Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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Passenger Rates
In Two States Are
Ordered Raised
Commerce Commission Or
ders Boost in Minnesota and
.Arkansas to Conform With
. Interstate Schedules.
Washington, Dec. .22. State rail
way commissions of Arkansas and
.Minnesota were ordered . hy. the in
terstate commerce commission to
increase state passenger rates and
excess baggage charges to the level
now prevailing in interstate com
merce. The commission held thai
the present charges it the two states
amounted to a discrimination against
-interstate traffic.
.Both Arkansas and Minnesota are
numbered among jthe 17 states who
reiusea to grant a per cent in
crease in .passenger fares last August
to conform with the increase in in
terstate traffic, and the decisions
mark th'e first actual to be taken by
the commission sirice headings were
given seven states here recently.
The commission previously ruled
against the state commissions of
New York and Wisconsin and those
.cases are now being fought in the
, ,In Minnesota the state rate for
passenger, fares was set at 2 cents
pr mile by the legislature but the
carriers obtained an injunction at
the end of the federal control pe
rlbd, which prevented the state com
mission -puttmg pre-war rates into
effect. In Arkansas the maximum
rate also was 2 cents a mile. The
interstate commerce commission
quoted the transportation act as its
authority to.rais,e,rates in opposition
to state'laws made- by legislatures.
Changes ,,in the Arkansas rates
must be tnade by February 15 and
in Minnesota by February 1, the in
terstate commerce commission ruled.
City Christina j Tree
To Be Lighted Tonight
A chorus of 100 girls of the Girls
Community Service league will sing
-Christmas carols Friday night on the
court house lawn near the "kiddies"
Christmas tree.
The girls are being trained by
George Campbell of the Lions club,
which has the tree in charge.
Lights on the tree will be switched
on for the first time tonight. '
. Christmas "morning, all newsies.
. waifs and other children are invited
'to Attend a show at the Strand
theater by the Lions club. Fatty
Arbuckle comedy will feature the
show. Candy and popcorn will be
given all who attend.
'. 1 V
Omaha Leads All Cities
Of Its Size for Building
Omaha led all cities of its size for
building during the first It months
.of 1920, at the same time ranking
' 13th in the United States, although
34th in population, according to
Montagu Tancock, manager of the
publicity bureau of the Chamber of
Commerce. ' . '
I Hi.s report , on the standing of 2?
oft tlu largest ; elites lia." the matter
of huildihar shows' that' Omaha ex-
c?rstinsasliCity 'Btiffa.yNcw Or?
fearis and Portland, cities whicn
ij&nk among the first 25 in the Unit
States for population. ,
Pilot Will Make Another
; Effort at Endurance Test
" MineotiL N. ,Y.. ec. 22. Lieut,
" Ross Ct jvirkpatrick, army flyer,
who was- forted down early today
while . attempting to break .'the
world's-record for continuous flight,
will have- another try at,the record
soon, he declared upon alighting
from his 400-horsepower army plane.
Lieutenant Kirkpatrick landed at
Mitchell field at 1:30 o'clock this
morning owing to a gasoline leak,
niter beinjrin the air a little more
than . 18 hours about six hours
sh6rt of the record. ,
Wnea iu age prensatnrelj', Iom
intereei In tasir work, end lit
itesU; whea the golden landa of
Tooth and Manhood bsto ran their
eonrse before the allotted yasrs bare
passed; H U time to take aa lnra
tory of reaonroaa to refrain the
health and vigor which hTt sllppsd
away. We are wading, FRM to
nn.e valoable book which deale
with thia enbject and which potata
est to men whoa nereea are shat
Ured. way is rebuild mad regain
trength and happtaeaa. Write
today tor this wonderful book.
Yoar nam and addreas on a pott
card will do.
599 Berry Block.
is a Preacription for Colds,
Ferer and LaGrippe. lt' the
most speedy remedy we
know, preventing Pneumonia.
If To Hrvca't Triad Begy llmwttf.
; iMToaHMaTTtl at Iu Speedy Actios
' Oh, what qniek relief I The (harp.
, agoolstng
valne of rheumatism reHerad
t la l tew niBroi ' aouo in an nuur.
. u maun ikvuim vuuvkw wvrvmw
" by it and naa It freely.
-, And now that yon have In your horse
. a yellow box fnll of thia quickest paia
kilter on earth, bear In aUad that U
rtTco Joet aa qolck reanlta when yon
.Save a aore throat, or.' cold in tha
cheat, or lumbago, aearalfia, ar aora,
" aching foot.
J sat rob It on; thtt'a all vow hare t
,- do, and yeoH And that toothache, ear.
ache, beadaeba or backache wont llngev
with yon long.
1 J not think a Me box 1 aoval to
MteterlaaT moaUrd plaatera, bat Begy'a
Mastarlrra caanot bllater ran the Iro
dVraat ekia he yellow box-W and 00
For eala by I Sherman 4 McConnell
drag stores.
Brief City, News
To Distribute Rt-tort W. G. Ure,
city commissioner, has 2,000 copies
of the annual report of the city of
Omaha for 1919, copies of which
may be hnd by those Interested.
