Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1920, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 20

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    8 B
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Emerald, Turquoi, Jad;
Sapphirt and Top.
The emerald, the turquoise, the
jade, sapphire, and tcpaz all carry
abundant lore of love, of sacred, and
of healing description in their lovely
rays aud colors.
The jade, associated with Chinese
history front ancient days, is one of
the oldest and most curious stones.
Just at present it is having a popular
revival, and consequently it will be
interesting to know something of
jade mytholdgy. v
In China a string of jade beads is
now used as an insignia of high rank
and authority. At one time, it is
said, no other than- prince of the
royal blood had the right to possess
jade in India, under pain of death.
In China the jade is termed the
concentrated essence of love.- It is
an ornament often bestowed upon
r young girls when they come of age.
When fashioned in the form of a
butterfly it has a special romantic
significance to the Chinese because
of the pretty legend which relates
that a youth pursuing a " butterfly
climbed over the high wall and into
the garden of a rich, mandarin. In
stead of being censored or punished,
the poor youth's visit led to his mar
riage with the'mandarin's daughter.
Hence the butterfly is the symbol
of successful love, and Chinese
bridegrooms present jade butterflies
to 'their fiancees.
Another Chinese custom was to
place a piece of jade in the mouth
of a person on his death. Thc Me
tropolitan Museum of Art iir New
York contains a fine collection of
specimens of jade from Chinese
tombs. '
In the Indian museum collection
of jades there is a large bowl on
which a family of lapidaries in the
employ o'f emperors of Delhi were
engaged jn engraving for three gen
erations. It Is priceless.
The Indians believe to pell a tur
quoise is bafl lnck; to giveone away
will reward the 'donor seven times.
The wearer of a turquoise will al
ways have friends.
It was believed in olden days that
whoever wore a turquoise so that the
ttone or even the setting of it touch--j
it. . u: 1 .1 r n t
CU U1C M, IUU1U Idll limit allljr
height and not be hurt, the stone at
tracting to itself the whole force of
the fall.
When an Aztec Indian dies, his
friends place a turquoise in ""his
mouth, to present to the great hunter
in the happy hunting ground.
The engagement ring of a girl born
in May should be an emerald.
An emerald worn in a garter
brings the best of luck.
"If your eyes are dimmed and
.weary, place an emerald in the sun
and gaze on it," is an old medicinal
cure of superstitious' origin.
It is told of Nero that he had em
eralds hollowed out and placed over
his eyes when he watched the bloody
gladiatorial N games.
A talismanic emerald, once owned
by the Mogul emperors of Delhi
and sjiown in Europe some years
ago, was of a deep rich green and
weighed 78 carats. Around the edge
in Persian characters ran the in
scription:' '"He who possesses this
charm shall enjoy the special pro
tection of God."
The emerald was believed to give
its wearer great prophetic quality
and to strengthen the memory. "It
you wish to become an eloquent
speaker, wear an emerald."
According to Hebrew traditions
thevod of Moses and the table of
the commandments were set with
sapphires. The stone symbolizes
loyalty, justice, beauty and nobility.
If sapphire is your birthstone and
Color Is the Big
Thing in New
Spring Frocks
Color is the biff thing irv spring
frocks. Fabrics and decorations play
only a -secondary part in the design
ing of the spring costume, declares
a well-known designer. After the
more or less somber colorings 6f the
winter a new springlike color effect
is most important and appeals more
to the average woman than the style
or material of the frock.
The indications all point towards
this being a green atrd blue season,
with the cold shades of the two col
ors most favfired.
The fabrics most popular for the
spring frock will be crepe de chine
And other materials with a soft cling
ing character. And the one-piece
dress promises to be more in evi
dence than ever before.
The one-piece frock has proved it
success. It has countless possibili
ties that no other costume can offer.
A woman may find the one particu
lar style which suits her type and
can make it the underlying theme of
all her frocks. New notes and touch
es may be cleverly introduced so
that the dress follows the mode of
each season and yet at the same
time preserves the characteristic
which made it becoming.
The one-piece frock fashioned of
soft clinging materials which will
follow the line of the body promises
to be the "dernier cri" for spring
wear. ' .
Viscountess Haicourt, daughter of
William Burns, of New York, is the
first Amcrican-bJirn peeress to be
appointed a justice of the peace in
Union Outfitting Co " ITI, Union Outfitting Co.
