Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1920, Page 3, Image 3
J J . 4. I . . THE REE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2. 1920. Graft Charges (Shipbuilding FroI)e Are Denied Wali-h Committee Terminates Three Weeks'' Investigation At New York To Resume After Cougress Opens. New York. Dec. 1. TJic Walsh congressional committee investigat ing acairs of the United States ship jllfflllllff ill jllilllillllllllllllll I 9 ping board terminated a three-1 .vecks' open session. The commit- j ln will rcMimc its work after the re- n"v of congress, sitting for ' i time in Washington before return- j 11114 l'1 New York. Vni'.injf witnesses testifying wer e j Ii'hii I'ranor, former representative f the Downey Ship Building for- j " ' itioi at Washington, and I.cster ; SMcr, farmer secretary to the ship ping hoard, who were named by 1'nrkrr K. Sands in his testimony is sharing in an alleged fee of $4(J. 100 which Sands said Was paid to ahtain a shipping hoard contract. Roth witnesses denied the charges .nul asserted they were unable to say what niotite inspired Sands to make them. William Penman, first ?ecutive of the lleet corporation, ilso testified that there had never been a : "controversy" over the wooden ship program between him and Major General Goethals, asso ciated with him in organization o the corporation. During the sessions here sub poenaed and volunteer witnesses testified to numerous alleged in stances of mismanagement and lack of accounting and checking which were satfl to have resulted in losses to the government of millions of dollars. Martin Gillen, expert assistant to fomier Chairman Payne, testified that more than $2.00(1,000.000 of the value of the ships fdrvwhich the gov ernment appropriated approximately St.OUlOOO.OOO had "been amortized" and should be treated the same as "burned powder" or other war emer gency expenses. President Unable to Aid Farmers in Money Crisis ' Sioux Falls, S. 1).. Dec. 1. Presi dent Wilson, replying to a message from Senator Edward S. Johnson of South Dakota, in which the senator urged immediate financial relief for the farmers and live stock producers of the. northwest, sent the following telegram, Received here this after noon: "Your message refers to unsatis factory conditions unfortunately re sulting from the tall ot prices. v,i regret to find that legislation has not provided me with nowers which will he serviceable in the matter. (Signed. 1 "WOO I ) ROW Vvl 'SO N . $970 Found in Boot of Man Who Died Recently i Gaidnc Mass, Dec. 1. While ex jMii'ning :. pair of leather boots at a rale of t!it effects of Jacob Maggstrand of Finland, who died here in.Wlfi, a prospective purchaser stuck his hand iiito one of them i.nd found a money belt containing S70. H;:ggstrand's widow in Fin land w'll be notified of the find. Give Your Furnace A Treat Buy Yoiiir COAL This Winter From the UPDIKE LUMBER & COAL CO. Pkon Walnut 0300 Many a Dollar Can Be Saved on Ranges and Heaters at the Union Outfitting Co. Huge Stock of Stoves at Money Saving " Prices in a "Stock Re ducing" Sale. Although cold weather is still ahead. Santa Claus is demanding room for his toys, and so a great "Stock Reducing" Sale of Stoves, with its saving of-thousands of dollars, is now in progress at the Union Outfitting Company. Howard "Overdraft" Heaters, noted for their fuel saving de vices: "Pride" Steel Ranges; "Famous" Cook Stoves; "Fed eral" Combination Coal and Gas Ranges and other guaranteed makes are reduced. v It is just' such events as this that convincingly prove the money-saving possibilities on 'Home Needs at the Union Out fitting Company, located out of the High Rent District. As al ways, you make your own terms. Advertisement. AppetiteKeen and Bowels Relieved You can relish your meals without (ear ol upsetting your lifer or stomach if you will Foul accumu lations til at poison the hlnnd are ex. PIL S pelled from the bowels and headache, durinesi and sallow skin are relieved. Snail Pill-Small Dot -Small Prk Why Not a Community Chest for Omaha? Your Suggestions Invited 'fl The "Onward Omaha in 1921" ban quet will take place at the City Auditori um Thursday night. That's a good slo gan. tEvery resident of Omaha-should manifest deep interest in everything that makes for Omaha's advancement. The progress of the city has Been remarkable, but there is, of course, ample room for improvement. 