.1 t V - 'IHrJ BEJS: UlUAnA,' rlllUAI, UEAjCMBEifC 17, ' 1920. c Society Mrs. Hull Talks on - -Rronuiiatbix ; ' viv French : ;r. Those wtah&ve despaired of ever rronouncing'l'rencfixorrectly would 1 take heart again they 'could hear . Mrs CA. Jijijl;. Wplajnthe Versin riiethod," 'wfiich " Berths both I simple arid bgicaf.. ;Iaxap Jlluminating and plcasingV.4aflt."'hj j explained the iriethod to-ftire'lfian SO women who . ' attended .a delightful tea fiveh by Mrs. H. H. Baldrige at her;; home Wednesday" afternoon. ;,M,rs Hull, , who returned in Octo . bcr with her' diploma, , after four months' study in Paris, where she perfected . her pronunciation of French at the Yersin school, indi cated 'with the use of- charts the ! mathematical accuracy with which one can pronounce that beautiful language The-1 $ vowel sounds are the basis Jor pronunciation. . ' Some cteyer recitations in French were given by Mrs. Hull, who -was wise and kind enough to translate In , advance. ' Application' of the Yersin method to.'yoeal study was also explained. r 1 ; '?-',' f Among those assisting Mri Bsldrige were-Medames J. J; ' Ji.cr. Mullen, J.. E.,,Davidsoni Raymond 'Lowe, Jack -Webster, i - John "Mc-i Crgue, jr.,' and Misses Gladys and DaphnVj Ppter8s;-.:v" ' ' ; ' Alpha: Tmj' JSmega. " - , - y. A. tea for Friday afternoon, - Dc ; c ember 31, 4s planned by . Mrs.John i W. Towle for tfte-:women, guests at s the Alprja' Tbu"' Omega' coflRress herej- -Otf;Nw .Year's after.nophan axitomobilfctpur' of the .city will, be made by the yis'ting women. ; i ,1: jTlans for th&iall Thursday even, ing,- December "3$ af the FojUenell , are almost ' completed. -There will V'be; two supper haurs, ' Programs will be in the fraternity colors, blue .and " -ttSixty cars haveVpeett provided to taVe girls tii) and. from the party. arid ea:h ftVe ars "frill be under -the,, di; Vectioii of one of the 'hostesses: tv ,'wt ' " 11 ' '" :.::;. :-i Tangle Club. ' '' jSale ' of -seats to"the public for the -i Priiicetftir STriantfef play, 'They -l NevrXmrfi!' Hack." to be staged at the" Brjndeif Christmas night is; now being Tiiade.t; the theater. .Students from the .Central High school and "representatives of hos (v pital staffs olj the city have taken . block seatinJsnace In the balcony . and;-jraUery The details of the Princeton alumni dance, to be given 1 at th FooteJMgle following the per formance, are flow completed. Otia hVeirls' wlttact as:parfnepaJor the 75 l'nrfcefotttndergradtta'jeal3 . On : rHvl h.ere-4he: college Wen. f will go.o the Omaha-club7;3A hum ?Sber ot'the Visitors are known here ' and willrtake Nthristmas dinner with their friends. - For the,others a ban quet has oeeh, planned at the Omaha club. In the afternoon a tea dance will be giveit-?.jV honor of the club by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Wharton .and BuHette '"tKiifceti'll at the tirkendlP"home727 Jacksprf jtreeC Girlrf the hunger set wlu 1. itneet rnmbs ot tne ciud at tnis a"gah-eririg.!','J ' , , Majij ptftrninent PrincetDnath letes,,uiclutJine Mike Callahan, cap tains the 'febtt bal(. team, will - be among the; undergraduates. ' f V? '- V, vSurprise Party. v '",. ? day Pec'emhef "8, ty" Mrs. Wdliam :- Rwsinsr in :lrrt'-1irJ?i4,l-ter'Dollie'. who celebrated her eighth birthday;-' The' gue$t8t'wtre:' v ! Opal Llnehan, ? Wita Virginia Pullman. Catherine Miller, Carolina .Mahachek. Edith" Wriprht, Ruth ' Wright. , Carolotta Kellv. Mary : Sanger. Virginia Ryan, Beverly er,y an?j ; Emmens, Margaret O Hern Mabel O'Hern. ' ; i Nu Sigma Nil, ; . t Christmas dancing party of the Nu .i Sigma i-Ntt fraternity. -Wednesday evening, at" the " Blackstone. "tThe - chaperons . included Dr. and Mrs. Irving S. Cutter, Dr. and Mrs. C. R. ' Kennedy.'.