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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 192fc 13 a Market, Financial live Stock 1 1 .. , '.Omaha. Dec. It. Hfilpta wars: Tattle " Hon "Shwp nfflnlal Monday Vwl,t . . I'fdiial Tuculay ... 10,07 11.878 8.140 Offlelal' Wednesday., 8,718 11,661 14,841 tfntimat Thursday.. 1,90 8.800 1,60 Kour day last wk 2S.021 - 83,87 18.748 xani days 8 w'eao 84,071 27,761 11,878 Ham day 8 w'a a'o 14,171 ? 84,048 , Wiina day year ago H9,SI , 43,887 14.186 C'attl AlthouKh the run of eattl wan comparatively light only about 1,(00 bead, ilia mark.t-showed no tmurovopient and In fact waa alow sad lower than on Wed nosday. Consumptive channels appeared to be pretty well clogged up and neither local packer- nor eaatern shippers were In urgent need of supplies so that their bids were around 85 lower on steer. or 76cQ1.00 lowor than last week. Choice long fed yearllugs sold up to 111.76, but , It took good short ted steers to bring SI. 00. Cow stuff suffered mora than the steers and bids and sales were fully 16c lower than Wednesday or 11.0001.66 lower than a week axo. Stockers and feeder war also dull and - unevenly low. .(Quotations on cattle: Fair to ' good hooves, 8,08 09.60; common to fair beeves, 8ti.tO07.76: good to choice yearlings. 8.0011.00; fair to good yearlings, (7.75 fltD.01; common to fair yearlings. IS. 00 ".76: good to choke heifers, 8.607.00; good to choice cows, 86.508."5; fair to gcod cows, -H.SO C.60; common to f:ilr cowi, tl,(04.00; good to choice feeders, 87.766.01; fair to good feedora, 17.000 7.76; common to fair feodum.; good to choice stockers. 7.754j.8.G0: fair to good stockerK, lii.75tj 7,7S; common to fair stockers, 5. 50 W e.GO ; slot heifers, 14.16OI.00: stock cows, 13.606.00; vnal calves, H. 0010.00; bulla, stags, etc., 84.6007.00; good tu choice grass beeves, 18.0001.00; fair to good grass beeves, 5C.767,76; common to fair grass beeves, 84.608.SO; Mexicans. 15.OOi0lS.OO. ' Hoga Today's receipts of hoga amount ed to 8,500 head and no material change occurred In prices. Tridd was rather slow in getting started, but rami of the supply sold at steady figures and demand be came fairly active during later on with losing values strong, to a shade higher. Bulk of the supply' sold at a spread of SI. 86 6)8.10 with best shaping 'hogs mak ing a top of 8.65. ( f ' Kheep and X-arub-About 8,600 sheen and 4amba arrived for today's trado and rend to values were sharply lower on all classes of stock. Tart. Iambi bad to sell 'at an average decline of about 75c and fat sheep ruled 60 76c lower. Best lambs her brought 110.60 and pretty good heavy natives moved around 19.00. Cholc ewes dropped to 11.40 with other sales of pretty good ewes at 14.00 and ly small, but prices ruled lower In sym pathy with the downward trend to fat classes. Good feeding iambs went out at 18.26, Indicating an outside prica of 18.76 or 18.04 on choice grades. Quotation on Sheep; and -Lamb Best fat lambs, 110. 26 10.60; medium to good lsmbs. 19.50010.00; plain and heavy lambs. 18.76W9.J6; yearling. 17.1698.15; Wethers, $6.00 0 6,00; good to choice ewes, 14.0094.40; fair to gsod owes, ' 83.769 4.00; oull and eanner -awes, tl.50Qil.60; feeding lambs, $8.00 9.00; feeding ewes, 12.6003.60. 1 Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Iieo. 16. Oattle Receipts 10,- 000. Market beef steers unevenly steady to strong; top heavy, 112.86; she stock and runners, steady to weak; yearling heifers. Ml. CO; bulk runners, around 13.00; bulls, untidy; calves, steady; practical top, 110.00; bulk, good ud choice, I9.00(ff.60; feeders, dull. ' , Hogs llecelpta, 44.000. 'Market mostly steady with yesterday's average ; closing tarong at day's prices: top, 69.15; bulk, 8.909.10: pigs, steady to 10c higher; built, desirable, 10 to 130 pound pigs, 19.15 9.25. I - Sheep Receipts, 18,000.' Market general i ly 60$76o lower &han yesterday's close, apots off more; top Iambs, 111.00; . bulk, $. SO !fi) 10.75; top yearlings. '.19.00; some held higher; top ewes, 15.00; bulk. 83.76 4.60; feeder lambs, 7uc lower; lop, 110.00. Kansas City Livestock. Kansas City. Mo., Dec. 18. Cattle Re retptsv ; 2.500 head; market slow; plain killers of all classes about steady; bet ter kinds, unevenly to 25c lower; ' built fat steers, 18.758.00; yearlings, 17.25S9 8.60; qunlltv plain I bulk fnt cowa, 11.50 5.60; few veals, 110.00; bulk best kinds. ' $9.609.7B. , 4 Hogs Receipts, . 