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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1920)
V THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1920. Xnias Foodstuffs Are Cheaper this Year Than in 1919 Candies; Mixed Nuts, Flour, Coffee, Currant, Raisins And Dates All Quoted at Lower Prices. ; Housewives who sre planning en tertainments and dinners Ourlng the holidays may take courage and plan with more liberality than last year. Trices of all foodstuffs used in the holiday dinners have declined no ticeably in the past few weeks and are a great deal lower than at this Season last year. Markets all over he city are quoting special prices on holiday commodities and declare that as compared with those of last jear, they are much more reason able. , v Flour ts now $2,40 for a 48-pound Jack while in December. 1919. the same amount was priced at $3.50. Th,e best creamery butter is S3 cents. Eggs are still high at all markets, storage eggs are quoted at. 57 and fresh eggs at 70 cents a doren. American cheese is 33 and Swiss Cheese 70 cents. Last season Swisi was a minus quantity on the mar kets. . - Coff Prlctt Drop. Coffee now ranges from 22 H to 40 cents a pound, with Golden San tos, a standard bulk coffee, selling at IS cents.- Thls has declined from Will. jsv Ingredients which go into the Christmas BtidtftniM and ftthor rrinlf. ing have reached a lower level. Cur rants are 23 cents a pound; raisins, 30 cents and dromedary dates 19 cents. Citfon peel it "out of sight," to quote merchants, priced at 70 cents a pound. . The demand for fresh green vege tables for the holiday dinners is in creasing, Fresh green groceries are ajrivinB each day.' Today golden wax and green beans were selling at 30 cents a pound. Radishes at 7j5 cents: head lettuce, MY,, and spinach at 25 cents a peck. Potatoes Lower. . Cranberries refuse to decljne in prie,e, being perhaps higher than last season, Today they were quoted at 17J4 cents a pound, Red Kiveer Ohie potatoes are. selling "for 35 rnts a l peck. Last year they were $1. Fo I tato sales; have Increased since the h decline! in price. Cabbage sells at IY ! cents a pound, a perceptible decline over last season. Onions sell at tnree pounds for 1.0 cents and rhu barb 15 cnts a pound. ' Candy Cheaper. ; Holiday specialties in fruits are , quoted at "reasonable" prices, mer ' chants say. Oranpei range in price from 30 to 60 cetus a dorcn. Fine eating apples at $2,50 a box and grape fruit at (t to 1254 cents each. Mixed nuts and randy are lower this year. Mixed nuts, are selling at 25 cents a pound .and mixed fJSfPaY at Jl cents. , ' Seat Sale or Pavlowa . " Fifty persons 'Were''' standing In line in front of the Auditorium jax of nee at 7:30 . m, yesterday awaiting the commencement, of the sale or tickets forv the eritertamment the night of December 30 by Anna Tav lowa. premier Russian dancef, her Russian ballet and symphony orches Ira. By 10 o'elock-tbe litie had in creased t,300 andpm then on dur ing the day the tabby: was crowdeej by persons wishing to engage tickets early.' , Vs . , ' ; "This advance seat Sale will estab lish a record 'for the Auditorium," Manager Franke said today. "Since the box opened we, have - averagea $1,000 in receipts each hour." The entertainment? is to be held under the ati$ices of the Tuesday Musical club.. ?iJj':. ' ' Of the normal number of indusJ frial employes in Detroit, which is estimated at 310,000, there are at present probably 60,000 of them idle. :V v '.' Many Little Ones Still Lack Shoes . Although Many Have Been Supplied by Bee Fund, There's Waiting List. The "waiting list" of wistful little waifs with rlmost shoeless -feet is still long, though large numbers have already been provided with shoes. All of today's contributions to The Bee's Free Shoe fund come from generous people outside of Omaha. Have you contributed? if you can help just send what you can to The Bee office. Previously reported tl.t4S.1S Mri. Dora Mir. Wayne, Neb.... t.OU Thro Uttlo Utlcji GlrU, Utlca, Nah 1.16 Methodist Eplaropnl Christian Workors' Sunday School Class, Chappell, Nob 10.00 A Frlsnd, Exer. Neb - 6.00 Total It.OCS.Sd Former Sousa Pupil to Lead Omaha Elks Band An Elks' band to number 36 pieces is beihg organised under the direc tion of Harry Wilcox, a former mem ber of Sousa's