I i Luii miarr-n f)ir,-"Ti-j"Jt W mo--' . ... ' . vwr, . ,, .... .. THE BEK: OMAHA, WEDM&aDA, DLUfcMBbn zz, Tariff Measure Gets Riglitof-Way hi House Today Proponents Confident of Pas sage of Bill Declaring Virtual Embargo on Importation Of Farm Products.1 Washington, Dec. 21. The Ford ney emergency tariff measure, de signed to protect some 20-odcl farm products by virtually stopping their importation through heavy duties, will be called up in the house tomor row under a special rule giving it right of way and limiting debate. Although a hard fight is expected, proponents of ,the bill, declared to night its passage by the house was certain. Its i fate, however, in the senate h regarded as somewhat doubtful. ; ' In the first test vote, advocates of the special tariff legislation won a signal victory by adopting, 206 to 76, a motion to suspend the busi ness calendar Wednesday so as to bring the bill to' a vote tomorrow before adjournment. There will be no opportunity to include other ar ticles by amendment. The bill was denounced in the house as "special class legislation" by Representative Madden, repub lican, of Illinois, who declared that its "unwisdom must be manifest to everybody." t The purpose of the measure, Mr. Madden said, was to legislate on a few articles and to eliminate from consideration many other articles in the hands of thousands of dealers. The only other reference to it on the floor was by Representative Long worthrepublican, of Ohio, who said it was needed to save important ag ricultural interests "from stark and certain ruin." ' ' Omahans Visit East. Washington, D. C, Dec. 21. (Spe cial Telegram.) Mr. and Mrs. Wil ltom Gurley of Omaha are visiting relatives in Georgetown during the Christmas holidays. Warren Switz ler of Omaha visited the house of representatives today as a guest of Congressman Jefferis. ; Packers Ask Court To Approve Plan for Sale of Stock Yards Washington, Dec. 21. Cotjnsel for Swift & Co., and Armour & Co., asked Justice Stafford in the district supreme court today to approve a plan for disposition of their stock yard interests similar to that propos ed by F. H. Prince & Co., Boston bankers, and to give the companies time in which to find a new buyer in place of the Boston company, which has withdrawn its offer. The government lia asked , that trustees be named to sell the stock yard property and supporting this proposal, Assistant Attorney Gen eral Kressel opposed the suggestion to extend time for a new purchaser tayiug that 10 months bad elapsed and no constructive plan to divest the packers of control had been brought forward. He denied that the government had acted in any bad faith, as intimated by counsel for the packers, who claimed that the de partment had apparently approved the general outlines of the sale plan proposed by the companies. Four Men Exonerated for Death of Two Actresses Chicago, Dec. 21. The grand jury exonerated Michael J. Cox, Lawrence and Harry Jorgenson and Marcus Blumberg, who were held in connection with the death of Marie Ramey and Lillian -Thompson, ac tresses, whose bodies were found in Grant-park, November 14. The four men had been on a joy ride which ended when the women werevleft in Grant park. A coroner's jury found that the women died. from alcoholism and exposure. Kearney Normal Enrollment Gains Attendance Report Shows In crease for First Time in Several Years. f Lincoln. Neb., Dec 21. Enroll ment at the state normal school at Kearney, which during the last few years has steadily declined, is on the increase, according to the eighth biennial report of George F. Martin, president, to the state board of edu cation and Governor McKelvie. The establishment v of correspondence and study center courses have been especially popular during the last two months, the report shows. On December 1, the report states, there were 681 students enrolled for study at the Kearney school. Of this number, 302 were students re ceiving instruction through the ex tension department. One hundred and twenty-nine students are re ceiving correspondence "courses and 173 attend the study centers estab lished in 25 towns and villages sur rounding Kearney. Students at the study centers are instructed Friday evenings and Saturday by teachers sent fromthe institution. During the biennium the state in creased the campus of the Kearney school o that it now has an area of approximately SO acres. Mr, Martin suggests that the state pur chase additional land to the extent of about one block. ' The most imminent need of the Kearney school, Mr. Martin says, is that of suitable dormitory facilities to house students. Delicious! with milk,) fine with cheese, superb with, salad, PREMIUM SODA CRACKERS are real pantry-aids. Their convenient size and mild saltiness also commend them. ' NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY -1 9k The Xmas Gift For AH the Family A Columbia Grafonbla 0 fi You can have a Co lumbia Qraf onola and & selectibn of records fa sent to your home fj Christmas for only a small initial payment. Balance can be paid, W at your convenience; g after ; the Holidays,! 