Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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Rumely Appeals
Federal Charge
, After Sentence
Maintains Innocence of Any
Offense Against U. S. Says
Life Made "Black Hell"
By Persecution.
Key York. Dec. 20. Dr. Edward
A. Rumrly, former publisher of the
New York Evening Mai!, and S. Wal
ter Kaufman and Norvin Lindheim
were sentenced to prison terms of
one year and one day each in feder
al court bete today on conviction
tor conspiring to withhold from the
government knowledge of the al-
nea uernian ownership of the
newspaper during part of the war.
Dr. Rumely and his co-defendants,
who were both New York attorneys,
were found sruiltv hv a iiirv An
Saturday of having failed to report
k me alien property custodian a
debt of $1,451,700 .to the imperial
German goyerhment. The charge
that the German government actual
ly owned ahares of the newspaper's
stock was not ptoved.
Judge William I. Grubb of the
United States district court sen
tenced all three to the federal prison
at Atlanta, Ga.
Released on Bond.
Counsel . for the three defendants
announced they would appeal to the
higher courts and Judge Grubb re
leased them on $10,000 bail, pending
the appeal.
Before being sentenced all three
defendants protested their innocence
of "committing any wrong against
this country."
"Accept this verdict, I cannot."
said Dr. Rumely in a statement, for
before the tribunal of my own coir
science Lam innocent.
"For 15 years ia the -school that
I founded, in all my public work, in
the progressive movement, as well
as in my newspaper, I have given
my best to further the things that
would" be helpful to my country. I
have never knowjngly done any act
to harm it. ' ,
Lovtd German People,
"My grandparents of German
blood, myself a student of German
universities, I loved the : German
people. In every; issue, however,
that affected this country,. I worked
for and advocated the full mainte
nance of our rights more emphatical
ly against German ruthlessness than
against the British blockade, and in
the Evening Mail I was among the
first to urge preparednes in econom
ic, military and cial matters."
Dr. Rumely declared that the last
two and a half years of his life
have been ft "black hell' as his
"resources are far spent" ,by con
tinuous federal persecution, . and he
has been debarred from all work.
Will Submit to Law.
''Today it is hard to visualize our
relations of. five years ago with Ger
many, then' a friendly nation," he
added. "Although working against
the British blockade, my association
with German representatives was on
a decent and honorable basis. It
was not the damning thing it would
have been With German aggression
and war upon us."
"I know that Heinrich Albert" was
banker for, large commercial inter
ests centered in Germany. I be
lieved him when he said that funds
were being advanced for the account
of Herman Sielcken who, as an in
ternational shipper, had much to gain;
from an opetimg of, the. seaways. no
my belief my repeat 'to the alien
tustodian was truthful.
"If my energies, are spent, this re
mains a legally recorded verdict. I
must and will submit to the law of
the land; acqies-nce, I never can."
Secretary of North Platte
Commercial Club Resigns
North Platte, Neb., Dec. 20. (Spe
cial Telegram.) At a special meet
ing of the directors of the North
Platte Chamber ot Commerce held
Sunday, the resignation of George A.
Carey was received and accepted.
Mr. Carey, who "has had charge of
the secretaryship of the booster or-J
gantzation for the: past six months,
will leave the city after January 1,
to personally work with the state
' Ira L. Bare of this city, was elected
to succeed. Mr. Carey.
Lead Man Arrested, Second
Time on Liquor Charge
Dcadwood, S. D., Dec. 20. (Spe
cial Telegram.) As the result of a
raid staged at Lead by Sheriff Lutey
and State's Attorney PaTker, Pete
Kovacevich, proprietor of a soft
drink parlor, - was arrested on the
charge of selling liquor.
This is the second time the de
fendant has been arrested on this
charge. '
30 Are Reported Killed In
Mediterranean Earthquake
Brindisi, Italy, Dec. 20. Advices
from Saseno, at the entrance of the
Bay of Avlona, give details, of the
earthquake which occurred there
concurrently with the earthquake
shocks signalled in America. A num
ber of nouses disappeared in a great
landslide and up to the present 30
deaths are reported.
Town to Have Program and
Municipal Christmas Tree
' - Madison, Neb., Dec. 2U (Special.)
Madison will have a municipal
Christmas tree ' in ithe open air
Christmas evening The program will
begin at 6-30. Music, pftntomine, a
chorus of 300 voices, a parade, a sack
of "goodies" for the children and a
real live Santa Claus will be features.
