it li 4. i . THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 12. 1920. 4 A Conference Called On Children's Code Commission Program Governor S. R. McKelvie and Secretary H. H. Antles of the Pub lic welfare committee, will hold a mcetiiig at the governor's mansion in Lincdln at 2:30 Monday afternoon, tovfthich member of the Nebraska League of Women Voters, Nebras ka Federation of Women's clubs, W. C. T. U. and the Parent-Teachers association have been invited to discuss the legislative program of the Children's code commission. All Omaha members of these organiza tions are urged to attend. There will be a meeting of the legislative committee of the League of Woman Voters Mondav morning at 10:30, at the Y.; W. O-A., in Lin coln. Mrs. Charles Dietrich -. Hast ings, chairman ' of the Nebraska League of Woman Voters, received a telegram Saturday from the Na tional League of Woman Voters ad vising that the Shepherd-Towner bill would come dp for vote in the United States senate Monday, December 13. Women throughout the state will send telegrams to Senator Hitchcock urging him to vote in the affirmative. A. R. and all affiliated organiza tions. Mose P. O'Brien, past division commander, will preside. Talk will be made by Frank Mills, di vision commander; Col. J. E. Pres son, G. A. R. ; department com mander; Mrs. C. E. Adams, Byron G. Burbank of Manderson Camp No. 1 and Lieut. Gov. Pelhara A. Bar rows, commander-in-chief of N the Sons of Veterans. There will be music. - ' Persian Educator Will Talk Here! Omaha from the cast tomorrow eve ning. He is visiting America to intro duce the" principles of the interna tional movement of unity and broth erhood, ' based upon social, indus trial, educational and religious re- ibis subject for a talk Wednesday I noon at 11:30 in the Y. V. C. A. fessor Mazandarani's concluding lecture in Omaha, Thursday eve ning at 8 in the ballroom of the Castle hotel. Professor Mazandarani will be entertained at the home of Mrs, W. P. Olds. 1010 South Twenty-eighth" street, during his stay in .Oinalia. Country Cluh Stockholders , Will Hold Annual Meeting Stockholders of the Omaha Coun try club will meet for dinner at 7 and annual business meeting at tht Omaha club Tuesday evening for j election of officers, consideration dfj finances and general discussion oj plans for the coining year. ! Sons of Veterans to v Elect Officers Monday the Omaha Woman's-, club. Before the'Theosophical society Wednesday evening at 8 in the Lei fang building, he will talk on "The Universal Consciousness of Christ." At the regular luncheon of the Omaha Concord club Thursday noon in the llensiiaw hotel, the pro fessor will, discuss "Old aadKe Life in Pcr9a," and will appear be fore the Theosophical society again that afternoon at 2:30 to tell of "The Master Kev to Self Master Is Self Fortgetfulness." "Abdul Baha, His Life and His Teachings," is the subject of Pro Reorganization Gen. Charles F. Manderjon camp No. 1, Sons of Veterans, will be c3mplet?d at a meeting tomorrow evening in the G. A. 1, rooms of the court house at, 8 with the election of officers. Members of the division council and past division commanders will gather for dinner at the Paxton ho tel Wednesday evening, after whi".h a public patriotic meeting will be held in the council chamber of the city hall of Soas of Veterans. G. Profesbor of Shah's University Will Deliver Addresses Be fore Various Omaha Organ izations This Week. j (juircments of the present day. ! He will PDeak before the Omaha Lions club in the Rome hotel. Tues day noon. The same afternoon