Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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Judge Frees 2!
Taken in Raid bv
Lone Policeman
r.tiilt'iH-t' of Gambling Was
Offered; Court Releases Pro
prietor and Inmates Base
Ball Headquarter.
"Billy" Fox, proprietor of the Base
Rail headquarters, a store, -411
South Fifteenth street, charged with
keeping a disorderly house, and 2J
men, charged with being inmates, ar
rested Sunday morning in a raid by
1'atrolman Anton V. Paulson, were
'cleaned by 1'olice Jildge James M,
Fitzgerald when they were arraigned
in police court Monday morning.
I.; spite of dice, cards, money and
cscriptio'i of the padded tunic, fur
nished hy Paulson as evidence, the
judge declared the evidence insuffi-
cnt to prosecute.
Paulson engineered the raid alone
urly Sunday morning after he had
net a man on the street who told him
he had been "cleaned out" playing
Mack jack' at Base 13a!l headquar
ters. Paulson entered the place, accord
ing to his testimony, followed the
"lookout" to the basement, where he
surprised the men playing cards. As
hf! lined thein up, preparatory to tak
'inx them to the police station, Paul
son gathered up cards, dice and
money as evidence.
The men denied they were gam
bling and Attorney Thomas Curran,
exhibiting a hasp and padlock, de
clared Paulson had forced his way
into the building without a search
warrant. ,
A stenographer took down the
proceedings of the trial for Chief
liberstcin. "I have had many com
plaints from this place," .said Chief
?f Detectives Van Deuseu. and. if
necessary I'll keep a detective there
l hours of the day to break up
. T
Hearing on Lumber Rates to
Omaha From Coast Dec. 14
Hearing of the complaint made by
the traffic bureau of the Omaha
Chamber of Commerce against rates
: lumber from the Pacific north
west to Omaha has been set for De
cember 14 by the Interstate Coni
iierce commission.
The complaint charges the rates
are unreasonable and unjustly dis
criminatory, exceeding those to St.
Paul and Minneapolis. The reduc
tion sougiit would cut lumber prices
to Omaha consumers about $2 per
1,000 feet. Intervening petitions
have been filed by lumber producing,
associations and commercial or
ganizations of ' St. Paul, Kansas
City and other Missouri river cities.
'Devil' Fights 'Memphis'
For 'Squealing' on Him
It will be a lot'g tune before
"Devil" Diggs will get another op
portunity to "square things" with
Joe F.vans, alias "Memphis."
For "Devil" Diggs was arraigned
before United States Commissioner
Biehler yesterday Charged with ob
structing justice and was bound over
to the next term of 'the federal court
on a $5,000 bond.
"Devil" was charged with giving
"Memphis" a black eye and heap
ing other verbal and physical indig
nities tlpon him when he .learned
"Memphis" had provided the govern
ment with information which led to
his arrest on a charge of selling nar
cotics. Roth are negroes.
"What's that charge, judge?"
"Devil" inquired.
"Obstructing justice," was the re-
p'y- .. .
"Why judge I was just dealing tt
out," "Devil" exclaimed.
"Well, we'll let the judge decide
whether it was justice or injustice,"
United States Commissioner said as
he set "Devil's" bond at $5,000.
Needed Repairs on Home Win
For Tenant Landlord Sues
Mrs. Elizabeth Cady, 65, 3.121
Davenport street, testified in Judge
Baldwin's division of municipal court
yesterday, that there are holes in
the lloor of her house large enough
to admit a human foot.
A jurv rendered a verdict in her
favor after hearing the evidence in
connection with an eviction case
brought by John P.. Gift. Mrs.
lady testified that Gift demanded
$65 per month for the eight-room
house now occupied by her and that
he refused to make repairs as agreed.
She asserted that the sewer and wa
ter pipes are defective, plaster
broken and kitchen floor warped
The defendant testified that she
cams her living by keeping boarders.
Brief City News
"VV. F. Cozad of Denver will auccaeil
Mr." Kelly as genoral superintendent
of tratftc,
Prvnclior Asks 'Divorce Willie E.
Broker, a nepro ptwacher, declared
his wife, Llllie Brooker, attempted
to stab htm and then t shoot htm,
in a petition for divorce file? in dt
tfrt court yesterday.
