Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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Schedule Farm
Bureau Drives 1
After Holklays
State Headquarters Outline
An Intensive Campaign for .
Members During January
And February.
Lincoln, Neb?, Dec 11 (Special.
A schedule covering 21 Nebraska-f
c.ountics lias been mapped out by
?tate headquarter of the Farm Bu
reau federation for intensive mem
bership campaigns from January 10
to February 28. The same plan which
hits- been carried out in the 13 coun
ties already covered will be followed,
which calls for organization work in
"three counties each week.
,The schedule of counties is as fol
lows: 4 January 10, Keith, Cheyenne, Kim
ball. " January 17, Morrell, Scott Bluffs,
January 24, Sheridan, Holt, Cum-
" January 31,' Dodge,' Douglas, Col
fax. . February 7, Platte, Butler, Nance.
February 14, Howard, Valley, Cus
ter. : February 21, Phelps, Webster,
. February 28, Johnson, Otoe,
Saunders. v '
In each of counties, mass
meetings will be held at the most
convenient place in, the comity to
which every farmer in the county
will be invited to participate. At
these meetings the aims and pur
poses of the national, state, county
,-ind precinct " organization of the
Farm Bureau federation will be ex
plained. During the remainder of
ihe week the membership, drive will
be conducted by the precinct cap
tain and a staft man m a farm to
farm canvass. . '
Lawyer's Publicity
Campaign Opposed
, By County Attorney
Fremont, Neb., Dec. 11. (Spe
cial Telegram.) County Attorney
J. C. Cook has entered a motion in
the case of the Standard Bridge Co.
of Omaha against Dodge county, re
questing a restraining order on At
torney VV. J. Courtright of this city
from publishing articles in the Fre
mont Tribune, which he alleges is
unfair and illegal propaganda, be
cause it prejudices the people of this
county. The Standard Bridge Co.
claims that Dodge county owes them
money for bridge work done by
them and are asking for a judg
ment. While the case Is pending,
Mr. Courtright js having printed
daily articles why the county should
pay this claim and why the bridge
company is deserving, of itfe Ty.
County Attorney Cook alleges that
this is only propaganda and will
only serve to. prejudice the citizens
of this county and make it difficult
to empanel a jury.
Proceeds of Wymjire Dinner
! To Improve Library Lawn
. Wymore, Neb., Dec. 11. (Spe
cial.) The Wymore Fortnightly
club gave a public dinner Saturday.
The club has taken over the care
of the grounds surrounding the
public library, and the entire pro
ceeds from the dinner will be ap
plied to a fund for maintaining the
lawn and flower designs. Through
the efforts, of the club the grounds
have been supplied with more than
600 loads of rich oarth during the
past year. Mrs. U t. l rump is
president of the club.
I 2.000-Acre South Dakota
' Ranch and Cattle Sold
i Fairfax, S. D., Dec. 11. (Special
I Telegram.) The John Primm 2,000-
? acre ranch in Gregory county, on the
S Missouri river, s 10 miles northeast
of Fairfax, was purchased . the
Scott brothers of Sioux City. Mr.
K rrlmm tV a fnt'm near Parkston.
t S. D., and some Iowa land in the
exchange. The fine Primm herd of
' pure-bred cattle, one of the best
i Hereford herds in three states, was
S included in the deal. Consideration
was about $1 SO.O00.
f; r, .
$. Boyd County Constable '
3 Resigns Post ''Under Fire"
4 Lincoln, Dec. 11. (Special)
ef Attorney General Davis has re
's, ceived the resignation oi Anton Sed
lacek of . Spencer, Boyd county, a
constable recently mixea up m
some liauor activities and against
wnom proceeaings were auuui io
be started by the attorney general
for his removal from office.
Nebraska City Legion
Given Memorial Tablet
Nebraska City, Neb., Dec. 11.
The local chapter has presented to
the American Legion post of
this city a bronze memorial tablet
containing the names of the Otoe
county men who died in the service
Appropriate exercises will be held at
the court house Sunday atternoon.
Fillmore County Farmers
Get 533Jtfembers in Drive
Geneva, Neb.., Dec. ll.-Spe-cial.)
The third 'day of the can
vass for members in th,e farm bur
reau federation resulted in obtain
ing' 175 names. This makes 532
new members added to the roll of
jhaJFjllmore county bureau.
Z PVlT T -. TJ
v Grand Island, Neb., Dec. 11.
