V -1 V V, 7 HE BEE : OMAHA. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 25 920. II IGH 2 ' G From REPRESENTATIVE FIRMS to THEIR FRIENDS and CUSTOMERS?. .1 The Season's Greetings Ethel ThraH Maltby, t. v..' CHIROPRACTOR , ' 1 y Palmer Graduate Formerly 31 Bee Bid. J 4-5 Elk BIdg., Holiday Greetings To 0r Many Frieftds aid Customers THE OMAHA PASTE CO. 3920 Cumiaf St. , Douglas 3760. Pepsi hanger' Fate a Specialty Christmas Cheer and Greetings Ta All Frtend and Patron. HARTUNG TRANSFER CO. X i tSOl MaVey St. - Tyler 1976 Hauling of All Kinds Best SemceBest Rates Xmas Greetings to All Friends and Patrons. While Away Your time at the Farnam Bowling Alleys r ,. 1807 Farnam Street Douglas 1780 To Our ManyPatrone 'and Friends We Extend Heartiest . Xmas Greetings and s Best Wishes for the New Year . F. M. Schadell & Co. Millinery and Hair Good 1522 Douglas St. Doug. 2870 CHRISTMAS GREETINGS "-; From Walter G. Graham Baritone . To His Friends and Students 1 Room 1( Wead Building v XMAS GREETINGS Te Our Many Friends and Customers . i Matthew's Book Store 1620 Harney Street Phone Douglas 3144 - SEASON'3 GREETINGS CITY GARAGE . Geo. Lewi Prop. Experts in Automobile Repairing Repair Any Make of Car 232$. W. Broadway, Co. Bluffs .Phone Black 4660 Christmas Greetings To all our friends and patrons The Globe Restaurant 1304 Dougla St. Doug. 5831 Once more the Merry Christmas Time has come with it good cheer. May your share b-ample. elft Hair Parlor 419 Kafbach Blotk Doug. 1795 . Xmas Greetings To All '. John A; Gentleman Undertaker 3411 Farnam Harney 0392 MERRY XMAS And a Happy. Prosperous New Year te AU Friends and Patrons, la the Wish of the Baker Ice Machine Co. 18th and Nicholas. Dg. 1361. Pipkin's National , Detective Agency . Extends to All It Patrons Sincere Greetings on This Christmas Day Room 14 Arlington BUu Doug. 1107. . We vhh you heartily the Seasons Creel- 1 ings and assure you of our feen appreciation of your good v'dl and patronage. ' 1 .. - - y Sr4irnerler Investment" Comnanv ' y 538 Railway I8 From; , ' Douglas 3072.' Second Floor. . We Extend Christmas Greetings ' and best wishes , y fort he New vYear to our many friends and patrons. I Geo. A.Roberts Grain Co.f y """" 3 20 Grain Exchange Building CARLTON HOTEL 15th and Howard 1 We extend greeting this Christ mas Day to our many friend and patrons. A MERRY XMAS TO ALL J. L. BETTS HOTEL AND RESTAURANT 2422 Erskine Street , Webster 5262 A Merry Xma and Happy New Year to All Our Customer and Friend , THE SARATOGA GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET Skalovsky ,aV Gilbert,. Props.' 2404 Fort St. Colfax 0468 SINCERE' GREETINGS TO ALL ' Ov W. Neble Frana E. Overhort Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry NEBLE -OVERHOLT CO. ,! Retail Manufacturing Jewelers and Diamond t Setters. Jewelry made to Order. 