Notes Stolen at Station
Beatrice. Neb., Dec. 27.r-(Spe-ciaL)
A grip belonginjf-to Mrs.
Ida Adamson of this city, containing
about $700 in notes, was stolen from
the Burlington station shortly
after Mrs. Adamson slighted from
a ' train which brought her home
from a trip to Ely, la. Police were
notified and are inevstigating the
- .vi
iilc'.clson. 4, whe
e throats were
arl E. Nichol-
Testimony Denied
In Fields Case
Affidavits " Refute Statement
That Girl Was in Omaha
On August 2.
Affidavits from Hayes Center,
Neb., have been received by Coun
ty Attorney A. V. Shotwell, which
refute an affidavit filed in district
court a week, ago by Mrs C C.
Bort, 4124 Lake street, on behalf
of Dr. L. S. Fields who was found
guilty by a jury in district court 11
days ago of causing the death of
Ruth Ayer, Hayes Center girl, by
performing an illegal operation.
Mrs. Bort swore in her affidavit
that on August 2 a girl giving her
name as Ayers called at her home
stating that she had performed an
operation on herself, and wanted a
One affidavit received by Shotwell
yesterday is from L. W. Enyeart,
postmaster at Hayes Center, by
whom Ruth was employed. .. He
says Ruth worked in the postoffice
until 4 p. m.' August 2 and that he
paid her salary, $60, by a check that
day. He forwarded the canceled
check, showinv that Ruth had cashed
it at Hayes Center August 2.
Fields' mot'on for a new trial will
be heard trnv in d-'str'ct court
Youth Electrocuted
As He Experiments On
HlS New Invention
'Stockton, ;Cal., Dec. 27. Roy
Austin McKeel, 19, was electrocuted
at his home in Lodi, near here, Sun
day, while conducting an experi
ment with an electric welding out
Jit which he had recently perfected
and sold to an electric house. '
McKeel was taking a corre
spondence course in electricity.
While at work his arm dropped
across a wire carrying a high volf
age and standing on a steel plate
laid on wet ground he closed the
circu,t, receiving a shock from which
he' died in a few minutes, accord
ing to Oscar Pope, county coroner.
Woman Accidentally Shot in
Bight Arm and Abdomen
York, Neb.r Dec. 27. (Special
Telegram.) Mrs. Ralph Davidson,
Gresham, Neb., was shot in the right
arm a?d abdomen and is in a critical
condition at the Lutheran, hospital
Clarence Moore, a cousip. was show
ing a smaller boy the mechanism of
a gun, which he thought was not
loaded, and pulled the trigger. Two
shots struck Mrs. Davidson, who wai
in an adjoining room of the house.
Beatrice Youth Charged
With Passing Bad Check
Beatrice, Nb., Dec 27. (Spe
cial.) Ralph Maherry, 12, was ar
rested at Alma, Neb., under in
structions from Sheriff Schiek of
this city on a charge of passing' a
forged check at Brandt & Brow
schensbi's cigar store in this city.
The boy's home is in West Bea
trice and he will be brought back
for a hearing. '
Nebraska Companies Given
Permits for Sale of Stock
Lincoln, Dec. 27. (Special.)
Permits have been granted by the
state buieau of securities for the
issuing of stock as follows.
Elm Ctaek Equity .letting., Elm
Brlnn 'A lneu - Co- Omaha
(took dividend)
Joy-KarnB Co., Hav.lock
Malsolm- Grain Co., Malcolm.
Thieves Steal Beef.
Beatrice, Neb., Dec 27,. (Special)
Thieves entered the home of Guy
Steecc, living near Filley, and stole
half abeef. Mr. and Mrs. Steece
were away from home when the rob
bery occurred.
Lighting Fixtures Granden Elec
tric Co- formerly Burgess-Granden
Legislature of
Nebfaska Faces
Laws Must Be Revised to
Agree With New Constitu-,
tion Change in CodeBill
Thought Likely.
" T.ineoln. Dee. 27. (Sneeial.V
Vith Christmas out of the way, peo
ple are beginning te look next to
New Year and what it will bring.
The thing, which w41 mean most to
the stitj is the coming legislature.
Not for years has a session of the
state governing body faced , such
great problems a it wifl have to
meet during the next four months.
The new constitution, endorsed and
pttt in fofce by. the voters of the
state at the November election, wilt
go into force with the coming ot the
new year and one of the problems
which tne legislature will have to
meet is to change all existing, laws
which may, conflict with the new
documents ? "
May Revise Code Law.