6,000 head; - market closing active, JO 16c lower than yester-; days average; choice nsiit noss, sh.ku early: bulk Of sales. ln.40fJ8.70; pips steady; good and. choice fat pigs, 8.26u 8.75. - Sheep and Lambs Receipts. (.000 bead; killing classes, 60c4?l.0lower; wethers. 18.00; fed western Iambs, 110,85. Rlout City Wve Stock. ' ' Bious City, la., Dec. 16 Cattle H- ceipts, 1,700 head; market very slow; fed '' steer, and yearlings. tJ.50SH18.00; fat rows and heifers, 14. SOWS. 50; canncrs, 8J.00WS.5S: veals. 8.00f 8.60; fedeM. $5.607.75; common calves, 14.406.Br feeding cowa and heifers, 13.00)5.00; stockers, 84.S8$6.E.' Hoga Receipts, 6.000 head; market, steady; light SS.0lffl.60; mixed, J8.3B ftp 8.65; heavy, 18. 40(58.70; bulk of sales, I8.2608.66. Sheep and Lamb Receipts, 2,500 head; market, lower. ., fit. Joseph Lire Stock. St Joseph, - Mo., Deer 10. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,000 bead! market generally steady; uteers, 16.00 12. 0": iwa and heifers, 13 8509.00; calves. 15.0008.00. Hogs Receipts, .7,000 head; market opened 1016o higher; top, 18.70; bulk, 18.2508.70. Sheep and Lamb Receipts, 7,000 head; ' market alow and Iqwer; lambs, 110.00 J 11.00: awes, 14.0004.26. ' Liberty Uond Prices. New Tork, Dec. 16. Prices of Liberty , bonda at noon were: SMa, 90.00; first 4, 86.90 bid: second 4s, 85.24; first 4's. S.ll; second 414s, 85.42;' third 4 Vis, S7.96; fourth 4Vis, 85.82;. Victory" 3 s, 5.08: Victory 4s. 95.10. Liberty bonds closed: 3Hs, 89.90; first 4s, 85.60 bid; second 4s, 85.20; first 4tts. ' 86.12: second 4 'As. 86.14; third i'it 87.88; fourth 4Ks, 85.78; Victory 3. 15.02; . Victory ia. 95,04. London Money. -London, Deo. 16. Bar Stiver 41d per ounce. i . Money and Discount Unchanged, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. 24TH AND SARATOGA, $1,500 CASH. 7-room strictly rnodern house, living room, dining room and' kit chch; on th first floor finished i4T aiL frta anrl Ait ftntcK A. 'bedrooms and bath on the second 'floor; full cement basement, fur nace heat; south , front lot on paved street, paving paid; gar,age. Price $6,000. s PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 537 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldgl D. 1781. 5-R00M BUNGALOW , - $5,250-$750 CASH On 18th Ave. near Fowler; 5 rooms, oak and hard 'maple finish, hot water heat, garage. This la an exceptional "value In a small house, cement block construction In ..fin neighborhood. Every Inch bargain. On Hsrnev car line wo have a. five room bungalow nearly new. In fine lo cation; a very complete and desirable house at a value giving price. Call us for Inspection. Evenings call Harney 7317. , .BUflR-SPIER & CO:, REALTORS. 104 Peters Trust Bldg. v Doug. 485T. SPECIAL terms on 2S23 Seward 8t. 4-rm. bunaalow. Modern. 1200 cash. bal. m. Creirh. 60S Bee,. Doug. 0200. MINNE LUS4 homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money Phone Tyler 187. South. 2 CHEAP LOTS NEAR HANSCOM PARK 160660x160, east front on 28th St.. two blocks from park,' paving all paid. 1700 Full lot in Crelgliton's 1st Ad dition, one black, from boulevard, pav ing all paid; all Improvements In. .i Must be -sold and are real snap. "V i GLOVER & SPAIN, V REALTORS, ":'" Douglaa SI50. 948-lu City KattonaL .. h. , Eld AHtA CI, n- a.l. Tvlap K ) . Q fnMMA, ' Miscellaneous. - FOUR ROOMS. ' Vent four-ronnv bungnlow; brand new and strictly modern; full cemented base ment with guaranteed furnace, floor driilit.- etc, Taj's hoe-e hs n.ver been occupied; C6 fcot (nl, two Mocks to i enr; small cash r"ymnt rctnilred, bnl- I nr monthly. Walnut 617T. I 1 Financial By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Chirac) Tribune-Omaha Its Leased Wire. , New York, Dec. 16. The move ment of real importance in today's financial markets was not the ir regular weakness on the Stock Ex change nor the recurrence of a' 6 per cent rate for call money though the money rate again, indicated that today's large financial operations had actually eased- the credit market but the very decided recovery in foreign exchange. On top of its considerable rise of Tuesday, ster ling advanced today no less than 3$i)C, reaching a rate ne'arly 7 cents above Monday's lowest, and closing at the