Postmaster Vacancies.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 20.
(Special Telegram.) Civil service
examinations will be held January
18 for presidential postmaster at
Jefferson, la., at a salary of $2,600,
and Casper, Wyo., postmaster salary:
S3.400. Levi Hull has been appointed
postmaster at Maple Grove, Holt
county, Neb,, vice Charles M. Pier
son, resigned.
Insane Man Escapes.
Norfolk. Neb.. Dec. 20. (Special
Telegram.) F. P. Erdmer, who has
been held in the state hospital here,
has escaped from a train at Boone.
Ia according to word received at
Norfolk. The man, who is consid
ered violently insane, was being sent
to Chicago
Woman Says Mate Was
"Love" Agent of Hamon
-- j-v-.-tt,
1 lSlrW
Mrs. Rum Walker Hamon, wife of
Frank L. Hamon of ySacramento,
Cat., who has revealed her husband
as the paid "love agent" of Jake L.
Hamon, millionaire oil man and poli
tician of Oklahoma, who was slain
by Clara Smith Hamon, according
to a report from San Francisco. For
his services in becoming. a "conven
ience" husband to Clara Smith, in
order that she might bear the name
of Hamon, the wealthy uncle paid
Frank Hamon $100 a month, de
clared Mrs. Ruth Walker Hamon.
Shortly before the shooting in Ard
more, Okl., Frank Hamon disap
peared and is still missing.
Missing Girl Is
Found in Omaha
Father Locates Young Daugh
ter Said to Have Come
Here With Uncle.
Gladys Smith, 17, of Crab Or
chard, Neb., rushed tearfully into the
arms of her father, Granville Smith,
Sunday afternoon at the Salvation
Army Rescue home, Twenty-fourth
and Spalding streets. v
"Oh, dad," she cried, "I've been
such a bad girl, , can you ever for
give me?"
On October 26, according to Roy
D. Samson, of the federal Depart
ment of Justice of Omaha, the girl,
accompanied by her uncle, Benjamin
Harrison Smith, 34, stole away from
her home and came to Omaha.
Federal authorities have directed
County, Attorney L. C. Westgood
of Tecumseh to issue a warrant
charging the uncle with assault and
child stealing.
Extradition papers) will fce ob
tained From Governor McKelvie to
bring Smith here, as it is said he is
under arrest in Denver,
Tecumseh. Neb.. Dec. 20. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Gladys Smith
denied the story told in Omaha in
county court here today. She was
put under ?5UU bond to.appear for
trial on a charge of improper rela
tions with a relative. The trial has
been set for January 20. The bond
was furnished by her father and two
$361000 Lodge Pole
, Methodist Church Is
Formally Dedicated
Lodge Pole, Neb.. Dec. 20. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The new $36,000
Methodist church just completed
here was formally dedicated Sun
day. The building is one of the most
beautiful church edifices in this part
of the state, i
Bishop Homer C. Stuntz of Omaha
and District Superintendent Marve
E. Gilbert assisted the local pastor,
Henry W. Martens, in the service.
Rev. M. Bennett of the Sidney church
was the principal speaker at the aft
ernoon rally meeting.
Bishop Stuntz spoke both morn
ing and evening and at the close of
his first address the deficit ot $17,000
was oversubscribed by $5,000 which
will be used' for the building cf a
parsonage. Ten men gave $1,000
each, in 10 minutes and as many
more pledged $500 each, within
the same time. George A. Roberts of
Omaha, who has large holdings here,
v 'red a $500 subscription. The en
t re amount was raised in three-quarters
of an hour.
A noonday banquet was held in
the basement of the church. The
evening services took the form of a
revival and 30 young men and worn
en professed conversion and indicat
ed a desire for church membership.
The Japanese government plans to
amalgamate all electrical enterprises
to stabilize the industry and make
more economical the exploitation
of water power.
Coal Dealers
.Indicted for
Omaha Company One of
Three Against Which Fed
eral Grand Jury at Kansas
City Brings Charges.
Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 20. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Indictments against
three coal companies and some ot
their officials were returned late to
day by the federal grand . jury,
charging violation of Jthe Lever act.
Coal was sold in many instances, it
is charged, 'at more than 100 per
cent profit. The companies and offi
cials indicted, with the number of
counts, are:
" National Fuel company, 17 counts;
Howard Paisley, president; R. C
Smith, vice president. .
