THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 26, 1920. 12 A . v Classified Advertising Rates IKr per line (count words to line) I day IMc per tin pur day, t consecutive days IV pur Una pur day, T consecutive days 14e per line pur day, SO consecutive days Nil ads taken tur less than a total of 3 Sc. These rates apply lthr to tha Dally or Hunday Bee. All advertisement ap pear In Loth morning and avenlnc dally ' papers (or the one oharge. , CONTIt ACT RATES ON APPLICATION. Want adi accepted at ttia following of fices: 1 ' MAIN OFFICE 17ln and FarnamSts South Side 231 N St. Council Hluffa 1& Seott St. WANT ADH RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TYLEK 1000. THE BEB will not ha responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for mora than one CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition U"45 A; M. Morning Edition 8:n P' Sunday Edition 9:00 P. M.. Saturday ruilCKLL Mn. llanora, at residence, 4:'4 Lincoln boulevard, December i4. Funeral fronj family residence. Monday, 8:30 a. m to St. John church, o'clock. Interment llnly fiepulcher. . Survived by four sons and four daughters, J. J., H. 1'.. ,N ,T., Katherln and Nora, all at home.; R. A. Pureoll and Mrs. Anna tjulnlan of Omaha and Mrs. J. P. (irlf fln of Lincoln; eleven grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren. The deceased lived In Council Bluffs for the past SO years, up to 2 years ago. when the family moved tn the present ad- dress. Please omit fluwers. CARD OP THANKS. I WISH to express my heartfelt thanks to tho members of the T. A. S. of R. M., the Overland club, Capital lodge No, 3 A. F. and A. M., the Family League of the Union Pacific. Union Pacific car shops foreman and Union Pacific em ployes, also relatlvea and friends for their kindness, expressions of sympathy, and tho beautiful floral offerings durlnir the Illness and death of my beloved hushand. I shall ever keep these gra cious Vels In grateful remembrance. Mrs. John H. Wlllett. IN MEMORY. IN lovlnii remembrance of my husband, John A. Dempster, who, passed "over"' December 21, 191 4. Mary E. Dempster. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. "STACK & FALCONER O.MAHA'R PEST pierce AvMRTTT ANPR service ARKOWAiV1I3UL'A1N,-'Cj HARNEY 4 Thirty-third and Farnam. "HULSE& RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 701 Smith ltith 8t. ; PourIbs 122IT "HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embnlmers. Phone H. 2CG. Office 2611 Fnrnsm. FOR AMBULANCE call South 680. Korisko Funeral Home, 23d nnd O Sts. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON 1814 Douglas St. v Douglas 244, JOHN HATH, IKth and Farnam. I) 3000. L. Henderson. 1619 Farnam. Douglas 1248 r6ST7WUNDNTRWARD& FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele phone Tyler S00. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY COMPANY. i.dST Tormise-shf 11 rimmed Kinases in leather case. Finder please call Har nrv 0123. Reward. LOST Lady's gold watch on southwest corner of lfith and Missouri. Y I. 2882. LOST Largo white cameo pin. Har. 1732. Reward. PERSONAL. '1 HK SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, niagaalnes. We collect. We distribute Phone Doug 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect otftr new borne, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. GALLSTONES Free book tells of im proved mthod of treating inflamma tion of gallbladder and bile ducts. Write today. Dr. Paddock, Box 911201,, Kan sas City, Mo. patent"attorKeys. I W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1716 Dodge. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, Incorporated. Douglas 1167, Arlington Block, Omaha, Neb. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS & SWOBppA. 1415 FARNAM STREET. TRY us, good masseuse work, Harney In . stltute. Tyler 4315. MATTRESSES remade, springs repaired. U. 1762. ' TREATMENT, t Xpert Swcd. mass. P. 5877. MANICURING, massages. 330 LeFlang B, RENT Hoover vacuum. II. 25. Wal. 1947. WEAVING, old rugs remade. Ty. 1483. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeeht St. RENT e'ec. vac, cleaner, 81 day. Col. 4116. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME. We teach ballroom and all kinda of .fancy dancing. D. 2581 or IT. 2712. Va Pino School for Dancing. 2424 iV.eil. 1IIC Fnrnani Itanr. 7RB0. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. 205IS. Night Col. 8812. JAMES ALLAN, 812 Neville Blk, Evidence eecured in all cases. Tyler 1136. Hemstitching and Pleating. ACCORDION! aide, knife, sunburst, bos pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work,N buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co... "208 Brown Blk. Douglas 1936. Neb. Pleating & Button Co.. 1806 Farnam St, Dour. 6670. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS piVM. to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16th St. Doug las 6049. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half price of new beds. Pillows renovated and made up In new feather-proof ticking. 1007 Cuming street. Douglas 2467. PAXTON-M ITCH ELL CO.. 17th. and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. ' SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades sold. Omaha Razur Sharpening Co.. .1622 Wodge. 108 N. 16. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto l'rug (-tors. iiin and Douglas Sts., Omaha. Neb. OMAHA WELDINO CO. "The Careful Welders. 15th and JajKson. V. 43t. FILMS developedlprlntlng and' enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St FULL dress suite and tuxedos for rent, 109 N. 16th St., John Feldman. D. 8128. WEDDING announct-ments and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. CABINET work of man, Web. 3179. all kinds. U F. llol- Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. P. 628 ilr, Bradbury. No" pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. FOB SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION AUCTION. Another big sale of dry goods, gro ceries and furnishings at Dowd's Auc tion House, 18th & Webster, Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday eve nings. Sale starts at 7:30 sharp. DOWD AUCTION CO. A PHONOGRAPH will make fine Xmas gift. : We hiive some wonderful bar gains. You car, save $50 to $100. Come I In and let us show you. $1 records, 46c. Records exchanged lie. Shlai-s Phonograph Co., 140 Dodge St. Open evenings. Pianos and Musical Instruments. 