Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1920, Image 1

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sVOL. 50 NO. 16G.
Stiff Fight
Is Made On
Tariff Bill
Democrats Split on Motion of
Nebraska Senator to Refer
Measure to Commerce
Fair Hearing Promised
Washington, Dec 2?. Indica
tions 6f the light ahead over -tariff
legislation were given in the senate
today when several hours' spirited
debate and two roll calls were re
quired to effect the formal, routine
action of referring to the finance
committee the emergency tariff bill
, passed last week bv the house. ?
Democratic forces split in the
opening cash. five mjnpricy : num
bers voting with the solid " repub
lican strength against a motion by
Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska that
. the house bill' be referred so the
commerce instead) of the finance
committee. After, defeat of the
Hitchcock motiori and severe demo
cratic attacks on the bill, parried
by republican defense, the senate
voted unanimously to send the bill
to the finance committee.
'. Promise Fair ; Tratment.
Senator McCumber) of , North Da
kota, acting chairman of the finance
committee, announced that the bill
would be taken up in committee
early next month and given "fair
, and adequate consideration." There
were indications that the republican
decision Against hearings would be
The house bill was denounced as
an "embargo" bill and "suicidal" by
Senator Hitchcock, who charged
that senate machinery Was set to
rush it through." American com1
merce should 1e aided, he con-
tended, and not hampered by tariff
barriers. r
..' Calls Bill "Sop."
" Senator McCumber denied that
the bill proposed embargoes and
was supported by Senator Smoot,
republican, of. Utah. The North Da
kota senator declared the measure
gave practically no t protection to
wheat and said that he would not
support the hill as drafted. ,
.Senator Harrison .democrat, of
.Mississippi, assaneo mc mil as :,;
most iniquitohis piece of legislation
The tariff rnfcasure was designed
to ennance : living cosis, aenaior
Harrison said, adding that the bill
was a "sop" to westaersv farmers
and would not aid them.
400 Service Men
Attack Pance Hall
Police Arrest Hundreds After
Drive On Barbary Coast
Resort. , ' -.
'.( . ,
' San. Francisco, Dec. 27. More
than 400 sailors, soldiers '- and
civilians were arrested last night
by the police and naval beach pa
trols after what the police charac
terized as "an attack in force" upon
a dance hall in the Barbary coast
district. :
Two marines were stabbed Christ
mas night at , the hall, police said,
and service men last night attempted
to gain, revenge.
Beer bottles, clubs, . bridks and
fists were, used in -the melee. The
p'olice reserves were summoned.
Upon their arrival the two factions
that had been 'tfpposing each other
united against the police, the depart
ment records declared. A reserve
force of ,200. provost guards quelled
the tumult' ;
fThe manager of ;he dance hall
was held on a charge of conducting
a disorderly place. A majority of
the service men arrested were turned
over to navy t.rid army authorities,
except 75 soldiers and sailors who
were, held by .the police, with 150
civilians, on charges., of disturbing
No serious injuries were reported:
icago Socialists
To Continue Fight
r For Debs' Release
Chicago, Doc.' 27. Agitation' for
the release of . all "political prison
ers" and restoration of political lib
- , erty "until the Mast vestige ofvVil
sonism is erased" was promised in
Va statement . from , socialist party
headquarters here today, . following
the presidential refusal to pardon
Eusene Vi Debs at Christmas.
"We refuse, to beliw-e," the tate-
ment says, "that President Wilson,
ivho has , pardoned murderers, bank
'robbers, burglars; adulterers ;- of
food, German ' spies, dope dealers,
V bank ' vfreekers . and other choice
criminals,' speaks for the American
" people when he continues to keep in
iprison .Ja political opponent
'The presidential Christmas par-
dons granted to two murderers, and
one dope dealer, together with the
refusal to grant a pardon to Eugene
I V". Debs and other political prison
ers, was probab'y meant as blow
in the face to the socialists. '
"The president's assumption of
he right to speak for air the
American people was tested two
months ago, and unless he has not
'-yead .the election returns, ' he knows
what his fellow citizens think of that
$100,000 in Cash Stolen
In Havana Postoffice
New York, Dec. 27. Mail sacks
containing $100,000 in cash, con
signed to a firm In Havana, were
ransacked in the postoffice of thaU
city several weeks ago and as yet
the money has not been recovered,
. wm. learned here tod
tattna u
Umili P.