Walks Into Bullpen James Ryan,
134$ South Twenty-fourth street.
was arrested for Intoxication when
he appeared in central police station
yesterdav to report ho had been
robbed of $125.
w Store Open Tho main floor
and basement of the new HurRess
rash company's new store building
are now open. i
Coupe I'pset A coupe driven by
Villard Clark. ,2207 South Tlui ty
second street, was overturned find
demolished when struck by an
automobile driven by K. 1.. Murphy.
2113 Leavenworth street at Park
avenue and Iavenworth street
Goes to Holland V. A. flitch, as
sistant secretary and treasurer of
the Interstate Oil and Refining
company of Omaha, has sailed for
Holland aboard the steamship Savoy.
Mr. Risen waa raised and educated
In Holland, and will be in super
vision of the company's interests In
Holland and in France.
Takes Poison Mrs. Chrlstne
Brinley, 16HS Orand avenue, be
came vexed with her husband dur
ing an argument over tho proposed
purchase of a winter top for their
automobile, and took poison, t c
cordlnff to report to police, who say
she will recover. Her husband, F,
K Itiinley. is un employe of the
tiould ti Won contracting firm.
1'owcll r.iitcrtnlni -Donne Powell
staff cartoonist of The Bee, was th
feature attraction at the Tuesda
night meeting of the Florence Com
munity center. He entertained tin
Katherint; with n number of ear
toons and blackboard sketches
Scout Executive Hoyt was also oi
t ho evenlnn'a prontram.
Kelly Takes 1 New Post A. ft.
Kelly has been appointed - assistant
to Guy H. Pratt, vice president of
the Nebraska Telephone company.
Going With a Smash!
The seventh big. "One-Cent Sale" of the Sherman & McDon
nell Drug Co. started at the three downtown stores as soon as the
doors opened on Monday morning, and from all appearances will
"beat" all former records.
This unique merchandising event hinges on the idea of selling
one article for the regular price, and then another of the same kind
for Je. The plan was originated by the United Drug Co., of Bos
ton, who twice a year send a list of articles on which an ample or
sometimes over-production has been made, and then these items
are offered to their stockholders and agents as "lc Sale Items."
To these products are added other goods that can be procured
at such a reduced price as will make them available for this Sale's
plan. A few specimen items are given below.
This sale lasts through Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs
day of this week
65c Bottle of 100 Aspirin
Tablets..: 2 for 66tf
40c Imported Tooth Brushes
in all approved shapes,
;2 for 4ld
20c and 25c Wool or,Velour
Powder Puffs, 2" for the
price of one plus It
25c Rexall Tooth Paste, -
2 for 26t
25c Nyal Laxacold, 2 for 26
50c Abonita or Amorita, Al
mond Benzoin and Cucum
ber Cream Lotion 2 for 5l
60c Harmony Cocoa Butter
Cold Cream and Skin
Food 2for61
Hundreds cf other items, including Talcs, Face Powders, Tooth,
Nail and Hair Bruahet, Rubber Goods, Toilet Soaps, Candies, Sta
tionery and various Perfumes and Medicinal Articles.
herman Si McDonnell Drug Co.
Corner ,16th and Dodge Downstair at This Store
Corner 16th and Harney Downstairs at this Store.
Corner 19th and Farnam.
Package is
germ proof
The ends are sealed by
electricity - so that all
the goodness and flavor
are retained for you.
Each stick is separately
wrapped, to keep it fresh and
clean till you need it-after
every meal or cigar.
Whitens the teeth, clears
the throat sweetens the
breath, aids appetite
and digestion-a great
benefit for a small price.
And The Price
Is Still 5
m mm m ms . m m m vm i irj. -rx jni i
j H' '
"Peter Pan,"
the famous actor pony, Santa
CUu, Monkeys and a Chil
dren's Orchestra arc in Toy
town everjr day.
Burgess-m mm.
the Children's Wonderland
is located in the Downstairs
Store of our new building.
Time the Clock Strikes
Tuesday Some Big Bargain Goes on Sale
on the Main Floor of the New Burgess -Nash Store
"A Bargain an Hour' is the program at this great store Tuesday
not just a price reduction, but a great, big bargain that will make
the people of Omaha long remember the opening of the new Burgess
Nash store building.