(Special) With , two days still to
go the membership drive in progress
in Hall county this week under
the direction of the Farm Bureau
federation has produced a total of
527 members.
Trades Hotel for Land.
Friend. Neb., Dec. 11. (Special.)
Thc hotel here has been traded by
the pry.cnt manager, W. H. Sutton,
i To JoTrn Beatty, a hotel owner at
Creston, la., for Iowa land. The
x- hotel building is a three-story brick
I Mission at Central City.
fe - Central City, Neb., Dec. 11. (Spe
cial.) A five-day mission service
will be conducted at the Episcopal
church commencing Monday. Rev.
, O. C Cc of Omaha will be in
New Bank at Verdon
May Buy Securities
Of Defunct Concern
Lincoln, Dec. 11. (Special.) The
Farmers State bank at Verdon,
which recently was granted a charter
by the state banking board, has of
fered to purchase all the securities
of the defunct Farmers and Mer
chats bank of that town, which it
considers of any value.
The Farmers and Merchants bank
was recently placed in the hands of
Dan J. Riley, tanker at Dawson, as
receiver and the stockholders of the
new banking institution have made
him an offer to take all paper with
the exception of about $17,000, which
is not considered good and will also
pay $5,000 for the building and fix
tures of the bank. The paper, which
is considered, good, is worth approxi
mately $600a
Johnson County Farmers
Oppose Cut in Wire Service
Tecumseh. Neb.. Dec. 11. (Spe
cial.) At a meeting of the John
son tuuiuy irtiwicio umuii ii
cumseh a resolution was passed de
claring that the 736 members of the
union are opposed to any changes
of service or raise in rates by the
Lincoln .Telephone and Telegraph
company. The action followed an
application to the State Railway
commission asking the so-called
"free county service" be discon
tinued. At a meeting- of the Te
cumseh Community club a similar
resolution was adopted.
The farmers elected the follow
ing officers: President, Robert
Sibb; vice president, Ed Stutheit;
secretary-treasurer, M. H. Carman;
delegate to state meeting, Henry
Lintz. J. 0. Shroyer of Humboldt
spoke to the farmers.
Wymore Citizens Finance
Building of Big Garage
Wymore, Neb., Dec. 11. (Spe
cial.) One of the largest garages in
the state is nearing completion here
with a floor space of 19,600 square
feet. It is equipped with special
repair machinery and two filling sta
tions. The building is located on
the Cornhusker highway,.wtth ap-n-..v,c.
,-n turn strppts and will
iuai.iit.i) vj. v " - t a
have five entrances. The enterprise
is financed by a stock company, m
which many leading citizens are in
terested. .
"Tommy" Clements Dies
Suddenly at wymore Home
Wymore, Neb., Dec. ll.r-Special.)
W. M. (Tommy) Cements, SO,
chief dispatcher at division head
quarters of the Burlington railroad
here, died suddenly today of acute
indigestion. He had been employed
by the Burlington for 17 years, atT
taining the post of chief dispatcher
in 1917. He is survived by his wife
and two small daughters. Funeral
services will be held Monday tnorn-J
ing at 10. -
Nebraska City Man Ordered
To Jail op Liquor Charge
XT-kck rtv Trh . Tiec. 11.-
t-j ThnrW arrested on a chares
of having sold intoxicating, liquors
to two boysj was lentenced to serve
70 days in the county jail here by
Judge A. A. Bischof in the count
court. Thacker appealed to the dis
trict court.
Marsland Stockman Will
-Feed Cattle at Sweetwater
Sweetwater, Neb., Dec. 11. (Spe
cial.) James Fox of Marsland has
shipped 11 cars ot 4-year-old steers
here which will be fed at the A. A.
Haddix farm. He estimates that he
will require 14,000 bushels of corn
and 300 tons of hay to feed them
during the winter. .
Oakland Cattle Men Ship
Special Train to Chicago
Oakland, tfeb., Dec. 11. (Special.)
Thirty-seven cars of cattle were
shipped to Chicago from this point
by a combination of local stockmen.
A special train vyas obtained pver the
T5t:rlinirton. T.' A. mnielson and
Walter Magruson
organized, the
Merrick County Drive
For Red Cross Completed
Ceiitral City, Neb., Dec. 11.
(Special.) The Red Cross drive
which has been in progress over the
county under the ditcction of
County, Chairman George E. Schil
ler is practically closed. Central
City shows a return of"$350.