671 BrandeU Bldg. ' Doug. 5326. T" MERRY XMAS Te AU Our Friends and Customer Omaha Furniture and Piano Repairs A E. Samuelao. Prop. 107 N. 40th St. 1 Harney Z30S. XMAS' GREETINGS to Friends and y jPatrons ; 0 , O. N. BONlMEY MOTOR CO. Distributors of Studebaker Cars 2554 Farnam x Harney 676 MERRY XMAS W. with to thank our customers, students and friends' for our progress during the year. Writ, for free cata logue of day and night school. National Automobile -v School - v 2S14 N. 20th St, Omaha, Neb. - Webster 5943. - r . Exchange Bldg. ' . MERRY XMAS sTo Friends and Patron I the1 Wish of McCaffrey Motor Co. (the handy Ford service Station) 16th ind Jackson Ss. , ' Phone Dougla 3500. ' v Wew.and Used Car. Cash or Term. 4 -My Best Wishes for a MERRY XMAS To All My Frieads and Patrons. LOUIS ZADINA, Florist 3802 T St. South 0621. lyiERRYXMA- To One sad AD SILAS JOHNSON Western Funeral Home, i 2S1S Lake St. Web. 0248. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Te All Our Frieads and Customers Henry M. Johannszen, Class and Paint Co Glaring Agents Mound City Horseshoe Paints and Varnishes. 114 So 14th St. Douglas 349. Holiday Greetings to All Our Friends and Policy Holders. North American LifeV Insurance Co. CUE. Klmgbell, Pres.; W. W. Young, Treas.; D. D. Hall, Secy. Farnam Bldg. Phone Dg. 1023. Christmas greetings to my many friends ami patrons. - LARSON OPTICAL CO. North ef Postoffice DR L. LARSON, . Registered Optician 204 No. 16th St. Doug. 6105. A MERRY XMAS To AH Friends and Patrons , The Magnuson Curtain C Laundry . 3633 Seward St. Walnut 4603. Curtains and Linen a Specialty. Your Patronage Will Be Appreciated. ' STATIONERY " A Merry Christmas and a , Happy New Year, from Nathan Steinberg, To His Many Patrons and Friends, -i Highest Frees Paid for all Kinds of Junk 1019 Harney St. Douglas 5166. We Extend Christmas Greetings to Our Many Friends and Patrons. Spend an Hour Christmas at Farnam Billiard Parlor, 2S53 Farnam r : 7 We wish te extend heartfelt thanks , and grMtings to our patrons and friends lor weir eusiness ana co-operation. OLSON BROS., Tin and Furnace-Work. M12 Leavenworth St. . ' Tyler 923. In appreciation of your patronage during the past year, we with to ay "Thank You" and "A Ch'eery Christmas" Woodrow Cafes 214-16 S. 14th StN Tyler 2847. 1811 Farnam St Dong. 1360. $1.25 Special Christinas Dinner. Hassel k. Peters, Props. Christmas greetings to our friends and patron. farTeastcafe 1408 Farnam. Dougla 2209. To Our Many Friend and Patron -A a Cart Cafe Service Our Cafeteria Alway Open Rom Hfotd ,' ROME MILLER Christmas GreUings Benjamin Frankenberg 624 fetor Trust Building Our Best Wishes , To Everyone Guy L Smith "Service-First" .Hudson x Super-Six 2563-65-67 Farnam St Christmas Greetings To Our Many Friends and Patrons Carl A. Anderson, Inc. Jones at 16th St. Dp. 241.8 Stromberg Carburetor Service Nation K. W Maanetos, Everaady Storage Batteries. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS to our friend and customers. Olsen 8$ Scblenger Brats Foundry, 1407 Jackson St. AU kinds of Brass, Bronze, Alu minum, Tin and Lead Catting. Phone Dougla 7491. MERRY XMAS To All Our Friends and Customers APOLLO THEATER 2824 Leavenworth St. Har. 1806. . "The Home of 6ood Pictures" ' We Extend Our Compliments v Of the season to our many (n'endi ' ana patr. ns. . Rogers Flower Shop, " "Say It With Flowers" 319 South 16th. Phone Douglas 3400 Season1 To All Our Many Friends i and Customers ROGERS Confectionery N 24th and Farnam Streets Phone Douglas 127 The season's greeting i the wih HENRYHAMAN Market to its many Patron and Friend 1704 Clark. Webster 2871. Merry Xmas and vHappy New Year To Our Man Friends - and Customer v Busy Be'e Cafe i XMAS DINNERS Our