V THE; BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1920. Great Britain Is Scored for Stand a Toward Ireland -YComcn Charge Government 'Willi' Lack of Sincerity in Testimony Before Comniit N tee of 100 at Washington. ; v - - Washington, Dec. 21 An arraign ment of the coalitfon goverumenttfor vhat;was described as "its lack of sincerity injts policy toward Ire land";, was presented today by two English women to the commission of all the committee of 100 investi gating the Irish question. Miss Helen C. Wilkinson pf Man chester, one of 10 women who invest igated conditions in Ireland for the , Women's International League, de clared that if a referendum were taken, it would be folind that the "mass of British opinion was not behind the government in its pres ent policy toward.: Ireland." Mrs. Annot E. Robinson, also on Man chester, joined her in the declara tion that while the British public hardly was ready to accept, the Sinn Fein plan of an Irish republic, "Ireland can be won yet" if the gov ernment adopts a sincere policy. . Both women indicated their belief that 'dominion home rule would prove the final solution of the Irish question. . Reprisals Described. Both women told of the burning of i homes and the ' destruction S ot property in Ireland. . i "While Euglish opinion is becom ing more aroused to the needs of a proper policy in Ireland," Miss Wil kinson said, "it has been hard for us to believe that our men wfe" com mitting the crimes-with which they were accused. I had-a brother in the military service ' who was sta tioned for a time in Ireland." Miss Wilkinson described " re nrisals hv the militarv in Cork whichr v she said, she witnessed in October. I "At 10 o'clock at night," she said, "the curfew sounded, and the streets became quiet with startling suddenness. Lights were cut off ami up the street on which my hotel was situated, 'came a body of in fantry in extended formation. A searchlight from the end of . Jhe street plated upon their glistening bayonets and steel helrflets. Three armored cars followed and behind them came lorries filled with men. The troops moved with precision and discipline through the quiet streets. Suddenly they commenced firing, methodically, into the houses. They marched back and forth and until 3 o'clock the next morning I could hear constant firing and the challenges of sentries." , Passport Vised Mrs. Robinson told of the refusal of American Consul Wells at Man chester to vise the passpprts to America of herself and Miss Wilk inson. After the refusal she visited I he office of the consul general at London, she said, and when she re turned to Manchester her passport was vised after she had promised not to "engage in propaganda or to give interview for the newspapers." ' .Destruction of co-operative indus try and agriculture in Ireland' is a deliberate effort by the military to force immigratioryof the young meir, Wilkinson said. Lord French, she said, had declared that Ireland could be pacified, "if the 300,000 young men" would leave. ' The-'comrhission tomorrow will hear Misses Annie and Susan Walsh, sisters-in-law of the late Lord Mayor McCurtain of Cork, who left Cork Ine day after the burning of the, business sectvn of that cityr Books still are printed by monks In Thibet from wooden blocks as was done in the earliest stages of printing centuries ago.- Give Her One of Bo wen's Cedar Chests Lk a Keen, Fresh Whiff of Tennessee Red Cedar Greet Her Christmas Morn. And Bowen is offering them while they last for Y2 the former price. We have several styles and sizes to choose from. Some copper-banded and others plain. S All of them the very best the markets afford; made by master mechanics and of the very best Tennessee Red Cedar obtainable. One of these would mean a real sensible gift and could not fail to be ap preciated. And, as usual, you make your own terms. - ' i Advertisement In Blisters. Hair Fell Out Ccticura Healed. " Eczema broke out on my head in medium sized white blisters. They itched and burned so I scratched, breaking the blisters, and causing them to apread over my head and down into my eyes. My hair fell out in thick strands until nearly one half of mirtStAA was bald. " I read about Cuticura Soap and Ointment and wrote for a free sample. I noticed a difference ao purchased more, and was healed." (Signed) Mia Beatrice Bierman, 519 S. E. WateSt.. Northneld, Minn. UaeCuticara for all toilet parpoeei. ! (MfcfMtf Ml. Minm: "OrtamlO. r.terte. rvli. MtU 41 