u 2:.i0. he will speak on "Thjvjdeals of the New Age," before the meta physical society. In the evening at 8, he will talk on- the solution ot the economic problem, in the Patter son block at Seventeenth and Far nain streets. "The Poetry of Persia" will be A spring wire device that keeps a penholder in the correct position has been invented to aid in teaching pen .Jeiube Faze! Mazaudaraui, pro-t'-iior of philsoohy in the Shah's ufivrtrsitv. Persia, will arrive in manship. i i iPHONE TYLER 3000 i i r i r in riwrmn turi i i i i iit i i i i i i r n r i i n i r it il - r ; i' ri r i-1 i i i i ik i i i i i iii i i i i i i TvV 5ti sfl : r ' J i i: ; . m I if 3 4 Am... " v.- - S uranrotw. una mm Interesting Fascinating Wonderful Queen Anne Sewing Cabinet Similar to Cut Hxocuted in Solid Mahogany and well fitted and -furnished. Regular viilue $21.50. Adjustment sale price ' 16.50 116 00 Grav Enameled Knitting Stand ...,,,..( $22.00 Brown Mahogany Sewing Stand ' CHRISTMAS GIFTS Are Offered in Never Ending Variety at Gate-Leg Table 13x34 Folded 34xji4 Open. A real table in every sense of -the word, fash ioned from choice mahogany stock, finished antique brown and fitted with small drawer , 39.00 Drop Leaf Table Tea Cart Exactly as Illustrated, carefully built ot se lected mahogany, finished antique. The full lift-off tray top Is a great convenience, while the easy running rubber tire wheels afford quick and noiseless manipulation a good value at $57.50, on SPECIAL SALE " : 48.00 Other Tet Carts as low as ,$12..v0 & ;v- 'j - o ., Spinet Desk This beautiful little desk is true Colonial in design, well executed in mahogany. Splen didly finished and fitted for real use. Regu lar $69.00 value . 48.00 Smoter, , ascot, In ; mahofany, 13.50 A Rugs Adjustment Sale Prices 1 . T 1 f as Christmas Gifts tf-aMAiWIi Rugs have for many years been considered among the most useful and desirable gifts. The fact that you can buy them in all sizes, colors and designs, - qualit-ies and textures makes it easy to fit the pock etbook. We are showing an especially fine assort ment of Oriental and Chinese Rugs, as well as an enormou variety of Domestic Fabrics. The prices on all our nigs have been ADJUSTED so that you will purchase your gifts to advantage. - Bf" 7" mi m m mj'T'm J n ilk III fcTf Tl tiki 3 Rugs Small Sizes $ S.oO Axminster Rugs, 27xo4, floral and ori ental patterns J s 7.75 Heavy Velvet Rugs, 27x54, good colors, patterns f.r.- 8.25 Axminster Rugs, 36x(i3, oriental patterns 11.75 Fine Wilton Rugs, 27x54, copies of orientals 24.00 Bundhar Wilton, 36x63, extra heavy " rug 31.50 Finest Wilton Rugs made, 36x63, very - soft colors ' 2.35 Hit and Miss Rag Rugs, 27x54, light colorings 7.00 Extra Quality Rugs, 36x72, in blues, gold and pinks , 6.50 Oval Grandmother Rugs, 30x60, old fashion weave , '. 10.25 Chenille Reversible Rug, 30x60, .bean-' . tiful colors 6.00 Reversible Bath Rug, 24x36, tile coloring O.OO Wool Bath Rug, 30x60, natural colors. . OOO : 300 V 5 3.95 5.95 7.50 9.75 19.75 24.50 1.75 5.95 4.95 " 8.75 4.75 7.00 Oriental Rugs $ 12.30 Anatolian Mats, 2-llxl-lb, soft red colors $ 10.0C 37.50 Anatolian Mats, 3-3x1-8, rose and blue colors 33.50 55.00 Jinest Sarouk-2x2, dark rose and blue t 49.00 28.50 Belouchistan Rug, 3:3x3-3, dark blue and rose 22.50 V 75.00 Mosoul Rug, 6-4x3-1, ivory, blue mixed , , y 60.00 110.00 Iran Rug, 5-10x3-9, tan, blue, all-over 97.50 135.00 Shlraz Rug, 5-10x3-10, 'dark red and wine 110.00 " 385.00 Dozar Rug, 6-2x5, blue ground.. 