Chicago Grand Opera
Star to Marry Soon
Chicago,. Dec. , 27. :Mmc. Amelita
Galli-Curci, grand opera star , of
Chicago, announced ' today her ap
proaching marfityje to Homer Sam
uels, her accompanist. Mme. Galli
urci will complete her naturaliza
tion --hece January 16, ,1921, and
riends of the soprano expect her
marriage to Mr. Samuels to take
place on the same day.
.Mme, ' Galli-Curci, who was for
merly the., wife ot Marquis Luigi C
Curci, obtained a divorce from him
here a . year ago. K
"Yes, I am to marry Mr. Sam
uels," the diva said, laughing. "The
date has been set, but it will be
soon. Ana I am very happy "
Mme. Galli-Curci, unknown as a
singer until her sudden success with
the Chicago Opera company in
1916, was .born in Milan, Italy,' in
1889.' Sheob'tained her first citizen
ship papers here, last January.
Bodies of Omaha
"', ''V N ;
Soldiers Due to
Reach Here Soon
Cafc;t Containine Remains
Of 16 Nebraskans who Died
Overseas Expected to Arrive
Today or .Ynesday.
' ; v. ' , '
.The body of Thomas M. .Eggert,
son of Mrs. Maria Eggert, 3021
North Thirtieth street, and Alfred
L.. Gauvreau, son - of'.Mf. and Mrs.
E. P. Gauvreau, 4919 Franklin
street, with , those of ,14 other Ne
braska soldiers who died in service
overseas, are, expected to arrive in
Omaha over the RocR Island rail
road late tonight or early tomorrow
morning. . !
Word to this effect was received
yesterday from Hoboken, N. J., by
the depot quartermaster in the army
building here. ' ' , " ."
Gauvreau, who was 27 years old,
was one of the first Omaha boys to
enlist. At the time of his enlist
ment, May 15,; 1917, he was employ
ed by the' Beaton Drug company
as' a. druggist. He served with a
medical , detachment, camp hospital
Number 66, and lost his. life while
ministering to those suffering from
influenza. He died of the influenza
in France the 'day following the
signing of the armistice.
Military Funeral.. v '
The other' dead Omaha hero,
Thomas .M. Eggert, enlisted with
the Sixth Nebraska regiment in
July, ,1917, and went to France as
a private with Company G of the
,.iu liiiaiiiij'. . .
Military funeral services, jincrud
:ng uniformed pallbearers and a fir
ing squad, will be held by the Doug
las county post of the American Le
gion. ( v
Lieutenant Woosley will have
charge of the 14 other caskets upo-i
their arrival in Omaha. Each will
be sent to the home of the dead
soldier tinder military escort of an
enlisted man from Fort Crook.
Out-State Soldiers.
Among the number consigned to
out-state points are five former mem
bers of the Sixth Nebraska regiment.
The bodies of the following Ne
braskans are being "taken home:
Private Iver N, Stewart,' Gothen
bcrg;( Private Roy , C- Hensley, Lin
coln; Private B. H. Long, Havelock;
Private A. C. Bastian,' Wayne; Pri
vate" H. O. Hocppncr, Osmond; Pri
vate Peter Glantz, Harvard; Private
F. E. -Kidder, Oxford; Private F. B.
Koca, Miiligan; Private W. L. Fix,
Milford; Private U. H. Harne, Hum
boldt; Private William Kistlcr,
Moorefield; W. F. Hildebrand, Ayre;
Private Peter E. Lot, Fairmont;
and- Private W. B. Bailey. Stuart.
