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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAV. DECEMRER 1920. i Funeral Held for Rejected Suitor Who Shot Worn an .Vriously Wounded .Victim of Cabaret Tragedy Will Be Taken Back'lo Oskaloosa Upon Recovery. While Mm. Xina Dixon Welling ton. 28, hovered between life and death at the Wise Memorial hospi tal, a the result of a bullet wound received at the Monarch garden cab iint Monday night when William R;rr. rejected lover, shot her and then committed suicide, funeral services for the man were conducted vesterday at the Falconer and Stack iunoral home by Rev. C. W. Savidge. "This will he a sad Thursday for Nina," one of those waiting for the -mice to begin remarked. "Yes. it will." replied M. D. Gil ihrist. wealthy hardware dealer of Oskaloosa and an uncle vl Barr. "I'm sorry I told her the time of the services." In the small group of friends and relatives at the funeral were C. Q. Karr, father of William Barr; K. K. Raines, stepfather of Mrs. Wed dington, and M. D. Gilchrist, uncle if Barr. All are from Oskaloosa, la. Barr's mother l in California and was unable to he present. Mrs. Raines, mother of Mrs. Weddington, who was prostrated when she heard of the attempt on her daughter's lite, was too ill to accompany her husband to Omaha. "This has been a sad affair and a severe shock to us all," Mr. Raines said yesterday. "It is the outcome of a love affair started a year ago when Barr boarded at my home while working as an automobile me chanic at Oskaloosa, It was then he met my stepdaughter. They had not been childhood sweethearts as was previously stated. Vounded Woman Recovering. "As soon as Nina is able to be removed she will be taken back to Oskaloosa, where she will be given a good home. "'I'm tired of this butterfly life,' Nine told me when I visited her at the hospital. 'I'm coming home to live quietly. If Will hadn't shot me, I would have been home now.'" Hospital authorities said yester day Mrs. Weddington was slowly recovering and that she could he taken home in two weeks if hct wounds do not develop complications. Jimmie Cosgrove Taken as Booze Runner at Minot, S. D. Jimmie Cosgrove, Wiley Comp ton, Charles Hoban, James Gritien and Frank Keating of Omaha were arrested in Minot, N. D., recently with 180 cases or Canadian liquor, according ro word received by two Omaha detectives yesterday. The men were later released under heavy bonds. Brief City News Jcwlry Stolon Jewelry valued at $800 was stolen froir the home of J. J. Richtcr, 4175 Cass street, Wednrsday night, according to police reports. Movlo Barml The- Board of Public welfare has declined to plve Ha approval to the presentotlon of a motion picture of the life of Jesse James, outlaw. Named Camp Commandor Charles Cline was elected camp com mander at a meeting of the Spanish war veterans la Memorial hall Wed nesday night. Man llobhod Jo fiorat, 1207 Douglas street, reported to police 'that he was rubbed of $200 by a Chinaman In a negro aoft drink store In the Third ward. Sentenced Kor Larceny -Stanley C. I'eters pleaded Kuilty to a charge of grand larceny fn Judge Troup's court yesterday and was sentenced to the penitentiary for one to seven years. "Shimmy" Burred The "shimmy" will be barred at the annual social entertainment and banquet of the Pioneer Historical society to be- held at Eagle hall, South Side. Saturday evening. Commander on Leiwc Captain M. W. Flack, commander at Fort Crook, will leave today on a month's leave of absence. Captain W. R. Slaughter, aide to Major General Omar Uundy, will bo in command of the post. General on Trip Major General Omar Uundy, Fort Crook, command ing the Seventh army corps area, and Colonel Upton, chief of staff, left yesterday on a trip of Inspection to Fort Ds Moines. North Side. Club formed B. J. Scannell was elected president of the North Side club, organized Wednes day night at the I'rairie l'ark club house by 65 men and women resi dents of the north side of Omaha. Butler Spcuks P. H. Butler, city commissioner, poke In favor of the city manager form of government before a meeting of the North Omaha Activities association Wed nesday evening In fie plant of the Omaha Blaugns company. Salvation Doughnuts Appear Huge doughnuts have been placed on downtown Ftreet corners by the Salvation Army to receive voluntary donations from Omahans In the an nual Christmas Appeal. Gave "Heir 'as Address "You can address me: 'Hell In care of the devil,' " Blaine Q. Nelson wrote to his wife, Anna Nelson, she alleges in a petition for divorce filed In district court yesterday. Vugn Must Work Pa Hlnger Of the police boys slipped a resolution to city council yesterday that all vags and others sent to Jail must labor with pick and shovel at the city dump, Wlnspear triangle Restraining Order Isaac Konec- "I Recommend It for ' Nutrition" A food talk by A. E, Hoffman Churned like butter Snowy coconut fat is inviting, ap petizing, very digestible and highly nutritious. It is the