Another problem" may be an at
tempt to change, the existing code
law. It is understood that Gover
nor McKelvie will suggest amend
ments to the law in his message to
the legislature. In the conference
which he has held with the repre
sentatives of different activities of
the state during the past few weeks
he has endeavored to discover 'their
needs and will without doubt be in
fluenced somewhat by thehTTnThis
message to the 4egislature
The. "blue ?ky" law will certainly
meet with some changes if the feel
ing among people on the outside is
taken into considerations-Some peo
ple areinot at all backward in say
ing that they bel;eve the present law
is of more damage to the people of
the state than when there was no
law covering the sate of stock.
Buyer oa Guard.
. Heretofore when a stock salesman
approached a prospective buyer it
was up to .the buyer to make an
investigation of the proposition if he
did not have faith in the agent. Un
der the present law many salesmen,
so it is said, are not at all back
ward in representing that "this
proposition has been fully investi
gated by the state and r$ has given
ire endorsement and backing." It
has even been hinted that some I
salesman have left, the impression
that because the state, has put its
endorsement on thel Sale of certain
stock, that it guarantees against any
loss, as PTdoes in the bank guar
r.nty law.
It -is ;.also understood that the J
banking interests of the state will
demand that thebanking bureau be
made a department .apart front the
department of trade and commerce
They point to the fact that it is of
sufficient importance that the man
at the head should be forced to give
his whole time to1 the bankingNle
partment and not be handicapped by ,
having under his care the "blue sky,"
insurance, fire preventidn and dther
bureaus. ' .
Secretary Overworked.
They insist that if the present sec
retary of trade and commerce had
not been compelled to divide his
time among other activities that he
might have discovered sooner "the
condition of certain banks which are
now in the hands of receivers. They
do not blame the secretary so much
as they da the fact that he is over
worked and cannot give sufficient
time to the banking interests.
It rs also understood that the dairy
interests of the state feel that they,
too, are entitled to a 'ike considera
tion. They do not like the idea of
being madje secondary to other in
terests. Just what they will demand
is not known but it is understood
that in the c conferences with the gov
ernor the dairy men have fyrt been
at all backward in giving the execu
tive of the state a few ideas to con
sider. Lutherans to Establish
Society to Aid Children
' Sioux Falls, S. D., Dec 27. (Spe
cial) Plans have been completed by
officers of the Lutheran denomina
tion in South Dakota to establish a
children's home finding society in
the state, for the purpose of placing
homeless and unforumate children in
good homes. It is announced 'that
the headquarters for the .state will
be maintained ip Sioux Falls and that
the new home for children will be
established here. :
As soon as the staff is selected and
preliminary plans completed theJ
Bwiiijr win iuiuuanc uiiuumg 111
Sioux Falls and transform it into a
children's home, preliminary to start
ing the work of child rescue through
out the state. H. B. Kildahl of Min
neapolis is Ihe executive secretary in
Charge of the work. r
ommitssSuifiide by
Hanging-Himself in Barn
Columbus, Neb., Dec. 27. (Spe
cial.) Henry Joseph Maikus, 56,
hanged h:mself at the home of Her
man D. Schmidt, seven miles north
west of Columbus. The Schmidt
family had gone to church iri the
afternoon and found Markus hang
ing in the barn upon their return at
S o'clock. v
The bodyill 9e taken to Crestdn.
Ia., where the man formerly lived,
and where he is said to have a di
vorced wife. He had been working
for Schmidt two weeks. Cotmty
Attorney Otto J. Walter questioned
the Schmidt family and concluded
there was no evidence of foul play.
No inquest was held.
Murders' and Burglaries.
Cleared Up as Two Are Held
East StLoUis, 111., Dec. 27 Two
murders and several burglaries and
L.U ...... .1 J . .1 . '.I.
j iiuiuuii. were ticafyu u(j luuay wmi
tne alleged contession ot Aitrea
Lane, 18, and Raymond Kitsworth,
7, negroes, who, the police say, ad
mit shooting two nW during hold
ups here last month. - .
. Qregon Bank Closed.
Princevile, Ore., Dcc. 27. The
Crook - County State bank of this
place Jailed to open its doors today.
Shrinkage of values of cattle and
sheep, on which the institution had
made loans was said to have been
responsible. .
Fire Damages Store.
