Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1920, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 16

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    4 B
'Music Department
The music department of the
Omaha Womau's club will meet
Wednesday, 2 p. m.. at the Y. W. C.
A. for the last rehearsal before the
holidays. Its next meeting will be
held January 5, and on that date its
chorus membership closes. A sup
porting membership is being off iTd
to any one interested in 'maintaining
a woman's chorus in Qmaha. This
membership entitles the holder to
tickets for the department's" annual
concert to be given in March.
Chorus rehearsals, directed by
j Henry G. Cox, are held every Wed-
nesday at 2 p. m. in the V. W. C A.
auditorium, and are followed by
s.hort programs, given by members
of the department.
The program Wednesday will in
clude a group of Christmas carols
' sung by a double quartet as follows:
t Mesdames W. Dale Clark, Bradley
1 Roe, Wayne Halbrook, Gilbert
Brown, sopranos: Mesdames Pat
rick Gillr. J. Farrington, B. M.
Anderson and Timothy Dinan, al
tos. A trio number will be sung by
Mesdames Burton Laird. Gilbert
Brown and E. F. Williams. Mrs.
W. E. Shafrr, department leader.
North Side Mothers' Club,
The North Side Mothers club
will meet for 1:30 o'clock luncheon
Tuesday at the home of Mrs. C. J.
Ziebarth. 2415 , Hartman avenue.
Mrs. B. B. Anderson will assist the
i hostess.
T Allrturinir iVt liinrlienn a Cltfist-
mas program will be given, includ-.
ing vocal numbers bv Mrs. George
. Pray; Christmas stories. Mrs. G. R.
Gilbert; a paper on "The Woman
of Tomorrow." Mrs. L. B. Webster;
piano duet, Mesdames R. H. Saal
fcld and C. J. Ziebarth and the open-
ing of "gift bags."
m : I
i Christmas Thrift Party.
, The home economics department
of the Omaha Woman's club wiJI
' give a Christmas thrift party Thursday-from
11 a. m. to 2 p. m. at
the V. W. C. A. A small admission
fee will be charged for the benefit
of the ways and means committee.
Each guest will be required to-
Ti-par a marle-over rlrr. fir hat.
A program will be given followed
by refreshments, announces Mrs. R.
L. Franz, leader. ,
South Omaha Woman's Club.
The South Omaha Woman's club
wilt hold its annual Kensington
Tuesday afternoon at 2 '30 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. D. G. Robb, 4018
South Twenty-fifth street.
The program will include a harp
solo by Miss Irma Clow; reading.
Mrs. Effie Steen Kittelson; vocal
6olo, Mrs. Jean Boyd Richmond.
Delegates will report on; the state
convention held in Fremont in Oc
tober. '
Omaha Woman's Club R. M. S.
The Omaha Woman's club of the
Railway Mail Service will be en
tertained at a Christmas party
Wednesday afternoon, 2 o'clock, at
the hoipe of Mrs. C. H. Cherry,
2556 Evans street. The program
will be in charge of Mesdames
John Bittinger and J. Harold Evans.
Art Debartment .
Mrs. Cecil Berryman will speak,!
on Art m fans irom a stuaenis
point of view, at a meeting of the
art department of the Omaha Wom-
an's club Thursday afternoon, 2:30
o'clock, at the Y. W. C. A. . Mrs.
Ray Abbott will have charge of the
program. -
Luncheon lor Teachers.
Miller Park Mothers' circle will
give its annual Christmas luncheon
for the teachers of Miller Park
school 'Wednesday noon at the
school house.
The circle will hold its regular
business meeting at 3 o'clock on the
same afternoon. - ..
Fairies of Zion.. "
The Fairies of Zion, an organiza
tion of young Jewish girls, met Sun
day afternoon at the home bf,Mol
lie Freidman when a Hanukah pro
gram was given by Lillian Zalsman,
Mollie Friedman and! Gertrude Kap
lan. . . 1 -
Douglas County W. C. T; U. '
An executive meeting of Douglas
County W. C. T. .U. will e held
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at the Y. W. C. A.
y. w. c. a;
Sunday The. members of the
Athletic club and girls interested in
hiking will leave. Webster street sta
tion at 7:30 a. in., making the trip to
Calhoun by train, returning on foot.