band. Already, 15 members of the Elks, lodge have been enlisted to start the movement. Walter B. Craig, leader of the Amer ican 1 Legion band, and a musical composer, is assisting Mr. Wilcox. Bureau Drive Success. Weeping Water, Neb., Dec. 16, (Special) The first day s drive for members in the Cass County Farm bureau netted 263 new members. Divorce Court Decrees. Charles K! weird OfJgury from MlldrfO Oresory, cruslly. Anns, Urunska from Cart Orunslie, enmity. . Irene Munson tram Herbert Munson, cruelty. Clarence Hawk from Elsie Hawk, de sertion. Tear! Domlnquozols Gray from Edward Oray, eruelty. George A. Lee from Ifabsl Lee, cruelty. Petitions. - George F. Jones against L. Bernlce ns. cruelty, Lillian Marie nadecke against Erneet P. Radecke, aonaupport , Boulah Fsmber against James R. Fsm ber, nonsupoort. v T Ringer Would Raise ; Salaries of Coppers; : Firemen Get Increase Police Commissioner Ringer pre sented to the city council yesterday afternoon an ordinance which con templates increasing the pay of patrolmen from $140 to $150 per month. s . The state statute fixes a maximum of $150. Mr. Ringer stated that members of the police department above patrolmen are now receiving the maximum. The action of the police commis sioner followed within a few hours his oppositioiu in the council cham ber to an ordinance offered by Com missioner Zimman for increase of pay for firemen. The following increases for city firemen were allowed: Rank and file, from $140 to $150 a month; junior captains, from $150 to $162.50 month; senior captains, from $165 to $175 a month. Commissioners Zim mSn, Towl, Falconer and Butler sup ported the increase. Mayor Smith opposed it. Brief City News JVHE Trade Mark here shown is on every wrapper of genuine V MANAVISTA. The Grapefruit of , Superior , Flavor t TRIMBLE BROTHERS, Omaha. , Wholesale Distributors - Rogers' Silver- ware in 26-Rece?Sets jit V2 Regular Bowels . W have been able to tmakajf a purchase at pricejk? way Deiow me market on a line of sil verware, spoon, knlveg and forks, etc., in com plete sets, so that we are able right at this oppor-, tune time to give you a few values such as per haps have never been of fered before. This well known make is a guarantee to you of Duality and the splendid esigns that we have we know will appeal to you. Let us suggest this as this year's Xmas Gift for HER, because it is useful and cannot faiP to be greatly appreciated, .and the prices that we are of fering this at are such that eVen if it is only a ' few dollars you care to spend, we know and. you . will see that It could not be spent better than in some of Bowen's Silver ware. And, as usual, you make your own terms. Advertisement FLORIDA To tunny Flondmaway from tha mw evuf cold. Through sleeping cars via Frisco Lines and the Southern Railway the direct rouc leave Kansas Gty $:30 pm, daily on th and arrive Jacksonville 10:50 second morning. Dining car service all the way. Frd narvty meal$ on thi Frisco. The Kansas CUy.Floricta Special makes convenient eonMetion at Jaekaoavulej with trains tor U and Weal least r Fr iVuttmtei tlkraturt. Information at h rait laaifamarfortkepint ear rexminviu. eddum FRISCO TICKET OFFICE 70 Walaut Su, Kansas Cltr. Mo. J. C. Lerrien, DMsiaa Paseeaser Ageat , Schools Clowe. The Omaha pub lic sohools will close today for the holiday season, opening again Jan uary I. Soldiers to Have TrentFive-day furloughs, Christmas dances and Christmas trees will be a part of en listed men's treat at Fort Omaha and Fort Crook. Police Ouster Humored. Chief of Police Ebersteln and Inspector Pat tullo stated yesterday, they had heard a Blush fund was being raised by cer tain persons to oust Sergt. Thestrup from the police force. Returned to Prison. E. M. John son, secretary of tb.e state board of publio welfare, returned to Lincoln yesterday with George Alexander, paroled prisoner, arrested In Omaha recently for stealing automobile ac cessories. Gets Hobby Released. Mrs. Ed ward Olson of -Grand Island obtained the release of her husband from the county Jail yesterday, where he had been placed when his wife told offi cials a few days ago that he had failed to support, her. Pilots Co-operate. Pilot J. T. Christensen and Pilot B. C. Smith of the air mall service worked to gether in breaking the Chicago Omaha record Tuesday, Manager W. I. Votaw of the Omaha Held an nounced yesterday. 