Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1920, Page 14, Image 14
THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1920. X I'hoto rtAvs. SUEPY-TIMEvTALES THE GUMPS MRS. GUMP'S $45 HAT Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith. Pi THE TALE OF r SANDY Ll TME BTTL.E KICKS aNO 6MOL-' WELL STARTtfc TO CI TWE tlrVRNE m-IT VJfVS BUT NWHEM VJE 6T OUT AHt sonflorx svrs Haw nice vov look Mlrr , I UNDERSTAND UV TOO BUT X H16HT VJELL MW chipmm TOVJ 0U6HT ST0 CO OUT VTH A HRS. C)VK ITS AFFERENT Thpn VOi) BOUGHT ONP IX OVER. WvTH- YHtRtS. r 1 6tT5 ?W)vn TOU'O THVNK HE Bfcc of vkwse. wsr JHVRSCOirBAlLEYJ rAS HATS TO HE UfCE. THTE.V A LOT or THKT COSTS OVfcfc evtCKers- at 14 n fvvs. ( czkzv eom T- ) ( V Vo) TO SEE A IT- EVERX0OPS Nr, A KeVVS AA3DVT w A L a lot or r VAV& HAVE TO ) r-V,.S Htf'fi. KX CHAni-.R vi. Rowdy Runs Away. ( ' Nowdy Red-Squirrel ' jumped ironi one tree into another until lie readied the li-rch tree in which Ja ncr Jay had caught sight of Sandy Chipmunk. Now, Sandy had not seen Rowdy stealing upon him. And the lirt he knew about the fight was when he happened to turn around. Then he saw Kowdy Ked-Squirrcl right in front of him. And before Sandy could move. Rowdy had jumped straight at him. Now, as you know, Sandy Chip munk was not the nio.ct nimble of climbers. He was a ground-squir-i el: and though he often climbed 'into the lower branches of trees, he ahvavs felt more comfortable on It was Rowdy's turn to be ' startled the top of a rJl-ftnce or a .none wall. , , ' - But Rowdy Red-Squirrel could dinar to the smallest branch. The more it swayed beneath his weight the better he liked it.' His hardest battles had been 'foughj in the tree lops. Yeu see, he was never the least bit afraid of falling. Sandy Chipmunk was plucky as you know. And at first he had no thought of running away, when Rowdy ( Red-Squirrel jumped at hiirt. Even when Rowdy sank his iharp lecth into one of his ears, Sandy fought his hardest. But when Rowdy pulled on his ear, Sandy's feet almost slipped off the linib. ' f Then Sandy tried to get away. And at last he tore his ear out of Rowdy Red-Squirrel's mouth and scurried quickly, to the ground. Rowdy Red-Sqquirtel, dashing after him, shouted whh glee. "He's running away from . me! I've whipped him!" he called to Jas per Jay, whn had. come nearer, to see the fighr. i Sandy Chipmunk had reached the stone wall between the wnods and the pasture. And he wos still run ning. .But the moment Rowdy Red Squirrel sprang upon the wall, to his great surprise Sandy whisked around and jumped straight atlhim. It was Rowdy's turn to be startled. And when Sandy gave his nose a cruel bite Rowdy turned tail and darted off as fast as he could go. After him dashed Sandy Chip munk. No longer was he afraid r . - i AMI semk;ts. TONIGHTS Sat. Matine A Smart Musical Show With Pretty Girls THE KATZENJAMMER KIDS Special Matinca for Kids From 6 to 60 at 50c, 75c and $1.00 EVENINGS SOC, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Entire Weak Starting Next Sun.. Pee. 5 A. L. Erlanger Presents the Distinguished OlcotT American Actor In a Fascinating, Romantic Comedy MACULA "Us0'' Nights 50c to $2; Specially Priced Mat. ava!j!msmS Matinee Daily 2:15 Every Night 8:15 "BITS AND PIECES." with JACK PATTON and LORETTA MARKS; BELLE MONTROSE: EARL S. DEW EY and MABEL "BILLIE" ROGERS; Billy Shone; Four Harmony Kings; Wastika and Understudy Three Lor dons; Topics of the Day; Kinograms. Matinees 15c to 50c; soma 75e and $1 Sat. and Sun. Nights 15c to $125. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" t sTSTaTsDally Mat. 15c to 75c jjdNitee, 25c to $1.25 tWST CHARLIE HOWARD Rteantly Features1 la Raymond HlteheKk's Ce. I the "CNAPPY SNAPS" Mualoal Brand New 3r,Mrr 9VUT9 Burleek 4--The Runaway). Charaetarlitlo Marlon Beauty Chorus. LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS Sat. Mat. and wk. "Powdar Puff Revue" (New) EMPRESS Two Shows in On GLASGOW MAIDS; JOHN NEFF; BROWN A SINGER; REXO; Photoplay Attraction, "Out of the Storm"; Sua, shino Comedy; Fox News. HMntibnu Entertainment Cabaret Good Music f0u4 wT' of falling. He was quite at home on the stone wall. He knew every stone in it, and every nook and cranny. He knew exactly the best way to run along that old wall. So all he had to think about now was catching Rowdy Red-Squirrel. But Rowdy escaped after he had run a long way he jumped into a tree and climbed to the very top' of it, where Sandy Chipmunk did not dare to follow him. "Come down here, if you want to fight," Sandy called to him. "You can't fool me," Rowdy an swered. "The other six of you are hiding behind the wall. And the moment I came down you'd all jump at me again. 'I said I could whipVx chipmunks. But seven are one too many." Sandy Chipmunk didn't know what Rowdy was talking about. And he could not understand what made Jasper Jay laugh so loudly. "You played a trick on me!"; Rowdy told Jasper Jay. "You had six chipmunks hidden .behind that wall. And as soon as I came down where they were, they all sprang at me. With SaAdy Chiwnunk, there were seven ot them. 'Ana mats one too marry." "Ha! ha!" laughed Jasper Jay. "Yes! There's one too many for you. Sandy Chipmunk is one too many for you!" And he flevy away to ttll the joke to every one. You see, Rowdy had been so frightened when Sandy turned and bit his nose that he actually thought there must be at least seven chip munks chasing him. Though he boasted just as much afterwards, Rowdy Red-Squirrel never wanted to fight Sandy Chip munk again. (Capyright, Grosaet & Dunlap.) , ! A fifth wheel has been patented which can be mounted on the back of an automobile to enable it 1 to serve as a tractor for a horse drawn . vehicle. PHOTO PLAS. Engagement Lasting All This Week Elliott Dexter Milton Sills Mabel Julienne Scott SILVERMAN'S ORCHESTRA BEHOLD BEATTY'S Co-Operative Cafeterias Pay Dividend, to Thoto Who Do the Work Holding a Husband Adele Garrison's New Phase of Revelations of a Wife The Way Madge Helped Dicky to . His Wish. Haven't you any other reasou for selling the house tsan just the money you are receiving for it?" I asked, putting as dubious a note as I could into my voice. I detest duplicity, but because I could not let Dicky suspect that the news of Edith Fairfax coming to live next door to us had completely changed my attitude toward the sale of our home, I wanted to draw him out, hoping to find something upon which I could predicate the capitu lation to his wishes which I desired to give. , "Yes, I have," he returned a bit .shamefacedly, ' "althoitRh I ' suppose you'll laugh at it, and think I'm the. original person that could reel a crumpled roseleaf through seven mattresses. But that change at Jamaica in going to New York has been getting my goaf ever siitce I came back from across seas. You just get settled in a .seat and com fortably to reading or talking wheiv you' have to trail oii on the plat form. And you know that in cold weather it's no joke standing out there." "Yes, I know." I shivered remin iscently. "But how will you better 3rourself anywhere else? You're not going: to leave Long Island if you sell?" ' . ."Not on your golden wedding day!" Dicky rejoined. "But there are any , number of places, pretty ones, too, where y'dj don't need to change. "I don't believe I'd like to go over to the Scrtiud.'M said, not caring par ticularly'what I said, just so it would prolong the conversation until f niOTO FLAVS. One of the Most?' Conspicuous Pictures of the Year MY The man was the son of a British aristocrat. The girl was born of an Indian squaw. Yet he made her his wife and See him drifting downward in .the lumber camps of Canada. See her struggling upward in the drawing rodms of England. Until, one day A climax you'll never for get! A red-blooded ro mance that touches the well-springs of life. Melford ! Production .11 n HATS RENEWED LAMBROS BROS. 1521 Farnam St. Tyler 4120 Ladies' Private Shining Parlor Dicky should forget having sppken i of Edith