-f 7 V V , DE(fi 14 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY EMBER 9, 1920. 1 t , I re Classified Advertising Rates lo par line (count I word to Una) 1 day lo per line par day, 1 consecutive days 1A par Una par day. 1 oonaecuilve daya He pat Una par day, 80 consecutive dara Ho adda taken for leu thansa total of 36e. Thaaa rates apply either to the Daily or Sunday Ree. All advartlaamanta en par In both morning and evening daily papara (or the ona charge, CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION. Want ada accepted at tba following ol .flees: -MAIN OFFlCK....I7tb and Farnam 81a South 81 ria 8 31 II N St. Council Bluffs At 8oott St ' WANT ADS RECEIVED BT PHONE AT - TYLER J 000. THE BEB will not ba raaponalbla for mora than ona Incurred Inaertlon of an advertisement ordered (or mora than oaa time. -CLOSING HOURS,. FOB WANT ADS Evening Edition 11:4 A. M. Morning Edition :00 P. M. Butday Edition 1:00 P. M.. Saturday . LODGE NOTICES. A MASONIC SCHOOL FOR INSTRUC . i TION. , . ' Under tha personal direction of Bra. Robert E. French, Orand Custodian, will ba , held thl evening-. , Tuesday, rtunemher 7. at 7:10 d. m. and Decem ber 8, t and 10 at 2:30 p. rn. and 7:10': p. m. ' All Waiter Masoni are Urged to attend, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST IS AMBULANCE SSSSff M Thlrty-thlrd and Farnam. ' HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL, DIRECTORS.' 701 South lth St. Douglas 122. HEAJFEY & HEAFEY, ' Undertakers and Embalmera. Phone H. 265. Office 2611 Farnam. ffOR AMBULANCE call South 80. KorHko ' Funeral Home, 23d and O Sta. v FLORISTS. LEE L.-LARM0N rZ7!' Mi Douglas St. Douglaa 8244. JOHN BATH. 18th and Farnam. D. SOOO. I Henderson. i51 Farnam. Douglaa 1241. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Ralph and Lulu Sclple, 605 North Twenty-sixth street, boy; Joaeph and Lucille Nordsbrom, 917 South Twentv " sixth etrect, boy; Harold and Dagmor Et , ter. 324fcSouth Twenty-fifth atreet, -boy: John mnd'JuIla Leifert. 1928 South Seven teenth street, girl: Frank and Clara Orlmm. 2921 Douglas street, boyi Mike and Bernlce Szymanskt, 3980 Hillsdale avenue, boy; John and Agnes Zlngerli. .Florence, Neb., girl; Louis and Catherine OreerTberg, 2904 Saratoga street, girl and boy, twtrts; Oulaeppe and Alfls, Aleasandro, 2408 South EleventhVstreet, girl.- Deaths Isabella Gusmam 8, hospital: 'William E. Hnnaom, 36, hospital; Georg; Onrdiner, 86, 2225 Jones utreet; Harry M. Hlrsch, 41, hospital: Jess C. Sllllk, 38, 2616 North Thirteenth street; Bernard R. Hackman, Infant, hospital: Rev. John Charles White, 65, 604 North Fortieth atreet; David J. Nrlrjran, 38, hospital; Thomas H. Dsrgen, 39, hospital; Hugh J. Ryari 32, hospital; Stella Drlever. 30, hos pital! ' MARRIAGE LICENSES'. " following couples have been issued llcen Fri is to werW , - k Satrapa. 27, Omaha, and Jaanetto , 26, Omaha. t ( Hebe Oh II. Pedersen, 28, Omaha, and Clara E. rmt z, 22. Omaha. - t 11a y Brown, 29, Omaha, and Grace 38, Omaha. . . Mood Sa Kiel Becker, 2E, Omaha, and Sadie Spi ig 19, Omaha. , H-Qarllck, 28'. Ft. Dodga. and Kundle, 14, Olivia, Minn. Ea Lydii LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet cars tele, phbne Tyler 800. We are anxious to re store loat articles to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. BY. COMPANY. , LOST Mink neckpiece, either while shop N ping downtown or on, Dundee car, Tues day. Tel. Hr. 4807. Liberal reward. LOST Man's signet ring, initials Inside, B. to R. Days call Wal. 0709, evenings . Web. BIBB, v LOSTt Yellow canary; finder please call Walnut 2058. Reward. XMA8 bicycles. . V.' H. Rooa, 2(01 Leav. i fr. , PERSONAL. THIS SALVATION Army Industrial home Solicits your old clothing, furniture, ; Magazines. -We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 413S and our wagon will . nail. Call and Inspect our tiw horn. tiiu-mz-iin uodge at. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AOENCY, Incorporated. Douglaa 17, tiinKiwn oik., ljmarra, nen. SAY; IT WITH I LOWERS FROM HESS . .-,4k SWOBODA, 1416 FARNAM STREET. MANICURING, massages. 330 LeFlang RENT Hoover vacuum, 2L,28. Wal. 1947. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth 8t EXPERT Swedish masseuse. Call Dg. ,6877. Electro-Therapy massage. 318 Neville blk. 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. KEEP'S HOTEL ROM?. We teach ballroqm and all kinds et fancy dancing. D. 2681 or H. 2792. ITpl.Pinft School for Dancins. 224, Aa-Ci A 1UC . Farnm- Dong. 7860. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Idg. Doug. 2056. Nlgnt Col. 8812. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1338. Hemstitching and Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst box ' pleating, covered buttons, all sties and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye W .cut- work. buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co- 101 Brown Blk." Douglaa 1936. Mebn Pleating. Button Co. 180C Far. nam St. D. 67. Miscellaneous Announcement!; - JMAHA PILLOW" COMPANY. "Wttresses . made over In new ticks at hal( price of new beds. Pillows renovated and made tip in nejr feather-proof ticking. 1907 Coming street.' Douglaa 2467. DIAMONDS' pvrrc.pv?,tthhDr1v;,t.g. to buy back at Small profit. GROSS JEIWKLUI tU, 402 N. 1610 St l)ug- , las 6049. - I . SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra- . cots, razor blades sold. Omaha Razor Bnarpentng Co.. 1622V, Dodge. 