THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1020 The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY THS BEB PUBLISHING COMPANY, NSLBON B. UI'DlKt. fubliih.r. MEMBERS OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tha assoctslad Praia, el walea Tka Has la saaoiber, la t rlutiTfl aauUed is to oh for publication of tit oews dievateliaa rredltsd to II or not otaeinlse craditad In thu paper, and slao i(M laesl am published fcareln. 4U fiftit of DuliUullva f our spsclsJ dtpalnha are sin rwarwd. BEE TELEPHONES TyUr 1000 rtrsfa Bunra BtcfeSAfa, frr taa ptiwrtBtot w Parson Wsated. .... Fr Nlffct CalU After 10 P. M.t Mlfwrsl Danartnwit ....-.... Trier lOWL irrrtttlon Department Trier 10OL iliertluns bevsnmeat ......... irltr IOiwL OFFICES OF THE SEE Slain Offlc! j:th And hnM CftueU S.vttt IS Beott St. I fcViutli 8id Mil H L Out. of -Town OHiaesi Tori Ms Fifth Am I Wiihinrtoo i .ii a ,. Btsser Blrte. I Perls Irrsncs 410 tut He. H coats TAe ltee' Platforth 1. Nw Union Passangar Station. 2. Continual iinprovemant of tha Na. braska Hifjhways, including tha pave mt of Main Thoronghfaroa loading ' into Omaha with a Brick Surface. 3. A akort, low-rat Waterway from tha Cora Belt to tha Atlantic Ocoan. ' 4. Homo Bulo Charter for Omaha, with City Manager form of Government. MONOPOLIES AND THE LEAGUE. Another nasty little bump has cropped up in rhe pathway of the League of Nations, having to do with national control of natural re sources. A resolution dealing with the point is before the assembly, its aim being to give all the world the benefit of whatever raw material may exist anywhere in the world. Nations .such as Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, whose resources are limited, and whose pros perity depends on manufacturing, are concerned in having access to a steady supply of such basic materials as they require. Newer and undeveloped lands have interest in the other direction. This conflict is certain to awaken something of controversy, and its disposition ' will mark again the 'efficacy of the league. Canada sets up the principal opposition to the proposal. Our great and lusty young neigh bor on the north is just beginning to realize, its importance as a source of supply. Those "few hundred acres of snow." to which Louis so airily referred when told that Wolfe had de feated Montcalm and the prcwince was lost, have turned out to be a wonderful storehouse of materials the world needs and will continue to need. Canadians are bent on not dissipating their iatural wealth through prodigal use or 'by alienating title. Some of the methods adopted are not such as may easily be excused or arc generally practiced in, polite society. I "Stand and deliver!" very nearly describes the j policy adopted with reference to wood pulp and paper, but Canada controls the supply just now, and the paper user pays the Canadian price or does withont. Other resources are being care fully conserved, so that the future prosperity of the land Is fairly well assured.' While the ethics of the proposition are de batable, custom at least supports the Canadians. Sympathy may go out to the Swiss and Italian manufacturers in their extremity, but this will hardly remove the objection raised in the as sembly that the resolution contemplates "an un : warranted interference with 'domestic affairs. The'alternative is the adoption of the Wilson ian doctrine of internationalism, under which all the governments of the earfh would co-op-crate to the extinction of whatever natural ad vantage the people of any particular country might possess. No sign has yet appeared to indicate that the world is ready for such a de parture, however attractive it may be in theon-. Even the presence of the United States at Geneva would not have the effect of inducing the nations to forego those things on which their existence rests. Approach to agreement rm many things may be expected, but certain important point's still must be left to the dis position of the individual nations, because so only docs it seem possible t maintain the I tranquility so greatly desired. the tendency to invent new restrictions and appoint a horde of officials to carry them out seems to have promise of being curbed. Six-Day Week; Seven-Day Industry. 'Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work," a good v law in the days of Moses, is a good law today. So. also is the injunction that the Sabbath day shall be kept holy. However, each is susceptible of some latitude in its