Hebron Store Fails.
, Hebron, Neb., Dec. 11. (Spe
cial.) The grocery and meat .mar
ket belonging to H. E. Rumbaugh
was closed by creditors. Mr. Rum
baugh has been in business in He
bron for about six years.
Lighting Fixtures Qranden Elec-
.l.V V r, .W....V. MW.U.
Qq. Adv.
Parole Legislation
Is Favored by Davis
V In Talk to Sheriffs
Grand Island. Neb.. Dec. 11.
(Special.) Recommendations to the
next session of the legislature for
, . . , . i ,
legislation io reguiaie paruuns aim
paroles was forecast 'by Attorney
General Davis in, an address to the
sheriffs of the state at their annual
convention here. These recom
mendations appeared to have been
elicited in part by a criticism of the
pardon ana parole record by Coun
ty Attorney William Suhr of Hall
county. In a response at the ban
quet tendered the visitors the coun
ty attorney declared emphatic- op
position to the manner : in winch
pardons and paroles"- have been
granted during the pist three years.
This statement followed one by
Gus, A. Hyers to the effect that
during the last two years 40 of
ficers had been killed in -the per
formance of their duties, though Mr.
Hyers was at the time comparing
the chances sheriffs took with the
salaries paid them.
Following Attorney Suhr's com
ment, Attorney General Davis de
clared he would recommend to the
governor a central bureau for law
enforcement and, furthermore, the
establishment of a board to consist
of the governor, secretary of state,
and attorney general which should
receive written application from any
prisoner setting forth what he asked
forthat a day be set for the har
ingirhat public notice be given for
a sufficient length of time in the
newspapers in order to give people
time to enter objections if such there
were; that notice be sent to the
county attorney, judge, and sheriff
ofth county from which the man
was sentenced and' that the b&'ard
have power to subpoena witnesses.
Mother of Hotel Man Hurt
When Automobiles Crash
Mrs. Harrey Conant, mother Tfy
Harley , Conant, proprietor of the
Conant hotel, suffered body bruises
at 12:30 a. m. Saturday when an auto
mobile in which she was riding witlU
Mrs. , C. B. Tate, Portland- apart
ments, and Mrs. B. Zondit; San
ford hotel, collided-wfth an Omaha
taxicab occupied by C. C. McCrack-,
en,N4320 Marcy street, at Thirty-'
eighth. and Calofirnia, streets. The
women were returning from the
home of Mrs. R. J. Tate, Thirty-,
seventh and Dodge streets. Mc
Cracken was severely cut and
bruised and was taken to the Fen
ger hospital and later to his home.
Spontaneous Combustion
Cause of Fire at Wymore
yWymore, Neb., Dec. llA-(Spe-cial.)
Investigation that
spontaneous combustion probably
was the cause of the fire in the
postoffice here. The winter's sup
ply of coal was. stored in the cellar,
andUhe fire followed an explosion.
Two large plate glass windows in
the front of the building were blown
out of the frames.
Not a single piece of "mail was
burned, though a considerable
quantity was slightly damaged by
smoke and water It is said that
$1,000 will cover the loss to build
ing, and fixtures.
Union Pacific Employes
Hold Safety First Meeting
ti Columbus, Neb., Dec. 11. (Spe
cial.) An enthusiastic safety meet
ing was held here- over 6o employes
and officials of the UnioV Pacific
being present. J. M. Guild, head of
the safety organization, made the
principal address.
It is planned at one. of the meet
ings in the near future to show a
movie picture illustrating the causes
that lead up to accidents. J. E.
Mulick, C. M. Highsmith. train
master; E. T. Boynton, division en
gineer; A. D. Schermerhorn of the
engineering department, and E. ' C.
Grant, superintendent of signals
were among the officials present.
Addresses Tecumseh Club
Tecumseh, Neb., Dec' 11. (Spe
cial.) R ailway Commissioner
Thorne Browne of Lincoln ,was the
speakere at the Teculnseh Commu
nity club meeting. .He spoke at
length of the railway commission,
its duties, authority and power.
War on Speeders.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Dec. 11. (Spe
cial.) Renewed activities against
speeding have resulted in the arrest
of 12 violators of the 10-mile limit
prescribed by city ordinance and the
increase in city police funds by more
than $100. .
Cannot Furnish Bond.
'.Nebraska City, Neb.. Dec. 11.