No lounch will be necessary.'
Monday The members of the fed
erated clubs will meet for supper af
5:45 o'clock. From 6:30 to 7 o'clock
the girls will rehearse Christmas
carols under the leadership of George
Campbell of the Y. M. C. A. ,
The federated club girls will join"
with the Camp Fire group in the
singing of Christmas carols at the
different hospitals and other insti
tutions on the night of December 23.
Classes in basketry, personality
and ukulele will meet Monday, 7:30
to 8:15 o'clock. Gymnastics and
volley ball, 8:15 to 9 p. m. Monday.
Tuesday Rev. Edgard ..Merritt
. Brown, Dietz Memorial Methodist
church, will be the speaker at the
noonday luncheon for business
girls. The hostesses will be mem
bers of the W. F. O. circle of the
First Methodist -church.
South High School- Friendship
club will have a Christmas party at
ther Central branch building at 3:30
p. m. Tuesday. There will be a
program of games, followed by pan
tomime. A group of seventeen '.girls, from
Swift's Packing house will meet at
7:30 p. m. Tuesday for ukulele prac
tice under Miss Luella Allen.
Thursday The Central. High
School Student club will have an
Old English Christmas party at
3:30 p. m, , '
Mrs. Margaret Richardson will
give a story of the life of Grace
Dodge, the association's first club
leader, at 8 p. m. before a meeting
of The Busy Circle club.
Saturday The Alumni -club -wiJl
meet far dinner at j6:15 p., m., fol
lowed by the telling of stories and
Christmas legends. '
Old People's Home Association.
The annual meeting of the Old
People's Home association Fonte
nelle boulevard, will be held Tues
day morning at 10 o'clock at the
Fontenejle hotel. An election of of
ficers will be held.
Luncheon' for-Colonel Page.
Mrs. Mary I. Creigh wilr enter
tain at luncheon Monday at the Uni
versity club complimentary do Col.
Henry Page of Fort Crook who
speaks before the Omaha Woman's
club Monday afternoon at-3:30
Jolly Seniors.
- The Jolly Seniors will -entertain
at a dancing party Tuesday evening
at 402 Lyric building.
Girls' Community
Service League
Monday: Cluga club supper, 6:30
p. ni.; gymnasium class, 7:30, Mrs.
Charles Musselman, leader; volley
ball, 8:30, Polly Rhyno, coach.
Tuesday: Lafayette club supper,
6:30 p. m.j dramatic art, 7:30, Mfcs
Ethel MultisJIand, leader.' ..
Wednesday: Wamm club sup
ier, 6:30 p. m.; recreational eve
ning, 7:30-10 o'clock.
Thursday: K. K. K. club sup
per. 6:30 p. m. .
Friday: D. T. A. club supper.
6:30 p. m.; Burgess-Nash club' sup
per, 6:30; gymnasium clasi, 7:30,
Mrs. Musselman, leader. -
Saturday: Week-end dance, 8:30
p. m.; K. K. K. club, hostess.
Sunday: Open house, 3:30, p.
m.; Lafayette club, hostess.
You can't lose
if you, deal h-re.
NEWEST Upright; pure, deep and sympa-
KURTZMANN UK quality ot XkK
lifetime. V O
NEWEST ) Upright; 'apartment BizeV in
xrt7i i iMrrnu dark satin "finish mahogany,
WLLLINU1UN ohly one of , jgQ
NEWEST Pianola Piano; in beautiful mahogany
AFfil 1AM ani oa cses. Remember this is not an
rtLULlrUl ordinary piano, but a real ttQC
pianola with expresson v
ONE USED v : Upright in a
An extra ood one of . tO7E
this name , Jb O
, ONE USED Upright Grand; beautiful
a dandy piano at l)a5ID
ONE USED Upright
pictin eases,
wM avs
Guitars, Violins, Ukuleles,
Cornets, Piano Benches,
Music Cabinets, Etc.
KM 173 i
Art KihlMt Sunday. 1 p. m. to 5 p. m ,
week davi, ( a. m. to 5 p. m.. Ouiah
public library, under auspice of Flno Art
society, '
Omaha Theoeophlcal Society Sunday,
p. m . its Leflanir bulldliit, Sixteenth and
Capitol avenue. Jane Bowen will speak on
"Tb Search for the Reality."
