THE BEE: OMAHA.' SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1920. Widow's Family In Need of Shoes; , Will You Help? 1' rail Mother Slaving to Feed IIuiietv Children Your Gift to Bee Fund Will Bring Comfort Christmas todav! Bitter cold. nd to think that stilL there are some poor little children, huddled in wretched homes, who would be made happy if they could just have shoes, warm shoes to shut out win der's coldl We k-nriw nf one hnmff where" a itruggling widow in failing hrtijth attics for her four small children, All day she bends over the wash ub, and irons far into the night whenl the four are asleep together iti their one bed. All Need Shots. ' All need shoes and are just about to be reached by The Bee's Free Shoe fund. ' A few are ahead . of them in line.. ' If you possibly can help this great ii-ause, send something now and know that on Christmas dav some wistful kiddie will be made happy with t much-needed shoes, through your' generosity. ' Send your contribution to The Deo office NOW. And, as Tiny Tim said, "God bless ;s. every erne." The people have been extremely 'onerous to this fund. The Bee, in the naine of many happy children, thanks the army of contributors. Honor Roll. I'wvlmiHly reimrti-d SI.S43.O0 Thlrt-flv ilollarn from Men of the I'. . vy Krcriiitiug Mnilun as follows; i.t. ( urn. K. . j.awdrr ' llr. .linklnn f'lllef Yroniun Kocon Chief Yeoman Younger ('onimlNary Steward Barbell.... Yromiin foato Thief (.niiner'H Mnte WIrkIim .. Chief Klectririnn tinllaKher Plmrinnrlxt'j Mate Ttvlfford Chief Storekeeper Biiwon Chief MarlilnM' Mate I rick Chief Curprnter'a Mate (ionlil .... Chief ( onmilwary Steward Berge nia k Ship Cook Cturliek Chief Watertender (illlespy H'aterlender I.eaMiire tiunner'H Mate Stafford Shipflttrr Martin KiMtowaln'it Mate Harrla Chief tinnner'x Male Kunire Chief ItoatNwaln'N Mate Keith . . . Chief Hoatnwnin'K Mate Nelson Chief (iunner's Mate Sawyer .... Odd rhanve from All Hands . . Fifth tirade School, tUbbon, b.. Margaret KuMiuion Mrs. J. B. B (irorge B. Prim Josephine and Milton 'Newman r'lrst Trnst Company School District No. 27, Platte Co. Kids' Friend, North Bend, Neb. . . Charles K. Smith K. J. I'pdeKraff Ralph Kitchen B. B. K S. C. Wilson, Bartrand. Neb Cash Rural Club. Overton, Neb Muster Paul Llndstedt. Stroms buric, Neb Alrlend , An Old Codirer Cush Ada M. Chamberllu X.UO Mary lie Gallic ,. Clara Huwley Robert l. Neely W. H. Later Mrs. (jus Krantx W. B. Ornhara Alfred lllmim , W. M.Clure Mrs. Benjamin 8. Baker A IVIend A Friend. Missouri Valley, la.. - 3.0 , Air. and Mrs. John Merlcb, Jw-, rues co. .i.vw Cash S.OO Mr. and Mrs. Harry Musselmnn, Osceola. Neb A Former Carrier A. W. Anderson, Council Bluffs... Bobby aVheffler. California Jet., la. (Vltterty Bond Coupon) Mr. JTt jr ,. . Nllen K. shannon, New York Dr. Charles M. KUlott, Hooper.'. , f'alTert I.lnriuutst T. J. R MY A, K A Friend W, A. Lacy H. K K j. Simons Mary C- Newton, M'eeplns Water Mr. 'arl St raw n Mr. Jos, Kabourek Walter V. Macartney, Tork Neb. Mr. F. T Hostettler Enterprises A. M. H Mr. and Mrs. D. Donaran, Auburn Cash , Charles T Trimble Out-of-Town Friend Business Men Told Christ Spirit Would Solve All Problems Rev. Thomas Cast.dy spoke to a packed audience in tne Chamber of Commerce dining rooms yesterday, following a special Christmas luncheon given the members and their guests by the executive com mittee. His subject was "Tho Spirit of Christmas." 'Vc are assembled here today to pay homage to and commemorate the coming of the Redeemer of mankind," he said. centuries ago He w stable , at Bethlehem. right and meet that gather in the manner today to do Him hon Mr. Casady declare mas day should ever uppermost in the min; More than 20 as born in a It is only each year we that we have or." d that Christ- serve to keep :1s of men the fact that in Him they can find a so lution of all their perplexing prob lems, whether they be individual, collective, national or international. He was introduced by Kobert S. Trimble, who presided as toast-master. Finland has only one linen factory. Judge Releases Boys From Riverview for Christinas i Ten boys sent to Riverview home by Judge Sears two weeks ago for stealing a quantity of home brew from a cellar and passing the "drinks" out . among their school mates were allowed to go home yes terday for Christmas by Acting iilveuile Judge Leslie. Another lad, reft Lehman, a member of the gang, must spend Christmas at Riverview because he "cussed when and where he pleased" and refused to stop when requested to do so by the matron. Bee want ads ajre best business getters. , Notd Actress Dies. Pasadena, Cal., Die. 24. Mrs Sophia Monson, once an actress o world fame, died at her home here, age 78. Mrs. Monson was the last surviving member of 'the original cast at the Norwegian National theater, established hrl862 by Ole Bull. 5P ..:,,,,',..'