best. .Rates on all important continental markets moved similarly. French exchange also closed at the highest, gaining nearly z per franc over Monday. It is impossible to ascribe this re covery to anything else than the re laxing of our own money market tension, which has now during, sev eral weeks removed the urgent in ducement to call in balances from abroad, even at the heavily depre ciated values. Different Indications, In. the closing week of 1919 and at tho opening of the present year, the European exchange rates slid not recover; on the contrary, they declined continuously and thereby oorrectly foreshadowed h state of continued abnormal money atrlngencv which prevailed on the New Tork market throughout the traditional period of re turning ease. At the proaent moment the exchange market Is giving a different and more favorable Indication. Tho multitude of Independent influences which affect The course of international exchange, especially in this period of de preciated values makes It often unsafe to generalise from a single positive move ment, but the present action of rates, like their action In advance of th aevere November stringency Is a sign of th roar kots that la worth considering. . x Much DOcertalnty. i Uncertainties regarding dividends and lwrplexlty as to the industrial future were again more dominant Influences on the Stock Efxchange than money market considerations. Opening with Irregular changes, different stocks moved In op posite directions and there wer advances as well as declines during the day. But the general trend was downward and not withstanding numerous recoveries toward the last, the day's market resulted In a fairly long list) of 1; to 2-polnt declines. It waa noticeable that railroad atocka held much steadier than industrials. There was no change In the general bond market, although one or two well known Investment Issues . Bjiowed some signs of good buying. Today's weekly statement by the Bank of Franca Indicated continuance of the very noteworthy movement to reduca the Inflated paper currency. During the past week 410,800,000 francs of the bank'a out standing notes have been called In; which makes a, total reduction of 2,135,000,000 franos, or 441,000.000 at tha old rating of the franc, during the past six weeks. New York Quotations Furbished by Logan 4s Bryan, Peters Trust Bldg.: , . RAILS. l : ' - Wednesday High Low Close Close 8014 79" - 79 80H 82 32 . 32 32 112 112 112 112 A.,i :S. r. Bait, Ohio . Can. Pacific , N. Y. & H. R. Erl R. R. .., Gt. Nor., pfd. Chk Gt. West. Illinois Central M K. & Tex. IC C. South. .. 13 74 12 12 129, 72 73V. 73V4 7". 7 7 7 8414 83 Vi 83 84 3M, 3 114 3 18 l JT lift Mo. Facifld .. 17s 16, 17 17 N. T.. N. H. H. 17 -r 16 16 17- Nor. Pac. Ry. ... 77 75 77 77 Chi. & N. W. 68 67 67 68 Penn. R. R. ..... 46 39 40 39 Kenning to. ,..,, sz 81 BZft i: kj, n. i. ec f. .... zbit Z4 zt 25 bou. i'ac. o B8 Sou. Kail 20 96 97 97 20 20 30 Chi.. Mil. & St. P. 27 26 26V37 I'n. Pac 115 115 115 116 Wabash 7 7 '.7 7 " STEELS. A. C. & Fdry. ...122 120 182 . 121 Al.-Chai. Mfg. ... 30 29 30 29 Am. Loco. Co. . 81 81 81 82 Utd. AI. S. Corp. . 30 30 30 80 Bald. Loco. Wks. 87 85 86 , 87 Beth. Steel Corn, . 52 61 62 , 63 C. F. & Iron Co. . 26 26 36 27 Crucible Steel Co, 81 78 80 82 Am. Steel Found.. 29 29 29 ..39 Lack. Steel Co.... 60 , 49 60 60 M'dvalfl St A Ord 80 30 30 10 Pressed St. Car Co 81, 80 80 -80 Rep. I. & S. Co.. 61 69 69 v 61 Ry. Steel Spring v 81 Slpss.Shef S. & I.. 48 48 4 61 U. S. Steel. 79 78 79 79 COPPERS. Ana. Cop. MIn 36 85. 86 37 Am. Smlt. & R. Co 40 39 40 40 Kutte & 8. M. Co. 9 8 8 8 Chile Cop. Co.... 9 8 8 9 Chlno Cop. Co;.. 18 18. .18, 18 emu. & Arm...., 42 Ins. Cona. Cop.,.., 80 41 30 41 43 80 30 Kcnn. Cop 16 16 16 16 Miami Cop. CO.... 15 15 16 16 Nev. Con. Cop. Co. 8 8 8 8 Ray Cons. Cop. Co 11 11 11 (11 Utah! Cop, Co..). .. 61 60 60 60 INDUSTRIALS. - Am. Beet Sugar Co 49 46 48 49 Atl. O. & W. I.S.10 106 108 107 Am. Int. Corp 37 86 37 37 Ath. Sum. Tob. Co. 70 68 69 , 70 Am. Cot. Oil Co. . 17 17 17 17 Am. T. OS T. 91 97 98 A. L,. & Smlt, y 6 10 10 Beth. Motor Am. Can Co. 3 2 2 23 "2 23 73 73 73 86 35 35 20 18 18 62 - 61 61 Chand. Mot. Car. Cen. Lea. Co. ., Cuba C Sug. Co. Cat Pkg. Corp. . Car. Pet. Carp. . Corn P. Rf. Co. K. En. & Stamp. Fisk Rub. Co. .. Gen. EJec. Co. . Gas. W. & Wig. . Gen. Mot Co. Goodrich Co. ... 