Mr. Anthony French Merrill Sunday,
4 p. m.. Blsckstone . hotel. Lecture for
business and professional womfn. Subject.
"Pleasures of Life." A small admission
fee will be charged.
4Dld People's Home, Fontrnrlle Boule
Tard Sunday. S-.ilt p.. m., Hsv. Titus
Lows, of First Methodist church will con
duct services. The choir of the First
Methodist church will sins;.
Omaha Walking- flub Sunday. 1:30 p.
m.. from the entrance' 4t Krug park. The
walk will be along- the road, which Is 'an
extension of Fifty-second -KreM. K north
easterly direction will be takes brlnarinK
the club in through the woods north-west
of Florence. Lealje WtUlems, leader.
Delphian Society tyonday. 19 a. m.,
executive board meeting, Blackstjne hotel.
Ak-8ar-Ben Chapter. O. K. 8. Monday.
P. in.. Masonic temple. Business meet
ing. Bishop Vlncenf Chautauqua 'Circle
Monday, 1:16 p. m., third floor, court
Roosevelt Chautauqua Circle Monday,
T:30 p. m., with Mrs. F. A. Cressey,, !404
South Twenty-second street.
Dundee Woman's Patriotic Club Moo-
day, 1 o'clock luncheon, with Mrs. George.
r "rmsn, oouin iniriy-seveniu
street. , i
. Art lecture Monday. 4 p. m., Omaha
publio library. Miss Elizabeth Bennett,
curator of Chicago Art Institute will
speak on "Early French and Italian Weav
ing." under auspices of Oumha Society of
Fine Arts. ,
Omaha Woman's Club Monday afte---
flnnn V W C A ln.t n.n ... n f In o J, f
the year. -Directory meeting, 1:30 p. m.,
fcllowed by business meeting in the Audi-
tirium at 2:30 o'clock. A collection will
bi taken for the Nenx East Relief. The
Fess and Smtth-TeWner bills will be
brought before the ciub for endorsement.
The program, beginning at 3:30 o'clock,
will be In Oiarge of trs.-' Mary I. Creig'li
of the current topics department. A song
group will bo given by Mrs. Krma. Swift
Uberreuter, accompanied by MissHeln
F"eland. Col. Henry Page of Fort Crook
will speak on "Women" In Government."
- Crowds of Happy Xmas Shoppers Are Taking Advantage of
No matter whether you buy a Phonograph at $75 or the finest
Duo Art Piano, our prices are the lowest in the U. S. and further
Could You Ask More and Will
in latest style, plain mahogany
dull finish, a real
. .
A' gift- that will carry with
it joy, education and refine
ment. A gift that i not the
gift of a day or- a year, but
one that grows even more
loved and mora appreciated -at
the year pa.
leomls Ihantauqua Circle Tuesdsy. J
p. m , V. W. C. A. .
1m Natle Club Tuesday. T:3 p. m.,
Chamber of Commerce, Parlor A.
H. E. I P. 'luh Tuesday evening,
upper and dramatlu art, Social Settle
ment house.
Omaha Spanith Club Tuesday, S p. m..
310 1'attersun block. Seventeenth abd Far
nam streets.
Omaha Truth Center Tuesday, S p. m..
IS Patterson block, Seventeenth and Far
nani strecta
Omaha Woman's Club, Public Speaking
Department Tuesday. 10 a. m.. TC. W. C.
A. Mrs. O. T. Krlng. leader. '
(ieorge A. Custer Relief Corp No. SJ
Tuesday, 2 p. m.. .Memorial nail, court
house. Flection of officers will be held.
Old People's Home, Association Tues
day, 10 a. in.. Fontenelle hotel; annual
meeting and election of board of trustees.
P. E. O. Sisterhood. Chapter B. 8.
iTuosnay. z-ao p. m., witn Mrs. n. uoir-
smith. 3313 vtebster street. Koll call,
short, Christmas stories.
- Irundra Morning Chautuuqna Circle
Tueedax, :45 a, m.. with Mrs. E. .1.
