Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1920, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 12

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    2 B
I Society
Cards have been received in
Omaha announcing the marriage of
Miss Lucijle Lockwood, daughter of
Mr. VWS. Lockwood of St. Francii,
Kan,, and Mr. Joseph R. Carnahy,
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Carnahy
of Omaha. The wedding took place
Wednesday afternoon, December 1,
at the home of the bride's' father.'
The young couple have Rone to Cali
fornia, where they will spend the
Wedding Announced.
The marriage of Miss Retta Korb
maker. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.
Korbniaker. and Louis C. Simon
tok place in St. Mary's Magdelene
church, three months ago. Rever
end Father Siune performed the
The bride attended South Side
High school and Wcsleyan Univer
sity. She is a well known ntember
of the clubs and societies of the
South Side. '
Mr. and Mrs. Simon are' at homeJ
to their many friend in the EI
Bendor. . I
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Sachs of
Cincinatti announces the engage-
- meut of their daughter, Miss Eugenie
Hellman Sachs, to Mr. Lionel Allen
son of San Francisco. Mrs. Henry
Sachs was formerly' Miss Blanche
flellman of Omaha.
Assists at Debutante Teax.
Miss Claire Daugherty, daughter
.of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Daugherty,
who is attending school at Manhat
tanville, New York, was one of those
assisting at a lovely debutante tea
Saturday afternoon at the Colony
club in New York Citvxwhen a for
mer schoolmate, Miss Tynfhia Bige
low, was introduced to society. The
tea was followed by a dinner party
at the Ritz-Carlton.
Unity Players.
The second performance of "Un
ity Players," will be given Friday
evening, December 10, at 8 o'clock,
at the First Unitarian church. Turn
er boulevard and Harney street.
Two one-act plays will be pre
sented and speciaLinterest is aroused
by the fact that one of these plays
"Let's Don't," will be a strictly
Omaha product, since the author,
directors and cast are all Omaha
residents. i
"Her Neighbor's Creed' by Mar
garet. Cameron, will include in its
cast Miss Geraldine Olson and" F.
W. Cramer. "Let's Don't," by F.
W. Ewing and M. M. Levings, will
be presented by Miss Alice McCor
mack, Miss Grace Harlan, M. M.
Levings and Wilbur Burgess.
A supper dance will follow. Reser
vations for the supper may be made
through Miss D. Louise Henderson
at the church building, Harney
Drama League Lecture.
The drama Jeague will present
Prof. Paul IlT Grummann in the
second of his talks on contemporary
writers, Tuesday,, December 7, at
the Fontenelle at o'clock. His sub
ject will be, "Justice," by Gals
worthy. This play was first pro
duced in London, ;wd lafer at the
Hull House in Chicago John
Barrymore took the part of "Will
iam Falder" when it was played in
; New York. At the present time two
of Galsworthy's plays are running
in New York, "The Mob" and "The
Skin Game," while in London his
"Foundations" and "The Little Man"
are playing. - '
The Drama league extends an in
vitation to all people interested in
' these studies to attend.
Poem Contest.
The poem contest that has been
' conducted by the Drama league,
among the pupils of the four high
schools of our city, for the best poem
on "The Landing of the Pilgrim
-'Fathers" closed November 16.
Mrs. Edgar Morsman, chairman,
states that the result was njost
pleasing and that prizes will be
awarded December 21, the anniver
sary of the landing bf the pilgrims
in this country. ' "v
feockford College Benefit.
The Rockford College association
will hold a benefit performance at
the Muse theater, December J3 and
14. A movie picture of Rockford
college will be shown with a Charles
Ray film. - The proceeds from the
tickets, procured at Bcatan Drug
store.or from members of the as
sociation, will go to the .' college
fund. Miss Sarah Sears is in charge'
of the affair. v.
TriangleClub Comedy.
Applications for srats for the Tri
angle Club performance "They
Never Come Back" to be given at
the Brandcis , theater Christmas
night may be had at the Omaha
club, Athletic club, University club
or at the Brandeis theater, and
'' should be mailed to Glenn C. Whar
ton, 1101 Harney street, befofe De
cember 10. '
Members of the "Triangle club will
,be honor guests at a dancing party
to be given by the Princeton Alum
ni of Omaha at the Fontenelle hotel
following the performance.