basis of Troco. It is churned with pure, twice-pasteurized milk, from which it gets the sweet, delicate butter flavor. This combination of two of Nature's food stand by s results in a food of highest value. I recommend it for nutrition as well as flavor. I learned to make Troco by making butter for 30 years. I have made and judged butter and taught butter making at leading dairy schools. Since Troco is churned like butter, with tasteless, neutral coconut fat replacing butter fat, this 30 years has taught me how to perfect Troco, and give it the sweet deliciousness which makes a dainty dairy product the most appreciated of all foods. You will find Troco at leading deal ers who naturally feature the best. ; It may cost a few cents more than ' other brands, just as fancy butter always commands a premium. How I learned to make Troco At the stores of leading dealers TROCO NUT BUTTER COMPANY, Chicago Distributed by PAXTON & GALLAGHER CO., 701 So. 10th St., Omaha, Neb. Doug. 1985. Troco Cook Book Free, Address Troco Company 37th & Iron St.,' Chicago Buy Blankets Now With the Approach of Cold Weather and Right When People Need Blankets, the H. R. Bowen Co. Step Forward With the Greatest Blanket Val ues Ever Offered in Omaha. Ai practically every home, everywhere, need additional blankets at this time of the year, they will find by stepping into the Greater Bowen Store such wonderful values, and at such low prices, that they can equip every bed in the home with new blankets for a very nominal amount.. i The display on the first floor can give one only a small idea of the mammoth stock carried, nevertheless it will immediately convince one of the advisability of buying at the Value-Giving store of the H. S. Bowen Co. Then, too, after you have made your selection, you are privileged to make your own terms. --Advertisement. r9 mm -Mil yi Worn Out In Mind and Body Your child ia quick to observe disturbances in your mental attitude or physical condition. And when he asks: "What's the matter, Daddy!" there's a tone of solemn anxiety in his little voice. The depression stamped upon you reflects intensely upon him because of his profound solic itude. He at once drops his playthings and rushes to your side, but his happy smile has disappeared and his buoyant spirits are gone replaced by a countenance of worry and a bearing of hopelessness. Ton owe it to the happihesa and welfare of your family to keep trim in body and keen In intellect. You are the ran and the iniplration of their lirea. Dark, threatening cloud, hover orer their heada the instant you shew algna of being out of eorts" or "under the weather." Don t imperil their future dj Begwconc yew naauta. Affords protection against In- fectious diseases. All prudent persons should avail themselves rf this dependable germicide. AT Mtffl STORBS HYERYWHERB pi sn$9t fell I The Great General Tonic will banish that "tired feeling" and dispel that worn-out look. It will renew your etrength and vigor, overcome the raviahlng effect of overwork and worry, revive your epirita and increase yonr bold en life. Being a refresh ing appetizer, valuable aid to digestion and a worthy promoter of the general health, because of itspotitivere vitalicing and reeonstractive value, its tiie la especially desirable in cases of subnormal conditions. If you suffer from nervous exhaustion, muscular or mental fatigue, or deficiency of vital force due to general weakness ot wasting Illness, you'll find 'XYKO ' particularly bene, fleial. It tones up the entire system end keeps joa feeling fit Ask your druggist for a bottle today. Sole Manufaeeerere LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY New York Kansas City. Me. For tale by B-aton Drug Co., 15th and Fa roam Sts., and all retail druggists, LYKO I. mM la .ridnil MtkitM Mil. like stetw abm. fUfua. all waattitMes USE BEE WANT ADS THEY BRING RESULTS BiRGESS-lita'& ky, publisher of the Jewish Bulletin, was restrained oy district court yes terday from diNposing ot any of his assets, pending trial of a autt filtid Wednesday In district court agpinst him by Myer Lliuln. Girl Sue Company Mary OUUmi. through her father, Jumct Oilln, filed suit In district court yesterday against the Nebraska Power com pany for $10,000 for Injuries which resulted when the little rtrl put her hand in a pot of hot metal being used by workmen at the allien home. Ix'lflon DurloN Man Niou'loe Sasu, one of tho men found In a box car last week In this city, wns buried yesterday on the second anniversary of his honorable discharge from the army at Camp Jackron. 