Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1920, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 16

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Ob Tuesday Miss Marie Dalton,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dal
ton and Lieut Roger Shaw McCuU
lough, ion of Col. and Mrs.- T. W.
McCullough, will be married at the
home of the bride's parents, at
Peoria, 111. After a short wedding
trip they will return to Fort Sill,
where Lieutenant McCullough is
now stationed.
Grace Brown Hersey will give a
tea recital at her home Sunday after
noon, January 2. The following
pupils will take part: Janet Nolan,
Genevieve Finney, Norma Archer,
Constance Whitman, William Fin
ney, Jane Ellis, Paul Ellis, Maxine
Siurman, j Jane Hecox, Mary
Weppncr, Hillie Leggett, Anna
Clausen, Magdalene and Verna
Glandt, Marie and Magdalene Clau
sen, Pauline - Lamprecht, , Lillian
Blumenthal and Alvirt, Sohl.i A vio
lin solo willJte gjven by Essie
Aarons Domjiy, Miss Dorothy
'Stevens will . sing. Mrs. Thomas
Finney will preside at the tea table.
Debut Parties Next Week.
The festivities of next week will
include the formal debuts of two
of the most attractive girls of the
younger set. Miss Mary Gifford and
Miss Dorothy Belt. v
Miss Gifford will jnake her debut
at a dance to be given by her par
ents. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Gifford,
Monday evening, at the Fontenelle.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. T. Belt will
entertain, at a dijiner dance Tues
day evening at the Fontenelle in
honor of their daughter, Miss Dor
othy Belt. ' ,
, For Emma and Helen Hoagland. '
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hoagland
CtlCl idHICU at UlllUCl hi via
followed by a party at the Triangle
club performance Christmas evening
for their daughters, Emma and
Helen, who are home for the holi
days. Their guests included Misses
Kathryn Gardiner of New York,
Katherine Davis and Messrs. Jordan
Peters, Robert Wiley, Stuart Sum
mers and' James Moody of Cam
bridge. ' Double Wedding.
ThoRev. O. D. Baltzly officiated
at the double wedding of Miss Ma
bel Victoria Franson and Robert
Scott Christie jr., both of Omaha,
and Miss Milded M. Walker of Oma
ha and Emil A. Storz oi btewart,
Neb. The , wedding took place
Thursday in the new home of Mr.
and Mrs. Christie, 420 Sherwood
avenue. , " .,
Spending Holidays Here
Mis Martha Hanna of Pittsburgh,
Pa., who is visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Negele, will
be honor guest at a tea Tuesday
afternoon given by Miss Mary Find
ley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Palm
er Findley.
Several informal affairs have been
given for this attractive visitor and
she has been attending many of the
holiday parties.
Miss Hanna is a graduate of
iBeechwood School, ' Ra., class of,
She will return to her home
about the middle of January.
Tea Dance for Tfiangle Club. 4
At the tea dance given by Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Wharton and Burdette
Kirkendajl Christmas day at the F.
P. Kirkehdall home for members of
the Princeton Triangle club the deb
utantes and girls of the schbol set
assisted. Decorations were sugges
tive of the season. Eighty couples
( were present . ,
For Joyce Weston.
Miss Dorothy Gardner entertained
at a dinner of 20 covers followed by
xa party at the Triangle club per
formance given by Ralph -Cede Sat
urday evening, in honor of Joyce
Weston of Trenton, N. J., the guest
of Janet Dickey.
Bob Sled Party. ,
Herman Swoboda will entertain at
a bob sled party, followed by supper
at his home New Year's eve. Thf
guests will include the Misses Ber
nice Meieryurgen Flora Marsh,
Mary Drake, Alice Huntington,
Louise McEwan and Messrs. Ed
Moser, Peter Kiewitt, Jerry Kyle
and Webster Richards. , '
Children's rarty.
, The annual children's holiday
party at the Athletic club will be
held Monday afternoon, December
27. NStories will be told by Grace
Sorenson and gifts and refreshments
will be distributed in the main cafe.
Children under 14 years of age may
attend. ' :
, " Columbian Club.
Mrs. W. D. Riley and Mrs. II. A.
Nicholson will, be hostesses at a
card party for the Columbian club
at Lyceum hall, Twenty-second and
Locust streets, on Wednesday after
noon. '
Holy Angels.
The Community . club, of Holy
'Angels parish(will: give a. card, party
Monday evening .: 'at- 'their hall,
Twenty-eighth and Fowler. ,
- ' i
Shower. ,
Mrs. Peter Jolley entertained in
formally at her home Friday eve
ning, in honor' of Mrs. V, B. Red
mond. V '
Jolly Seniors. '
''A Ainrm nill hi civen Tuesdav
evening, : at 403 Lyric building,v by
the Jolly Seniors. ; .