Fortnightly Musical Club.
The Fortnightly Musical club will
meet Tuesday at the home of tloise
Wood Milliken. The program ar-
ranged -oy Mrs. uowara Kennedy
' will consist of selections from
, Handel's "Messiah.", Those con
tributing" wilt be Fred Ellis, bari
tone; Clare nte.Dodds, tenor; Louise
Jatlsen Wylie Mrs. Bradley Roe,
Charlotte Van Wickle Jacobs, so
pranos; and Mrs. Verne Miller, con
tralto. The "Pastorale" will be
played by a string quartet com-
fosed of Mesdames Ernest Reese,
ohtl E. Merriam, W. S. Robertson
and M. Donlin. Mrs. Ray Walker
will be the accompanist.
For Miss Sullivan.
' Mesdames George S. Gilmore,
Henry Wyman and Carrie Ada
Campbell were hostesses at a tea for
Miss Mollie Sullivan-of Albany, N.
Y., Friday afternoon at, the Y. W.
C. A Miss Sullivan, who had
charge of the publicity in the recent
budget campaign, will leave for Des
Moines the first of the week. n
Golf Club Meeting.
JThe Trettiest Mile Golf club will
ifTeet at the home of Mrs. F. IL Nor
n's, 6543 North Twenty-fourth street,
Tuesday afternoon. After the elec
tion t omcers mere win oe a snort
nrotram. The hostess- will be as
sisted bv Mesdames C. C. Morrison
t Frank Ogle and Raymond. Roberts.
Delta Luncheon.
Omaha Alliance chapter of Delta
Delta, Delta ga?e, a luncheon $atur-
v "
Attended Footr Ball Game
.:I7ttttS' '
MissFlora Marsh, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, William Marsh, returns
December 19 . from Kent Place
school, Summit, N. J., where she is
taking a post graduate course. Miss
Marsh was the guest of one of her
classmates at the Yale-Harvard
foot ball game in New Haven, Conn.,
Saturday, November 20.
Concerning h,cr trip to 'New Ha
ven, MiSs Marsh has written, "Fri
day evening, we went to a Colony
fraternity house dance. Claire
Daughterty. James Connell, Charles
Allison ana two other Omaha boys
were there. The game I
day at the home of Mrs. J. R. Lever
et t. 3040 Avenue A, Council Bluffs.
The hostess was assisted by Mes
dames Olive Stantz, and B. E. Dav
idson. Twenty-five guests xyere
present. - '
To Give Play.
The Young Woman's division of
the Ladies' Aid society of Lowe
Avenue Presbyterian church will
give, a playlet entitled "Granny of
the Hills, m the church ' parlor,
Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock, De
cember 5. The proceeds will go to
the Girls' Community Service league
of which Mrs. Noel Wallace is
Christmas Luncheon.
The women of Hanscom Park M.
E. church will entertain at a Christ
mas luncheon and social at the
church Thursday, December 9, at
12:30 o'clock. The social will be fol
lowed by "a home mission program."
The annual bazaar of this church will
be held Monday and Tuesday in the
lobby of the county court house.
Club Dance
The Creighton Bachelors club an-
nounfce their second invitation danc
ing party of the1 winter season which
will be given Wednesday everting,
December IS, at Kelpiue's dancing
academy. ' ' ,
Miss Gardiner to Come.
Miss Catherine Gardiner of New
York city, formerly of Omaha, will
be theguest during the holidays of I
Mrs.' riowara n. saiarige. ine uaic
of her arrival isnot known.- Mrs.
Baldrige is planning a luncheon in
honor of her guest to be given short
ly after "Miss Gardiner's arrival.
Lecture at Blackstone.
The last of a series of lectures en
titled "The New Era." by Mrs. An
thony French Merrill, will be 'given
Monday, at 10:3(J a. m., at the Black
stone hotel. The'New Poor," will
be the subject discussed. ,
Holiday Wedding.