We planned-nine "Hour Sales" for Monday, when the main floor
of the new building was formally opened, so as to have a little "house
warming" as it were. The really wpnderful response to our announce
ment has led us to repeat the program on Tuesday, with a change in
the merchandise offered, of course.
It is said that "time flies;' and merchandise certainly Will fty also
at Burgess-Nash Tuesday for here are nine special items, offered for
one hour each, at prices which will make ycu glad that Burgess-Nash
are not only reducing the price levels of all merchandise, but are
affording you special opportunities to buy many things at really
astonishing prices.
No Telephone Orders No Mail Orders No Exchanges No C. O. Ds.
L 9 o'clock Jl
Wool Jersey
All wool Jersey in shades of brown, tan,
Copenhagen blue, navy, old rose, cream and
taupe for dresses and blouses. 44 inches wide
at 50c a yard.
' An opportunity to purchase wool material
at but a fraction of its real worth. We make a
liberal limit on it so as to allow plenty for dress
patterns. Tuesday 9 to 10.
6-Yard Limit to a Customer.
Main Floor New Building
FJ 41
W toll ml
Table Covers
Siae 36x36 inches square, with neatly
hemmed edge. Made of a heavy weight fabric
that comes in beautiful color combinations of
blue, green, lavender, rose, ecru and brown, the
pattern is very attractive; with panel border ef
fect and round design in center.
Limit of 2 to a Customer.
Main Floor New Building
Union Suits
Women's Kayser Knit Union Suits in cotton
and lisles; in band, regulation and bodice tops';
cuff umbrella and tight knees; both pink and
white. r
This is an exceptional opportunity to pur
chase a standard make of underwear at almost
half price. Sizes 34 to 44 at $1.00 a garment.
Limit of 3 to a Customer.
Main Floor New Building
5! '
Men's Shirts
A large assortment of neat colored Striped
shirts, all negligee style with soft cuffs and some
with collar attached, some with slight imper
fections which, however, do not impair the ap
pearance or wearing qualities. Sizes 14 to 18.
, Limit of 4 to a Cuttomer. j
Main Floor New Building
Ll o'clock
Georgette Blouses
To fully appreciate the quality and style
of these blouses, you must see them, but we
assure you that they are the greatest values we
have ever offered.
There are beaded, braided and hand-embroidered
models in both plain colors and com
binations. Sizes 34 to 44.
Limit of 2 to a Customer.
Main Floor New Building
VU 2 o'clock, ji
W , to3 W
Women's Hose
Of course, most all girls and women want
silk hosiery, but maybe have hesitated in buy
ing at the prices we have had to pay heretofore ;
these are exceptional values in higher priced
hosiery reduced for one hour's selling.
Fure thread silks and fibers, made with
double toes and heels in black, white and shoe
shades, at SOc. ' ,
Limit of 4 pair to a Cuttomer.
Main Floor New Building
(fe 3o'clock. J)
W. to 4 W
Knit Caps
For children, misses and women.
Wool and fiber caps, toques and stocking
caps are offered at this unusual price.
They come in all shades and combinations
and some are in fancy weaves, trimmed in pom
poms of silk and wool; just the thing for school
wear and skating".
Limit of 4 to a Cuttomer.
. ' . '
Main Floor New Building
Middy Dresses
The minute you see these all wool blue
serge dresses you thilik of the service they will
give. ,
For school, for gym or just an all-around
dress, you will find nothing to compare with
these two-piece Middy Dresses.
They are made of blue serge trimmed in
braid and emblem on sleeves. Pleated skirts
and come in sizes 14 to 20.
Limit of 2 to a Cuttomer.
Main Floor New Building
The last hour of the day finds
"Old Man Dollar" hard at work.
Men's Gowns
Splendid quality outing flannel gowns, cut .full
ind roomy throughout. The material is of heavy
juality in light or dark stripe designs. Offered
during the hour sale at less than the wholesale
price. All sizes from 15 to 19. On sale from
5 to 6 p. m.
Limit of 2 Cownt o a Cuttomer
i Main Floor New Building