--Dr. and Mrs. Elmer une nunorea coupies' aiicnucu Baiitiii, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. wiuaru. Dr. and Mrs. A. C Stokes, Dr. and Mrs. George Pratt, and Dr. Allen Mosfcer, Dr. Harold Muliipn, Dr. j;, Ear Sage and Dr. Carl Ruclie. r ) - Wife of Lecturer Dies. :-." Mrs. W. L. George, Avife of W.. ' Lr George, novelist and lecturer, died " recently, in the south, according -to report. Mr.- ueorge, wno icciurcu in Omaha early in November under aimnicea of the Fine Arts society, has canceled all-his engagements in f America and will' return to England.. fi - . " -Birthday Party. AVsurprisebfrthday party was givetr in honor of Mrs. Henry Ltd i gard of Council Bluffs at her homtf loin Hoosier Xmas Club and Get $10.00 Box Groceries Free Union Outfitting Co, r i Tne Time and Labor Saving Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet Makes Jdeal Gift A HOOSIER is something evertrVomSn. desires, as it makes her KiterteneWOrK -so mucn easier, and there ds evidence that men realize this? -.Judcing from the numbet Jomfng th Hoosier. Club at Union Outfitting Co. ; The ClubT is, limited to 105 members' arid sr DOLLAR or so weekly is all you have to pay to have a lfto-s&iying "HiJosier de livered )to$K home chri3; mas V ttttf H , Thos. who- join ,ieHooslw. Club' thfsWeek get A, bj-box bf Chnstmas. Goodies and Groceries delivered VHh-theii, H o o s i e r Xltni ." CaWnet.'i"ablSlutely! FKS f charge. Friday evening a Lit, l'Midvrrte Hoosier will be Jjirco way FREE., Call at store fir particulars,' ' ? Advertisement Holiday Holiday .visitors, are Mrs. James Zoubek and' small daughter, 'Lor raine, of Howell,-' Neb. They are the guests of Mrs.. Zoutick's Problems That Perplex -. Answered by ' " BEATRICE Fi FAIRFAX . Christmas Gift. . . Dear Miss Fairfax: As I read your good advice to others, I would like to ask' you one important ques tion. As you know, it ' is nearing Christmas time and I wonder If it would bd . proper to" buy my lady friend 'an epensive,Christma3 pres ent We have- been 'going, out to gether' for the last '?ix; months but we are not-engaged. , .nor , has any thing ever been said about the ques tion. J.' L. . ! A gift In keeping' with jyour cir cumstances Is the only- Hind of & gift to make even : thought you are engaged If You are not engaged It would only J be poor taste to give a conpicuousiy-:expensive: gift to your friend fr Christmas.' If you wish to give-he.' something which, is per fectly safe and yet exquisite, choose some of the beautifully hand made handkerchiefs to be purchased now. You can give her any number from 1 to a half dozen and tney may be any price from SI up to whatever you wish, to pay While this might b a vefy peniive gift "before you wot through; yet 1t 'could not em-, barrass 'h "young lady and would hot imply any feeling on your part which you may not possess. last Friday evening, December 10, by a number, ofdier friends. vThose present were ' Betty Hutchinson, Ruby Lldgard, Veda Barrett, Emma Hackel,' Katherine- Brtiggeman, Eva Hohnbaum', Leslie; Snyder,,. Allerj HenryK Marion, Martin,-Henry-Ltd-gard, Alfred Schfoeder and Wallace Hohnbaum.' ':-,' .; X - Lecture Recital. - - -"Ballads and Songs of Long Ago" .fill -. K th nrnaram oivfn ; Ktf Blanche Sorenson Friday afternoon a"t Orcharrt-Wuhelm. A program for - children. will"; be given at 3 o'clock Saturday and -will be fol fe M Prram. at ' Wedding Anniversary. ,Mrf and Mrs. William H. Thatcher wlil celebrate their golden wedding anniversary, December . 