Five Burn to Death
- In Fire at Wichita
- "
Clinton. Ia., Dec. 27. Five mem
bers of the family of N. T.-Montgomery
of Clinton; including his
daughter, Mrs. George Mitchell, her
husband and three children, were
burned to death in a fire which de
stroyed their home in Wichita, Kan.,
Christmas eve', according to word
received here.
Federal 'Agents Will Keep "
: Chicago Dry New Year's Eve
i Chicago,' Dec. '27. The hopes fit
New Year's eve celebrants, acceler
ated by a recent police -announcement
that the city ' force was too
busy in -its criipe 'cleanup campaign
to disturb carriers of "hip" liquor,
received a blow when District Attor
ney Charles F. .Clyne announced
preparations, for a dry welcome for
1921. Federal agents will inspect
drinks in all cafes, 'according to Mr.
Clyne, andhave been instructed to
arrest every person ' found carry
ing liquor on the street or. ia cafca,
Tvo or $H ,
tKond - CliM Mttttr May 28, IMG,
0. Under Act f Mtrah 3,,
- .t T
Scour City
For Lifers
Four Inmates vWho Escaped
' From Iowa Prison Thought
to'Be In Hiding In
One Has Friends Here
. .
Detectives' are searching Omaha
for Harry Smith, James O'Keefe,
James -Liute, and James Cullen, the
lour convicts who escaped from the
fowa penitentiary Saturday during
a Christmas celebration. , 1
Acting Chief of Detectives John
Pszanowski was informed at noon
yesterday that the four men had
made their way to Omaha after
breaking prison at Fort Madison.
Smith formerly lived on the South
Side and is known to have ' many
iriends in Omaha's underworld
who would aid him and his pals in
eluding pursuit.
' Chief Pszanowski's information is
so reliable that he has called to
extra duty a large number qf the
detectives assigned to night work
to aid the day force in apprehend
ing theSC cn.
Kill Sheriffs Son.-.' ;
The quartet was convicted of rob
bing the Westfield, la., bank of
$5,000 last winter, and fought its
way to freedom by Maying the sou
of the sheriff at Xe Mars, la., and
wounding the sheriff and his wife.
For, this shooting O'Kjefe and Smith
were given life sentences when again
captured justf outside of Sioux City.
All four are considered desperate
men .and instructions are to return
thenvto.the Iowa state prison .dead
or alive. ' " '
: Aided From Outside. '
Burlington, la., Dec. 27. No trace
has been obtained ' here of James
O'Keefe and Harry Smith, life term
ers, and James Lane and James Cul
len, 10-year men, who escaped from
the state prison . at Fort Madison
Saturday. A store robbery at Gales
burg, 111., last night was attributed
to the, fugitives by the police. War
den Hollowell of the prison is con
vinced that the men obtained out
side aid in scaling the walls, and
making their escape. .
, -pv-a
Air Vlail r I HHPS
will YiT rT iXicrnt
Hlllfly Jjy
" J . :
New Service ' in ' Springy Will
Cut New York-Frisco Run
To 36 Hours.
Night flying on the' Omaha divi
sion of the government . air mail
service will be started early in the
spring, according to word reaching
postal authorities from Washington
yesterday. Regular trips will be
made at night, cutting the present
time from coast to coast in. half. The
divisions to be first affected will be
Chicago to Omaha and Omaha to
Fifteen Caproni planes will be de-
livcred by the Navy department in
the near future, under an agreement
-reached recently. Thev will be used
in night flying as the planes now em
ployed have' been declared unsuitable
for this work.
Prenarations for the innovation
are already under way. Equipping
of regular and emergency landing
fields on the- Omaha division and
lighting facilities are under . con
sideration. ' - , .
