Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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Man Unalle to
' ..nliiHmmJ.iniium.u uf-vu.umlmmmmm i nMIIHilimiMlllliilllllllllliminilM IIIIIHIlllllllllllllilllllll'IIIIIIIIIIM iillll!l'llllllllllilil!li llllllWllill llllilllllllMillMIIII lllllllllllllllllllllllillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli
HllimimiltHiiirmmiftftiii'LJiHMi;miminmim " 1 " j "--""TT. ,Tm .;'"-' ju: ... .... i - , s-..-?. , it j-g . . .- . ... -
After Visiting
the New
Fifth Floor
Manage Affairs,
Savs Brother
Relative Asserts That Defend
,. ant in Land Deed Case Was
Mentally, Incompetent
From Debauches.
, . , - . . '
bovisex )
Fremont, Neb., Dec. 14. (Special
Telegram.) Ogden Milligan,
brother of the defendant in the Cur-ran-Milligan
deed cass, who entered
the petition for intervention by the
court, took the stand today and tes
. tihcd that his brother was mentally
.. unable to control his affairs when
jthe $12,000 plot of land was trans
ferred by him to Curran. which he
alleges was done following threats
"ji suit for alienation of affections of
?elma Shor alleged wife of Jack
Short of Omaha. -
He stated that his brother had
returned from Omaha in a serious
condition following prolonged de
bauches and that he was a physical
'wreck, resulting from jntoxication.
He alleges that Jack and Zelma
Short are not man ' and wife and
, that the woman , was used to drag
Joseph Milligan into an affair with
her, by which means Jack Short
was able to hold him in his power
by threats of lawsuits. He stated
that he had hired detectives to trace
his brother and to investigate his
actions in Omaha and had found
them to be disgraceful.
Dr. Robert Nichols, Omaha, tes-'
tified that he had treated the de
fendant for intoxication.' Dr. Bart
lett, Omaha, stated that Milligan
naa come to his, office for treat
ment. Dr. Coulter, alienist, Omaha,
testified that the actions of the man
as brought out by the court, proved
him to be mentally incompetent and
irresponsible. ' . v ?
A witness from Scribner gave tes
timony as to the peculiar actions of
the defendant when at home and
said that Milligan had ruined bis
business by ny lecting' it. ,
. f r
West Point Citizens on Way
Home From Washington
Washington, D. C, Dec. 14. (Spe
cial Telegram.) O. C. Anderson of
West Point, Neb., who has been a
Washington guest for several days,
has left for Nebraska, but will re
main in Chicago until his daughter
Ruth, caiv join him for the Christmas
holidays. Mfss AlWerson is af stin
dent at National Park seminary.
) Memorial Services Held
Madison, Neb., Dec. 14. Special
Telegram.) Impressive memorial
services were held in the district
court here, Judges Welch -and Allen
officiating, in memory " of Attorney
Burt Mapes of Norfolk, who died
several weeks ago.
Still Used as Evidence.
Lake Andes, S. D., Dec. 14. One
ot tne largest suns in souin iaxuia
is said to have been presented as
evidence when the case of the state
agninsr",Bucjote was called for trial
tThe combination
of mealiness, mild
saltiness, crisp
ness,, and full
wheatflavormakes PREMIUM SODA
appropriate for
every meal.
Cedar Chests
for Christmas
Priced for This
Week at
Bo wen's
ever before have we
displayed a betterjine of
Cedar Chests in all sizes,
designs and styles thaji
right now. All women
appreciate a Chest, and
nothing would be more
aimroDriate for a Xmas
; Gift'' than a Bowen's
ueaar unesi.
The workmanship, ma
terial and the genuine
Tennessee Red Cedar is
the best we could buy
realizing that nothing is
too good S or our custom
ers. ,
They were bought in
carload lots, and we are
offering them at this
time at such reduced
prices that all will be
able to buy.
And, as usual, you
make your own terms.
' -Advertisement
r -v I I
These Low Prices
as Long as
Quantities Last!
From 9 to 10 a. m.
"Mazda" Bulbs
Regular 40c Values
23c '
Surplus lamps from the army and
navy department; all perfect; 25 and
40 watt; one of the biggest bargains
of the year.