22. at the home of their son, Charles Thatcher. A family dinner at which 30 guests willbe present will be served. New Year's Eve Party. The Omaha club will give a New Year's' Eve party at the club Friday eveninir. December 31. There will be music ..trom -10 ociock on. supper, will be served at 11. Reservations will be taken care -of in the order. re cetved. Wh at Is an Ide dl Christmas Gift? " It should be unusual, and what is better still, v useful. Always, to be sure, it must be a sur prise. Then we enjoy not only the pleasure ' of unexpected possession of , what we have ; never had, but that pleasure. is sustained day ; by day by its usefulness; and in using; there ) is ever a pleasant memory, of the thought- fulness and kindrtess of the giver. . f r Such a Gift h ' We are sure our display will afford new sug gestions. The service (of positive satisfaction. DEPENDABLE ELECTRICAL MERCHANDISE sMMMsMWWWsMsMMWMWsMMWsMMsWsMMMW, ,.' "" r . GRANDEN ELECTRIC GO.4 ELECTRICAL . APPLIANCES I5lf Howard SL .Visitor sister. . Mrs. E. . H. Koza and her brother. Frank C. v Sindelar ? Mr. 2oubekwill arrive in Omaha shortly , .Dctore- nrisinias iu: jvut - wut and little daughter. . , - ryriiyersity;.; LjttX.lI 0,;:;v, The y;W. C A'of the University bf Omaha, held an' open house Christ mas party; in tthe1tuiiye,rsity; auditor lunmt 3 o'clock' Thursday afternoon. A; Cnnstrflaa ; tree "vita a . novelty present for each college student was tntrlduced as a- special feature. Miss 1 Marjorie Weman -was - in chargf of the program which in cluded a violin solo . by Miss Ger trude Teems and leadings by "Misses Alt Davis and Dorothy Edwards Yellow Dog -chapter of the "Pup;" the journalistic fraternity of - the Umversitv-of Omaha, held a Christ- ma5 party in tha "kennel"" Thttrsday'l1 ticon. Art Dutchcr, as ganta Claus. distributed gifts from the Christmas tree. A Christmas ' J"spread" was served preceding the ceremonTal un- .veiling of "Tai Mahal," by Paul Davis, master ot ijeremoniessv Special musical program, in charge of Dr. F. KKruger, will be intro duced at, University of Omaha chapel Friday., The entertainment .includes a solo number by Miss Flora? Jones, a trio by Misses Leona Johnston, Mildred Parks and Ruth- Arlander, and a chorus, "Silent Night," ty iviisses Alice Mae Weller Flora Jones, Mildred Bliss, Gertrude Allen and Clyde Bennett. ' 4 . Qoxing, wrestlingr piano cymnas-ticSv-Y. M. C. A: cjuartet and vaude ville .stunts will be featured at the University of Omaha Y1M..C. A.; carnival to,be stagedin ihe Mniver sity gymnasium, Saturday, December 18, at' 81 o'clock."Bob", Golding and "Dizzy" Ferris will put pt clown boxing.' Wallace Banner heids.the vaudeville cast. The programs is promoted by Dean Gilbert WJanus. ! ' The annuid' Q.ristmas formal dance of Thefa Phi Delta fiaternky will be held, at the Blackstone Jan? uary 1. , 'l . v T'tiJ. ?!mtij '. PliJ , '.. ffate'rriitv will give an informal datice at the Hotel Fontenelle . New Year's eve. Dinner Party. - . Mr. -and Mrs. George IBrandeis will entertain at a dinner of 10 covers at their home Thursday even ing. ' Following -dinner? the guests will be entertained at the Brandeis theater. Kensington Clubl S . , Mrs. Frank Higgens and;Mrs. Dan u. Moore entertamea w;guests ot , the" Carter Lake Kensington club- at; an Orpheum party Wednesday after noon. 4 to an Electrical Gift ...,... -V ' rendered will b'e, one to JV. to FIXTURES - SUPPLIES ; M to Tyler 0681 Pergonal Miss May Leary is ill at St. Jo teph hospital. , Mrs. George Haverstick left Mon day for New York, from whence she will sail for Europe. .. Mrs. John Morrison returned Wednesday. , itQm, Columbus, Neb., where she Spent several weeks. ' Mr. and Mrs.' E. W. Gunther have sold their hortle and wi'l move to the Mercer apartments after January 1. Mrs. R. Dv -Pollard and Miss Frances Howell leave January for Florida, where they will spend two jnonths. v- Mrs. Franklin Smith of Morgan P,ark, III., 'who lived in Omaha 30 years ago, is visiting with Mrs. Dtx ter C. Buell.