As a feature of the aviators' mas
querade ball to be held New Years
eve under the auspices of'the Ash
mussen airplane plant at the old
Dublin Inn building on Center
street, Pilot W. R. Holcomb will
make the first night airplane flight
ever attempted in Omaha. His plane
will be lighted by colored flares atjd
Very pistol signals. Pilots and
mechanics of the air mail station, will
be guests.
Echoes of Puritan
Days Resound When
Crowds Cry "Witch!"
''ew York, Dec. 27. Echoes of
Puritan days resounded within the
walls of Washington Heights court
today when screams of "witch, witch,
she's a witch," were hurled at Mrs.
Bessie Avorin.
She appeared as a complainant
against Mrs. Sophie Stern,. whom she
charged with having publicly de
nounced her with untrue accusations,
but suddenly she turned defendant
when Mrs. Stern came to court with
her 2-year-old daughter who had
been cursed, she said, by Mrs. Av
orin, and had lost the power of her
"Up to a . couple of months ago,"
said Mrs. Stern, white her sympa
thizers booed Mrs. Avorin, "my
baby was strong and healthy. Then
this woman went and cursed it.
Your honor, that woman is a witch.
Two hundred years ago she would
have been burned at, the stake."
"The witch, the witch," yelled the
women spectators.
Bang, Bang went the magistrate's
gavel. .,
.Then he dismissed the summon?
against Mrs. Stern for lack of evi
dence. . ,' ,
Probe of Texas Cynching
By Jury Is Discontinued
Fort Worth, Tex., Dec. 27. With-,
out having reported an agreement,
tlie special grand jury investigating
the lynching Wednesday night of
Tom W. Vicktry, adjourned finally
at noon today. The jury informed
District Judge George Hosev it had
neither an indictment nor a report
to make and requested to be ex
cused. It had been in session since
last irida
Woman tlses Revolver
To Detain Trio Found
Drinking on Street
Mrs. E. M. Johnson! dance hall
inspector for the .Board of Public
Welfare, reported to her office yes
terday that an Saturday -nght she
intercepted three men -drinking
whisky at Twentieth and Harney
streets. i-,- ,
She fixed the time at 11:15 nd
asserted that she covered the trio
with, a revolver and held them for
25 minutes, when a stranger hap
pened along. She requested, the
stranger to telephone the politfe sta
tion. .
"The mail was gone about ten
minutes atW in the meantime one
of the men escaped," Mrs. Johnson
said. "When the- stranger re
turned he did not say anything, so I
let the other men g) their way, just
as a police man appeared."
Mrs. Johnson said she believed
one of the men she nearly arrested
was a bootlegged. She obtained
possession, of a bottle half filled
with a liquid which she says is
whisky. . s ,
Plot Is Directed
At United States
Negotiations Between Japan
And Great Britain? f 6r Re
newal of -Alliance of Grave
Importance to U. S.
New lo'rk Tlme-Chlca Tribune Cabin
'Copyright, mo.
Mr. Millard was th unofficial adviser to
the Chinese delegation at the peace con
ference at Versailles and at the league of
nations assembly at Geneva. He is an
American writer, has lived and travelled
in China for 30 years and is considered
to be one of the foremost authorities on
Chinese affairs. - : ,,
Paris, Dec. 27. The negotiations
for (the renewal of the Anglo-Japa-nesej
alliance are profoundly impor
tant in the United States and China
for they indicate that at a time when
promising efforts are under way to
estaousn afl entente oi mc ciigusu
speaking peoples in all world ques
tions, the British foreign office. is
secretly negotiating an alliance with
an imperialistic Asiatic power which
appears to be directed against the
United States.
The policy of the British govern,
ment as indicated by such an alli
ance, inevitably will oestroy sym-
pathetic relations between England
and the United States and will ere
I ate a cause for dissension between
them.' . ; ' . r ' ,
At present the Japanese-British al
liance is directed at Russia and Ger
many. Those nations, however, are
no longer serious factors in the Far
Eastern situation.
Aimed at America.