1 TWO WONDERFUL USED PIANO BAR GAINS. ONE KIMBALL AND ONE ESTEY. IN FINE CONDITION. , CHAS. II. THATCHER '19 DOUGH 8T. A. HOSPE.CO. Pianos for rent. Everything in art and music ALMOST NEW. BEAUTIFUL-LARGE $800 PHONOGRAPH AND $4 WORTH OF RECORLS, $95. WEBSTER 0211. WILL-sell cheap; my largo, beautiful, al most Hew taw phonograph with all rec ords for $105. Walnut 394L DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions re pairing. Phone Harnty 297. yeo. A. Smith. 761 Davenport 81. . CHICKERING SONS, mahogany baby grand, like new, bargain. Doug. 30t;. LARGE sir.e, eenuitw mwnogsny Columbia graronoia. . garner MAHOGANY rietrola and records. H. FOR SALE. Typewriters and Supplies. "TYPEWRITERS ADDINGAMACHINES. ALL MARKS, bqught. aold, rented and repaired. Sola stents for tha CORONA. Qet our price before you bJy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Doutflas 4120. 1913 Farnam. PROTEOTOGRAPHS, F. & E.'a: bargains. 320 Neville Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 siandarl stale, lttx8Vs foot platform, also SS-lnch Buffalo Forfe Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaba Bee office, l?th and Farnam 8L Pbon Tyler xooo. SWEET FRENCH PRUNES. Buy large evaporated French prunes direct from grower. 53 prunes to the pound, parktd to keep until eaten, in sanitary paper-lined wooden boxes. , Prices delivered any express station: Eastern states, 10 lbs., $2.60; 26 lbs., . Central states, 10 lbs., $3.60; 25 lbs., $5.76. Middlcwest states, 10 lbs., $2.4u; 26 lbs., $5.60; Pacific coast states, lu lbs., $3.20; 26 lbs.. $5.50. SUNSET RANCH, LIVE OAK. CALIFORNIA. IF YOU NEED XMAS MONEY. Why not sell some of those clothes you laid away, or those pictures, trunks, furniture, etc., stored In toe attic? Someone may be glad to get them, and an ad In The Bee will help you dis pose of them. Call the Want Ad De partment, Tyler 10(0. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parti. MICKEL'S 16th and Harney. Cuglaa 197J. TRUNKS, bags, suitcases. Why pay two middlemen profits? Buy from factory direct. Send for free catalog. Acme Trunk and Bag Factory, Spring Valley, 111. SURE and safe Investment, city warrant to pay vou 10 per cent Interest, $100, $500 and $1,000 amounts. E. G. Solomon jll Karbach Bide. Douglas 6262. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases. etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co. R. W. Cor. 11th and Douglaa. D. 724. BEAUTIFUL FLOOR LAMPS. $16.S0 WHILE THEY LAST. SHLAES PHONOGRAPH CO., 1404 DODGE ST. - FOR SALE Reliance cream separator, No. 14, 14-in. plow, sulky, power grindstone, all new. 1722 S. 29th St. Har. 6162. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. FRED C. TAYLOR, 603 Securities Bldg, Tyler 3685. G A T?T?Q BARGAINS, 12th& Farnam. Oiir JTJIO j. j. Darlght Safe Co. DIAMOND ring. karat, for sale very reasonable. Box R-800, Omaha Bee 4 -KARAT lads diamond ring on pay ' ments to reliable party, r Tyler MM. DIAMONDS on payments. Fred C. Taylor, 608 Securities Hldg. Tyler 3H.S5. PULLMAN conductor uniform, almost new, size 42. 411 N. 20th. Dr ug. 41.00. For Sale, trade, 6x7 Camera, for typewrit er, 3.1x4 VijlrejUibjfr04HML rTuSHat and velvet suit. Web. 0388. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6146. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes nnd urnlture. Ty. 8598. A. Zavett. 705 N. 16. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male HAULING ashes, 12 c a tub. Wal. 3516. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch th Domestic column of Th Bee. Lots of good places art always advertised. Don't miss them. SEWING, silks, velvets, skirts. Jackets, re lined, remodeled. Reasonable. Har. 6804. Laundry and Day Work EXPERIENCED, colored laundress wants day work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Colfax "681. DAY work wanted, any kind, or work as Janltress. Young colored woman. So. 4461. MEN'S silk shirts, collars, underwear, etc., carefully laundered and mended. Ty. 4315. EXPERIENCED colored lady , wanta day work, cleaning etc. Web. 4391. CLEANING, ironing, laundry, competent colored lady. Web. 1787. WASlTlNG, half days out, and small bundles. Web. 2761. DAY work, laundry, experienced, colored. Web. 6639. y WANTED Day work, any kind, or as Janltress; voung colored woman. S. 4461. SILK shirts laundred, mended. Tyler 431 j. DAY work, cleaning', Ironing. Web. 6622. WOOL blankets, iocs curtains. H 1130. FIRST-CLASS laundress. Web. 2973. DAYWORK wanted. Webster 6631. DAY work, exp. white woman. Doug. 8333, HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER and secretary, $200. BANK CASHIER, country bank, salary open, Nebraska. STENOGRAPHER, $85 to $100. BOOKKEEPER, prefer bank experience, city, $100. GENERAL office clerk, Hastings, Neb., $100. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN. 1306 First Natl. Bank Bldg. WANTED MEN EXPERIENCED IN DRY GOODS FOR BUYERS SALES, ETC. MUST BE A-l IN AHTLITY AND . APPEARANCE. REFERENCES. COAL TEAMSTERS. 8 A. M. MONDAY. EMPLOYERS' FREE LABOR BU REAU, 1911 HARNEY ST. WANTED A polite young man of good appearance to operate posting machine in bank. Experience not necessary. Give reference and wiifres expected In first letter. The Dawson County State bank, Txlnfrton, Neb SALESMEN A-l specialty expe.. Neb. and ' Kan. territory, $1R0-$175 end expenses. Stenographer, knowledge of bkkg, $100. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 913 First National Bank Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED An experi enced, all-around furni ture vman; must have good references. C. H. VILh FURNITURE CO., j Fort Dodge, Iowa. LEARN auto and tractor business In six to eight weeks; opportunities evert where offering $15 to $400 a month: twice more equipment and flonr spaee used In daily practice training than any auto school In America; master me chanic Instructor and same method we used to train thousands of soldier me chanics In 60-day courses: write now for free catalog. Rahe Auto nnd Tractor School. 