- ; John Curry leaves Saturday forj Alhambna. Lai., to spend several months with his son, Barton L. Cur ' Mrs. John R. Mos'Tr of Butte, Mont., wiliv spend- "the ; .holidays with her parents, Mr; and Mrs. C. H. Swoboda of Omaha. Major and: Mrs. F. A.1 Van Buren and daughter leave Saturday for SanT Antonio, Tex. They will re-, side at. Fort Sam; Houston. 'Mrs. .Marjorie O'Leary of Minne--apolis, who. is a holiday guest;of Mrs E. L. KeUy will be the guest at sev eral Informal affairs this week. ' Mrsci P.' .Kincaid of Kansas City comes Friday to spend the holidays ?with. her. daughter, ,iMrs. Paul Gal- H Yards and- yards colorsjand iff the dainty ribbon that you want. beautiful quality all 'v;.' . ... r for ill '.m- ?-v-i.vf a Jm m-v v hmw til ars n'ii- ''v.'- wtr. . ".-ti I ) I - by the needlewoman tfet make 'e I I I holiday. Nothing so enhance? the by's wardrobe as a dainty I 1 J v touclijf ribbon. The ribbon bqw J f S i&s;' :y-:J'!: 'S: ' : ?bindihgs on ttye frocks? I .2' j ; :Tair of cKarm v m ::ffl ;: V..-Bi-u.' Girls . .,- Girk ! III --(1 ' tXfflmmK V-'. . :' , -i- - ..No ffift will nleaa' H'fcWM-'frtnT tlrw.' .a I-lmMm : , a beautiful, big hair j-'ibboh, either - llMT - -- . for' ,school or for dress-up .. wear. . - " ' : V4Qwttlf "' " the party frocks are appropriate gifts . I . 1 rrl ;. v . A ; of ribbon. V Lar lagher.'and Mr.; Gallagher. Mr. Kin?., caid and Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Kin raid of St. Louis arrive shortly "be fore Christmas to spend the holidays at the Gallagher home. Mrs. Sherman Ruxton of Chicago is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. 'Eastman. Mr. Ruxton will arrive in Omaha Christmas eve. They will return home January 3. Miss France?' jPope, daughter of Mrs. J. Jl.'Vosi, who is attending the' Bush Conservatory of Music in Chicago, will' spend the holidays in Pdoria, 111., with her aunt, Mrs. H. J. Miller. , . j; - .. -r. ,i is Mireille -Hollar jiwho jwll .: nmi.. z..r,A.,' , - arrive two weekswlll-f Kthe-guest . of j Or- Abby v V rgijjia 'Hdlmes;and also ot w.'i.jhf' ',.:.. rii i !. Mr. and 'here ; Airs August;Borglum whilt George - Paul Borglum returned Thursday from CulverMllitary acad' Lemy .to. spend the ho1 ' layswith ,his. parents, Air. and Mrs. August M. BorgTum. " He will remain in Omaha' until January 3. - ' ' :-.-Mkstrier-PeppeIet-Tliursday-ito. spend theholidays in San Anto nio," Tex: w here shewill be the" gue ;of iMrs.Kate- Rand.olphTiBd; daugb ,ter, ; Ruth, former residents, of Omaha.' ' . -:-.,;v- Mrs. X. G; Edwards, who1 has- been spending -'several months wif H'h'er daughter;""Mrs. Howard "Stflartr leaves ; Friday for San Francisco, where she"' will' visit another daugh ter.'MrsrTufrier McAllister.. Mrs. S.-RAMcKelvie, wife of Gov ernor McKelvie of Lincoln, "is in California. , Mrsi McKelvie has been asked to act as a hostess for the Al- ge Assortments of the most beautiful ribbons two-tone or changeable colors. There are flowered ribbons, Dresden and moire ribbons, in -fact, anv vir, Moderately Priced. Special Friday Dresden Ribbon 59c silk ribbon, 74 inches wide. Friday at 59c a yard. Vfie Cfirisimas Siorefor Gveryodtr Clubdom Fedefted Club Notes. Miss Alice Florer of York, aii in stitute worker and rural school in spector, who spoke before the home economics department of the York Woman's Departmental club Mon day even;ing at the Y. W. Q. A. in' York,, $ays that Delaware county, Maryland, has among the best su pervised and organized rural schools in the'eountry. . A., vast army, of children leave scfdl amund the-Sixtbl grade,, ac jPSJ$VissJFlor!J' a5d ll huCf behef '.tbaV these? are the PeoDleVho JJtWe to- the propaganda ot "f9 Kog about the country. Miss rlorer said jn nart- "Fh.int nn. Florer said in" nart: : "Fi-e and one- half snilllon