The new alliance is aimed with
America in view.
If made effective, it will destroy the
traditional American Pacific policy
the Hav doctrine.
The sinister character of, such an
agreement is well understood in
China, where the government and
Chinese organizations recently pro
tested against the renewal . of the
The clauses concerning Man
churia are recognized as camouflage
forBritish consent for Japan s Aisur
nation.', while clause three pt the
points advanced by Japan, is plainly
ment to establish Japan permanent
ly in Shantung. '
Demands Attention.
The situation demands immediate
attention by. the new administration
at Washington. In view of the cir
cumstances, the American govern
ment would be justified in notifying
the British that such an alliance
with Japan cannot be regarded but
as menacing the United states.
The alliance is a direct danger, or
even a threat, to America, and may
have to be met by the creation of
naval power equal to that of Great
Britain's and Japan's combined.
. Those hoping the league of na
tions can remedy discords, must
consider clause four of Japan's pro
posals, which reveals that those
powers are arranging to ; support
each other in the league. "
It is inaccurate to compare the
alliance with the Monroe doctrine
for it is almost an exact antithesis
of the United States' position in
America. '
D. & R. G. Official .
Dies" As He Prepares'
To Retire From Duties
Denver, Colo., Dec. 27. William
M. Lampton, general freight agent
of the Denver & Rio Grande rail
road,, died here . at midnight. Mr.
Lampton was strikejj in his office
Friday while making arrangements
to retire after 27 years continuous
service with the railroad. ,
He was born in Missouri in 1863
and began his railroad service with
the Texas & Pacific railroad.
New York Short of Labor
To Remove First Snowfall
' New York, Dec. 27.-rNew York,
which today was removing from
itn streets the fii;st snowfall of the
year, discovered a shortage of la
borers, notwithstanding reports of
unemployment in the city. A call
for 8,000 snow shovelers, with $5.20
for an eigh-hour day, at noon had
brought comparatively little re
sponse. '
District Judge of Cagper ;
Elevated to Supreme Bench
Cheyenne, Wyo., Dec. 27. Dis
trict Judge Ralph Kimball of Cas
per was appointed mstice of the
Wyoming state supreme court to
succeed Cyrus Beard,- deceased, by
Gov. Robert D. Carey. Justice
Beard died December 16, six weeks
after his re-election for a term of
1 10 yeaxs. ' ' j
DECEMBER 28, : 1920.
What's the Matter? What's the Matter?
.. ' ' . ...
.''..;'' .
' " ' ' -I .
14 Men Barely
Escape'Death in
Heavy Blizzard
Two Omahans in Party Which
Brared Raging Snowstorm
To Reach Home in Time
For Christmas. 1
' How 14 traveling salesmen barely
escaped death by freezing and how
they battled two days for their lives
in a blizzard in the western part of
the state last, week, so they could
reach their homes by Christmas eve
was told yesterday by W. E. Coffey
of Morris & Co., who is recovering
from his experience at his home at
1810 Charles street.
He and E. W. Lowe, 2C52 Dodge
street, salesman for Cudahy & Co.,
and 12 others were at Atwood, Kan.,
last Monday when one of the worst
blizzards in years visited that , vi
cinity. The. party had planned on
going to Trenton, Neb., Monday, but
all trains were annulled.
They hired autpmombiles Tues
day and started for' Trenton. The
snow at places' was five feet deep
and a high wind blew it in clouds.
The leading automobile breaking
the way could not be seen by the
one following and as soon as a path
was broken it was filled by the drift
ing snow.
The man were forced to shovel
snow and keep on -the alert to pre
vent freezing. " The,' fiirst day they
covered 12 miles ' and remained the
next night af a raqdi house. Eight
others', whai were not in Coffey's
party continued to another, farm
house where they remained all night.
The next day the journey by Cof
fey's party was continued by vagon.
They madey the distance to Trenton,
18 raies, in about 10 hours. The
men who had separated from Coffey
finally made their way iato Trenton.
