Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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The'Omaha Bee
rps i
u a, v ruing, riitiimntr.
Tm Moeii4 Prm, of oblrk I ttt Rm It Minbir. I
(luMwl mtltltd to Ui um for rmhttrailon of til nn dliitel
rliud la H or not oUtrwlM CfdJtd in Uiii paper, anl him Ue
PrlT Druiok Bietitnt. Atk for TVI.. 1 Wi
tu IHtxrtmiet oc Ptrna Waited. yicr 1UUV
Tr Nlfkl Call Attn 10 P. M.i
KJMarttl DmniMnl
- J rmUtloo Dnikruntnl
AiinrtUlut IMptraaMil
' lUln Officii mil uid rroa
ConaMl Bluff IS Doott K I BouUt Slito
Out-of.Towa Office!
New Tort , tft riftt At. I Wuhtnftoa
mcMo mar tucu.
Trim lnoOL
Trier lOimt
Tyler 10UM.
1118 M St
isn a m
Putt mm 4!0 But m. Bocr
The Bee's Platform
1. New Unlen Punnr SUtion.
2. Continued improvement of the No
brack Hifhwer, Including the pave
ment of Main Thoroughfares leading
into Omaha with a Brick Surface.
3. A there, low-rate Waterway from the
Corn Belt to the Atlantic Ocean.
4. Homo Rule Charter for Omaha, with
City Manager form of Government.
While the League of Nations convention at
Geneva is not ready to adjourtf and go home,
it has progressed far enough to indicate that
what is done will be of little real moment. Three
important matters have now been disposed of;
the assembly has decided that no amendments
will be made to the covenant at this session;
great relief is experienced At the acceptance by
President Wilson of a request that he proffer
mediation between Turkey and Armenia; and
the consideration of and inquiry into monopoly
of raw materials will be continued despite the
protest of Canada.
Most important of these from an American
viewpqiat has to do with he Turkish situation.
Mediation depends, on the acceptance by each
of the principles of the good offices of the inter--enor.
- No ' intimation as to what terms, of
armistice will, be offered by the Turks is at
hand, unless we accept the ambiguous state;
ment that "the Turkish nationalists assert they
will not crush Armenia, but will grant lenient
terms; these terms, however, must be In con
formity with Turkish aspirations."
Here is . a clear indication that whatever
messenger Mr. Wilson sends to Turkey, he will
be controntcu oy a resolute demand lrom the
sultan's government for aornething beyond
what tlje treaty grants. Turkey is resqlved to
be compensated for the loss of Thrace and
other territory .at the expense of Armenia.
Already the troops of Kemal Pasha occupy the
region allotted to the sultan by agreement with
Germany, and from this retirement will be only
in obedience to force. It was expected that at
the present Geneva meeting the boundary lines
for Armenia as demarked by Mr. Wilson would
be confirmed. Such lines are wiped out by the
Turk, and can only be established through con
vincing the contending groups at Constantinople
of the desirability of accepting the new map.
Mediation will, therefore, involve either
delimitation of Armenia to the satisfaction of the
TBrk Nationalist group, or the subjection of
that group to such pressure, militajy or other
wise, as will- secure its assent to the original
plan. The peculiar blundering which made this
situation possible is a remarkable exhibition of
the ineptness of European diplomacy, which
; refused to rectify a blunder made 500 years ago.
If America Is able now to restore something for
.civilization from the wreckage in Asia Minor,, it
will be because we are not involved with the
nations whose shortsighted policy permitted
matters to drift into the existing state.
Those who pretended to think the Untied
States was losing its fine position as a moral
' leader of world affairs may study this case with
some advantage. If it were not that our leader
ship is acknowledged, we would not now be be
sought as we have been to take up this work,
nof would the relief at Geneva have been so
jrreat as that expressed When Presideit Wilson's
answer was read.
the Volstead law.
