Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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-v . - 1 . . . . y.i.
Harding May Name
Two Members of
His Cabinet Soon
President-Elect Expected to
Announce Heads of State
v And Treasury Depart
ment in Near Future.
"liloaao Trlbane-Omaha Re IMd Wire,
Marion, O., Dec 22. President
elect Harding is considering an
r.ounciug two cabinet positions soon
after, the first of the year, those
ot state and treasury. He said to
day that no tenders have been made
so far. The majority of the ap
pointments probably will'not be of
fered until he retires to some point
in Florida during January.-
In the state and treasury, prob
lems he. feels that it might be re
assuring to -the country and help
ful to the men themselves to have
t'icsc names announced-as soon, as
ht'-has definitely determined upon
Ui em. .
'Charles Evans Hughes, Senator1
Knox, Elihu Root and Dr, David
Jayne Hill still are under consider
ation for the post of secretary of
state. The situation appears, to fa
ror Mr. Hughes, but there , is, , no
certainty about his arjftointnaent. v
The story that Senator Knwh as
agent for Mr. Harding, had offered
the post to Mr. Hughes, was char-1
actenzed by the president-elect as
a pleasant bit "of holiday fiction.
With the cabinet; as well as the
international situation, still in a
lifting. state in the:mind of Sena
tor Harding, it is said to be. his
flesire and purpose to make, the in
itial appointments of state and
treasury heads the basis and ground
work for the formation of the rest
ot his official family. ,, .-t
Plans Business Basis.
As each man is tendered thex posi
tion, the understanding that must
be arrived at between him and Mr.
Harding is the agreement to let the
reorganization committee, which
the new administration will create
4o bring the government depart
ments to a more economical, ad
ministration, have its own way in
reaching into each department i
There will be no jealousy on 4he
nart of the incoming, department
head, no holding on to bureaus and
subdeparrmer.ts if the big commis
8ibn decides to take them away. It
(l apparent that one of the chief
things Jn the mind of the incoming
executive is to build the , govern
ment, anew on business basis, :
9reat interest is shownNin.his se
lections for the Departments -of
Agriculture, Labor 'and Interior.
Delegations will come to Marion
within the next few weeks to urgq
certain men for these places.
.Sounding Out Visitors.
The probability of any announce
ment by Mr. Harding of a concrete
plan for a new league of nations is
lessening. It is not expected that he
will come forward with any definite
suggestions of his own on this line
until he comes into power and has
behind him the private assurances
ot support from the leaders of all
factions in this country. He - is
sounding out each visitor, exchang
ing views, asking theirs and giving
his own plan formed during the
campaign, which in essentials holds
to all his pronouncements on the
yeague situation Thiring the cam
paign, l he groundworK ot his
plan is an agreement among the five
great powers to hold the peaces of
the world. The one thing he will
keep away from is an agreement
formed on force, directed bya'.su
pergovernment at' Geneva. .f'
Mr. Harding plans tow spend
Christmas at home and will have,
few conferences of importance dur
ing the rest of the week. . He ex
pects to spend several weeks before
inauguration in Florid." where he
can hold conferences and get a little
relaxation in the open air,-at the
same time.' Plans for; this tripcre,
still indefinite.'
Big Gambler Return
New York, Dec.:22.-VHann"il)al J.
Mesa, Cuban millionaire reported in
recent Universal1 Service dispatches
to have won more than $1,000,060 at
baccarat in the casino, at Deauville,
France, arrived-nere' today on the
Imperator. He was accompanied by
Prince Harol A. DeBotirbon, cousin
of-jCing Alfonso of Spain.. . Senor
De Mesa laughed 'at the reports of
his huge winnings, but made no def
inite denial. He said he is., on his
way back to Cuba.
50 Hens Laid 3 Eggs
A Day, Now Lay 36
Telia How to Male MU Hens Pro
' due Money in vWiter.
. .. - - . ;, .t .
'"When I began using Don Sung in De
cember. I was setting- only t or S tggn
a day from 50 hens. Within three weeks
I -was netting from a .Jo 4 dosen.aidsy. I
shall never be without Dan Sung." Jer-
mima Hedges, K. JV Dy 1, Sham way, 111.
This or 4 doien eggs a dax. t winter
prices, waa almost clear profit, rxlonr hens
should do- as well. It's no trouble to use
Don Sung and yon risk nothing by try in
it under this offer.
Give your hens Don Sang and wateh re
sults for one1 month. If you don't find
that 14 nays for itself and pars yon a
h good i profit besides, simply tell as and
your money win be cneenuuy rexunaeu. .
Don Sung (Chinese for egf-laying) : it
a scientific tonic and conditioner. It la
easily given in the feed, , improves the
hen's health and makes her stronger and
more active. . It tones nn-the egg-layta
organs, and gets the eggs, no matter how
cold or wet the weather.