M-." grttmrt whr. SSfe. OntmntatsadMc. Tllrantbc. KflVCaticura Seat Atm without mat. Sends a Piano Home for Xmas Balance on easy monthly pay ments beginning Feb. 1 1921 (TWCFOftD 1807 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. San ri rancisco Dear Bob: , Yon would like San Francisco. It bas lota of personality. There's a sunny, open-hearted x enthusiasm everywhere. You And it In the hotels, , theaters, entertainments and on the streets. I was reading something Mark Twain wrote. He said he fell "in love with the most sociable city in the Union." It's easy to have . a good disposition here. The climate is so fine. When yon see me, look for a reformed ' Ratrt at Hotel Whit comb, from $2.00. 400 outaida room. Wrtta N: for foMar containing map of city.. J. H. VAN HORNE, Manaaar. . zd Hotel Whitcob . Civic Center : SAN FRANCISCO Christmas Shopping in the Five Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores No better place in Omaha to do your Christmas shopping quickly and satisfactorily than in the five drug"" stores that have specialized for more than thirty'years in Christmas Gifts 'of the attractive and useful char acter. , Good Pure Box Candies. . ...104 to S5.00 Pr box Stationery In attractive boxes, frony. ...654 to $3.75 Thermos Bottles aa i Lunch, Kits.'. At Lowest Prices Fountain Pen Parker's, Waterman's, Conklin's and others, from .7... .;. .$1.25 to 87,00 Perfumaa In endless variety; including: Soger & Gallet, Rigaud's, Coty, Fiver,' Van tine, Lubin,' Mavis, 'Houbi gant, Jonteel, Cara Nome, Hudnut. x ' y Safety Rason Including Ever Ready, Gem, Junior, Enders, Auto-Strop,1 Gillette, Durham Duplex all in their va rious combinations, fanging in price from f 1.00 to 310.00 Red Rubber Toys for Children ............ .". 25, 50, $1.00 Kantlaak Water Bags Warranted for 2 years, 2-qt. and- 3-qt, at 93.00 and 83.25 Hercules Water Bags 2-qt., 3-qt and 4-qt, at. ......... . - .s 82.25,82.50,82.75 Hair Brushes In great variety, from 8100 to 89.00 Metal Water Bettks. . . . . ... 82.00 to 83.00 CIGARS All the Standard Brands. in boxes of 5, 10, 12, 25, CO, and 100. See our Cigar Salespeople now. ; Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Five Good Stores in Prominent Locations Corner 16th and Dodge '". - Corner 19th and Farnam ,. Corner 16th and Harney Corner 24th and Farnam ! Corner 49th and Dodge Genoral Office, 2d Floor, 19th and Farnam. Telephone Doug . 7855 ! CLOSING OUT X A Large Stock of Hardware - Beginning Wednesday morning we will offer for sale a large stock of hardware and kitchenware. Many of the articles will be sold at 50c on the dollar. Nothing reserved, the entire stock is tc0be sold out. Sale will. begin at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning. Come and bring your friends. 1 ' Thousands of articles ideal for Christmas pres entscarpenters' tools, masons' tools, bath room fixtures, bolts, screws, aluminum kitchenware, white granite, blue graniteware, gray graniteware tin kitchenware, skillets, frying pans, electrical goods. Christmas present for the children kiddie , cars, ice skates, sleds, coaster wagons, roller skates. Heating stoves,: cook stoves, oil stovs, f ireless cookers, scoop shovels, forks; spades, milk cans, large sponges, mops, wringers, washday utensils, dairy supplies, churns, etc., in fact thousands of ar ticles that cannot be listed here. Watch for our ad tomorrow. H. H. HARPER CO. 17th and Howard Streets, Flatiron Building. Weil-Known Nebraska 1 Editor Injured When Hit byAotomqJ)ile Lincoln. Dec' 21. (Special.) Henry Allen Brainerd. well-known newspaper man and former presi dent of the state press association, appears to be having more than his share of bad luck. Just recovering from an operation to remove blind ness which afflicted htm about eighteen months ago, Mr.i Brainerd was struck this week by an auto mobile on the streets of Lincoln and thrown to the pavement, sustaining torn ligaments In one ankle. The husband of the woman driving the car, after discovering Mr. Brain erd's condition, assured him that he would be cared for. However, Mr. Brainerd was looking forward to securing a position in ..the legisla ture and is hoping that the .damage will not prevent him from going af ter the job. Taken on Liquor Charge. - Norfolk, Neb.) Dec. 21. (Special Telegram.) Macie . Fusell . and George H. Gordon were arrested by police here on charges of illegal pos session of liquor. Gordon pleauSd guilty to manufacturing whisky. A large amount of distilling equip ment was confiscated. Candidate for Assembly -t . Speaker Reaches Lincoln Lincoln, Dec. 21. (Special.) ""George- A. Snow, representative- elect from Chadron, has moved to the city with his family and will re-, side here until the legislative session is over. Mr. Snw is one of the lead ing candidates for speaker, buj he declined today to make any predic tion as to the result. 