4 Tbis Beautiful MocUl Only $120 0 We have all models to select from at $32.50, $120, $150, $175, $200 and iy, and on terms to suit the smallest purse. Make your selection NOW FOR XMAS DELIVERY. . START PAYMENTS NEXT YEAR Call and get our special Christmas Record List. 9 Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. J New Location, 1514-16-18 Dodge Street Phone Douglaa 1623 ' OFVEN EVENINGS UNTIL XMAS 45 . 1 - ' - . - . . ... 520,000,000 in BUTTER In days gone by, "butter making" was one i the humblest of kome chores. It was a drudgery to nearly every boy of the farm or of the city whose father kept a cow. Peck's Bad Boy and the world-loved Tom Sawyer have, furnished all of us with many a hearty laugh in which the "old churn" held a central figure. Today butter making" is a craftsman's art. It is a great indus try, and Omaha is Home to the .greatest of all of these Master Craftsmen. For Omaha is the greatest butter producing city ii the world. " It isn't possible for one to travel to far off cities or to even the little cross road Inns of the thinly settled sections and not find Omaha-Made Butters. Everywhere Omaha's quality butter is the preference. Think what a great asset this industry is to Omaha, and of the work being done by these Craftsmen. During 1920 more than 30,000,000 pounds, or $20,000,000.00 worth 1 of butter was made in Omaha. The quota for 1921 is 50,000,000 pounds. Help to push Omaha onward, she 'deserves it, and with a Greater Omaha you can depend upon your own greater success. Corn Exchange Nat'l Bank - . Th Bank With an INTEREST in You. Housewares Specials that can't last long! "A Wonderful Piece of Work" i. J Many Exclamations of Delight from Visitors to Brandeis Stores Stckel Hate Nit Bwli-Mae of copper, highly nickel fitted; with ( picks and cracker; regi lu Telle 4.45 special, at 3.98 Wlllew Ierg Made of hih trad willow; with cover; for bathroom and laundry purposes; small size, 4.19 Mediu: i size, 1, S.19 Large size, , 619 UnlTerssl Electric Grills Round pattern; has 3 different heats; made of copper, high nickel plat ed; can be used as toaster, grill or hot plate; regilar Ttlie $15; special, j 12.98 "Berne" Percenters Made of heavy copper, highly nickel plated: 9-cnp size, regular value 4.98; special, each, 4.19 r :' S-cup size, regular value 4.29; special, each 3,69 Oil Bitch Cleaaser, S cans, 24 , Fifth FloorWest There has been general comment upon the striking beauty of the Bran deis Stores during the holiday season. Who did it t Phil Armour, admitted ly one of America's best window and store decorators, and his splendid corps of assistants. You see, Brandeis Stores believe in giving bouquets to the liv ing, and Phil Armour has many bouquets "coming to him." Writing in the Omaha "Examiner," Alfred Sorenson, the Omaha his torian, pays this deserved tribute to the work of the Brandeis Stores window and store decorating department: "Entering one of Omaha's largest department stores one day last week, on business bent, I hurried eastward down the center aisle and stopped "abruptly. Had I been mysteriously transported to the frozen lands of. the north pole and Greenland, the home of good old Santa Claus? I seemed to be in a dense forest of snow flecked evergreens. Ahead lay vast fields and mountains of Ice and snow and just leaving his cold, wintry home for balmy Omaha was good old St. Kick himself ia a toy laden sleigh drawn by eight prancing reindeers. I rubbed my eyes and found I was in reality in Brandeis Stores and the illusion had been-caused by the clever work of the store decorator, waese lovely cathedra) decorstlois ef last year are well remembered.'. The huge painting of the frozen north extending across the entire front of the store 1b a wonderful piece of work and the figures of old Santa aud his dashing reindeer very realistic On alternate pillars down the aisles are huge evergreen trees (painted), their branches whitened with freshly fallen snew and brightened with red lights, while on the other pillars are immense wreaths of green festooned with ropes ef red fringe and illuminated at either side with tall red cathe dral capdles in wrought iron brackets. Concealing the arc lights of the store are fes toons of red and'gmn with long fringe of irrldescent beads. The effect of the whole is very beautiful and unusual, and has caused many explanations ef delight from custo mers, as also have the beautiful window decorations." Bead Bags 1 Specials that can't last long! Iar Choice ef Any Bead Bag in our entire stock which sold from $25 to $100. Sale $20 Price Mtitt FhorEtst China Specials Cake aad Berry Sets Hand dec orated; cake set consists of one 12-inch plate and six 5-inch plates; berry set consistsi'of one 9-inch bowl and six 6-inch fruit dishes. Both sets are beautifully decorated; per set Sale 1.98 Price Breakfast Set. Nippon China, decorated ' in " wide gold band; consists of one platter, six' large and six small plates, six fruits , and six cups and saucers; set Sale 6.98 Price; Fifth Fl90tEst 1 This Store Open Until p. m. Our Cafe Open Until . 