Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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    -a i
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4Hie ajWfcW'
D'Annunzio Now
Is In Open Break
With Own Country
Soldier Poet of Fiume De
clares Action Agaiafct Own
Country; General Caviglia
Announces Blockade.
Ilj Th Auurialed I'rru.
London, Dec. 2. Gabriel D'An
nunzio, in command of the insur
gents ht Fin mc, has declared war on
Italy, according to a Milan dispatch
to the London Times. The state of
'ar will begin Frid.iy.
' Expect Ultimatum.
I i tune, Dec. 2. In the expectation
:liat an ultimatum from Gcnewl Cav
iglia may bedoliver;:d at any time,
the D'Annunzio forces are in a state
if feverish activity. Mis troops are
making incursions to the outposts of
the regulars and capturing on oc-i-.ision,
small groups of soldiers. In
termittent rifle firtnij is in prioress,
hut no serious consequences have so resulted.
D'Annunzio liimscif is constantly
Inisy in conferences vith his lieu
tenants. One of the yountr officers, when
asked a question b a newspaper
man, remarked as he excused him
self: "We arc extremely busy; wf
are at war."
To Enforce Treaty.
Rome, Dec. 2. General Caviglia,
r.oinniander of the Italian regulars
investing luiuc. in a proclamation
to be conveyed to D'Aiyiunzio's
forces by airplane, says it is the in
tention of the Italiair government
to enforce the conditions of the Ra
pallo treaty without delay. This an
nouncement is made in a newspaper
;(ispatch from Trieste. -
The proclamation invites the poet's
legionaires to withdraw behind the
frontiers of the free state of Fiunic
and refrain from useless resistance
to the energetic measures the Italian
government is prepared to take.
It is officially announced that a;
the government's order calli -g upon
the regency cn Fiume to withdraw
its trooos behind the frontiers has
not been obeyed,. General Caviglia'
lias summoned the regency not to.
. .1. . r .! . . e li. I'
jreveui inc iroc ui-pariuie 'i luuiaii
warships from the port of Fittme.
He has also proclaimed a blockade
of the coast of the state of Fiume,
the island's of Veglia and Arbe and
U. S. Agents Find
Evidenced D(ew
Mexican Revolt
San - Aijtonia, Tex., Dec. 2.
Wholesale raids by the Department
of Justice o'fticials conducted simul
taneously Monday af various border
points, including El Paso, Eagle
Pass, Laredo, Brownsville, and this
city netted a mass of documentary
evidence of the formation on this
side of the border of a new revolu
tionary movement against the Obre-
gon government in Mexico, accord
ing to a statement made here to
night by W. A. Wiseman, special
agent for the Department of Justice.
According to Mr. Wiseman, the
raids were ordered by Division Su
perintendent C. E. Breniman, with
headquarters here, and the evidence'
secured is being collected in the of-
lice of the local federal bureau of
investigation. Department of Justice
agents here are known to be busy
translating documents seized during
the raids and a number of arrests
are expected to follow. .
, Among the documents obtained
are several manifestoes announcing
the aims and purposes of the new
"reformista" movement," the. leaders
of which are expected to be caught
in the federal dragnet.
Lucio Blanco, former Carranzista
general, is the head of the new revo
lutionary movement, according to the
belief in local Mexican circles.
Last Obstacle to
. Building Trust
v. - p
v Probe Removed
Court " Decides Investigation
Committee Have Right to
Retain Books Held as
bth O'Dc;!, stenographer cmoloycd
in the bureau, that .she had destroyed
the much sought "quotation cards'
of the bureau's card system of esti
niates 1
Miss O'Dea; who was once cited
for contempt by the legislative com
mittee, declared she had destroyed
the cards at the direction of a mem
ber of the bureau, who-e name she
could rnot recall. She asserted,
however, that she had done so,
"some moftths" before the launching
'of the inquiry and after the system
had come into disuse.
the neigl
boring waters.
Waterways Boosters
Will Ask Federal Aid
is rroiects
rhlrnito Trlbunr-Omnha life Leaned Wire.