2130 Oak street. Kansas City. Mo. DETECTIVES earn big money. Excellent opportunity. Travel. Great demand everywhere. Fascinating work. Expert once unnecessary. We train you. Partic ulars freo. Write Dept. f09, American Detective System, 1966 Broadway, New York. WANTED Men wishing positions as fire men, brakemen. colored train porters on large Nebraska roads, write Immediate ly for full Information; no experience necessary; $150-$250 month. Inter Rail way Dept. 232. Indianapolis. Ind. MEN wanted for detective work; experi ence unnecessary. Write J. Onnqr, for mer U. S. Government detective, , St. Louis. J TEACHERS' manual training and all oth er Hlgn school subjects; apply at once to Cllne Teachers Agency, Columbia, Mo. . RAILWAY mall clerks needed; begin $133 month; traveling expenses, paid; speci men questions free. Columbus Insti tute Lt-t, Columbus, O. SPECIALTY salesmen wanted, In silver , ware, rugs and blankets. Can use a couple of rood men. out 0f town work. C.F. Adams Co.. 623 So. 16th. FIREMEN, brakemen, beginners $200, later $301 (which position?). Write Railway, Box Y-U68, Omaha Bee. MOLEIl BARBER COLLEGE, 110 Soutl 14th Ml. Catalog free. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Traveling salesman to repre- nt old established printing concern In Wyoin'ng. )ow:ioi) South Dukota. Box W-Jl, Omaiia Be HELP WANTEDMALE Salesmen and Solicitor!. I WANT 100 men and women quick to take orders for Comer raincoats and waterproof aprons. Everybody buys. McCrary's profits last year were I6,21. New styles, wonderful bargalna, direct from manufacturer to wearer. Barnes made $523 In 30 days. Tremendous profits for you. $2,600 a year for three average orders a day. $10 a day . for your spare time. No delivering nor col lecting. No capital required. I furmVh , everything. Including a beautiful sample coat. Write quick for liberal offer. The Comer Mfg, Co., Dept. O-160, Dayton, Ohio. SALESMAN. We want a man for Nebraska who knows the. state thoroughly, particularly hardware, drug or general store trade, proven sales record and unquestionable references essential: preference will be glvep man who has a car; large line made in our own Amerlran and foreign factories, well known to tho trade. If vou are now traveling for a Jobber and want to better yourself here Is sn op portunity, commission basis. Write glv lug all details to H. A. Btlberateln, ' 'Salesmananger, Hotel Fontenelle. EXPERIENCED candy salesman who li well acquainted with thla trade In Ne braska to represent us, commencing January 1, calling: on Jobbers and de partment stores, with manufacturer's line of popular price pall candles; pre- - for aggressive, middle-aged man, with ability and experience enough to handle a big selling lino tn a big way. Give age, present employers and salary now earning in first letter. Address The Runkle Co., Kenton, O. WANTED Three men who are good hard workers for high claiss specially to call on all class of retail dealers In vil lages, towns and smaller cities. Perma nent position , with established house. Place Is worth $700 per month and bettor to producers. Previous experi ence In specialty work Is not necessary, but must have brains and know bow to use them. Previous record must be first class. Address Dept. G, 1606 Great Northern Bldg., Chicago. WE recognize no competition' because of the unique and most essential nature and U. S. protected article, exclusively owned and controlled by us, clearing upward of $40 per day for salesmen. Government created demand. If you cannot Bell this specialty you will fall selling life preservers on a sinking ship. Definite co-operation. Jerome Laadt, Pre. I South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. ' LARGE producer, refiner and marketer has opening for a man with proven sales ability to take charge of saleamen. A real opportunity for the man who can qualify. Giye full particulars in the first letter and action will be taken at once, ' Address Box Y-1376, Omaha Bee. SALESMEN get busy. Something new the best dog-gone money maker you ever saw; magazine men, subscription men, take notice If $100 to $250 a week appeals to you. See Mr, Lehr, Paxton Hotel, Room 454, from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Ex-srvlce men preferred Enough said. CHECKWRITER SALESMEN Choice ter ritory open on general agents proposition, new machine that protects payee's name and writes amount at one operation, also Fidelity bond; best commission. Write or wire. T. Ij. Hlrsehlrerg, 217 Com monwealth Bldg., Denver. Colo. SALESMEN Side lino men making small towns; new idea; no sale; no collection; no samples to carry; $5 commission paid on each trial order taken. State line carried and territory . covered. Keeney & Sons Co., 700 E. 40tfc St., Chicatro. SALESMEN In this territory, real sales men, having regard for, trade. Make good selling Rainier Auto Polish. Side line or all time. Interesting proposi tion. State experience. Only A-l men considered. Rainier Auto Supply Co., Inc., 702 E. Pike street, Seattle. Wash. SALESMAN to' sell high class advertising calendars and fans In Omaha and sur rounding territory; highest commission paid promptly; selling season commences January 1. Geo. H. Jung Co., Clncin natl, O. SALESMAN Exceptional opportunity for good man calling on furniture and de , partment stores to sell our popular priced rugs from mill to dealer direct. Exclusive territory. Mfgrs., Box 3403, Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED Salesman selling druggists regularly, to handle our bulk and packed Aspirin tablets, cold tablets, Pimplex for pimples and Mustard Oil Ointment; good commissions. Ward's Mustard Oil Co., Lincoln, Neb. OUR side line assortment of advertising fans bring live wire salesmen $200 to $300 monthly; samples light; all mer chanta prospects; easy to sell; season begun; liberal commissions. Fan Dept., United States Calendar Co.. Cincinnati, O. SALESMAN for Nebraska Iowa and nearly all states, quick selling popular-priced corsets, generous commissions, would consider side line. State full experience. Newstyle Corset Mfg. Co., Inc., Cort land, N. Y. - ' , PEANUT vending machines, salesmen calling on candy, cigar and drug trade to sell our world's best penny vending machines; $4 cash commission. Fel senthal Candy Co., Dept. 249, Louls- vuie, n.y. EVERY merchant using string will gladly buy gummed tape printed with his ad vertisement.. $35 sale nets you $10.60 commission Ad-Lee Novelty Co., Dept. A-l 7. Chicago. SALESMEN to sell well-established sam ples to-retail drug trade; no competi tion; full or part time; liberal com mission. P. C. Box 38. Room 308, 133 Broadway, New York City. SALESMAN Strong side line of bureau scarfs, pillow cases and carriage covers; easy to handle, excellent money maker. Commission basis. Address, "Ambitious," Room 2502. 