Office Movh1 The office of the
register of deeds has been moved
lrom the second floor of the court
house to its old quarters in the
southwest corner of the main floor.
Orpheuut Kobbed Thieves and
pickpockets stole musical instru
ments worth $400 from the Orpheum
Tuesday night.- A key to a dressing
room also was reported missing.
Had Liquor John Little, 2939
North Fifty-ninth street, and A. C.
Huiwell, 2201 Evans street, were ar
rested Tuesday night for Illegal pos
session of liquor, according to police
Officers Reinstated Frank Halesy
and Henry Bosen, suspended police
officers, have been reinstated by
Chief Ebersteln, Haley 1 as motor
cycle -officer and Bosen as driver at
South Side station.
Hcveridgo Makes Trip J. II.
Beverldge, Omaha superintendent of
schools, left yesterday for Grand Is
land to attend a meeting of the ex
ecutive committee' rt the State
Teachers' association.
Lectures on "Zionism" Rabbi
Mandelbaum ,of Lincoln will speak
before an open meeting in the Lyric
building next Tuesday evening on
"Zlopism." He will discuss prevail
ing conditions in Palestine.
Fugitive Copturcd Charles Haw
kins, 14, runaway boy from the
Kearney reformatory, was found at
Twenty-fourth and Ames, Tuesday
night "by Patrolman Flanagan. He
will be taken back to his home to
day. Tires of His Xame John Keith
Higbln, 8805 South Twenty-third
street, applied to the district court
yesterday to. have his last name
changed to Baldwin. ' He said he has
grown tired of hearing jokes about
his name.
Good News For Kiddies Fon
tenelle park has been flooded for
winter-skating. By Saturday maybe
by Friday, if the cold weather con
tinues, 1.000 feot of glistening ice
on the hill at the park will be ready
for skatUig or coasting.
To Jail For 10 Days Elmer Wil
liams, 1105 North Nineteenth street,
arrested Tuesday, when K. C. Brown
ing. 606 South Twenty-eighth street,
said he caught him robbing a mall
box. was sentenced to 10 days in
jail by.Judge Foster in central police
court yesterday.
Dance Tonight The Les Hlboux
club will give its 15th annual dance
tonight at the Hotel Fontenelle in
stead of Saturday night, as has been
previously announced. The club
will hold its annual banquet and
election of officers Monday flight Jit
the Hotel Henshaw.
Auks $100,000 Damages Dr. 'Wil
liam K. Loughridge filed suit in
district court yesterday against the
Daily News Publishing company for
$100,000 damages, claiming that his
reputation and practice hace suffered
to that extent . by reason of de
trimental articles published in that
paper. . ;
Alumni Give Dinner Roger Rob
ertson was .elected president of the
Omaha alumni of Kemper Military
academy at the dinner given for the
Kemper students who are home for
the holidays, in the Hotel Fontenelle
Tuesday noon. Joseph Cleland was
named vice president. Richard
Wood was chosen secretary-treasurer.
', '
Seeks Rehearing Mrs. Julia
Kammerer, through her attorney,
filed a motion yesterday for rehear
ing of -her case by the supreme
court, which tribunal recently sus
tained a decision made by District
Judge Sears here finding her guilty
of contempt of court. The mandate
was due to come down from the
supreme court Monday.
Sues' For Return of Money W. R.
Heldman of Franklin, Neb., filed suit
In district court yesterday against
the National American Fire In
surance company of Omaha asking
the return of $3,920, which he paid
for stock in the company. He said
misrepresentations were made to
him when he was Induced to buy.
Cops Act as Santas Little, ones of
the Third ward have been invited to
central police station Christmas eve,
when officers of the second shift will
act. as Santas distributing presents.
"Judge" Cooley, who acts aa Santa
throughout the year for habitues of
the station, said he has a surprise
for the kiddles, and it isn't popcorn
either, he assured the cops.
Santa Will Be There A Christmas
party, at which at least 100 children
whose parents are unable to furnish
them a celebration befitting the
Yuletlde season will mingle with the
Burgess-Nash employes and mem
bers of their families, is being
planned by the company for 10
o'clock Saturday morning. The
party'wlll be held on the main floor
of the new building. (
Open Bids December 30. Bids on
county road Improvement projects
advertised for some time ago will be
opened by the county commissioners
December 30. This is the regular
tlmevpf the year for opening paving
and grading bids, enabling success
ful bidders to begin hauling mater
ials to the scene of the improve
ment so' that they are all ready
when spring weather opens up for
the beginning of actual work.
Divorce and $25;000
Awarded Farmer's Wife
Alimony to the amount oi $2000
was awarded Mrs. Nina Rose by
District Judge Sears yesterday in r
decree of. divorce granted her from
William Rose, a 'farmer south of
Omaha. , .
It was Mrs. Rose's second attempt
to "get a divorce. Her first petition,
hied last April, was dismissed after
the district court heard the evidence
in Tune. .
