Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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i ir -i
Charges "Britain
Tried to Control
Shipping Board
First Chairman of Body Testi
fies Before House Commit
tee Investigating Opera
tions During-War.
Washington, Dec. 15. Further
testimony that Great Britain at
tempted to influence; the wartime
shipping policy oi Uhe American
government was given by .William
Denman. of San Francisco, first
chairman of the board, before the
speciat house -committee inf stigat
ins; operations of thg-iederal ship
ping agency. 1 I
Mr. Denman charged- that the
British mission whiclf came to th
United States in April,- 1917M and
which was headed' by Arthur J.
Balfour Ujcn British secretary of
state fo? foreign affairs, had tinder
takci to influence the shipping board
and had succeeded in getting one of
its members elected to anadminis
trative board which Mr; Denman
said he had attempted to organize
in- Ncw'York to function with tht
shipping boards
The members of the British mis
sion elected to this advisory board.
he said, was Sir Connop Guthrie.
Mr. Denman told the committee thai
he did uot know how Sir Connop
was elected tht it happened . be
tween noon and half past 3 one
afternoon but that he had learned
that three jtr four members of the
British mission were present.
"Afterwards the shipping board
bad a wm, session," he continued.
"U lasted minutes and that which
had been transacted at the previous
session was wiped out." .
The witness intimated that his in
sistence that the board be kept free
from British influence had more to
do with his resignation as chairman
"than anything else." He testified
that while he wanted British co
operation he did -, not , want Great
Britain to influence the l)oard.
Mr. Denman said? he had frequent
conferences with Mr. Balfour and
that "certain phases of the confer
ences approached the realm of se
cret treaties." He indicated his will
ingness to disclose the nature 6f the
negotiations President Wilson
would consent.
When Mr. Denman concluded the
committee adjourned the inquiry
until after thChristmas holidays.'
Charge Gage County Men
Stole 80 Bushels of Wheat
Beatrice. Neb., Dec. 15. (Special
Telegram.) Ray Cogswill, William l
nopenieiQi,. M jerman -anu a
young man named ;Buck. were ar?
rested by Sheriff Schiek -..on , the
charge of stealing 80 bushels of
wheat at trie Qscar Humphrey farm
near Blue Springs. I
For Office or Home this
Majestic Electric Heater
nils tvBttoral Media a ataral wayeconomically
It gires you at the turn of a switch instan
taneous, safe, steady heat can be uked v
wherever there is an electric outlet.
All - portable Majeitio Electric Heaters are equipped with .
8 feet of heater, prd -
Majostio Electric. Heaters
are the original pa$hfed
heaters of ? thia " type.
' 4
Tktri Mr S ftrfbh typt Majistic
Tiiri txn 3 instrt typt Majtrtie
Isk your inlet tbtut Hltstle
Najtstic Electric Derelopaeat ,
, Caapuy t '
Ctmilictirtrt h hlnliet
auCHy SuFnadM
v Majesffc EfeefrfeJfeaftrs
Bcsf fa Creation for Heaf ffatfiatlea
Injunctioh Sought
To Prevent Transfer
Of Dwyer Securities
A motion asking for a temporary
injunction to prevent the speciat ad
ministrators of the estate of the late
George Dwyer, , fornVer wealthy
saloonkeeper, from ncgotiationg or
transferring securities ', and ' bonds
valued at more than $60,000 was
heard in district court yesterday.
The) action was brought by attor
neys representing Pwjcr's mother;
Mrs. Johanna Boyle.
IrDwyer's will he left $10,000 td
his mother. After this and several
minor bequests had been paid, the
residue was to go to his wife, Lou
isa Winthroll Dwyer. The will was
contested, in county court by the
mother, but upheld by County
Judge Crawford. Mrs. Boyle apr
pealed to the district court, ' where
the case is lending.