appli cation. Devotees of the Hebrew faith hold the seventh day of the week to be the one desig nated; Christian believers set apart the first day of the week, and followers of Mohammed as cribe v to their especial observance the sixth day. This difference of, opinion is composed by admission that the day .observed by any partic ular faith will be considered as sanctified and consecrated in accordance with the command ment. Following this to a logical conclusion, it would seem that so long as one day in the week is kept inviolate from labor and that appears to have been the original purpose, a full twenty-four-hour rest period in each seven days the spirit as well as the letter of the law is fairly met, and no harm done to religion or to secular effort. However, a group oi reformers proposes to go before the.congres and -ask for the en actment of a law that will require the cessa tion of all effort that entails labor on a particu lar day each week. Moses had no such thought, because he realized that certain opera tions must go on continuously. He did pro scribe all work as far as possible, but, as was explained by Christ many centuries after, ne cessity always calls for some effort. Society is more highly organized now than when the He brews were wandering in the wilderness around Sinai; life is more complex, and the literal ap plication of the Mosaic law would mean such disruption of industry as would result in the practical extinction of much that is needed for the protection and progress of the race. Take a blast furnace, for example; it requires three days to blow out and four to blow in, and so could not be operated at all tinder the pro posed law. Iron and steel would have to be turned hack an hundred years to comply yith the regulation asked. It is possible, however, to organize a seven day industry on a six-day basis, and this has been done generally. A few still hold out 'against the modern practice, although it is mak ing headway. The old seven-day work week ! is passing as rapidly as is the ancient dogma that specified a single particular day to be ob served as qjie of rest. Christians generally will continue to-worship on Sunday; Jews will re frain from labor on Saturday, and Mussulmcn will turn their faces towards Mecca on Friday, but the great and essential industries of the world will be permitted to go on continuously, because they are needed. A Line 0' Type or Two Hew to the Una, Ut (he quip tell where they nay. IXtiE. There once was a man named Dean luxe Who remarked, " Tls a singular thins That I'm often called Inge, Which should rhyme me with hinge. Though I properly rhyme with !1iik! Kins GINGER GU1LL. TO insure the safety of the traveling public, How to Keep Well By OR. W A. EVANS Questions concerning hygiene, imitation and prevention ot disease, submitted to Dr. Evans by readers of The Bee, will be answered personally, subject to proper limitation, where a stamped, addressed envelope is enclosed. Dr. Evans will not make diagnosis or prescribe for individual diseases. Address fetters in care of The Bee. Copyright, 1920. by Dr. W. A. Evans. Gu it sight CAT GIVES WOMAN DIPH THERIA. N Tlnre is a recent record of i case I rtixea This rumor. CllSil'S, the Maroon Taxicab company is putting out a J"? human diphtheria In which the line ot armored cabs. Jhese will also be equipped with automatic brakes, so that when a driver lor a rival taxicab company shoots a Maroon, the cab will come to a stop. MISADVENTURE OF A NRW MEXICAN. (From the Silver City Enterprise.) Rliie Kice nearly happened to a serious accident Inst Tuesday, when a henl tly hit a mule on the heel and the mule nearly kicked Blue's head off. JT has been decided, says Premier Lcygues, to permit French traders to do all the business they can with Russia. And, since money is to be abolished in Sovietland, the French traders are laying in supplies of glass heads and blan kets. A NARROW F.SPAPM Sir: Imagine the' feelings of the traveline duced no effects. man when he found this sign on the door of the only restaurant in Shabbona, 111.: "Gone to sup per. Will be back in an hour." WILLETTA. "BASIKG his sermon on the words of Gesta Romanorum, who in 1473 said, 'What I spent I had, what I kept 1 lost, what I gave I have,' the Rev. Albert H. Zimmerman," etc. Washington Post. As students of the school of journalism ought to know, the philosopher Gesta Roman orum was born in Sunny. Italy, although some historians claim 4ferry, England, and took his doctors regrce