Fifth Floor West
Mahogany Boudoir
i Desk Lamps
Mahogany B o u d o ir
and Desk Lamps; pop
ular and attractive for
gifts; silk shades, and
French flower decora
tions; each, .complete,
Ash Trays
Of solid mahog
any, with match
holder, cigar
rests, glass tray, special, each
Work Boxes
Children's C r e t onne
Work Boxes, containing
thread, needles, darning
needles, thimble, etc.;
. each, ,
Book Ends
, Polychrome, solid
mahogany and bronze
dook enas; many at
tractive designs; priced
at, per pair
6.00, to
'25.00 ;.
Reproduction of old Italian
candlesticks; soft Italian color
ing; each .
Candle Shades
. Silk Candle,
'Shades; silk lined;
French flower dec
. orations; special,
each ' .' .
75c to 2.25
Oriental AVork .
Oriental Work
Baskets withy
Chinese coin and
bead decorations,
some have paint-'
ed designs on
lids; prjeed at
1.75, to 7.50 -
Price Illustrations
' Wednesday Hour Sales
From 9 to 10 a.rn.
' 500
4 Pieces Fine French
Worth 2.00 to 7. 00
1.00 '
Hair brushes, mirrors, combs, per
fume bottles, trays, picture frames,
cloth brushes, hat brushes, buffers, ,
pin cushions, salve jars, etc.
Main Floor West.
Sofa Pillows
RouncSSilk Sofa Pillows shirred
to center and finished with sill
ornaments; rose, blue, gold and
mulberry; each
In This
rran tt .
37.50 to 40.00
Values r
. i
Pottery Bowls r
A Green Pottey -,,
Bowl with three Nar
cissus bulbs, packed in
box with verse; special
" ! "
From 9 to 10 a. m.
Good Hockey
Worth 50c to J .00 V
Just the thing for cold weather and
school; in all the good colors; warm
and comfortable and fine for sports
or everyday wear.
Basement East. '
in Ar
On Sale Third Floor
Desk Sets
Five-piece Brass Desk
Sets, consisting of desk
blotter, roll blotter, paper
knife, pen tray and ink
well; per set
, 3.95'
An Opportunity for'Christmas
;&eat Sale of
New lmps and" shades, just unpacked for your gift-giving.
What can make a room or, home more coy ftian one or more of
these charming lamps? v There are so many styles to choose frpm;
the workmanship isxce'llent, the- materials ihigh grade and, the
blending of colors charmingly artistic.
- Combinations of Silks, Satins and Fringe
' Some are made of solid color silks, whie others are combined
with fancy figured silks and satins; chenille, silk and antique goW
metal fringe finish each shade. The bases are of mahogany finish,
two styles to choose from the gracefully slender one or the med
ium heavy. They are regular $37.50 to $40.00 values ;Or A A
while they lastucomplete for. uD.Vv
, , Main Floor East. - ,
Waste Baskets
Wicker Waste
Baskets in pink,
light green and blue
tinted floral wreath
decorating; each
mim BMljHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii llilillllllilliillllilllilililllllHililllllll
From 9 to 11 a. m.
2,400 .
Worth 25c to 49c
' Dogs, horses, cats, elephants and
rabbits; toysthat will delight the
children on Christmas morning; serv-'
iceable, will not break.
Sh Floor
Gift Suggestions
Waste Baskets
' Oriental
Waste Baskets
in three sizes;
each , '
1.25 and 1.50
Gift Seekers
No C. O. D.'s
or ,
Phone Orders
Ostrich (kill
Pen Sets-
ostrkh Quill
Pen,' with cup
and shot ; attrac
tive- colors. A -
really beautiful, popular
and useful gift; priced,
per set very reasonable, at
Returns No ..
Deliveries on Articles'
From 5 to 6 p. m.
' 450
Embdi Slippers
Worth 1.00 Pair '
59c '
For boudoir wear; colors are Tose,
"pink, navy, copen and light blue, wis
teria, purple, gray, maize and black;
mostly small sizes. ,
Third Floor West.
