Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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Vernon Sandwall
leads 600 Kids in
Drawing Contest
Omaha Boy Wins Six Box
Scats for Best Reproduction
Of the Katzenjammer
Vernon Sandwall, 816 North
Thirty-fourth street, won first prize
in Th Ree's KaUenjaninirr Kids
drawing contest. Vernon is enti
tled to six box seats at the Katzen
jammer Kids show at the Brandeis
Thursday nigJit.
There werd) over 600 entrants in
the contest and The Bee's staff art
ist. Doane Towell, had a hard time
picking the winners.
Ten youngsters, who ranked next
hest after Vernon Sandwall. won two
seats each for the Thursday night
show and 50 others won a single
Winners may call at The Bee edi
torial office at any time between 8
a. m. and 6 p. tn. today fo receive
their tickets. f
Winners follow:
First prize, six box seats: Vernon
Sandwall, 816 North Thirty-fourth
N,-xt 10, two seats each:
Frink Srrrnno, 3l Hickory strrt. A. Rdlk, 6015 South Twenty-fifth
"eJiIiM l!iman, lilt North KlghteWh
. ... " m
Tl r-lma Rlaurritcner, 1111 inurm i
:3 Bouth Thlrty-
nintl street
Richard R. Bllssard
sixth ulree-l. , .
Ruth Wnd, 4714 South Nineteenth etreet.
Vll-len fiurli.v. 4733 South Eighteenth
lUanohe Mfjnlyre. 30"n Ames nvonue.
Miliar. Mllfer. 1821 North Nineteenth
"cl'srenr Jenaen, II 1 2 fiouth Forty -second
atrett. '
Kext 50, one seat' each: w
Vt.irothv Mosnrove. Valparaiso. Neh. V,
Hugh 6. Hitchcock, rMl South TtaWS
firnt ntict
, Miry Gibson, SI 5 North Thirtieth street.
v E elyn Rlsl, 153S South Ninth street.
If ward Clark. 3714 South Twenty-fourth
Mlldrefl Stcnder. Oretna. Neb.
Jean lngeraoll. 2731 B street. South Side.
0. rtrude Bauat, 1115 Drexel atret.
iva Casper. 6626 South Forty-third ave-
1, 'outse Jones, 123ft South Eleventh street.
Philip Fent. 186 Fourteenth avenue,
Council Bluffs, la.
Max Brasrh. 3627 Madison street.
Dorothy R. Mutr. 386a Franklin street.
i. Ward DeVor. 2008 Vinton street.
.itmea Cathroe, 2107 South Tenth street.
.fertrude Ferryman, 718 South Twenty
t?nth street.
i-.ud Eva Gorman. 4396 Burdette street.
Helens Schneekloth. Bennington. Neb.
I.yl Holdren, 381 Miami street.
Katherin Bloss, 2717 Pratt street.
Bernlce Beacom. 1SH Maple street.
Samue Cohn, 4 North Twenty-fifth
Helen BUckenstaff. 31 3 Grand avenue.
Philip Armour, 2121 Fifth avenue, Coun
cil Bluffs. la
Taul Wright, 5777 Chicago street.
Anna Brlardy. 2870 Webster street.
Mary Shoemaker, 6731 Florence boulevard.
. Anna Newberger, S30 Hugo atreet
Clifford Culten. 47Z!
street. South Side.
Lucy Allen. 3412 Evans street.
T.oo Moskowits. 4660 Dodge street.
Norene Frankeberger. 2806 Sahler street.
Dale DeVore, 2008 Vinton street.
Walter Mlraaky, 1401 William street.
Warren Clementsen, 1800 Fourth avenue,
Council Bluffs, la.
Katheryn White. 25S4 Meredith avenue.
Jane Myers, $720 Marcy street.
Arthur Schnee. Bennington, Neb.
Oerhardt Dorn, 810 South Thirty-first
Lew Sehlcketanz. 5040 F.rnst street.
Martha Foster. 4915 California street.
Alice Roberts, 3327 Cumlnsr street.
Oerald Neff. 2037 Dodge street.
Dorothy Howe, 336S South Seventeenth
Margaret Rolle, 4413 South Twenty-fifth
street. '
South Twentieth
Release of Pair Held In
Arson Plot Stirs Firemen
Kh; mauNcuo CjWi.
Charles Mangiamello, 222a South
Eleventh street, anil Camela Troia,
510 Woolworth avenue, who were
held in connection with a suspected
arson plot when several cans of
gasoline with lighted fuses attached
were found in the Italian-American
restaurant at 120 South Fifteenth
street Monday, are shown above,
Their retease by Police Judge Fitz
gerald has aroused the indignation
of officials of the fire department.
Marlon Morgan, 7740 North Thirty
eighth atreet. '
Cecil Taylor, 4016 North Thirtletbstreet.
Kdwlna Schatz. 4823 Chicago atreet.
