Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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Food Prices Show
, Marked Decline
In East 10 Days
Retail Costs Have Dropped
From 10 to 30 Per Cent
High-Grade. Flour Takes
25-Cent Slump.
A marked decline in retail prices
en foodstuffs during tthe past 10
days is shown by prices quoted in
large downtown markets yesterday.
The drop ranges from 10 to as high
as 30 per cent.
The best grade of flour, which
two weeks ago retailed at $2.75 a
48-pound sack, was quoted yester
day at $2.50, showing a decline of
25 tents.
Coffee which sold as high as 38
cents within the last few months
was yesterday quoted at Z2V3
ecnis a pound.
Best grades of butter were selling
vesterday at 52 to 55 cents a pound.
The same grade sold at (j4 - to 68
cents not more than 10 days ago.
Bulk cocoa has dropped from 18
to 15. cents a pound; mixed' nuts,
important as the yule-tide ap
proaches, have dropped from 30 to
25 cents a pound; shelled popcorn
has dropped 2li cents a pound and
now retails at 7V4 cents.
There has been little change in
prices of dried fruits and canned,
J. A tat 1
Kooas as yet. j maricea arop in
canned goods is anticipated by some
dealers, however. -Southern
vegetables, beets, car
rMs. trnips. shalots and radishes
are selling at 1Y cents a bunch. Re
cently they have retailed at from
10 to 12a cents a bunch.
Head lettuce is priced at 10 to
1254 cents a head, haying dropped
from 15 to 20 cents a head; cauli
flower is now 2Yi cents a pound
and potatoes have dropped 5 cents
a peck, being priced at 35 cents a
peck yesterday.
Humane Society Holding
Dog Said to Have Bitten Man
The Humane society is holding' for
observation a watchdog owned by
John Glessman, 1118 Davenport
street, upon complaint that the
.animal bit Joseph Coory, employe of
a furniture store,, when he went
to the Glessman house on busi
ness. The custodian of the Humane
society's shelter at Eleventh and
Nicholas streets stated that his in
vestigation showed that Coory was
bitten on the under part of a foot
and he also explained that the Gless
man clog was fastened to a chain and
that a sign warned callers against
the dog. i
, The dog will be held for 10 days to
determine whether it has rabies.
Policeman Who Took Bribe "
Sentenced to Penitentiary
Eight months ago William J.
Wilkening was a respected member
of the Omaha police force. Yester
day he was taken by Deputy Sheriff
Quackenbush to the state peniten
tiary at Lincoln to serve a year "at
k hard labor."
District Judge I roup sentenced
Wilkening yesterday morning and
Sheriff Clarke ordered him taken
to the penitentiary at once.
Wilkening was convicted of ac
cepting a bribe from Maryf and
Steve Toth, 1207 Izard street, April
14, and refraining from arresting
tricni for alleged violation ( of the
liquor laws. i 1 .
Booze Maker Fined.
York, Neb., Vt c. ' 9. Special.)
Conrad Zeig was fined $100 in justice
court here on a charge of manufac
turing intoxicating liquor;-
Manager Positive in
Identification of Man
As Emnress Robber
2 au ---- ,v.v.v.v.-:-
' V' t
Valfred Ledoux, owner and man
ager of the Empress theater, pointed
tc Glenn "Tubby" Clark in District
Judge Troup's court yesterday after
noon and declared him to be one of
two men who robbed him of $3,140
the night of October 24, while he was
putting the day's receipts in the thea
ter safe.
Cross-examination did not break
down Ledoux's positive indentifica
tion. Clark has been arrested fre
quently heretofore on charges in
cluding automobile stealing, breaking
and entering and receiving stolen
The identification of Clarke by
Walfred Leloux will be battered to
pieces 'by: overwhelming testimony.
Eugene O'Sullivan declared to the
jury impanelled to try Clark.
Forme? Clarke Home
Purchased by Masons
For Refuge for Waifs
Tranfer of the former1 home of
Mrs. Frank N. Clarke, Twenty
second and Davenport streets, to the
Masonic Home for Children society,
to be used for a children's home was
consumated yesterday when the
deeds were signed by representatives
of .the home and owners in the con
ference room of the Conservative
Saving and Loan. The consideration
was $25,000. i i
The property, 146 feet by 146 feet,
includes the former Clarke home of
14 rooms, and three brick flats, all
The property ' is directly south
of the half block recently pur
chased by the board of education for
the Central grade school site.