Card board Tele
, phone Screens
Cardboard Telephone
Screens; an attractive
decoration for the
room; in Colonial dolls
in colors; a popular,
yet inexpensive gift;
Silk Boxes
For Gloves and Hand
kerchiefs. With hand- f?
painted celluloid tops; in fit&)$
blue, and pink only; spev vLllll.
ciat eacn,
" Table Scarfs
Velour and Tapestry Scarfs for
library tables; mulberry, rose,
blue, brawn and green ; special
- 5.95
Smoking Stands
Floor Smoking
Stands w l t h
glass tray, match
holder and cigar
rests; special, each,
Ash t
Large individual kjnd, of nick
el ; two cigar rests ; red. blue,
green and yellow linings under
glass; special, each,
Of solid mahogrfny; six
designs from the cutely
squatty ones to the tall, '
graceful ones; choice, .
8 A 3f
Camel Desk
Lamps "
Camel Desk Lamps in at
tractive colorings' s that will
blend with any decoration. So
cute you will love them and
priced at, only , -
I can't help comparing this
year's shopping with that of
.Jast year, particularly when I
want to buy china or house
furnishings. Do you remember
that last year there was no such
thing as a fifth floor? Chinn
was sold in the west arcade and
house furnishings in the buse
ment Now you get to these
departments by taking the
south side elevators, which have
recently been cut through to
the sixth floor; but at the fifth
FOR here it is that the most
alluring Christmas array
is presented. There is no one
on my list for whom I could
not choose a useful and beauti
ful present if I were so
minded right here on this
floor. The display arranged
for the benefit of Christmas
shoppers is the prettiest I've
seen in, any department of its
kind this season. One novelty,
displayed up near the entrance,
caused me to rub mj eyes and
IT was a Japanese post lamp
of hand-painted parchment
in rich Oriental colors. When
I asked to see it lit I was sur
prised to find the bulb nestling
down in' the wide cylindrical
stand. The light shining
through the rich decoration has
a snbdued warmth that gives an
effect of cheery hospitality.
The wide shade gives a quaint
reminder of Japanese pagodas,
while the landscape brings out
more fully the atmosphere of
Old Nippon. I bought one and
turned to
FROM somewhere over near
the center of the room
came the mellow chimes of a
dinner gong. I was surprised
that I had to walk so-far to get
to the center of the room! And
all the way over I walked .be
tween tables of china in French,
English and other European
makes, as well as fine Vmeri
can porcelains and crystal
wares of the most alluring de
signs. But I finally found what
I was after dinner chimes in
four tones, with felt-co Ted
hammer. It is a gift that will
be appreciated by people who
like to entertain.
WHERE do you suppose
those v Mexican IndianB
got the designs with which they
decorate their strange pottery?
Those pieces have designs so
strangely like some of the
Egypian characters and even
slightly resembling the ' Greek
or Roman designs with which
ive are familiar, I sometimes
wonder if Columbus was just
as up-to-the-minute as he
thought he was. These pieces,'
they tell me, are made by the
Indians of Guadalajara, with
out supervision of any trades
men, and really, their very im
perfections of shape and design
speak their genuineness.
T COULD v talk all day about
A the things I saw in the china
department, but I mutt tell you
about the house furnishings de
partment. It occupies the en
tire west end of the floor. Elec
tric goods are displayed in very
complete assortment electric
irons, Roasters, grills, chafins;
dishes, percolators, and even,
over by the north wall, they
have vacuum sweepers, washing
machines and ironing machines.
THERE are serving trays and
nut bowls in mahogany,
casseroles in Guernsey and Py
rex glass. And then there, are
the wonderful things for the .
kitchen tables of gleaming
aluminum, flashing white
enamelware, shiny black roast
ers and ranges, both for gas
and coal. The .combination
ranges, which will burn either
gas or coal, are wonderful con
veniences for the small kitchen
where both are used. And the
prices here should decide ny-
one to buy in this department.
A rise in the world, not only
in altitude, but in class and in
service has been the fortune of
these two departments. They
have advanced from the main
and basement floors to the
fifth floor, and where last year
they occupied 12,710 sqbaw'.
feet of floor space, .now they
occupy 35,000 square feet.