8mith flew from Omaha to Iowa City and Chrlstenstn flew from Iowa City to Chicago. Comlnjr Home 'for Christmas Wendell H. Beverldge, eon of J. H. Beeridge, superintendent of Omaha schools, will return home Saturday from Dartmouth college to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents. Tercentenary Services. In com pliance with President Wilson's proc lamation, special patriotic services will be held at the Temple Israel to niRht at 8. Hanoi Frederick Cohn will speak on "The Pilgrim Tercen tenary." There will be special music. Wants to Bo "Sonts." Judge Fos ter wants to play Santa Claus to one poor "kiddie" who Wn't expecting much Christmas. The Judge may be found at Central police court in the morning and in his office in the Omaha National bank building in the afternoon. Slander Clmrged. Frank Roberto, a grocer, 1434 South Thirteenth street, was- made defendant In a $15,000 slander suit tiled yesterday by Luciano Radlcia. Radicla al leges that Roberto charged he was a member of a "Black Hand" society. Home Wants Phonugrnitti. Any one want to give 50 homeless kids, Inmates of the Nebraska Child Sav ing Institute, a phonograph? If bo, communicate with . Mrs. A. A. Me Graw, chief supervisor, Nebraska Child Saving institute, Forty-second and Jones streets. I 'nrm Problems Discussed. Farm firoblemB as they were considered at he convention of She National Farm Bureau federation at Indianapolis will be discussed by M. L. Corey at a meeting of the agricultural com mlttee of the Chamber of Commerce at .noon today. Mr. Corey, who Is gcwrral attorney for the Federal I.arid bank hor attended the far in, burVaa (convention and will tell how it Impressed him. i Sharo In Estate. Richard T. Bauni and Catherine L. Buuin of Omaha will share equally with their mnther, " brother and two slut era in the 11,000.000 estate left by the late James E. Baum, head of the Baum Iron company. Mr. Baum left no will. An inventory of the estate was filed yesterday in the Douglas county court Injured Girl Bed-ridden. Made line Nugent, 20, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nugent, who was injured, In an automobile accident at Twenty sixth and Leavenworth streets the evening of June 20, is still confined to her bed. Robertson C. Martin, who was driving the machine which crashed into the Nugent car, died of injuries a few days later. Suit against his estate for $25,000 has been filed in behalf of Miss Nugent. ADVKKTIHEMBVr. AS A SUPPORT for exhausted, nervous, over worked women, nothing can do as much as sDr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It reigulatea and as sists all the natural functions, and it strengthens and builds ud the fern- inine system in a way of its own,. jNursmg motnera auu wuuwu generally, will find It exactly fitted to their needs. It lessens the pains and burdens. Send ten cents to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Bufilo, N. Y., for trial package of Favorite Pre scription Tablets. ' S S ft MR .1 1 esona. VM7 A i , II There's No Picture Like the Picture of Health The greatest master-piece in the Art Gallery of Ufa is Nature's "Pictura of Health." It is a marvelous portrayal of the human Mr at Its best One beholds Inltaeomposite etail a trua symbol of strength. It presents mruraofftrikinsappearanealiiitsarsetesr riac. clear skin, sparkling-eyes, Strom limbs, Staidf nerves and firmmusebn;fairly vibrat ins in animation-keen, alert, fresh, and spirited: with an air of unbounded eeandaaea and a faes radiant in color and illuminated with a glow of tups sod ohecrf eineas. Could Nature have taken you for her model T Suppose you study yourself in the mirror of the preaentand compare your locks, yeurfeel ings and your condition with the fSnaral eharaetOTietiea of this picture of the human body In perfect working order, all parts of whiah are sound, wellorganiaed sad disposed, psrfonninc their funetioos freely, naturally. If yon fall In any single point of reeem planes, yon are not the picture of health. Ifs Imperative, than, that you look to a means to rebuild your strength, energy and vigor to brine year body up to a normal stats of affidaocjr la all et IU psrta, mm The Great General Tonic SWUm Im mm .rfSfleetan. mm m Mfcaflde. af evhanstsA iaii rones thea