Specialty t 218 S. 14th St. Douglat 6550. - -V r , 1 Wish All My Friends and ( Patrons a Joyous Christmas 1 I HENRICKSON "The Loyal JeweLer" 206 No. 16th St. '' Douglas 1574 s 7 ' - Greetings XMAS GREETINGS , Frorry ' - Dr. A. Schoonover Chiropractor PALMER SCHOOL GRADUATES ' v ' 203 Shugart Building Hours:9 to 11 Ai M., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 P. M. Tel. 354 ' Council Bluffs, Iowa Wifhng You a Very Merry Christmas , P. V. SHOLES CO. 915 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. A MESSAGE OF GOOD CHEER to greet you on Christmas Day and to wish 'you the fullest measure of happiness. T May peace and happiress be -your this Xmas. May fortune smile upon you and ' favor you with many blessing. ( IDEAL HAIR PARLORS 8 Batdridge Block -Doug. 6185 Merry ' Xmas To Our Many' i Friend and Customers. Midwest Garage Johnson & Perrin, Prop. Open Day and Night ' Repairing Service 3001 Q St. South 2434 - Xmas Greeting to Our Friends and Customer ; Hibbeler & Co. HARDWARE 2312 Vinton St. Tel. Doug. 0556 Season's Greetings To Our Many Patrons and Friends 1 AUTO TOP, AND TRIMMING CO., Inc. 422 South 13th Street. With the season's best greetings to our niany friends and patrons. Omaha Pointing Company 13th and Farnam Douglas 2793 , Heartiest of Greetings to Our Many, Friends and Patrons This Christmas. Buejiler Bros. 212 North 16th Street, Tyler 5054 ' 2408 Cuming Street, Douglas 5878 " 4903 South 24th Street, South 4821 634 West Broadway, Co. Bluffs 4822 - ' I That Your Christmas May Be a Very, Merry One I the Wish - of the "DE LUXE POCKET BILLIARD' PARLORS 1516 Farnam SL Tyler 5974 HP Merry Xma and Happy New Year to AJ1 Oar Customer end Friends. , . Stahmer Brothers GROCERS 20th and Bancroft Doug. 3644 Best Wishes for a Merry Xma and HappV New Year U the Wish of the Harmony Cafeteria 1509 Harney St. Doug. 8797 (Closed Xmas Day) Christmas Greeting to AH. Our Friend and Patron Omaha Stationery Co. ) 307-309 S. l7lk St. . Doug. 0808 Merry Xma to Our Many Friend and Customer LAKE STUDIO H. Matuo, Photographer 2506 North 24th St. Web. 6311 T Season's Greetings To All Friend and Patrons - - r ) - Vinton Garage 1630 Vinton Street Tyler 3587 ' s ' - Expert Repairing. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Storage, Etc XMAS GREETINGS to all our friends Busy Bee Hairdressmg Parlor ' Tyler 5$31. "'. At 1-S Hamilton Annex. MERRY XMAS A. GUENETTE ... THE Butcher extends to all his friends and patrons the heartiest of greetings on this Xmas Day. ' 608 South 16th Street Dovglas 5817 ' Season's Greetings to oar friends and patrons H. Dopier, , Cigars and Tobacco. 1339 Park Ave. Har. 2583, Merry Xmas and Happy New Year is tne wish of the Gilinsky Motor and Tire Co, New and used cars. automobile accessories, 25 North .Main St.. Phope 970. 323 West Broadway. Phone 495l Council Bluffs Merry Xmas and ' - Happy New Year to my friends and customers CHERR GARDEN GARAGE MOSKOVITZ, Prop. 3701 Leavenworth St. Har. 7360. : To His Many Friends, and Patrons ' , P.i.. DEIDRICK Tailor Extends Heartiest (iristmas Greetings r. HOTEL HARLEY BLDG. 216 S. 2Cth St. . Dour, 2422. Christmas Greetings To Our Many Friend Eddy Printing' Company, New Location, 212 South 13th St. Telephone Douglat 8647. i Xmas Greetings To our'many friends and patrons Skoglund Studio 1520 Douglas-" oun. 1375. 