Open Evenings
Until Christmas
you will always wear one you will
have plenty always. v
If Eve, when she met the serpent,
had worn a sapphire ring, there
would have been no trouble, as no
matter how seductive a serpent, it
cannot look upon a sapphire and
hold up its head. As a poison anti
dote its virtues are traditional.
there arc many
imitation loaves
.Of : '
Sfrnta Claus
i New Low Prices on Gifts of Furniture
... An irfimense stock of good furniture in addition to our Stock
Reducing Sale puts this store in a position to solve your Xmas
problem witb. lasting gifts of furniture at money; saving prices. ;
Easy payment term's are available upon any gift you may
i select at our new LOW prices and you have the privilege of pay
' ing for your purchases next year. Some appreciated gifts are:
Set of Dishes Sewing Machine
ATfew Buffet
A Vacuum Cleaner
Electric Washer
A New Rug
Fern Stand
Electric Iron
Dining Suite
Sewing Cabinet
Reed Fernery
Bed Room S,uite
Oak Chifforobe An Oak Costumer
A Piece of Upholstered Furniture
Smoking Cabinet
An Easy Chair
A Book Case
Restful Rocker,
A Reading Lamp
A Traveling Bagv;
Entire Stock Table and
?Ioor Lamp:
At About HALF Price
Full Pound Boxes of $1.50
Chocolates, 52c
. Balduff'a 'Hand-Dipped Chocolate .
I I -
Insist upon seeing
Irs on every GENUINE
loaLKnow where;
your bread comes
A Smoking Stand
Cozy Foot Stool
A Writing Desk
Pair Book Ends
Etc., Etc., Etc
A Dressing Table A Boudoir Lamp
A Cedar Chest
A Matting Box
Set Pathe Records
A Table Lamp
A Piano Bench
A New Suit Case. V
Candle Sticks
Telephone Stand
A Mantle Clock
A Table Scarf
A Tea Wagon
. A Music Cabinet
9 Till 1 P. M. Monday
4-piece Cannister Sets at.. $1.39
3-footed. Brass Jardineres. .$1.59
50c Boxd Stationery, onlyy.l6c
6-cup Aluminum Percolator.$1.29
"Stock Reducing" Sale on All
Lasy Chairs ;
In Oak or Mahogany About Half
The Home of
In our Silverware Department you will find a complete
assortment of the correct service pieces in
As a gift nothing can be more certain of delighted appre
ciation. Each -piece represents one of the refinements of modern
table service, so much desired by every woman.
For instance: The Salad Dressing or Cream Ladle, for serving
salad dressing, whipped cream and pudding sauces; the Cake or Pastry
Server, also suitable for serving sliced fowl, cold meats, fish, asparagus,
macaroni; and the Cheese Knife or Server, for serving hard cheese and
honey in the comb.
"or youtselection are pieces priced at from $1.00 to $5.00. And
all f&ck4 in the exquisite blue velvet lined gift cases.
Vfie Cfiristmas Store for CvenSody
Thousands of Dolls and Toys at a Guaranteed
Purchasing Toys m carload lots in addition to our fa
vorable location Out of the High Rent District means an
actual SAVING of 25 to 50 on your Christmas Toy list.
For instance, a shipment of Stuffed Animals such as Teddy
Bears, Elephants, Cats, Lions, Camels, etc., are just HALF
what you would ordinarily pay.
.Santa Claus Is Here
. He wants to meet every little
tot in his big Toylanck
Elephant Given Away
To some parent Friday after
noon. Call for particulars.
As Always Toys Can Be Charged.
Only a Few Days More
Worth of TT7 0
Pathe Records If T8J
If You Buy Your Pathe Phonograph NOW
v There are no strings "to this offer no joker in it $25.00 worth of
Pathe Records (SO selections of your own choosing) if you. buy NOW.
It's Pathe's great Demonstration Sale offer to introduce Pathe Records.
We don't add $25 to ,the priee of the Phonograph to pay for the records
the price is just the same whether you take the records or not. Models
3 and 6 are excepted in this offer.
