Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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Iowa Youth Dies
Of Injuries in
Fight Over Girl
"Hired Man Wins Battle
Over Employer's Daughter,
But Pays Toll of Encoun
ter With Life.
Conway, la., Dec. 2. (Special.)
Like knights of old, jousting with
the colors of a fair maiden on their
lance head. Lester D'Happart, 21,
farmer, and Lester March. 17, Sat
urday night met in what proved to
be mortal combat for D'llappart
over a fair maiden residing near
Conway. The two young men used
a more modern method of settling
their differences and battled with
bare fists before a throng of about
100 citizens of Conway and surround
ing country.
Efforts to flop the 'fight were halt
ed by the crowd and the battle con
tinued until March cried, "Enough."
March is alleged to have been
keeping company with the daughter
of D'llappart's employer and object
ed to her riding to town with the
"hired man." lie is said to have
thrown down the gage of battle to
D'Happart when they met in town
and his challenge was readily ac
cepted. Cheered on by a constantly
growing crowd of spectators whs
did not even pay war tax on their
free tickets, the two youths con
tinued the battle for nearly an hour.
Faces of both were slashed to
ribbons when March ended the en
counter with a weak gasp of
"Enough," forced through swollen
tips so that it could only be heard by
his adversary and occupants of the
ringside seats.
D'Happart, who had been oper
ated on a month previous, was taken
auddenly ill the next morning and
removed to a hospital in Creston
where he died yesterday. Attending
physicians stated his death was
caused by the bursting of the newlly
knit blood vessels.
Indignation is running high here
and the leading citizens of the town
have demanded an official investi
gation into why the youths were al
lowed to fight until one was mortally
injured. No arrests have been made
altho gh it is reported that the coun
ty attorney will swear out a techni
cal complaint against March, charg
ing manslaughter, pending a coro
ner's inquest and investigation.
Greenwich Village Is
Blamed for Refusal of
Man to Take Fortune
New York, Dec. 2. Henry D.
Tudor, managing trustee of the
$1,250,000 estate which Charles Gar
laud, of Buzzards Bay, Mass., re
cently refused to accept as a bequest
from his father, declared in a state
ment that he thought young Gar
land acquired his ideas regarding in
heritance from associations formed
in Greenwich village, New York's
"Bohemian quarter'where he passed
four months a few years ago.
Mr. Tudor, who is president cf
the Commonwealth Finance corpo
rations, and a distant relative of
young Garland, said that the trustees
were embarrassed by his attitude in
refusing to accept the property. Mr.
Tudor declared he was being be
sieged by charitable organizations
and people desiring to establish hos
pitals and orphanages, who desire to
obtain the estate, or at the in
come from it.
Prisoner Confesses to
Killing Philadelphia Man
Philadelphia, Dec. 2. Peter D.
Treadway confessed, according 'o
the police, that he killed Henry T.
Veirce, manufacturer's agent, who
v,-as found beaten to dfath here on
November 22. He is said to have
absolved Marie "Boots" Phillips, also
known as Sue Rogers, and J. A.
Moss of any connection with the ac
tual killing, but made no mention
of "AT Smith, the fourth memb'ir
cl the party alleged to have been
,5n Peirce's apartments when he ttyUt
his death. v;
Treadway, officials say, assumed
full responsibility for the act.
Madison Club Plans to
Equip Community Center
Madison, Neb., Dec. 2. (Special.)
hTe thirteenth annual banquet of
the Madison Community clu! was
served by the women of the St.
Leonards church in the church pr.r
lors, about 150 members being pres
ent. Dr. F. A. Long, president,
presided and W. L. Dowling made
the chief address. A community
center, modernlv equipped, was cn-l
thusiastically discussed, substantial
financial assistance offered and per
manent action taken to formulate
plans for its ' realization. It wa;
also decided to have a community
municipal Christmas tree.
Chicago Man Arrested at
Hay Springs for Mail Theft
Hay Springs, Neb., Dec. 2.
(Special.) Louis Richards, giving
his home as Chicago, is under ar
rest at Rushville, charged with the
thtft of a draft belonging to George
Col well, a farmer living west of here
in Dawes county. Mr. Cohvell re
ceived the draft for a load of pota
toes and endorsed it in blank and
mailed it at the Commercial hotel.