at the University of Vivcla. in Labelle, France. His Latin scholarship was nothing to brag of, but he was an ingenious writer. He is best known, perhaps, as the autnor ot tne saying, "Koine was not built in was contracted lrom a cat. is not an instance of wild but one in which all the human anil feline, were checked by accurate laboratory ex amination. .MaJ. J. S. Simmons of the Walter Held hospital saw a Mrs. Pan, an elderly woman, who wns very ill with a severo toiisilitis from which nhe had suffered for four days. On examination ' her throat was found to be lined by what appeared to be a dlphtheretie membrane. Cultures made from the throat showed typi cal diphtheria bacilli. When these cultures were injected into guinea liK death ensued in six days. The same cultures injected into guinea pigs protected by antitoxin iro- So there wan no doubt abous. the dlaenosiH. The woman died the day following l)r, Simmons first visit, Now for the source of the disease Mrs. Pan had a pet cat wheh often slept with her and which she fon died every day. This cat got sick one week before Mrs. Pan did. It had a croupy cough and could not swallow. Both of these symptoms were explained by the theory that it had a bone stuck Jn its throat On he day Maj. Simmons saw Mrs, Pan the cat seemed to be improv ing. He took a culture from the cat's throat and found diphtheria uaciiii wnion were virulent enough to Kin gunea pigs. The day after Mrs. Pan died the eat was killed and autopsied. A find any medicine will it to disappear. On the other hand pterygium does not call for much treatment until it begins to nnw across the field of vision. It com monly Causes littlei disturbance fur a lonx time itcr it Hurts. If your trouble comes mid goes and ul times your eyes are bloodshot, it is prob nblo that your trouble is not pterygium. a day, and the line which graced the flyleaf of , dlphtheretie patch was found in the v Deaf to the Call for Thrift. It might at least be expected that llie demo cratic administration would be willing to dimin ih appropriations for the incoming repub licans, but it appears that all idea of economy U lost to them. While the people have recovered from their fit ot lavish spending, this thrift has not reached to the federal government. The chief business to come before congress when it meets December 6. will consist of the annual appropriation measures. Preliminary estimates of the amount of taxes that will have lo be collected in order to carry on the bus iness of ' government already are before mem bers of the appropriation committee, who arc said to be amazed at the size of the figures. No apparent effort is reported to reduce the ex penses of the various departments and thus lijhtcn the burden of the people. This i not as it should be, and a rigorous program of governmental economy is expected by the people who voted so clearly against democratie'extravagance. Loud talk from some ot drastic cuts in the number of clerks employed in official work docs not forecast any large saving, although there is no doubt that the government ought to get along with fevVer employes. Shifting from direct to indirect tax ation also is without any guarantee of economy, and might even result in free spending of funds that ''would be invisibly taken from the peopl;. If it is not possible to obtain the co-operation of the present administration in limiting expen ditures, the job must he taken up immediately after the access;on of the republican partv. March 4. Somewhat Late on a Big Job. The Ethical Motion Picture Society of the United States, whfch has its headquarters at Los Angeles, is setting about to "clean up" the film drama. It proposes to eliminate bathing beach scenes, barefooted girls, cigarette smok ing and a lot of thing's that are looked upon as almost vital to the movie. While the object is laudable, and without making any question of the good intent of the society, we suggest that it has set about doing the job a little bit late. We have progressed to the point in our social development where a one-piece bathing suit ho longer excites comment; a woman to attract attention at a bathing beach nowadays must cover herself much as oriental women are sup posed to do when in public. From the bathing beach these have been transferred to the stage, so that a half-naked chorus girl or dancer is accepted as a matter of fact, and only gets no tice as she is plump or skinny, symmetrical or awry. Nudity is not a novelty. And herein may be found the