Don Suns can be obtained promptly from
your druggist or poultry remedy dealer, or
send 62c or f 1.04 (includes war tax) for
a package by .mail prepaid. Burrell-Dug-
srer Co., Zlt Columbia Hldg., Indianapolis,
Boy, 9t Fatally Stabs
His Playmate During
Fight Over Stray Dog
. New York. Dec, 21. fighting
with a playmate for possession of
a stray dog. Frank Verillo, 10, was
stabbed, probably -fatally, here last
unex Romanello, 9, with a dirty
little terrier at his heels, walked into
a police station and surrendered him
self. ' , v
"I'm' sorry. He wanted to take
the dog away from me. 1 d'dn't
mean to hurt him," he sobbed,;
The terrier ran away. . . ' '
Bandits Make Haul ! '
Los Angeles, Cal., -Dec. 22. A
thief snatched a-satchel containing
$75,000 in checks and $6,500 cash
from two bank messengers today
on a street crowded with thousands
of Christmas shoppers and escaped.
More Activity Is Reported "
' In Market for Raw Hides
' Chicago, Dec. 22. Recent de
velofhhents in the hide movement,
which has peen stagnant for several
months, indicate a' trim for the bet
ter, George vIL.Rasch, general man
ager of the by-jroduct interests of
Morris ti Co.,said. .
There has been'quite a little ac
tivity in the packer hide markets
east and, west, recently,", sSid Mr.
Rascli'aiid it is interesting to ii
that one bf the biggest shoe ma
ggest shoe manu
iacturers. who alwavs buvs when the
market is lowest and just before a
nwn iw tne 'octter, is purcnasmg
persistently." ,
" .,' Fiume Is Besieged
Tdine, Italy, Dec. 22. (By Xh
Associated Press.) Fiume, the
stronghold of Captain Oabrjele d An-
nuniio, the insurgent Italian leader,
For Info irt,tnTsllds and OrowingChlldren I RIchMllk, Malted Grain Bztraet In Fowder "
BaungjTXKMMnkFO(AUAfa I WoCoosantourishinr-Diestia.l.
The Orifinal
ui SubsUtuUfc
i ' -
19. k r .
Puttf the dancing joy of Christmas
into youthful hearts
The Yolctidc spirit that joyful exuber
ance tf youthful hearts, and hearts that are
always young is best expressed in music j-
Tbt home without music on Christmas day.
lacks the true holiday joy; .
A Brunswick phonograph is the gift to one
that brings joy to all. It opens to you the
- treasure chests of the world's most beautiful,
most inspiring, most thrilling musical crea
tions. It is the instrument of all others to
"own because it is the instrument which re
produces all records, of any makc
Sound Proof I Test
Rooms Provide Ideal
Conditions for Selec
Pages of tyrie could not convince you of
the superiority ofv Brunswick quite so easily
is one hearing 'of this superb instrument
Come and let us demonstrate it to you.
Examine thje Ultona, the marvelous repro
ducer, which makes it possible for The Bruns
wick to play any record made. See the Bruns
wick Oval Tone ; Amplifier, the all-wood
throat and tone chamber, which gives' The
Brunswick its glorious resonance' and sweet
ness of. tone. . . vv ; t
Select your Christmas
Ask the clerk to explatn
- to you tfye lecreif of rr,v
" BrtiAswick inferiority
, j :
Come early and avoid the crush of Christ
mri crowds. Take -plenty of time to hear a
full concert, reproducing, all makes of rec
ords, v Give yourself : time to examine the
matchless cabinet work .of our cases. Select
your Christmas Brunswick now -while our-
stocks are large and complete. You will be
repaid. V, -
es From $125 to $750
1 !' t
Thufsday-Offers Distinctive Gift (jiving Ijeas
Thursdiay Friday Special Two -Day
Blduse Salej
9 mrw a m
f AY f
$10 to $15 Blouses
$18 to $25 Blouses
Satin Georgette Jersey
Crepe de Chine.
Satin Jersey Georjetta ' .
Minnnnatt . '. '
. . ..... .. ; .
Choose one for yourselffind one to give to your most particular friend
Yob wn offered your choice in every new attractive .ilouse style In every blouse m-
( terial In every wanted color.
-. ".""" ,v JOverblouse Tailored Tuck-in Regulation atylea. ..- ' .
. 'Thtre are high neck low neckline-rfoun d collarless necks fancy collar effects. ,
, . L Short Bleeves-Bell sleeves Long sleeves.'' . ' "
Ike moflels are beaded braided embroidered tucked lace trimmed hemstitchedWtrimmed in
Blouse Shop
contrasting colors fancy collars and cuffs.
Second Floor.
, Friday-SaturdaJ' Two-Day "Gift Giving"
Sale Women's Silk Hosiery
$3-Pure Thread
Silk Hosiery
All full fashioned lisle garter tops
All- sizes all colors.
$2 Quality '
Silk Hosiery
Black brown all sizes silk to the
Hosiery Shop
Main Floor
Sensational-Two-Hour Sales
Thursday-7 to 9 P. M.-Only .
. . r. . tit- " i
r 7 ' - i .tmir Armort c- TI7
xms ulArrV,w,o women s
Regularly $7.50
1 For Girls, 8 to 14 Years
In pretty,' dainty color
ing of blue pink tan
Girls' Shop 2d Floor
,! Regularly $12.50 to $22.50 '
Sizes 46 to 56
Including exquisite models ot Crepe de
Chine and Georgette featuring the
newest, smartest trimmings. .