Fairfax. "You don't have to. There are several other places on. Uie middle line, within three or four miles of Marvin." "I never knew 4hat," I said, with simulated interest. "I thought con ditions were the same everywhere. That is an inditcement,-1 will admit, to have through train service to New York." Dicky's Promise. "Don't you think you'd better change your mind, sweetheart, and sign the pay-pers?" Dicky coaxed. "You sound exactly like the vil lain in a melodrama," I laughed. "Well, I'll defy any melodrama to produce, a lovelt-er her-o-ine than the one I'm enfolding in me arms," he returned unbluahingly. '"But hon est, you won't be obstinate, will you?" ' " "Remember, I don't approve," I said, and it was my turn to be un blushing now. "But if your heart is so set upon it I wont stand in your way except that you must first ob tain your mother's consent, without her knowing that I have yielded to your persuasion. Then have her come and ask me to reconsider, rnd I will promptly grant her request." "Why all this folderol, and trip around Cape Horn?'.' Dicky frowned. "Simply because she intensely dis approves of the sale and made me promise to be firm in my refusal, and n'ot-yield to you," I answered, smil ing. "I see!" Dicky grinned. "You don't want mother to think you're a door mat wife. Well, we'll try to keep from her the deadly secret of your being the reincarnation of Patient .Griselda! And about obtaining her consent, just watch your Uncle Uud- Key. Before the day's over she'll be around flaying you by inches because you have dared oppose my scheme. His prophecy was fulfilled, to the PHOTO PLATS. At 11, 12:45, 2:30, 4:15, 6, 7:45 and 9:30 . From the story by Sir Gilbert Parker, "The Translation of a Sav age, fcUMPS PATHE NEWS letter, as I learned a few hours later, when Mother Graham sent Mandy to summon me to her room. Dicky had slipped out of the house most discreetly a few minutes be fore, and when I entered his moth er's room I knew by the expression on her face that he had been able to make her believe "black Was white." Right About Face. "Margaret, I am surprised by what Richard tells me of your obstinacy," she began, her voice metallic, her PHOTO PI.AT8. Three Feature Program 0 I SEND THE CHILDREN Tomorrow Afternoon I vmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmKm B . MILDRED HARRIS CHAPLIN special musical numbers! 11 WM Julius K. Johnson at the Piano Sff; Mm "OLD DAD" will brighten any girl's love for Playing , ; Wttw, her mother, and it is an eye-opener for all n 'IIxto' MM dads. Tl New Ri1 Orcheatra sffi ' Harry Brader, Conductor "The Kick in High -Life" Pique Bam (By Sutte) . .Overture face grim.. "The poor boy! He has shown me convincingly, how neces sary to his health it is that he move to some town where he will not have that pneumonia-breeding wait in winter, and I have given my con sent to his selling the Marvin house. But he tells me that you are ob durate, despite his having pleaded with you, and has begged me to use my influence with you to change your decision. Now, what have you got to sayfor yourself?" : "I think Dicky misunderstood me, PHOTO PLATS. 1 00(2) MARY MILES MINTER IN "SWEET LAVENDER'' DARLING SAXOPHONE FOUR "HOLD m TIGHT" mother dear," I said sweetly. "I have been simply waiting for your deci sion before giving mine. Of course, 1 shall sign the deed." (Continued, Tomorrow.) I'HOTO PLAYS. TODAY AND SATURDAY MADGE I NNEDYi DOLLARS AND SENSE The Drama of a Hungry Choru Girl Tomorrow $1 FREE! To Every Boy and Girl ' Whole Picture I Shown on the Mute Screen. r KE Gams I r 1AV And Then GOOD BYE to "The Iron" Is It the Greatest Story Ever Told on the Screen? . LET THE 1 PUBLIC DECIDE can man own soul? A Word to the Wise Is Sufficient Come Early! Attend Matinees If Possible! Remember, "The Brand ing Iron" answers the age-old question, "CAN A MAN OWN A WOMAN BODY AND SOUL?" No picture for falsely' modest people! You'll Have to ' Hurry nraiiKTfDfnra Branding SS3 COMING TO THE MOON CHRISTMAS DAY J