What happened to
J. B. is thus iu part accounted for.
painful truth is yet to be disclosed: A woman
was the enforcing director of prohibition at
San Francisco then, and the. dcmacraU who are
more or less involved in litigation over the inci
dent nw are trying to make It appear that she
is the responsible party. Ten per cent of the
fund derived from the sale of the liquor was
set apart to the campaign fund, yet the outcome
of the election hardly 'justifies the present
endeavor tJ saddle the blame for violating the
law onto a woman. That gallantry which led
Marse Henry Watterson to present I'hebe
Cozzens to the democratic convention at St.
Louis seems to have died out along with the
brand of democracy typified hv Samuel Jones
Tilden. .
Schemes to Depopulate Washington.
Almost one out of every fout persons in
Washington ia a government employe. The
City by law-prohibits manufacturing establish
ments within its boundaries, and consequently
the only reason for anyone living there is to
hold a federal job or to sell something to those
vho do. Rents are so high that Calvin Cool
idee. who intends giving up his present home in
Massachusetts, where he now pays about $3S
a month rent, is puzzling over what he will do
for a house after March 4.
Some republican congfesman has come to
the rescue with a plan to eliminate 30,000 of the
97,000 government workers in Washington.
This would make a number of vacancies in the
boarding houses and perhaps would empty
enough residences to give the future vice presi
dent a choice. But now comes Senator Ken
yon with his bill recommending the removal of
gome of the government departments and bu
heaus from the city. The Department of Agri
Culture, for one,, he believes, could function more
economically and efficiently somewhere out in
the Middle West.
Washington will regard this, of course, as a
revolutionary proposal. Meanwhile, Iowa sits
atrictly unalarmed. knowing that when he
speaks of the Middle West, its senator is think
ing of a particular part of it.
Real Prosperity in Sight.
It is good to see the optimism with which
Omaha business men look forward tq the pros--perity
that inevitably v. ill return after this pres
ent period of readjustment. If leaders in the com
mercial community such a C. W. Russell can
find no reason for apprehension, surely there
is no adequate reason for any one in business
to feel downcast.
1 The dollar will buy more now than it would
six months ago. Looker! at in that way, Mr.
Russell shows, there is no reason for alarm.
True, this condition is better for buying than
for selling, but all . of us are buyers and
share a portion of the benefit.
Failure to realize the necessity for an ad
justment of prices is the only obstacle to quick
recovery. Fundamentally conditions are sound,
and there is absolutely no reason for fear. Mr.
Russell states as the result of information from
cities everywhere in the west that where con
cerns have reconciled themselves to a tempo
rary cut or loss of profits, trade is in full
swing, with prospects brightening for a resump
tion of real prosperity. -
Mc. Russell s confidence in the continued
recovery of business in Omaha indicates that
this policy of blockade has not been followed
here. Things are moving in Omaha, and trade
is said tO excel that of a corresponding time a
year ago. It is necessary to take the readjust
ment as it comes, as a thing that has been
sought for and desired ever since the end of the.
war. Something must be conceded all along
the line in order to drop anchor finally and
safely in the port of prosperity. ' . ,
The Broad Road of Co-Operation.
The need for mutual concessions and co
operation was never greater than today. Fault
finding may have its uses at times, but a truce
is badly needed just now.
"Don't shoot the piano player he is doing
the best he knows how," is an often quoted
sign in western stories, and the same spirit
of bearing with' each other is still needed.
In the case of the Federal Reserve banking
system, Jess -criticism now exists than formerly,
and most ' poepiet familiar with financial and
credit matters are practically unanimous in their
trust and appreciation of the bulwark this organ
ization has thrown up against chaos.
The discusion as to whether some men are
'knockers because they are unfortunate or
whether they are merely unfortunate because
they are knockers will "never be completely
ended, but there is no doubt that, a cheerful
manner of regarding the world helps all around.
