Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1920, Page 17, Image 17

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Society I
Vernelle Head will return
Mortday from a short stay in New
i.ork City. Miss Head will entertain
fuests at her borne during the
holidays. They are Mist Janadence
Kerens of New York City, who ar
rw!s Sunday, December 19, and Miss
fcfrrah Spencer of Chicago who ar
rives December 20. Many affairs are
pjtnned for these visitors who will
sltare honors with Miss Head at her
debut dance December 22.
.H Council of Catholic Women. '
.Woman and the New Time" will
bp the subject of the lecture to be
inven by Mrs. Anthony French Mer
rill Saturday at 3 p.. m. at Creigh
ton auditorium, under the auspices
nf the Omaha Council of Catholic
Women. Admission will be frer,
and the public is invited to attend.
fl fl-rtllpe nrtrlriaa ..rill frtllrtw
the regular meeting of the council
;at 2 p. m.
t. ' "
Delta Gamma Bazar.
The Delta Gamma sorority, will
hold a bazar in the office of the Oma
ha Taxicab company, Seventeenth
and Farnam streets, all day Satur
day. -The committee in .charge is
composed of Mesdames Arthur D.
Smith, Lyle Rushton, Misses Beat
rice Johnson, Martha Noble, Dor
othy Darlow and Carol Howard.
Art Lecture.
The Omaha Society of Fine Arts
will present Miss Elizabeth Ben
her, curator of the Chicago Art in
stitute, in a lecture on "Early French
and Italian Weaving." Monday aft
ernoon, 4 o'clock, at the Omaha pub
lic library. Thei lecture is open to
the public. Admission will be free.
Birthday Surprise.
j- Mrs. Frank Lantzsch was honor
guest at a, surprise party Thursday
afternoon at her home, J009 Center
Street, jn honor of her 63d birthday
anniversary. The guests presented
Mrs. Lantzsch with a cut glass vase.
Supper followed. Twelve guests
were present. .
' For Miss Hamilton. &
Mrs. Charges F. Crowley will en
tertain at a luncheon Saturday at her
home in honor of Miss Marian Ham
ilton. Meteor roses will decorate the
table and covers will be placed for
12 guests.
f. ." Story Hour Changed.
;. The Grace Sorenson ttory hour
for children at Brandeis store will
open at 3 o'clock Saturday instead
of 4:15 o'clock. It will be held on
the third floor of the- building. 1
Prettiest Mile Club.
Saturday afternoon a guest party
wilf be given at the children's mati
nee dance from 2 to S at the Prettiest
Mile club. '
Miss Sylvia Moskowitz hat re
turned from an extended ttay in
Cleveland and Akron, Ohio.
Mrs. Charles Metz left Thursday
evening for St. Louis, where she will
be the guest of relatives for a week.
TV and fr Anfrtn TTanl an.
bounce the birth of a daughter, Mar
ian unvc. luesaay, uecemoer , .
Mr. Richard Welpton," son of Mr.
and Mrs. Douglas Welpton, a stu
dent at Kemper Military academy m
Boonville, Missouri, will arrive De
cember 17th to spend the hdlidays
with his parents.
Morton Rhoades of Worland,
Wyo., will 'Come 'to Omaha Decem
ber 16 to spend the Christmas holi
days with his parents; Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Rhoades. Mrs. Rhoades is
planning a series of dinner parties in
honor of her son. , ,
Miss Mary Cooper, flnancee of
Mr. Burdette Kirkendall, returns to
her home in Pittsburgh, Pa., Friday
evening, after spending tome time
at the home of Mr: Kirkendall's sis
ter, Mrs. Glenn C Wharton, and
Mr. Wharton.
What's What
School Girl
Federated Club Notes.
Mrs. .L M. Lord, assistant leader
cf the public speaking department of
the Omaha Woman's club and pres
ident of the Second district, State
Federation of Women's Clubs, has
been invited to meet with Gov. S. R.
McKtlvie at the executive mansion
in Lincoln Monday to confer on pub
lic welfare and legislation, together,
with Mrs. John Slker of Hastings,
president of the Nebraska Federation
of Women's Clubs: Mrs. W. L. Mor
rill of Sierling. president f the First
district; Mrs. W. E. Minier of Oak
land; president of the Third district;
Miss Efiie E. Detrick of York, presi
dent of the Fourth district; Mrs. E.
h Burr of Guide Rock, president of
the Fifth district, and Mrs. George
Prater of North Platte, president of
the Sixth district.' "
ileyn Photo.
Miss Mary Findley, daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. Palmer Findley, is
one of the many school girls return
ing to Omaha for holidays. ; She is
a student at Bradford academy,
Massachusetts, and will arrive home
about December 20. Miss Findley
formerly attended the Downer sem
inary in Midwaukee.