The wedding of Miss Lucille Hoel,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H.
Hoel, and M. Dewey Anthony
Hoadley of Rockford, la., will take
10 to 25 Discount
On their entire stock, consisting of High Grade Diamonds, WatcW
Pearls, Gold Jewelry, Clocks, Ivory and Leather Goods and' all
Jewelry. (A few contract priced goods excepted.)
This year our collection of gems is the largest displayed in OmahaT Due
to this fact, the most discriminating; can look at our assortment and have
their wishes fulfilled., .
A Christmas (Gift from Brown's is positive satisfaction on the part of the
giver and the receiver.
Our loss is your gain. This is your opportunity. Take advantage of if. -
Discount; Effective Monday, Dec. 6th
i ( j
MiWfloi-a Marsh, f?;
.. im, I,, a -
cah't describe on paper. During
the halves the two colleges sang and
during one song the Harvard cheer
ing section waved hankderchiefs,
making a red H on a white back
ground. It was so pretty with the
afternoon sun shining upon it. Gen
eral Pershing wa on the Yale side
and airplanes flew overhead all dur
ing the game. It was a hard-fought
game and Yale certainly came back.
Harvard had the ball on the 10-yard
line and failed to make the downs.
I wish you could have heard the
cheering. There were 80,000 in the
bowl, so you can imagine it."
plac Tuesday, December 28. Miss
Hoel graduated last June ffom Cor
nell college. Mr Hoadley is also
a graduate of Cornell and is at pres
ent completing a post graduate
course in Harvard.
Entertain At Dinner. (
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huff enter
tained at the first of a series of
dinners in their new home, Saturday.
A mound of Russell roses was used
as ' the table centerpiece and the
dinner was followed by a dance in
the ball, room of their home. Those
present we,re: Messrs. and Mes
dames: L. M. Pegau, Robert Trim
ble, T. J. Donahue, Harry S. Weller,
W. N. Oilier, J, O. Siford, S. W.
MikesetV Walter Schroeder, Dr. and
Mrs. L. A. Dermody, Dr. and Mrs.
E. C. Henry and Mr. George Wil
son. Delta Gamma Bazar.
Local members of Delta Gamma
sorority will hold a bazar Satur
day, December 1.1, in the offices of
the Omaha Taxi company, Seven
teenth and Farnam streets. Many
lovely hand-made articles and home
made cakes and tandy will be on
Woman'a Press Club.
Members of the Omaha Woman's
Press club will meet for luncheon
Wednesday at 12:45 p. m. at the
Chamber of Commerce.
Jolly Seniors.
The Jolly Seniors will give a
"Hard Times" dancing party Tues
day evening at 402 Lyric building.
Community Service League.
The Girls' Community Service
league will hold open house Sun
day afternoon from 3 to 7:30 o'clock
at the club rooms. Members of the
Dramatic club will act as hostesses.
Sermo Club. "
The Sermo club'will entertain at a
theater party Tuesday afternoon,
December the 7th. w
Social Settlement Notes.
The Story Tellers' league of the
South Side High school will give a
Special Announcement
Diamond Merchants Jewelers
offer a - '
C. B. BROWri
"The Treasure Chest .of Omaha"
16th Vnd Farnam
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Congdon left
last week for California for a short
and Mrs. B.
to California
B. Davis have
for a stay of
three weeks.
Miss Marie Riley leaves next week
for Los Angeles, Cal., where she
will spend the winter.
A daughter, Mollie, was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Ed McShane, Novem
ber 21, in New York City."
- Mr. and Mrs. Dana C. Bradford
have returned from New York City,
where they spent two weeks. '
Mrs. Charles C. Allison and son,
Charles, returned Tuesday from
New York City where they spent a
Hugh Langan of Hollywood, Cal.,
formerly of Omnha, is visiting his
sister, Mrs. Frank Walker, and Mr.
Walker. (
Mr. and Mrs. Gurdon Wattles and
small son expect to leave early in
January for their winter home at
Hollywood, Cal.