No one class is called upon to do any more
of the conceding than any other, nor should
any expect to do lesa. No broad-minded' man,
whatever, his interests, regards an increase of
unemployment as a good thing, but rather re
gards it as a situation to be warded off. Nbr
is- any concerted effort to reduce wages in evi
dence, for it is likewise recognized that the
buying power of thepublic is diminished corre
spondingly, and tthat trade therefore declines.
. The problem of reconstruction Is in large
part a problem of reconciliation, also. The
broad way to progress lies not amid mutual
suspicion and dislike, but down the , smoother
road of the realization that interests of Ameri
cans are common. So long as each does the
best he can, the goal will be reached.
A Line 0' Type or Two
Hew to the Lint, I'tt the qurpt fall where thy nay.
An one who Jetnir Rick has slept all day.
Hearing the world beat out ita vague rerain
A restless rhythm in his restless brain,
Hearing In dream the cautious nurses say
Meaningless phrases In a tangled skein.
And wakes to find that It Is night again.
And all the precious sunlight slept away,
So faintly runs my life when you depart,
Somewhere between a waking and a dream.
Scarcely I feel the sickness In my heart,
Aimless I go a leaf upon a stream.
The days drift by In dim and troubled light.
And night when i has come is only night.
How to Keep Well
QuMtlom eencernlnf hyitcae, sanitation and prevention ef diaaasa, aubmitttd
to Dr. Evaaa by readers at TM Baa. will Be antwered learaonauy, auoject ta
tettera la care af Tha Bee.
Copyright, 1920, by Dr. W. A. Event.
proper limitation, where a tamped, addreaeed envelope la enclosed. I
Evaaa will net make diagnosis er prescribe far Individual dUeaees. Aedr
Can a person feol his heart boat
or hear it or see It or, speaking more
properly, can he feel, hear, or see
evidence of his heartbeat? The
answer to this question Is yes. Any
one who cares to take the trouble
can be certain that his heart is
beating. He can turn on his side as
U II.-.. 1.. U A I V. - . U V. .
Tr i im i t .1 ut'E) ill lieu nuu jireir wit? ueab
IT looks like a severe winter for the mem-. of hls noart as k i transmitted to
hers of the opera claque, who have been ban- tho vessels of his oar.
ished from the scene of their peculiar operations, i All those who are thin and some
Has anyone used a claqueur as the subject of a others besides can undress and lie
story? Wonder what a claqueur thinks about? , un the baxk with abdominal walla
ruiaxeu ana noie me pounuing or. me
u tnicK were me Russian retugees on me
boats arriving at Lemnos that many who had
died still stood erect. It is more crowded in,
the New York subway during the rush hours,
but as the run is short few die in the tube.
'(From the Petersburg Observer.)
I am offering a book of Ancient History
with every hat sold at my store, from now
until Christmas, In order to reduce my
stock. Josie Cox, South Side Millinery. -FIRED
by liquor, men maltreat their wives.
These wretches deserve public flogging; hang
ing were a compliment to some of them. On the
other hand, men made emotional by liquor have
conceived an extravagant fondness for their
wives. .We have not read about liquor floating
the matrimonal bark over'' the shallows of
domestic discord; yet men who have fared home
ward with unsteady footsteps under the blinking
stars, know that in such moments they are much
more humane than in sober daylight; they are
appalled by their own unworthiness, and think
ine of their wives moves them almost to tears
quite, not infrequently. They resolve to become cou,Jd kk up an Intermitting; pulse
better husbands and fathers. The spirit of the n ?dwi!.0 "tJSL
,.,;., :.. tu.m ,f:. . f ,u. j years without ever harming their
v. nil. ,u fciiv.ii, Lapiaui, ait ai 111 ii vimiiiigc, auu
generous dreams," an army that is easily routed,
an army that the wife too often puts to flight
with an injudicious criticism. It is said that since
heart as an impuL-.e shown In the
front of the abdomen above the
Pereons who are not very stout can
sometimes see and feel the heart
beat In the left chest wall JiiRt below
the nipple. In many people the beat
of the heart can be seen In the
carotid artery and Jugular vein In
the neck.