She filed another petition, alleg
ing cruelty. She said her husband
scolded and nagged her and that he
refused to let her take one. of her
children, who was sick, to Cali
fornia.. They 'were married in 1902 and
have five children, custody of whom
was given Mrs. Rose with permis
sion to Mr. Rose to see them at
reasonable times.
7Ae Cfiristmas Store for &very6odtf
Only Two Shopping Days Left Before Christmas
Take Advantage of These
Sbeoals foir 'laurs
I 1 v
See These Complete
In Our Windows
The Piano Lamp, Bench,
Scarf and Player Rolls
r and
All Other Unusual Club
. Privileges Are Free
M fl
Our Christmas Club Offer
Positively Closes Christmas Eve.
-' Your Last Chance to Save
Weakly ' pays for
tha Club Piano.
$105 to $200
on Piano or Player '
Weekly paya for
the Club Player.
Our 14th Annual Christmas Piano Club is
the one big "musical treat" of the year to
buyers of Pianos or Player Pianos. It is
not only the greatest bargain event from a
standpoint of the inviting prices and liberal
terms, but & big feat in merchandising that is
unattempted by any other music house in
the middle west. ' Only the utmost fore
thought in buying for our Omaha, Lincoln
and Sioux City stores and months of plan
ning make it possible for us to offer the. Club
inducements this year in the face of the
most adverse conditions ever experienced in
the music trade.
To Club Members ,
A handsome Piano Lamp complete .with
Shade (choice of color). . A beautiful
Bench, Piano Scarf, and with the Player
a liberal assortment of Music Rolls. . Ad
ditional discount of 50c per month if ac
count is paid within 24 months.
$15tmakes you a member of the club
tand entitles you to all club privileges
and benefits. The piano or player of
your choice will be set aside until Christ
mas or delivered at once just as you
SAVE $105 on a PIANO or $200 on a
Buys the
Club Piano '
Compare it with any
$500 Piano on the
market. The Club
Piano is a splendid
instrument f u r -nished
in mahogany,
golden oak or Amer
ican walnut A
handsome instru
ment with a tone
thawill please the
moat accomplished
musician, and cap
able of doing full
justice to the most
beautiful home.
) i PIANO ) .1
300 - 28T1;
wSjpp CLUB
Watch tht
Club Player
Compare it with any
$750 Player on the
market This new
and beautiful Play
er is an entirely
modern and un-to-
date 88-note instru
ment . with all the
.necessary, mechan
: ism for rendering
full expression. De
signed along plain
jjlines, yet sufficient
ly artistic to adorn
any home. Can be
furnished in your
favorite f i n is h .
Schmoller . Mueller
Piano Company
Store Open Evenings Until Xma.
Dodge St, ;
1220 O St.,
. Neb. 1
415 Nebraska
St., Sioux City,
Gentlemen i Please tend me
fiill information regarding the
Club Piano Player
Town........ State.......
A Great Christmas' Sale of Women's
$1.00 per Dozen ;
Thousands of plain, fancy and novelty handkerchiefs in every material and style you could imagine will
be placed in one big lot at a price that is less than the f actory cost. This assortment includes crepe de chine in
fancy colors with dainty embroidered designs in corners, novelty or sport handkerchief s ( of Japanese silk,
crepe de chine,' batiste, mull and swiss, in plain sport colors and combination of colors.
The Colors:
Rose Pink
Green , Cerise
The Materials: '
Crejle de Chine Mull
Cambric Jap Silk
Main Floor
I .
Infants' Hose
3c a pair
6 pair for 15c
600 dozen pairs of infants' shaped hose in
good quality cotton will be offered for. Thurs
day at 3c a pair. Limit of 6 pairs to a cus
tomer. - T ,
r Downstairs Store
. Hundreds of toys of every description will
be placed in one big lot and priced for quick
clearance at . greatly redpofed prices. This in-,
eludes kiddyiand Igo cars, balls, banks, boats,
' wagons, doll furniture, vacuum cleaners, teddy
bears, Gilbert outfits, Humpty-Dumpty clowns,
airplanes, etc. . . ' .,,;
Downstairs Store
Continuing for Thursday Our Christmas Sale ot
The materials are Georgette and Crepe de Chine ; all colors,' including suit shades. -:
The most wonderful .values we have ever offered, featuring the season's styles and colors.
Many new styles have been added to the assortment which created such .a sensational
sale Tuesday. . . V
j . ' .. Second Floor,
Before Christmas Sale of
Fur Muffs
At 2 Regular Price
This includes every muff in our stock, and
at a price unheard of for this time of ydar.
Second Floor
, 4
Women9 s and Children9 s
10c a pair
In this lot are warm fleece lined and knitted,
styles in gloves and mittens for womemand chil
dren, in black and colors. ' ' . s
Main Floor Now Building
Holiday pale ot Our Entire Stock of
Ivory Goods at 25 Discount
Ivory sets, manicure sets, as well as separate pieces, including mirrors, trays, brushes, combs, pow
der boxes and picture frames, glove boxes and jewel boxes, will be offered at this price. 'Engraving free.
Main Floor.