110 West 40th St., N.Y. City. SALESMEN Inexperienced or experi enced city or traveling. Write for list of lines and full particulars. Address Nat'l Salesmens Tr. Assn. Dept. 256. Chicago, 111. TWO high grade city salesmen to call on business men only: unlimited pos sibilities for the right men. Omaha Western Sales Company, 1102 Farnam St.. second floor. SALESMAN, women's neckwear: aide line for established territory throu -h the middle west; liberal commission to man carrying kindred lines. Troiln-Simon, 100 6th Ave., N. Y. WANTED Men for real estate business . upon commission or salary. Lessons worth $25 free. If you mean business Cornell Farm Agency, Procter Bldg., Troy, N. Y. i WANTED Five Bond and Stock Sales men to work on leads furnished. Tho Bankers Investment Trust, 905 Pioneer Bid!?., St. Paul, Minn. . Agents and Canvassers. FOR THE NEW YEAR, why should life life insurance agents in Nebraska plod along in the old rut, when a proposi tion Is open for you that will meet pres ent financial and other conditions. Something new tn "Old Lino" Life in suraneej We want GOOD MEN and will use them well. It Is to your interest to engage with the Columbia Life In surance Company of Fremont, Neb. SELL Minitmend for tires and tubes, cost 25c repair; surpasses vulcanising, savs 600 per cent; every aut;o and accessory dealer buys; profits amazing; Shaw made $21 first day: Hart, $165 first week; particulars and free sampls. The Continental Rubber Co., Dept. O, rnnaaeipnia, fa ALCOHOL, our book explaining the man ufacture of alcohol from grain and molasses. Reprinted from government files as permitted at present; $1 pre paid. Sun Supply Co. B. 165, Sun Bldg., New York. N, Y. SANITARY wire-grip brushes, dustleal mops, dustless furniture dusters, etc., are the big moneymakers of the year. Exclusive territory snd free samples for live salespeople. North Ridge Brush Co., 1 25 , Clark St., Freeport, III. CHEWING GUM Sell to dealer-. Profit able business built up quickly. Spear mint and popular flavors In novel pack, ages. Write today. Helmet Co... Cln- - cinnntl, O. AGENTS 90c an hour to advertise and distribute samples to consumer. Write quick for territory and particulars. Al bert Mills. Gen. Mgr. 2912 American Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS, $60-$200 week: free samples; gold sign letters anyone can put on store windows; big demnnd ; liberal of fer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 435 N. Clark. Chicago. SELL necessities: everybody needs and . buys the "Business Guide." Bryant cleared $800 In 30 days; Outellus $560 In tr, days. Send for sample. It's free. Nichols Co.. Napervllle. III. AGENTS Ascago Health Sonps, sham poos, toilet preparations. New staple, , fast-selling repeaters. Unusual profits. Satisfaction or money back. Ascage Company. 238 North Ave., Chicago. MORHEAT LESKOL. The Roach Coal Saver docs tt. Coal very scarce and high. Agent oppor tunity now; big profits. Roach, 12 N. 62.1 St., Philadelphia. V.'.TER STILLS, wrlto for free booklet giving prices and' description of our heavy copper water stills. Boyer A Co. AGENTS, wonderful seilor. 96c profit every dollar sales; license unnecessary; no stock to carry; ssmple free. Mission, 28 19, w. Ptco, I,os Ang-Is. cal. Bee want ads are best busiufs gcltcrs. . v HELP WANTED MAi-E. Miscellaneous. RELIABLE man to address envelopes, mall samples, etc. Steady homo work evenings; no canvassing; $16 to $30 per 1,000; excellent opportunity; enclose stamp for sample. Ilox Y-1378, Omaha Bee. , MAN to work this city refinishlng chan deliers, brass beds, automobiles, by new method. $10 dally without oapltal or experience. Write Qunmetal Co., 171 x rcim. itecatnr, in. $135 MONTH, Railway mail clerks. Ex aminations January 16, Sample ques tions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 229-K. Rochester,' N. Y. STOP daily grind; start silvering mirrors, auto headlights,' Ubleware, etc.; plans free. Clarence Sprinkle, Dept. 44, Marl on, Ind. MEN Age 17 to $5; experience unneces sary; travel; make secret Investigations, reports; salaries, expenses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 478, St. Louie. MAN wanted to 'set pins at Farnam Bowl ing Alley. 1807 Farnam St. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER and bookeeper, $100. STENOGRAPHER, Hastings, Neb, $86 to $100. GENERAL Office clerk, $65 to $75. TYPIST and clerk, $75. STENOGRAPHER, uptown office. $100. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN. 1306 First Natl. Bank Bldg. DO YOU WANT WORK? DO YOU NEED HELP? WE HANDLE ALL KINDS OFFICE FACTORY TRADES. , EMPLOYERS' FREE LABOR HU ' HEAU, 1911 HARNEY. TYLER 3300. GlRLWor bookkeeping, small wages to start. Must be able to type. Addrees, Box X9X, Omaha Bee. Professions and Trades. WANTED Ladies to learn barber trade Special rates and Inducements. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Household and Domestic, " ' WANTED AT ONCH ' Good girl for general housework. Small family, modern conveniences Laundress kept. No small children, good wages, good home to light girl. Address Box X72, Omaha Pe GIRLS Watch the Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid and hemellke places always advertised. COMPETENT white second maid. Irs. A. W. Gordon, 3611 Jackson. Har. 0061. WANTED Girl for general housework. Laundress kept. Wal. 0895. COOK WANTED,. SMALL FAMILY. HAR. 0676. Miscellaneous. WANTED. 10 GIRLS BETWEEN AGES OF 17 AND 24 YEARS. 