answer. When the first "runway" chorus flashed its naked limbs over the heads of the audience, it was daring; now it is tolerated merely as a survival. It will pass, just as other things of its kind have passed. The Ethical society may yet find its object achieved by a healthy reaction, signs of which may already be noted. his first edition, "Viae omniae in Roman addu cunt. s Tito Howard of Courteey. From the Colfax Tribune.) The accident occurred when a car came up from behind and Mr. Breen pulled out to the side of the road to let them pass, and in so doing made it impossible to con trol the car and they were thrown over the embankment and landed bottom side up. MR. GARLAND of New Bedford, Mass., lias scorned his inheritance ot a million, and his wife announces that if her family leaves her money sne win reiuse it. lhis happy pair can say, with the communists of Russia, "When our chilidren are grown up they will know money oniy Dy memory. NOT TO SAY STEPPING-STONES. (From the Mining Gazette.) In closing, she asked that the hinges of their friendship never grow rusty but al ways be links in the golden chain of fellowship. "CUSTOMER Thwarts Shoe Store Hold up Summons Help When Bandit Draws Re volvcr." Pittsburgh Post. . lhis shoe clerk is evidently a student of pep in saiesmansnip. SOXG. T sing a song of laws and men that make 'em, I carol sadly of the days gone by, I vocalize of laws and men that break 'em, Now that the country's dry. Into my lines shall stray no common gink io mopper-up or doctor Bunkum's Bitters; No lemon essence fiend shall praise that drink, I do abhor such critters. But to the deacon's mansion I did roam To test his dandelion-v-it made me dizzy. A fragrance clung about his stately home, 'Twas like a brewery busy. Our merchant prince prefers the wine of grapes (He gets up in the night to skim the crock off). Two drinks your frame across the sofa drapes. Three drinks will knock your block off. Our local lords and dukes, with whom I'm thick, Are swift becoming skilled in brewing motions; They're noble men, and oh, the kingly kick One gathers from their potions. ,1 warble of the yeast and elderberries. I chant the praise of malt and prunes and hops, I celebrate the home-made Tom-and-Jerries, And cackle at the cops. h. C.i W. toms. cat's left nose and from this patch diphtheria bacilli were cultured. jfive aays atter Mrs. fan was f.rst seen a second cat, which often played with the first cat, was ex amined for diphtheria bacilli. They were found. Eight days later this cat died, autopsy showed diph theretio membranes on the vocal cords. Cultures showed this mem brnne to be due to diphtheria ba cilli. These bacilli killed unpro teeted guinea pigs in four days. Guinea pigs protected by antitoxin did not becomo sick when infected with, this bacillus. For a long time there has been controversy as to whether cats spread contagion and especially diphtheria. The claim that they did was met by the charge that the ob servations were carelessly made and not confined to laboratory tests. This report wilt be difficult to com bat. (cuing Kid of Thread Worms P. L. writes: "My little boy, 2'2 years old, has been troubled with thread worms for the last . two or three weeks. I have tried several sirups, etc., but none seems to have had much effect. Will you please answer the following questions for me: "1. Are they at all dangerous? "2. What causes them? 3. What is the best thing to do I for them?" REPLY. 1 . No. . 2. They hatch from ' csgs. The indirect causes at'e dirty fingers. eating raw foods, putting things in the mouth, association with ani mals. Give medicated enemas. Salt solution, decoction of quassia, and other substances are' used success fully. Some worm medicines taken internally are helpful. Iton'l !!.( llaw I'ork. A P.. writes: 1. "What me ilia symptoms of trichinosis." 2. "Is it curable? 3. "How soon after infection urn the symptoms noticeable and what Measures will arrest its progress? 4. "Is it fairly safe occasionally to indulge in that delectable morsel, o. bit of raw hickory smoked bacon?" HE PLY. 1. While the worms are boring through tho tissues there are fever and general pains, particularly in the muscles. Examination of tho Wood shows an increase in a white blood cell called the , eosinophile. Most cases of acute trichinosis are called rheumatism, muscular rheu matism, and lumbago. Some cases aro confused with iynlioid fever. Tho fever and backache may suggest emnllnox in the early static 2. Yes. Most cases get well with out arousing suspicion of trichinosis. 