Remodeling of the structures will
be begun Friday and according to
home officials, the home will be
ready for (occupancy January 1.
Plymouth Man Struck by
' Hand Car Dies of Injuries
- Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 9. (Special;
Struck by a handcar at Plymouth,
Neb., Tuesday, Edgar Schopp, 21.
d?ed of his injuries. He was the won
of George Schopp, an old resident
of that city. i
. Brief City News
Former "Cop" Released. Robert
E." Ford former police ofUeer, was
held not guilty of charges ot boot
legging by a Jury In Judge Goss'
court Wednesday afternoon.
Pastor's Salary liaised At the an
nual congregational meeting of the
Kountze Memorial Lutheran church,
the salary of the paator, Rev. O. D.
Baltzly, was Increase to f 6,000.
Alleged Thief Held Paul Shrum,
3618 Clark street, alleged to have
disappeared Monday with $800 be
longing to a grocer, his former 'em
ployer, ia being held for investigation
at police station.
Man Bound Over Joe Thro, 1608
Chicago street, waa bound over for
trial In diotrict court yesterday
charged with assault to do bodily in
jury to Arthur Fry, an employe of
the Metropolitan Water district.
Iieglon to Bury Victim Funeral
services for3ess Sillick, murder vic
tim at a party last Sunday night at
Thirteenth and Ohlt streets, will be
hold by the Douglas county chapter
of the American Legion at Hoffman's
mortuary this afternoon.
Injuries Serious The condition of
Mrs. Rose Laks. 75, Inmate of the
Jewish Old Peoples home, who was
Injured when struck by a street car
Monday at Seventeenth and Charles
street. Is still serious, according to
authorities at Frederick hospital.
Zoning System Dlussed Trend of
publle opinion towards the pro
posed zoning system for Omaha was
explained Wednesday night to mem-
Comfort Baby's Skin
With Cuticura Soap
And Fragrant Talcum
For iMplCntjir.'l mJtma, hehitta t frwrjne.
Addrw. oitlttwt LrtanMtlM.DdU.lbMnJlm.
Give Your Furnace
Buy Your
This Winter From the
Phone Walnut 0300 ..
For Expectant Mothers
Used By Three Generatioms
m fe aooKirr o aarniMtooe at, rua
aAriit RMuuros Co. esn. must, u.
Union Outfitting Co.
Places Big Purchase
of Cut Glass on
Sale NextSaturday
Score of Beautiful Piecea
Suitable for Every Pur
pose to Select From.
Sale Prices Are Just About
HALF What You Would
Ordinarily Pay.
The greatest money-making
sale of brilliant, sparkling cut
glass Omaha homemakers have
known in many, many months
-11 take, place next Saturday at
. r-f snif Company.
You can choose from Water
Sets, Mayonnaise Sets, Sugar
and Creamers, Nappies, Vases,
Spoon Trays, Jellies, Pickle
Dishes, Nut Bowls, Fruit Bowls,
Comports, Relish Dishes, Celery
Trays,, Jugs, Tumblers, etc.
The- LOW sale prices make it
possible to secure Christmas Gifts
at a big saving. And as always,
you make your own terms.
Bee want ads are best business
jretters. -
Two Big
All of our silk shirts which
we have sold up to $20, includ
ing . Pussy Willows, Empire
Broadcloths, Crepes and Jer
seys, will go on sale Friday for
At Our Farnam Store
Every fiber shirt in the house
worth up to $9.00 in attractive
patterns, all sizes, will go at
one price
Velotir Hats
For Friday and Saturday only, sale of Velour
hats. Values up to $25.00. Closing out at
$8.95 and $16.75
Silk Hose
We have taken a wonderful lot of our very best
Silk Hose values to $3.00. For Friday and Sat
urday these will go on special sale for
For Men
1908 Farnam St.
tiers of the Men's club of Trinity
cathedral bytUeorpel Morton, presi
dent of the city planning board.