350.00 v 135.00 Chinese Rug, 9x6, blue ground. ivory pattern 110.00 525.00 Mahal Rug, 10-3x8-9, rose and camel hair 475.00 775.00 Laristan Rug, 12x'9, all-over pattern ...1 675.00 820.00 Melaz Rug, 12-5x9-2, soft pink and blue 750.00 Many other large and small orientals at big reductions. OOO- -OOO Gift Shop Sale Possibly the very best place for many miles around 1o buy individual gifts is our Main Floor Gift Shop. The sale now being conducted in this shop adds a new zest because the bargains to be secured are very obviously extraordinary. Standard Lamps in all finishes arc reduced 25 t 50. Silk and Parchment Shades are reduced 2o to 50'' All Sheffield Silver is reduced 25. . ,. Pottery in a very wiyle variety is marked down 20 to 50. ' ' Old Freneli Luneville Dinner China is offered at a re duction of 30. Pewter Serving Ware is reduced 20.( Hand Painted Tin Candy and Cigarette Boxo are sharp ly cut in price. Some very attractive glass pieces and set's have been cut in price.- We advise you to make selections in this shop, taking all. the 1 time that is necessary to make wise purchases. But we A urge shopping arly while the specialiy priced goods are to be had. . ; ' . i OOO -OOO Mahogany Sipokers JiS.TI Three-Piece Mahogany - ff Smoker ia offered la the III I II I Sale at J-V.VV7 About Thirty other Patterns are offered . from $3.00 ip. Suggestions From Our Drapery Dept. TABLE RUNNERS of;, Tapestry anrt.roquette. Good designs and colors ?6.00 Tapestry covers. S4.85 40 and $50 Damasks, $29.75 4.75 Tapestry covers, 3.85 $10.50-$8.75 Moquettes, .$6.85 14.50 Tapestry covers, 10.00 $6.85 Moquettes ...S5.00 TAPESTRY PIECES for Pil!o Tops End Wall Panels I 2.5 Values $1.85 ?22.50 Values..,.. $18.50 3.50 Values 2.50 15.50 Values 12.00 11.50 Values 8.75 42.50 Values 35.00 DAMASK Pillow Tops or Squares or for Table Tops i $7.00 Values $5.75 . $4.75 Values $3.85 $12.75 Values $10.00 FANCY PII-LOWSOf Cretonne, Damask and Velvet '$10.00 Values $7.50 $5.00 Values $2.50 , 8.00 Values 5.00 Values 1.50 $11.50 to $17.50 Vahh's. . . .$10.00 MOQl'KTTE COUCH COVERS in Chinese design, 60 in. bv..1 yds.: $37.50 values, at ; $29.75 In Our Department of Interior Decoration Hand Made Replicas of Time Honored Furniture . i V ' at Reduced Prices $2:!8.50 Hand Carved Arm Chair, Chippendale reproduction cov ered in aH wool tapestry with moss trimming, at K ... $185.00 $92.00 Hand Carved 17th Cen tury Arm Chair 75.00 $190.00 Walnut Table with burl - inlaid top, Chippendale repnea loU.UU A $91.50 Early English. Hand Carv- -jf ed Hall Chair, Charles II pe- ' riod reproduction 75.00 $l)S.00 Mahogany Post Cglonial Arm Chair, covered in all silk brocade 75.00 $190.00 leather Screen, English import, hand decorated 150.00 $65.00 Polychrome Table Lamp, Chinese design .'. 50.00 $15.00 Silk Shade with double wound 5 in. deep silk frinse, moss trimming s 35,00 $315.00 Sofa, single scat cuShiou. 3 separate back cushions, 2 bolster rolls, all filled with ' down 250.00 $58.50 p;arly English Eoot Bench covered in all wool tapestry. 35.00 $595.00 Special Chenille Rug, Italian Renaissance design.. 130.00 $105.00 Adam Floor Lamp, poly chrome finish with velvet shaft 85.00 $7(5.00 Adam Silk Shade to match with embroidered mo tifs, at 60.00 And many others that careful consideration will adjudge worthy. FIFTH FLOOR. Big Sale Values Immense Assortments ' $1.35 Printed Linoleums, all made on the burlap backs and in tile or fancy patterns, sq. yard.. 75t $2.10 Inlaid Linoleum, good ,heavy quality in wood and tile effects., sq. yard $1.45 $1.50 Plain Gray Linoleum inC-ft width only. This Is splendid vclue. Sq. yard $1.15 $1.65 Extra Wide Printed Linoleum in two dif ferent widths. 