11 Suggestions on this line are in order. We suggest for 1921 a Community Chest for Omaha, it would be a most popular reform for men, women and children who have been embarrassed Jby innumerable "tag days." The city of Cleveland has had a very successful 'experience with the "Com munity Chest." The Community chest represents a community fund gathered , in the community to meet community needs. Cleveland has just completed a nine-day effort to fill its 1921 Communi ty Chest. For that purpose it raised $4, 500,000. Cleveland has carried out this Dlan for several years. The story is told by the Cleveland Plain-Dealer in this way: The "chest" represents the easiest, satest and most adequate method. of handling a great city's charities. Formerly, it was the custom for each charitable organization to conduct its own ap peal for funds. "Tag days" were frequent. No sooner was one campaign over than another was announced. , The path of the busy citizen was beset with solicitors whose pleas, in the main, were for meritorous projects. flWith the adent of the "chest" idea all this was changed. "Tag days" are abolished. In stead of many campaigns for funds, we have but one one week of organized fund raising by representatives of every authenticated - chari table organization in the city. The public is saved annoyance, time and expense. The old objects are accomplished with less friction and loss and new activities permitted which could not be undertaken before. ft Why not a Community Chest for Oma ha? Surely the generous hearted peo ple of this city are entitled to relief from the embarrassment of the ever recurring tag day. What have you to suggest for Omaha in 1921?. If Send your suggestions to "Publicity Director, Brandeis Stores." If Make it short not more than twenty two letters, and we will print it in these columns. 1f Those suggestions that are particular ly interesting we will flash on our elec tric sign at the northwest corner of Six teenth and Douglas streets. Advance Xmas Suggestions . In Our Big Linen Sale ' Table Cloths, Scarfs, Spreads, Napkins, and countless other items at lower prices for solving your Xmas gift shopping. Main Floor South K "The Very Thing!" A "One Minute" Washing Machine for Her Christmas We have with us this week, Mr. Clynch. an expert factory representative, who will be glad to show you the many advantages of- ' fered in the "One Minute" Electric Washers. He will point out to you the many labor sav ing devices which will save any woman days - of drudgery in the laundry. Special Offer During this demonstration we are offering a twin tub "One Minute" with the four position swinging wringer, Our Regular $U5 Value Special Cash Price $1 35 Or Terms If Desired Brandeis Stores Fifth Floor West A Millinery Event of R&al Importance to You! Showing the New Sa&in for Winter Wear CC At two low prices - -J -C v y-w nans 7 s3 - Yy s r sm 7 This Most Complete Shipment Just Arrived from WE ARE featuring for Thursday an extensive "assortment of new hats which have just arrived from New York. Satin and fur combina tions in all colors, including many in gold and silver, also many being in the favored Hindu turban. Brandeis A Sale of "Kayser" Vests, Tights, Union Suits ' Suitable for F.ffi Kayser s wonderful Marvelfit garments at these sale prices are real, genuine "Kayser Marvelfit" Lisle Union Suits 2.75 to 3.50 Values Special at 1.59 Elastic ribbed or plain knit; medium and heavier weight, suitable for winter wear; a variety of styles; bodice top in knee or ankle length, regula tion top in knee or ankle length; all reinforced insuring gVeater wearing qualities. "Kayser" Wool and Silkrand Regular and extra sizes in the knee and ankle length styles, a regular winter garment ; others are low neck and sleeveless; finished with a neatly tailored band and re-inforced where wear is greatest; values $5 to $6.50, every one a perfect garment "Twin Ideas" for Novel Christmas Gifts! Photo Enlargements