Richards is alleged to hav stolen
the letter and tried to cash the draft
at the First National bank here. He
has been bound over to the district
.court. .'":
Fremont Commercial Club '
Seeks Relief for Farmers
Fremont, Neb., Dec. 2. (Special.)
The Fremont Commercial club
has asked the Nebraska representa
tives in congress to urge an exten
sion of credit to the farmers. The
club believes that the fanners are
slowly being forced into bankruptcy
and that some drastic action should
be taken immediately. They en
courage also increased prices of
farm commodities and seek the aid
of congress to afford some relief
from, the precarious condition that is
affecting all lines of business.
Mining Man Dies
Duluth, Minn.. Dec. 2. Captain
Richard Webb of Hibbing, Minn.,
one of the most prominent mining
snen.iu Minnesota, died yesterday.
Federal Agents Who
Solved Mail Robbery
Here arc the three men who Cap
tured Keith Collins, confessed driver
of the automobile fi th $3,500,000
Burlington mail train robbery in
Council Bluffs, after trailing hiin
from the Bluffs home to various
relatives in Nebraska and finally ar
resting him while eating breakfast
on an uncle's farm near Westville,
Okl. They also recovered $23,800
Richardson County
Organizes for Big
Farm Bureau Drive
Falls City, Neb., Dec. 2.-(Spe
cial.) The members of the Richard
son county farm bureau are getting
ready for the big drive for members
that begins December 6. . I he coun
ty has been divided into precinct
districts and each precint assigned
to a captain who will secure resident
workers to donate one dsy's service
each in the solicitation of new mem
bers and it is the intention to give
every farmer m Kicharoson a per
sonal invitation to join the organiza
tion, lhe officers of the county
farm bureau are William Peek, Falls
City, president; Henry Wyatt, Falls
City, vice president; A. L. Knisely,
Falls City, secretary and treasurer;
Joe Worrel, county agent.
The drive will start with a rous
ing kick-off meeting at the Elks club
rooms at Falls City, Monday.
The cantains of the various pre
cincts are: Franklin, Gus Herr;
Porter, Jess Harshbcrgcr; West
Muddy, Bert Steadman; East Mud
dy, Sam Harris; Humboldt, Frank
Rist: Grant, Tom Wuster; Liberty,
E. E. Auxier; Ohio, John Reishick;
Arago, Ed Durfee; Speiser, William
Frankhauser; Nemaha, .Louis Nofs
ger; Salem, Maynard Stitzer; Falls
City, R. A. Coupe; Jefferson, Wil
liam Zoellcrs, jr.; Rulo, Jim
Nebraska Greeters
Open Session Here
More than 50 members of the Ne
braska Hotel Men's association and
the Nebraska-Iowa Greeters met
yesterday the Hotel Fontenelle
where I the -joint two-day convention
of the two organizations is being
The opening address was made by
John W. Gamble, vice president of
the First National bank. Ralph
Bryant, Clarke hotel, Hastings, re
sponded to Mr. Gamble's talk.
Among the other speakers at the
morning session were R. D. Mc
Faddan, Pathfinder hotel, Fremont;
Henry Heckert, Cornland hotel,
Lexington, and H. G. Conant of the
Conant hotel, Omaha.
The hotel men lunched at the
Hotel Loyal. Tea was served for
women in the Fontenelle. AH dele
gates attended a theater party in the
Orpheum theater last , night.
"Y" High School Secretary
Addresses Fremont Boys
Fremont, Neb., Dec. 2. (Special.)
O. R. DieMs, state high school
secretary of thft Y. M. C. A., ad
dressed a joint session of the Fresh
men club and the senior high "Y"
at the "Y" building here. Mr.
DiehlS has made a big hit with the
local boys, having been here on
previous occasions. Kis address was
baicd on "The Two Mums," the
maximum ah the minimum of right
eous liivng. He encouraged that the
boys of Fremont adopt either one
extremity or the other, and what
ever side they determine to Join, to
do it with a vengeance. He dis
couraged a lukc-warm Christian and
asked that the boys make their de
cisions now. '
Charges Dry Law Ignored
By Madison County Man
' Madison, Neb., Dec. 1. (Special.)
Bernice Margaret Lefler of Nor
folk sued her husband, James Eu
gene, for divorce, alleging that not
withstanding the prohibition laws he
is an habitual drunkard and has
been consorting with unchaste wom
en and entertaining them in their
home durig her absence. She also
alleges that he sent a drunken wom
an to her home and compelled her
to care for the stranger during the
night. ,
She asks custody of their two
children, Ruth, 8, and Vernon, 2,
and temporary and permanent ali
mony. Nebraska City Schools
Building Skating Rink
. Nebraska City, Neb., Dee. 2.