Phiflps. 5102 Izard street. Lessor; -JThe
New Italy," chapters 3 4,. I. ...
Com us Club Tuesday afternoon with
Mrs. J. F. Dlmlck. 830 South Twenty
eighth street. A special feature of the
program WHi be a "grab bag."
Omaha Business Woman's Club Tues
day evening, Y. V. C. A. dinner. :15 p.
m., followed by class work In Americantsa
tion, current events, public speaking and
choral work. i
Allro R. Howard Chautauqua Circle
Tuesday. 7:30 p. m, with Miss Helen
I.onssdorf. Uintah -apartments, Twenty
tiinth and .Ieavenworth streets. Lesson.
"The New Italy." last three chapters.
Current events ltd by Miss Susan Hill.
Daughters of - American Revolution,
Omaha Chapter Tuesday. 5:m p. in.,
with Mrs. Edward Porter Peck, 401 South
Fortieth street. Miss Katherins Rar
r.olds McCormlck of Virginia, national
Red Cress speaker, will talk on "The
Near East." Mrs. Fred Ultl will rv
two sons groups.
South Omaha Woman's Club, Home
Economic Department Tuesday, 2:30 p.
in., with Mrs. D. G. Rotib, 4018 South
Twenty-fifth street. Annual kenslngion.
The program will Include: Harp solo. Miss
Irtna- Clow; reading. Mrs. Kffle Steen
Kittelson; vocal solo, Mrs. Jean BoyJ
Richardson. Delegates will report on the
sfnte convention held in Fremont in Oc
tober. North Side Mother' Club Tuesday,
1 :30 o'clock luncheon, at the home of
Mrs. C. J. Ziebarth, 241 5 Hartman avenu-.
Mrs. B.,B. Anderson, assisting. The pro
gram will include, vocal solos, Mrs.
Oeprge Pray; Christmas stories, Mrs. O. P..
Gilbert; paper on, "The Woman of To
Anyone Else Do As Much?
Buy a
And bring happiness to the
whole family Let us sug
gest to you. : ' '. :
Sonora Trovatore .with ten 10-inch
Records. Very easy
Sonora Nocturna with tan lOrinch double:face Victor
Records. Very easy
payments --..
Sonora Minuet with twelve 10-inch
Records. Very easy
payments . , ,
Sonora Baby Grand with twelve 10
Victor Records. Very
easy payments
Banjos, Mandolins, Music
Bags,' Drums, Harmonicas,
morrow." Mrs. 1.. M. Webster; piano duet
Meailaines K. H SnaUel-l and C. J. Zie
barth; opening of gilt bags.
Omaha Woman's Club. Music leprt
ment Wednesday. 2 p.'m.. V: W. C. A.
auditorium. Chorus rehearsal, directed
by Henry CI. Co, followed by proxram kt
3:15 o'clock. A group of Chriatmaa carols
will be sung by a double quartet Includ
ing Mesdames W. Dale Clnrk, Bradley
Roe, Wayne Halbrook, tillbert Rrown, so
pranos: Mesdames B. M. Ardersnn, Pat
rick QUI. F. J. Farrinirron and Timothy
Dinan, altos. A trio number will Include
Meadsmea Hurton Laird, tiilbert Brown
and E. F. Williams. Mrs. . K Shafer,
Douglas County W. C. T. I". Wednes
day. 2 p. in., executive board meeting,
Y. W. C. A. -
Royal Q. B. C. 4 lull Wednesday eve
ning. Supper, dramatic, art and gymnasium,
Scclal Settlement house. ,
P. K. O. Sisterhood. Clwpter B. K.
Wednesday. 2 p. m.. with Mrs. Oeorge B.
Da rr, 3z South Tiurty-iHghth street. Fll
g rim party.
Miller -Park Mothers' Circle Wednes
day noon, at Miller 'Park Fchol. Annual
Christmas dinner for teachers. Regular
business meeting. 2 p. m.
A. t. A. Book Review Section-jWednee-day.
4 p. m.. with Mrs. W. ST. Coate.
3211 Decatur streot. Mrs. M. A Phllllu
will review "The Song of Three
Friends," by N'eihart. j
Omaha Woman's Club, Railway Mall
Service Wednesday, i p. m.. with Mrs. C.