8TH GRADE EDUCATION OR BETTER. APPLY ROOMl 614, NEW TELEPHONE! BLDG,, 19TH AND DOUGLAS STREETS. UNINCUMBERED lady around 25 could find remunerative work drawing color designs for landscape work In smaller cities of Iowa during winter: instruc tion free, experience unnecessary. Write C. H. Knight, Landscape Nursery Man, 407 N. 19th. ' HOME work; $30 weekly, up; experience unnecessary; everything furnished; send self-addressed stamped enveloDe for free particulars. Candymakers Co., 18th St. J Philadelahla. Pa. V PHOTOPLAYS; 6,000 ideas needed; work ing girl paid $10,000 for ideas she thought worthless. Details free. Write Producers League, 257. St. Louis. WANTED Names women over 17, wish Ing government railway mall office po sitions, $135 month. Answer Immedlate ly. Address Box Y-1372, Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED, Male and Female WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning: strictly modern. Call or write 140J Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College $135 MONTH. Hundreds railway mall clerks. Omaha examinations Jan. 15. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 228-K, Rochester, N. Y. ' EDUCATIONAL.' MIDWINTER TERM BOYLES BUSINESS COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY , JANUARY t. ,, Day and night. Catalog frea Ad dress H. B. Boyles, Pres., Boyles Build. lng, Omana, Neb. Telephone Doug-laj- 1665. , LEARN tire repairing and retreading; also tube repairing and all rubber vul canizing IN THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE TIRE REPAIR SCHOOL IN OMAHA. Three weeks' training, $26., Write or call. , . NATIONAL TIWE SHOP. 17th Street and Capitol Avenue. We do not sell vulcanizing machinery. I Van Sant School of Business, Day and Evening Schools. 210 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. LEARN PIANO By ear in one -week. F. W. Little, Boi 88, Arsenal Sta., Pittsburgh, Pa. BUSINESS CHANCES. FLORIDA tourtsts, pleasure seekers, cap italists and Investors come to Fort Lauderdale, east coast Florida. Para dise, tropical climate. No winters. Send $2. Get seed cocoanut that will grow ornamental tree. Parcel post. Florida panorama views free. Tourists Promotion Co., Fort Lauderdale. Fla. $2 DOES It;' millions made in Sourlake Oil Fields: $2 down, balance monthly, gets warranty deed, may pay $200 or more monthly; co-operative well; free maps, bank reference. Established facts. Write today. Sourlake Texas Oil Co., 69 Dementi, St. Louis, Mo. MANUFACTURERS representative wanted by established corporation; open local office. Meritorious proposition sold to merchants, wholesalers and retailers. Sheuld net $10,000 annually; about $1,000 capital required. President, 826 Reaper Block, Chicago. 600 PER CENT per annum In a safe business enterprise. Write Box 984, Burkburnett, Tex. TO GET tn or out of business, see LEWIS A Co.. 411 HcCsgue Bids RESTAURANT for sale. Dg. 6786. Rooming Houses. $ ROOMS, 1st floor, for sale, very reason able, year lease, terms. Doug. 1190. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARB YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for you. If so, then -call Tle Bte Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will not only furnish you with a complete room list of choice vacant rooms in Omana, but also keep your number on our "Want to Rent" list for further reference In case you wanted to make another chang. These lists are absolutely free of chartfe to all readers and advertisers of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time, Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept. COMPLETE RM. LIST OF ALL CHOICE ROOMS IN OMAHA FOR BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. CALL FOR IT ANY , TIME. TYLER 1006. WANT AD. SINGLE and double rooms or men onlv, running hot nnd cold wnter, steam heat, walking dhtnnce. Brown Itachelor Apts., 508 N. 21st St. Doug. 5ti44. ROOM in private family for lady home evening. Hanscom park district. 1 ' block to car. Harney 61'04. FURNISHED room, close In. for 2, In pri vate family; breakfast If desired. Tyler 0390, NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, 620 S. 81st., Tyler 6094. i PLEASANT room for lady; breakfast If deslrod; close in: references. liar. 2450. NEWLY furnished room, modern, nlth r without board. Men only. Tyler 6834. STEA M-HEATED room In private- fa jther roomers. Ciose In. Duug. mlly, no o 05 NICE clean modern room tn private fam ily, also garsge. Harney 2945, 2613 CALIFORNIA Modern ooms. Board If desired. Tyler 614. , iiUDiiHN housekeeping rooms. Ho. POR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. LARGE modern room, every convenience, private family, 8510 S. 10th St. Ty. 1294. TWO sleeping rooms suitable for 2 persona, very desirable.' Harney 7116. BETIFI'L room, gentlemen preferred. ,11 nr. W4i. NEWLY furnished room, modern, with or without boa. il, men only, Tyler 6834. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, well-heated front room. "Har. 7878, SINMLK room, 1633 Park Ave. H. 7378. NICE warm room, private. Harney 6665. 8 MODERN sleeping rooms, Doug. 66i,'2. LARGE basement room, $10. Har. 0496. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE. BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OLTt BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLEK 1000. WANT AD BEAUTIFULLY furnished suite of 'rooms for light housekeeping, one block to car. Fumace heat. Harney 3737. 2415 CAPITOL, 1 or 2 clean, warm de sirable rooms, walking distance; bath floor. Dg. 8929. 1111 PACIFIC 81'. Light housekeeping rooms, everything' furnished, $7 per week. 1111 Pacific St. Light housekeeping rooms and everything furnished, $7 per week. 1-ROOM, will furnish for light house keeping. 620 8. 20th St. DouKlas 4688. 3 OR 4 modern rooms for light house keeping. Location close in. Tyler 696. TVO, 2-room suites for housekeeping; al eo one single . room. Tyler667. TWO or I modern housekeeping suites, walking distance. Douglas 6349. SUITE of 2 rooms on first floor, modern. Dg. 6106. LARGE well heated modern two-room suite, 802 S. 28th. Harney 183. 1 NICELY furnished rooms, reasonable. 1628 So. 27th St. Har. 6038. 2 light housekeeping rooms. Har, 1141 Board and Rooms. FCH CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OCR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. MODERN room, with board, for two gen tlemen, $7,50 per week. Karney 6639. . ROOM and board, refined ladies only, pri vate. 2701 Comden Ave. Col. 1329. ROOM and boak-d for 2 on Harney car line. 2877 California. Har. 0734. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms, on bath room floon heat, lights and gas furnished. 