24 . 65 64 61 '. i io' io ,120 119 119 . 2 2 2 . 13 13 13 84 83-. 34 A, II. & L. Co. 6 s 64 64 64 64 Knj. & Brkr. Car. 54 V.m. Ind. AL Co. KSi Inter. Nickel 12 12 12 48 48 y 48 Inter. Paner Co. , A1ax Rubber Co. Kel.-Snrlng. Tire Key: T. Rub. , Inter. M. Mar. .. Max. Motor Co. . Mex. Pet Mid. Stp.tes OH .. Purs Oil Willys-Over. Co. , Pierce OH Corp. Pan-Am. P. & T. Plerce-Arrow Mo. Royal Dutch Co. . 36 35 35 . 7, 7 7 .U .11 11 2 -2 2J .166 162 164 . 1? 11 18 ..32 31 32 .. 6 6 6 10 10 10. 77 76 77 19 19 .19 56 64 861 V. S. Rubber Co. . 63 Am. Sug. Rfor. Co. 87 R5U Sinclair Oil R. Pears-Roe. Co. .. Strom. Carb. Coi Slude. Corp Tob. P-od. Co. .. Trans-Con. Oil .. Texss Co. , V. S. Food P. C. 24 U 23 23 it J S3 .28 27 28 ' .4014 n 39 60 49 60 7 7 7 43 42 42 J9 184 lfc.' If. S. S., R. Jk M. 32 The White M. Co. 34 AZ 84 3t 24 nuson ., inc. ..38 37 ,87' West. Airbrake ...OOU 90 90 West. Union West K. ft Mfg. Nl, 40 41 Amer. Wool, Co. :62 61 62 Total ealea, 734.800. Money close, 6: Wednesday close, Marks close, .01364. Sterling close, 3,614; Wednesday Hose, New York Cotton. New Tork, Dec. 16. Considering Llver wool's strength, th New York cotton mar ket made a poor' showing earlv asj first nt-lcea were ,only 6 to IS point higher, excent December, which, because of tire tssuanee of two notices, was 3 polnts.low r. An easier feeling developed ftef the stiirt when prices fell W last night's lewsl on the 1st months.. The market became mora sctlve In th afternoon on , the favorable sno( advices, trade huylna- d covering at 24 to 43 news ne higher. . Rallies on coverinir sent price 15 to 11 points net Ha her. The'market vVas quiet around mtddav. with nrlces ruling within a few-ponts of nl"'''' closing flguret.' , K-nsua Cil; Prctluce. ' Kansas City. Mo.. - pec. 16. Eggs Firsts, lo lawer, 4c; seconds, le lower, 56c. Butter Unchanged; creamer, 62c r packlrg, 19e. Poultry Hens, .ilnchflnired, lSvT'lIc: snrings, 1c lower, llu; young rooste-a, c lower. 19c; turkeys, unchanged, 87c. .'v . t'hleag Potatoes. Chicago, Dec. IS. Potatoes Steady; rccelpta. 13 cars; Northern white, aackwl, 31.3501.5 cwt,; Idaho '-ruswta, 52.0HW ? iS; .Vlinesntt and North Dnkota Rod I'.ivcr Ohloa, sacked, 51.60&1.65. and Industrial News of the Day Chicago Grain By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Chicago ffrlbune-Omaha Be Leased W ire. Chicago, Dec!" 16. Export buying of wheat aggregated around 4,000, 000 bushels, and rye 300,000 bushels. England, Italy and Spain were the largest buyers, the first two coun tries named taking oyer 2,500,000 bushels. There were 3.000,000 bush els of wheat at the gulf and 750.000 bushels of Canadian. This was re sponsible for the advance in prices for wheat, but when (the buying ceased all grains eased sharply. Values were lowest around the start, from which there was a good advance with a reaction. Wheat closed at above the lowest" prices, while corn and oats finished the lowest on the crop. December wheat closed 1 cent higher and other deliveries lower. Corn lost llc, oats, l?ee, deferred deliveries, rye, J454c lower, and barley, 2c higher to 4c lower. Domestic shipping sales at Chi cago were 57,000 bushels of wheat, 80,000 bushels, and 270,000 bushels of oats. ' Premium! Unchanged Premium on cash Wheat at Chicago wer uncnangeu wiwi vtw. wv v . No. 1 hard 1011, and No. 1 north ern 113 ove December. Receipts 19 cars. Outside market wer unchanged to 6 cent higher, but closed weak with fu tures. 1 '...' Corn finished at th weakest In a long time with free offerings and the main support buying against bids. Outsld buy IngV was light. House with eastern con nection were good buyer and , local shorts cam In around the best prices, 70 70o lor May; In th later trading bear ish crop- now from Argentine had a de pressing 'fflct as offering wer Increas ed. Cash corn was unchanged to 1 cent lower, with shipping sales 80,600 bushels. Receipts 94 cars. . Oats were under pressure from com mission house and had few friends, the main support being on resting orders. The range waa 1 cents. Cash prices wore unchanged to 1 cent lower and ship ping business the ' best in some time, 266.000 bushel. Trading In ry future were heavy, export buying taking over 300,000 bush els. Seaboard house bofaght May and focal Interest sold all needed to fill orders. ' -Barley waa bid