And, finally, most people know
how to feel the pulse. In fact, the
regular normal heartbeat is almost
as manifest as the regular normal
Hearing the heart In the ear or
seeing It in tha stomach or neck
should excite no more alarm than
docs the breathing. At that, the
worry does the heart no harm, how
ever much unhapplnesg It brings to
the individual. A niAirasthenio who
counts his pulse frequently and
worries a lot about his heart Can
get up a certain degree of intermit
tency, but what harm does that do?
I have known neurasthenics who
can find no cure. I am H years old
and slim for my age. My bowels are
only apt Jo move when taking a
physic Can It be caused by my
bowefs or my food?"
You have a little strain or youf
eye muscles are out of balance. See
an eye specialist. ' -
England has organized a museum
in which will be displayed models of
famous and historic aircraft.
An Inventor has combined a farm
tractor and hay press with which
rapid work can be done in fields.
An American oitisen has secured a
government contract for cutting and
exporting mahogany and other tim
ber from the north coast of Hon
duras. Attorneys at Hockvlllc, Ind., solved
a question of etiquette caused by the
Impanelling of 12 women for Jury
duty when they appeared In the
I'arke county court In full evening
The fluctuations of the value of the
mark are so great and violent, and
the Impracticability of forecasting
the variations to even an approxi
mate degreu linn made It almost Ini
poFslble for German buyers to safely
import even the most necessary
More thnn a year ago Mrs. K. K.
Kisher of Toledo lost an umbrella.
The other night she dreamed she
had left It at a dry goods store. The
next morning she went to the store,
and tha umbrella was found in a
closet where It had been put when II
was unclaimed.
' No Plui-e to Go.
If Lenine and Trotsky do not lone
thnir heads when they losi their
Jobs, where under the aun will they
be suffered to take up a residence?
Providence Journal.
Prohibition came in the cases of cruelty to wives
have increased greatly in number. We do not
disbelieve this. Bluebeard was a dry.
Doubling in Kugs.
Sir: A want ad: "Wanted, experienced pianist
for moving pictures." Why not a violinist for
carrying out the rugs? Or but you see the pos
sibilities. GEEDEE.
EDITOR LIEBLlNGof the Musical Courier
reminds us of the Coney Island ad: "A good
pianist wanted who can open oysters."
Sir: A friend borrowed my rifle to use the
first three days of hunting season. Ho stayed the
ten days and I had to rent a gun when I went
hunting. When he got back he returned the
gun, to me dirty. He had twelve shells left and
wanted to sell them to me for 8 cents, apiece.
What shall I call him? E. W. H.
IT is easy, says the medical director of the
WashingtoniairHome, to tell whether a man has
been drinking good whisky or moonshine: the
whisky drinker merely staggers, while the moon
shine consumer 6pins like a top. So if you see
a person spinning en a corner you will know
what ails him.
(W. N. P. Barbellion, "Enjoying Life.")
How I loathe ' those happy folk there ar
millions of them, all detestable -who with a
terrible self-complacency go on revolving around
me wciiu tn ul meir uwit ouuib, yci icuy nil. tin
ned with that situation In life to which to use
their own smug phrase it has pleased God to
call them; people who have no envy and no
malice, who have never coveted their neigh
bour's ox nor his wife, and who believe out of
ignorance and lack of imagination sather than
out of conceit that their own life contains every
hearts in the least so far as I could
Likewise those people who become
agitated over their hearts' beating In
their stomachs, or their necks, or
their ears, do their hearts no harm
even though they add to the sum
total of human misery over bridges
to be, but never croesed.