. - ?' Jr'll J ,"1:,.,' ' iK.lgT Id i , .illfe I, J,:i. ;! lr .hlr-iii, ; ; 1 1 . , 1 1 : ; ' I ! 1 1 . i : ; I .!! .;!Mai ii.h .,1 1;: ; ,1 .11;;: ,1 1!' ' i;.:!!'.,!,-H ; lIi' i ',;.,,::,!' ,m: 'tin:..:!1 IM 111 mmc-l rH iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiim nmi'imiiii imiimiiiihiii imiiiiihw lumiiim mil i limn mum m mil tri i i millTTI If 1111 II 1 1 II 111111 1 f 1 1 rilll lllllPMNINIBlirillllirBlllllMIIWlllll mi H B.oti i aft mi m vvmniIl vwww v 1 i - iv- . kv , - r"w . 3k ri iyin vuxv c hi X w . . ...... . Total fa8.S3 ( W orld War Veteran and Italian Bride of Day Die of Asphyxiation ;. I Newark, N. J., Dec. 24. A small dark-eyed girl who arrived here yes terday from Naples, and her soldier hero, Rocco Bmiljo, whose bride she became a few hours later, were found dead from asphyxiation in their snug Academy avenue apartment. A month ago in Italy, Carmalla re ceived money for steamship fare and with it note: "Come to me my sweetheart, and we will be married at Christmas time." After the simple wedding at Ellis Island yesterday, relatives of Bruillo feasted the veteran and his bride., The celebration lasted iuto the early fiours of this morning. When the couple retired, it is believed Car malla, who at home was used to oil lamps, blew out the gas. Fanners Seek to Force Creamery to Bankruptcy Four Sarpy ' county farmers to lay filed a petition in federal court to force the Waterloo Creamery company, Omaha, into bankruptcy: The farmers claim they arc un able to collect $1,200 due them for ihe sale of milk and cream to the creamery and assert that while they have been unable to collect, others have collected from the company. They also assert, that the company has diverted its funds to other cor porations with which it is allied. Tne farmers filing the petition r.rc: Henry Rinker, Papillion; Paul Teriinger, Papillion; George Cardes, Tort Crook and John Pcrling, I -retna. ; Local Dry Goods Company Entertains Its Employe About 500 employes of M. E. Smith it Co. were treated to a rous ing jollification and turkey dinner , Friday, fioon. Both factory -and wholesale employes met in the big cafe', which was decorated with ( liti'cima trnrc 911H l.Mlc a,il n juyed a meal replete jvith all the delicacies of the seasJn. , Speeches, music and singing were followed by a general gift distribution. Whisky $30 a Case. M Paso, Tex.. Dec. 24. Thirty dollars a case is the price Juarez bootleggers are quoting for-Mexican whisky, delivered in El Paso homes for Christmas, according to an an Vnouncenieut today by W. W. Car neuter, coikctur of customs here. to ft i n fa and orefcer. letide uDisA. STANDING within the gentle benediction of this hqly holiday we find ourselves "wishing. " For everyone who reads these lines we are "wishing" a Christmas stocking that will fill his every need. WE ARE WISHING- For those who are separated from loved ones a happy reunion. For those who are sick the touch of healing. , : For those who grieve release from pain. For those who hunger bountiful supply. For the poor the riches of a contented mind. For the rich the wealth of a clear conscience. For the haughty the blessing of an humble thought. For the proud the vision of the simple truth. For the fearful the faith that makes men brave. For the motherj-fruition of her purest dreams. For the father realization of his fondest hopes. 1 For the business man courage and prosperity. For the laborer prosperity and courage: For the children of the castle the joy of sacrifice and the ability to understand why it is more blessed to give than to receive: For the children of the poor stockings filled with gifts, hearts filled with love, lips overflowing with laughter. i . ...' For the children of Europe Ah, that's the tender spot of the world todayh-for the ihildren of Europe "Weed their hearts of weariness, scatter every care down i wake of l . 1 7 . " angel wings winnowing tne air. 52 4 auii item AUtomr, dUfnatmaa attb a Happy Nnu par i 4 0 .A PI 'I ; if 1 1' 4 I i ft 3 ft ft ft ft ft ) ' ft