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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1920)
ijliliiJll,, OURJJasement Stocks are as large and selec tions as varied as are the stocks of many separate EVERY Base ment Depart ment joins in this Big Three-Day Thrift Sale with special purchases made with this particular event in view. In scour ing the markets, we found many jobbers and man ufacturers who needed cash more than they did their merchandise. We bought at great savings, and pass' it along to you! High Grade Corsets JWere $5 to 8 , Special at 3.45 A broken line from our regu lar stock, front or back lace in coutils, broches, batiste and novelty cloths; best known makes in leading styles, large assortment but not every size in each mod el ; worth $5.00 to $8.00, spe cial, for this sale, at $3.45 Bungalow Aprons 89c 4,896 Women's gingham and percale bungalow aprons, dozens, of pretty styles, cut full, well matle, fancy aprons in light materials as well as plenty of the staple kinds; splendid for Christmas gifts, were $1.49 to $2.50, special, each l 89c i Women's Cotton Yests x Were 65c, at 39c Cotton Vests in tuck stitch; lightly fleeced, high neck And long sleeves; all sizes; formerly valued at 65c, sper cial in this sale, ach 394 600 Pairs Women's Shoes 1.98 600 pairs of women's high shoes; kid vamps; mostly cloth tops; lace styles; solid leather soles and heels; sizes 3 to 6 ; regularly sold for $5 ; specially reduced for this sale, to per pair $1.98 Good Table Cloths Were $2.50 Special at Branded Store 1.50 Of mercerized damask with hemmed ends in the 54-inch size; patterns of stripes or polka dots ; wears and laun ders like linen ; worth $2.50, special, at . $1.50 Kimono Crepe Fancy printed assortment beau tiful colorings for kimonos, wrap pers and house dresses, Og worth 39c, special yard OC Sal Continuing -Our Great Three Day TEnraf i I iv Our Newly Enlarged Basement By reason of some remarkable bargains, we obtained through cash purchases, we are able to present this Three Day Thrift Sale. This sale is to be characterized by some of the lowest prices on excellent quality goods re cently offered in this or any other store Do not fail to take advantage of this big opportunity to obtain just whafc you want at the prices you want. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3rd and SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4th Ready-to-Wear Bargains for Thrifty People NOV at End of the Season Prices Women's and Misses' Suits, Coats and Dresses Goods Worth From $20.00 to $35.00 0 0 Latest Winter Styles! Hundreds to Select From! THE SUITS Two good racks full, all the balance of the good suits in the basement grouped now at this low price, every suit new, up-to-date, long coat style, all wool ma terials; $20.00 to $35.00 values, each $15.00 Good News for Mothers 3,000 Pairs of Wool and Wool Mixed BOYS' PANTS Priced per -l TQ Pair at . 3,000 pairs of boys' wool and wool mixed pants, made joi extra good quality materials in gray, brown and blue mixtures ; also corduroys ; regular $2.00 and $2.50 values, special per pair . y '. . .$1.79 'Remarkable Values in BLACK SILKS Special 1 39 Cheney Twilled Foulard, 40 inches wide. Duchess sa tin, 36 inches wide. Satin de chine, 36 inches wide. Messaline, 36 inches wide. Chiffon taffeta, 36 inches wide. Specially priced for this sale at, per yard $1.39 Galvanized Wash Tubs Made of good weight galvanized iron with two side drop handles, all perfect merchandise? " 129 No. 1 size, medium 98c 149 No. 2 size, large $1.19 169 No. 3 size, extra large $1.29 Window Ventilators Specially Priced at 49 c Adjustable to fit any standard size window; especially useful for cold weather, to avoid cold draughts and at the same time provide fresh air. Regular 79c values, special 49c - Women's Hosiery 39c Women's fibre silk' hosiery in colors; seconds of 75c quality, specially priced at, per pair, 39c Outing Flannel ?7-inch white and fancy ma terial; extra heavy fleecy nap on both sides, regularly 1Q 39c value, special 1IC Cotton Challie 36 inches wide; in a big variety of pretty floral and Persian de signs, special, per 1 Ql yard loC . Sheeting I 81-inch unbleached sheeting, genuine Sleepy Hollow brand; worth 90c per yard, AQi at, per, yard lIC Tubing 40-inch bleached Cabot; this popular and well known make is reduced for this QQ sale to, per yard . OJC Dress Calico In assorted colors; fancy pat terns for house dresses and aprons; worth 19c per yard, special in this sale 101 at, per y&id IfcfC THE COATS Cloth and plush in many different styles, all satin lined silk plush coats; silk lined, wrappy, cloth coats; good up-to-date styles at an end of the season price; $22.50 to $35.00 values, special, each $15.00 ' - Exceptional Notion Values Fast colored darning cotton, 3 spools 10c Good safety pins, 10 cards for 25c Rust proof hooks and eyes, 10 cards for 25c Rust proof dress clasps, 10 cards for 25c Silkene crochet cotton, per ball 10c - Inside skirt belting, per yard .