Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 A .
Billion Dollars Is
Available In II. S.
For Road Buildins:
Approximately $3.i0,000000
to Be Expended In 1921
Nebraska Authorizes
$3,000,000 Bond Issue. '
New Four-Cylinder Oldsmobile Car
Washington, D. C, Nov. 27. Over
a billion dollars is now available for
road building and maintenance in
the United States, of which approx
imately SS.SO.IXXXOOO will probably be
expended during 1921, according to
figures compiled by the A. A. .A.
good roads board.
State bonds for highway improve
ment aggregating $533,800,000 have
been authorized during the last three
rears. During 1918 state bonds
amounting to $60,000,000 w ere au
thorized in Illinois and $50,000,000 in
Pennsylvania. The following issues
were authorized during 191:
orison ,
S.mth Dakota
Wyoming . . ,
I 40,000.000
Mlrhlfan 60,000,000
Utah 4.000,000
Total 1124,800,000
Very Little Expected. v
Owing to the shortage and high
price of labor and materials, to the
lack of open top equipment on the
railroads and to the condition of the
bond market, very little of this
money as yet has been expended.
Durinac 1920 a total of.$309,000,000
of state highway bonds have been
voted as folows: .
Qrrcmi ........
Colorado ,
. .1 23.000.000
. . 10,000,000
Mlnncanta 75.000.000
Wont Virginia BO, ono. ooo
MlKlourl CO. 000. 000
Vlriflnla (lefrlslalure to fix) . . . ro,ooo.000
New Jersey vehicular tunnel.. 2,000.000
i ,
Tntn! $309,000,000
Authorized November 2.
Difficulty 'Removed..
The constitution of Kansas prohib
ited the state from engaging in in
ternal improvements, but this diffi
culty wa removed by the rcferen-"
Sum at the recent election. That
state may now pay one-fourth of the
cost of not to exceed 100 miles of
road , in each county and not to ex
ceed $10,000 per mile.
The amount of bonds authorized
in the state of Virginia was not fixed
in the referendum measure, but the
legislature- may under the law vote
bonds to the extent of approximately
f 50.000,000. .
A proposal was approved in Cali
fornia increasing the interest on the
state highway bonds from 4'A, but
not to exceed, 6 per cent, which will
permit the state to dispose of the
$40,000,000 in bonds authorized in
1919. , :,. , ;
Bond Issues Authorized.
The $29,000,000 bonds authorized
in New Jersey are for the purpose
of paying the state's share of the
oost of a vehicular tunnel under the
Hudson river.
During the past year bond issues
have been authorized in the" vari
ous counties in the United States
amounting to approximately $362,-
t Jiwiiimmniiiiii'iiiiftni
Enthusiasm whidi reached far be
yond the expectation of the manu
facturers, according to Charles A.
Tucker, general manager of the Olds
Motor Works, at Lansing;, Mich., has
heralded the new Olds "Four" wher
ever it has made its debut.
Part of the enviable reputation ot
the Olds Motor Works at least is
directly traceable to the four-cylin-
rlir car whir-h ihpv filacer! on th"
Wharket several years ago, which was
later discontinued during tne period
when the American motorists' minds
were turned toward multiple cylinder
Now, according to J. R. O'Neal,
general manager ofj the Nebraska
Oldsmobile company, many motor
fans are turning back' to four-cylinder
motors and the revival of the
Olds-Four was welcomed by every
dealer of the organization.
The Olds Motor Works will con
tinue to manufacture the six and
eight-cylinder models, which have
already earned a definite place in the
minds of the American motorists.
The new Four was designed merely
to complete the line.
At a banquet held at the Fon
tenelle bote) Thursday evening,
Robert K. Jack, chief engineer, ex-
000,000. The amounts authorized in
each state are indicated as follows:
Alabama $ H. 000, 000
Florida . . .
Georgia. ..
Indiana .,
Illinois ...
Kansas . .
S. 400,000
1,51 3, 000
18.47;V 000
Minnesota 13.S0o.000
MIssIbSIpI 15.773.000
Mt.wmrl 13,f.04,l0
N'ebrssUa 3,000,000
Nevada 1,200.000
New Mexico 200.000
North Carolina
Oklahoma 1.U8.000
Oregon . 050. 704
Pennsylvania . . . . y. 21, 337, Son
Rhode Island ,tii,iMin
Tennessee 7.18S.O00
Texas 86,023.000
Vermont 2.7M,lioo
Washincton 8,225,000
West Virginia 7.030.200
Wisconsin 3C,52fi.OOO
Wyoming 2.S0O.000
Total $3111,971,537
Officials of the bureau of public
roads estimate that there is "still
available approximately $160,000,000
of federal aid funds for allocation
to projects in the various states.