When Work Is Done
When the day's work is, over, de
spite a headache, take a sponge bath
and make a change from the work
ing clothes. t
It is easier to lay aside the work
ing habit of mind if the working
garments are removed.
To take a walk, to read something
interesting, to take an interest in
music, to, make a call on some one
who will not talk shop-sunless it is
a different shop these are refresh
ing, curative things. " ? ,
Public Speaking Department.
Mesdames L. M. Lord's and O. V.
Malstrom's divisions of the public
speaking department of the Omaha
Woman's club entertained .at lunch
eon, followed by a program, Thurs
day at the Y. W. C, A. for members
of the departmVnt. ' .
The program included readings
by Mrs. Otho Johnson and Mrs. W.
II. Sleeper, jr.; fancy dancing, Mrs.
George Pray, and vocal solos, Mrs.
Grace Poole Steinberg and Mrs.
Wayne Holbrook.
A social hour followed. More
than 100 members of the department
were present. Mrs. O. Y. Kring,
leader, presided.
Daughters of 1812.
The annual meeting of the Daugh
ters of 1812 was held on Thursday
at the home of Mrs. C H. Aull.'
The following are the officers for
the coming year: Mrs. G. C. Winter
son, president; Mrs. F. P. Larmon,
first vice-president; Mrs. Benjamin
McLucas, second vice-president;
Mrs. J. J. Stubbs, treasurer; Mrs.
William Thomas, registrar; Mrs.
Frank H. Garvin, recording secre
tary; Ms. P. E. - Griswold, corres
ponding secretary; Mrs. Max Hos
teller, historian. , .
The society has been very active
the past year and -has contributed
liberally to educational and patriotic
I. E. O. Association Saturday, 1
o'clock luncheon. Chamber of Commerce,
cuth oom. i
Kappa Sigma Club of Omaha and Coun
cil llluffa Saturday, 13:30 to p. m.,
lunhce.m and meeting, University club..
Omaha Council of Catholic Women
Saturday, 2 p. m., Crelghtou auditorium.
Twenty-fifth and California streets. At
3 p. in., Mr a. Antheny French Merrill of
Chicago wltl apeak on "New Opportuni
ties for Women and Her Response to
Them," The lecture 1 open to the pub
lic. Chautauqua Circle Saturday. 1 o'clock
luncheon, V. W. J. A., for members of all
circles, under auspice of the alumnae aa
soHstlon, "Hall In the Grove." Rev. Charlea
Cobbey will apeak on "Italy During the
The champion canner in Kansas is
Miss Kathryn Welter of Williams?
town, who at the age of 15 out
stripped by a big margin her older
competitors for the high honor". Dur
ing the last year this young slip cf
a girl has canned more than 600
quarts of fruits, vegetables and
. . p .
Mbr immediate and
permanent relief from
eczema I prescribe
If you want to experiment, try
some of those things you talk about.
But if you really want that itching
stopped and your skin healed, I advise
you to get a jar of Resinol Ointment,
and a cake of Resinol Soap. We1
doctors have been prescribing that
treatment ever since you were a
small boy, so we know what it will do.
It is cooling, soothing, easy and eco
nomical to use, and rarely .fails to over-
tome eczema and similar anections.
Ask yoor dealer today for Resinol
'' Soap and Ointment
Their Bad Habits
A well-known child specialist says
that the cracker habit is one of the
most frequent bad habits permitted
by mothers" in their young children.
You read this doctor's words telling
just why crackers, that , might btj
harmless eaten one at a time after a
meal or as a well-timed between
meal, are : unwholesome when
munched continuously. Your chil
dren munch crackers in this way,
too, you have to admit it, but you
feel as if it were too late to change.
They are used, to crackers, you re
flect, and it is too late now to break
them of the habit.
And the chances are that you have
overemphasized the strength of that
habit. Simply withhold the crackers
for a day or so and you will prob
ably be able to break the habit with
out any really great rebellion. ,
Lots of children's bad habits are
much more easily broken than we
think. We really haven't the cour
age to see, We high-strung mothers
of the 20th century perhaps dread
more than did our huskier foremoth
crs the prospect of letting a stubborn
child cry. And so our children early
learn that they can bluff us. They
learn that we are sensitive to their
screams and wails. They know that
how to give your family the , r
New Edison they want Come f
' in! Investigate our Budget I
Plan, jit fits the payments to ( a3Sa5K S
vour rxickatbodk. r V
I Rouse's Phonogra
Eg 1916 Farnam St.
ph Parlors
Douglas 7762
we will probably succumb before we
know it, tAnd often we give in when
had we held out just five minutes
longer we would have gained the
day. 1
A great child specialist tells us that
if we teach a child correct habits of
eating during the, first few years of
its lite we have accomplished much.