Happy Club.
A masquerade dance will be given
by the Happy club at Druid hall
Thursday evening.
, -. Goodtime Club.
The Goodtime Dancing club will
give a dance at Lyric hall, Nine
teenth 'and Farnam, Wednesday, De
cember 29. '
Pershing Club.
The '; Pershing Dancing club will
give 'a masquerade 'dance at Lyric
hall, Nineteenth and Farnam, Mon
day eveningDecernber 27.
Mrs. Louis Killian and small son,'
Willmer, of Mason City, la., are
spending the holidays with Mrs.
Killlan's ; mother, Mrs. C E.
Hitchins. .
Miss Ruth Carter Reaves the latter
part of. January for New Orleans,
where sne will be the guest of Miss
Catherine Shaffer, Tier room-mate at
Barnard cqllege, New York. On
her return, Miss Carter will be ac
companed by Miss Shaffer, who will
spend some' time as the guest of
Miss Carter.' Miss Marie Patterson
of Los Angeles, Cal., will , arrive
eearly in January to visit Miss Car
ter. ' , ,
. A Venetian Sunset '
In violet hues each dome and spire
Stands s outlined against flawless
rose! , . -
O'er this a carmine ocean flows '
StreakM with pure gold and amber
And through the sea of sundown
Bozel j-Robbins
' .Announced
M'S ' Jp ''''
An engagement of interest an
nounced today is that of Miss Lois
Robbins, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John W4 Robbins, to Leo Bo
zell of this city. No. date has been
set for the wedding. '
Miss ' Robbins is a graduate of
Smith college, class of 1919. Dur
ing the last year she has been active
in Social Settlement work and is at
present assisting Mrs. Noel Wallace
at the Girls' Community house.
' Mrj Boeell is well known in Oma
ha, having taken an active part in the
local branch of the American Legion
and Omaha Walking club. He is a
graduate of Kansas university.
Seen and Heard on
JFifth Avenue ,
The Horse Show at Madison
Square Garden, once the great style
center of New York, was a dismal
failure as to fashion features this
winter. Very few of the social elect
attended, and the simpering mani
kins of unheard-bf modistes failed
to attract the fashion photographers
who formerly haunted the tanbark
arena. 1 he automobile show in i
January s expected to take the horse 1
show s place in the social and
fashion calendar.
Queen Mary of England is still
being called "Dowdy Mary" in Lon
don and on the continent. She al
ways appears in most unbecoming
hats and gowns. Some of the Fifth
Avenue and Paris milliners declare
Queen Mary makes 'her own hats.
Thsi is very likely true, and it has
been recently announced that the
Royal Milliner insists on trying her
skill on the beautiful Princess Mary,
According to the New York Herald
the prince of Wales, while in Newi
Zealand, showed a letter from' his
sister to one of his dancing partners.
Princess Mary wrote: "Mother is
trimming a hat for me today. You
can imagine what it looks like."
The art of creating fashion, like
any other art, cannot be reduced to
a formula. If 'it could be", then it
would be too easy to be worth while.
Its first object is to arouse the in
terest of the crowd,' to retain that
interest and keep it alive. Its
strategy and tactics are ever in
transit to meet the changing condi
tions of time and place.
There are no laws in fashion. The
seasons mean nothing to the crea
tive element of the fashion world, A
few years ago the great Georgette, of
Paris, thought a hot velvet hat
would be good in July with a summer
fur as compliment. Her suggestion
became the rage, and for several
seasons this uncanny idea held sway.
Straw hats once fashionable in Janu
ary, are likely to play a return en
gagement this season. The present
mad rush for satin hats strongly in
dicates this. The winter season
should present velvet and fur hats,
but satin is King now.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dawson are
in Fremont
George Tait is spending the holi
days in St Louis, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Byrne went
to Fremont for Christmas.
Harry Holmes is spending the
week-end in Maryville, Mo.
Miss Harriett Valentiner spent
Christmas day in Lincoln.
Kenneth Norton has returned
from a trip to New York City.'
Ben Thomsen is spending the holi
days with relatives in Tilden, Neb.
Miss Agnes De Mar leaves today
for Oswego, Kan., to spend the holi
days. Daniel O'Brien is spending the
week end with his parents in Stu
art, la.
Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Medders and
daughter, Ruth, are visiting in Sioux
City, la.
Roland Guapel left Thursday for
St Louis to spend the holidays with
his parents.
Billy Bullard of McCook, Neb., ha3
arrived to spend the holidays with
Mrs. Bullard. '
Waldo Eyre is spending the
Christmas holidays with his parents
in Superior, Neb.
Mr and Mrs. William Sackriede
have gone to Chicago for a short
visit with relatives.