If we could get people to watch
the way their hearts act more than
they novi do we would doubtless in
crease the mental tmisery of many
neurasthenics, but, on the other
hand, fewer cases of serious heart
disease would Klip up on us. In
time men would acquire an ability
to judge these phenomena intelli
gently. There is an understanding among
medical men that 90 per cent of the
vague pains in tho left side of the
chest and behind the breast bone
which the patients ascribe to heart
conditions are not to caused. There
is a saying that practically none of
the pains which women ascribe to
their hearts are really so caused.
While both of these statements are
true of pains which rise up while a
person- is quiet, the better informed
of the medical profession wish that
people Would pay more attention to
the stitches in the side and other
chest pains which come on while
they are excited. A pain in or near
the heart or a difficulty in breathing
tinder similar circumstances means
heart overstrain almost invaribly,
Bishop 6ays it Is impossible for a.
child to injure his normal heart toy
Violent play, so much excess strength
has it. Therefore, children's heart
are only Injured by congential lesions
or by bacterial invasion. And yet
some children get stitches in their
sides when they play too heard,
and such stitches are heart pains.
thing to be desired. They are fat, greasy, and , Thoae children have had rheumatism
' Ancient Precedent Revived.
When Adam was asked to make a statement
in regard to his part in the apple episode, he set
an example that has served his descendants ever'
since. Just now the precedent established in
Eden is revived In San Francisco, to exculpate
certain democratic politicians. When the nation
al committee chose to hold the convention of
1920 at or near the Golden .Gate, it was well
understood that Lake Valley water would not
be the only beverage obtainable. Caravans pro
cecding from the arid regions fcround Broadway
koked ahead with eagef nostrils to catch the
Srst faint aroma that promised surcease from
thirst and perhaps nepenthe when the Ferry,
House station was reache'd. Some of these hopes
ere realized; at least a grand jury has just
disclosed the fact that 144 barrels of whisky,
an even gross, were illegally removed from
bonded warehouses about the time. the Conven
tion was called to order, and that so far as the
evidence discloses none of it has as yet been
returned to the durance into which it was
thrust by the Eighteenth atrcndruetil fortified
The Russian Free-for-All.
With so many rumors coming out of Rus
sia, the report that money is to be abolished
fails to startle. So many things have been
abolished there, among them, food, shoes, and
work in less or greater degree, that the doing
away with money does not shock or even thrill.
Rubles are not worth very much even now
several thousand being necessary to buy a
slender meal, and perhaps it is a race to see
whether, the ruble eliminates itself by losing
its buying power or is eliminated by law-.
However, the scheme to do without money
is an old one, Dased on the theory that every
one who works is entitled to a fair living to be
obtained by a division of the products. Today
in Russia wherever there is a street car or rail
road train the people can ride free. With child
like logic the Russians conclude that if it Is
possible to ride in a perpendicular direction
without cost, as in elevatqrs, it ought to be
equally possible to ride for nothing horizontally.
Telephones, electric lights, gas and water are
suppliad free In those places where they are sup
plied at all.
poing without money has been tried by in
numerable people in isolated instances even in
America, never voluntarily, however. If, the
Russians want to put themselves in that general
fix, a great many-people will watch them closely
to see what happens.
or other forms of contagion or St
Vitus dance, and their hearts are
not organically sound in conse
quence. In adults a pain which start?
In the chest and runs to the little
finger of the left hand Is almost
certainly a heart pain.
A few of the heart pains which
develop during repose are worth not
ing. Those which develop during
exertion are always significant. They
hla r.tlnn a. ! hlnWIat wnM eV Th ntho . rtiean tnai me man IS iniWlUB WW
imnnie Wo rm t-Mctinn hpcansn nf ivps thorn ' much strain on his blood pumpand
tin stimuli.. Thotra la hnt r-elnHnn nftor A. I he will do well to govern himself ac
RtruB-erle: it is contentment without one. Onlv I cordingly.
smug. But their smugness is not the philosoph
ical smugness of Marcus Aurelius. They have
no philosophy. They are too happy and "pleased
with themselves to need one. Marcus Aurelius
developed his philosophy of resignation because
he feared to desire fearlessly the things he knew
he would desire in vain. He put forth his
tentacles and drew them In again. He shrank
from life, not because he did not love it, but
because he loved it too well: not because he had
no desires, but because he had too many. It was
Mexico's new administration starts off quietly
enough, but we will give our neighbors a little
further time before deciding as to whether they
are completely tamed.