3. About the third da. after eat ing Infected meat. 4. It is not safe to eat raw pork unless it has been held in cold stor age for a considerable time. It's Bone Infection. 13. writes: "1. What Is necrosis of the jawbone? 2. Is it a fatal disease, something of the nature of cancer? "3. Will an operation cure it?" REPLY. 1. In necrosis, pieces. of bone die and in time come away. Tho cause in most cases is infection with some form of bacterium. Among the causes are tubercle bacilli, lumpy jaw and pus cocci. In olden times there was a good deal of "nhossv jaw" among makers of matches. Phosphorus poisoning causes necrosis of the jawbone. Poisoning with mercury and other noisons is much less apt to cause necrosis of the Jaw. l. it is not often fatal. It is not related to cancer, but cancer involv ing the jawbone may cause necrosis. 6. en. Operation is done to re move the dead bone and to provide drainage. Ml. IhiisIhk'm Hook. If Mr. lousing does not hiiiry up j that book he is wilting on the Peace I Conference ho will find It Is among the ten worst sellers, i St, Paul rum per Press, Wy I'nipct i With liempsey and I'arpemier fi nally matched to right next spring, the hot stove I. 'ague will have a busy winter Kocky Mountain New IM-lifkiMs' rut i riic Slum. I The Colshevlsts having ratified their treaty with the Poles, they jean now devote their entire atten i tion to tho problem of evading It I without paying the penalty. Jn- ilianapolis News. j Important Item OtcrliMikctl. I The statiselans have told us that I tho per capita currency of the country is Jj1.6. r.ut they don't tell how those who have less than that sum can get it Kostmi Transcript. He'll Speak Om. When Tom Watson's sworn in as a senator in Congress there'll be ono man there who will tell the Anii saloon league where to go and tho locality won't ho snowbound, either. Columbia ncaid. Coal to Km iow a lartners threaten to burn their corn for fuel unless the price of eoui comes down. Well, that would leave tho coal for the oper ators to eat. Cleveland I'lain Lealer. C. of C. Traffic Head ; Will Appear Before ! I. C. C. in Rate Hearing C. K. Clnide, manager of the traf fic bureau of the Chamber of Com merce, has been asked to make the oral argument before the Interstate Commerce commission in Washing ton, Dcccmbar 10. for the Omaha Live Stock Exchange at the hearing involving live stock i;i!i- in 1 1 1 -territory. Kates from poiut on the liurlin: ton rajlroad. Aurora. Neb., and wesi to Omaha will be compared with rates to St. Joeph and Kansas Cit. A former decision of the commission. on complaints of St. Joseph and Kansas City, had the effect of in creasing n've stock rates from the liuilingtbn territory in question, to Omaha S cents or more a hundred pounds and placed shippers on the Burlington a a marked disadvantage as compared' with the shippers in the same territory on tee Union Pacific and Northwestern. A reopening of the proceeding was obtained by the traffic bureau to bringing about a uniform and fair adjustment to the Missouri river markets from the territory involved. According to a United Stato Rail road Administration committee which has considered the subject more than a year, there are 17 type of automatic train control apparatus worthy of investigation and lest. Depends on Cause. S. G. L. writes: "Is there any cbance to cure a heart murmur? Some doctors say yes if the- patient is careful. I am 19 and weigh about 120 pounds." REPLY. If the murmur is due to anemia or to a condition of the heart mus cle it can be made to disapjjear. If it is rhlA tn inflnmmfltinn nf tho THE president of the Printing Press and! valve the murmur cannot be cured. Feeders' (sic) union estimates that a family in but all symptoms due to it can be. New York requires 32,362 a year to get by ' In fact a very larffe Percentage of Which sets us musing on the days of our youth i ,neart murmurs produce no symp- 1"' H! when ywere envied by T 0 yTr the others Of the newsoaner staff because we cot ' ,i ,i .1., ., . . v vv.-. v c uvcu hik". oressea expensively (for Manchester), and always had money for wine and song. How did we manage it? Blessed if we can remember. Keep I'p the Massage. 