I his, together with tunds obtained
from bond issues, from direct levies,
and other sources of siate revenue,
from county bond issues and appro
priations will, it is estimated, make
available for expenditure at present
between $1,000,000,000 and $1,250,
000,000. To Spend $55,000,000.
The funds derived from state and
local bond issues, however, and
that to be received from the fed
eral government will be spread out
over a period of years and it is
doubtful whether much more than
one-half of this vast sum will be
applied to the construction and
maintenance of roads during 1921.
Missouri has 26,278 licensed auto
mobile drivers.
Molor freight bills for 1919 are es
timated at $66,000,000.
More than 1,200 passenger automo
biles are now in operation in Mo
rocco. '
Los Angeles has 1,236 miles of
paved boulevards within the city
Over I 1,000,000 motor vehicle li
censes have been issued in Pennsyl
vania this year.
In state government departments
of Georgia 687 motor vehicles are in
use for official business.
Philadelphia is following New
York City by equipping the fire de
partment with motor-driven appara
tus. Because of a decree issued by for
mer President Carranza, no duty is
charged by the government on pas
senger automobiles and trucks im
ported into Mexico.
European-made passenger auto
mobiles, which represent the arisj
tocracy in motor vehicles, are quoted
on the American market at prices
ranging from $10,000 to $20,000 each.
'' .
A new Cadillac will
dominate the selection
of Christmas gifts in
many fine homes this
year. How about your
home? These fine cars
on display at our sales
rooms now. Come and
select your Xmas Gift.
"".J. H.Hansen -Cadillac Go
plained in detail the construction of
the new automobile, pointing wuli
pride to the special valve-in-head
rlotor which was designed and pro
duced especially lor this model. An
extra long wheel base, 115 inches.
will insure ease in riding.
According to Mr. Tucker, plans
have already been made for building
30,000 of these models this year, and
a recent gathering ot distributers at
the factory has proved beyond doubt
that the manufacturer underesti
mated the demand for this car.
Year-Long Joys
Make Auto Ideal
Christmas Gift
No Other Present Thai Can
Bring Family More Peasure
Ami Companionship, Says
, Omaha Dealer.
"Cars' are going to be' a popular
Christmas gift this year because of
the ability to bring year-long joys
to the whole family," says Guy .L.
( '"There is no single item that gives
such satisfaction to each and every
member of a .family circle as does an
automobile, nor is there any other
thing that brings the family together
so much in pleasant companionship
and recreation as an automobile.
"The family car makes every day
a Christinas day and it is entirelv
likely that most any family would
be willing to forego all other Christ
mas gifts if , it could have a car for a
A Sound Investment.
"There is nothing of the spirit cf
extravagance in the purchase of an
automobile for family use. It is
sound investment in something of
actual and intrinsic value. For, in
deed, are the things which are not
only actually worth the money, but
possess at the same time those sen-
timental values that differentiate
Christmas gifts from necessities.
"The far-sighted head of any fam
ily will do his car buying at Christ
inas. Me has to buy one ultimately
anyway, and he has the ccrtaimv
that nothing could be provided that
would bring such a measure of joy
to each and every one of those whom
he seeks to make happy.
Unique Delivery Plans. -"Automobile
dealers have long
since adopted unique and timely prac
tices in the delivery of these Christ
mas cars. Sometimes father has thr
new car put in the garage on Christ
inas eve, and the next morning in
stead of the familiar old bus, there Is
a beautiful new automobile to please
and surprise the home folks. Another
favorite practice is to drive a car to
the door and let some curious mem
ber,of the hoftie circle go out to see
who' has parked a strange automobile
in front of the house. A ride jn the
new car on Christmas day is an ex
perience that a great many carry
pleasantly through years of life."