103 N. 16. PaXTON-MITCHBLL CO.. 17th and Martha Sta.. Omaha. Nah. - Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine ray iron castings. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. MARTIN, patent attv.. 171 Codas. Sell your invention to a manufacturer. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can ba purchased at Rlalto Drue Store, IS'h ana uougias Bts.. timana. Neh. FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. , Write for prices. The Ensign Co 1(01 nowara to. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Careful welders." 16th and Jackson.- D. 4397. FULL dress suits ana tuxedos for rent. los w mm at., jonn f eiaman u. ills, WEDDING ani,ouncemeuta and printing, glas 844. Douglaa Printing Co. Tel Douglas 84 Q A T? iVQ BARGAINS, 12th A Farnam. "J J. 3. Oarl Carlght Safe Co. PAINTING, papering, reasonable prlcea. rrank tiuusek, walnut 3026. MATTRESSES remade, springs rep. H. 7162. Omaha Towe, Supply i0 8. llirS D. t7t. Dr. Bradbury? No pain. til'W. O. W. Bldg. FOR SALE. Pianos and Musical Instruments, SAXOPHONE, band instrument repairing, Ind nana saxopnoaes. Myers Saxo- phine -'Shop, 1125 So. 4798. x i 29th.- Harney L DRUMS, traps, mailmbas, instructions, re pairing. Phone Harney 2J7i Geo. A. Smith 2761 -Davenport St. A. HOSPE. COtTns'ic Pianos for rvnt.- LARGE, beautiful $200 ' $40 worth of records. Jhonograph and 95. Web. 0211. PIANO, excellent condition. Wi 3581. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADDt.NG MACHINES. ' ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for th. CORONA. Get cur price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4120. 1911 Farnam. PROTECTOGRAPHS. F.'fc li'"' " HO Kevlllo Ride; t - Bringing up IT MriE-CAJs'T VOU CO' tHOPPlrV WITHOUT ME? YOU r ' FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION I AUCTION!! Nineteen homes of high grade and staple furniture and furnishings to b sold In my auction house at public auc tion 18th and Webster Streeta Four Days Sals'" ' WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY, FRIDAT AND SATURDAY THIS WEEK Sale Starta Each Day at 1 P. M. -This Is a big sale and consists of nearly everything used In good homes. Pianos, Talking Machines; Beautiful ' Parlor Suites, Including one Blue SUk Valure Parlor Suite that cost new 8876' this Parlor Suite is the best I have ever sold and ltke new. Several extra good . dining room sets. Including ona very ' expensive William and Mary solid Amer ican Walnut Dining Room Set that Is the best money will buy j-several extra ,good Bed Room Suites, Including three very expensive American Walnut Bed Room Suites complete, that art) extra good and like new; Brass and Simon Beds complete; sewing Machines, B,anjp; Standard Auto Tires, all In Ford sizes with a 6,000-mlle guarantee; Drcsseru, Dressing Tables, Chiffionlerf, Oaa Ranges, Steel Range, Heating Stove, Kitchen Cabinet, Library Tables, Daveu- ' ports and Duofolda; Dlahes, Cook Ins Utensils, Linens; nearly all kinds of Rugs, all sizes, and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. JAMES L. OOWD, Auctioneer. If you have anything to sell call Douglaa 32SS, Tyler 0966 or Tyler 2882. Miscellaneous Articles. AUCTION! AUCTION!! One complete stock of staple groceries and one dry goods and shoe store to be sold one piece at a time at auction In My Auction House 1 8th and Webster Streets - TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND V THURSDAY NIGHTS v If HIS WEEK. ; Sale Starta at 7:30 Each Evening. Consisting of staple groceries from a I grocery store on Military avenue and staple dry goods and shoes from an Omaha store that needs, the money. " This la a bona fide sale, everything put , tip will sell with no restriction. Re member the sale Is in the evenings. DOWD AUCTION CO., Auction' ; If you have merchandise to sell call Walnut 6096 or Douglaa 3285, j-TONf Fairbanks No. 4 standard scale, 8x3H foot platform, . also 28-Inch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust (an. Inquire at Omaha Bee office, 17th and Farnam St. Phone Tyler 1000. - . . 7 FOR SALE One 80-ton Smith. Begga & -Rankin lea machine, direct connected to a Corliss engine. Price 83,000 (. o. b. cars, Indianapolis, Ind. -For Sale One 10-ton - brand new , united ice machine, enclosed type, two cylinder machine only. Price 81,500 or complete on high side $2,000. For Sale One-ton ice machine, ma chine only, $600or complete on high aide (859 f. o. b. Indianapolis, Ind. UNITED ICE MACHINE CO 318 South East St., Indianapolis. Ind.' REFUSE FOR SALE. LOOSE WILES BISCUIT CO. 12th AND DAVENPORT STS. DOUGLAS 1930. - I S -" IF YOU NEED XMAS MONEY. v Why not sell some of those clothes you laid away, or those pictures, trunks, furniture, etc, stored In the attic T Someone may be glad to get them, and an ad in The Bee will help yon dis-. pose of them. Call the Want Ad De partment, Tyler 1000. SEWING MACHINES Wvrent, repair, sell needles and parts. MIUKEL'S Harney. boa 16th and Harney. Douglas 1978. liURE and safe Investment, city war ran is to pay you 10 per cent interest, siun, $500 and $1,000 amounts. E. G. Solomon 517 KaVbach Bldg. Douglas 4262. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases.etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co. 8. W. Cor. lltlr-and Douglaa. D. 2724. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. FRED C. TAYLOR. 602 SECURITIES BLDG. TY. 3685. POTATOES, apples, qnlons and other vegeiaoies aeuverea in t-nusnei lots or more, call Tyler 2735. RESTAURANT and candy -kitchen fix tures lor sale; reasonable price. 120 South 16th. BABY buggy, reed, cream colored, cordu : roy lined, first class shape. $20. Col 3909. Shoe Repair Shop. Has stitching, machine. in tnriving community center. web.3425. GUTTMAN pays highest prices forfurnl- ture. also men s clothes. Harney 5172. FOR SALE Twb Tuxedo suits, also dress suit, slze-38. Wal, 6019, 710 No. 38th. BABY carriage'' and . sewing machlnje. Reasonable. Box R-909, Omaha Bee. DIAMOND, 96x100 aarat, good color; bar- gain at 36. walnut 516.' GEORGETTE dress, size 38, -worn once. v. oitv. (- HAND-MADE beaded bags. Douglaa 5178. XMAS bicycles. V. H. Roos, 2701 Leav. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and ' tiaded. J. C. Reed, 120' Farnam. D. 6116. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture.-Ty. 1598. A. Zavett. 705 N. 16. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. GOOD STENOGRAPHER AT BEGIN NER'S PAY. CALL COLFAX 0639. HAULING ashes, rubbish. Walnut 3615. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good plsces are always advertised. , Don't mlsa them. SEWING, silks, velvets, skirts. Jackets, rellned. remodeled, reasonable. . ft. 6804 Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants day work, laundry, ironing, etc. Phone Web. 3382 evgs. X BUNDLE washing, e'er 4308. - Experienced. Web- B0NQLE 17351 wi.shlng. Experienced. Web. EXP. ' laundress 3140. wants day work. )ib. DAY work. Ironing, laundry. Web. 3382. WANT day work In laundry. Web. 56.19. DAY work, Ironing, cleaning. Web. M87. DAY work wanted. Webster 1888. DAY work,-exp., colored. Wi-b. 4118. DAY work, laundry, exp. Web. 6639. DAY work wanted, exp.. Web. 139 0. DAY worlt. 'experienced. VVeb. 17oiT DAY work wanted, exp. Web. 6 216. tAY work wanted. Webster 2941. DAY work wantVd. liar. 7007. "?ee want ads aj-e best business getters, , .... ' father I OON'T VAMT ANY HELP WANTEDMALE. Stores and Offices. CASHIER for country bank; salary open; Indicate amount of stock you can finance. T WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND' ASSN. 1306 First Nat'l Bank Bldg, Professions and Trades. , , WANTED. ' . ' . , , ' EXPERIENCED UPHOLSTERER. , ( APPLY .SUPERINTENDENT, , "' " ' BALCONY, BURGESS-NASH CO. WANTED Men wishing positions fire man, braicemenrmotormen, colored train porters on large Nebraska roads, write immediately for full Information; $150 to $200 month; no experience necessary. Inter Railway, Dept. 251, Indianapolis, Ind. WANTED First class Auto and Carriage Trimmer.' Steady work and good pay. Address Box Y, 1369, Omaha Bee. WANTED A real groceryman that can proauce results. Write me yout real stuff. Box 662,- Lander. Wyo. PLASTERERS wanted r four, ,, experienced. mx weeks jyrerk. j. K. Trltt, ilmball. ALL' around candy maker wanted. Mc- uomps canfly Co., 1418 North ISth. i IV ANTED First-class sausage maker, Washington Market. 1407 Douglas. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE 110 So. 14th St. Catalog Free. Salesmen and Solicitors. WE need three first-class salesmen at once. Men with electrical" knd fixture experience preferred. Apply Mr. V. K. Mitchell, 1614 Harney St. SPECIALTY salesmen. In silverware, rugs and blankets, can use a couple of good men, out o town work. C, F. Adams Co., 623 So. 16th. SALESMAN City or traveling, experience unnecessary; prepare as you earn. For particulars, write Box H-S4, Omaha Bee. Boys. BOYJJ WANTED If you are a school boy with ambition to earn big money for a few hlurs' work each week after school and also win useful prizes, call to see Erlck Nelson, mstcapltol Ave. Miscellaneous. MAN wanted to set pins at Farnam tsownng Alley, 1807 Farnam St. XMAS bicycles. V. H. Roos, 2701 Leav. -ELP WANTED FEMAtR Stores and Offices. WANTED A few young women to pre pare for stenographic andbookkeeping positions by April 1885 to $110 to start. For appointment apply now. Address, Box H-7. Omaha Bee. GIRL for office work. Some bookkeeping and typing; small salary to start. Ad dress Box R-1333, Omaha Bee. Professions and Trade?. GOOD, seamstress wanted, 3 days each week. Box 1001. Omaha Bee. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Middle aged woman for gen- uuiiwwuift, kuuu wages 10 rigm person. "4643 Dodge St. - ' Household and Domestic. GIRLS Watch the DomSstlo Column of The' Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid and homelike places alwaya advertised, WANTED AT ONCh! Good Klrl for irenern) h family, modern convenienses La'undresei Kept, no small cnildren, good wages, good home to right glrL Address Box X72. Omaha Bee. WANTED-Sisters or friends to room in same neighborhood. No laundry. Call Walnut .3600 or Walnut 5114. .- t WANTED A competent white second maid. Apply, , Mrs. Ward Burgess, 122 N. 22d St. WANTED Housekeeper. No objection to one child. Swarti, 65th and V St. - V Miscellaneous. , WANTED. 10. GIRLS BETWEEN AGES OF 17 AND 24 YEARS. 8TH GRADE 'EDUCATION OR BETTER. APPLY ROOM 614. NEW TELEPHONE BLDG., 19TH AND DOUGLAS STREETS. ONE or two canvassers wanted, house to house proposition. On commission basis only. Write Box XOX, Omaha. Bee. XMAS bycles. V. H. Roos, 2701 Leav. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boya to Karn barber trade; big demand: wages while , dearnlng; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. 1 uai vnuub-1 muni buiuuu. Complete courses le accountancy, machlns I bookkeeping, comptometry, shorthand . ana typewriting, ranroea ana wireless telegraphy, civil service and all ' Eng lish and commercial branches. Write. call' or phone Douglaa 1568 (or large illustrated catalog. Address j .. -- BOYLES pOLLEGEj Boyles Blstg.. Omaha. Keb. 1 Van Bant School of B'isl-ieas. Day and Evening 8chools. lid Omaha National Bank Bids Douglas 689. BUSINESS CHANCES. . LUMBER YARD AND ELEVATOR FOR SALE. On main line C & N. W. Ry.. best farming district of Neb. Coal, hard ware and live stock In connection. Ad dress, Box Y-1364, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE The best cash grocery busi ness In Wyoming, doing $9,000 cash business per month. For particulars address Box 552, Lander, wyo. TO GET In or out of business, see LEWIS A Co.. 411 McCsgue Bids. RESTAURANT for sale cheap.- Address 815- No. 16th St. Dg. ,7557. SELL YOUR BUSINESS. 1 636 BEB BLDG. -FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. COMPLETB RM. LIST OF ALL CHOICE ROOMS IN OMAHA FOR BENEFIT OF -OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. CALL FOR IT ANY TIME. ' TYLER IOOOj WANT AD. , SINGLE and double room for men only running hot and cola water, steam heat ed, walking distance. Brown's Bachelor Apta., 60S N. Zlst. Douglas FOR lady employeaV-south ivory fur nished room in modern bungalow; breakfast optional. 2633 No. 49th St., Wal. 11H. ' BEAUTIFULLY furnished froht room well hoaUU, plenty of hot water, liar. 2171 SEE J I COS AND MAGGlbV IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE IKNOv.&OT 1 T tHUT UP - VOU ARe SHOULD et AT COINA WITH ME! fA THE. OFFICE -I'VE r-yt- W A LOT OF WORK. jAb ti l4o ar nri. s-taruss Slavics. Inc. U 1 FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished kooms. YOUNG MARRIED couple, railroad folks, ) preferred. M. and, O. or Missouri Pa , clflc railroad, 1 furnished, rooms. Call Web: 0603. , , . EXCEPTIONALLY nice large room, 16x20; private family, walking distance, two car lines. 2306 Cass St., Douglas 7433. LARGE modern room, suitable for two ladles; close to 1 car lines; sfeadyr refer 1 encesi Call evenings. Har. 1273. PLEASANT FRONT room close in. Gen tlemen preferred. No other roomers. Har. 7195. FOR RENT Large front bedroom. Hot wgter, neat. Diui vapuoi Ave, wmuuk 1319. NICELY furnished room, modern home, breakfast it qesirea. wau zino. NICELY furnished rooma. 116 Nerth 25th street, Tyler 444. - CLEAN steam heated room, suitable (or . .Ann u.Mt.u liw 41 QQ ' . COZY roomvln modern home on ear line.1 Harney 6145. V . FURNISHED room, close in, for 1; in Tyler 03u. v - SLEEPING room; private home. Har-.- 6234. LOVELY ROOM in apartment. Har. 4790. ROOMS for railroad men, 1502 S. 10th. STEAM heated rm.,2 gentlemen. D. 3291.-J, GOOD sized sleeping room. Har. 2210. 3208 HARNEY, large front room for 2. Housekeeping Rooms CALL FOR COMPI.ETE"LlST OF HOUSE- KEEP1NG ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVB THE. BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT TUR BEE ROOM LIST, PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OCR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. ; TYLER WANT AD. ' BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room for housekeeping. Furnace heat; block to ear. H. 3737. i WANTED rCompetent white second maid good wages.. 1320 South 34th St: Hf 4042. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPliVG APTS. LINCOLN APTS., 2102 CHICAGO. TVA) fms. furnished or unfurnished. Web. 1929. BASEMENT room, cheap. . 1602 So. 10th. 2318 DOUGLAS Light housekeeping, rms. Christmas bicycles. V. H. Roos. 2701 Leav. Board and Rooms., r FCR CHOICE BOARD AND RMWATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF YOTX DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. 1000 AND i ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LISTf OF ROOMS. , , . , -1 BOARD, and room in desirable neigh borhood, strictly modern home, two business men or man , and wife, erfr-l - ployed. Harney 2848. VERY pleasant room to share with an other young man; two meals, modern home, close in. Harney 4033. LARGE room with board for 2 gentle men or man a fid wife In private family. Har. 3166; 1646 So. 28th St. MODERN room for 1 or 2 gentlemeny beet home cooking, reasonable. Harney 7476. 254H CAPITOL Ave., boardv and room for 2 young men. Dg. 4966. NICE front room with board; 2209 South aotn et., Dg. g014.' Rooms Wanted. ROOM and board for two in Saunders acnooi uistnct; would consider room ,fnly; near 40th and Coming. v Box W .68. Bee. FOg RENT HOUSES. Furnished. SIX-ROOM, completely furnlshed modern - hpuse, y, block to car, immediate 'pos session, must furnlah best of references. '3037 Curtis Ave., Colfax 0018. Unfurnished." FOR RENT Five-room cottage, 3444 S. 15th St., $20; 3-room brtck flat, 2618 N. - 31st St.," (14. S. S. and R. E. Mont gomery. Doug. 1313. ' Walnut 213?. kfDK RENT 4-rooru modern house with tween 9 a. m. until 3 p. m. 9-ROOM and bath, recond door, fine for renting- rooms. $27.60. " 3705 Q St. ' Douglas 3556. NINE rooma, all modern, weat on Howard. Tel. HaThey 1093. " j " Miscellaneous. 