Chicago, Dec. L Representatives
' tit various waterways committees
met here to formulate plans for ob
t?ining co-operation of the federal
government in connection with two
big projects the Great Lakes to the
Gulf and the route by way of the
St. Lawrence river.
It was decided to carry the firht
for the St. Lawrence project into the
east next week, naming' a special
commission of 20' men to i.ttcnd he
sitnual meeting of the National Rivers
and Harbors congress at Washing
top. December 8, 9 and 10.
. The committee members also dis
cussed ways 'and means of securing'
federal aid m connection with the
state's drainage canal project and the
Mississippi river to tiic Gulf water
way. Several Buried When
: . 1 Building Collapses
I Xew-Yoik, Dec. 2.-rBroadway, at
Fifty-second street,'' was suddenly
transformed from a scene of bustling
i. Activity to one of desolate wreckage
when a nine-story apartment house
under repair collapsed, burying sev
eral persons beneath the debris. At
least one person is believed to, hate
( been m and six others arc un:
counted for. , - , -
Broadway was crowded with shop
pers and afternoon theater goers
when a terrific crash rent the air as
the building toppled into the street.
The bulk of the debris fell into.
; Fifty-second street, which was com
paratively free from traffic, although
tons of wreckage slid into Broadway
Six persons, three of them buried
in the wreckage and later rescued,
' -were injured1. Searchers expressed
fear that other pedestrians may have
been caOght beneath the wreckage,
:overing the sidewalk in places to
V t depth of six feet. ,
U. S. Gunboats Hurry to
V Chinese Treatv Port
( Shanghai, Dec. 2. (By the Asso
rt iated Press.) American and Brit
ish,. guii boats are hurrying to I
Chang, a treaty port in the province
of lJu-Peh, where mutinous Chinese
troops have looted and burned a
portion of the city. The American
gunboat Monocacy, which is now
on patrol along the upper reaches
of the Yangtze river above I-Chang,
is the nearest warship to the scene
of the trouble.
Looting and burning at I-Chang
continues, and property loss there is
heavy, says a message relayed from
Hankow from the agent of the
Standard Oil company at I-Chang.
Transport Company Sold.
Chicago. Dec. 2. The Goodrich
Transit Co., operating six of the
largest passenger boais on the Great
Lakes, was sold by Albert W. Good
l ich to H. y. Thorpe, present vice
president and manager, and his as
sociates. The purchise price was
in excess of $1,000,000. ,
It you are growing hard of hearing and
fear Catarrhal Deafness or if yon have
roaring, rumbling, hissing noise in your
ears go to your druggist and get 1 ounce
of Varmint (double strength), and add to
it 1i pint of hot vater and a little granu
lated sugar. Take 1 tablespoonful four
timet a day. ;.
This will often bring quick relief from
the distressing head noises. Clogged nos
trils should open, breathing become easy
and the mucus stop dropping into the
throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little
and is plasant to take. Anyone who
threatened vtth (catarrhal Deafness or
who hat head noises should give this pre
eriptjgn . trial, ...... .J.
For Old
or New
Threa Drop Shrivcja Them Up So
You Can Lift Them Off.
Thirty seconds after you touch the corn
with this liquid corn remover the jabbing,
stabbbjg pain of it stopsfor all time.