Girls Take Pet
Goldfish oii a
Stale-Wide Tour
Silent Chains
Silent chains that are now so
much used for camshaft, and elec
trical unit drive should be treated
exactly as if they were sets of bear
ings. Each joining stud and rivet
of the chain should be regarded as
a bearing is, and must above all be
given systematic and careful lubri
cation. Chains that run in the open
need oil treatment once a day. The
oil should be put on the inside, as
this is the cart that comes in direct
contact with the sprockets. An oil
brush is the most convenient meth
od of distributing the oil along the
surface of the chain.
Demonstration Is Staged by
Distributor .to Prove Unusual
Hiding Qualities; of the
, New Overland.
Pekinese digs and Persian cats
and chattering monkeys as pets of
the fair sex are threatened as a re
sult of a 573-mile automobile trip
made by South Dakota girls a few
days ago. '
These girls carried with them
throughout the long trip a young
school of glittering goldfish. The
girls toured South Dakota in a new
Overland sedan and their fish pets
were carried in a glass bowl over the
roar scat of the sedan.
The unique demonstration was
staged by the Stevens Overland com
pany to prove that in addition to
strength, speed, endurance and econ
omy the new Overland, because of its
triplex spring suspension, has un
usual riding qualities.
The Overland sedan was driven by
Miss Lois Bauch, champion woman
high diver of the state. The car left
Sioux Falls on Monday morning. A
small table-like platform had been
placed over the rear seat extending
from window to window. The bowl
containing the fish rested on this
platform, the bowl being more than
half filled with water.
The first day's run took the car
85 miles to Mitchell. Dm ing the re
mainder of the week the, car visited
44 towns and cities and was accorded
street enmnstration in Mitchell"
Huron. Aberdeen and W'atertown.
The car returned to Sioux Falls on
Saturday evening where it was the
center of a great demonstration
staged onpthe main street. Franklin
D. Roosevelt, democratic candidate
for the vice presidency, happened t
be in Sioux Falls on the day of the
car's 'arrival. He complimented the
Stevens-Overland company on the
success of the unique demonstration
50"fo Greater furl Efficiency
Zero-Balance Roadability
List Annual Depreciation
2200 Farnara St., Omaha
Do You Really and Fully
Appreciate Reo Values?
If you have ever owned or driven a Reo you do, of course.
"Five hundred miles ride in a Reo forever spoils you for any other car."
But we find that folk who do not know Reo quality and Reo performance inti
mately, are unable to appreciate why" Reo is, "The Gold Standard of Values."
Most buyers compare Reos with other cars selling for about the same prices.
That's no comparison at all. It is, in fact, unfair to Reo.
Take the six cylinder touring car for example.
It sells for $1850..
But that's no basis for comparison.
Nor does the $2750 price of that luxurious Sedan truly reflect its quality and beauty.
Do you know of any other motor truck at anywhere near the price that will do
the work of a Reo Speed Wagon?
Compare a Reo, of any type, point for point, with the best car you know selling
for $1000 yes, $1500 more.
Analyze and the more critically the better technical points and mechanical
details. v c "
Note the careful discrimination of Reo engineers and the care and fineness of the
Hidden values concealed excellence those beauties that you learn to appreciate
only after long and hard usage are T ".o attributes.
Any Reo model will measure up wfth and in many cases excel other cars selling
for twice the price.
Compare motor the sweetness and silence of it; economy of upkeep and opera
tion; power. 'Ask Reo owners about its sturdiness and long life.
Compare transmission, axles,' springs and all the mechanical details.
Then compare externals especially quality of materials and fineness of finish.
Then ask yourself what more you can hope to receive to compensate for the great
difference m price. .,
Of the Roadster and the Coupe the same is true.
Compare any Reo model kvith the best car you know of same type, but selling for
a much higher price.
That's the only comparison that does full justice to Reo quality, Reo value.
Name ? there's none stands higher than Reo.
Ownership of a car of this make is at the same time, a badge of social distinction,
and an evidence of good taste and sound judgment.
The very word Reo is a synonym for quality and any Reo car, at its price, rep
resents "The Gold Standard of Values."
Prices ara f. o. b. Factory, Plus Special Federal Ta
A. H. Jones Co.
Distributor for Southern and Western
Reo Motor Car Company, Lansing, Michigan
Six Sedan
Spd Waton
(As Shawn)
HEW jji
I &? s-J '
Jones -Opper Co. , ggj J
OMAHA, NEB. - . 1
Distributor for Eastern and Northern I) I
Nebraska and Western Iowa. II ?r: li
The Gold Standard of Valum "
. i
i ,