Norfolk, Neb., Dec. 27.-(Special
Telegram.) Fire of unknown origin
damaged the Farmers' Union store in
Norfolk to the extent of $8100(1
v Problems
Wounded Woman Dies
In Hospital; Husband Is
Charged Witfi Murder
t .1j .. r.,i
Leander Little, negro. 2512 Maple
charjred with murder, following the
death of his wife. Osetja Little, 25,
at Swedish Mission hospitat Monday
morning. , t . "
According-to- police, neighbors
heard shots in the vicinity of Little's
home att 2 a. m. Monday. Officer
Lundell investigated but could not
find the house from whepe the shots
were heard. A half hour later, other
shot were heard and Mrs. i Little
rushed out, fatally wounded. ' x
umcer mnaeu went, into the
house, overpowered Little, who was
still in possession of a rifle.' He de
clared .his wife had leaned over the
rifle and had pulled the triggger.
Little also said he had shot h;s wife
because "she had trifled ith his af
fections," according to police.
Police say Littje had been drink
ing. A gallon of moonshine whiskev
and a barrel of mash were found in
the house,
Husband Denies
of Wife
North Bend Mao Says Worn,
an's Estimate of Property
Is Too High. ;
Fremont, Neb.t Dec. 27. (Special
Telegram.) In answer to the peti
tion for divorce filed by Mrs. Clara
A. Rees of North Bend against her
husband, Martin Rees, wealthy con
tractor of hat city, the defendant
lAmniaa 1t . .!.. 1 1
uvuiva i4 ctticsairuiis tiiauc vy 1119
wife relative to the value of his
property and insists that she has ex
aggerated the amount of his assets. ,
The petition for divorce ws filed
in conjunction with court action
against Mrs. Emily Johnson of North
Bend, a weajthy widow,-named as
corespondent in the divorce proceed
ings. Mrs. Rees asks damages of
$50,000 for alleged alienation of af
fections. -
Sensational charges were brought
to light by the complaint and North
Bend and vicinity are greatly inter
ested in the 'scandal. Rees admits
in his answer that he owns some
property and is the heir to an estite
in Denmark. He asserts, however,
that the taxes and incumbrances
make the value much less than esti
mated by1 his wife and he states that
he is unable to pay the permanieftt
alimony demanded by,her.
. He charges that hiswife left his
home November 12, though ha had
always provided a good home and
comfortable living. He stated that
she was of a jealous and suspicious
nature and that this led to the fami
ly .quarrel and the implication of
Mrs. Johnson.
efferson County v
Farmers Hard Hit
By Failure of Bank
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 27. (Special
Telegram.) Eight Jefferson county
German farmers were hit hard by
the failure of the State Bank of
Ceresco and the tying up of the
Bankers Fire Insurance company,
according to John C. Hartigan, Fair
bury attorney, who was in Lincoln
today for the purpose of trying to
discover if there was any way to
save $100,000 for his clients.
Charles Maixber. the, high fi
nancier, responsible for the condi
tion of the two institutions, who is
now serving three terms of from one
to 20 years each in the penitentiary,
traded the men stock in the Banker?
Fire company for liberty , bonds,
which it is said was easily done, be
cause they had been forced, to buy
these bonds during the war and the
interest was too small to suit them.
The second blow camewhen he
tradjed them Colorado land for the
fire company's stock, the value of
the land being placed from $75 to
$150, when he had only paid $20
an acre for it. -
Retired Supreme Judge
- Seriously 111 at Home
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 27.-fSpec;al
Telegram.) Former Silpreme Judge
B. Barnes is very seriously ill at
his residence in this city. . Since
he retired from the high court he
hjls been acting as deputy attorney
general, but resigned two weekago
on account of sickness, expecting to
go to California. He was immedi
ately taken ill and his sons, John B.
Harnes, jr., ?f Casper, Wyo., and
a w T-k . . a, t-! m
A. k. panics
are now at his
Jan Diet Adjourned.
Tokio.. Dec. 27. Premier Hara
fornmlly opened the diet today.
Emperor. Yoshihito was unable ' to
be present and the session was ad
journed until January 2U A' 'new
universal suffrage bill, backed by 38
members, wdl he introduced. -
, Woman Is Shot
Dubuque, la., Dec. 27. While us
ing a 22-caliber rifle for a cane, Mrs.