New. York,. Dec. 2. The last Vgal
obstacle'to prevent ?he joint legis
lative -committee investigating the
building trust from' making inquiry
into the activities ot the Builders'
Supply .. bureau was cleared away,
when '.Supreme Court Justice Hotch
kiss UcCjided the committee could
retain jjosscssion of the books and
records seized as evidence at yester
day's hearing ,
justice Jlotchklss also refused
Martin Conboy, counsel for the bu
reau, a stay to prevent the recall oj
Joseph Penny, chairman of the or
ganization, as a witness
While blocked in its investigation
of the books of the -bureau by the
injunction which Justice Hotchkiss
vacated, the committee today pro
gressed with its investigation, hear
ing an admission from Miss Eliza-
Accusetl Embezzler of
Sons of Herman Acquitted
Stillwater, Minn.. Dec. 2 Dis
trict Judge . J. V Scarls yesterday
directed a verdict of not guilty in
the trial of Fritz Seilcr, former "na
tional treasurer of the Sons of Her
mann, accused of embezzling $5,000
from the funds of the society. As
the society is not incorporated,
Judge Searls contends, Seiglcr can
not be convicted. '
War Mineral Relief Board
Settles $15,000,000 Claims
Washington, Dec. 2. Awards of
$2,237,391.85 based on claims
amounting to $15,827,429.62. were
made up to November 27 by the war'
minerals relief commission of the
bureau of mines, according to an an
nouncement today by Secretary of
Interior Payne.
Britain Suffers
Defeat on Irish'
Home Rule Bill
London, Dec. 2. The government
suffered a defeat i.i the house of
lords when an amendment to the
Irish home rule biil submitted by
Baron Oranmore aod Urownc, pro
viding for the establishment of a
senate for southern Ireland was
carried against the government by a
vote of 120 to 36. It was explained
that the object for the amendment
was to safeguard the minority south
ern unionists
Lord Birkenhca.'d. lord high
chancellor for the government, op
posed the amendment on the ground
that such a senate must be prepon-
fderately nominative, and there was
no hope of forcing such a second
chamber on southern Ireland. He
emphasized the government's de
sire that the question of framing a
senate should beleft to the central
Lord Shandou moved an amend-
No Mora Corn Torture. Ask Your Friends
About "Gets-It.
No corn, hard or soft, is tou old or too
firmly rooted to resist "Gets-It." Im
mediately it dries and shrivels, the edges
loosen from the true flesh and soon you
can pert it right off with your fingers as
painlessly as you trim your nails.
Why coddle such pests T Why nurse and
pamper them? Why cut and trim them t
Why not JLEMOVE them with . "GETS'
ITT" Get a"ottle today at any drug store
the cost is a trifle. Mid. by E. Law:
& Co., Chicago.
,1 .',!,. ' B
- J!
111 v the land of sunshine and flowers. Ml
I , Through sleeping cara on the
Rransas Jy-ncxKiaS)0dal .
leave Kansas tCity 5:30 pm, arrive
Jacksonville 10:50 second morning, via Frisco
Lines and Southern Railway, the direct route.
Dining car service all the way. j
' F red Harvey meals on the Frisco. !
The Kansas City-Florida Special makes convenient eon- j
nection at Jacksonville with trains (or East and West Coast
I For IllutfrakJ literature. Information oj h rail J
II or for tktplni cr feamisnsni, aaVreu
I! . , , J. C. Lorrien, Division Passeaiar Agent ' I j
Save About Half on
Oak Dining Tables
and Chairs Saturday
Union Outfitting Co.
Reductions Are So Radical.
That Every Piece , Is
An Unusual Value.
The quality of the Home Fur
nishings of the Union Outfitting
Company is so widely appre
ciated that the sale Saturday, in
which Dining Room Furniture
can be secured at about HALF
former prices, is certain to at
tract home-makers from afar.
The tables are extension types
with, plain, plank or quarter oak
tops, beautifully polished. Tie
chairs are sturdily constructed
and have comfortable wood or
leather seats.
Such an event as this is fur
ther evidence of
ng possibilities at the Union
Outfitting Company due to a
store wirle 'Stock-Reducing"
Sale. And, as always, you make
your own terms.
ment providing for a joint scfckm of
the southern and northern senates as
a substitute for the Irish council.
Lord Birkunhead thought it prefer
able to dieuss the subject at a latef
stage. F.arl Middleton urged that
nothing was more likely to lead to
some settlement than Lord Shpn-
don's proposal. ' Tliis
was adopted 48 to 34.
Ex-Convict Arrested.
Salt Lake City, Dec. 2. Sill R.