-. k. . . .7J2C Large cabinet of wire hair pins 15c Three yard bolts of tape, 6 bolts for 25c Best rick-rack braid, all colors, per bolt 10c Wooden coat hangers, 4 for 25c Babies' jiffy pants, per pair 49c Best $1 sanitary aprons, special 49c Black and white headed pins, per card . . .... .2V2C One lot of hair nets to close out at, each . . ...... .5c Kleinert dress shields, per pair 19c Shoe laces, worth 20c, special, per pair . , 5c llair barretts per card 212c Stocking feet, per pair . . 5c Corset laces, each, at ' lc One Price Plain and Fancy SILKS One big lot of plain and fancy silks, including all the wanted weaves and patterns; an endless variety to choose from in both light and dark shades; worth to $2.50 per yard; a few of the values follow: Plain Georgette Crepe, 40 inches wide .... 4 D VJ Figured Georgette Crepe, 40 inches wide .... At iCT itf. Plain Taffeta, 40 inches wide Plain Crepe de Chine, 40'inches wide. ,..V Plain Poplin, 36 inches wide X Pink, Flesh and Ivory. Wash Satin, 36 in. wide. . 7 Shirting Silk, 36 inches wide , SOAP White Botax Soap, 10 bars for 42c Pearl White Soap, 10 bars for r. 42c D. C. Soap, 10 bars for 39c Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 cans for 24c Large package Golden Rod 19c Drugs Specially Priced Toilet soap, were 10c, special 4c Hospital cotton, special, per pound 39c Rubber dressing combs, were 35c, special, at.... 19c Senreco tooth paste, was 35c, special, at 25c Epsom Salts, were 15c, special, at 10c Powder puffs, were 10c, special, each, at 6c Abonita face powder, were 35c, special, at 19c Hot water bottle or syringe, were $1.25, special, at 69c Goblin Soap, special, per bar 5c Children's Kid Shoes Saut5 1.69 Children's black kid shoes; machine sewed soles; Isce and button styles; made over foot-form last; sizes 5 to 8; formerly sold at $2.45; special in this sale, per pair $1.69 I THE DRESSES Tricotine, velvetine, men's wear serge, satin, velour, broadcloth, etc., beautiful fall and winter dresses ; right up-to-the minute styles, beaded, braided, etc.; $20.00 to $30.00 values, special, each .$15.00 For Big Boys and Small Boys OVERCOATS Regular Values $8.50 to $12.95, at Sizes 3 to 18 Years 6.95 Big Boys' and Small Boys' Overcoats in full and half belted models; surprise the boys and make this an overcoat Christmas ;what w6uld please them more than a warm up-to-date coat? Sizes 3 to 18 years, worth $8.50 to $12.95; special $6.95 Good News for Housewives BED .SPREADS Were $4.00, Special at . . 2.50 Manufacturers' odds and ends in crocheted spreads; heavy quality with hemmed ends, no seconds, all per fect weaves in a range of attractive patterns; values in this lot worth up to $4; special, in this sale, each $2.50 i Men's Overalls and Jackets Blue Buckles Union Made Specially Priced, each 1.49 Made of extra good quality 220 weight blue denijn ; for outdoor wear and rough weather; well made, cut full and roomy, sizes 32 to 42 waist; regular $3.25 values, at $1.49 Terry Cloth One table of fancy Terry Cloth; 36 inches wide; wortli 1.50; while it lasts, at, 7Q per yard C Scrims Hemstitched; 100 pieces; 36 nches wide; worth j f 19c, special, yard..... 1VIC Towels Full bleached huck toweels with hemmed ends; soft and absorb ent quality; worth 17c, very specially priced, each 10 at ltC Woe -iankets In assorted vplaids; extra hea vy .and thick ; some have soisette blanket binding, remarkable value, special in this O CA sale, pair .. . . . O.OU Plaid Blankets Beautiful wool ' finished blan kets; in assorted colors; thread stitched edges; heavy and warm; specially priced O 1 Q at per pair O.IJ Men?s Work Shoes Special at 3.48 Were $5.00 Men's work shoes, made of selected stock,genuine oak leather soles; solid full grain innersole with eith er box toes or soft toe army style, sizes 6 to 11; $5.00 value; now selling for the low price of, per pair 3.48 Print Ribbon 4 ',i and 5-inch fancy warp print ribbons in colors; specially priced for this sale nn per yard eC store's.We are justly proud of the completeness of our Basement Departments! You will find the clerks oblig ing and glad to help shoppers in every possible way. Shopping in our basement is a delight. Infants' Wool Shirts Were $1 to $1.50 Special at 79c 300, samples of infants' all wool, part wool and silk and woor shirts in double breasted and button styles; these are samples and were sold from $1 to $2 each, specially priced at, each 79c 2,169 House Dresses 89c 2,169 Women's check and stripe southern gingham, al so percale house dresses; many different styles; good range of sizes; $1.49 to $2 vakies, special, each 89c Children's Play Garments Were $1 to $1.50 59c 1,486 children's play gar ment, rompers, long leg ov eralsr Slipova and other well known makes; 2 to 6 year sizes; light and dark materials; worth regularly $1 to $1.69; special 59c Specials in Corsets 1.45 Other models in flesh col ored Pekin stripe and pink and white 'coutils ; front and back lace including the ideal elastic top; worth $2 to $2.50; a big assortment, specially priced for this sale at , , $1.45 i Velveteen, Paon and Silk Velvet Bags Worth $3 to $5 K Special at 1.98 There are 300 of the Paon silk velvet and 66 of the Velveteen bags a job ber's surplus stock and we offer them at less than half the regular price. Colors are brown, black, blue, gray and taupe ; spe cial 1.98 - Pillow Cases Bleached pillow cases 42x36 in ches; extra heavy linen finish, for merly sold at 50c, on 1 special at, each CO"2 C paifK MiiMliiillH i