8 C. Fu- tHf 1 rcral expenses were paid by the lu-rt ltom ana burial was in inn American Legion lot in West Lawn cemetery. Joint Luncheon Held Gray hiilred Omaha business men mem bers of the Concord club and sleelt pompadoured youths ot the Omaha High School of Commerce ate a 10 ccnt luncheon together at noon In the high school cafeteria yesterday. Caoeli Consularo Here Omaha has been chosen by the government of the Csecho-Slovak republlo an heudquarters for IU Urgent consulate In tho United Stales. Stanley Serpen has been named consul for the territory comprising Nebraska, the Dakota, Knnsus, Oklahoma. Colorado, Wyoming. Montana. New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada and Idaho. &VEKYBOBY& 6TOS2 Day 1 Friday-Dol "Old Man Dollar" Will Hold a Celebration in the DOWNSTAIRS STORE Special for Friday Suedine Cloth Suedine cloth, 36 inches wide in good patterns, and wanted colors; a material that is a nice weight for dresses and blouses. 100 JL Yd. Vests and Pants 2 for $1.00 Women's super-weight vests and pants. Vests are high neck, long sleeves; and low neck, no sleeves. Pants are ankle length. 2 for $1.00. Special for Friday Petticoats Women's petticoats in fine qual ity sateen and heatherbloom, juet the kind of a skirt you'll want for all-around wear. II I j Children's School Hose 3 pair for $1.00 Children's school hose for boys and girls ; a good medium weight with dou ble toes and heels. Women's Gloves 3 pair for. $1.00 Women's black fleece lined gloves in good qual ity material are priced ex ceptionally low; for one day only, 3 pairs for $1.00. Special for Friday Slippers Women's bath slippers, assorted colors, 2 pairs for $1.00. They will make very desirable Christmas gifts. 2 pair, for loo Wash Tubs $1.00 Galvanized iron wash tubs, first quality. No. 1 sizes. $1.00. Muffin Pans $1.00 Pure aluminum muffin pans, 6-cup size, $1.00. Clothes Basket $1.00 Oblong splint clothes baskets, good size, well made. $1.00. Toilet Paper 8 Rolls $1.00 White crepe tissue toilet paper. 8 rolls for $1.00. Special for Friday Towete Fancy weave towels, white, a very good quality and at this price a good opportunity to lay in a goodly supply. 6 for loo Special for Friday Dolls Fancy dressed dolls with hair and hats. Many styles are included in this lot, which is offered at this price for one day only. loo Nuts 3 lbs for $1 Drake Almonds 3 lbs. for $1.00 Pecans 3 lbs. for $1.00 Washed Brazils 3 lbs. for $1.00 Mixed Nuts 3 lbs. for $1.00 English Walnuts 3 lbs. for $1.00 - Apples 25 for $1 Delicious Jonathan Roman Beauty Spitzenburg 10 Specials for Men and Boys Canton flannel gloves and mittens, 7 pairs for $1.00. Boys' blouses for boys ages 4 to 8, 2 for $1.00. Boys' and girls' play suits trimmed with red and blue, $1.00 suit. x Men's hose, double heel and toe, elas tic ribbed tops, 4 for $1.00. Men's work shirts blue and gray chambray, 15 to 17, $1.00 each. High Rock underwear fleece lined shirts and drawers, $1.00 garment. Men's fine cashmere hose, black only, 3 pair for $1.00. Men's soisette shirts, coat style collar at tached, all sizes, $1.00 each. Men's horsehide-mit-tens, $1.00 pair. Men's Derby hats, samples, each, $1. Table Damask $1.00 Bleached table damask 70 in. wide. An excellent quality that will give good service, handsome de signs. $1.00 yard. Damask 6 Napkins $1 A fine quality that will give good ser vice, several hand some designs, size 21x21 inches. Six napkins for $1.00. Bread and But ter Plates Japanese china hand decorated china bread and butter plates, assorted deco- rations. 4 for $1.00. Special for Friday Trimmed Hats A limited number of women's trimmed hats in this season's styles ' and in all the popular colors and wanted materials. loo Window Ventilators $1.00 Continental Window Ventilators allow fresh air without drafts, snow or rain. Hardwood frames covered with specially prepared cloth; 15 inches high, adjustable from 31 to 49 inches. $1.00. Special for Friday Spats Felt Slippers 1,000 pairs of spats for men and women, colors black and brown, all sizes. 3 pairs for $1.00. X One lot of women's felt slippers, comfy style, one of the comforts that women- ap preciate. All sizes in the lot. 3 pr. for Knit Gloves and Mittens ' Children's Woolen Vests and Drawers 4 pair for $1.00 $1.00 Garment A large assortment of women's and children's gloves and mittens are of fered at less than half price. 4 pairs for $1.00. Woolen vests and draw ers for boys and girls in a good weight for school wear. $1.00 garment. Special for Friday Crash Toweling Crash toweling in bleached or unbleached, a very absorbing qual ity. 8 yards for $1.00. 8 yds. for loo Crumb Tray and Scraper $1.00 Aluminum crumb tray, and scrapers; the set, $1. Floor Wax 2 for $100 Johnson's floor wax, 2 cans for $1.00. Tea Pots $1.00 English glazed earthen tea pots with pretty enam el decoration, assorted shapes. $1.00. Water Sets $1.00 ' Glass water sets consist of colonial shaped jug and 6 colonial tumblers, the set, $1.00. Special for Friday Xmas Candies VERY SPECIALLY PRICED Tom-Tom Mixtures, Fairy Pillows, But ter Scotch Waffles, Chinkey Pins, Cinna mon Wheels, Old-Fashioned Mixed, Butter Cups and Mint Kisses, at 2 lbs. for $1.00. 2 lbs. for loo Special for Friday House Dresses Another sensational offering in house dresses of best quality percales in light and dark colors; belted, collar and cuff-trimmed and pocketed; all sizes, 36 to 44. Very spe cial, $1.00. loo