4247 Ersklne St. ATTRACTIVE room with board for 2, modern, with home privileges; convlent ly located. Har. 3166. 1646 So. 28th St. 5 UNFURNISHED rooms; heat, electric lights, furnished. 2720 Howard. TWO unfurnished rooms, close In, 620 S. 20th St. Douglas 4688. UNFURNISHED room, private. Wal. 6860. ONE basement room. Dg. 6349. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. 4-ROO.M modern house, furnished, $10.00, 3024 Evany. Doug. 3556. Unturnished. 107-9 N. 20th St., 2 8-rm. mod. brick flat, $90: 1609 V, N. 24th, 6-rm. flat, mod. ex. .heat, $20. 1920 Emmet St., 2 4-rm. flats, mod. fx. heat, each $18. WALSH-ELMER CO. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT Flve-room cottage, 1U4 S. 16th St., $20; 3-room brick fiat, 2518 N. 81st St, $14. S. a and R. E. Mont gomery, Doug1313. Walnut 2136. EIGHT-Room house, with garage, two lots, 4318 Ames avenue. Rent $60. I , PETERS 'TRUST CO. Tyler 0544. 17th & Farnam St. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18fh Street Tyler 4200 Omaha's Newest and Finest elusive Apartment Hotel. . Reservations Filed For -iiture Occupancy. Ex- 2. AND 3-room furnished apt., steam heat, within walking distance. Brown Apts., 608 No. 21st, Dg. 6644. Unfurnished. TADOUSAC Located on 38th Avenue between Sarnam and Dewey Avenue; Oma ha's finest and newest apartment building; suites of three, four and five rooms; in Omaha's most ex clusive residence district; prices, $100 to $15Q; building now ready for occupancy. , O'Keefe Real Estate Co.. REALTORS, 1016 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Douelas 2715. ' TADOUSAC Located on 38th avenue between Far nam amt Dewey avenue; Omaha's finest nnd newest apartment building; suites of three, . four and five rooms; in Omaha's most exclusive residence dis trict. Prices, $100 to $150. Building now -re-ad v for orrunanfy. O'KEEFE REAL' ESTATE COMPANY, REALTORS. 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Douglas 2713. FOR RENT - Seven rooms and large sleeping porch, heated, private front entrance and porch, beautifully decorated, large base ment, practically new handing, heat, hot water and janitor service included, 811 So. 30th St. See these today sure. PAYNE & CARNABY COMPANY REALTOR SERVICE 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1016. APARTMENTS Ru Blan, 2021-23 Webster St., 3 rms. and bath, S60. . . 114 So. 38th Ave., 3 rms. and bath, "80. WALSH-ELMER tO., Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT Five room flot, 611 si. l5lli street, $60. Immediate pc.pses's'on. PAYNE & CARNABY COMPANY REALTOR SERVICE " 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 101. AN attractive 6-roam and sunroom-apartment. No. 6 Ardmnre Terrace, 49th and California St. . PETERS TRUST CO. Tyler 0544. 17th & Farnam St. FOR RENT. 10-room flat,, located 24th and Ames Ave.; good condition, desirable to rent out rooms, heat furnished; $60 per nfttnth. ORUEN1G REALTY CO., 141 First Nat. Bit. Doug. 1966. NEW 6-romn apartment In Montlcello, 620 South 31st street. 2106. PETERS TRUST . CO. Tyler 0644. 17th ft Farnam St Peters Trust Company, Specialists tn apartment management FOR RENT 6-room steam heated apt. 669 So. S4th St. ftarney 4660. ALT, 'modern 6-room apartment. North Side. 150. Webter 0312. FOR RENT Business Property. 810 fouKlan. .Id fir.. 24x60. parlltioned off. Can ho used for office modern building, J.'iO. 1824 Cuming; flnn location for aut or tire repairing, ISO'. 1119 Fnrnnm Ht., 3d flonr. 52x120, $78, ' WALSH-ELMER CO. Tyler 1636. . 333 Securities Bldg. ' GARAGE. 1 v. 31 24-6 Harney, nearly 11,000 q. ft. floor apace, will be vacated by preeent service Ktatlnn Feb. 1st, who are going into larger quarters. WALSH-ELMER CO., . Exclualve Agents. Tyler 13:6, y 333 Sccurttk-x Bldg. FOR RENT Business Property. 1016 Farnam St., store with full-ce-Iftent basement. Auto row. tUeam heat ' furnished, WALSH-ELMER CO.. REALTORS. Tyler 1536. . 133 Securities lldg. X OFFICE space for rent. Exceptional con veniences. Ground floor, fireproof vault, Inquire 217 S.' 13th St. TWO all mod. stores, with elevators. 413 15 South Uth. .St. D. Abrama. Web. 0810. SEE F. D. WE 310 a 1STH 8T. MOVING AND STORAGE.. WE assemble and forward carloads of both household goods and automobiles. Watch this column, as It will keep you Informed where we are making carload shipments to. . If you are shipping to any of the cities represented or to towns adjacent to our shipping points, see us about our rates, as It is likely that our through Vat la . leas than the regular local rate and you have the advantage of carload! service. t.. Today we are eooepting shipments to th following cities: Los Angeles. Cal, GORDON FIREPROOF WARE HOUSE AND VAN CO. V 219 N. llth'St. 'Phone Douglas 894. Omaha, Neb. 1 FIDELITY iN3 CO. SAVE MONEY ON FREIGHT WEEKLY CARLOAD SHIPMENTS -NORTH, EAST, SOUTH AND WEST. SPECIAL RATES TO LOS ANGELES. STORAGE,. MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS., REASONABLE RATES FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglas 0288. FIDELITY STORAGE CO. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREB RENTAL 8ERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglas 038$. MOVING, PACKING; STORAGE. FlREfKUUr WAKlSflUUOD. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 80$ South 16th. Doug. 4168. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co.' Tyler 8400. WE can save you money on automobiles and household goods to California In through cars. Omaha Van Storage Co. 806 So. 16th St. . GLOBE VAN. TRANSFER AND - STORAGE CO. " For real service In hauling or stor age,, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Auto or wagon service. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage, 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2908. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR A SAFE INVESTMENT In the purchase of a used auto mobile one of the first considera tions is the standing of the com pany from whom you purchase. . Ae they reliable. Do they guar aritoe their cars. Have they a reputation for service. These questions are, settled with satisfaction when you buy one of our cars. . We stand back of evry car we sell and are only satisfied when you are. We protect you from all risks and every car of fered is of standard make and late model. Look over the following list and see the wide . variety in body styles and sizes. The prices are arranged to suit any 'purse. We have the car you need, and it is ready for you now. Look these over. HUDSON LIMOUSINE. SUPER SIX f HUDSON SPEEDSTER, HUDSON TOURING. HUDSON SEDAN. SUPER sir ESSEX TOURING, TER TOP. WIN- ESSEX SEDAN. ' . ESSEX ROADSTER. . STUDEBAKER ROAD STER. STUDEBAKER TOURING. WILLYS KNIGHT COUPE. WILLYS KNIGHT TOUR- ING HAY NES, TOURING.'