LYKO. the ereet eeneral tonic, it tend, to imtmm . nn4ii tissnss r.sieatsh thvaieod. create new Bower and M)dii- aaes.aaOrevlvtMepvitsetuioesiMare weaa mil, langaM aas iealforeeet r-wrooght as the result of Riekaeu, excessive strain, worry or ever- wora ii s a rensoaoie appetiser, a spienaia aia to aigwiesianQ a ana ranstional ragoiatar of ths liver, kidneys and bowels. VAM drngwiste seU LYKO CM a Settle TODAY sad yosT) eeav BHBce to look ejore like the pietore of health. Sal Msaafsctartrt: LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY KIW YORK KANSAS CITY. MO. J0! elsS'J LYKO I. mold In original seek, tee only, like picture eao Refuoe all eueetitMaej For sala hy Baatoa Drug Co., 15th anal Faraam Sts.( and y- all retail draff istt. (7f Mr7DA5F,lElJBALGIJi.lr1FLUWIA AHD ALL tkU Our Store Will Be Open From 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. From December 18 to 24, inclusive. gess-MashGom &fie Cfiristmas Store for Cverybody jut?' Christmas Store for -Eye Put a Red Cross Seel on Every Letter and Pack age. For Sale on Our Main Floor The Offers Many Gift Suggestions for the Family and for ' the Home rybody A This great store was never more interesting for its array of gifts, or for the attractiveness of the prices. Many people are going to give practical gifts this year and we have provided abundantly for those who wish to buy sensible, practical gift-things. ' ' , Every section of our store .is filled with them and fore- The Beautiful Holiday St. on the Second Floor On the second floor yon are amated at the gorgeous array of exquisite articles that are ready for your selec tion. There are tha most wonderful undergarments made of filmy silk? and trimmed with cobwebby laces ami yards of the daintiest ribbons and flowers, The assortment includes: Envelope chemise, night robes, hriial sets, petticoats, blouses, Ipiil scarfs, sweaters, ; Also beautiful little gifts for mi lady's dressing table. Priced from 95c to $123.00. Second Floor, Merchandise Certificates -You may secure them for sny amount and if you are undecided as to the Rift that you shell give why not let the recipients decide for themselves. They are redeemable In any depart. ' ment and are attractively put up In Christmas envelopes with ' cards at tached. - Mala Floor New Building Our Large Section oj i Handkerchiefs is overflowing with dainty and practical "hankies" that every friend will be ' happ to receive. The past few years brought a handkerchief famine.1 Itfany people hae never caught op in their supplies of these necessaries and few women today have as many as they would like to have. So what ould be better Christmas gifts than handker chiefs. Here are the sensible kinds for practical service; and her also are the dain tiest, most elegant kinds that tasteful women love, , I ' . . . . ' , . ' Visit the New Section on tl?e Main Floor of the New Building, . Linen handkerchiefs from 35c to $3.00. Embroidered handkerchiefs from 25c to $1:00. ' Hand-made handkerchiefs from 95c to $5.00. Silk handkerchiefs frorri 35c to $2.50. Madeira handkerchiefs from $1.00 $5.00. handed people who do their shopping now, will be delighted with what we have to show them. - There will always be friends for whom the less practical things are desired the things that one would Tiot buy for. themselves but which are so gladly received as gifts. 1 ' Here are a few suggestions that may help you make this a happy season. The Christmas Thrill of a Mysterious Package When It arrives wrapped in snowy tissue paper, all tied with ribbon, sealed with gay ' Christmas seals and containing a dainty card of greeting you feel a thrill of anticipation and you can hardly wait to open it Mako your packages as beautiful as possible, we have a large assortment of Seals Tape Ribbon Tissue j Papcr-rCards all in readiness for wrapping up the dainty gifts. Main FIoorv-New Buildlaf ; Free Wrapping Desk Located in a convenient place on tha Main Floor of the . new building is a large desk where w will wrap your packages for mailing. , Near by is the Poet Office, where you ean weiSh your ' mail and secure the neressary stamps. On account of the last minute rush of mail it is advisable to. send all psekases . . aa early as possible. Main Floor New Bulldlnr An Odd Piece of . China Makes an Excellent Gift You could make it an in dividual gift or a gift that , the whole family would en joy. There are complete dinner sets, odd plates, cups and saucers, bowls, vases, small individual dishes for various puposes and many other things too numerous to I mention. Among the desir able articles are : Hand Painted Plates Nippon China Coupe nates with pret ty scenic decora tions, eoe. i ' Hand Painted China Salads, relishes, com- Jorts and pickle dishes. 