up S cents, with hard ly a trade In May and dropped In the same way with few salea at the last v . Pit jrote. HViMlm i!.minit rne -wheat w,i trerv active, with sale of 3,800,000 buaheis hard winter via the guir and 7to,uvo bushels Manitoba at ths aeaboard as reported by Russell' New. The British commission took 1,250,000 bushel wheat at the gulf, Italy, 1,000,000 bushels and Spain 250,000 bushels. There was also 300,000 bushels rye via the gulf with Indications that the total business materially exceeded this figure. ' ' . Heavy buying of .wheat "by housesywlth seaboard connections offset the effect of tha bearish Argentine -crop news and of claims that Australia haa 83,000,000 bushels for export' It sent price for future up 3 to 6c from the low point made after th opening wheat prices wer off sharp ly. The advanca met resistance from sellers and profit taker and with corn breaking at th lastx wheat cloaed 10 2p from the low point with May at 11.63 1.53. Southwestern offering were large and nearly equal to tho sales. Export clearancea were 1,561,000 bushels wheat and flour and exceeded tha pri mary receipt. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES By Updike Oraln Co., Doug. S627.- Dec. 16 Art. I Open. High. I Low. I Close. I Yea'y. 1.66 1.68 1.63 1.64 1.65 1.69 1.62 1.66 1.58 1.68 1.6S 1.66J4 J.60 1.62 1-63 1.53 1.66 1.52 1.53 1.62 ! 1.39 1.41 1.36 1.37 1.38 I. .67 .63 T . .. .68 .69 jl .71 .68 .6 .70 :-.45 .4? .44 .45 .46 '.47 :.48 ,44V, .46 "J .45 .47 .47 .46 .46 i,.47 2il00 22.40 21.90' 22.40 22.10 113.25 1126 12.90 13.17 13.30 11.25 11.45 11.20 lu.81 11.35 Dec. Mar. May Rye. Dec. May Corn, Dec. May -July Oat. Dec, May 1. July Pork.',l Jan. Lard, Jan. Wbs. Jan. 1 Minneapolis Qraia. Minneapolis, Dec 16. Flour Un changed to 40o lower. In carload lots, family patents quoted at f8.60O9.55 per bbl. In 88-lb. cotton sacks. ,,i Bran !26.00ifj28.00. A"' ' Wheat Receipts, 888 cif,'-" compared With' 306 cars a year ago. Cash No. 1 northern, 11.67 SI. 60 ; December. 21.49; March, 21.63: May, 11.61. Corn No. 8 yellow, 66j7e.'' Oats No. 3 white, 4041o.', " . Barley jqT4c - 5 ' VJ Ry No. 2, 11.46tt!.40 Flax No. 1. 22.0002.01. St. Louis Grain. St." Louis. Mo., Dec. IS. Wheat "Dei cember, 11.72; March, 11.62 bid; May, 11.64. . Corn December, 68o acked; May, 69c bid. - - Oats December, 48c; May, 48c. Linseed Oil. Duluth, Minn., Deo. 16. Linseed On track and arrive, 12.01. Amazing This is the first store in the Cityw Omaha that has ever been 1 -known,io put men's-genuine denim, union made over- CJ A A : alls4n sale at the never-before-heard-of price of. . ... . V" One Day -Sale Friday Only 00 A Pair (. An Opportunity That ''J CometrOnce ' ..1 -': Meadow Brook material; very SEET IDAHO t"ANCY PRUNES, large size, very (I A special, & pounds for. V'" .. m'w- 25-lb. box for $3.00 y-- : : TU) waJTradin, I i Own. Staapi -' Also , Merchant Coupon. Omaha Grain Omaha, Dec. 16. Cash wheat today showed an up turn of 3 to 6 cents. The bulk of No. 2 hard was about 5 cents high er. Buyers took the offerings read ily. At the advance corn was un chdhged to 2 cents higher, yellow about unchanged, wkite unchanged to 1 cent up and mixed unchanged to 2 cents up. Oats were unchanged to li cent higher, generally un changed. Rye advanced 3 to 6 cents and barley 1 cent. Moderate re ceipts of wheat were on hand and corn and oats light. A Broomhall cable stated that the exportable suplus of wheat from Australia is now placed at 88,000,000 bushels as compared with 100,000,- 000 bushels, the average of recent estimates. About 3,000,000 bushels of wheat was worked ifor export overnight, says a Chicago wue. xRussell's news says the English corn mission took about everything offered. Italy, Spain and the continent were also buyers. WHEAT. No. 1 hard, S cars, 11. 66; 8 cars, 21.67 No.1 3 hard, 8 cara, 21.67; 9 cara, 21.66; 2 cars. 11.64 (smutty); 1 car, 11.61 (smut- tyNo.SC h'ar"'!1 car. 21.65; 1 car ;. 21.65 (heavy); 3 cars, 11.64; 1 car. 21.63: 4 cars, 11.60 (smutty): 1 car, f 1.23 (special billing); 2 cara, 11.65; 1-6 car, 21.40. No. 4 hard, 1 car. 21. 