!. Coal and Feed
company, 20 counts; Charles Mus-
zaum, president; G. W. hastwood
secretary; Vy"iUam A. Davis, man
ager. .
The Sheridan Coal company, 15
counts; G. W. Megeath, chairman of
the board of directors; J. E. Me
geath, vice president; A. H. Whit
more, secretary; G. A. Rehm, treas
urere; L. D. Kniffin, manager.
The Sheridan Coal company is a
Nebraska corporation, with head
quarters in Omaha. The others are
Kansas City companies.
One man from each firm testified
before the grand 'jiry, federal offi
cials said, and in returnwas not hr
dieted. . ,
The period in which the operations
are alleged to have been had. is
from July 1, 1920, to date. The probe
of local jcoal prices was ordered
September 14 by Francis M. Wilson,
then, United States District attor
ney. Special agents of the Department
of Justice were sent to conduct the
investigation of coal dealers' rec
ords, which was ordered under the
provisions of the Lever act.
"M" Club of McCook High
School Holds Initiation
McCook, Neb., Dec. 20. (Spe
cial.) The "M" club of the McCook
Hiffh school held its second annual
foot ball banquet and initiation of
members m the High school gym
nasium. Over 100 participated in
the banquet and witnessed the en
suing initiation. .
Liberty Bonds Sell
At New Low Level on
New York Exchange
New York, Dec. 20. The urgent
financial requirements of many cor
porations and individuals caused
fresh unsettlement in the stock mar
ket today, the reaction extending to
bonds of the liberty and auxiliary
issues, several of which registered
lowest quotations in their history.
Liquidation of bonds was not ef
fective until the final hour, when
heavy transactions in the several
4;4 per cent issues overshadowed
other operations. Net losses of 1.60
per 'cent were made by the second
and third 4s, the fourth 4a clos
ing at a decline of 1.32 per cent
after having registered an extreme
fall of 1.62 per cent.
Brokers and'banking houses stated
that a large proportion of the sell
ing originated out of town, especial
ly in the middle west where money,
even for the short periods has been
almost unobtainable in the last fort
night In the stock market new minimum
prices of the year were recorded by
several of the shippings, coppers
and issues of no definite descrip
tion. Liquidation in that quarter so
far as could be ascertained, also
was of an enforced character.
Confirm Appointment
Of Senator Nugent;
All Others Held Up
Washington, Dep. 20. Nomination
of Senator Nugent of Idaho to fill
a vacancy on the federal trade com
mission was confirmed today by the
senate in open. session immediately
after it was received from President
Wilson. Senator Nugent's term as
senator expires on March 3.
The motion to confirm was made
by Senator Borah, republican, of
Idaho. ,
Senator Nugent's appointment was
the first presidential nomination to
be confirmed by the senate during
the present session ana was a court
esy usually shown to a member of
congress. x
All other nominations sent in by
the president have been held up
without an executive session even
for committee reference, but oroosals
are under discussion for disposaol of
army, navy and a few other nomi
Senate Favors
Revival of War
Finance Board
Credit Advice to Federal
Reserve Board and ' Pream
ble Eliminated Measure
Now Up to President.
Washington, Dec. 20. House
amendments to the joint resolution
directing revival, of the war finance
corporation were accepted today by
the senate.
The house eliminated the section
suggesting that the federal reserve
board grant more liberal credits to
farmers and also the preamble.
Efforts to rush through legislatjon
reviving the war finance corporation
as a means of aiding industry result
ed in a motion today by Senator
King, democrat, Utah, that the sen
ate concur in the house amendment
eliminatintr the section of the origi
nal resolution suggesting that the
federal reserve board extend more
liberal credit to farmers.
The resolution now goes to the
president. -
Some senators and representa
tives believed the president still
would veto the measure, while
others were inclined to the belief
that with the elimination of adtice
to the federal reserve board, ap
proval of the executive would be
given the measure.
LeadcrSjWho were responsible for
the final enactment of the resolu
tion however, expressed confidence
cf their ability to override a veto,
both in the senate and the house.