(Special.) This City is to have a
municipal skating rink at the Hay
ward Athletic park under the aus
pices of the athletic association of
the high school. The boys of the
school are . out with their spades
and shovels, under the direction of
Coach Garges preparing the field to
flood it when weather conditions are
favorable. The park will be lighted
by electric lamps and a shelter place
provided where the l ttle ones can
keep warm. This field will provide
an ideal skating place, shallow
enough Jo make it safe for the
youngsters. ' .
Jefferson County Taxes
Are Being Paid Slowly
Fairbury, Neb., Dec. 2. (Special).
Personal tax is being paid more
slowly than usual this year. Records
in the county treasurer's office show
a collection of $45,000 in November
this year, as against $98,000 in No
vember last year. The Union Pa
cific, with a tax of $12,000, was the
only company to pay in November.
The Rock Island check for $27,000
has been received. The Burlington
system1 is taxed about $15,000.
of the loot from his home, 1839
Seventh avenue. Council Bluffs.
From left to right, they are Post
office Inspector V. L. Noah, Se
dalia, Mo.; Postoftice ' Inspector J.
W. Adamson. Kansas City. Mo., and
Poitoflice Inspector W. M. Coble,
Omaha. Inspector,' Noah was
placed in charge of the investiga
tion the Thursday following the
robbery and is credited with being
responsible for its unusual success.
r i r r i
I lv I H kiihAr Wll
LSI, J. A UUtUbl Miu
Deliver Address at
Elks' Memorial Ritual
The Rev. John F. Poucher of Nor
folk, Neb., will deliver the memorial
address next Sunday morning, in
Brandeis theater, on the occasion of
the Elks' annual ritual service in
honor of members who died during
the last vear.
E. C. Page will officiate as chap-
Iain. The musical program -will in
elude numbers by the Omaha Cham'
ber Music society, of which Henry
G. Cox is director.
The Council Bluffs Elks' quartet
will sing. Mrs. Wiley and Mrs
Eldrige will also sing. Hugo Heyn
will clay The Rosary" on a flier
imbophone. Cecil W. Berryman will
be accompanist during the musical
program. Gus Renze has prepared
a special stage setting for the event.
The exercises will begin at 10:o0.
t i .
Expensive Honeymoon
Lands Lincoln Youths
In Colorado Prison
Denver, Colo.. Dec. 2. (Special.)
Lharles Denham, ly, alias L. JL,
Pond, and William J. Murray, 22,
alias H. J. Jones, both from Lin
Coin, Neb., were sentenced to the
state reformatory atv Buena Vista
Both confessed to check forgeries
The two younjr men were arrested
here a few wccks ago. They had
married sisters, who were sent to
the home of their parents in Lincoln
following the arrest of their hus
"We were on our honeymon and
found it so expensive we went
broke," they told the court. "Then
we yielded to the temptation to get
money easily and quickly.
Manager wollt ot trie JJenver
Morris Plan bank said the boys
secured $309 from him in October
McMurray appeared first, he said,
and cashed a eheck for $32.20. The
following day Dunham cashed a
check and disappeared. The checks
were later found to be forgeries.
District Judge Rules One '
Day Establishes Residence
Minden, Neb., Dec. 2. (Special.)
An interesting point was decided
by Judge Dungan affecting jurisdic
tion in a divorce case. Daisy All
man, and her husband and two
children were living in Filmore
county on October 11, on which date
Fred Allmari, the husband, so the
petition alleges, beat her and she
sent a note to her father, living near
Lowell, to come to ber rescue. The
father took his daughter and two
children to Kearney county and on
the way through Hastings employed
an attorney and filed a petition for
divorce in Kearney county the next
day, alleging that Mrs. Allman had
a residence in Kearney county. The
defendant objected to the jurisdic
tion for the reason that plaintiff
could not establish a residence in so
short a time. The court overruled
the objection and granted plaintiff
temporary alimony.
Jury Disagrees in Trial of
Woman on Murder Charge
Los Angeles, Dec. 2. The trial of
Mrs. Maybelle Roe. charged with
the murder of McCullough Graydon,
ended in a jury disagreement here.