.1 1 '
- : Blouse Shop Second Floor
Wool Hose
Regularly $2
Heavy ribbed heather
combinations all sizes
splendid gifts for the
out-of-doors girl.
Hosiery Main Floor
Women's Corduroy Robes
! 10 Discount
Prom Special Sale Prices
The most charming of Christmas Gifts for
Miss or Matron in blues rose pink;
wistaria treco silk lined. ,
-Negligee Shop .Second Floor-
Girls'r Women s- Sweaters
$200 ' '
' ' .
V Regularly to $6.95
Slightly soiled from" display .
jin Slipover and Coat styles.
-Girls' Shop Second Floor-
Special 21-Hour Grab Sale of Odds and Ends
' Mens Furnishings In Two Lots
, 'At 25c At 50c-
Including soi neckwear handkerchiefs tobacco pouches money belts kit bags-
wnet uis cigarette -cases ana many more Gifts useful.
s ' 1
' . K - ' Men's Shop MalnFJoor : -,.J-r - J
t f I I A J, A iti aft iSAA Jsaffi
Bo wen's
I, Worth-WhileXmasGifts
Piano Benches J
in Walnut a n d V Mahogany,
Specially priced for Xmas Week.
in Walnut V
$12.00 , r
In Mahogany .
$15.00 . '
Dressing Tables
At y2 JTormer Price
lor Xmas Week
Former Week
Priee Price r
..1760 $37.50
..$98.75 $40.50
Many Others Specially Plced,,
j m
NewGhairsforthe Diningooin
I 1 11-1 II
price for Xmas Week.
Former Wekv
.-olid Oak , Prlc -, Prle .
Diners, eac!i..$ 9.00 $ 4,50
Mahogany with
Genuine Leather -
- Seats $21.00 -$10.50
Many Others ' Specially Priced.
Cedar Chests
for " Christmas
For Christmas Week Selling at y2 the ".
. " Former v Price .
, .. ... - " This
v Former Week's
'' 1 . ' .. ' Price Price
48-in. CopwrBauded Chest. .......... ,$50.00 :
48-in.i ColiuiaJr-desigh'.'. . J. 47.50
54-in.:Plairi Jjbist. . . . ....... . . . . .'. . . . . . 55.00
48-in. Queen Anne............ 60.00 '
i SmOKerS I Mahogany;.Nut Bowl
, . . , i and Cracker; -special
UaDineiB . for Christmas week-
. -
Ranging in price
. from .' v
$3.50 "
n Christmas SuggestionsFroik . i
Our Driape;J)epaentr
Make Home More Cheerful for the Holidays
A pair of curtains and overdrapes all made ready to lian.
Lot 1 Ecru Scrim curtains. .with pretty' edging and cre
tonne overdrapes. with valance, and double (Kirsch) rods,
complete ready to hang, at. ....... . ... .V. $4.95
' Lot 2 Ecrn marquisette curtains, plain, hemstitched and -cretonne
overdrapes with valance and double, (Kirsch)
rods, complete, ready to hang, at. . ......... r .... . .$5.05'
Lot 3 White voile curtains, plain, Hemstitched and, Cre
tonne overdrapes with valance trimmed with edging to ,
match and double (Kirsch! rods, complete . ready to
hang at -.$6.95
, -
I,ot 4 White voie curtains with pretty corded edge and
hemstitched, trimmed with edging to match. Cretonne over-
drapes with valance and double (Kirsch) rods, complete -
ready to hang ......... V. . -. ... 1. ......... $7.95 '
' NOTE All above Qurtalns and overdrapes are finished-six
feet and six inches long wilh hem and heading ready, to slip on
rod. Price includes the entire set, ready to lftthg.
Christmas for the Children'
Everything in the Children's Gift. Department
Specially Priced for the Last Two Days! v
Doll Beds ...I.....50 ,
' Christmas picture books ' at ' ?-
y price .while they last - --f- ' t
Children's Red Carts, while thay . T v
last io
Kiddie KaTa ...-95
Nice Blackboards 19
Toy Pianos ............. $2.50
-Reed Poll Carts $2.50
Rocking Horses $3,25
Bpwen's Specials
Carpet Sweepers
Aluminum Percolators .
mo. Electric, irons o.Vd
Rflhv Walkers .Tr: ...... . ft9 AK '
Towen's Guaranteed Brooms .". . . ..... . ,
33 4 , .
Fistula-Pay When Cured
'A'mflJ srstem of treatmtiit that cnTat Fflta, llttnla aa4 atkar
Bsctal DissaiM in a short tins, without aoTtra aunrteal
eration. Me Chloroform. Ether or othor naaral uiMtliatb nH.
A cars cuarantcd tn vvarr rasa aectstsd for treatment, aud ae nostr ta ta ha naM aatii
enrml. Wrlto lor book oa Rectal Diseases, with nanus and tostlmoniala of aiora taaa
,wv promiiwii peopia woo aa-ra teca pernuacnur fuiss. . 1. y
PK. K. It TARRY SaaaHrhwa, feteea Trvl BHj. la:V Oaha. WaV