' Mrs. T. E. Stevens and daughter,
Mrs. Ben Wood, jr.,-have returned
from New York City where they
spent two week's. -
Mr. an3 Mrs. Marie Coad have re
turned from their weddiftg trip to
the Pacific coast ard are at home at
110 South Fiftieth avenue.
Mrs, Roberta Eddy Kitchen and
small son, who left recently for Cali
fornia, have taken an apartment at
the Alvarado, Los Angeles.
Miss Frances Flora of Colorado
Springs, Colo., is spending the win
ter With her aunt, Mrs. Larl uray,
and Mr. Gray at -the Fontenelle
hotel. ,
Mrs. E. Lord and daughter, Miss
May Lord, of Dixoiy 111., have ar
rived to spend the winter with Mrs.
Lord's son. Dr. J. P. Lord and Mrs.
Lord. ,
Mis Izetta Smith, who has been
siudying music tn Chicago, has re
turned and will attend Pine Manor
program of music and stories at the
Social Settlement house Sunday
afternoon at 3 o clock for the chil
dren of the district. r y.
Fort Dmaha.
Mrs. Addison Davis entertained
informally. at a bridge party at her
Quarters at Fort Omaha. Friday,
Mrs. Henrv White Will entertain
at tea at her quarters Tuesday af
Card Party.
The Ladies of Holy Angels
parish will give a card party lues
day afterhoonJn their hall at Twenty-eighth
and Fowler streets.
Deborah Society Dance..
The Deborah society auxiliary to
the Talmud Torah will give a danc
ing party Wednesday evening, De
cember 8, at the City auditorium.
Card Party.
The Ladies of Holy Name parish
will give a card prty iTulay eve
ning at the -Metropolitan hall.
Rummaze Sale.
The women of the First Methodist
church will conduct aTummage sale,
Tuesday, December 7, at 1403 South
Sixteenth slfreet. 1
Daughters of Isabella.
Daughters of Isabella, Columbia
Court, 401, will give a dance and
card party Thursday evening, De
cember 9, at Metropolitan hall.
Dancing Parties.
The B'nai Ami club will - give
dancing party, Friday December 31,
at the Hotel Castle.
The Holy Angels parish will, give
their regular semi-weekly old-time
dance, Thursday evening, December
9, in their hall at ZlAi'owler ave
nue. ,
Maple Leaf chapter,"Ordr oflhe
Eastern Star, will entertain at a
dancing party Tuesday evening, De
cember 7, in the Shrine ball room at
Masonic temple. Tables will be ar
ranged for those who wish to play
cards. Dr. Joseph C. Lawrence is
chairman of the committee on ar
rangements. ,
Miss Lleou Fing Yeh, a Chinese
girl from Shanghai, has arrived in
this country to take up studies pre
paratory for av stJiool teacher s
career.! 1 he expense of her educa
tion will be paid from a fund which
she accumulated by saving her pen
nies in a small bank.
Popular Co-ed
K K.y.y.v.y.y.'.v.v-
.'.av.'.vwA " .
A University of Nebraska student
who will Spend the holidays in Oma
ha is Miss Helen Niernan. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nieman of
this city. Miss Nieman is a senior at
the university and this fall wasmade
a member of the senior honorary
society for girls, Black. Masque. She
is a member of Delta Gimma soror
ity and during her sophomore year
wsa a member of Xi Delta, the girls'
nonorary- society ior sopnomores.
Kschool in Wellesley, Mass., after the
Mrs. Kremer Baine left last week
for her new home near St. Louis,
Mo., after a stay of ten days with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James I.
)vv uuudru.
Mrs. George Lunt
Mrs. George Lunt of Pasadena,
Cal., who has been the gusef of her
brother, E. L. Burka, and Mrs.
Burke for the, past two months, has
returned to her
A son, Robert James, was borti
Monday, November 29, at the Wise
Memorial hospital, to Mr. and Mrs.