8 p. m. AsLHs They Ltst TT , PJ Q k 1 Q Nm ' ' D N at These Prices J. X J LA X JW 3 O dl V &. as No Deliveries :. j t i a. m. t9i9.nt. to xi m. id. g to io m. m. 300 Vacuum Halld Decorated ,rBs' ISSS" - Bottles- Salad Bowls -Mackinaw., Sleepers 125 Vc 395 89c JkJJ Jr ' KJ . Sleeping garments for boys ifeM. liauid warm for 86 1 - v ' , . I , . . , and girls; in pink, blue and W- made nickel cup and One of our greatest Christmas ool materials m beautiful se-y white and outing flannel ; StflKL7w b.rgains;;regular 98c value; of p aids; s ta 4 to 10X siz,s from 4 to 14 years; regularly 2 ?5 while limited Quantity lasts. yeais, values 8.50 to 12.S0. formerly 2.00. Drug Depf.-Maa Floor ' Fifth Floor East r Third Floor-East Third Floor-East s (.pfgp. m. f:3oltot p.m. 6:ptogp.m. 6:30 to t p.m. J ' ,r , ' ' "Kiiyser" v Women's '. Gillette and . Mens , , -rj guits Hosiery ' Auto-Strop Bath Robes. Razors 1 CA; l.UU OUC OHO 00J Plain and ribbed lisle; in "cordon's" Rou'nd Ticket VV 1 , flesh and white: cuff or loose lisle and cotton semi-fashioned 500 genuine XJ. 8. A. . Surplus Good quality; all sizes; great knee styles; reinforced; van- hose. sr3wllf black tnd . Gillette ahd Auto-Strop Safety variety of pleasing color cem- $T of styles f VI to $3 values. first lit C5c t0 g5 zon; ta khaki case, com- u..i.n.. 7Kft No refunds, exchanges or C. ueg , piete with mirror aad 12 binations; values to 7.50. 0. D's. blades, formerty 15.00. Men's Store Main Floor Thiri Floor East Main Floor South Main Floors-Drug Dept. French -Pastry 'delicious NOW SOLD On Main Floor . Near Cafeteria Visit Our .. 1 litchem . . A Sale of I Toys, Xmas Bargains Plaything- Theater. With the playlet, "Babes in the Woods." Consisting of a miniature theater and all the characters with hooklet describing the play; these we made te sell for 1.00; while they last, special, each, '.., 25 Dollies' Home. Beautiful, doll's house with two dolls and 10 dresses and hats ; all for ' 25t? Samuel Orlrin's Battleships. The most realistic ever produced; you Can buy them at just one-third eff ! All ef eur fine Wicker Doll Buggies, worth 11.00 to 85.00, to he sold Wednesday at one-thiri off! Genuine Rose 6'Neil Kewpie. Worth up to 1.50; special, each, i 501 Dolh. Soldier and 'Sailor Dolls, fancy dressed Bisque head dolls that go to sleep; teaseme dolls,, kissme dolls that have real hair, character and baby dolls that go to sleep; nonbreakahle char acter dolls; worth up to 3.00; special, each, 1.00 Toyland Sixth Floor. J 'BATIK' What Is It? The ancient and artis tio textile craft ef the South Sea islanders that , is taking the world ay i storal, and has become a popular art in America.- We Offer Some wonderful pieces in this beautiful art work, such as Scarfs t Sashes Wall Panels Hand Bags - Slip-Overs at Exactly Vfc Price Third Floor West Birthday . Cakes Baked to Ordcj V Xmas Kerchiefs Hand Embroidered Philippine Kerchiefs. Hand embroid ered ; all pure linen ; enibroidered..in floral effectj, also,' fillet lace corners very neatly designed; band drawn . and hemstitched edges; priced at, l.OO, 1 .93, 2.50 All Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs. Hand drawn fillet ' effects; a very neat Christmas gift; 1.25, 1.50, 2.50 an 3.50 Imported Lace Handkerchiefs. Narrow and wide bor ders -of imported Princess lace; very dainty and. will make excellent Christmas gifts, 39?, 50t and 1.0 Women 'a Swiss Handkerchiefs. Fine quality; floral de sign neatly embroidered in corner; also eyelet edges, priced at 35i Men's Handkerchiefs. All pure Irish linen; extra good size; hand hemstitched; each, 75 Ohildren-'s Handkerchiefs. Embroidered, with pfctwet; ( monkeys, clowns, mules; a real little circua embroidered on the kiddies' kerchiefs; 3 it a box for 50t? Imported Swiss Handkerchiefs. Fancy lace edgea; all Jiand work; a wonderful Christmas gift, each. 754 Armenian Handkerchiefs. All purs linen, trimmed with j hand made Armenian lace;theae handkerchiefs are of J the finest quality obtainable and yet are mmcmMt I priced at 1.00 to 8.50? w n mm V main floor nast Special Xmas Candies Offered At Omaha's Lowest Prices Jigain We Offer Your Choice Women's Street and Dress Boots Values Up to $18 5.00 Special per Pair Main Floor West i i 1 1 I 1 P to I 1503 rarnam Street.