John Mohler. 4328 Lake atreet. '
Wlllard Zellers. 2631 North Sixtieth ave
nue. John Baumer. 1480 Wirt street.
Guardian Continued Efforts of
several persons to remove Otta A.
Slnkio as guardian of Mrs. Matilda
Klrschkoff, 71, failed in the coun
ty court Tuesday afternoon. Robert
Smith testified that Mrs. Klrschkoff
has been sent to the. state Insane
asylum several times in the last 12
Fined. Then Rearrcsed AV. W.
Tan, 2300t North Twenty-seventh
street, had agents selling liquor all
over the state, police officers testi
fied in police court yesterday. Six
stills were found in the Saturday
raid on his home. He was fined
$100 and rearrested by federal of
' A five-ton highway truck of Eng
lish design is driven by steam power
obtained from a locomotive type
Assistant Boy Scout
Executive Resigns;
Will Return Home
F. W. Ewing, assistant executive
of the Boy Scouts of CHnaha, an
nounced yesterday that he had ten
dered his resignation to take effect
December 10. Mr. EwiiiR will go to
his home at Springfield, Ohio, for a
Mr. Ewing has been connected
with Hoy Scout work for over a
year. He came to Omaha last May,
and has filled the position of assist
ant chief executive since that time
Mr. Ewing's resignation follows
that of G. M. Hoyt, chief executive,
who has resigned to take a post
graduate course at the University of
Chicago. Mr. Ewing's successor
has not been named.
Three Persons Killed in
Auto Aceidents Last We,ek
There were 37 auto accidents in
which throe, persons wtre killed and
property daVlaged to the extent of
4,000, in November, according to
police reports.
Sis has gone
'cause I'm always
so Good and Fresh
Christmas Month
Is Here
Take advantage of our forced
, sale. Watches, Diamonds,.
Rich Jewelry at a sacrifice.
Ryan Jewelry Co.
GEO. W. RYAN, Pres.
Securities Bldg.
Western Older Boys'
' Hi-Y Conference Is
Held at North Platte
North Platte, Neb., Dec. 1. (Spe
cial Telegram). The Western Older
Boys' Hi-Y conference was held
here for several days and delega
tions were present from Kearney.
Elm Creek, Lexington, Cozad, Well
Fleet, Maxwell. Ft. McPherson,
Staplcton, Brady 'Island and Far-
Spasmodic Crou p is frequently
relieved by one application of
V VapoRud
Over 17 Million Jon Used Yearly
The EverThoughtfu1
Economical Buyer
will gladly welcome
these several big values
offered at the Bowen
Store Thursday and Fri
day. Come in early, pur
chase, and you'll readily
realize the Big Advan
tage of buying at Bow
en's at all times.
Grape Nut
Breakfast Food
14c Per Pkg.
Campbell's Tomato
10c Per Can
lA lb. Pkg. Durham
Shredded Cocoanut
10c Per' Pkg.
l-lb. Pkg. Argo Corn
(Cooking) Starch
3 Pkgs. Only 25c
Sweetheart Toilet
Soap -
5c Per Bar
nomas t KtWU l I H
Modem Shoe . Store
Second Floor Paxton Block
- i
Out off Business
Our Lease Expires
Unafele to Renew itWe are Unable to
Find a Suitable Location
Entire Stock Must Be Disposed of I
And Will Be Sold
ardless off Gosft
Second Floor Store
Will devoted entirely to the sale of all shoes
that formerly Vsold for $10 to $18.50. These shoes
wiirte sold at this sale for )
$495 to $6.95
In our second floor store, we will give the reg
ular fitting service and will have plenty of help on
hand to handle any crowds regardless of size.
The Bargain Balcony
We have rented the balcony for our aale and hare ar
ranged according to lizei, prices and styles in such a manner
that it will be easy to select the shoe you want. In this lot
are all our shoes that formerly sold from $4.50 to $9.00.
Priced now during sale, at
$1.00 to $3.95 I
Fit Yourself Service
These shoes are priced so low that we cannot go to tlie,
expense of hiring extra clerks to fit them. The values of
fered will more than repay you for your trouble.
Regular Service
1 z Use the Elevators
Sale Starts THURSDAY, at 9 A. M.
Be There When We Open and Get Your Share of These bargains
All Styles All Sizes -No Exchanges
A $35,000 Stock to Select
nam. diaries Story . of Maxwell
school was elextcd chairman and
president at the session.
V. T. Wilcox welcomed the boys
and Junior Hinman spoke for the
students. v J. N. Drydcn of Kearney
spoke at the banquet. L. B. Tem
ple addressed the boys at the morn
ing session. H. K. Clifton of Cozad
and H. W. Kendall, district secre
tary of the'Y. M. C. A . also gave
talks, as did D. J. Rueb, boys' secre
tary of Fremont; Stephens, athletic
instructor here, and superintendent
of Farnani and Staplcton.
