Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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    IHIS ttUU: UMAHA, KKI1MY, DttlH.MBfcK 10, lyU
Warm Wave Nice
For Omahans: Bad
For Coal Dealer
Mild Weather Has Saved Refli
' dents of City Over $300,000
. In Coal Bills in Last
Two Months.
"Fair and warmer" is no comedy
tcr the coal man but those little
words in the weather report dur
ing tfyr last t,wo months have saved
, lne people of Omaha more than
$300,000 in coal bills.
At leas 31.000 tons of coal less
than were used in the corresponding
mouths of last year havebeen con
sumed in the homes, office buildings,
' apartments, stores and public build
j'ners here.
' The blessing of the armistice with
winter has been increased by the
natural result tf lessened demand
tor fuc.! and announcement is now
made that the prices of " coal has
been cut from 50 cents to $1 a ton
in the last week.
"In the mild weather the mines
have accumulated larger supplies,"
said Randall K. Brown of the Coal
Hill Coal company yesterday. "The
car supply also has been increased
"and the public is getting the bene
fit." A table of the estimated conserva
tion of coal gives this result:
In slngt dwellings, tons 25,000
' In npartmrnts' J00
In dotvntown district 5,000
In schools 301
. Total 31,S0t
-were using coal at the rate of about
a ton a week and the conservative
:- . estimate of the saving now is about
h ton each. A real estate agent
handling va number of apartments
v reports that -the savings there has
-ranged,. from 25 to 30 -per cent.. On
one building it was eight tons.
The average for.T50 flat buildings
'ill the citv. he Ijelif-vps. will aninunt
. to six tons each, tr 900 tons in all.
In addition to this economy is a
- , reduction in Cherokee nut coal,
which is quite generally used, from
12 a ton to $11.50'. f
i 1 ' 1 I
! City Would Bar Fireman's
v Widow From $50 Pension
s " Th city legal department is re-
..- sisting in district court the efforts
of Mrs. Nellie -Eliott to obtain a
widow's pensipn of $50 per month
on account of the death of her hus
band, Harold B. Elliott, who was
a city fireman. v-Mr. Elliott died of
influenza on November 12, 1918.
v It is contended by Mrs. Elliott
in her scase that her husband would
1 have recovered from the attack of
influenza had he not been injured
in an accident November S. IV18,
whe.i a truck of Hook and Ladder
Company No. 3 collided with a
street car. The widow alleges that
Mr. Elliott was ill 60 days following
the accident from which he never
- fully recovered.
It is expected that the, case will
oe called lor hearing today in dis
trict court.
- Columbus Rotary Club
Entertains Foot Ball Team
- ( Columbus JJeb., Dec. 9. (Spe
cial) The Rotary club entertained
' the, entire 'foot ball squad .of the
high school at a post-season din
I ner. Sixty-five plates were laid, 35
I of them for members of the foot
i A program was given, including
, speeches by several -members of the
foot ball team. Dr. C- H. ' Camp
bell presided as referefe. , C-uy Hoyt
of Omaha made the principal talk.
Rurriors of Liquor by
-Plane Cheer Hearts of
Omaha Booze Hounds
. v
Omaha-"booze hounds" saw a
glimmer ot hope in the horizon yey
terday vhen prohibition enforcement
officers stated that it might bepossi
bte to ship a $mall but choice quan
tity of booze into Omaha by airplane
from the Canadian border.
There were a number of "ifs" in
the -way, but while there's booze ir.
the world there's Ttlways a glimmer
of hope. '
The "ifs" include the comparative
ly small quantity of liquor that could
be transported in an airplane; the
high price of airplane liquor; the
Lfact that anyone who can pilot an
airplane can make more money
legitimately and run less risk.
But Assistant Prohibition Super
visor N. B. Miller says sjjch a thing
could be done.
Hence the smile on the face of
Omaha's "booze1 hounds" today.
Omahan to Spend Holidays
In Town of Boyhood Days
William Fleming. constable in
municipal court, intends to spend
the .Christmas holidays with-his
brother ami sister in Sioux Falls, S.
D., where he lived nearly 50 years
ago. His nephew, George Fleming,
is warden of the South Dakota peni
tentiary. ' y".
, Constable Fleming went to Sioux
Falls inl872 when his father moved
from LeMars, la., taking the
printing press ever seen in South
Dakota. He recalls that the first
money hex ever earned was a $5
gold piece given to him by Gen
eral Custer, for taking a message
end bringing-back a supply of
tobacco. He was 14 years old at
that time and was herding , catrle
for his Mather, while General Cus
ter was camping near Sioux . Falls.
Fleming remembers a 1 visits of
predatory Indians to the Fleming
home one day when Mr." Flejning
was away and he recalls that he and
sister pround wheatvjn an old cof
fee mill.