And there is no gainsaying that many
a bad habit in eating that persist
through life i acquired within the
first three or four years of our lives.
Read Buy-Rite ad Sunday. Adv.
Chopping eariy in uecemoer nas
every advantage in its favor., The
stocks are still undepleted; deliveries
are certain and prompt Charge
customers especially have no excuse
for delay, since bills for purchases
made now will not be sent until jan
narv. Nowadavs. only neighbor
hood shops are "open evenings" dur
ing the Christmas gift season; the
vast bulk of Christmas merchandise
is transferred in the daylight hours,
and the overworked sales clerks have
at least their evenings to themselves.
Still, there is much room for im
provement. "Shop before noon" is the wisest
cf sloaans now. In the morning
liours the selling force and the buy
ing throng are unwearied. Many
icnmen do a lot of oostponable
household work in the forenoon and
then go downtown in the afternoon
utterly fatigued, with judgment and
temper below par. The woman be
hind the counter has been on her
feet all day, vher brain and hands
busied with a hundred commercial
transactions. It is not fair to her to
come otherwise than in a cheerful
mood the mood of the fresh morn
ing, when nerves and temper and
consequent efficiency are at their
test on both sides ot tne counter.
. tCoprrlght, 1810. by Public Ledger Co.)
"Make a Note
On It"
With shoulder of mutton serve
boiled rice and stewed turnips.
With broiled lamb chops serve
peas and creamed or scauopea pot
With roast lamb serve mint sauce,
currant telly, string hfVtt Hid
. . -V. .ml!S...-
1 eaaeeii(IMIfBSB1nlMfM
. . i , if ' ' a, V poop a i ""Vy VrTr
a i 1 1 .ttii mi "T- U '
i ' ' 'V"-:--.'- . v v. - if -
Perfumes f Toilet Articles
Gifts of individuality and Refinement for Christmas
They mark the good taste of the giver. While flowers fade, perfumes last. We have
them in a multitude of artistic packages, as attractive as the fragrance they contain.
Fascinating. In lis Subtle
Fragrance ,
Quelquel Fleura
Extract ......... $6 JO-SIO J
Quelquea Fleura Toilet
Water ....$10.00
Quelquea Fleura Talcum
Powder ..,.$1.25
Ideal Extract $4.25
Ideal Toilet Water $8.50
Ideal Face Powder M
Ideal Talcum Powder ...... $1.28
Coeur de Jeanette Extract . . J
Coeur de Jeanette Toilet
Water $7.75
Mon Boudoir Extract ....$18.00
Choica of Our Entire Stock
As Delicate as the First
Blossoms of Spring
Carried Excluaively by
Burgeat-Nask .
Extract (original) $1.25
Toilet Water 93c
Face Powder ...50c
Compact Powder ..25c
Rouge 25c
Lip Stick 25c
(New York)
Perfumes of Remarkable
Tnree Flowei Toilet Water $1.80
Threa Flower Faca Powder 78e
Yankee Clover Toilet Water $1.00
Gardenia Toilet Water .....$1.00
Violet See Toilet Watar $1-$1.85
Violet See Face Powder ...t.BOc
Extreme Violet Toilet ' .
Water .$1-$I.8T
Violet Toilet Cerate... n 75e
'Violet Sec Soap Cake. . ; ... .35c
Hudnut'a Holiday Sets
. . . .$4.50, f 8.50, $10.00
Beauty Everywhere Pays
Tribute to Its
Azurea Eqtraet $2.00
Azurea Toilet Water $2.50
Floramye Extract .$2.00
Florafhye Toilet Water $230
Le Trefle Extract ;..$2.00
Le Trefle Toilet Water ....$2.50
Toilet Soaps $1.00
Vegetals ....$10
Faca Powders $1JS0
' (Paria) y
From lovely, perfume-laden gardens of Old France
Face Powders $2J0-$4.0O I tOrigan, 1-oZ i.S9.25
Toilet Waters Perfume $5-$9.25 1 L'Origan, i-oz $14.65
S7.Z5 i violette, ...
Muguet, 2-oz $7.35 ,
Chypre, 1-oz.
Perfume With the Clean, Mystic Atmosphere of
Un Air Embaume Extract $7JS0
Un Air Embaume Toilet
Water i. $7.80
Mary Garden
Extract $lJH-$3-$6w50
Mary Garden Toilet
Water $2.50-$8.80
Mary Garden Face Powder $1.25
Mary Garden Sachet ..,..$3.00
Mary uarden Set an-ia
(Paris) ' .