Most of the party had Suffered frozen
faces and ears. '
Coffey and Lowe, arrived in Oma
ha Friday morning. Coffey ' sus
tained frozen ears1 and face during
his two-day journey, through the
snow. -
Youthful Firebug
Takes Officers to
Scene pf 13 Blazes
Unionto'wn, Pa.. Dec. 27.A!bert
Smith,, 19, of Fairhope, son of a real
estate operator, under arrest in con
nection with many mysterious fires
the last several months, in which
more than $1,000,000 worth of prop
erty was destroyed, today accom
panied state troopers to the scenes
of 13 fires. Fayette county author
ities said he admitted having know
ledge of all. , -
Tomorrow, say. the '-authorities, an
examination 1 into Smith s . mental
condition will bq begun.
Prominent Colorado Bar
Jlember Dies at Denver
Denver. Colo.. Dec. 27. Wilbur
Fisk Stone, former justice of the
Colorado state supreme court, first
general attorney of the Denver and
Rio Grande railroad, and former edi
tor of newsoaoers in Evansville. Incl..
and Omaha, Neb., died at hihoilie
ncre today, tomorrow he would
have been 87 years old. '
100 Tokio Houses Burn.
Tokio, Dec. 27. Fire destroyed
100 houses in Tokio today. The loss
has not yet been ettimte4 ,
Mall (I yttr). Iiula 4th Zona. Daily tad Suadty. 19! Dally Only. M: Sunday, M
OuttlaMth Zna (I yaar). Dally Suaday. lie: Dally Only, 112; Sunday Only, la
Mercury Takes
Sudden Slump
Omaha 1 Below at 7 A. M.
5 Below at 91 Below
at Noon "
A sudden and unexpected drop in
the' tefnperature yesterday was
halted at 9 o'clock when the mer
cury after a steady fall for four
hours began to crawl up again. ' .
At noon it was 1 below zero..,: At
9 in the morning it was 5 below zero.
At S this morning it. was I below
zero. - . '
The return to bitter cold came as
a surprise after the "mild weather
of Christmas day and Sunday. At
5 yesterday morniner when it was 1
degree below zero, the mercury be
gan to tall, from 5 until 9 the mer
cury dropped a degree an hour.
At 10 it began to get warmer
when the mercury registered 4 be
low zero. At 11 it was 3 below and
at 12 it was 1 below zero.
The forecast indicated fair weather
last night and Tuesday with rising
It was 18 degrees below zero at
Valentine, Neb., at 7 yesterday
morning. It was 8 below at North
Platte, 20 below at Wclliston, N. D..
the coldest spot in the' United
Mates yesterday; 18 below at Bis
marck, N. D.; 10 above at Chicago;
6 above at Kansas City; 8 below at
Sioux City; 2 below at Pes Moines.
North Dakota Banks '
Continue to Close as
Farmers Hold Grain
Mmot, N. D. Dec. 27. The First
Farmers banks at Minot was closed
today. Depleted reserve was given
as the reason. . ...... "
Th First Security bank of Car
pio, N. D., associated with the First
Farmers of Minot, was closed this
The Minot and Carpio banks are
owned by the Savings and ' Loan
Trust company of Minot. G. A.
Ebbert, general manager of the trust
company, said the two banks were
closed because of the refusal of
farmers to sell grain and liquidate
their notes. He said they unques
tionably would be reopened.
Fargo. N. D.. Dec. 27. Follow
ing closing of the First Farmers
bank at Minot, and the Bank of
Carpio, it was stated Ijy Fargo bank
ers that the Peoples State bank at
Hatton, N. D., . was closed last
Two other banks in the state that
have closed since the state banking
department . recently adopted the
policy, of making no announcement
concerning closed, banks are the
State Bank of Milton and 'he Mer
chants State bank at .Napoleon.