7 8-R., 2901 Farnam, mod. ex ht., $40. 8-R., 2635 Seward, mod. ex. ht., 327.-60. F. D. Wead, 310 S. 18th. Tyler 0161. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. THE EL-BEUDOR. '. Dodge, at 18th 'Street - Tyler 4200 1 Omaha's Newest and Finest Ex clusive Apartment Hotel." Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. 1 ROOMS, lower floor, private home, every- thing furnished; phone, gas, light end ' coal. You take care hot water beating plant. No. 6. Harney 6698-- , FURNISHED APARTMENtV IN THE BLACKSTONE HOTEL. HARNEY 0943. TWO furnished rooms, private bath, 801 Park Ave., H. 3230. Unfurnished. :, TADOUSAC : . ', located on 38th Avenue between Farnam and Dewey Avenue, in Omaha's most exclusive residence district. Omaha's finest and new est apartment building; suites of three, four and five rooms. Price $100 to $150. Building now ready for occupancy. Shown by' ap pointment. ' - O'Keefe Real Estate Cox, REALTORS. 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 2715. FOUR rooms and bath,1' all modern, hot water heat, brick flaL- 2d floor. $46, references required.- Shown by pointrnent only. Harney 3720, Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management. IN Ardmore Terrace, 6 rooms and sun room; rent $125. Tyler 0644. 17th' and Farnam Sta. 3-ROOM modern apartment. 1629 Park ave. WANTED TO RENT. "Business Property. , WANTED AT ONCE. Store room of good size; would take over lease of room If now occupied; prefer downtown district. Write Box H-30, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT Business Property. TWO story brick building. 22x60 feet, on 14th near Douglas. Ine for small fac tory or -.lobbing; $1ZS per month. Doug. 1734. 8EJS J(. D. WEAdT iIO B, 18IH ST. . BUT UVTEM I CAT-t'T NEGLECT Hi COSINES L.IK.E THi? , XL I i r t jrri r MOVING AND STORAGE. WE assemble and forward carloads of both household goods and automobiles. ' Watch this column, aa it will keep you informed where we are making carload Shipments to. If you are shipping to any of tne cities represented or to towns adjacent to our shipping points, see us about our rates, aa it is likely that our through rate Is less than the regular local rate and you have the advantage of carload serv ice. - ' Today we are accepting ahlpmenta to the following cities; Ls Angeles. CaL : El Paso. Texf GORDON FIREPROOF WARE f HOUSE AND VAN CO. .219 N. 11th St Phone Douglas 394. Omaha, Neb. FIDELITY and11 van CO. STORAGE, MOVING. PACK1NO HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. , , REASONABLE RATES. 1 FREE RENTAL 8ERIVCB. - t COMPLETE LIST OF s ' HOUSES AND APARTMENTR 1 fits) and Jackson Sts. Douglas 0281. MxtjlKUFUUTAM VAN and STORAGE CO4. Owned by H. R. Powen Co. ITyler 8400. QLOBE VAN, TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For res I service In hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4138. Auto or wagon service. ' , UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate -four moving, packing and storage. l0i Davenoort Doug. 2908. MOVING PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms (or household goods and pianos, moving, isckln- and shipping. . OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South 16th. Doug. 41 83.. WE enn save you money on automobiles and household goods to California In through cars. V Omaha Van & Storage Co. 806 So. 16th St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island Red pullets ; and cockerels for sale at 3924 So. 25th St. . WHEAT screenings, $1.75 per hundred de livered. A. W. Wagoner. 801 II. 16th. Doug. 1142. CHOICE ROLLERS, 1 large, cage. H. 8723. BELGIAN hares tor sale. Tyler 6399. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. j Douglas. Eigh.t v ' 'Sedan Must Be Sold" rfect condition, driven. ' , only a few mjies. A great . bargain if taken quickly. Own- er will be in Omaha Thursday evening and Friday. Address . or call ) T, N. ORETZER,.v Fontenelle Hotel Omaha, Neb. Cadillac Used Car v Department ! - Very special sale of a few .unusually fine -Cadillacs at far . befow our usual prices. ; Several- of Omaha's leading people going away for the winter have left their cars . with us for sale. If thy are not sold within two or three . daya they will be shipped to the varloUswinter resorts. The prices on these cara will , surprise you and while In specting them you . will also note eome remarkable values we are offering . In mlacel- ' laneous makes. If you are looking for some- thing really worth while In the . vi 'aiy Of a good motdr car at a " low price, in the next few daya la your opportunity. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co., Farnam at 16th. - Harney 0710. Look These . 1 Bargains Over ' 1)119 Oldsmobile sedan, looks and runs line new, $878. -Dodge touring, exsellent shape, new Model 90, Overland, aUiargaln at $175 Vhiton Garage 160 Vinton Bt. Tyler 1687. : -0. We have . some splendid 1919 newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and 'you'll buy it. 1 , J N Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Douk. 3622 MAXWELL. 4-DOOR SEDAN. 1919; r. LIKE NEW.- .WIRE WHEELS; $7S0. -AUTO EXCHANGE? 2204 FARNAM. 