4 V. M. M. writes: "I would like tn know how to get rid of -smallpox marks, which I have had since I was an infant. I haven't many, but they are all in -my face and disfieura it very much. 1 have been massag ing my face for a short time nieht and morning with cold cream, but the marks do not seem to disappear. Do you think that they will dis appear aftr a while if I massago my face with cold cream, or is there anything else that you would recom mend? ; EE PLY Keep up the massage. Continue to use cold cream. The preparation used in massaging is of minor im portance. It serves only to decrease friction. It has the phS'sicil force which does the work. Removing smallpox pits is no fly by night job. Your only chance of results is to stick to your knitting. Cold Comfort. The population of Nome. Alaska, is '200 by the new census. And 10 years ago it had 15.000. Well, it can't lose as many during the next 10 years. Cleveland Plain Dealer. American State Bank J8th and Farnam Streets CAPITAL $200,000.00 EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE In exceptional times indicates the quality of a banking connection. This institution has come through trying time3 unscathed in every instance. So have its custom ers. We invite your account on the basis of service. Deposit with us your savings or funds waiting to invest or re-invst i compound quarterly interest on funds' deposited in our savings department added to your account. Funds in our savings department are subject to with, drawal without notice. Deposits made on or before the 10th day of any month considered as having been made on the first day. . Deposits hi this Bank Protected bjr the Depositors' Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. D. W. Geiselman, President. , D. C. Geiselman, Cashier H. M. Krogh, Assistant Cashier i Competition and Cement Prices. Building contractors in Kansas City have proposed that the slate of Missouri erect two or more cement mills of its own to meet the prob lem of high prices. The recent vote in that state to spend $60,000,000 on good roads has also stimulated discussion of such a movement. In South Dakota legislation providing for state production of cement has ajready been enacted. The condition out of which a proposal of this kind grows was called to public attention in the probe of building conditions by a legisla tive committed in New York. There it was charged that a nation-wide combine exists which controls' the output of cement and fixes its price. The Honest Advertiser. 'From The Omaha Bee.) For Sale Irrigated land, Rio Grande Valley, Tex.; dissatisfleld with eountrv: questionable shipping facilities: fear short age of water: undesirable help; offer price. Box 333, Mt. Vernon, la. THE awkward position in which Mr. Wilson, as Mr. Henning reports, this himself is not unlike the fix into which a citizen of Oak Har bor, O., got himself last week. The local pa per relates: "Instead of getting up on the roof, John stood on a 2x4 with his head up between two inters ana nis arm around one of the rafters. while he drove the nails in firmly. Driving his mm nan, ne xossea tne hammer to the ground, and it was then he discovered that he had placed the boards so close together that he could not withdraw his head through the open ing." ENORMOUSLY. May Xot Have Pterygium Mrs. W. E. A. writes: "I notice that you mention pterygium. I think I have that eye trouble. Does any drug cure it or is an operation necessary? I have only had this trouble six weeks. It seems to go and come. My eyes are very blood shot "-sometimes and at other times clear." REPLY. If you have pterygium well es tablished I do not think you will ,, ;J ..1 crh I sAt7 jj "business s coop wank voif m L.VN1CH0U5 Oil Company firslckssi a;... txt..i.j it. 1 . A- . Monopoly control of any industry is'a thing Mr." Partxldg". V a deputy i VZnlo Muskegon county? That should be enough to maae game taw violators quail! FREDNA. to which Americans are far from being rccon cilcd. If monopoly generally resulted in larger production and lower prices, there would not be this vfcelings, but monopoly normally does not work that way. Wherever state operation of any industry is justified, it is in case where the ordinary advantages of private operation appear to the public to have been cast aside, bringing about oppressive and impossible con ditions. .j f Congressman Reavis comes forward with 'the valuable suggestion that some of America's surplus corn be sent to feed Europe, but the taste for mush and corn pone is born, not made. Perhaps the college professor who announces tiiat the average student is not exceptionally brilliant will be kind enough to define an ex ceptional average. . j Those New Cabinet Proposals. J, The declaration