Senator, Harding is expected to address his
colleaguessoon after congress convenes. We
venture the ' prediction that they do not walk
out on him this time.
Henry Morgenthau is said to be slated as
mediator between Turkey and Armenia. He will
have material for another book by the time he
gets home.
The husband who told his deserted wife to
address him at "Hell, in care of the devil," evi
dently knew Where l?e is headed for.
An increase of only $112,000,000 in the pub
lie debt during November shows that the demo
crats are economirlng.
very occasionally do the self-complacent har
bour a suspicion that possibly all is not well,
Just for a few fleeting seconds while some un
pleasant person like myself pulls them by tho
nose, making the ugly suggestion that perhaps
they could not really write a novel as welt as
the other man they criticise, that perhaps life
would be the tiniest bit fuller if they under
stood art or loved music, that doing the thing
that is nearest Is easy and always dull, that
their cherished views on Church and State after
all may be a little questionable, that things may
not be what they seem, that life to some Is
difficult, that men do starve and commit murder
and rape, that God may not always be in his
Heaven nor everything right with the world.
ALTHOUGH not sentimental, we are great
ly touched by the heroic action of young Mr.
Garland of New Bedford, who scorns his in
heritance because he does not believe in private
property. We hope the money will go to the
Society for Supplying, Porosknit to the Esqui
(From the Sat. Eve. Post.)
Miss Juliana again eyed the skirted Wil
bur, and the viewless wind Of a smile's
beginning blew across the lower half of her
accusing face.
"SWEET Spirits of Niter Now Boston's
Favorite Cocktail." Headline.
Evanston discovered the possibilities of niter
weeks ago. Isn't chemistry fascinating!
Correspondence From Japan.
Sir: Letters from America bring frequent ref
erence to "The Land of the Cherry Blossom." A
pretty euphemism, that, but it applies only two
weeks In the spring. For an all-year-'round '
moniker, one that fits Japan as snugly as Adi-,
pose AruucKie nis a siiz oatn, can it The liana
of ' Reluctant Plumbing." Although all our
plumbing is open to argument if, on a cold
night, you peel down to' shivery gooseflesh in
anticipation of a hot bath, nine times out of
nine you will find the frost is on the plumbing
and the heater's on the fritz, while a shave in
the morning involves a twenty-minute wait for
the asthmatic tap to get over a coughing fit.
IF, as Mr. Wales cables, Armenia is the
Achilles heel of America, Ireland, thinks O. F,
W., is the O'Sullivan heel. ,
Sir: Out on Ogden avenue -a coal dealer
manes use oi me w. k. walnut whatnot as a
rack for samples of his wares. Yes, the top shelf
holds the chestnut. L. E. J.
. "WANTED A first-class butler, who can
milk and look after cow. Hemlock 216." At
lanta Journal.
Boy, page the Admirable Crichtonl
AN Austin professor of-dancing advertises:
"A good dancer is popular. I cater to married
folks also."
(From the Momenee Progress.)
A box social will be hell at the Edgetown
school District No. 37 on Saturday.
AN inspired headliner on the Omaha Bee
conveyed the news that the Ford company's Oc
tober record was "one can every l8'i seconds."
CHICAGO'S daily crime report indicates
that none of the American gunmen operating in
Ireland were drawn from the city by the lake.
B. L. T.
It's Hard to Trent.
" M. C. M. writes: "1. Can you tell
me the meaning of otosclerosis of
the ears?!
"2. Can one be cured who has t?
"3. Also, what is the cause of it?"