Mrs. Boyle alleges her son gave1
, 1, . S 1-
uer xaiuaoie secnrnics anu -tasit
previous to his death, .but she later
endorsed them back to him, navare
of the significance of hef action as
she can neither read nor write. " i
Cousin of Thomas Edison V .
Is Buried in Iowa Town
Atlantic, la., Dec. 15. Mrs. Louise j specting the work of Mrs. Sarah
Weaver, 84, a first cousin of Thomas
A. Edison, was hune0 Sunday after
noon from the Fir'st Presbyterian
church here. She was a pioneer of
the city, having come here nearly
half a "century ago. Mrs. Weaver
was a native of Canada and as a child
lived at Vienna, '- Ont., where she
often had as a playmate, Thomas
Edison, whose parents lived at Port
Huron, Mich. ,
- -
More than 12,000,000 tons of bit-,
ummous coal were produced in
United States during the week of
November 13. .
Here are a few of the latest hits in
Q. R. S. and Imperial Word and Story
Rolls that everyone should have in
their music library: . .. f
.. . .. ' j .
- All She'd Say Was UhmHum , . , .$1.25 t
Feather Your Neat $100
Grieving for You ..,..,...;..,... $1.25
Girt of My'Dreams ............$1.25
. Read 'Em and Weep $1.25
Just "Snap Your Fingera at Care.. $1.25 ,
' There's a Vacant Chair -at Home? ,
Sweet Home ...".$1.25
Holy City . ; . r: . . . . . . . . ...... . $1.00
A Christmas Story, (Fine for the -i
Kiddies) .... ...t. 1-3C
Wo carry a complete stock-of player -"
rolls to-fit all players. Hail orders re
ceive prompt attention.' Postage pre
paid on all orders of $5 or better. Write
for ; free catalogue; V . V 1
PIANO CO, Douglas .1623
New Location 1514,16-18 Dodge St
Speech Correction
In Schools of Omaha
- Urged by Dr. Swift
There is much need of speech cor
rection amcng the school children
of Omaha, according to Dr. W. B.
Swift of Boston, who is here ip-
Heywara JSartier, . instructor . m
speech correction for the city's pub
lic school.
Dr. Swift has been devoted to the
science of speech correction , for
many years and many of his pupils
are carrying on his work in various
cities of the country. There'S ccunty. lie pur'-'',t.e price wn 47
Yspetiduy large numper oi pupice!its per I ushei
who stammer in lOmaha, he said
yesterday. , v
"There shoula be a speech in
structor in every Omaha school," he
said. . "The process of correcting
speech is comparatively cheapo In
Cleveland last year, 25 speech
teachers cured 419 cases of defective
speech at an average cost, of $2.11
each. Mrs, Barber is doing
splendidly, but has mere work than
she can handle."
Of New Corn From County
' Page. Neb", Dec. 15. (Special
Telegram.) Joh.i Weber shippeJ a
carload of corn to the market, the
wrst car .n nev crrn leavmpr tne
Barricaded in House, ;
Man Holds ' Officers
At Bay Several Hours
,. ' . i : -,'t-v .
"Barricaded in hftj home at 2713
North Sixtv-second street, whither
he was pursued by police officers
after a young woman had reported
an attempted , assault yesterday,
.Thomas Watkins, j52, night watch
man ' for Swift & , Co.) held four
Omaha police at bay : for several
hours by firing through the win-
dows at them. . '.. j
"following the call for assistance
sent to headquarters by Policeman
Georpe Geisclmanj who had pursued
house hnd finally forced their way in
and arrested Watkins. , -f
- Neighbors say Watkins had been
acting oneerly tor several days. Dr.
G. W. Heauman, who has been at
tending . Watkins substantiated the
neighbors' reports and said he be
lieved Watkins' unusual actions to
be the result of his illness
.... , v. ,
12 Aulos Stolen Sunday .
And Monday All Rccovcre4 i
Twelve automobiles, stolen front
Omaha streets Sunday and "Monday,
have all been reebverert by Chief ot
Detectives Charlie Van Deuswi's
automobile squad f sleuths. This
is said to bfr a record in the annals
of Omaha police.