They were assured, they said, of
votes from southern members in
such a contingency. . v
Red Willow Farm Bureau
Now Has Over 700 Members
McCocfk, Neb., Dec.1 20. (Spe
cial.) The new farm bureau organi
zation for Red Willow county has
a membership of over 70Qs the
result of the recent drive. This will
put on firm fooling the farm or
ganization in ! this county, where
much enthusiasm has been "devel
oped in the effort to improve work
and price conditions.
Our lease has been extended.
We will continue in business.
We will also continue to sell '
at the advertised' .discounts
until after Christmas.
Watches, Diamonds and Rich
Ryan Jewelry Co.
Securities Building
Geo. W.Jtyan, Proprietor
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few eenta Larger .packages.
AipMa la ths trid mark At Byr Manufacture ot Monoctlccldetr of BallevllcacM
Thousands Have Discovered
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
are a Harmless Substitute
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the sub
stitute for calomel are a mild but sure
laxative, and their effect on the liver is
almost instantaneous. These little olive
colored tablets are th result of Dr.
Edwards' determination pot to treat
liver and bowel complaints with calomel.
The pleasant little tablets do' the
good that calomel does, but have no
bad after effects. They don't injure the
teeth like strong liquids or calomel.
They take hold of the trouble and
quickly correct it. Why cure the liver
at the expense of the teeth? Calomel
sometimes clays havoc with the gums.
So do strong liquids. It is best not to
take calomel. Let Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets take its place.
Headaches, "dullness" and that lazj
feeling come from constipation and a
disordered liver. Take Dr Edwards'
Olive Tablets when you feel "logy"anc
"heavy." They "clear" clouded brair
ml "nerV tm"thc irits 15r and if
All Work Guaranteed
ISIS DougUt St. TI. Doug. IBS
666 is a prescription for
Colds, Fever and LaGrippe.
It's the most speedy remedy
we know..
Affords protection against In
fectious diseases. All prudent
persons should avail themselves
tt thit dependable germicide.
Bee want ads are business getters
For. Expectant Mothers
Used By Three Gekemtisxs
It! m tOOKUt 01 KOIHUHOOD At. mi
(uutoi Co. tr. in. mwr.ea.
For 25c.
NR. does it by improving
. digestion, assimilation
and elimination
the logical way.
NR Today Relief or No Pay
Sore Throat
Chest Colds
Won't Last Many Hour Whrt Bear's
If astatine Gets oa the lob
No mustard plaitar that aar rraad
ttotbtr ercr mad go after lnflmm
rlon and condition like Becy's MuiU
rlne, that you eta buy f ear dreg
tore in yellow box tor 30 cents, tad
belt ot all, there Ua t one blister la a
whole carload.
Oftlmes when too nib It on at atfht
Jhe laaammaUon Is goat la the mora-
But if It Isn't ell gone, the toilet roa
artyed for le certain.
Aad It acts Juet as fist whoa aseA tr
tumbtfo, neurelala, the peine of rhea
tnttum aad gout or for lore, acbiaf
Iu fact, for all ache aad peias, eore
nets and swelling i, nothing yon een bar
t any drug store will produce the
hoped for result at quickly at Begy't
hfutttrlDO, In the yellow box mid of
reel yellow vattard. If! taa Quteheet
Vela KUler ea Sana.
For ! Shermea 4 XoCoaaell
drug itone
There are three vital processes of
human exltteno, -tn digestion of
food, the extraction of nourishment
front tt and the elimination of the
Let anything interfere frith these
crocuses, 1st them bo interrupted or
improperly camea otr, ana aicanes
pi some una xouows.
Poor digestion and aialmllt
tton mean failure to derive
full nourishment from food and
thai in turn often means lm-
voverlehed blood, 'weakness,
smumle. atft. Poor elimination
niMni an eeoumuletlon of waste
matter which poisons the body, lowers
vitality, decreases the power of re
sistance to disease and lead to the
development of many aerloua ills. .
Rhtumatism, due to soma Interfer
kmc with the process of elimination,
lauuro to get , no 01 certain. Doay
mm m
ri u ik a
1 1 tvum f
as s v sa if
to in medloine that falls to correct
the condition responsible for it Could
any reasonable person aspect to rid
himself of rneumatio pala aa long at
rheumatic poison la allowed to re
main In the body.