Creators of Rare Per
fumes Desirable for
Christmas Gifts , v
Fleura d'Amou Toilet
Water $8.50
Fleura d'Amour Extract ..$9.00
Fleurs d'Amour Talcum
Powder 85c
Indian Hay Extract i$2.00
Peau d'Espagne Extract . .$2.00
Vera' Voiletta Toilet Water $1.75
Parma de Violette Extract $1.75
Parma de Violette Toilet '
Water $1.78
- yi
Women'j Shop 1621 Farnam St.
Extra Special
Fur-Trimmed and Tailored
That Sold up to $175.00
( The workmanship, the tailoring the lin
ings arefall in evidence in the ones offered in
this sale. I
The materials are of the season's choicest
fabrics, including: ' .
1 Veldyne, Gold Tpne, Tricotine, Syvertone.
The fur trimmings are Mole, French Seal,
Squirrel, Nutria, Australian Opossum.
All Sales Final.
Special Rvalues in Trico
tine and Serge Dresses
that sold at $35.00,
Silk Pettibockers
and Petticoats
Taffeta, All Silk Jersey and
Jersey Combinations
Women'i Wool Hose
Why Not Give MctheraNew
Gas Range for Christmas?
Buy Front Yourself
Your Gas Plant
Toilet Preparations. Noted for their
individuality, carried exclusively by
Perfume (original) 75c to $9.00.
Eau de Cologne, 85c to $3.75.
Toilet Waters at $1.00 to $3.50.
Comfort Face Powders at 35c.
Face Powders at 50c, $1.00, $1.50.
Christmas Sets, $8.50 to $15.00.
The Ideal Gift for Christmas
Beautifully bordered with inlaid engraving of
22-karat gold. Plain and hand-carved
Powder Jan.
Cream Jara . Pria
Cloeka. Clothea Bruehea. rwB
Jewel Boxea. Glova Boxes. t EA A
Perfume Bottlea. l.DV lO
Hair Bruahea, Mlrron. 1 K (fl
Comb.. Tray a, Filea. !O.UU
Button Hooka, Shoa Horna,
DeVilblisa Dropper Bottle Perfumiiera 75c
to $12.50.
Toilet and Manicure Seta, $10 to $138.00
All Ivory Engraved Fre of Charge. ,
A Complete Line of Exquisite
Toiletries Desirable for
Christmas Gifts
Love Me Extract (original) 80c-$4J0
Love Ma Toilet Water $1.00
Love Ma Faca Powder 78a
Love Me Sets $2.0C-$8.S0
Adoree Perfume (original) $1. 75-84.50
Adoree Toilet Water $1.00
Melba Powder 50c
' Melba Manicure Sets $1.28
Adorma Perfume $2.78
Adorme Toilet Water $2.80
Also Perfumes and Toilet Waters in Lily,
Rose, Gardenia, Violet, Iris, Apple, Blossom
and Honey-Suckle from 50c to $4.80
Ambre Royal Soap $2.28
Ambre Royal Extract
(Original) $4.80
Ambre Royal Toilet Water $2.50
Ambre Royal Face Powder $2.78
fMin. M owl vi 75c-12.00
X f v
(Paris) v
Exquisitely French in its Delicacy
Extract (original) $2.00 Compact Powder .. 50c
Toilet Water $2.00 Face Powder 72c-$1.2S
Vegetal $1.80 Rouge 50c
Talcum Powder 30c Holiday Sets $3.9S-$9.50
Soap, per cake 50c Lip Sticks 50c
Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Manicure
Seta and Toilet Seta
Perfumes $1.00-12.80
Toilet Waters 75c-$1.2S
Manicure Sets $1.78
Children's Sets ...50c
Rouge and Powder 50c
Lin Sticks 2Sc
r .r
' '' Visit our beautiful white ivory section in our new build- f JJiriiV,
- p aa .
im .ma - - m
r v F(l
m l a
f 1.
No. 24, Premo-Eclipse Range Porce
lain enamel splasher, door fronts and
drip pans, Rutz self -lighter installed
complete. $66.00, $6.00, cash and $6.00
per month. ,
Pay With
Gas Bill
We are closing out at bargain prices
a fw odd numbers of cabinet ranges
Beware of peddlers and. canvassers Wiling so-called Ras saving
devices, intimating they represent the gas department. Our repre
sentatives all wear badges. Call office and report at once any oc-,
currcncc of this kind.
Metropolitan Water District
Gas Department
Douglas 0605. . W. L. Burgess, Commercial Agent 1509 Howard.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.