people in sthe'1 United States, do ' nbt read and' writc and thffe are 29,000 illiterates in our own state." Tfire"caUses: for children leav ing school 'at this ane are-lack of irained"teaches and nerVous unrest atm-excitement- among grownups, which 's commuiiicaUd to the young. XheyHvatrt' to earn 'money to spend af Lth'fiJ picture :show fof ;' cigarets, candy, Vejc .The child who! has alt the money wants ".to spejid is "not gdiMg' to Jike sclgiol W.6 are doing .. , .i ; 1 1 . phaTan- Omega ralt, December iO, attheMFonteneHe.vbuf will not re tuii 4hdtee,iti hne, to' be present at . Mershop ' Welsh,? son Mr. and Mrs.ohn W. Welhlof Cherry crof ' arrived home"vThusday;.frotri Culve Militarx..academK,' IndiaVa,: to spent, ftireeuweekfi. r Other, pBwha bovK who -returned from' Culver include JSfces yavidsoni.MaxitioIzman and Wagoc- R9e. V j: :yX-t r ' Handsome ribbons make a" variety of gifts that are appreciated, by any woman for instance, there are. haes .for evening or for street use : cami-. soles, boudoir caps, trimmings for gowns, neckwear, and also beautiful little trimmings for the undergarments that are so much worn by the tasteful woman. The buttonneires are also- made of ribbon. . of Beautiful to be found are hera In; all f.h Very Special ; i Main Floor, splendiii work along. health lines, but we have not rallied to thrift propa ganda as we . should. - Children should be taught to savia the home and in school. Teachers and parents should rally to correct these delin quencies and try to keep' the children in school (hat we may have a nation of-sound and -sane thinkers." i ,. Christmas Party. . " The V I. L L. club wilf enter tain at a ' Christmas, party Friday evening a't-"jJ o'clock at the Social Settlement " house. Miss Gladvs 'Shamp, club leadpr, will have charge oi tne program.- ... n "SnappyiFellow .; Clothes to DRESHER 'Regularly For . bags,' girdles, trimming for the under garments rnay be i made of dbbonand givenHo the young girls for Christmas with . the knowledge that they will surely1 please. ' ' r' - For .' 'The home can be beautified in ; marijr ..ways', by the use of ribbon lamp shades, .dresser scarfs, powder boxes, vanities, etc, for the dressing table pin cushions, pillows, telephpne screens. These are but a few of the many uses that ribboa cah b put to and made use of for Christmas pres. . : ; Ribbons fllinto' oVtaoa nf iho minuA 25c Holiday Ribbons Christmas ribbon desirable1-for tying '-.. . . : ' at 23c a bolt." Calenaar. vtttx Art ciuj rniy. s p. m.. y. . w. o. a. -u,. . Roimd TIU tMutowiM Clrl Iff dy, t : p. in.il W. Incffllow ChnUaaaa Clrcto Prldajr, t;S0 p. m., 86 UriidU Thcilvr bulltllnf. ktlan en RnsKkk ' UtMitlr Frtdiy. 4 p. in., Dui'hwi J0tls nd convent at Iho 8acrd Henrt. TUIrty.alith and Burt trevta. v, ...,!,, Cllrtn' Cmmrtl1. kwrvlr Iarnr " Vr Any, D. T. A. club aut'pur. :M p. tu.i Burgaa-Naah club auppr. i:0 p. m.l Kymnaalum cUaa. 1:10 p. m., Mra. Cbartua iS6Mlnnn, ldr. ... ' LnWa Avenm . rrtiihjt''" Woman' Rodrtj Friday. S:0 p. m.,' with Mra. J, M Pattgrt, 114-Nnrth Thlrty-lhlh atroot. Mra. P. M. ConHllo will hav char of tho profram ,nnd Mra. .11.. M. MoClanahan tho drvotlonala.- VThn Naar - Eaat" will b tba toplg. tor dlacuaalan. :0 : That'k JuiBt- WHV' they "are "snappy." They simply will ' not let their ogs get soiled, C flappy, .or, oub of pfess. : Honestly, nowtf : YOU, too, woola look -."snappier" if we were to fix up your clpthes ,oftener. ,. :, Better phone us a request to ' come ' after your garments. 4 Phone. Tyler 0345.- , . -46-- ' Dres her Bros. 'Cleaners - Dy ers 2211-17 Famani Street the Older . : Dainty tamisples", neokpieeeij, party the Home Are - Here u jui1 .i j L, . packages, special : , : vo 4 i "' : - - ' .' ' ' '. ' i t - - ! ' ' 1 ' - v " T Z i J