Pay a Dollar or So Weekly and Have a PATHE
Phonograph Delivered to Your Home Xmas Eve.
j $15 Blankets, $8.50
I 66x80-inch, aoft, warm, fluffy Woolen Blan-
jkets in prettyNS)laid patterns of pink, blue,
tan and gray, Q eft
C 7:00 P. M. to 9:00
P. M. 'Monday . :-
-" Tea Carts
Our entire stock of Tea
Carts in oak, walrilit and
mahogany with removable
glass trays and rubber-tired
wheels for TWO HOURS at ;
'25 off
Smoke Stands
tflandsome, mahogany fin
ished Stand with .loose glass
ash tray and match holder,
easy to keep, clean, for TWO
Doll Furniture
Cute sets, comprising
FIVE pieces a tabl4 set
tee, two chairs and a rocker
for TWO HOURS at
Painting Outfit
"Peter Pan" Outfit; a box
containing' 24 colors; two
pans and a brush, for TWO
Special Sale 9x12
R'.u g s
For Gift Making
9x12 Tapestry Rugs that are
regularly $45.00; in this
that are regu
larly $59.50
9x12 Bozart Rugs of good
quality, that sfcO CA
were 4.49.50.. iPHsOU
9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs,
9x12 Wilton Velvet Rugs,
that were reg-CA
ularly $99.50. PUAmOU
' 9x12 Axmins&r Rues, that
are. regularly tfjyl 7 C(
$87.50, at..fP UU
36x72-inch Axminster Rugs,
that are regu- dJQ QC
larlv $14.75.. PJ.0J
Only Five Days More
$10 Worth of Groceries FREE
If You Join the Hoosier Clubr
. Knowing how much the aver
age woman would appreciate the
time and labor saving Hoosier
Kitchen Cabinet as 'a Christmas
Giftr we have decided to con
tinue the Hoosier, Club until
Christmas y
$10.00 Box of Christmas Goodies
and Groceries FREE
We don't add on the cost of the
groceries to the-Hoosier Cabinet
t-the price is the same whether
you take the groceries or notf '
'Join the Hoosier Xmas Club'
Pay a Dollar or So Weekly
and we will deliver HER Hoosier
Kitchen .Cabinet, chock full of
groceries to your home before
Christmas Eve. -' v
Make Her Xmas
' Last All Year
A Hoosier wiM shorten her
hours in the kitchen by sav
ing hours of time and thou
sands of steps.
v." - '
Leather Rockers at Ahout V2
Fumed Oak Leather Chair with
mahogany frame, wing sHes
and spring seat and back; a
a?;!0:8.1":... $47.50!
Genuine Leathef Rocker of very
fine construction with fumed
oak frame, wing sides, spring
seat and back; a d I 7 CA
$99.50 value, at M 'V
Overatuffed Easy Chair in gen
uine leather with broad arms,
loose cushion seat and back
with large, loose pillow; its
fumed oak frame is slightly
marred from display; a big
avtalue'. $67.50
Comfortable Rocker in mahogany,
has spring edge seat with double
spring construction and spring
.,'u.2?'.. $68.50
Fumed Oak Rocker of Marshall
Construction 'with loose seat and
loose cushion back; a floor sam
ple, regularly v CfiQ Cf
$125.00, at... v. PUi7.4U
Mature Chair with mahogany
frame, wing sides, spring seat and
back; regularly $122 50, in this
sale fc79 Cft
at V I -.vr
regularly $15.00, at .
Cotton Blanket! 66
x80 inches, in brown,
tan or white, with
contraiting b o r-
Warm Comforters-rot
Rood h e a v y
weight with a (erv-
iceable well newed
at . . ..
Open Evenings Until -Christmas
k miixin0)ixi d
Massive Mahogany Rocker of
Marshall construction, upholstered
in Spanish leather with loose seat
and back; a $135.00 dJ'Tf Efi
value for P ,OU
Overstuffed Easy Chair, uphol
stered in genuine leather with ma
hogany frame, broad arms, loose
cushion seat; a t7l Cft
$135.00 value, at. . V ToOU
Overstuffed Davenport in feather
with looW cushions; a floor sam
ple marred from display; a $169.50
S. E. COn. 16 th & JACKSOti sts:
We Move, Pack,
IStoreand Ship
Goods Anywhere at Rea
sonable Rates. Phone
Douglas 1800
Open Evenings Until Christmas