THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 50; 1920. 10 If Classified Advertising Rates lUe per lin (count word to lln) 1 day IDe per tin pr day. 3 conaccutlve day IV per lln per day. 7 cnnerutlv day 14 per lin per day, SO consecutive day N,. adds taken for lea than a total of io The rates apply lther to the Daily or Sunday Bee.. All advertisement P pear In both mornlngend evening daily papara for the one charge. CONTR ACT HA I KS ON APPLICATION. Want ad accepted at th following of fice MAIN OFFICE. ...17th and Farnam St. South Sid ;;31 N St. .,,,, II lllllff Is "COtt St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONB-AT TYLER 1000. TUB BEE will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for mor then on "closing HOURS FOR wat adsu Evening Edition -.1V Morning Edition .: V. II. Sunday Edition- 8:00 P. M.. Saturday i iYEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. Nov. 37. II" la aurvived, besides his wife, hy on 'daughter, Mrs. B. H. Wag ner. . . 1 Fnnrrnl Tuesday afternoon from John A. Gentleman's mortuary at 1:30 p. m. to Dundee Preshvterlnn ehurcli at 2 .p. . I'......,. Tuia.n (...KlrilarV. ( III' I llllll, I'llirni - jjdi'lriH: Henry W., died Friday, Nov. 26. at I'lainview, inch., h k ei i .- yen is. Funeral services Tueailay, N iv. 0. S p. in . at Cross Lutheran church. 20th and Spring lit.".. Interment, Laurel Hill remeterv. Friends welcome. Remains are at his resilience. 1X03 Van Camp Ave. J tANT) A I I e-Htt ttie" J., Nov. 27, 18 SO, age 69 ears. ' ' l- iineral services win no nei.i num Ttniiley Dorranee chapel, Cuming at Nineteenth mroet, Tuesday, Nov. 30. at .. ....i ...i. - ... T ..,.. W,., 1 nu'n 2 o'clock p. m. cemetery. FUN ERA L DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S REST Kw" AMBULANCE M Thirty-third and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 7(11 South Kith St. I Dougla 1226. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and Embalmer. Phone II. 265. Office 2611 Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call South 680. Kortako Funeral Home. 23d and O 8ta FLORISTS. T 1,1 T T ADTMXT Konteneli Florist, v 1M4 Pouglna St. Douglas 8244. JOHN HATH. 18th and Farnum D. 3000. Llend'sonJLiM8arnam IRTHSAND DEATHS. Births (flover anil wllkcnaon Morgan, tl'02 South Thirty-first street, girl; AleannilNi and .Angelina Tuciisco. 2502 . 1'opplt'ton avenue, girl: Vincenzo and Rose Alnrino, 1102 South Thirteenth street, boy; .Martin end Charlutto Hudson, 2870 Sara toga alreet. girl; Fred and Laura Knewald, ;. T a i liecatur street, girl: John and Mary Kasl, 1712 Charles street, boy; William and Ruth W rleth. 8":i South Fiftieth ave nue, hov; ltlclmril and Vera praoht, JUS iuth Thirtieth avenue, hoy; Frank and Alfla "Maslerarrigor' 409 AVIlllanis street, Kirl: Morse and Beatrice llorhett, CK"9 Jlayherry avenue, girl; Alhers and NeJIie '.inimer. S170 Fowler avenue, boy; George nnd Sailla C.lll, 1724 Lake street, boy. Deaths Mrs. Kathrlna Nielsen, si, 4508 Sewant street; Louis L. Van ilossen, 44, 2502 South Tenth street; Mrs. Mary A. fnrmlehael. 7S, 4909 Cass street; Jennie Peterson, 24. 2406 North Thirtieth street; Minnie Mclntyre, 37, hospital; Nellif L. Haber. 44. hospital; Freeman S. Tucker, 70, 2S73 Tucker street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Edward J. Randall, 22. Columbus. Neb., and Eleanor M. Bender, 18, Columbus, Nab.S. Eddie Mortaln, 22, Omaha, and Funtella Greene, 20, Omaha. Walter Qehrle, 28, Omaha, and Leah L. Keith, 22, Omaha. , Albin W. Larson, 23. Council IMuffs, la., and Johanna H. Uundram, 23, Omaha. Jacob Kocarda, 42, Omaha, nnd 'Ella Todanna, 2S, Omaha. Harold F. Thompson, 28, Chicago, III., and Marlon Chambers, 25, Oakland, Neb. John T. MoGrath, 24. Omafin, and Mabel Ahart, 20, Council Bluffs, la. Malcolm E. Humphrey, 22. Council Bluffs, la., and Marjorle A. Belleville, 18. Council Bluffs, la. Harvey T. Craves, 26, Omaha, and Dorothy Murphy, IS, Council Bluff?, Ia. Harold B. Beardsley. 