7" C hristmas Greetings gZ' . With Hearty Christmas Greet ings to our friends , and patrons. Birkett 70l, 1 i Realtors.' 350 Bee Bldg. Doug. 633. May Your "Xma Be a Merry Oneand the yNew Year Full of (appinet HUGHES-PALMER MOTOR COMPANY Authorised Ford Agent ' . . 149 West BrpaeTwayA i- Phone Council Bluff 954. ' XMAS GREETINGS To All Friend and Patron ' Parker Street Pnarnjacy 23 No. 33ri. Weh. 3537. Christmas' Greeting to Our 'Many Friend and Patron Omaha and Council Bluff b Ford Transfer and Storage Co;., ' - 813-15-17 Dougla' St. Ty. 2556. . The Novelty Repair Co. wishes to extend their thanks to their many friends and patrons on this Xmas Day. 4809 So. 24th St. Tel. So. 1404; GREETINGS - To All of Our Friend HULSE & RIEPEft ' Undertaker 701 South Sixteenth Street. Merry, Merry Xmas and Happy New Year To our customers and friends C A Binnix, Meat Market 2409 Cuming St. Tyler 5653. ' Yuletide Greetings To all our customers and friends Hibbeler & Co., Groceries and-Hardware. 2310 Vinton St.' Dg. 0556. Aierry Xmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year To all our customers and friends Union Mercantile Grocery, P. T. KISCIRAS, Mgr. 2307-9 Leavenworth St Dg. 2073. . : Merry Xmas to all my Cus tomers and Friends " HomerC. Clough, Good Groceries and Meats 4502 Bedford Ave. - " Walnut 0651. Best Wishes for a Merry- Xmas To all my friends and customers. Lipsey Bros. 611 North 20th Sj, , . Douglas 7462. , vs KEEP CHRISTMAS GREETINGS ' to our many Friends OMAHA TOWEL SUPPLY i 207 South Uth - . , " 1 - DoagUi 0523 HARTMAN .; , Friand 'Carpet Co. 4U Southiet'h St. touglas 1876. Merry Xmas Happy New Year To all our friends and customers. Chas. E. Lathrop Druggist 3927 Farnam St Har. 3216. A Very Merff Xmas To all my customers and friends California Groceries and v Meats 1 3225 California St. v Har. 0742. Merry Xflras To our friends and patrons.- A B.1 Sweet Shop, '16ttt and Jackson Sts. IL-Dainty Lunches, Candies, etc. T Merry Xmas r " AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR V To all my,customers and friends. ' John Zienba, v ( Grocer,1 South Side. 4?27 So. 26th St South 3019 Yulettde 'Greetings to Our Cus y. tomers and Friends . JeweJJTea Co. 1911 Cuming. Doug. . 7276. .We extend our season's greet ings to our many friends and patrons. , v King Fong Cafe, Open 11 a. m. to 1:30 p. ra. Merry Xmas AND HAPPY NEW YEAR .To all my customers and friends. . K. Traynwicz, Grocer Meats South Side. 5524 So. 32d St South 0443 Yuletide Greetings To all my customers and friends. Fred Wiiluhn Grocer, South Side. . 4324 South 27th St. South 3890. Season's Greetings T Our Friends and Patrons GEO. I. ROSS The First-CIass Quality Houat Cracerie. Meats, Etc. 24ta and Ames Ave. Colfax 0402. Mr Sfncera Appreciatfoji Is OJVen to Thoaa Makla the Success of My Business Possible. : N JAMES ALLEN DETECTIVE AGENCY 312 N.Tilla Block. May Your Christmas Be a Merry One And the New Year Full of Happiness COLUMBIA .FIHE, UNDERWRITERS AGENCY . .C O. TALMAGt, President and Manager Entire Second Floor . Masonic Temple Building Douglas 0450 v MERRY XMAS- And Happy Now Year , Te AU My Customer aad Friends W. Uzdawinnis, Grocer rocer th113. South Side. S401 South 33rd St. v. South CLEAN V T I i