1 Beatrice Police Seek Man Who Cashed Forged Checks Beatrice, Neb. Dec. 21.-(Special Telegram.) Beatrice , officers are searching for a negro who disap peared after cashing four forged checks amounting to $130.80. The checks, each of which was for $32.70, were drawn on the Beatrice State bank and made payable to "Joe Walker." The name of Henry Williamson of Beatrice was signed on them. Woman at Nebraska City Severely Scalded in Fall Nebraska, City. Neb., Dec. 21. (Special.) Mrs. Charles Beason, emplayed at the Morton-Gregson packing plant here, was seriously scalded when she slipped and fell while' carrying a bucket of boiling water, 'the contents striking her on the left arm, breast and side of the lace. Her condition is quite serious. Residue of Estate Held iu Trust for City Library .Hebron, Neb., Dec 21. (Special.) The final report of the adminis trator of the L. O. Secrest estate was approved by Judge P. I. Harrison and the residue of the money in ... hands of the administrator ordered paid to the proper officials to be held in trust for the Hebron public li brary. The amount is $13.29777.; The Hebron public library was made a beneficiary under the will of L. O. Secrest, who was a pioneer resident here. Relatives contested the claim in the bounty court and Judge Harrison ruled against .them. Notice of appeal has been made and the case will be taken into district court. i fllii fW ' l Labor-Saving Devices and JTTjl M-JJr , ' " Beautiful " WMfSi " Give Gifts That the () Articles for the Home WFtfl T?-' 1 Entire China, Glassware or Kitchen Utensils Breakfast Sets Bavarian China Percolators I QC 42-piece set?, border, decora- ai ah 1 p0t70 tion, handles are gold striped- ' b 1 !3 11- i-.i . v . service for six; the set x " j ' , 1 J Nintion flecoraterl ; P. h i tl a Pnvo aluminnm nornnlgfnra nrf7Sl!j , 1 i jy breakfast sets, 31 pieces. $3.95, $49 50 1 - - . a-rwJi I JT V " - Convex Kettles ( 8 ' . Lake Plates . :y $1.95 ; ; - Pure aluminum convex ket- v . . , ties with aluminum covers. 6- III Cups and Saucers 6 pair rot $139 Japanese china cups and saucers. Six pairs for $1.39. Bon Bon Dishes 75c Hand-painted Nippon china bon" bon dishes in an assort ment of pretty shapes. Dinner Sets at - Special Prices Nippon china dinner sets, pretty border pattern; the 99 piece set $69.50 Bavarian china dinner set, pink rose border pattern, gold 'striped handles ; the 99-piece ret 1 $79.50 Bavarian china dinner sets, two line gold decoration, full . N fold handles; 99-piece set $119.50 Haviland China Dinner Sets $69.50 Pink "jose spray decoration, ' ' gold line handles; 98-piece set. Is Hand painted Nippon china cake plates, coupe shapes. 59c. Breakfast Sets $8.95 English semi-porcelain break fast sets, heavy blue decora tion; the 31-piece set. Flofal Cut Glassware $1.50 Pretty fluted shapes with floral cutting, consists of sugar , and creamer sets. Low and high-footed comporte, fruit bowl, vases, etc.; choice, $1.50. Glass Baskets $2.95 Floral cut glass baskets, large size handled baskets with pret ty combinations and floral cut tings. $2.95. Cream Sets $2.95 Whipped cream sets, floral cut whipped cream sets, con sists of plate, bowl and ladle; the set, $2.95.' j Preserving Kettles $1.95 Pure aluminum preserving kettles, 8-quart size. Covered Roasters $4.95 , Pure aluminum, covered roasters, oval shape. ( Roasters $2.39 Savory blued steel seamless, oval covered roasters, self-basting. ) Roasters $2.95 Gray enameled, seamless covered roasters; has meat rack. n Percolators $8.95 Universal pure aluminum percolators 9-cup size. Electric Grills $12.98 Universal electric grills with aluminum pans; has heat regulator. Electric Irons $7.95 o Universal electric irons, full nickel platedV complete with cord and stand; 6-lb. size. Electric Qof fee Urns $28.50 Universal electric coffee urnsv s - Mounted Casseroles $3.69 Mounted casseroles, large round pyrex inse't, complete, $3.69. Mounted casserole, oval Pyrex inset, metal han dled frames- . , r$4.95 gess-Wash Com &fie Cfiristmas Store for &very6oftj 9 ;USE BEE ,WANT ADS THEY BRING RESULTS: 1 'V.'.f