Twenty-seven banks have closed
because of depleted reserves in the
last six weeks. j
kxplosiona in Gas Maius
Arouse British Embassy'
Washington, , Dec. 27. Residents
of the British embassy and vicinity
were awakened early today y sjn
impromptu .(bombardmeiit, oresum
ably due to leaky gas mains. One
blast occurred within 150 yards of
the embassy, bringing ' visions of
bomb plot outrages to the police
guard. Nine expiosious took place,
manhole covers flying in all direc
tions while the barrage lasted. Gas
concentrations in electric conduits
were believed to have started the
trouble ,
Boy, Coasting, Is
Seriously Hurt
By Automobile
George Jensen, 8, Suffers In
juries That May Cause His
Death as Result of
Breaking in a brand new sled,
brought to him Saturday by Santa
Claus, George Jensen, 8, 2402 St.
Marys avenue, coasting down St.
Marys kill at 2:45 yesterday after
noon, was struck by an automobile
driven by an undentified driver who
speeded away.
The lad lies unconscious in the
Fenger hospital, suffering from a
fractured skulL Police surgeons hold
little hope for his recovery. He is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jensen.
The father is employed as a painter
at the Alamito dairy.
- The boy was sliding east on St.
Marys avenue. The automobile was
traveling north on Twenty-second
J. C. Potter, 4620 North Sixteenth
street, and L. C Nelson, 1578 Mili
tary avenue, who picked up the in
jured lad, told the police the auto
mobile was a large touring car, with
all, the side curtains up, and was
travelling at a high rate of speed.
As the machine dashed across St.
Marys avenue, it struck the sled
bearing the boy, hurling both sled
and boy into the curbing with ter
rific force. '
Potter and Nelson picked the lad
up and carried him into the Stewart
hospital, from which he was later
moved to the' Fenger hospital.
His head was badly crushed.
Police have the licenscinumber of
the car and a description of , the
driver of the speeding car.
Raids by Burglars
Force Bank to Close
Chicago, Dec. 27. Depositors of
the Dressel Commercial and Sav
ings bank waited in vain for its
doors to open today and when the
president, Andrew Dressel, could
not be found, creditors petitioned
Judge Carpenter in federal district
court to adjudge the bank bank
rupt. ,The Chicago Title and Trust
company was appointed receiver.
Other bank officials said the Dres
sel bank's funds' had been depleted
through the operations of holdup
men and burglars during the past
two years.
The Weather
Forecast. '
.Tuesday increasing cloudiness,
rising temperature.
Hourly Trnipernturiw.
ft a. m I I I p. ni II
II. a. in i I 18 p. m
7 a. m S I S r. m -.3
K h. m 4 14 it. m . -A
9 a. in 5 5 p. m -'-
J" B. ni.....,.. 4 O p. in .
it a. in S J 7 p m , t
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in r.-w
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('hoyxnne .. .42 North lVatta. . ! S
C'lili-Rfto .13 14 81. l.ovil 24 16
iMMivrr " 4 Sun lrrnnriaco.St it
Duluth 14 ; Sioux City. ...18
JckHonvllln.. .70 Valentin.- 10 15
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8hlpprr' Bulletin.
Protect Bhlninc-ntu dnrln th nc M
to 36 houm from tomporaturm an follow.
North Dtlll W,HL f llB-r.a ktnw uaa, .iwl
tioulu. t' ro.
Of Fiurae
Is Started
- ,
Army and Navy Combine in
Attack Effort Is Hade to
Sparc City From Dara-
. age If Possihle. '
D'Annunzio Is Woundet-
By Til Associated rM.
Triefete, Dec. 27. The regulan
under General Caviglia arc bom
barding Fiume in combination wit , .
the navy, a systematic siege heinis ,
under way. The guns are being di.
rected against the barracks, the pal
ace and similar buildings,, the in
tention being to damage the city at
little as possible. : ' , ' - .
D'Annunzio Wounded.