4.50 ta $22.80. , Shakers, $2.28 to $3.00. Plates, 29c to $1380. Vases, $8.98 to $37.80. Sugar and Cream Sets, $1.80 to $28.00. Bon Bon Dishes, 75c to $6.98. Floor iSnS Hp Hand Painted Bon Bon Dishes Nippon China Hand Painted Bon Bon Dishes, in a variety of pretty decorations. Choice 1 79c. Rice Bowls Nippon. China Rice , Bowls, assorted decora 'tions. 10e.' - , - Third A' Gift From the Gift Shop There are so many handsome and artistic curios and odd pieces of bric-abrac in our large Gift Shop on the Third Floor that it is impossible to describe them fully. There are also interesting pieces of antique furniture, and beautiful lamps of all kinds. Third Floor A Gift of Fine Linen A gift of linen would be of use to the entire family and would at the same time beautify the home. Here are a few suggestions that would be desirable: and many more beautiful articles. ' Damask napkins at $7.50 a dfezen. Linen cloths at $1.95 each. Luncheon sets at Biscuit covers at $1. Towel sets at $2.15. Madeira towels at $3.95. Dresser scarfs at 49c. And many mother beau tuul articles. Mslsj Floor rr p T Beautiful Gifts n Abundance in the Art Embroidery Section There is still time to make some simple little piece of embroidery or some article of knitting before the holi days, and we have a complete selection of stamped goods for your approval and will teach you how they are made. Here are a few of the many gifts found in this department: Sewing Boxes , Sewing Boxes of red and navy leather, satin lined and fitted with scissors. Thimble, tape needle, stll lettes. $3.89 to $8.80. 1 Candy Boxes Japanese Lacquer Candy Boxes, $1.S& Bulbs and Bowls Narcissus Bulbs and Bowls, ranging In price from 90c to $3.75. Boxed Novelties Rust Craft Boxed Novelties. These boxes contain all kinds of small, useful articles, with an appropriate verse printed on each box. 35c to $1.00. Sewing Baskets Japanese Sewing Baskets, lined in at tractive colors with tufted satin, round and oblong shapes. $3.50 each. Table Scarfs Library Table S,carfs,- made of tap estry ( and velours, lined and finished with 'antique guimpe. Color range: Rose, mulberry, copen, brown and green. $6.00, $7.00, $7.50. Candy Baskets ' Candy Baskets, round and oblong shapes. 15c to 60c each. i Third Floor. A Pretty Bit of Neckwear As a Christmas Gift . Every woman loves to havo .plenty of these beauty-things'. Vou. know , just what would bey . becoming to her. and there is so much daintiness and effec tiveness to a neckwear gift that costs only a few dollars. Lace Collars Handsome real and imi tation laces, made in a variety of style including round, square and point ed effects. Priced from $1.00 to $25.00. ; Boutonnieres Collar and Cuff Sets There are organdie, satin, lace , and many other kinds of sets Some t embroidered and others trimmed with laces.' Noth : ' ing would make a dain - tier gift priced from 50 to $5.00. Main , The popular ad to wear on the jacket or coat. Made of organdie ribbon or artificial flow-, ers. Priced from 50 to $2.50. Vestees To wear with the one piece dress or with the suit, these vestees are ex tremely smart. Made in various styles in high and low neck effects. Priced " from $1.00 up. Floor. 4 - A Picture Frame or Motto Beautiful frames for photos or an appropriate motto in a pretty frame would make an ideal gift for a friend or for a relative. We have a complete assortment on the Main Floor of the new building. Priced at 75c, $1.00 and $1-50. , Mala Floor. A Gift of Silverware Sparkling silverware makes the home so much more . beautiful and the table much more elegant. An odd piece or a chest of silver would make an ideal gift. As a suggestion we offer: , Casseroles Cream and Sugar Sets Cake Baskets Bread Trays r Candy Baskets ' Candlesticks Tea Sets end a chest of Community Plate Silver. u Main Floor. Oil, V. t ,f .: . Mi" 5C . 'I ' t.". , ft . ;?! v.- "C y... 9 if 1-i v