Any Size Negative OCc up to 8x10, Special ea- An Xmas suggestion! fring your fa vorite negative and have an enlarge ment made. High grade work. Val ues' to 90c, at each, 25c. Limit of 2 to Customer. Main Floor "TOY LAND" Omaha's Most Complete Toy Display H j vi queen mspusuv Satin and Fur Combinations in all Colors and Gold f and Silver . This is one of the most com plete shipments of hats which we have, been able to offer for some time, hats that are suit able to wear right now, in styles and at prices which will dispose of every one-of them by night. ,.' Stores Second Floor East Xmas Gifts! Look "Kayser Marvdfit" Silk Top Union Suits , 3.3,0 Value at 1.79 In flesh and white, in knee and ankle Jengths; all styles' in bodice and regulation styles; the silk top is a fine quality of glove silk, reinforced here wear is greatest; the lower part of the garment is a fine lisle well reinforced. I Wool Suits "Kayser" $1 to $2 Veu In flesh and white; regulation style; fin shed in a plain, tailored band, crochet yokes and beaded edge finish; extra long and very elastic; regular and extra size. Tighu in knee Jength and ankle length; either Swiss ribbed or plain knit; closed gore or open crotch; regular and extra sizes 3.50 Brandeis Stores Main Floor Center --and we'll frame it at Special Prices As a special convenience to our cus tomers we will have a upply of frames in gold and silver finish in sizes to fit these enlargements. Wall frames may be had at special prices. Artistic stand frames in various finishes and in tones best suited to the finish of your photographs. Special at 98c, 1.49, 1.98- West Featuring ' Sigsbee's Acrobat!cDogs Fisher's Animal Circus All Week Show Hours 10:30 a. m. and 2:00 and 4 p.m. Real Live Animal Show 6th Floor. MOMi WW New York Beautiful Bouionnieres Suitable for furs arc shown, and the prices range from 5Qc to 95c at The&e Great Savings!! "Kayser Marvelfit" "Kayser ManelfiV Bloomers i Regular $3 to $4 Values - Special 1.95 In a fine silk mercerized lisle, having all the features of a silk bloomer; come in flesh only; also Kayser mercerized Swiss ribbed tights; suitable for winter weay all sizes. Find Union Suits 3.50 to 4.95 Values "Special at 2.29 Fine mercerized lisle and silk mercerized lisle; knee length anL ankle length style; finest, 'sheerest materials in a variety of styles; regulation tops in a plain' neatly tailored band ami bidice tops with ribbon shoul ders; regular and extra sizes. Vests and Tights 1.75 to 2.00 69c You've Got to Admit When You Can "Perrins" 800 Pairs of Real Kid, Cape, Suede, Mocha There are about 800 pairs of these gloves, very attractive and refined in appearance and possessing exceptional wearing qual ities. There has been a constantly increasing demand for nov elty ideas in gloves and this lot includes many of the wanted varieties in one and two-clasp styles. French and American Made in the Famous "P err in" Models Of real kid, cape, suede and mocha; all sizes but not every size in each style. They are known as "corrected gloves," but in every case the work is so perfect that it would require an expert to detect it. ' v Sale Starts at 9 Sharp at 2.50 per Pair Brandeis Stores Jai7t Floor North ' A Rendezvous for Xmas Shoppers Seeking the New Begin your Christmas shop ping in our beautiful art de partment and you will be overjoyed with the many mar velous gifts to be purchased here for the entire family. Our incomparable lamp values have made this "the leading lamp department of the West, and the Boudoir, table and desk lamps are of the most -artistic made. They include a wide range of beautiful color ings and designs and prices range from 1 i $5 up to .175 Third Floor West J "The Story Lady" Grace Sorensop is telling rier original stories to the kiddies every day on the Third Floor of the Men's Store Building. bargains "Kayser" Stands for Quality and Wear Fleece Lined Union Suits Women's Fleece Lined Union Suits, in all styles; high neck, long sleeves; Dutch neck, half sleeves; low neck, no sleeves; all ankle f lengths; all sizes; special, per suit Third Floor East 98c It's a Bargain Buy Genuine Regular 3.50 to 5.50 Values At Gloves 950 Pair , sia 7