Mrs. Roe was Indicted with three
others following the death of Gray
don from a pistol wound at Venice,
last September.
The shooting followed n row over
the rent and possession of a small
cottage, i Separate trials were de
manded and Mrs. Roe was tried
first. The jury was out 20 hours.
It included two women,
Reavis Makes Address
To Engineers' Association
Washington, Dec. 2. (Special
Telegram.) Congressman Reavis
was the principal speaker last night
at the banquet ot the Washington
chapter of the American Associaiion
of Engineers, his subject being the
"Proposed Department of Public
Works," with representation in the
The Reavis bill for this purpose
has received the endorsement of
every engineers' Society in the coun
try. Man Enlists in Amy to Pay
Election Bet With Brother
Marion, O., Dec. 2 An election
bet was paid here when Clarence H.
Burk of Latrobe, Pa., enlisted in the
Burk bet his brother that if Sena
tor Harding proved the successful
candidate for president he would en
list for three years. If Governor
Cox was elected, his brother was to
enlist in the navy for four years.
Alleged McCook Bootlegger
Escapes From Hospital
McCook, Neb., Dec. 2. (Special.)
Suffering with a bullet wound in
his foot, inflicted by City Marshal
George Traphagan some time (.go,
Mike Moore, alleged to be a boot
legger, escaped from the hospital
here where his injuries were being
attended. He was assisted in mak
ing bis escape by a man driving an
Story of Pool Hall
Murders Told in
Trial of Suspect
Former Police Chief Testifies
George Barrett Confessed
To Share in Attempted
Holdup in Bluffs.
Clifford Barrett, on trial for first
degree murder in the frustrated hold
up of the Potkonak pool hall on Six
tcenth avenue, Council Buffs, Febru-
coniessea to his share in the
crime while battling between life and
death in the Edmundson hospital
former Chief ot Police J. C. Jensen
teshticd in the Council Bluffs dis
trict court yesterday morning.
Barrett had been wounded in the
abdomen and hope for his recovery
was abandoned. Jensen was the last
witness for the nroseeutinn vretor.
He testified Barrett told him and
Assistant County Attorney Frank
Northrup that he and John Mc
Laughlin and Harold Roberts met
at 7 the night of the crime in the
Iowa pool hall on Pearl street and
planned the robbery.
Posted as Lookout.
Jensen declared Barrett told them
me trio naa rcmarKea tne day was
pay day for the Union Pacific and
habitues of the Potkonka pool hall
should be carrying considerable
cash. McLaughlin went home to get
his revolver, 'Jensen quoted Barrett
as saying, and returned to the Iowa
pool hali.
From there, the trio walked to the
scene of the crime. They figured be
cause of the numerous tracks get
away would be easier on foot than in
an automobile.
Barrett told Jensen he was posted
in front of the place as lookout, but
when he heard the shooting he went
Finds Body.
Henry Cutler, coroner, told of
finding the body of Harold Roberts
with a black handkerchief mask
over the face in the street in front
of the pool hall. He found the
bodies of Pedro Jeminiz and Steve
Kilibardo on the floor in the pool
hall. A flashlight and several cart
ridges were in Roberts' pockets, he
On cross examination Cutler testi
fied there was no money or jewelry
on Roberts' body. Attorney J. J.
Hess for the defense was attempting
to show that the proprietor of the
pool hall had robbed the body. Wed
nesday Captain of Police Shafer
testified Potkonak had given him a
sum of money he said he had taken
from Roberts' body because it had
been taken from the cash register.
Dr. V. L. Treynor described the
post mortem on the bodies.
Staggers Into Heme.
Mrs. Maude Johnson, negress, 1512
Eleventh avenue, testified yesterday
Barrett had stumbled into her home
short .time after the frustrated
holdup, wounded severely, and had
asked her to summon a doctor.
She notified police, she said. Mrs.
Johnson identified the prisoner as
the man who fell into hsr home that
Charles Crum, city pojiceman,
who drove the ambulance that night,
told of getting Barrett from the
Johnson home. He said there were
cartridges in his pockets but the
wounded man had told him he had
lost his revolver. Barrett told him
there were two men with him at
the shooting, he said.
Witnesses Testify Check
Treated Kindly by His Son
Phoenix, Ariz., Dec. 2. Thomas
Check was treated kindly by his son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Check, according to two wit
nesses for the defense, who testified
at the preliminary examination of
Mr. and Mrs. Check, charged with
murder in connection with the death
of Thomas J. Check, November 13.