Ten teams took part in the bas
ket ball tournament series. FariiamH
won in the finals. D. E. Harry Dix
on, president of the Chamber of
Commerce, presided at the banquet
'iftid toasts eic jsiven by A. I..
Mooitey, Secretary CieorKe f. Carey,
W. M. McDonald and Superintend
ent Clark of the State Industrial
school. Rev. Franklin Koch was
appointed advisory. The three-day
session was very successful.
Eee want
ads are best business
i'fau Credit Hotly.
lUiumitu'ld, Neb., Dec. 1. (Spe
cial) Bloomlicld business held a
meeting to ortfanire a credit associa
tion to protect the retail dealer '
Committees were appointed to mak-'
arrangement for another mcctiuR
and to perfect plans for the organization.
WM. U HOLZMAN. Treas.:
Smash Go Prices!
A tremendous special purchase of thousands of dollars
worth of the finest Silk Shirts made in America, en
ables us to announce a shirt selling evnt without a parallel
in Nebraska's history.
The Entire Purchase
Dozens upon dozens of luxurious Silk
Shirts in wondrous weaves, go at
one low price a price so low that it
represents but a fraction of the
original wholesale cost choose:
x?a wit . nw
v yym if
' LmmAm
Shirts' Worth From M
$12.5Q to $18.00
Think nf it! But don't think too
. r" ,w vr
long or the opportunity will begone.
Read the many magnificent weaves in
cluded, they come in a host of unusually
attractive colorings and combinations:
Silk Stripe and Satin Stripe, Jersey Silks;
Satin Stripe Heavy Broadcloth; Corded
Broadcloth Silk; Empire Broadcloth;
Genuine Eagle Crepe Silk, Many Others
Christmas is just around the comer what an opportunity for Gift Givers to supply their
requirements. A Silk Shirt is the Gift of Gifts for Men.
Mala Alile Faraam Street Eatrance.
Buy Blankets Now
With the Approach of
Cold Weather and
Right When People
Need Blankets, the H.
R. Bowen Co. Step
Forward With the
Greatest Blanket Val
ues Ever Offered in
As practically every home,
everywhere,v need additional
blankets at this time of the year,
they will find by stepping into
the Greater Bowen Store such
wonderful values, and at such
low prices, that they can equip
every bed in the home with new
blankets for a very nominal
The display on the first floor
can give one only a small idea of
the mammoth stock carried,
nevertheless it will immediately
convince one of the advisability
f buying at the' Value-Giving
store of the H. R. Bowen Co.
Then, too, after you have made
your selection, you are privileged
to make your own terms.
i Advertisement.
Bee want
getters, .
ad are best business
is the Genuine
and Only
Bromo -(
The first and original Cold and
Grip tablet, the merit of which
is recognized by all civilized
nations. '
B careful ! avoid imitation!.
!J Be sure its Bromo
The genuine bears this signature
Too Fat?
A Mttetylnf walaM raa'uaOan mtho4
nf, plMuot. Brio(i leadrnM, better
health and appinta. Got a imall box of
Karat (proaouaeod toroni) at tha droniat'i.
Follow direction. Yoa ara allowed to ait
twwta, otct do itamUon or trooooa ator.
drfngl Year life become! worth livint, with
clearer mind; Improved figure, buoyant tep:
eheerfnlaeea. LMk and leal younger. Add.
yteretoymirllJe. Aeklor KORIIN TABULES.
Set thin and etay aa. Brochure milled free.
Kereln Ca. NIMS, Italian X. New York
Outdoor and Indoor workers, subject
to exxnurc or heavy toll And
relief in Sloan's Unlment.
Supply Your Needs
by Using
Bee Want Ads Best Remits
EEX at work all day, standing
on your feet, lifting heavy
weights? And now you're all
tired out.
Never mind, if you aro wise you
have a bottle of Sloaai's on the shelf,
Et home or In the shop. Put a little
en, uithout rubbiiiic. and quickly
comes grateful warmth and relief.
Good for rheumatic pains neural
Rlasclatica, lumbago and the host
of external pains that are all the
time coming. Helps break up colds,
It's omfortinfr to ltrp it handy.
Three vtzes 35c, 70c, $1.40.
I a 4 tPanis
A1.1 HXIIXJI. 11.1
In Elite Economy Heater
Is the Expression of
- Those Who Have Al-
ready Accepted the
Reduced Prices On
Guaranteed Heaters at
the Greater Bowen
One glance at tfie construction
of the Elite Economy Heaters
offered at the Greater Bowen
store is sufficient proof of the
Value-Giving quality of those
heaters, but when one considers
the quality and the price com
bined, they are readily aware
that to buy heaters now at
Bowen's, is to buy at a wonderful
savin p.
With an offer on heaters sucli
as we are now making no one
need to be uncomfortable this
winter. Have a heater in your
home and derive all the comfort
that home affords. See tnem on
display select the one you want
sent to your home, then, as
usual, make your own terms of
payment. Advertisement
Bee want
ads are best busincs