Walters, 26, said lry the police to be
an ex-convict of Nevada and to have
escaped froin the Jefferson City
penitentiary in Missouri, was ar
rested here and charged with receiv
ing stolen property. According to
the police, Walter is suspected of be
ing implicated in the jobbery of
diamonds worth $2,850 from Dave
Clemens, a guest at a local hotel. -
which fellovy dices
hs Mie best 9
There Ait young rneain Omaha who arc not saving
a cent although they are earning good Mages. There
are other young men in Omaha who have a savings ac
count and arc adding to it each week. "Which fellow do
the 800 telephone operators and other business women
of Omaha like best! .Which one do they respect most 7
Which one makes the best companion? It is the youug
man Mho saves, of course."
Get the Saving Habit
x . r
Are you the young man "wtio spends wisely and
naves something or do you just spend! You should save
x a part of your income during your productive years.
Open a savings account in our Savings Department to
day anb! add to it each week. Assure yourself of cou-
. lentment and prosperity m later years.
United States
National Bank
Thu Clock Is Always Correct
N. W. Corner
16th and Farnim 8ta,
it ' . . it
n o 1 Tl o - n
MmlW WKl 1
A Notable Disposal of
ANOTHER of those strokes of fortunate buying has
brought this most unusual dress sale to you. Styles' of
the hour, jauntily made; selection is remarkably complete.
Dresses you seldom see for less than
$29.50 and $39.50. Friday, Choice .
1 1
s it-
Within walls built high by years of war and revolution, behind doors close-guarded
by Trotzky's soldiers, the Russian treasure-house awaits the adventurer with the key of gold.
"In the south there are millions d bushels of wheat awaiting export, and oil wells have been
running unchecked so long that they have had to fcak them up and form lakes of oil." "There
is 1,000,000 worth of timber lying at Archangel and other ports on the "White Sea." The Si-'
berian seaboard contains "probably the world's greatest undeveloped coal and oil deposits,
with the fishing off coast equal to that of Alaska." '
While it is all very well, agree some American editors, for the Soviet Government to
open the doors of the Muscovite treasure-house, what if the treasure-house is empty? And,
referring to the British trade agreement with Soviet Russia, recently announced . by Premier
Lloyd George, the New York Tribune declares that "to take Lenine and his system into fellow
ship is to abandon those in Russia who fought for civilization and democratic ideals."
.Facts that will awaken mingled feelings of wonder, resentment, and satisfaction are
presented in the striking article in this week's number of THE LITERARY DIGEST, December
4th. It reflects the opinion of the American press upon Lloyd George's propdsal to resume trade
relations with Russia. y .
Other very interesting news-articles in this number of THE DIGEST are :
The "Parliament of Man at Geneva
Mr. Hoover's Labor Plans
The Seven Millers of Kansas
Trying to. Carve Turkey
Exit Venizelos, Enter Constantine
Austria's Plight
Little Latvia's Great Role
Emigration from Ireland
Evolution's Most Romantic Moment
Medical News in the Papers
Motor Trailers to Solve Transportation
England Learns How Much It
Suffered by the Air-Raids
Introducing' the Crack Bolshevik
Diplomat Dr. Joflfe
A Canadian Literary Declaration of
Treating Labor Artistically
American Films Corrupting Britain? '
Japan's New Religion
Czecho-SIovakia's New National
Church . J r
World-Wide Trade Facts '
Problems of Democracy Big Business
Judge Landis, The New Czar of
Baseballdom i
The Bibulous Frenchman Under Fire
by Prohibitionists
A Woman Who Got Into Congress
Through the Want-Ad Columns
Balking the Bringers of Booze Over
the Border
Rolling Homes that Gather No Renf:
Topics of the Day I
Best of the Current Poetry .
Halt '-tone Illustrations, Maps, and Ifumorous Cartoons
December 4th Number on Sale Today Newsdealers 10 Cents $4.00 a Year
wW mm
Mark of
Distinction to
Be a Reader oil
The Literary
- j
FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary), NEW YORK
) !