1 MR. FORD OWNER; ' Inerease power of Ford motor 75 . to 100 per cent. Quick getaway, speed 60 to 60 miles. Write for free Informa tion. M. Skooltvet, 616 20th St., Oak " land, Cal. v FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Willys, model 89, 8 touring. This car is in excellent condition and will give terms to responsible party. - Phone Har ney 6469. ' 1920" HUDSON 4-passenger sport model for sale at a sacrifice. Terms If- desired. Harney 6459. ON ACCOUNT of sickness am forced to sacrifice my 1918' Stephens Salient 6. Will give reasonable terms to responsible party. Address Box H-18, Omaha Be. MODEL 86-4 Overland touring. ''4 new tires, new top; car In excellent condtlon. 8260 cash will handle. Call Tyler 2462. Mr. Slovack SOME Hiargalne In used For.i cars Mi Catfrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station. 16th and Jackson. Doug - las 8500. 1 OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND Co toth Harney ta. WE have 60 good used cars to alec. from. All prices. MEEKS AUTO CO.. 2026 .Farnsm. THE DIXIE FLYER, W. R, NICHOLS MOTOR COMPACT 2620 Farnam Bt IF VOO DON'T ET ALL rXCHT MV DARL.IN- LCT'b ISOY STANO HERE A wove: On COO ILL. PICK op nOMe ' AN- l'LLN THiNC AIMO COLO AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. BUrCK, 1920 model. 7-passeiiRer . touring car. Mechanically per fect. New Tires. Good bargain for quick alc. Call Mr. Conniston, ' Harney 0710. ' . , HAVE T60 &ANY CARS.- ' 1 Last series Packard -brougham at substantial discount, win consider any . high gtrado security, real estate, mort ' gages, bonds, or might consider good moderate-priced bungalow. For appoint ment call Harney 5066 or Tyler 414J, FOR SALE4-My Cadillac touring car, wilH terms it desired. Harney 6469. , CADILLAC 63, ..' touring, cheap. 302 Brandels theater bldg. Dg. 1291. tltUCKB all gl?ea for hire, by hour, day or contract. 1601 Marcy St. DODGE touring, fine condition, $475. Wal nut leeo. Christmas bicycles. V. H Roos. 2701 Leav 1 Atcessories. NEW TIRES 30x3 i tires, , $ S.SOTubeg, $1.95 30x3 4,. tires. $ 9.58-Tubes, $2.45 32x3 V4 tires. $13.75 Tubes, $2.70 34x4 tires. $17.95 Tubes, $3.70 , VULCANIZERS SUPPLY CO., " 2912 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. PENNSYLVANIA VACUUM CUP. 3')x3-$lJ.60. 32x3 $18.60. 30x3H $16.76.. 34x4 T16.60. Standard Tire Co. 410 No. 16ih St. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WRITE for our list of guaranteed rebuilt motorcycles. Victor H. Roos, 27th and - Leavenworth. Depi B. Omaha, Neb. 7 FARM LANDS. Kansas Lands. GREELEY -COUNTY and Wichita Coun ty farm' land, good wheat land to ex change for merchandise or men's furn ishings. Give full description In first leter. Clement L. Wilson, Tribune, Kan. Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE Good land in Custer county. Neb.. 160-acre farm, and another farm of 400 acres. Buyerjmust have cash, no trade considered, rt, Interested write J. J. Marlay."7G4 Oak wood Blvd.. Chicago. iy 111. - Miscellaneous. 24 ACRES M PROVED Graham-Peters Realty Co., 829 Omaha NaLBk. Bldg., Omabsl. Neb. Douglas 651. - Evenings WaL 1101. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE. INC., 638 Keeline Bldg. . WILL BUY First mortgages on Nebraska and Iowa land If offered at good rate, or would invest in( approved city and town warrants. Box H-13. Omaha Bee. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS 0'KEEF REAL ESTATE CO.. 1H Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2715 $luo to $10,000 made promptly. D. WEAD. Wead "Bldg.. 110 8. 18th Bt. PROMPT service, reasonable ratea, private money. Garvin Bros 34S Omaha Nat. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Wanted Houses to Sell. The Old Reliable Real Estate Office. THE M'CA-GUE INVESTMENT COMPANY. v 1606 Dodge St. ' Douglas 1348. WE buy nd sell Omana real estate. . C. B. STUHT CO., ' REALTORS.. Douglas 8787. - 913 City Nat'l. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONAED 1110 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1438. ui oil .uo wniueu; urns, apartment. business property. Try us for quick re sults; 40 years In Omaha. . DUMONT & CO., 416-18 Keeline Bldg. Dong. 690. YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE Want' quick sclionV - Just try us. Cad Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg WE have - numerous buyers looking for many different houses, and locations. May we sell yours?, Shopen A Co., Dg. 4228. 1 ' HAVE buyers with $500 cash down; list with us. R, F. Clary Co. 2414 Ames Ave., V North" Omaha Realtors, Colfax 0175. P. J. TEBBENS ItiAindE RentaU 605 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Douglas 212 W. G. SHRIVER 1047-9 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. poug. 1838. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH GLOVER & SPAIN, Realtors, 918-20 City Nat'l Bank. Douglas I860; RTRTT'prpm REAL ESfAT.E; iJlAVIVIll X 1 Sella. Rsnts. Insures. 160. Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. 0633. LISTINGS WANTED. Western Reel Estate Co.. 411 Karbajh Bldg. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. $25 Pown Price $325 ; Each . 'buys two' dandy east front lots, high and sightly. .Location near 33d and Laurel, right where val ues will increase. Start getting ahead, now by buying on these easy terms. Call Douglas 222. OTMTN3 Nesr 29th St., 44 feet: must be old to close estate. C. A. Grlmmel, 849, Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. $100 BUYS 8 lota which will Increase In value as property is Improves. Address W-59. Omaha Bee. . Trackage. 