Abe Greenfield wai shot through the
right arm w4;eri it was discharged
after she slipped and fell on an icy
pavement in front of her home yes
terday. '
""Sopuct Get
Rrout prkaire SUBSTITUTES Cost VOU Same Pr!e
Wme foi froo aample to HorllekX Dejpl B: W
Minister Mistaken '"'
For TJiief h Badly
Mistreated by Mob
Detroit, Mich. Dec. 27. Mistaken
for a thief as he was hurrying to his
rhlirph -lh .nmmunion Ain?-under
Sfhis arm, the Rev. G. Milcy," pastor
of bt.( Fauis English hvangclical
church, was badly beaten by a crowd
Sunday. He was knocked down
twice and kicked before he could
make his identity known. He walked
to the church and received first aid
after being liberated. .
Violators of Dry
Law In State Pay
U.S. $186,159.35
Seven Mouths Report of Pro
hibition Director ShowsNe
braska Is Living Up to
18th Amendrndut. '
Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 27. A
total of $2,019,433.41 in taxes and
penalties was assessed against vio
lators of the national prohibition
amendment in the northwest dis
trict, comprising Nebraska. Minne
sota, North and South Dakota and
Iowa, from April 1, this year up to
December 1. according to figures
given by Paul D. Keller. U. , S.
supervising prohibition enforcement
From this total. $186,159.35 was'
assessed against Nebraska. Minne
sota, with assessment amounting to
$1,376,956.80, leads all states in the
northwest district in activities of the
federal enforcement office."
Iowa was' next in the amount of
penalties assessed with $340,229 66.
Nebraska was third, and South Da
kota fourth with $84,070.19. As
sessment of penalties in North Da
kota amounted to $32,117.41.
The amounts arf recommended by
his office, Mr. Keller explained, and
certified to Washington, where the
task of collecting them is under
taken. The penalties are reviewed
at Washington by the c6mmissioner
'of Internal revenue, and sometimes
are enlarged, but seldom reduced,
he added. . ;
How much of the above assess
ments 'have 'been collected to date.
Mr.. Keller could not say.
Two thousand sixty-seven viola
tions ih the five states during the
seven months period were reported
to United States district attorneys.
From these violators. 703 stills were
seized and confiscated and 29.442
gallons of pomace, or "mash," was
seized by federal operatives Ap
proximately $75,000 worth of liquor
and property have been seized also.
Minnesota-led the field in the
number of violators apprehended by
more than 10 to one, with 1,786.
Iowa had 154 Nebraska 78. South
Dakota 30. and North Dakota 19.
Zero Weather Fails
TqJ)ampen Ardor of
Nebraska Bar Body
Lincoln, Neb., Dec 271 (Special
Telegram.) Although the thermo
meter has been far below the zero
point, it has not appeared to cut
down the attendance -of the lawyers
of the state atthe State Bar asso
ciation", which convened here tdoay.
Addresses were delivered during the
day by Dean Warren, A. Seavy of
university law college and Judge
Martin J. Wade of the United States
district court of Des Moines.
In connection with the meeting
there are a large number of district
judges present- who held a session
of their own at the Lindell hotel,
which was addressed by Governor
McKelvie. During the day several
of the judges called at the office of
Secretary of State Amesberry and
tookl the oath of office for the new
termJ J
Airman Is Confident
Missing Balloon Men
Are Safe and Sound
New York. Dec. 27.-Lieut. A. W.
Evans, returning today from Otta
wa, where he organized a search for
the three naval officers missing since
tney sailed away from the Bockaway
air station in a free balloon two
weeks ago, expressed confidence that
the aviators were safe somewhere in
He said he believed they had
brokea the world's reco'd for con
tinuous long distance flight and were
so far from populated centers that
they might not be heard from until
next spring.
"Canadian authorities are co
rperating with the United States in
seeking the missing men," he said,
"while mounted police have been
seht to remote places beyond reach
by telephone or telegraph."
John L. Flynn Named Frisco
Internal Revenue Chief
Washington, Dec 27. Appoint
ment of John L. Flynn as collector
of internal revenue at San Francisco
was announced today by the bureau
of internal revenue. Mr. Flynn suc
ceeds Justus S. Wardell. who. re
signed, effective December 31,' i
FTsh, full-cream milk and the extract- of se
lected malted grain, reduced to powdc fonn.
fh Food-Drfnk tor All Agwu
Used successfully for over 13 cccnrv.
C3T Superior to tea, coffee, cotnsr
A aiek'nnchradilv digested.
iBY.gortt!, Nourishing. DeHe'ouf
Ask 'lor HotHck'i t Al mnitu
Prepared to moment by briskly stirring he aowder to
hot oe cold water. Keep f home or wbea traveling.