66 (very smutty). No. 8 hard, 1 car, 21.61 (musty, amut ty): 1 car. 2169; t car, 9166. . Satnpl hard, 1-5 car. 2145. No. 2 mixed, 1 car, 11.66; 1 car, 21.63 ('!No?n2 mixed, 2-8 car, 21.66 (durum); 1 car, 21-67 (durum); 1 ear, 2167. CORN. No. S whit,, l .car, ,61e. No. 4 white, 1 ear,,1 67c No. S white, 1 car. 64c No. 4 yellow, 1.. cor, 60o (special bill ing): 3 'cars, 69c ;( 1 car, 59o (special billing): S car, 58c. No. 3 mixed, 3 cara, 60o. No. 4 mixed, 4 cars, 66c. No. 6 mixed, 1 car. 64c; 1 car, 62c OATB. No. 2 white. 1 far, 44 c: 2 car. 44c. No. 3 white, 1 rar, 44c; 2 car. 43c . Sample white, 1 car, 43c . RTB. - m - No. t, 3-6 car. 21.45. No. 2, 2 cara, 11.46; 1 8-5 car, 21.45. No. 4, 1 car, 21.41. - BARLEY. No. 4, 1 car, 62e. Rejected, 1 car. 69c ' i OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS (CAAS.) Week Year Receipt ' Today, ago. ago. Wheat 61 , 64 18 Corn 25 13 82 Oata 10 14 6 Rye I 6 3 Barley 3 2 4 Shipments Wheat 30 41 69 Corn 7 4 ' 86. Oata 6 . . 11 By .i.. 1J J Barley 1 o 6 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Buaheis.) Receipt Today Year Ago Wheat ...1,069.000 1,198,000 Corn 1497,(100 471,00(1 Oats .... 1320,000 -.,239,000 Shipments Wheat 864,000 1,683.600 Corn 273,000 669,000 Oata - 462,000 '641,000 EXPORTCLEARANCES, Today Year Ago Wheat ....1,561.000 872.000 Corn , , i...... 49,000 ;ti k.. Oats : . 113,000 ' 50,000 CHICAGO OAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week Year Today Ago Ago Wheat 17 , 67 11 70 146 Corn 89 Oats 42 43 45 KANSAS CITY CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week Year Today Ago Ago Wheat 190 168 88 Corn ....J 31 13 41 Oata ....I... 8 70 7 T ST. XOtflS CAR LOT RECEIPTS. " Week Year Today Ago Ago Wheat 91 113 . 32 Corn 87 87 41 Oats 42 . 27 35 NORTHWESTERN RECEIPTS OF WHEAT. Week Year Today Ago Ago Minneapolis 288 280 305 Duluth 122 122 15 Winnipeg 924 882 286 6 brld'a1 SUDnlv of "breadstuff: The following table compiled by the Dally Trade Bulletin, shows supplies of bread Stuff a afloat for Europe and In store, In United Kingdom as reported at a large number of points In America, in Argentine and Australia on the dates named: Deo. 1, '20. Deo 1, '19. Afloat for Europe.. 86,600,000 . 67,220,000 In store In U. K. . 34,000,000 16,830,000 In store in Argen'e 3,880,000 In store In Australia 6,600,000 . 86.000,000 In store in U, S. S. 92,190.000 152,847,000 In stor In Canada 61,837.000 41,745,000 Totall ...221.177,000 360,972,000 ' Kansas City Grain. . , Kansas City, Mo., Deo. 16. Wheat De. cember, 11.61; March, 11.63; Copi Decernber. 60c; May. 42c. . Sale of Men's .flip's Big Store Only Only Pillow Casesize 42x36 made of best Oft r special while they last at, each. . TWI IT ,LL JLL P9 DEFARTMENT STORE 24th and O , Streets, South Omaha t U Bonds and Notes The following quotation furnished by th Omaha Trust company: Ap. Prlca. Yld. American T. A T. Co. 6s, 192S.. 94 9.96 American T. & T: Co. , 1924.. 92 . 8.70 Anaconda 6s. 1929 ........... 81 9.26 Argentine Sterling 4s, 1426 per C200 bond Armour 7a, 1930 94 7 80 Belgian Govt 6s, 1925 90 9.00 Belgian Oovt'7s, 1945 97 7.70 Bethlehem Steel 7s, 1923 ...... 98 7.95 Bethlehem Steel 7s, 1923 .... 9 8.85 British 6s. 1922 93 '3.25 British 6s, 1929 89 1 7.15 British 5s, 1937 82 7.20 C. C. C. & St. L 6s, 1829 89 .7.70 C. B. & Q. Jt. 4s, .2l 96 10.80 Cudahy Pkg. 7s., 1923 97 7.96 B. F. Goodrich 7s, 1926 85 11.85 French Govt. 8s, 1945 100 8.00 Japanese Govt 4s, 192S .... 76 11.60 Japanese Govt. 4s, 1931 66 11.25 Norway 8s, 1940 99 8 05 Morris ft Co 7a, 1930 96 7.80 N. Y. Central 7s, 1930 102 6.76 Pennsylvania R. R. 7s, 1930 ...104 8.60 U. S. Rubber 7s. 1930 97 7.90 Swedish Govt 6s, 1939 . 7$ 8.16 Swift & Co. Cs, 1921 98 9.80 Swift & Co. 6s, 1921 98 8.80 Swift & Co 7a, 1926 ........ 93 . 8.75 Western Electric 7s, 1925 ...A 99 7.20 Swiss Govt 8s, 1940 102 7.76 Denmark 8s, 1946 . 97 (J 6 Westtnghouse Elec. 7s, 1931 ... 94 770 New York Coffee. New York. Deo. 16. All active eliverles mads new now records for the. season in the market for coffee futures today. The unsettled showing of the Brazilian cables were considered responsible for th renew al liqueidaUlon or scattering pressure, and after opening at a decline of 16 points, the market sold 15 to 21 points net lower with March touching 6.60o and May, 6.90c. There waa a better demand at th figures which probably Included some buying by the trade to cover short-hedges and there were rallies to 6.63c for March with the market closing at a ' net decline of t to 11 points. December, 8.00c; January, 8.19c; March, 678 20; May, 7.00c; July, 7.32c; September, 7.66c; October, 7.65c. 1 . Spot Coffee Market nominal; Rio' 7s, 6Uc6c; Santos 4s, 9cffil0c. Sew York Curb Stock. Allied OH IS 18 42 1 S 1 8 2 1 45 20 4 6 1 'i 2 Boston Montana Boston Wlomlng 40 16-16 . .. uvm -..,..,. 