113 FEET ON UTH ST, . BQ3TW1CK. SB Peters Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. GOOD duplex will ne-over 10 per cent of price asked. Well located, practically neW' ALFRED THOMAS ft SOW. VALSH-JELMER CO.. Realtora. Real Estate. Investment. Insurance. Rentals Tyler ,1636. 838 Securities Tdg. FOR SALE An 11 room rooming house. Call So. 4668. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE I' can sell ynur property, or get you an exchange that will suit you. J. A, Red. field. Box 17S, Slnux Falls, S. D. Bee want ads are best business getters Drawn for The Bee by McManua Copyright I'litl International New Fervire I'M CLAO KOU HAVE COME TQ oti oc - r - REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. SPEND CHRISTMAS IN YOUR OWN-HOME IN DUNDEE. We have a 'few brand new 6-room 2-story houses, absolutely complete; they can be bought oh terms. $1,000 cash, $125 per -month. Phone Douglaa 8102. MATTSON ft SMAILS. Florence. NETHAWAY. Hub-.-han oron'ty. Coll4t 7 South Side. $1,500. City water, &as, elec. lights and ' sewer, five rooms in good condi tion. South Omaha, north of High land -Park. - i AMOSjGRANT CO., , Douglas 8380 330-2-4-6-8 Bran deis Jheater Bldg. . ' REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West CATHEDRAL 1 DISTRICT, $10,0u0 Well located modern home, conslslng . fit living room arrangement on the first floor, including fireplace; oak floors; three good bedrooms, sleeping porch and tile bath second- floor; complete, base ment, with laundry tubs; Ruud heater and extra Toilet; garage for two cars and cement driveway. This is a. good home, but too small for present owner. Arrange for Inspection. "GLQVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. Douglas 2850. 918-20 City National. WEST FARNAM 205 SOUTH 35TH AVENUE . 7 rooms and sleeping porch; in first-class condition; lot 50x136 ft.; garage for ,6ne car. Want offer. GEORtrE & CO., REALTORS, Tyler 3024. 902 City Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Owner Leaving City Near 31st and Dewey Ave. Splendid six-room home with "cxri sleeping porch, oak finish, press brick foundation; right in the heart of ' progress. Price only $7,500. Terms. Call' Osborne Realty Co., 530 Peters Trust Bldg. D2282. 5-R. mod. bungalow, oak finish,! just completed; $1,000 down. 5-R. mod bungalow, oak finish, '$5,250. $1,250 down, $50 per month. 7-R. and sleeping porch, Field club bargain. Very easy terms. $16,000 apartmeat house with net In come of over 20 per cent. Choice location and high-class tenants. Small payment will buy this, or will consider-tmalier houses in trade. . This will stand investi gation. GLOVER & MORELL. 718 Keeline Bldg. T. 3623. H. 4999., C. 6144. OWNER LEAVING CITY , Are you looking for something in a high class home, eight looms, brick with garage. Cathedral district, almost new, present conservaiive value, szs, uuu; win sen a.c a Dig atscoum ana give immediate possession,' call owner for particulars. Wal. 0,697. FOR A VERr' GOOD REASON an attractive Field club home is being offered for sale. We recommend tn early inspection if you want a home for keeps. Location and price . is right. Terms If necessary. Phone Douglas 1345 or evenings call Col. 2571. v McCAGUE INV. CO., 1508 Dodge. Omaha Real Estate and investments. JOHN T. BOH AN, 621 Paxtnn Blk. Phone Tyler 4810. A FEW homes and lota for saleJc Park wood addition; a ssfe place for Invest. rient. worns a worrit I'oua-ias mv. FOR quick, eale 1416 N. 29th St., rms. 8250- cash. lib per mo. Creigh. 601 Bee. Doug. 0200. J B. ROBINSON, real estate and vest ment. 442 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8097. BENSON MEYEPS CO.. 424 Om. Nsfl South. $2,600. ' s Located south of Vinton St., we have a good sized four-room cot tage, modern plumbing, gis, fair basement in good sound condition throughout and nVwly painted, street paved, easy terms. - .v AMOS GRANT CO., Douglas 8380. 330-2-4-6-8 Bran deis Theater Bldg. NortM. IN THE NEW MOUNT. VERNON - Exceptionally well arranged apart ment, nicely decorated, Just completed, two sizes, full 6-room, at $150; smaller ones, 4 -room snd breakfast nook at $105. Maid's room and heated garage can be had in connection. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Tyler 0644. it 17th ft Farnam. KOUNTZE PLACE - j To settle an estate we are offering this very well built 6-room, full two story x house, beautifully finished and arranged, convenient to car and school; must be sold at once; ask ua for ap pointment. ':.' D. V. S HOLES QO., REALTORS. -Douglas 0046. 915-17 City Nat'l. $1,300 .