12-ft. and 7-ft. 6-in. Many rooms can be covered ..without any seams, a big advantage? Sq. yard '. $1.25 Room Size Rugs $ 36.00 Seamless Brussels Rugs in oriental pat- terns, good colors "...:....$ 28.75 30.00 Brussels Rugs having mitered corners and in all-over pattern and colors , 20.00 32.50 Reversible and Seamless Wool and Fiber , Rugs in seircolors; very easy to sweep 56.50 Heavy Axminster Rugs, all wool faced -In oriental and floral patterns 65.00 Seamless Velvet (lugs made by Alex Smith & Sons Carpet Co., beautiful patterns..... 110.00 Wool Wilton Rugs, splendid copies of ori entals and in large or small patterns 171.00 Finest Worcester- Rugs made, by Bigelow Hartford Co. and Hardwick & Magee, in soft rose and blue colorings, very fine 145.00 42.50 Lakewood Wilton, 6x9 Oriental patterns in Rose, Blue and Tan 37.50 66.00 Sloans Akbar Wilton, 6x9; plain and oriental designs 57.50 112.00 Wool Wilton, 83x100; allover designs in taupe and blue 1 02.50 OOO OOO 24.50 45.00 57.50 87.50 Toys -in a Toy Department that everybody loves to shop in Music-by Tom Brown's Orchestra, Clowns to en tertain, Santa Clans and his deer and just lots of things you'll enjoy. ' v- SPECIALLY PRICED TOTS LISTED BELOW Kiddie Kars (Genuine White) At Reduced Prices Quoted Below: riize 1 Regularly $1.75. Special, at Size 2 Regularly $2.50. Special, at.. Size 3 Regularly $3.00. -Special, at Size 4 Regularly $3.50. Special, at. $1.00 $1.75 $25 Size 5 Regularly $4.00. Special, at $3.00 China Tea Sets 8-Piece China Tea Set, reg. 40c. Specially priced, at '.10 C 13- Piccc China Tea Set. reg. 83c. Specially priced, at 65c 12-Piece China Tea Set, large size. reg. $2.25, at $1.75 14- Piece China Tea Set, large size, reg. $3.00, at S2.50 . 16-Piece-China Tea Set, large size, reg. $5.00, at $4.00 Teddy Bears (Extra Well Made) Some will squeak and cry out if you pinch their ears. Remem ber, they are exceptionally well made and of good, during ma terials. . 12-in. $1.40; sale price $1.00 16-in. $i00; sale price $1.50 18-in. ?l50; sale price $2.00 22-in. $3.25; sale price $2.75 24-Ui. $3.50: sale price S3. OO 26-in. $4.00; sale price $3.50 COO- -OOO - . Luggage A Big Suit Case or Wardrobe Truufc makes a wonder ful Christmas gift. In our Trunk Department e are conducting a Sale that will really please you just 20 Off All Luggage Tudor Period Fernery This splendid design done in mahog any will" be appreciated by all wht see it. The price is especially attrao tive. Regular 59.00 value. Now 45.00 $40.00 Queen Anne Walnut Fernery $9.5fl $35.00 Mahogany Cane Panel Fernery tliM $26.00 Decorated Mahogany Fernery $190 Other Ferneries as low as $ 6.75 VMS FLOOR Martha Washington Sewing Cabinet A full size three-drawer cabinet lift-out traj spool reel 'Sad large stor age compartments. Built of mahog any, finished antique brown. Regu lar 137.50 value v 27.50 Other Martha Washington at $28.50, ft.j.OU, $39.00 and fls.oo Gane Chairs and Rockers $27.50 Mahogany Cane Chair or Rocker, as il- Of) ()( lustrated, each V.IA $25.00 Mahoganv and Cane Rocker 19.50 32.50 Mahogany and Cane Chair or Rocker, , "Royal" Reclining Chairs (Twenty-five Patterns ) $08.0ii Mahogany Royal Reclining Chairs 50.00 $63.00 Mahogany Royal Reclining Chairs ..$19.00 $42.00 Mahogany Royal Recliniug Chairs iiiM $SS.OO Golden Oak Reclining Chairs $29.00 .ud Many Others. Cedar Chests 4-.r-ich Copper trimmed Chest -with , roifrtd eoinrr top, special $27.50 ) Others at $17.50 and $18.50 and up 1 1 1 ij "ORCHARD & W1LULLM CO.i i i in in imiiim utiti 1 1 t i i i i i t .