of Senator Harding tor a ! better co-ordmation of the executive depart- Tli- r!,fin;i;rt f . m .,. ments is echoed in two congressional bills for j ,vnich some urg. increaSed production whiJc yon of Iowa has come forward with a proposal tor a department-of social welfare to take over :he duties now scattered among many depart .nnts and commissions. The bill sponsored by Senator McCormick of Illinois and Congress- ! mm Reavis of Nebraska go further, and would j replace the present Department of the Interior j hy a Department of Public Works and one of 1 Public Welfare. . , 1 Some readjustment is to be expected in the I ntercsts cf efficiency. It ia encouraging; that j this is contemplated rather for the purpose of j better carrying out p-esent legislation rather ' than loading up the government with innumer able additional cenlralbed functions. Some- ' thinr must be left for the public to do, and j others close down mills on the excuse of over production. Kansas announces a wheat acreage up to ihe standard of recent years, a sign of how far the wheat "strike" is affecting the future. Christmas shopping is good alibi for the politician who is not yet ready to talk turkey. With the last of the mail robber suspects in jail, the postoffice inspectors might tell us just how much real money was involved. "ARE the females of the Apocrypha, fknown as bolshevixens?" I Thnnk Yon Kindly. Sir: You are cordially invited to become ,a member of the Canadian club of Montreal. At one time we had a chapter in your city, but lately all American charters have been with drawn. Mr. John Walker is our president. The other officers are: Daniel Crawford, secretary treasurer; Halg & Halg, solicitors. Mrs. Sam Thompson was lately forced to resign his posi tion as vice president. I am sure, however, that either Mr. Guggenheim or Mr. Gordon will fill the vacancy. t As to our memberships, each is non-refillable and bonded. While we cannot offer, as of yore, a sojourn at our country home at Sunnybrook, we expect a veritable cascade of applications. Our meetings are held frequently in the Imperial building. Upon receipt of your application, the pin. art Old Crow, will be sent you. MR. HARDING'S golf games are faithfully reported, but the score is never mentioned. No doubt he plays the usual statesman's "around a hundred." "THE STAG AT EVE." fFrom the-Prentlce, Wis., News-Calumet.) A stag party was given in honor of J. A. Morner last Friday evening at the Morner home. The evening was spent in playing cards, followed by a dainty lunch. We Are- Curious to Know. Sir: Says the Daily News: "In view of the fact that the 1920 season was unusually long, It would1 be better to eliminate a final e-ame Per. haps they can tell you how to cut put that last line. b. 3. m. POLITICIANS are growing a thick hide Looks like a closed Winter. R. L. T. game, Art and History. The new stamp for two of the little islands Of the West Indie. St. KittS and Yen's ielanrle Monday morning front pages in Omaha arc J which have been consolidated since' the war! snow v,oiumuus looking tnrougn a telescope. The telescope -was invented several hundred years after the great discoveror' death. St. 1 Joseph Gzctte. ; . j it-resting if not edifying The policeman is right. "What's the user: t Joe B. W f Redfield There is Plenty of Business If you have honest merchandise to sell and are willing to sell it at an honest price a K-B "Direct by Mail" campaign will help you turn it into money. "Direct by Mail" is the economical road to market. Planning, copywriting. illustrating, printing, addressing, rruiiling "From . the desire to sell clear to the cash N register." K-B Printing Company Redfield & Milliken Owners Douglas at 10th Tyler 0364 Harvey Millikan SanFrancisco Limited California Limited javajo Missionary Scout 'Santa Fe A the , way" best of service Grand Canyon on the way titan of chasms Fred Harvey meals they set the standard Faster time on the two Limiteda The Ssa Frsaciteo Limitsd 6r ncssco. Tns Cslitoraia Limited twenty-sixth sescon. Solid Sleeplng-cr trains Faster time. The other three trains csrry tourist sleepers and chair yt ' in addition to regular Pullmsn equipment. CounVem S. Ls rimer. Gen. A eat A. T. 8. F. Ry. 1 Flynn Bld.. Dei Molnet. Is, Phone Market 1013 daily gy rainr " Bh bb5SS555SI CLEAN COLORADO LIGNITE Delivered $2.50 ? Ton "We Screen All Col At Our Yard. , Phone Us We'll Deliver Promptly. CONSUMERS COAL & SUPPLY CO. "Dealers in Good Coal . . Doug. 0530 , Doug. 0530 mi fir