Charles M. Donohue testified he
had dined with the Checks and wit
nessed considerate treatment of the
elder Check by his son arjd the lat
ter's wife. J. C. Mays, a carpenter.
who had worked at the apartment
house where the Checks lived, said
when he heard a sound of slapping,
he looked in at a window and saw
Victor Check slapping his father's
hands to awaken him.
Socialists Predominate
In Jugo-SIavia Assembly
Belgrade, Jugo Slavia. Dec. 2.
The balloting of Sunday last for the
national assembly resulted in the
election of 110 radicals, 70 demo
crats, 35 members of the Serbian
peasant party, 40 members of the
Croate peasant party. 45 communists.
25 Mussulmans, 25 members of the
Sloveno-Karochets party and 21
social democrats. About 50 seats are
still left undecided.
Norwegian Held for
$100,000 Automobile Theft
New York, Dec. 2. Charged witli
participation in the recent theft in
Detroit of new automobiles valued
at $100,000, which nolice sav were
brought overland to this city, shipped
to iNorway and sold, bven Hyquist,
automobile accessory dealer, was ar
rested today and held in $10,000 bail.
The arrest followed discovery in a
New York warehouse of one of the
stolen machines.
"Pape's ' Cold Compound"
Breaks any Cold
in Few Hours
Instant Reliefl Don't stav stuffed
upl Quit blowing and snuffling! Aj
dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" I
taken every two hours until three
doses are taken usually breaks up
any cold.
The very first dose opens clogged J
nostrils and the air passages of the'
head; stops nose running; relieves
the headache, dullness, feverishness. I
"Pape's Cold Compound" acts
quick, sure, and costs only a few
cents at drug stores. It acts without!
assistance, tastes nice, contains no
quinine Insist upou Tape's! '
Surprise Party Given
To Pastor and Wife
I v !
I ... f
I twjwatiiii n miuavoaig
Rev. Fred R. Shirck.
One hundred friends of the Rev.
Fred R0S9 Shirck and Mrs. Shirck
gave a surprise farewell nartv for the
pastor and his wife at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Williams. 1011
South Thirtieth street, vWedncsday
lhe Rev. Mr. Shirck, pastor of
the Grace Lutheran church, is leav
ing to accept a call to St. Marks
Lutheran church in Ottumwa. Ia. A
purse of $225 was given him at the
party last night. He will preach
his inaugural sermon in Ottumwa
next Sunday.
Citizens Debate
Raise in Gas Rate
Formal Public Discussion Is
Held at North Platte Mass
Meeting Passes Resolution.
North Platte, Neb., Dec. 2. (Spe
cial.) A proposed increase in gas
rates here from $1.50 to $2 a 1,000
cubic feet-has aroused public inter
est and terminated in a public de
bate, in which both sides of the ques
tion were discussed. Following the
debate the gathering turned into an
impromptu mass meeting and reso
lutions were adopted requesting the
city council to pass a.n ordinance
requiring higher quality gas and if
it is not forthcoming to start action
to terminate the gas company
C. R. Morcy and J. J. Halligan
spoke in favor of the proposed in
crease and explained the increase in
cost of production, the laws regard
ing public utilities and the necessity
Of an increase in rates in order to
enlarge the plant arid give a higher
quality product.
W. E. Shuman and W. W. Hoag
land, opposing the increase, told of
the inability of the council to termi
nate the contract and urged that the
company should be penalized if they
did not improve their product. They
stated that although it was possible
the company was losing money on
its gas this was more than made up
by their profits from electricity. They
advocated the installation of an elec
tric plant on the Birrhwood river
which would furnish cheap power to
the cohjmunity.
Dalrymple Endeavors
To Regain Liquor He
Seized as "Dry" Agent
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
Chicago, Dec. 2. Maj. A. V. Dal
rymple, until a few weeks ago, arch
foe of the bootlegger and the rum
runner, appeared today in the ranks
of his former enemy, John Barley
corn. Acting as an attorney, he served
a writ of replevin on Frank D. Rich
ardson, who succeeded him as head
of the federal prohibition forces in
this territory. The writ calls on
Richardson to return 131 barrels of
liquor seized from the Victor Cohen
Tobacco company.
Richardson wore a puzzled ex
pression when he accepted the writ.