H. Cherry, 256 Kvans street. ChriHtmaa
party. The program will be in charge of
Mesdames John Bittinger and J. Harold
Evans. '
Business and Professional Women a
league Wednesday evening, IMel Loyal,
grill room, dinner (:15 p. ni. followed by
program. Speaker. J. David Larson of
the Chamber of Commerce. Charlf Gard
ner will lead in singing.
Correct Diction Class Wednesday, 10:1')
a. m., Professor Pui s studio. Y. M. C. A.
Lecture on Modern History Wednesday,
4 p. m.. Duehesne college and convent of
the Sacred Heart. Thirty-sixth and Burt
streets. Rev. Alfred KaufmaJ of Crelgn
ton university, speaker. The publio Is In
vited. ' I
Omaha Womitn's Club, Literature De
partmentWednesday. 10 a. m., Y. W.
C. A. Roll call will be pertaining to
Christmas. Miss Mary Wallace will speak
on "Community Pageantry." Jenane
Fasel Mazardarant, a orofersor of Phil
osophy in Sha' university, Persia, will
sr-eak on the "Poetry of Persia," Mr.
Edward Johnson, leader. .
W. I. 1m L. Club Thursday. 7:8,0 p. m..
sewing class, Social Settlement house.
Dundee Chautauqua Circle Thursday,
Stein way
If prices fall we
will make refund.
double - face Victor
r b
uble-face Victor
double - face Victor
r d ' . .
inch double-face
- inch double-face
2 i. m.,Anth Mrs. U J. Urvr, Burt
street. t
Minne l.nsa Woman's Society Thurs
day. t..W p. ni . wuh Mrs. E. A. Waugo.
2&V7 Newport avenue. .. .
Omaha Woman's Club, Art cpartinent
Thursday, 2,-eO p. m.. Y. W. O A. Mrs.
Ray Abbott will have charge of the pro
gram. Mrs. Cecil w. Her ry man .will speak
on "Art In Paris" from a student' point
of vew.
P. E. O. Sisterhood. Chapter E Thurs
day, l o clock tunchoon at the home of
Mrs. N. B. I'pdlHe, 1(14 Jaekaon street,
Mrs. M. V. Funkhouser, assisting. A
Christ nias program'- will bo given follow
ing the luncheon. ,
Omaha Woman' Club, Home Economies
Department Thursday, Ilia. m. until 2
p. m., Y. W. C. A. Christmas Thrift
party. Prdgram, followed by refreshment.
Each guest will be required to wear a
made-over drees or hat. A small admis
sion fee will be charged, the proceeds to
be added to the, ways and mean commlt
tcu funds; ,
Big- Sisters' Association Thursday eve
ning. Y. W. C. A o'clock dinner- fol
lowed by regular monthly business meet
ing. A full attendance ia desired aa Im
portant business Is to be discussed and
officers nominated for ensuing year. Res
ervations for dinner may be made wth
Miss Dcsderaona Catttn, Douglas ((92..
i v
Federal Art Club Friday, ( m.,
Longfellow Chautaoqua Clrcle-Krldav.
7:S0 p. m., 6 Urandels Theater building.
Don't i Spend
Your Sav
ing Make
a small ; pay
ment to suit
your pocket
book and pay
the rest weekly
or monthly as
you earn and
' while yen wear
it All busi
ness k confiden
tial ne fci
"tape. V '
' -
12 size, thin model, 15
jewel Elgin movement in
20 year guaranteed 14-K
case . . . PssstJ
$1.00 a week.
14K solid gold, plain pol-
: Jshed, hexagon or cushion
shape, 15 Ruby Jewel
r:r. :.$3o.oo
$1.00 a week
18-K white gold case, 15
ruby jewel movement and
$1;50 a week.
10-K solid gold case and
bracelet with 15 ruby
jewel ! tfoo rn
$1.00 a week.
14-K gold filled case and
movement .
' 50c
at ,
In the small and select aristoc-,
racy of gifts that endure,
FURS hold an , enviable position.
And "The Only One," whoever sho may
be, will love the gift and respect the giver,
if he chooses furs for her Christmas.