- . VELIE ROADSTER. DODGE TOURING. CHALMERS TOURING. CHEVROLET TOURING. . ' BUICK TOURING. Every one ready to go. Terms if you wish. f, GUY L. SMITH "SERVICE FIRST." 26th and Farnam. Phone Doug. 1970. We have some splendid 1919 newly painted Fords foi sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy it ' f Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St Doug. 3622. YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND THE BEST BARGAINS -IN NEW AND USED FORDS AT THE M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., (Tha Handy Ford Service Station), 15TH AND JACKSON, DOUOLASSSM. GOOD CLOSED CARS k AT REASONABLE PRICKS LIBERAL TERMS , 1921 Ford Coupe Driven less than 1,000 miles ' New 1921 Nash Sedan. 7-passegr $500 under lint. 1920 Douglas 4-paxsenger Sedan 192 Ford Coupe, a bargain -193 Ford Sedan, refinlahed. ' 1918 Dodge Sedan, overhauled and re paired. 1918 Oakland Coupe. 1918 Cadillac Brougham We also carry a full line of open cars. 190 to select from. MHF.RAL TERMS MEEKSAUTOCO . 2047-4S. Farnam St. Doug. 4101, FORDS, BUICKS, I DODGES. New and ued cars. WUtter tops. Ford bod Its. . Cash or time. UULDSTRIM AUTO SALES CO. 131 Harney St. j Tylor 0714. DODOE "Roadster, il4, Uko new, $150. ALTO EXCHANGE. ' 2104 Farnam St. THE DIXIE FLYER, W. R. NIt'Hrt-.S MOTOR COMPANY. 262u Farnam St. j j 1 . AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Auto Exchange Co. In order to breatly reduce our stock we are offering till the first fof the year to sell our regular used cars on a vey liberal easy payment plan. Our reputation is your guaran tee of square treatment and big values. FORD COUPE, 1920, like newwith starter , $ 550.00 DODGE R O ADSTER, . 1919; like new 750.00 FORD TOURING, nearly new, with starter ...... 350.00 DODGE new SEDAN, like 1,150.00 BUICK TOURING. 1917. i newly painted, bumper, - and other extras 750.00 HUPMOBILE TOURING. 1917, model N, newly painted 725.00 HU'PMOBILE. SEDAN, . model N, like new 950.00 QLDSMOBILE ' 8 PACE- MAKER, in exceptionally , fine .shape 875.00 OLDSMOBILE 6 TOUR ING, 1919, like new .... OLDSMOBILE 8' TOUR ING, 1918, special paint 775.00 JOD 675.00 OVERLAND TOURING. 1918, newly painted 450.00 OVERLAND LIGHT SIX COUPE, , 1918, newly painted, new tires 775.00 COLE 8 TOURING, newly painted 950.00 HUDSON SUPER SIX TOURING, bumper, spot light and other extras 1,150.00 PREMIER TOURING, late model, at a bargain. PACKARD TWIN SIX TOUR ING, late model, original finish, like new, reasonable. - IF VOU are dissatisfied with vrmr old car, trade it to us for one that you can use. TERMS IF YOU WISH. Open Sunday, 10 to 3. Open evening. Auto Exchange Co., 2204 FARNAM ST. FOR SALE at a special price, two 2-ton White trucks. One new, the other run 600 miles as a demonstrator. Call Douglas 6454. 1918 CHUMMY roadster, light 6, for Dale lit a bargain. In first-class condition. Call Wilder, Harney 6066, or Council Bluffs. Red 1274. 80ME bargains in used For.1 ears . Mo Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station. 1Mb and Jackson. Doug las 3600. WANT TO BUY IS USED CARS CALL MR. DARLING. TYLER 5K.19. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND Co 20th Harney f ts. JORDAN touring, 6-passenger; need the money; must sell at once. Tyler 4143. DANDY Ford foupe, will sell very reason- vume tiox aua. umaha Bee. FOR SALE or trade. Chalmers 7-passcn- vein puum nrier i p. m. 2 14 OR 3-TON dump truck for sale at sacrifice. 1501 Marcv St. TRUCKS Any slse for hire. Best service, beat rates. Tyler 1976. DdDGE touring at a bargain, fine share Phone Tyler 0714. i Accessories. newTTres . : ' , 30x3 tires, $ S. 50 Tubes, $1.95 SOxS'i tirns. $ 9.60 Tubes, $2.45 32X.H4 tires, $13.76 Tubes, $2.70 ,3.4.x4 tlrP"' $17.96 Tubes. $3.70 VULCANIZERS SUPPLY CO.. farnam r.. omana. Neb. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WRITE for our list of guaranteed rebuilt motorcycles. Victor H. Roos. 27th and . Leavenworth. Dept. B. Omsha. Neb. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on band to loan on Omaha residences. , E. H. LOUGEE. INC ' ' 633 Kecline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 271 $in to $111,000 made promptly. P. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 810 S. ISth St. ,1-ROMPT service, reasonable raies, private money. Garvin Bros 346 Omaha Nat Stocks and Bonds. MANY Texas Oil Ftock and oil Investors entitled to big profits and dividends and don't know it. Send $3 for full report on your Investment in any oil stock, oil well or lease in Texas. Protect your Interest. Bonded Abstract Company, Wichita Falls, Tex. FARM LANDS. Iowa Lands. WANTED To hear from owner of farm or unimproved land for sale. Mrs. W. Booth. Hlpark, Des Moines, la. Kansas Lands. IF you want to buy real farm for s value, write owner, 1426 Shawnee Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Minnesota Lands. " "1920" NEARLY GONE Start the New Year right; write for our free list of farms and select your 1921" home. THORPE BROS. Q-206, A nil run Bldg., Mlnneaoolls, Minn. Nebraska Lands. IMPROVED 44 ACRES High rolling land; seven acrs or chard, one acre in blackberries, bal ance in corn this year. Improvements are a square two-atory modern-style house with bathroom, extra good barn, granary, corn crib, 4agon sheds, fine cave, well, windmill ami water system from reservoir on hill; three-fourtha mileto school, located 6 miles north of Omaha. Price, $.100 per acre; $2,600 cash down, balance we would try to ar range to suit purchaser. Would take $3,600 Omaha home as part pay, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, REALTORS, 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Douglas 2716. 