(Special.) Elmer Preston, arrested
at Imperial and returned here on
a charge of wife and child deser
tion, is confined in the county jail
being unable to furnish boi' ,
Paroled Convict
Can't Be Located
Acting Governor Harrows Re
vokes Parole of Man Freed
' For. Harvesting. '
Frank St. Claire, whose parole
from the Nebraska penitentiary was
revokedv Thursday by Acting Gover
nor P. A. Barrow on receipt of word
of his arrest on liquor charges in
Council Bluffs. cohW not be located
by Secretary Johnson of the board of
public welfare,, whom Acting Gover
nor Barrows sent for the former con
vict. When questioned yesterday about
St. Claire's sudden disappearncef
after reporting regularly in accord
rnce with his parole, Acting Gover
nor Barrows seemed considerably
agitated, but declined to make a
His agitation, it is said, is over the
report that information given him to
spptirp St. Claire's release, on the
strength of which Barrows signed a
The Gift of a
Thompson-Bclden Fur
These Special
A niiik coat, for, $850.
A squirrel coat, $495.
A fancy coat with
skunjs collar and cuffs,
may be had for $150.
A Hudson seal coat,
36-inch, with skunk
collar and cuffs, $425.
Thompson JMckn &Co.
The: Better Part of .
Distinctive, footwear
Is the New Hosiery
For it has been
chosen 'with a
' fine regard to its
to every costume
. and o c c asion,
and due regard
to the sorely
tried purse of
the shopper.
Our "
. Lace hose may be had
iria great many fine'
designs, all-over o r
lace boot styles, in
white, black, cordovan
and navy
Embroidered hose
with very beautiful
hand work up the in
step are to be had in
black, white and
Ohompsotr ,ftdcten & Co.
4 parole in May, 1919, has proved false.
Barrows said he signed tne paroie
when told St. Claire hada farm north
of -Council Bluffs, wKre his teams
were standing idle and his crop need
ed harvesting, as a patriotic move.
C. Petrus Peterson, attorney, idepti
fied with the sensational parole of
Beryl C. Kirk a year ago, handled
St. Claire's case. ' ' . ' "
Albion to Entertain
District Hi-Y Clubs
- . V
Albion, Neb., Dec. n.-(Special.)
The Albion High school is to en
tertain one of the district conven
tions of the Hi-Y clubs of Nebraska,
January 14, 15, 16. in this city. The
Community club qf Albion. is back
ing the project and plans art being
formulated for the entertainment of
the delegates from oyer 80 high
schools in the 1$ counties in ' this
district. Prominent speakers are to
appear on the program and a lahge
attendance is expected. The local
Sgh school has one of the strongest
i-Y clubs" in the states and for that
reason the conference is to be held
Bee want ads are business getters.
Means sheer . de
light in its beauty,
and confidence in
its authenticity.
A soft, warm
coat o f Hudson
seat, mink , or any
other lovely pelt.
. i
ft A wrap that. is
half cape, half stole
but far better-looking
than eitherl
ft Or a smaller skin
fashioned into' a
smart scarf or
choker. K ,
Values Monday
A Hudson seal coat
with beaver collar and
cuffs, 45-inch, $57. ,
A brown, black or
cross fox scarf for $50.
Black lynx shawl col
lar for $75.
A mole scarf for $50.
A Hudson seal muff,
for only "$25.
The Fur Shop Third Flpdr.
Clocked v hosiery is per
haps the most desir
able gift hosiery one
could find. We have
white, cordovan and
black silk hose with,
self-colored or contras-'
ting clocking. v ,
Eyening'shades areNto
be had in a sheerly
beautiful stocking; sil
v e r, gold, bronze,
brown, pink or blue
are obtainable.
Center Aide Main Floor.
i it i 1 1 i
Ohompsoti ,Mdcn & Co.
Thompson-Bcldcn Linens
Bear a Generation-Old
Reputation for Quality
Very large and comprehensive display assure
you a pleasing selection. Merchandise of our s
v own importation assures you the lowest price
possible to quality. ' y
1 Our Christmas assortments include:
Fine Damask Cloths,
Madeira Embroideries ' "
ClunyVenetian and Filet ,
Cloths and Scarfs
Mosaic Work Linens
j . Towels of all Descriptions ' v
... ,'.
. , v . North Aisle Main Floor
" - :1 ""."Tin IY' 1 ' T '!f liFll 1 1,1 Tl