Mrs Forest Croxon and small
daughter have gone to St Louis to
spend the holidays.
Mrs. 'J. H. Ellsberry is conval
escing at the Presbyterian hospital,
following an operation.
Robert Byrne left Wednesday for
East Orange, In. J., to spena ine
holidays with his parents.
James Williamson, who attends
Yale, is spending the holidays with
friends in New York City.
Mrs. Cyrus Morton of Sterling,
Colo., is spending the holidays with
her son, Qeorge P. Wharton.
Miss Gladys Wilkinson of Lin
coln attended the Princeton triangle
play in Omaha Christmas night.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Luherger left
Friday for Cedar Rapids, la., to
spend the holidays with relatives.
Edward Murphy of St. Paul, is
spending the holidays with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Murphy.
Miss Rita McCran and her cous
in. Helen Gallaeer. are guests of
Mrs. Stanley L. Kellar, at Kearney,
Neb. '
Mrs. C W. DeLamatre has re
turned to Omaha from Kimball, O.,
where she was visiting her son, How
ard, i
Miss Margaret Goos and brother,
George Goos, are spending the hol
idays with relatives in Plainview,
Neb. ,
Lieut. Alfred M. Gruenther of
Camp Knox, Ky., is visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs.. C. M. Gruen
ther. '
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Durkee of
Chicago, formerly of Omaa, have
returned here to make their future
home. .
Mrs. J. F. Carpenter and daugh
ter, Miss Eleanor Carpenter, a stu
dent at Wellesley college, are spend
ing the holidays with Mrs. Carpen
ter'sdaughter, Mrs. Marvin Freder
ickyind Mr. Frederick.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Daugherty
and children, John M. II, Mary
Eulalia and Claire of Greeley, Neb.,
arrived Tuesday to spend the holi
days with Mr. Daugherty's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Daugherty.
Miss Frances Billings, who has
betfrf visiting Miss Dorothy Balbach,
leaves Monday for her home in Ven
ice, Cal. i
Miss Eulalia R5an of Columbus,
Neb., will arrive the first of the
week- to visit Miss Marguerite
Mrs. Forest Croxon and daugh
ter, Miss Jane, have gone to St.
Louis to spend the holidays with
Donald Hall, who attends Stan
ford university in Stanford, Cal., is
spending, the Christmas holidays in
Los Angeles.
Mrs. A. J. Combs of Edgewood,
la., stopped in Omaha to visit B.
B. Combs last week. Shew as en
route to Denver,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Morton,
jr., announce the birth of a daugh
ter, Patricia Joan, Thursday at the
Stewart hospital.
Miss Anne Potter of Morrison,
111., arrives the first of the week to
be the guest of, the Misses Helen
and Lucy Garvin.
Miss Annabelle Whelan left Fri
day for York, Neb., where she will
spend the holidays with her mother,
Mrs. Mary Whelan. '
Mary Doud, who is attending the
State Teachers' college in Greeley,
Colo., is spending the holidays with
relatives in Greeley.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ernst and
daughter, Dorothy, are . spending
Christmas in .Indianapolis, Ind., with
relatives of Mr. Ernst.
Frederick F. Weller of Greeley,
Colo., arrived Thursday to spend
the holidays with his parents, Mr
W Mrs. R. B. Weller.
Helen Reed, a student at Wells
college, Aurora, N. Y., is spending
the holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W E. Reed.
Marvin Bridges returned Thurs
day from Williams college to spend
the holidays with his parents, Dr.
and Mrs. E. L. Bridges. .
The Mioses Frances and Mildred
McCrann are spending the holidays
with theirsister, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Breen of Humphrey, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Rawson White and
daughter, Helen Elizabeth, of Hast
ings are spending the holidays with
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. White.
George Laier, who has been ill at
St. Catherines hospital for the pat
several weeks, is much improved and
has returned to his home. -
Maynard Buchanan and Samuel
Carlisle, jr., who attend Shattuck
Military academy, are spending the
holidays with their parents.
Miss Mildred Walker, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Walker, has
been confined to her home since
Thursday, owing to illness.
Mr. and Mrs. George McNamara
and children, Catherine and James,
come next Wednesday to visit Mr.
and Mrs.. Thomas F. Dugher.
Miss Janet Sargent (of Kansas City,
vho had planned to spend part of the
holidays here as the guest of Louise
Riley, will not come to Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bailey of Burwell,
Neb., arrived Thursday to spend the
winter in Omaha. They will be at
the Wellington for the present.' ,
Stewart McDonald, who , attends
Harvard, is spending the holidays in
New York with his brother, John,
a student at Columbia university,.