L. H. Herbert. y Mrs. Herbert wa3
formerly Miss Cecil Davison;
Mrs..U. J. Etherton, formerly Miss
Helen Wright of Omaha, and now
of Famosa, Cal., has been visiting
Mrs.,W. E. Sandstedt on the South
good Diamond Riog, a reliable Watch or any piece of
Beautiful Jewelry, just come in and select it from our
great and varied stock. Make a small payment to
suit your pocketbook and pay the rest weekly or
monthly as you earn and while you wear it. All busi
ness confidential no red tape.
t .ji i T: 1
Rins. hand enr-'
ved green goldX
Tiffanr mount
ing with 18K
whit gold head.
' Beautiful blue
whit atone,
SI 75.
$4.00 Week.
Gentleman's 7
ton Cluster
Diamond Rlnt,
in massive 14K
solid gold tooth
mounting;. .$150.
$3.50 a Week.
Ladies" Bracelet Watch, petite sise,
14K. Solid Hold Case, silk ribbon
bracelet with solid gold clasp; 15
ruby jewel movement, $30.00.
75c a Week.
G e n I e m a n's
Watch, very up-to-date
12 si'.'.e
extra thin model
with Kilt dial.
14K Rnld . filh'S
east guaranteed
for 20 years and
excellent IB
jewel movement
65S a Week
Pearl Beads, all
leading' imports.
Note our Japan
ese 18 inch bead
with gold safety
clasp studded
with white sap
phires, $20.00.
50c a Week.
Now is the time to make your
selection while stock is complete.
A small deposit will hold any ar
ticle you selects Polite, tactful
and trained salespeople. Liberty
bonds like cash.
Western Associated
Side. She returns to her limine this
week. ;
Miss Helen Clarke, a junior at
Connecticut college, will spend the
holidays with lie parents, Mr. ajid
Mrs. Frank Clarke, at the Black
stone. Miss Nelie Mistrot of Galveston,
Tex., jias arrived to spend the win
ter with, her sister, Mrs. James
Kinsler and Mr. Kinslcr. Miss Mis:
trot motored here with friends from
Washington, D. C.
Mr. and Mrsi Arthur Tinto have
sold their home at 254S California
street and have taken an apartment
at the Mercer, Fortieth and Cuming
streets. They will move from their
old residence this week. -
ifr. and Mrs. C. E. 'Fuller and
daughter, Miss Mary, have taken
possession of their new home at
Thirty-ninth and Dodge streets
which they purchased last summer
from Mr. and Mrs. Walter Page.
Miss Elinor McGilton returned
Wednesday from a visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Baxter in Dayton,
O., after which she visited friends
in Milwaukee. Mrs. Baxter was
formerly Miss Grace Slabaugh of
this city. .
Mrs. Henry C. Capser of St. Paul,
Minn., arrived Tuesday to spend
several days with her daughter Mrs.
Yale Holland and Mr. Holland. Mr.
and Mrs. Holland will spend the
holidays in St. Paul with Mrs. Cap
ser's parents.
Charles Allison returned Saturday
trom an eastern trio where he at
tended the Princeton-Yal and Yale
Harvard games. He also stopped in
Chicago where he saw Miss Daphne
Peters ndi at the Metropolitan
Horse Show. -
Miss Jessie Megeath of New York
City, who has been the guest for"
the past two weeks of her uncle,. Mr.
G. W. Megeath and Mrs. Megeath,
leaves 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Megeath for Long Beach, Cal.,
where they will spend the winter at
the Virginia hotel.''
Colonel and Mrs. William Doane
spent Thursday and Friday in Oma
ha enroute from New Mexico to
their hew station at Governor's Is
land. They wer accompanied by
Mrs. Dole's daughter,' Mrs. Bran
don "Howell, and small s3n, who
wer the guests of the late Mr.
Howell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
E. Howell. Colonel and Mrs.
LDdarte's sister, Mrs. Charles Keller;
and Mr. Keller.
Gordon Smith and Richard Koch,
students at the Northwestern Mili
tary academy, 111., have arrived home
for the holidays. Allison Hamilton
of Los Angeles, formerly of Oma
ha, who is also a student at the
academy, is thes guest of Gordon
Smith. Owing to sickness the school
closed earlier than usual.
L 1 1 1 lefinger
Ring in white
gold, beauti
fully engrav
ed,' set with 3
fine blue
white D i a
monds, $125.