"Why Major Dalrymple himself
seized that liquor," he said. "It was
one of his most spectacular cases.
And he assisted in the indictment of
Cohen, as one of the members of
the "Mike De Pike" Heitler liquor
running gang." '
Heavy Import Duty on Wheat
Is Proposed by Kansas Main
Washington, Dec 2. An import
duty of 35 cents a bushel on wheat
is proposed in a bill which Repre
sentative Tincher of Kansas has
drawn, for Sntroduction in the house
next Monday.
Omaha's Greatest
Sale 9x12 Axminstei
Rugs Is Saturday at
Union Outfitting Co.
They Are Seamed and
Seamless in a Wide
Range of 'Patterns.
Your dollars will have much
greater purchasing power in the
"Stock Reducing" Sale of 9x12
Axminater Ru?s which takes
place at the Union Outfitting Co.
next Saturday.
Naturally the qualities are all
that you could wish for in your
floor coverings and the assort
ments in 9x12 Axminsters both
seamed and seamless are so ex
tensive you will find it easy to
secure approximate designs for
every room.
This sale is only one of many
value-giving events that are at
tracting experienced Home
Makers to the Union Outfitting
Company this week. In addition
to the subsantial savings, you
have the advantage of "making
you own terms."
m i
No Changes Will
Be Made at This
Time by League
Resolution Rejecting Consid
eration of Amendments to
Covenant Passed With
One Dissenting Vote.
Geneva. Dec. 2. A resolution re
jecting the consideration of amend
ments to the league covenant at this
session and providing for a commit
tee to study changes before )hc
meeting of the next assembly was
pnssed bv the assily of the league
at today's session with but one dis
senting vote.
In reporting the decision of the
league of nations assembly commit
tee on amendments to the league
covenant not to recommend changes
at this session, A. J. Balfour of
Great Britain forecast the possible
need of important changes in the
future. The covenant was not re
garded as perfect or immutable he
said, and the eventuality must' be
considered of the next assembly be
ing called upon to consider amend
ments of far greater importance
than those now pressed.
Amendments Needed.
The covenant, Mr. Balfour pointed
out, was framed remarkabl
rapidity and doubtless amendments
would be necessary, but the com
mittee found the moment inoppor
tune. Because thi committee re
jected' the amendments proposed by
the Scandinavian t countries it was
not to be considered that it dis
agreed with them.
If you amend the covenant, you
amend the treaty of Versailles which
gave .seal to the peace of the world,"
he said.
Experience Insufficient.
Another motive of the committee,
Mr. Balfour explainnd, was the con
viction that one year's experience in
the working of a covenant was in
sufficient to show just what amend
ments should be made and the com
mittee deemed it advisable to wait.
He said a commission which the
committee recommended to study
proposed amendments could report
to the council of the league, which
in turn would report to the next
meeting of the assembly at Geneva.
The date of this he mentioned as
September 1, next.
By referring the changes now pro
posed to a commission for sturdy,
Mr. Balfour thought the assembly
could establish a precedent 'of great
value to the next .assembly, which
might be asked to make more im
portant changes.
Delegates Hagerup of Norway
and Dr. Wurtemburg of Sweden
signified acceptance of the decision
of the committee regarding the
Agitation Renewed
In Philippine Islands
For Independence
Washington, Dec. 2. Political ac
tivity and post-war economic dis
turbances have caused a renewal of
sentiment in the Philippine Islands
for independence, according to Gov
Gen. Burton Harrison's annual re
port. The governor's tecommenda-
V ' V J , 1 1 J ' II L lllULLi.lUVilV l p,. .........
j is renewed with the declaration that
the stable government stated -as a
prerequisite has already been estab
lished in trie Philippines.
"The public statements of allied
and associated leaders during the
war about rights and liberties of
small nationalities and the enuncia
tion of the doctrine of self-determination
have been widely disseminated
in the Philippines," the report said,
''and confidence in the prompt for
mation of the league of nations
seems to offer future security for
Philippine independence."
9 " ' ' i ' - - '
Friday Saturday
Your opportunity to buy
Women 's Christmas
Silk Hosiery
at drastic reductions
In Gotham Gold Stripe
$4.25 Ail silk $3
$3-Silk With Lisle Garter Tops $2.25
$3.35 Out Sizes -$2.50
Wayne Knit Hose
$3-SilkWith Lisle Garter Tops $2.25
Hasie y 8hop-
Formerly BensorvtHhonvs
National Debt in
November Jumped
Increase of $112,616,571 Lant
Month Announced by Treas
ury Department.