1. Thickening of the membranes
of the deeper parts of the ear and
stiffening of the joints between the
hearing bones.
2. Treatment is not satisfactory
as a rule.
S. In most cases infections and
inflammations which have extended
to the ears from the throat and nose,
tonoils and edenoidF.
Business dead? Just look in at any of the
Omaha stores for the answer.
Santa Clans is heading the procession row.
Columbus Worked Cheaply
Some research artist has found that Co
lumbus received a salary of only $300 a year
while discovering America. And he couldn't
go into vaudeville or the C'hatauqua field when
he got back! jt. Louis Star.
Eyes Swerve.
"Worried" writes: "Can you kind
ly advise me as to the cause of a
person's eyes crossing once in a
while? I have been thus bothered
for about tfo or three months and
Bowen's Again
Makes Price
Reductions in Hall
Measure up the num-
ber of yards your halls
require, then come to the
Greater Bowen Store and
make your selection from
the many beautiful pat
terns now displayed for
your approval at prices
iar lower than they have
been offered before in
years. 'V-
' It's economy to carpet
the halls; it keeps the
rooms warmer, saves fuel
and adds much to the ap
pearance of the home.
Throughout the Bowen
Store, on each and every
iioor, you will find home
furnishings priced at a
having priced so you
can buy and still have
money left to complete
your Christmas Givinsr.
Making your own terms
at this store enables you
to buy whatever you
want and when you want
Suggestions from
tfifej The Art and Music Store . f
(( "The Store of a Thousand Ideas " Jlj
Grand Pianos Frames )J
" Swi Upright Pianos Art Flowers W $&j
$T PIayer Pianos.:' 1 , Smk" Sets , j CiSpj
Apollo electric tepro- Cordova Leather
during piano Bric-a-Brac . v-
Pan0 Benches ' Lampk r
LM lv Player Rolh Candle sicI:s
VjSiNp RU Cihinets Candles .
KeXw Victrolas Book Ends
CTrSPs? Victor Records ' Vise . , IjjL
ayee. ,f . , , , A ' Art Materials ttorv. fL
o All Kinds Oil, Water. Color. P$Sifi?S
UnUi P,ctures ' China, Charcoal
yyy Mirrors and Pastel.
I was asked the other day if our slogan,
"justness It Cood, Thar& You," was" not a mis
takin these eo-callea hard times, and I re
plied that I did not think so that business
will always be. good for the man who keeps
cheerful and smiling and who takes pride
and pleasure in doing the best he can.
There is no argument to the fact that bills
are not being paid as promptly as custom
ary; that the banks are not loaning money
as freely as we would like to see it loaned;
that the farmer is not getting as much
- money foe his crop as either he or we think
he should. It is true that automobiles are
not selling as readily as tjiey were and it is
true that prices in many lines afe tumbling,
but that is what we all had to expect any
how, and there is no reason why any of us
should go into mourning and'act as if busi
ness had gone to the dogs and the country
into the hands of a receiver.
For the Love of Mike, let us begin to act the
part of men and not long-tailed rats. Let us
be doubly thankful for the business we are
doing. Let us not forget that the war was
won ; that prices of necessity had to come
back to normal. Let us get down on our
knees and thank God prices are doing the
very thing we all knew they had to and the
very, thing we all hoped they would do.
When we average up the last few years we
hava got to admit we have all made more
money than we ever expected to make, and
when we consider conditions in this country
we have to admit that the little old U. S. 'A.
is better off than any other country in the
world today and that little old Nebraska
and Iowa are better off than any other sec
tion of America.'
Let' us" "hold up our heads, wipe off our
chins, and grin."
It is my personal opinion we have had
things made so easy for us that we are de
veloping into a bunch of babies who have
forgotten how to take punishment. What
we need is friendly, courageous optimism,
and once we develop it, believe me when I
say, we will discover very much to our sur
prise that ALL
"Business is good, thank you." !