Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 -
-National G. A. R.
Meeting Mav Be
Held in Omalia
.Nebraska Iyeaclers in Patriotic
Societies Discuss Plans for
Bringing -Big - Encamp
ment to Nebraska. .
bhicolUi-'-Dcc. 2, (Spfci;!.) L
!". Richard, of Frcniunt, Capt. A. M.
Trimble, oY Lincoln and Col. "J. H.
Tresson 6f Omalia; Utpartnocnt com
mander of. he tJ. A. R. held a con
ference tdday with Actinff Governor
Pelhaiu A. Ttyrrows commandcr-in-chicf
of the Sons of Veterans, to dis
cuss the poA5.ibilityof obtaining the
next encampment of the Grand
Army, Sons of Veterans and affi
liated societies at Omaha next sum
mer. It is understood tint Omaha will
issue an invitation to the organiza
tion to meet in the Nebraska me
tropolis ard it was for the purpose
of obtaining the co-operation of the
department commander of the G. A.
R. and the commander-in-chief of
the Sons of Veterans that Captain
Trimble and Mr. Richards visited the
state house.
Ths annua1 gatherings of the pa
triotic societies usually bring to
gether around 100,000 people and it
is a hig advertisement for a city to
entertain the societies in their annual
gatherings, as the railroads offer
such, an attractive reduction in rates
that it brings visitors from nearly
every state in Ihe union.
It if understood that St. Louis
an'd . Milwaukee. 'are: also making
plans for .extending an invitation lor
the next encampment to meet in
those cities.
Divorcee's Sweetheart Wants
Ex-Hubby. Under Bond
Hcatricc, Ncb Dec. 2. (Special.)-
Ed I'rotsman, arrested on a com
plaint of Vern Terry asking that
I'rotsman be itit under bond to keep
the peace, was released after he
furnished surety, for $2.'000. Perry,
who lias been keeping company with
Pi-nt cnia n' dlvnrrpd wife- chrvrCC'll
that Protsman had repeatedly threat
enedum, .
Referendum Plan Adopted
At Wymorc, 468 to 144
WyinoreNel).', Dec. 2. (Special.)
At a sMeciaLclcttiou ficfd here it
was decided by a vote of 468 to 144
to adopt the referendum election
. I . TM. kjuMl r. .. n All f nnpc-.
Ufflll. - 4 "t- .J"!"1".' "- ' 1
"tibn will "be"' sobThitted to a vote of
the people.
South Dakota State
Sheriff Rounds Up
Bootlegging Ring
Gregory, S. D., Dec. 2. (Special
Telegram). The bootleggers of
Gregory county have suffered seri
ous reverses following several ar
rests by Wood Smith of Mitchell,
state deputy sheriff. - -
"At the trial held in Burke, Ivan
Swartr, a farmer living south of
Herrick, was fined $250 and given
30 days in jail on the charge of sell
ing intoxicating liquor. Swartz has
been under surveillance for weeks.
A'warrant for his arrest" bos been in
the hands of the officers for several
days, but they were unable to locate
him until he lelephoned in to the
sheriff, declaring his willingness to
give himself uj.
Bowman Jaros of Gregory was.
fined $62 for soliciting orders for1
moonshine. Jaros pleaded guilty fo
the charge.
Theodore Anderson was bound
over to the circuit court cm the
charge of manufacturing liquor. 4 A
still in excellent -working condition,
together with 200 pounds of corn
mash and SO quarts of whisky, were
found in his possession:
Bank Teller Admits
$15,000 Embezzlement
Chicago, Dec. 2. J. M. Modra,
bank teller, employed by the State
KatiL- rf Chirnan u.-a arrfiit trtrtav
aftet, according to police, he con-
tessea niKing $u,uuu oi inc uaiiKs
funds in the last eight years.
Tli-wlra arrnrHinir trt tli nnlifl
- a . t . . ,
said the high cost oi living caused
him tn fak ninnev from th hank.
that he received a salary of $240 a
month, which, he said, .was not
enouirh'to sunoort his Wife and two
children, and that he never tasted
liquor, smoked, gambled or went
with women. r
"Wnen Coffee
change to that health
ful, more economical
A great army .offor
- mer coffee drinkers
i now drink PoTUM
"There's a Reason"
x Sold by all grocers
Made by Postum Cereal Co, Inc,
, Battle Creek,Mich.