21, Omoha, and Fern Paul, 21, Clear Lake, la. Krner M. Nelson. 30, I.lnroln. N'eb., and Bonnie B. Beach, 32. Lincoln Neb. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST Two gold Rosaries and a wedding ring. One Rosary has name of Mrs. . Chauncey Abbott, Jr., on It: the wedding ring engraved"C. A. Jr., to M. I,. O. F. P. r.. October 12. 1909." Were In very small leather pocketbook. Lost on Thanksgiving day, either in Omaha or Lincoln, or train between Omaha and - Lincoln. Liberal reward. No questions asked. Chauncey Abbott, Jr., 840 First National Bank building, Omwha, Neb. FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet car tele phone Tyler 800. Wo are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owner. OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. BY. COMPANY. LOST Saturday" night on 41st and Dewey or Henshaw cafe a diamond In platinum bar- pin. Leralvreward. S. H. Davis, liar. -2722. i,ORT Swiss wrist watch on black rib bon, bet-ween jOtW nr, ih on Douglas. Reward. Webster 1756. RANGER bicycle stolen from S617 Chicago St. Suitnblo reward offered for Us re turn. Harney 6379 X.MAS bicycles. V. H. Roos, 2701 LeaV. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial hom solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect We distribute , Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our tie home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodgo St. PIPKIN S -"-NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, Incorporated. Douglas 17, Arlington B1U., Omah-a, Neb. SAY IT WITH I-LOWERS FROM HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 FARNAM STRBET. EI.Et'TRO-THERAPY massage. 318 Ne ville Block. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth St. RENT Hoover vacuum, $1.25. Wal. 1947. R ENT elec. vac, cleaner. ?! day. Col. 4116. KXPERT Swedish masseuse. Call D. 5S77. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. KEEP'S HOTEL ROMK. We teach ballroom and all kind el fancy dancing. D. 2681 or H. 2782. pi-rm School for Dancin-. 242. llic Farnam. Doug. 785. Detectives. - RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Kx. Bid:. Doug. 2056. Night Col. 3812. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Bile. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler lis. Hauling. HAULING all kinds, ashes, rubbish, etc.; cinders delivered; basement cleaned. Doug. 3136. HAULING, all kinds, trucks all sizes; best ervlce, best rates. Tyler 1976. LIGHT hauling, ashes, rubbish. Wal. 3515. . Hemstitching and Pleating. ACCORDiON. side, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered button, all alze and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye Jet cut work, buttonhole, pennant. Ideal Button1 nd Pleating Co.. 308 Brown Blk. Douglaa 193S. NebrTPleatlng A Button Co 180c FT nam St. D. (6". Patent Attorneys. J. W. MARTIN, patent atty., 1716 Dodge. Sell your Invention to a manufacturer. Miscellaneous Announcements. SEWING MACHINES" W rent, repair, aell needles and part. , MICKEL'S . 15th and Harney. Douglas 173. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY;. Maftresses made over in new ticks at half price of new beds. Pillow renovated and made up In new feather-proof ticking. 1907 Cuming street. Dougla 2467. DIAMONDS We pay the best price with privilege to buy hack at small profit. CROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N 16th St Doug las 6049. PAXTON-MITCH ELL CO., 17th and Martha Sta.. Omaha. Neb. Bras, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron casting. SAFETY razor blade sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co.. 1522 4 fodge. 