Mrs. Lawrence Holliday and
daughter, Miss Virginia, left Mon
day for Des Moines, la., to remain
over the holidays with Mrs. Holli-
day's sister, Mrs. Harry Purvis and
Mr. Purvis. Mr. Holliday and
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Nabstedt left
Thursday to spend Christmas at the
Purvis home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith are
spending the holidays at Luna Park,
Dow City. Ia., with Mr. and Mrs.
Morris Wilder of Council Bluffs."
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jobst of
Lincoln, spent the 'week-end in
Omaha with Mrs. . Jobsts parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Morton.
Miss Grace Richter of Minneap
olis, Minn., arrived Monday to be
the holiday guest of her sister, Mrs.
Windsor Megeath and Mr. Megeath.
r .
Mr. and Mrs. Lou J'. Traynor are
attending a house party, in Shelton
kt the home of Mrs. Traynor's pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Red
dington. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Hamilton left
Tuesday for Mineral Wells, Tex.,
where they will spend the holidays
with their , daughter, Mrs. Edwin
Thompson, and Mr. Thompson. Aft
er New Years Mr. and Mrs. Hamil
ton will go to Panama and South
America, not returning to Omaha
until late in the spring.
Floyd Paynter has arrived ftom
Boloit. Wis., where he attends col-
lege, to spend the holidays with h'SM Thursday by Mr. Hamlin
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Paynter. -
Miss Hazel Wilcox, daughter of
Dr. and -Mrs. W. A. Wilcox is en
joying the southland during the holi
day season. She is at Macon, Ga.,
at present
Miss Helen a Garvin. Girls' Work
secretary at the West Side Y. W.
C. A., in Chicago, arrived this morn
ing to spend the holiday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank 11.
Alfred Adams of Lincoln, who
spent Christmas day in Omaha witli
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Adams, left Saturday evening for
Nebraska City, where he will spend
the week.
Mrs. George E. Hamlin and small
son, George, jr., of Chicago arrived
Monday to remain over the holidays
with Mrs. Hamlin's parents, Mr.
and .Mrs. II. G. Strcight She was
accompanied by her brother,v Mar
old Streight, who , attends Dart
motith college, and was joined here
Mr. and Mrs. George Daniel
Shields and children oi Chicago vyill
come to spend the holidays with
Mrs. Shield's mother, Mrs. Ellen Mc
Namara. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tru
man of Lincoln will also be guests
of Mrs. McNamara for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C Curry and
daughter, Regina, Mr. and Mrs
James Casey and' family, Mr. and
Mrs. Dennis Casey of Corning, la.,
are spending Christmas in Omaha,
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kel
logg. '
Mrs. Beulah Sinclair and daughter,
Miss Annabel, leave Thursday for
Chicago, where they will spend sev
eral days. They will be joined by
Miss Helen Sinclair, who attends
Miss Blakcr's school for girls in Indianapolis.
i ... ; . ' . 1 . " ;
Invest Your
What could be more sensible than to take advan
tage at this time, when Mr. Edholm is going out of
business, to add to your silver pattern or pick up a
few pieces of his choice silver stock that is posi
tively to be sold out as soon-as possible. ,V -
It is Mr. Edholm's desire to completely sell out.
every piece of silver in his store, and beginning
Monday, December 27th, a substantial increased
discount will be added to the one inaugurated
September 6th, which has continued with such
success up to the present time.
Please Remember Our Stock of Silver Must
, Be Moved First and Will Not Be Replaced
Omaha s Oldest Established Jeweler
1 6th at Harnej .
. " - ' I
Sfllc- nt I imriQandMiaripQ ?
V Starting Monday
Discounts from 20 to 50 on Every Base,
Shade and Complete Lamp in Our Stock .
We list below a few, of theso splendid values
$25.00 Silk Shades, flat type. In Rose, Mulberry, Blue or-Gold.
Suitable for Junior or Table Base. Sale price ..........$9.75
Mahogany finish Floor Lamps. $10.00 to $15.00 Values mt
; ., $3.75 and $6.75 - ; '
ill Period Types of Table and Floor Lamps Will be Offered at
.'- ' this 'Sale, and Priced Regardless of Cost
. WiH. Eldridge Importing Co. j
After -Christmas Clearance Sale of
' '
On the Main Floor of the New Building
11TE Have taken all Christmas or holiday merchandise
left from our stocks and will place it on sale Monday
at exactly one-half the regular pricer
Many people received money for Christmas and here is an
opportunity to secure twice as much for your money as you
did originally, -
SPECIAL tables filled with tins merchandise will be
placed on the Main Flooi of the new building and on ac
count of the many different articles we are unable to de
scribe it in detail.
Come early and make your selections, for in most cases
there are but one or two articles of a kind, and the best will
be taken first.
i -
1318 Farnam St.
i . . ;
iru.f, iU nf melted ametnvst:
- r . - ,;. cul,