$3.00 Week
Littiefinger Ring
with gallery
mounting pretti
ly engraved, and
platinum top
with 3 selected
blue-white Wes
selton Diamonds,
$8.00 a Week
Ladles' Rln
with fine 4K re-"
constructed Ruby
in solid gold
mo u n ti n g and
, platinum lined
top, $27.50.
Se Week.
Lav&IIiere in
'14K solid gold
pendant and
chain, two dia
m o n d s In
beautiful fili
greed pen
dant, $28.00.
75c' a Week.
Uvalliere, 14K
hand engraved
filligreed pend
ant with genuinef
Diamond and
Sapphire, $26.50.
65c a Week
President and General M(
since the eatji- of Mr. Strong has
made her home with Dr. and Mrs.
Nyce. Mrs. Strone is a first cousin
of the late General William C. Gor
gas, former surgeon general U. S. A.
Dr. Nyce is a brilliant speaker. He
is aograduate of Princeton, has trav
eled widely and spent the past sum
mer with his family traveling over
the war district in Europe and the
rural districts of England.
Mrs. Harry A. Williams, who
spent the Thanksgiving week in
Washington, 'witn friends and rela
tives, went to New York for the
game on Saturday and was joined
there by Mr. Williams. She was en
tertained in New York by hfer aunt,
Mrs. James Robert McKee, daughter
of former President Benjamin Har
rison. Her son, Benjamin Harrison
McKee, who has been in France
since the outbreak of the war con
nected with Red Cross work, still
makes his home there. He has been
visiting his family in this country
for some weeks aud spent Thanks
giving with his parents. He also
made a visits to relatives in Indian
apolis. He sailed on Thursday for
Mrs. Pauline Bush Dwan of Ne
braska, who ha,s been in Los An
geles for the autumn season, and
expected to spend the winter there,
is about to tail for China and the
Orient, where she expects to spend
a year.
For Christmas Delivery
We have just received a large shipment of these small
( grands in )tie latest models in,, dark red and brown ma
hogany satin finish for our new showrooms. x.
They Occupy about the same space in your room and
purse as a good upright piano, and will give your home
, that touch of elegance and exchisiveness impossible to
obtain otherwise.
Choose From This List of World
Renown Makes
Terms arranged to suit your convenience. Liberal al
lowance made for pianos in exchange.
Schmoller .Mueller Piano Co.
New Location 1514-16-18 Dodge St. New Location '
When SHE comes
home from school
for the Holidays,
the Christmas par
ties and the Christ
mas morning gifts,
do you realize how -appropriate
be an enclosed
What delight she
would take in driv
ing it herself1 with
all her friends. The
pleasant memories
of this Christmas
would last aslong
as the car itself.
Omaha Lincoln
Omaha Club
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Millard gav
a dinner Saturday evening at the
dinner ,danre at the Omaha club in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry S.
Byrne, who have recently returned
from their wedding trip. Their guests
were Messrs. and Mesdames Harry
S Byrne, Louis Clarke, John Redick,
Mrs. Etta Schneider Turner and Dr.
Robert Schrock.
Mj. Cuthbert Potter entertained in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bur-
fess. Covers were placed for Misses
lary Cooper, Catherine Smyth;
Messrs. Bufdette, Kirkendall,
Charles, Burgess, Potter and Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Burgess.
W. Farnam Smith entertained 11:
guests in honor of his cousin, Mrs.
J. M. Baldrige, who returned I.Kt
week from her summer home in
--Dining with Ml. and Mrs. E. S.
Westbrook Saturday, were Messrs.
and Mesdames R, L. Huntley, S. S.
Caldwell, Edwin T. Swobe, Mr?.
Blanche Patterson and Mr, J. A.
y Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Foye enter
tainea Messrs. ana jviesaanies A. L
Reed, Frank Judson, W. A. C. John
son, Joseph Barker, Mrs. F. A. Nash
and Charles W. Hull.
Others entertaining Saturday eve
ning were C. C. Allison with four,
Dr. W. O. Bridges, eight, and Dr.
E. J. Updegraff, four.
Select -