London, Dec. 27. Gabricle D'An
nunzio is said to have been slightly
wounded, according to the" Milai
correspondent of , the Londoi:
Times. The report that d'Atinun
zio has been killed, the correspond
ent adds, is officially denied.
, Mourning in Venice.
Venice, Dec. 27. eports of the
death of Gabriele d'Annunzio Spread
throughout Venice today. The Ital
ian colors on the , flagstaff in St
Martin Square were -immediately
half masted and 'soon afterwards
flags on houses were lowered.
- - .Zara Capitulates.
' London, Dm; 27. Zara, a Dalmat
ian port south of Fiume, has capitu
lated to Italian government troops
operating against Gabriele d'Annun
zio. according to a Cenfral News dis
patch received here today. The sur
render occurred under a siege last
ing several days, the dispatch states.
A dispatch to the Stefani Agency
from Rome says that amonir reoorts
on the Fiume situation recieved, therev
is one mat a company ot Aipim was
ambushed and captured by the
Fiuman legionaires, many are said to
have been wounded when the Alpini
offered resistance after they -were
taken prisoners, through a ruse.
Other reports state that the des
troyer Espero, which joined d'An
nupnzio forces recently, has been set
afire and that, an attempt to revolt
by citizens of Fiume has been re
pressed with bloodshed by the re
gency government.
Air Mail Pilot
In Narrow Escape
Plane Wrecked in Landing at
Ak-Sar-Ben Field Aviator
Knocked Unconscious.
Air. Mail Pilot Harry Bunting of
Cheyenne, Wyo., was at Nicholas -Scnn
hospital last night with pain
ful, though not serious, body and
face lacerations as the result of an
accident at 11. -45 yesterday forenoon
when his plane crashed 50 feet to the
ground at Ak-Sar-Ben field. His
plane was wrecked.
It was stated, at the hangar last
night that the accident occurred
when Bunting attentWcd to maneuv
er for a landing al n insufficient
height above the snowcovered field.
Bunting was removed from the
wreckage of his machine by Assis
tant Manager F. Pendleton of the
Omaha air mail station and Pilot D.
C. Smith of the Omaha-Chicago
It was Bunting's secondi flight
since joining the air! mail service.
He was flying from Cheyenne to
The pilot was unconscious for a
short time. It was reported at the
hospital last night that he had re
covered consciousness and apparent
ly had suffered no serious injuries.
Wool Growers Deny
Fordney Bill Will
Increase Prices
Salt Lake City, Dec. 27. J. R.
Marshall, secretary of the National
Wool Growers' association, today
issued a statement branding as "very
misleadinc" an 9prlinn ottriKnt.
to Congressman Madden of Illinois.
to me enect tnat the duty rroposed
on wool in the Fordney emergency
lanu oiu wouia aoume tne price ot
Mr. Marshall said:
"The National Wool Growers'
association has rpniatrlt- rw-intt
out that but little connection, exists
between the market price of wool
and the selling of clothes. Three
ana one-quarter pounds of scoured
wool are Required for an average
sized man's suit made from wor
sted cloth. The Fordney bill pro
vides a duty of 45 cents per pound
on scoured wool. The duty on the
wool entering into a suit would
amount to $1.46, which is very far
from 100 per cent of the price of
any suit as Mr. Madden refers to.
Also, an import duty on material
does not necessarily mean that the
manufacture will be increased by
the amount of that duty.
Home Brfwers Add to
' "Kick," But Not to Quality
. Boston, Dec. 27. Those Massa- .
chusetts citizens who brew their
own intoxicating liquors have not.
improved the product in 18 months'
practice. Herman J. Lythgoe, chief
of the division of food and drugs
of. the state department ot health,
slated it, his annual report.
"It's all raw stuff," he added. The
home brew, however, developed
more of a kick this year, 1,429 sam
ples reaching the state authorities
showing an average increase in al
coholic content from 13.54 per cent
last year to 29.40 per cent in the
last 12 month.
. 1
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