1 7 Alibi Witnesses
For Alleged Robbers
" Fail to Reach Lincoln
Lincoln. Dec. 2. (Special.) The
17 alibi witnesses who were coming
trom bt. Paul, Minn., to testify to
the good citizenship of the three al
leged bank, robbers held in the Oma
ha jail on a charge of robbing a bank
in Superior, Wis., have not yet put
in an appearance. v '
In a telephone "Tncssage yesterday
the acting governor was assured by
an attorney in St. Taul that they
were 6a their way. The attorney
was chagrined to learn that the act
ing governor had got tired of waiting
on the slow-moving lawyers, who
had had five days to get ready for
the hearing, and had decided to send
the men back to Supertpr.
J5- ' .
Now On Sale!
. 1 -
Alt Our Regular $55 and $60 Suit Fabrics
Are Now on Sale at
i . .
' ' .......
Including an Extra Pair of Trousers
Our entire stock of choice FalTand
Winter Woolens, including Staple
Blacks, Blues and Grays, reduced
in like, proportion Nothing excepted
It's a Clearance Regardless cf Profit or Cost
. ; And Still We Include
- Fon the Price of the Suit Alone
, .. " ' y'
" Finest Fabrics'at $65-$75$80
Overcoats, too, at Bargain Prices
209-1 1 So. 15th Street Karbach Block
!, v
JEver the Lowest in Price.
Ever the Best in Values
And right now when
so many things are de
sired for the home, the
H. R. Bowen Company
offers one t carload of
Vernis Martin Beds and
Slat Fabric Springs at
prices much under the
cost of nanuf acture.
This car of merchant
dise was slightly dam
aged by water in transit,
yet not enough to detract
from the appearance,
nor to lessen the true val
ue of either the beds or
springs, therefore we
shall offer the entire car
load beginning tomorrow
at prices you'll be
pleased to pay. -
Making up your shop
ping list, and buying at
Bowen's will save ybu
many dollars and give
lyou dollars additional to
spend for Yulertide Gifts.
Let this store be your
Headqiiarters for values,
and as usual you make
your own terms when
through selecting. -
I wai btdly ruptured while lifting a
trunk several yean ago. Doctors said my
only hope of cure was an operation.
Trusses did me no good. Finally I got
hold of something that quickly and com
pletely cured me. Years have passed and
the rupture has never returned, although
I am doing hard work as a carpenter.
There waa no operation, no lost time, no
trouble. I have nothing to sell, but will
give full information about how you-may
find a complete cure without operation, if
yon write to me, Eugene M. Pullen, Car
penter. 714 G Marcellus Avenue. Manas
quan, N. J. Better cut out this notice
and show it to any others who are rup
tured you may save a life or at least
stop the misery of rupture and the worry
and danger of an operation.
The Readers of The Bee
Have Faith in Our Want
Ads. Why? Because They
Are Mutual Friends.
20 Reduction on
dearth Fwnifare , -
" Every item in our big, new stock of Andirons, Fire
Screens, Fire Sets, Grates, Wood Baskets, Gas Logs
and other Hearth Furniture offered at a reduction of
20 from previous prices plainly marked on each
A Christmas Sale With a Purpose
rms sweeping price
reduction makes it
worth your ' while to
learn by personal in
spection that you can se
v cure right here in
Omaha furniture for
your hearth equal in de
sign, materials and
'workmanship to the best i
offered- in New 'York
or Boston, where hearth
decoration is a fine art.
For Christmas Gifts
v j HeartH Furniture provides Christmas Gifts that
are especially attractive. .
n ' They are distinctive in appearance, durable and
thoroughly practical. !
They convert the hearth into a useful part of the
home, permitting the open fife that expresses so well
- the comfort, hospitality and good cheer of ,the Holiday
. Season. .
. May We Show You Now While There .
,1 Is the Widest Field foi Choice
Sunderland Brothers Co.
- Entire Third Floor, Keeline Building
H 17th and Harney Streets 1
in iiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiM
I The x The I
Joposition I
! I
For Full
141 7, Douglas St
of a Thrilling
Merchandise Event
Gigantic Million Dollar
Co-operative Purchase Sale
Starts 9 A. M. Saturday, Dec. 4
1417 Douglas St