American State Bank Head
Bound Over to Grand Jury
Daniel W.' Geis'elman, president of
the American State bank, who is
kharged with misasc of the mails,
was bound over to the federal grand
jury Wednesdays a $1,000 bond by
United Mates Commissioner lioeh
ler. He waived, preliminary jxanir
ination when arraigned. The gov
ernment charges that Geiselman sent
out postcards advertising judgments
against VV. h.. bhafer and M. ,F;
Shafer, Omaha business men, form
erly connected with the American
State bank.
lloosier Xmas Club
Demonstration and
SaleStarts Saturday
Union Outfitting Co.
- . X . ; . '
Give HER a Time and
Labor-Saving Hoosier
for Christmas.
Beautiful Hoosier Kitchen
Cabinet Given Away on
- Friday, Dec 17th.
One of the greatest objections
to homemaking is the large' num
ber hours that must be spent
in theKitchen each day Such
a problem can be happily solved
for wife or mother, if you give
her a Hoosier for Christmas.
The $lj00 a Week Club Plan,
in force during demonstration,
means you can select HER
Christmas Gift now and finish
paying for' it during the coming
With every Hoosier sold for
Christmas Week delivery a big
box of Christmas goodies will be
included with each cabinet.
Itched and burned. - Had
Dandruff. Hair Came Out.
"My scalp begin to Itch and burn
and I had dandruff real badly and
there were eruptions all
around my head atthe edge
of ray hair. When I would
cratch it would cause them
to bleed and form a scale,
and my hair came out.
"I taw Cuticura Soap
and Ointment advertised and thought
I would give them a trial. I got re
lief the first time I used them, and
after using two cakes of Soap and
two boxes of Ointment I was healed."
(Signed) Mrs. Bessie Bft ghman,
Murray, Iowa. -
Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
v Talcum for all toilet purposes.
IMS BMkrmtrKtU. 4dran:"OMirant,tk
Titot i. Da I.VllMll llia " 8aljwr
wtwr. 8apS. OlncnMatttftndSOe. TitcunSc.
aWPCuticura Soap ilmt without mag.
Tot of 7 Wants to
Buy "a Little Girl
Shoes for Xmas!'
So She Sends $5 to The Bee
Free Shoe Fund and
Wish Will Be Fiil
v - filled.
"I am ?"ycars old anci' I want to
give $5 to The Bee's sute fund to
buy some little x'iv'i a'pair of shoes
for. Xmas,". writes Camilla nder
son of Fullerton, Neb.
Camilla's , Christmas will be the
happier because she will know that
some poor little Omaha girl will be
happy, wearing the shoes that
Camilla bought for hey
A "thimble club" in Lexington
sends in a contribution. Individuals
give, too. -
And the ' line of , waiting waifs
moves on a little farther as a few
more pinched-faced little boys and
girls get the shoes ey have been
needing and dreamirig of. '
Can you help, too? If so, bring or
send what you like to The Bee of
fice. Prvloul, reported SS87.3H
A Friend ot Children 1.00
Camilla Anderson, Fullerton, Xeb.. B("l
rnh 3.00
"fash F" 4.W
The rjiillr' Kituth Side Thimble
club, Lexlnfton, Neb - 4.3
Total .. S884.S5
. til -r J$
Burglars Enter Four Stores
At Burchard and Escape
Table Rock, Neb., Dec. 9. (Sp
cial.) Four business houses at Bur
chard were entered by burglars who
escaped on a velocipede which (hcv
stole frcfoi the Burlington railroad.
They left the machine at. Pawnee
City. ' ' .
The hardware store of Arthur
Bornheimer was robbed of $9 in cash.
The Huston and Ryerson drug store
reports the loss of $75 and a quanti
ty of jewelry.- Nothing was obtained
by the burglars' in the M. J. Kline
cafe or the Philpot-Rauh Lumber
''Pape's Cojd, Compound"
breaks any CoJd
in Few Hours
Instant Relief I-Don't stay stuffed
upl Quit blowing and snuffling! A'
dose of 'Tape's Cold Compound"
taken every two hours until three
doses are taken usually breaks up
any cold.
'The very first dose opens clogged
nostrils and the air passages of the
head; stops.-jiose running; relieves
the headache, dullness, feverishness.
'Tape's Cold Compound" acts
quick, sure, and costs only a itir
cents at drug stores. It acts with
out assistance, tastes nice, contains
no quinine Insist upon .Fapes!
In Twenty-six Piece
Sets, With Extra
Spoons, at Bowen's
at Falling Barometer
" Prices.
We have been able to
make a purchase "at
prices way below the
market on a line of Sil
verware, Spoons, Knives
and Forks, etc., in com
plete sets, so that we are
ables right at this oppor
tune time to give you a.
few values such as per
haps have never been of
fered before.
v This well known make
is a guarantee to you of
quality and the splendid
designs that we nave we
know wHl appeal to your
Let us suggest this as
thisvyear's Xmas Gift for
HER because it is. use
ful, and cannot fail to
be, greatly appreciated,
and" the , ppfres that we
are offering this at are
such that even if it is only
a few dollars you care to
spend, we know, "and you
will see, that it could not
be spent better than in
some of Bowen's Silver
ware. ' '
And, as usual, you
make your own terms.