7a Cosden Oil 6 Consolidated Copper...,,..,,, 1 Elk Basin 8 Fedval Oil j,... 2 Its uionrocK uu , 2 Merrit Oil Midwest Refining Co Sliver King of Arizona i 48 16 sapuipa uu 8lmms Petroleum Tonopah Divide .. Tonopah Extension U. 8. Steamship . . U. S. Retail Candy White Oil ...... .4 ::::::: I 26 1 8 ....... 16 Foreign Exchange Batca. Following are today'a rate of exchange as compared with th par valuation. Furnished by the Peter National banki ' Par ' Valuation Today. Austr.a ,, .80 .0030 Belgium ...198 .0629 Csecho-Slovakla '. .... ., .0118 Denmark ,. .27 .1620 England l si France .... .193 .0599 uermany , M .338- .0140 Greece 1.. .196 .0760 Italy .!... 192 .0356 .Tugo-Slarla . .0074 Norway .27 .1490 Sweden .' 27 .1980 Switzerland 196 .1546 Chicago Stock. Armour ft Co. pfd........... 84 ...... Armour Leather Co., com.. 12 Armour Leather Co. pfd 92 ..... Commonwealth Edison Co 101 Cudahy Packing Co. common 68 Continental Motors 6 Llbby, McNeil ft Llbby.,... 11 10 Montgomery Ward Co........ 14 National Leather .. . j. ...... . 7 8 iReo Motor Car Co.. 18 owirc at co ......loo ijt 99 Swift International 26 Union Carbide ft .Carbon Co.. 49 Q 49 New York Produce. New Tork. Dec. 16. Butter Firm; firsts, 43 63c; others, unchanged. Eggs weak; fresh gathered extra firsts, 7475e; firsts, 7374c. Cheese Irregular; unchanged. Poultry Live, firm; chicken by freight 25c; by express 2628o; fowls, 2531c; roosters, 16c; turkeys, 40046c Dressed, 'irregular; western chickens In box's. 2842cx In barrels, 2433c; fowls, 23(328c; roosters. 21 26c; turkeys, young, 4652c; do, old, 42 46c. v Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Oa Dec. 16. Turpentine Mnrket oni't; 92c; no aalea; receipts 171 bbls.; shipments. 153 bbls.; stock, 15,619 bbls. Rosin Market quiet; sales, none, re ceipts, 727 casks; shipment, 826 casks; stock, 76,020 casks.-. ' -.- . New York Sugar. 'New.York, Dec. 16.-rTha local market for ram sugar .was quieter today and a no frtah business waa reported prices were nominally unchanged at 463 for Cen trifugal. The undertone, however, seem ed to be a little firmer and holder were asking higher -prices. Chicago Produce. Chicago, Dec. 16. Butter Firm; preamery, 3351c. . Eggs Unsettled: receIpts;'-2,0SS cases: firsts, 72f 73c; ordinary firsts. 3fj68c; at mark, cases included,-, 6470c;' re frigerator firsts, 36431670., .;" Poultry Jltve, . unchanged. , Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruits. New York, Dec 16. Evaporated Ap ples Market dull.' . .J. Aprlcota and Peaches Market dull. Raisins Steady. Prunes Easy. " a ' " 1 1 ' Overalls at Come Early Two Pairs Will Be Sold to Each Customer W. CIr Green Trading 1 Stamp -Ala'. ' Merchants' Coupon. 7 IT . $00( " ciJL4 Pair 5 South Side Father Thinks Son Stole' ' : $75; Has Him Jailed When the sunshine peeped through the bedroom windows in the home of James Cotterell, 3429 X street, yesterday he reached for his trou sers, drew them on and put his hands in the pockets. Fifty dollars in cash- and, a $25 draft were missing. Cotterell called the police and caused; the arrest of his son, Roy, who, he said, must have gone through his Dockets. i - Roy. wafs jailed. Then the- father called again to tell the police he had found the missing money in a bureau drawer, where he had hidden it and then forgotten all' about it. H wouldn't prosecilte Roy. But the po lice judgefined Roy $10 for intoxi cation. A 3 - r .1 . !J .1 ( vna mc iainer paid me nnc. Minister Sues Car Company. Rev. John Olechnowitz, pastor of St. Anthony's Catholic -church, South Side, filed suit in district Enormous Loss Sustained Br Retail Dealers Who Do Net Use th J. j. CAMERON CREDIT SERIVCE 119 Thousand People in Omaha -T" Asking Credit ' 80 ' prompt pay; 25 alow; 15' unsatisfactory) 10 require cash rating. -Don't Get Stunt. Cameron baa got th whol story and can save Every Retailer, Bui ness anal Profession,! man a great deal of watry, time and money by connecting up with hia Credit Bu reau. Small expense, . quick aervlcs, re Ilable report. Do not wait call THE J. J. CAMERON ' CREDIT BUREAU 217-218 Leflanf . - Doug. 7980. We