80-ACRE FARM. Located 15 miles south west of Oma ha, near Millard. Fully Improved with house, barn and out buildings, on main road, land lays well. s VV. H. GATES, 647 Onhft National Hank BMii P. 1294 Texas Lands. EIGHTY acres, mile ,own, house, barn, 40x50 out bldg., 26 pasture, 14 alfalfa, 6 timothy lm-aduws, 26 wheat, town sehool; possession; price $100 per acre; terms. P. H. Atchison, Waveriy, Kan. REAL ESTATE WANTED FIVE eottagee renting for $15$ pir month. Large eorner paved on thr, e ' sides. Price. $S.6tiO. Equity. $3,600. This will pay you 30 per ct'iit on In vestment. Wilt take In good vacant lota up to $1.60 and $3,100 cash for equity. Tnv,'titlrale and make an offer. Bedford-Johnston Co., Douglas 174. WE buy and sell Omana real estate; C. B. STUHT CO., 1 ' REALTORS. Douglas xTSL , i City N'at't Tn hnv nr eett (Imihn Rest Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120'Clty Nat. Bk. Hldg. Pouglss 142$, LISTINGS WANTED. W ei tern Real Estate Co.. 412 Karbach Bldg, REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANT OOTTAUE Must have city water nnd either gaa or electrlu Ileitis; slats location and price and amount iieiananry to purchase It. Box 11-6. Omaha tjee. LIST homra and income property. GRUENIG REALTY CO. 1418 lsNatBk. Voug. 1966. " THE Old Reliable ileal Katate" Office, svi M'CAGUE INVESTMENT C(f;V 1606 Dodge St. Iougla lo4.",. RTPTTT'TT RMAL ESTATE; XlXVXViX i. Hells. Bents, Insures. 260. Peters Truat Bldg. gon. '; PT rfifSp''Di?V"GKBAL . J. 1 rjIJiJJCjiNOl.n snd Rentals 606 Omsha Nat'l Bk, Bldg.J)ougla Sl! W. G. SHmVERf tV 1047-9 Omaha Nat Bk. nidg. Doug. 1131 REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. CUMINO Near 29th St., 44 feet: must" h old to i loee estate. A. Urliiimel, 849. Omaha Nat'l. Bank Hldg. Trackage. , 113 FEET ON 11TH ST.. $60 PER FOOT. BOSTWICK. 400 Peters Trust Dldg. REAL ESTATEINVESTMENTS. GOOD duplex will net over 10 per Xtnl of price asked. Well located, practical ly new. ALFRED THOMAS HON. V'ALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors, Rest Katuta. Investment, Insurance, Rentals Tyler 1636. 838 Securities 'ilrta. REAL ESTATE TO EXCIMNGEf TO EXCHANGE Equity in half aection Charles Mix county land for city In come property, good mortgages, Liberty bonds, or western land. Box Y-1377 Omaha Bee. FOR 8ALE or trade, fine sectlun of Mon tana land, two miles from town; will consider merchandise or house In good location. Addresa Box 237, Poland, 8. D. WILL trade good Iota for equity In mod ern or part modern house. Doug. 0723. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR SOME ONE SAVE $750 Six rooms, oak and pine finish, hQ. water heat, two blocks to car line, thre, t blocks to Omaha Country club and " u school. Located in the prettleat part of Benson. We can sell this for the low price of $4,760, on terms of $1,00V cash, balance same as rent. Best home we know of for the money. A Teal pickup for some one. Property tn fine repair. Now vacant.' possession at once. 8unday call Colfax 4126. J. L. HIATT CO. ' Better Values Hlatt Bldg.. 1914-16 Douglaa St. Ty. 0063. Dundee. HAPPY HOLLOW HOME Located on a beautiful south front corner lot. 90x1 36 ft, 8 rooma, steam heat, tile roof; modern In every respect. 2-car garage. Shown by appointment only. Price and, terms on application. GEORGE & COMPANY REALTORS. 902 City National Bank Bldg Ty. 2024. DUNDEE BUNGALOW i 6 rooms, frame construction oak and t white enamel finish. Full basement. Press brick foundation. 2 blocks to car line. Possession about January 1st. Terms. , GEORGE &' COMPANY REALTORS. 902 City National Bank Bk".g. Ty. 3024. BEAUTIFUL home tn Dundue. $11,000 3 bedrooms and batli. In white enamel finish; enclosed sleeping porch; down stairs large living room,' dining room, in oak finish, breakfast room and kit chen in white enamel. Hot water her 6012 Davenport st. Walnut 3S86. Sfc Florence. NFTHAWAY. Sub'.-han Drop'ty. Col. 14 Ralston. RALSTON. For acreage, building lots, houses and fac tory sites at Ralston, call Ralaton lfl-W or address Box ir7, Rataton. Low prices. Good terms. J. T. O. Stewart. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. A MERRY CHRISTMAS ' and HAPPY NEW YEAR is our Wtsh to you. "GLOVER & MORELL, M. J. Conboy. 'City Mirr. Real Estate insurance. 718-20 Kcellne Bldg. Tyler 3ti2l DO YOU DESIRE As : BEMIS PARK HOME The price Is right, $5,600. The locstion Is ideal, being Just a block from -rar line. The house is a well-built, 6-rOom hot water heated home on ground 40 174. We know of no hmjse as gootf In the district priced as low, and are blo to offer splendid terms, t, WALSH-ELMER Co!j REALTORS. Tyler 1536. ,3i Securities Bldg. Omaha Real Estate ana Investment. JOHN T. BOHAN, " 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4 BEAUTIFUL duplex In heart of Wet F:irnam; very valuable ground; rrntt, $190; snap, $16,000. terms. D. 1734. days. TWO choice lots, attractive suburban-location, 6-r. house, newly decorated, gas, water, elee. Itsi $3,000, $200 down. D. 22 A FEW homes and lots for sale IB Park, wood addition: a safe place for lnvst ment. Norrls tt Norrls. Douglaa 427. I B. ROBINSON, real estate and :a vest, ment. 443 Bee Bid. Douslaa 107. North. BEAUTIFUL HOME 1 NOW VACANT 1916 LOTHROP ST. 2 This la really the prettiest street It. Itountxe Place, This home consists of reception hall, very larce living rom. dining room, den and kitchen on first floor. Floors and finish the best, of white oak. Upstairs there are four bed rooms, tile bath and large sleeping porch, all finished In birch with white oak floors. Third floor completely ln ished. - Full cement uaaemenl divMcd Into fruit room, furnace room tn.i laundry, equipped with splendid "ot water heating plant and Rudd hot wgt.r boater; garuse for two care; stfuth front lot, 60x124 feet. You will be Im pressed with the unusual stability; of construction in this home. About $1,600 eaah , required as first payment Sun day rail Mr. Nelson, Harney 6840 , HASTINGS & HEYDEN , 1S14 Harney St. - Phone Tyler TO.'O. NEAR KOUNTZE PARK 5 ROOM miMn at nur $5, One of the neatest little bungalow homes on the north side,, close to Kjuntse Park. Located on a beautiful corner, one block to ear line, airtnir modern, oak throughout, good hse' ment. farnaco heat Properly, in fine repair, can give early poMcsshm. Sun day call If. 71H. , J.L. HIATT CO. Better Values f, Hlatt Bldg,, 1I4-I Ihtitglaa RL, Ty. 0065. Senson" 'ubVejwcas 4ii"m. "isM-i 'V f