Think: of this. It explains the fcuo
cesg ot Nature'a Remedy (Nil Tab
lets) in bo many cases where other
medicines have failed. Thousands ara
using NR Tablets every day and eel-
ung reuer. wny pay nve or ton
times aa tnucH for uncertain.
thlngs7 A 25o box of Nature'a
Remedy (NR Tablets), con
taining: enough to last twenty
five days, must nelp you. must
give you rromrt relief and sat
isfactory benefit or coat von
nothing. T
And Nature's Remedy la not only
for the relief of rheumatism. It Im
proves digestion, tones the liver, reg
ulate kidney and bowel action, im
proves the blood and cleanses the
whole system. You'll feel like a new
person when you've taken NR Tablets
a week. You've tried the expensive
poisons, cannot be expected to yield 4 medicines and doctors, now make the
real test. You'll get results this time.
Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) ia
sold, guaranteed and recommended by
your druggist.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Ess-tai Con
Zffie Cfiristmas Store for 6y eryocttf
Tuesday We Offer a Great Christmas Sale of Women's
; French kid, strap wrist gauntlets,
pearl clasp, pique sewn with beauti
ful contrasting crocheted backs in
brown, beaver, mole, Ficelle, black,
and white. Per pair, $6.75.
At Specially Reduced Prices
A great event just at the tirnVwJien people can take advantage of a sale of this
kind for Christmas gifts. . .
They are "Chareau" French Kid gloves, macje by Payre Grenoble, France. They are all the
finest grade kid gloves at pre-war prices. Our stocks are very complete at the present time but we sug
gest an early selection as te time is so short before Christmas. f :
At $3.75 At $6.75 - At $8.50
First quality 2-clasp pique and
overseam sewn in white, black,
taupe and brown. Exceptional val
, ue. ; pair, $3.75.
At $6.75
First quality 8 and ' 12-button
white kid gloves, exceptional value.
Pair, $6.75.
At $4.75
First quality kid gloves, two pearl
clasps, pique sewn, heavy crocheted
'backs in black, white, brown, tan,
beaver, gray and champagne
shades. This is our best 2-clasp
gloves, made of best quality French
kid skin, and the price we quote is
exceptionally low.
French kid and suede novelty
gauntlet gloves; one style has silk
lined cuffs; another has fur
trimmed tops; all are beautifully
embroidered; choose from white,
mole and brown. Very specially
priced, pair, $8.50.
Gape Gauntlets
At $4.75
Imported cape skin strap , wrist"
gayntlet gloves, pique and out-seam
sewn plain and (embroidered back,
tan, brown and beaver shades; won
derful values. Sale priced, pair,
In Doubt About the Size Give a Glove Certificate
. . . - 1 '
Choose Your Phonograph
Victrola Xmas Outfits
Complete With Records
i ' '
Christmas Outfit No. 1 VICTROLA, Christmas Outfit No. 3 VICTROLA,
Style VI, with $5.00 worth of d iA 'Style XI, with $15 worth of OA CC
records. Your choice tyt) records. Your choice plQJ Outfit No. 2 -VICTROLA, ChrUtmas Outfit No. 4 VICTROLA,
Style X, with $20 worth of tfliC Style XIV, with $15 worth of ffOJA
records. .Your choice ..... plfh) , records. Your choice vstM
Sold on Terms Within
Your Means
For Christmas Gifts Victrola Records
Beautiful records which many have been wanting for the past six months or more are now in for
your selection, including:
Isle of Golden Dreams.
Souvenir Elman.
Silent Night, Holy Niht Trinity Choir.
Holy Nihtr Trinity Choir.
Santa Claus Tells About His Toy Shop.
Santa Claus Gives Aay His Toys.
Adiste Fideles McCormick and Chorus.
Whispering, Fox Trot
Japanese Sandman, Fox Trot.
Avalon, Fox Trot.
Best Ever, Fox Trot
Carry Me Back to Old Virginia "Gluck."
In the Sweet Bye and Bye Schumann
Barcarolle, Tales of Hoffman Gluck and
I'd Love to Fall Asleep and Wake Up In
My Mammy's Arms.
Fair One, Fox Trot.
Washington Post, March Sousa.
El Capitan, March Sousa.
When You and I Were Young, Maggie
Cuban Moon, Fox Trot.
Zfegfield Foies, Fox Trot.
Chile Bean, Fox Trot
My Little Bimbo, One Step.
Alexandria, Fox Trot.
Oriental Stars, Fox Trot.
Ess-Sta Cm
Vfie Cfiristmas Store for 6veryody