Washington. Dec. 2. An increase
of $112,646,5"! in the public debt
during the month of November was
announced today by the treasury.
The total gross debt on Novem
ber 30 was $21,175,156,244.14, as coin
pared with $24,1162,509,672. on
October 31. The issuance of $232,
01X1,000 in treasury certificates on
November 1.5 was responsible for
the increase in the debt, according
to treasury officials, who explained
that the certificates maturing during
the month amounted to only $()4,
000,000. Officials declared, however,
the continuation of the quarterly de
crease in the public debt was in no
way halted because decreases were
only possible when the quarterly tax
receipts made available further re
ductions. Unemployed Seize
City Buildings in
Suburbs of London
London, Dec. 2. The restlessness
among the city's unemployed, cou
pled with the lack of housing ac
commodations, led to the seizure of
the town hall at Edmonton, a north
ern suburb of London, by several
hundred men. The occupation of
the building was entirely without vi
olence. The men announce that they
will use the town hall ns their head
quarters until something is done for
The town hall at Totttcnham, an
other working district near the city,
was the scene of a similar peaceable
seizure yesterday The unemployed
men took possession of the building,
however, evacuated it today when
the council announced that accom
modations had been found for them
in the coroner's court and in two
large store houses.
Railroads Co-Operating
With Immigration Agents
New York, Dec. 2. Railwap lines
of the west have combined in a
common effort to co-operate with
immigration officials here in solving
the problem of immigrant distribu
tion, it was announced .at Ellis
Island. Immigration Commissioner
Wallace said he had received a tele
gram from Eben E. McLeod, chair
man of the Western Passenger asso
ciation, with headquarters in Chi
cago, requesting a conference on be
half of some of the leading railroad
men of the country in this connec-,
tion. The commissioner fixed next1
Wednesday for the conference.
For. Expectant Mothers
Used By Three Generations
iiii rot Booklet ea mothidhooo ui 1t. ra(
BlADniL RMtllATM Co. pm. . ATUXTTI.
Sharpens Vision
Bon-Opto gives quick relief to in
flamed, acblng, itching, burning, work
strained and watery eyes. Best drug-
? lists recommend and guarantee satis
action or will refund your ccney.
-All Sizes
-Main Floor
Helps ss
Weik IprpJ
Relieves Wy
Council to Hear
Charges Against
Monarch Garden
Rabbi Frederick Cnfin, chairman
of the Hoard of Public Welfare,
transmitted yesterday noon to the
city clerk, for the city council, an of
ficial notice that the Welfare board
suspended the dance hall license
held by lhe management of the
Monarch gar:!e::, "black and white
cabaret," 107 South Fourteenth
The notice will be formally pre
sented to the city council at its
meeting next Tuesday morning,
when the mayor and commissioners
will set a dale for hearing. It will
then be incumbent on the council to
summon witnrssos, bear the evidence
and decide whether the action of the
Welfare board shall be sustained.
In the meantime the Monarch
garden must permit uo dancing.
The resolution was presented bv
Howard Kennedy. Rabbi Frederick
Cohn. chairman of the board, exe
cuted the suspension order.
Members of the welfare board
were undetermined on the closing
question for the garden Tuesday,
but testimony offered Wednesday
afternoon by Detective George Suin
mitt and Police Sergeant O. V. Thes
trup clinched the decision of the
Kansas City Policeman
Identified as Robber
Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 2.Dr. K.
P. Baker identified W. A. Harvey,
the patrolman on his beat, as one of
two men who robbed him of $101)
and $950 in checks last night. Har
vey denies the accusation.
The Ever Thoughtful
Economical Buyer
will gladly welcome
these several big values
offered at the Bowen
Store Thursday and Fri
day. Come in early, pur
chase, and you'll readily
realize the Big Advan
tage of buying at'Bow
en' at all times.
Grape Nut
Breakfast Food
14c Per Pkg.
Campbell's Tomato
10c Per Can
V4 lb. Pkg. Durham
Shredded Cocoanut
10c Per Pkg.
Mb. Pkg. Argo Corn
(Cooking) Starch
3 Pkgs. Ohly 25c
Sweetheart Toilet
5c Per Bar
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