I : Brodegaard Bros. Co.
33rd Annivebaty Sik of Clock
g And Other Useful Christmas Gifts. Every Article is Priced Under
Only 13 Shopping Days till Christmas. "'
4100.00 Complete Set, 25 Off ,
Friday and Saturday. .$75.00
$80.00 Complete Set, .'25 Off
Friday and Saturday. .$60.00
75.00 Complete Set, 0 Off
Friday and Saturday. .$56.25
$65.00 Complete Set, 25 Off
Jvpry -Ivory-Ivory
Friday and Saturday
" One of the Most
- Desirable and Useful : -
Gifte "
Our very large andvaried selec- ,
lion of high-grade extra heavy Ivory
Toilet Pieces will surely pleaseyou.
Note the unusual low price and
liberal discount allowed Friday and
Saturday. Make your selection .arV
ly. We" will hold it for you until
t Christmas. .
$45.00 Complete Set, 25 Off
Friday and Saturday .$33.75
$30.00 Complete Set; 25 Off
Friday , and Saturday. .$22.50
$20.00 Complete Set,, 25 Off.
Friday and Saturday. .$15.00
Friday and. Saturday, $48.75'
And hundreds of more Genuine French Ivory Pieces such as Brush,
Corib and Mirror Sets, Military Sets,N Manicure Sets, Traveling Sets,
Powder Boxes, Hair Receivers, Hair Brushes, Combs and many other
articles too numerous to mention) all go on sale at 25 less than.
regular prices.
mmtmmmmmmm w t, 1 1 ,
25 Discount on Our Entire Stock of
Solid Gold 14-karat Sterling Silver,
Very Heavy and Sterling Nickel
Cigarette Cases
Solid Gold 14-Karat,""Bterlingr Silver and
14-Karat Gold Filled Vanity Cases. The
swellest and most beautiful collection ever
shown iu Omaha. , ' '
Co On Sale Friday and Saturday at
Special v' Special
, Cigarette Cases
'Extra Special for Friday and Saturday
Beautiful Thin Model Cigaret Cases. Guar
anteed to wear a lifetime. Regular price 6.
Friday and Saturday Only $2.95
?L Union v
St. Paul
'Sixteenth and Douglas Sts. N
Oldest Jewelry Firm in Omaha V In Business Orer 33 Ye?r - Maif Order. Promptly FUW
Send for Our 1921 Catalogue. It' Free. " At the Signef the Crown Up th. Golden Stair.
j.mJj.'J- Send for
. . . , : : r- ; ; - : . - ' - '
. " ) S ;i
Saturday, December
llth we place on
sale Our Entire Stock of
Men's and Boys' Wearing Apparel at Prices Unheard ot Since 1914
Your Choice of
Any Cotton Win
ter Union Suit
Your Choice of
Any Men's Work
Shirt in the House'
Heavy Overshoes
$OK) Silk Four-m-Hand
It is our determination to clean house and do it right now. Original cost is abso-
lutely ignored in this sale. We take tour loss in a Jump like a good fellcKv. j 1 "
Clothing at Less Than Manufacturers' Cost to
Your Unrestricted Choice of Any Men's Suit or 0'Coat in the House
i j
Formerly Sold up to 75.00
Sizes up to 50)
Entire Stock of men's dress pants consisting
of 3,000 pairs of all wool and avooI mixtures
in a large selection of patterns, Blue, Brown
and Green included at ,
Extra' ' &ilf
.95 an
Formerly Skid Up to $12.50 Sizes Up to 50 Waist Measure
Take your pick out of our entire shoe stock
of men's dress shoes at
Formerly Sold Up to $15.00
Bring Your Boys and fit them with a Suit,
Overcoat and Mackinaw your choice of the
House ' - l" J- .;. ";
1 Formerly Sold Up to $20.00 Sizes Up to Af. 18 '
Your choice of our entire Hat Stock, Velours'
included 1,200 to pick from at
$14$ and$2M
'Formerly Sold Up to $10.00
r . . -rm. AM. -
12 tn a FARNAM STS.
iter values
Satisfaction guaran
teed as usual. Alter
ations made free of
charge." Mail orders
sent nrenaid.
Your Choice of
Any Cap
in the
Your Choice of
Any Collar in the
2 for 35c
Rubber Collars
Your Choice of
Any Flannel Shirt
in the House
$1.00 Men' Win.
L.. r.. v .
i tcr urancr) a uur
HT --'.- ..M.
i.iaJ. ..AlawAJ.i