Watkins, the officers surrounded the v Bee want ads are business getters.
T" m ' 1 Tl" ' "TTT 'Wlrmmi " !1 V 'I ''f-
The scientific blending of reliable vetretalile remedies
of benefit to persons who suffer from
NcrvowmcM . Slecplcanics - -Depression
' Loawof AppcMtc
Brain Fag Digestive TroaMea
Slow. Recovery frost Imflaenza and Kladresl AflaaentB
Are you run down Are you frrltabl? Are you 'over worked T
Then try thfi approved remedy and satisfy yourjelf of it benefictl Jn-
grediente. In original 16-ot. -bottle only. .
Sole Manufueturera - ' For Sale by Kansaa City, Mo.,
- - No. 1809 So. 16th Street. t . V '
iKo. 2-T-2002 Farnam Street
and leading Nebraska druggists,
C JJ1 ,aa"1 "et
To the Public-r :
WliWe art Compelled to Ash for Increased Rates:
j" ' -a
H It hasicc)t us One Dollar and Tfyirty-Six Cents lor everyV
One Dollar bur income has increased. s
y During September,-October and November, 1920, our op-
erating expenses alone, NOT including investment charges, T
replacements and renewals, increased more than our income. ,
. ' . , ' ; " ' ' .
Our inepme increased in these month$128,537.71, while
our operating expenses during the same "period" increased
:- $174,4826. V l-s ' - J ' '
I It is an actual fact-that less than 1 PER CENT has been ,
received t on the last Five 'Milton Dollars spent by "Your
-Electric Service Com paiiy'ln extending its service to the
people, of Omaha. , - - 'y -
" '' .... j' , ' '
Q No business can be conducted on an interest rate of but .
-7 Fpef cent. r .
. VLe must have an increase in revenue to pBtain money
for enlargement' of' our property to' keep pace vith the
growth of Omaha, and you ivvill agree we are entitled to a ' ;
Reasonable Return on the. Fair Value ot our. property. .
Closing Out All Our
Clothing and Shoes
Erery Suit and Overcoat
at H Prieo
Shoes, 60c on Dollar
..$2.00 House Slippers, $1.00
$1.00 Rubbers, 39e
s 314 N. 16th St.
y i-i. n.i ' ' -;
. - Oariag the season of Christmas
shopping, great care should he
taken to avoid colds that are
likely to result in grip and pneu
monia. The excitement of the
time, the sudden change from the
close nd suffocating air of the
. 'big stores to the street, are all
- ' dangerous
The value ' ft lather John's
Medicine in treating and prevent
ing colds, grip and pneumonia,
has been proven by over 65 years
success. It is a pure and whole
- some fwd medicine builds new
' .flesh and strength to fight off
colds and grip. Its gentle laxa
tive effect drives out impurities.
Father John's Medicine is guaran
teed free from alcohol or danger-
- .' ous drugs.
I '
You can tell'Santa Claus just what you want. If youate a , y
telephone m your home, take down the receiver tonight between
d onrl Q rtnlrnlr nnA .oil ' 1 1 , , f'"." 1
That's Burgess-Nash number then
tell you Central you want to speak to
Santa Claus.
We have .arranged with Santa Claus to
be here at the store to answer every little
boy and girl who calls for him between 6
jnd 9 o'clock tonight. Tell him your name :
nd address and what to bring; you for
Christmas A . . l.
For the Children Who Cannot I
y s Telephone ,
. Santa Claus has a big mail box to
receive the letters you write to him.
Write Santa Claus tonight, tell him
I ,hat you want for Christmas and
end or bring the letter to Burgess
Nash Toyland and be sure to, sign
your nante and address bo Santa Can
answer it. ' r
-. i-