Money Stringency Evident. Many
suits in Justice of the peace court
involving Bums ranging from $10
to $102 denote that a money string
ency ia evident. .
Receiver Asked. A receiver for
the Farm Light and Power com
pany was asked la district court
yesterday in a suit tiled by Thomas
F. English, who alleges the concern
Is Insolvent. The company was
organized in July, 1919, and cap
italized at $100,000.
Wrong Letter Brings Suit. 13e
oaune a Western Union telegraph
operator struck the letter "1" on his
typewriter Instead of "o," making
the word "none" read "nine" In a
message from Major S. K. Dubbar
in Omaha to Fred S. Craig In Fort
Sheridan last April, the company
has been sued in district court for
Architects MeetRepresentatives
ot the Nebraska chapter of the
American Association of Civil En
gineers and of the American In
stitute of Architects met yesterday at
luncheon in the University club to
decide on a plan of promoting legis
lation for the creation of a state
board of examiners for engineers and
Divorce Suit Protested. The suit
tiled a few weeks ago In district
court by Joseph Zekonis for a
divorce from his wife, Maggie, on
charges of "desertion and extreme
cruelty." was answered with vim
and vigor yesterday by Maggie, who
refuses to let it go by default She
protosits in hor reply that her hue
band should be In Chicago auparV
ins her and the four children.
' Water Board Ak Loan. The
Metropolitan Water board will make
a formal request of the city council
for a loan of $125,000, with which
to pay interest on gas plant bonds
due January 1, and which should
be forwarded to New i'ork not
later than December 20. i
Only 13 Days Left
for Christmas
Nash Gob
See the
Special Values
for Friday
Page 6
The Entire Main Floor t Burgess-Nash New Building
Is Filled With Beautiful Gift Suggestions
Realizing that our present store would not be large enough to take care of the increasing crowds, we
opened the Downstairs Store and the Main Floor of our new building. The Dowhstairs Store is the place
where children's dreams come true Wonderland's Toytown. The Main Floor is a sort of a Gift Bazaar
holiday merchandise assembled from various parts of the store for your convenience. Great, broad aisles
and wide, convenient counters heaped with all sorts of beautiful things for men, women and children, make
it a joy to shop for the coming holiday. . N
Not only are there many lines of novelty gifts, but many of the counters contain articles of a practical1 nature. Among the sec
tions in this great section are : 1 - , '
Luggage Christmas Cards Picture Frames' White Ivory Candu
Books Handkerchiefs Framed Mottoes Calendars "
and on some of the tables you will find different merchandise each day on which special prices have been placed.
After you have selected your merchandise in this section you will find that there is a free wrapping desk where all parcels are
wrapped for mailing; near the desk is the Postoffice where you may have your packages weighed and buy the necessary stamps. .
. Framed Mottoes .
Perhaps you have some
friend that you wish to send
; a small remembrance or a
thoughtful reminder of the
joyful season of Christmas.
Nothing could be more appro
priate than a beautiful motto
attractively framed. We are
showingra varied selection on
the main floor of the new
building, priced from 75c to
Main Floor Naw Building.
Christmas Cards
Who did you forget last
year? How many of your
friends sent you a dainty
Christmas and when it was too
late you found that you had
neglected to send them one? '
Make out your lists carefully
and then bring it to our large
Christmas card section in our
new building and make your v
selection. Priced from lc to
$1.00. '
Main Floor New Building.
Gift Slippers
: Almost complete assortment of "Comfy" felt slippers, bou
doir slippers and mules make ideal Christmas gifts and practical,
Felt Slippers
Felt slippers dain
tily trimmed with rib
bon, soft padded
soles, in many colors
and styles. Priced
from $2.00 to $4.50.
Mules in navy styles, and all colors.
Second Floor
Boudoir Slippers
Quilted satin bou
doir slippers with
flexible leather soles
and heels, all colors.
Priced at $3.85.
Leather Boudoir
Leather boudoir slip
pers with large pom poms
in black, brown and red
at $3.60.
Priced from $6.00 to $7.50.
There are calendars here
that would appeal to every
man, woman or child, and
there is no gift that would be
more appreciated by a frierid.