Then, too, Furs have an added appeal-thU
year to the giver because of the attrac
tion of the very low prices.
aava, oiiaVt
1710 Douglas Street
Kound Table Chautauqua Circle Fri
day, 1:15 p. m., Y, W, C. A.
Lecture on English Literature Friday,
4 p. m., Ducheane college and -sMinvent t
Hie Sacred Heart, Thirty-sixth and Burl
lowe Avenue Presbyterian Woman'
Society Krtdav, 2:2ft p m.. with Mrs. J.
M. Patlun, tU North Thirty-eighth street.
Mr. P. M. Conklin will have harge of
thu program and Mr. II. M. McClanahan
the -devotional. 'The- Near East" will
be the toplo for discussion.
Kappa Sigma Club ef Omaha and Coun
rll Bluffs Saturday, 13:30 to p. m.,
luncheon and meeting, University club.
P. K. O. Sisterhood, hnpter M Satur
day, 1 o'clock luncheon at the home of
Mra R. M. Laverty, 4304 booth Twenty
second ctreet. Mrs. Gilford ..Dt will
assist. ' , .
Association ; af Collegiate Alumnae
Saturday, general meeting Social Settle
ment house. South Side. Members will
spend the day filling candy bates and
planning Christmas party for children of
the district A program will be given.
Including a vocal selo by Helen Nighten
gale; reading. Jnaephln Enrlght and
Spanish dance. Sarah , Janeff and Jo
sephine Enright. children of the neigh
borhood. Mrs. Marie Leff Caldwell, had
resident of the Social .Settlement house,
will speak on "Settlement Work." , -, .
When Qun Elizabeth of i Eng
land died her wardrobe was found
to contain upwards of 3,000 gbwtij.
1914 Farnam Street
Whether it is your sweetheart or your wife gladden her
heart with a Diamond! Everything we carry in Diamond
Mounted Jewelry is the latest and most up-to-date obtain
able.. But besides, our prices are 25 lower!'
Beautifully engraved
platinum faced Pendant
on 14-K green gold with
clear blue white
diamond . .
- $2.00 a week.
18-K white gold hand
somely j engraved Filigree
Brooch . set with blue
white djrn
diamond ..:..
$1.25 a week.
Large assortment : of
Scarf Pins in white gold
4fiid platinum facing, set
. with blue , white, sparkling
. diamond., This is certain
to please the most criti
cal taste, up d A f
$1.00 a week
Hand-carved o r a n ge
blossoms, bridal wreath
or plain, in solid green
gold, white gold and
pbain polished; 14 to
18-K? up (fJ CA
from .... 4)D.OU
with ' 15 ruby
a week.
Western Associated Jewess
1914 Farnam St
Phone or Write for Catalogue. '.'v
Never in former years hava fur prices bee so strik--ingly
low before Christmas, nor have fws ever been
any more fascinating from the sardroint of qtiality
anrl etula
Persian- Lecturer
On ClubProram
A special featiire-bf the program
to be given by. the literature dr
partment'of the Omaha Woman
club Wednesday - morninR, 10
?cIock, at the Y. W. C. A. will be
a lecture on "Poetry of Persia," by
Tenabe Sazel Mazandarani, a pro
lessor of philosophy in Sha' univer
sity, Persia.
' Miss Mary Wallace will speak on
"Community Pageantry." Roll call
will be answered by Christmas quo
tations. Mrsr Edward Johnson,
leader, j
The campaign of the Natioiidl
Woman's party for ratification t.t
trie suffrage amendment has com
to date $150,000. They estimated
at least $80,000 was spent to gi t the
thirty-sixth state, some of which ts
still to be raised. Miss .Mary E.
Buruhafu of Philadelphia, with $R
000,, was the largest contributor to
the. campaign fund.
:.':HIIllll.lliMI,ll,l!ilM: i .,.
Any Man or
Woman of good
character can
buy just what
they want at
our store, and
our Credit Sys
tem i arranged
so conveniently
rhat it i no
hardship at all
t o acquire a
valuable Dia
mond or ao
other . piece of
reliable Jew
elry. Make your
own te.rrns
weekly or
President and Caneral M(r.
Phone Tyler 0120
; - ...
V:- :( fMV L
w i
4T I