-.".' ' Small cottage and i good-sized lot on Bedford, west of 30th; easy terms. ' Amos Grant Coihpany, REALTORS,' " 330-2-4-6-8 Brandcis Theater Bldg. Douglas 8360. ' $1,500; Easy Terms. Small cottage and good sized lot on Bedford west of 30th, easy terms. J ' - AMOS GRANT CO., Douglas 8380 330-2-4-6-8 Bran deis Theater Bldg. ' MINNE I.USA homes and lots offer the beat opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187, . saBU - , -U-PW ' i 1 hi r- JjT ii. ii J ( -CE0CK.ERY 1 , AtiY DISH Many Bills for f Reiiel : ' Given Congress Consideration of Metlroda to ' Restore Normal Business . Conditions Onexf First 'Problems. ' By Tbe Associated Tress. Washington. Dec, 8. Congres sional aid and consideration of meth ods to aid in restoring normal con- Nditions in business appeared in the offinfe today with the announcement that majority members of the ways and means committee would meet tomorrow, to discuss a legislative program with respect to commerce and industry. The enormous number of bills dealing with farming and . industry -presented Monday and Tuesday, to gether with an apparent desire oi leaders to do something for busi ness generally, made it Appear cer tain that congressional attention would be turned to business prob lems, once the appropriatiop bills arc out of the way. Leaders in the sen ate and house, do not believe that actual enactment of any such legis lation can he accomplished during the present brief session, but they are ewdentlv agreed tnat tne iounaa tions shoulabe laid through com mittee consideration 4or prompt ac tion after March 4, next, y Proposals Take Wide Range. The wavs 'and means committee will have before it a wide range of proposals, for bills already dropped in the senate and house hsopers in clude measures providing- all the way from far-reach-'ng tax and tariff re forms. and agricultural relietjo aid pr protection to limited groups of industries. - Some of the measures submitted would direct congressional investiga tion of unemployment. Among such measures was aresolution presented todav by Representative Mason). re publican, Illinois, calling for a series ' of house committee investigations and a conference of governors ind federal officials to aspeftain facts and figures and make recommenda tions. Mr. Mason's resolution set forth that there now were more than 200,000 persons ' in ' the , United States in enforced fdWness. '- , Would Reduce Ts. Permission to deduct income tax? paid this year from next year's as sessable income was proposed as a business relief measure by Repre sentative Ackerman, republican. New Jersey, who declared thathe burden of taxes should not further be in creased by taxinsr money already paid or -to be paid ino the fedeal treasury. f Bills were offerc! in the .senate in large numbers with the general aim of stimulating business. The urogram of Senator' Capper, repub lican. Kansas, for farm relief legis lation found expression in severnl measV-es to regulate prain ex chanees, while Senator McCumber, republican. North Dakota, intro duced bills to prohibit the importa tion for one vear of grain and grain products and live stock and other food commodities, and theappoint ment by the president of a commi sion to prepare for conpress a pen eral system of cc-roperative market- in?- . . . ' . - Co-operative marketing also wai dfalt with in the house bills. Means of taking care of the. surplus of o real crons and at the same time a.; suring the farmer of proper sale or his products was the stated -ohjert of a bill by Representative Christo phefton, republican, South Dakotn. who proposed to fevive the'Unit?.! States Grain corporation as the ma chinery to handle the Jarm surpltts. "All of the measures ''dealing with relief for farmers v were tlesipne. their proponents deetared.-io aid the cristimeras well as the producer, but the urban members were rfbt overlooking opportunities to render assistance by gi slat ion where pos-' sible to the businesses of finance and , manufacturing througn changes n the federal reserve act and banking laws. v : - Official Denies N. . Will Absorb M. & 0, Norfolk.' Neb.. Dec. 8. (Special . Telegram)-General uperintendeni Dickinson e)f the Northwestern de nied here authority for tfie report that the Northwestern "would take over the M. & O, lines niext January. He ,says the- reports have been in circulation for some time without official sanction; Provisions of "Dry" Act Extend to American Ships ,' Washington. Dec. 8. ProvisionSiir of the national prohibition act extend to ..American -ohios whether they be in American waters, on the high seas, orsin foreign waers. Commis sioner Williaras of the internal rev enue, ruled today. . REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED. i.. . North. $500 CASH. 6 rooms all modem. BENJAMIN ft FRANKENBERO Douglas 0722. l-ROOM house, large gsrage, for sale or rent. Tyler ITJ99. forenoons Miscellaneous. $100 Down For Colored Probablv the best buy we have had for the colored people for some tinie; it consists of five larpc rooms, in - tine condition, partly -modern with good plumbing, street paved, monthly terms 'satire as rent. . AMOS GRANT CO., Douglas 8380 . 330-2-4-6-8 Bran- deis Theater Bldg. HAVE a dandy 4 -room house wfth water, hath. urnace. electric lights, ete.: only 13,650; practically your own terms. Harney 3666 evenings. Doug. 7411 day. Real Estate Transfers Farmer John H. Skogman to Olive V. Wil liams. Hamilton street." 190 ft. w. of 30th St., s, s.. 41x129 8,00 N. H. Trnelstrup and wife to John' C Hardman, n. w. cor. list and Burdette St.. 99x130 I Bartholomew ' Real Estate Co. to Andrew G. Tlnney et al, a. w. cor. . ' 27th and Larlmore ave.. 40x116.. 1,103 ; Clara Hamilton and husband te. Morrla Levlnson et al. Mason at., 71 ft. w. of 31st at.. . a., Oa0.. 13.500 Mary J. MeShane to James H. Pat- , torson. 36th ave., HT ft. s. of v , Davenport at., e. ., 14x143 10 . J. J. Fitzgerald and wife to Marion Kmery, 17th at, 41 ft. a. of Mon- roe st.. e. a., 85x130 W Charles E. Jones and wife et al to Frank A. Jones, 12d St., 89 ft. s. v of J st w. a., 60x139 unV l.M N 1 X v