We have small ones, large
ones, in fact, there is any kind
of a fancy calendar here that
you could hope for, beauti
fully boxed ready, to give for
Christmas. Priced from 5c
to $1.50.
Main Floor New Building.
Picture Frames
Perhaps you have a picture
of yourself to put in a frame
for a gift, or maybe someone
to whom you are going to give
a gift, has a picture that they
want framed. Please them
with one of these handsome
frames on display on the main
floor. There are all kinds
and descriptions, priced from
$2.25 to $2.75. i
- Main Floor New Building.
. 'A Special Christmas Sale of Candy-
to introduce our new candy section on the main floor of the new building. Friday we will place on sale
delcious candy the kind that every person enjoys eating, or to1 give to friends. It is fresh and made of
the purest ingredients and priced very special for Friday.
Johnston's chocolate covered cherries, 98c lb. English plum pudding, $1.19 and $2.35 lb.
A large, juicy cherry, hand dipped in chocolate, Salted peanuts, Planert's blanched, 29c lb. ,
with individual wrapping. . Iced caramels at 49c lb.
Ye old fashioned peanut candy cut in small squares, A complete line of fancyChristmas box candy from -39c
lb. . $1.25 to $10.00 a box. 1 j- V.
" , x Main Floor New Building . -
Buy your Christmas candy now; very special assortment in the Toy Department, 39c lb.
! Downataira Store f
T 11 1 C ", LVK
mas tianaKercniers
Linens Pillow Cases Blankets
Make Handsome and Appropriate Gifls
Here Are a Fcn Specials for Friday:,
For Men, Women and Children
, In the Nero, Large Section on the
Main Floor of the New Building.
So many people let their supply of Handkerchiefs ran low, during the scarce
times, that there is a very large opening in most bureau drawers for mighty ac
ceptable Christmas gifts of Handkerchiefs.
Women Handkerchiefs
Women's "beautiful linen kerchief.-.,
plain hemstitched hems; also white and
colored designs; plain and fancy ink
tials from 50c to $3.00.
Children's Handkerchiefs
, Children's handkerchiefs, three in
box. 25c to 75c a box.
Thar arc In color ot white; alio wonderful
color combination!. ' 1 ,
Men's Handkerchiefs
l Men's linen kerchiefs, initials, plain
hemstitched hems and beautiful corded
from 45c to $2.00.
Sport Handkerchiefs
Ladies' and men's sport kerchiefs in
beautiful color effects, linen, lawns
and batistes.
Turkish Towel Sets
$1.95 v
Set consists of two iowels and
two wash cloths to match ; these
are of, splendid quality, neatly
tied with satin ribbon and boxed
a very appropriate Christmas
gift. $1.95 set.
Huck Towels, 39c v
Hemstitched huck towels, of
fine weave, and quality, with
fancy border, size 18x36 inches.
39c, each.
Dresser Scarfs, 85c
Dresser scarfs with blue scal
loped 'edge and Tblue designs in
center; these are of excellent
quality; size 18x54 Aiches 85c
each. .' '
Pillow Cases, $2.50 pair
Pillow-cases, size 45x36
inches; these have finished ends
of crochet lace as well as hand
some designs of solid embroi
dery ; neatly put up one pair in
box suitable for Christmas gifts.
$2.50 pair. :
Blankets, $6.25 each
Bath robe blankets in hand
some designs, complete with
cords and tassel; neatly boxed.
$6.25 each. 4
Wool Blankets ,
$12.95 pair
Beautiful plaid wool blankets,
a soft, fluffy quality possessing
great warmth ; these are neatly
bound with ribbon and are suit
able, for full size beds: $12.95
Box Handkerchiefs '
Men's and ladies' kerchiefs, three in box, linen, lawn, mull and batiste. 25c
to $2.50 a box. '
Main Floor Now Building
Nuts, 3 lbs., $1
Drake Almonds, 3 lbs. for. . .$1.00
Paeans, 3 lbs. f or $1.00
.Washed Brazils, 3 lbs. for. . .$1.00
Mixed Nuts, 3 lbs. for $1.00
English Walnuts, 3 lbs. for. . .$1.00
4c each t
Roman Beauty
Downataira Store
Downataira Storo