AsUcFor Get Horlfclt'o
thus AvoIdlnt Imlfatlonm
"Ambassador" to '
U. S. From Russia
To Return Home
Martens Will Not Oppose De
portation Cancellation of
Big Contracts Here Is
New York, Dec. 27. Ludwig ' C.
A. K. Martens, Ruas'ah iwiet
"ambassador" to the United States,
today notified the Departen b!
Labor that upon instruction rrom
the Moscow government,' just re
ceived by cable, he will surrender
himself for deportation January 3.
The Moscow) advices directed
Martens not to appeal from the or
der for his deportation, signed by
Secretary of Labor WHn re
cently, .but to return to Russia as
soon at possible with his entire Rus
sion staff. i
Cancellation - of all contracts
negotiated for the Russian govern
ment with American' firmJ.' slidvhy
Martens to amount to some $30,000,
000, wa ordered. '
The message from Moscow was a
leply to Martens', report of his de
portation otder, and was tent by
George Tchitcherirt. soviet minwer
of foreign affairs, who denounced
the present American adm'mstration
for its ' hostO ty." - ' ;
Martens . asjerted that continued
refusal to resume trade relations
withNRussia will nullify a $6,000,
000,000 order for American goods,
L.J . -I ..I If ' II I 1.
- ' H X
Sales (of Undergarments
Fine CQtton vests and pants' tfrt ., :
were $1.75, Tuesday, 9oc each,
Women's part wool vests and pants '
, v have the following reductions:
. $3.00 values, $2.29
$3.25 values,. $2.49
$4.50 values, $3.49, 7 ,
v $4.75 values, $3.69 ; '
Kmlt Undrwar Saeond Floor
Shoes for $1 a pair
Patent leather, gun metal, and suede
shtfes with Cuban heels a button
style in sizes 2 f to 4. .
These shoes will be placed on sale
tables so that you may select , your
own size and style. . J
x On Sale Tuesday for $1
No Fittingt. r All Sale Final.
idSSmtbn in
if la oound of
All Work Guaranteed
ISIS Piflaa'3t.
Discount 25 to SO Par cant.
201 So. 15th St.
RoonvVpeated January 1U.
THE superiority of At
.wood Grapefruit is "not
an accident. From the first
planting the Atwood Grape
fruit Co. has sacrificed
everything for QUALITY
An initial expense of hundreds
of thousands of dollars was in
curred, while . everything that
scientific culture aftd experience
could suggest-was done to pro
Always found in the Atwood
Omaha, j
Wholesale Distributors
Bee want ads are best business
getters, ...
u L 'an
alleged to have been brought to this
country by Washington D. Vander
lip of Los Angeles, who recently
announced that he had procured a
(KX),000 square mile conceuion in
Siberia for a California synd'oate.
There are about 15 Rgssansi in
Martens' staff here, and he han ap
plied for permission for them and
his family to accompany him home
Crab Orchard Grl
'v Recently Found Here
Weds Young farmer
Tecumseh, Neb., Dec. 27 (Special
Telcjfdm.) Gladys Smith, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Granville Smith
of Crab Orchard, who disappeared
from home October 26, and was re
cently, found in Omaha, and Lester
Myrl Reid, a young iarmer living
near Liberty, in Gage county, were
married by County Judge James Liv
ingston in Tcurnseh today.
Benjamin ,11. Smith, uncle of the
girl, who was brought here from .
Denver to answer charges made by
her as to alleged intimacy, later de
nied by the girl, is still in jail, but
probably will be released:
Air. aciu ia aimifcu i hys
he knew where the girl was all thuv
time and that he assisted, her in
going to Omaha. They will live on
a farm near Liberty. ,,k "
Armed Guards Ordered '
Tulsa. Ok!-, Dec. 27. Following
a -series of daring robberies here,
Police Commissioner J. M. Adkin
on today advised merchants to sta
tion armed guards at the entrances
of their stores and shoot down men
who attempted to rob them.
TH- ONE moment iri
your life you will '
Nwver regret. is the one-
m wnich you order a
Grafonola for your
home, especially when it
comes . from . Bowen'a,
where' every model is
shown and where service
is supreme. : .
We now can? a
full and complete
line of all Colum
bia Records. '
We will be pleased to
place a machine with a
selection of Records in
your home any time, and
payments can be ar- j
ranged to suit your con
venience. ,
vumiwh (mns rrom
ww n -( a
it a prescription for
Colds, . Faver and LaQrippe.
It s the most speedy remedy
we know. -.