exchange credit-service with 300 t Bureau in United State Members of three National . Association. ; 17 Year in Business. You have an ambition to make money, you take personal pride in it You know, there, is something wrong with the man who can not earn a good sal ary. Your desire for making money is so strong that you make a strenuous effort to get it. But how many men like yourself, who earn large sal aries make an effort to save part of it. SAVINO is the Real test of your Business Ability! r This Clock Is Always Correct. Christmas for thrkiddies at s When it ' comes to worth-while Xmas Gifts for the Kiddies, Bowen's is the place to bring the children in to see our line of Automobiles of all sizes and styles, Veloci pedes Rocking Horses, Coaster Wagons, Dolls, Doll Beds, Doll Car riages,' Writing Desks and hundreds of pother articles that will just simply make the children nappy to see. This year we have re duced our prices on our Kiddies' Xmas Gifts so 'low that even the most conservative will be able to make their purchases here. " ' Advertisement court yesterday against the Omaha and Council tiluft's Street Railway, asking $10,000 damages for injuries which he says heNustained July 27 at Twenty-fourth and Q streets. , Home Brew Confiscated. Forty quarts of home brew found in the home of Joe Precek, 2614 Z street Wednesday night by the South Side police raiding squad landed PrecekNn jail on charges of illegal possession of liquor. His hearing will be today in police court, i South Side Brevities Illinois coal, $13. Rowland and Coal Co. Phon 8o. 1614. Adv. Lost A black velvet drape, between Twenty-second and N and Twenty-third and J. Call fio. 04J3... Coal and coke, all kinds, at price that are right and th beat of service. Call South 0078, South Omaha Ice Co. Adv. Pleasure club will give a big dance Sat urday night, and don't forget that Sun day I their big mask ball, It will be a dandy. Le' orchestra. We thank our friends for their patron age in our 1920 Economy Savings club. The new club Is now open for member ship. Six plans to choose from; 10 cent to 35.00 per week. The Live Stock Na tional bank. Junction Twenty-fourth and N atreeta. Adv. . Imericin Telephone C Telegraph Co. A dividend of Two Dollar per ihar will be paid on Saturday, January IS, 1921. to stockholder of record at th close of basi ns on Monday, December 20, 1920. O. D. MILNE, Tteainror. 01 Why Not Invest First Homo Mortgage at y , QuarteHy Check : . ... SAVING Sooner ox later you JVlonev in reserve. A-nr.V Cj-.. 4. rpVTI iaou otaib XKfUJMj vpen a OiX V LWUi3 AJ . COUNT in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.;, bAVE part of 'your income EVERYV week, no. . matter how' large or small the income is, your' first deposit starts you on the Road to' SUO' ? UNITED NATIONAL BANK The Bank of PERSONAL Attention GRAIN- J w E solicit t 81 f Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee; Kan sas Gity and Sioux City markets We Offer You the Services of Uur Unices Located at - Omaha, Nebraska X -Get in touch with offices, with your next grain shipment r- The Updike Grain Company "The Reliable Consignment Houif iiiniiiiinttri;t:ii;ii:!iil.'i'i'li.!ii:liil ll n;:f , 9 J I. Give a Bond for Xnias S . -1 Mak your fifU both of,. rrlco and profit. Wo auggast oloctioa from' tho following: Liborty Bonda . Municipal Bond I Industrial Bondi .. Railroad Bond Foreign Government Bond Foreign Municipal Bond g We will gladly furnish Quotation s and information. . Private Wire Service. " I Omaha Stock & Bond I 1 , Exchange .; f I Tyler 5027 Peter. Trust Bldg. ? , v Omaha, Neb. .'-.' f ? . ' . 'llllIIIIIIIIIMll1lllllll(lllllllllllMllllllllllllttlllllltlltllii. Bee want ads ' are best business getters. , . .. ( in Full Paid Stocks, Securities Dividend Declared ' " v Mailed Promptly ' ; ' UlLDING'cVLQsdl J ASSOCIATION .CORNER l'4HARr4LY I 32 Year in Omaha. ., '1 . '. : 3'-. '- . ;: HABIT .A will realize the lvalue of.'", Don't, wait until tw th 7 1 t O 1 in nln , ns STATES t- I 'i ' i V ! - - s'i N. W. Corner , ) 16th and Farnam Streets, your consignments 1 f v of all Rinds or grain to tne Lincoln, Nebraaka ; c ' Hastings, Nebraska Chicago, Illinois , Sioux City, Iowa . Holdrege, Nebraska Geneta, Nebraska Des Moines,' Iftwa , Milwaukee, Wis. Hamburg, Iowa Kansas City, Missouri one of these branch 1- I