101 N. 16. BALL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be I puietissed at Rlalt Drug Store. Zi I and Dougi Sts., Omaha. Neb BRINGING UP rr THERE:' lt TvlR.ELP' VOO REMEMBER HNV WE HAD HIM AT OOR HOU'bE: To DINNER LAbT VEEK ANNOUNCEMENTS. ' Miscellaneous Announcements. 1,'iimvi rinvRimied: orintlnK and enlarging Write for price. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. i.i.-wis N. BOISEN. watchmaker and Jeweler. 601 Securitle Bldg. Pbon Ty ler 09t.ll. OMAHA WELDING CO. "Th Careful Weldra" 15th and Jackson. P. 4387 C! A tm?G BARGAINS, lath & Farnam OAr lilO j. j. Darlght Saf Co. I'tlLL dresa t.its and tuxedo for rent, 108 N 16th St.. John feioman. u4 WEUDINO ani.ouncemeiits and priming, Douglas Printing Co. Tel Kouglaa 44. Douglas Prln UMATTRESSEH remade, , spngs rep. H. 7162. "ilif S. 1 lTh. D. 6". Omaha Towel Supply Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Vii V. O. W. Bldg, WEAVING, old rugs remade.' Ty. 1433. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION. AUCTION. 2S Completo Homes of Extra Hlgn Grade and Stable Furniture Consigned to Me by 28 Different owners weaving Will he sold one piece at a time at rublic Auction. 1 in Mv Auction Home., Southeast Corner 18lh and Webster Streets. 5 Dava Sale. Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, this week. Starts each day at 1 p. m. Consisting of Several Extra High "nraiie Pianos, several nearly new Vic- trolas, Grafanolas and Records, Muslo Box, Banjo and other Musical Instru ments; beautiful Parlor Suites in Over stuffed Tapestry Velour ana Insertea Cane, Library Tables In Walnut Ma hogany and Oak. Book Cases and" Books, Writing Desks, Nearly 100 valuable Rugs, nearly all kinds and all sizes. Several extra high grade Dining Room Sets- of Furniture, including! 1 very expensive William and Mary Dining Room Set in American walnut, and 1 WMUiam and Mary table and Chairs in Mahogany, 1 beautiful Berkley and Gay Dining Room Set that cost $1,250 and Just like new, and is .solid Walnut, oblong Table. 6 Wonderful Chairs and a 84-inch Buffet, this is the best dining room set money will buy. Several good oak Dining Room sets, 8 wonderful Bed Room Suites, in cluding 3 very expensive American Wal nut Bed Room suites. 1 is Inserted with cane, massive Brass Beds, complete, sev eral staple Vernis Martin and Simmons Beds, complete. All kinds of Dressers, Dressing Tables. Chiffoniers. Roll Top and Flat Top Office Desk; Sewing Ma chines, Electric- Standard Lamps, Electric Vacuum Cleaners, Steel Range, Heating Stoves. Gas -Ranges, Electric Haters, Duofolds and Davenports, Sanitary Cots, Fancy and Staple Dishes, Sun Room and Porch Furniture; Linens and Drapes, Bedding, Cooking Utensils, Shot Gun and hundreds of article too numerous to mention. " This is one of my biggest t sales. i 5 Days, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. Starts ach day at 1 p. m. JAMES L. DOWD. AUCTIONEER If you have anything to sell cajl Doug. 3285. Tyler 0966 or Tyler 2882. WILL hold ale of household furnishings Saturday and Sunday at residence, 106 a. bia t. Telephone wal. 1293.' FOR feALE Cheap, library table and gas range. iy. 3331. . KITCHEN range. 135. Call Web. 4365. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPECO. Eate X Ik art and music Piano for rtnt. DRUMS, 'traps, marimbas, instruction, re pairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith 2761 Davenport St. LARGE, beautiful $200 phonograph and 340 worth of records, $35. Web. ,0.211. FOR SALE Brand new $150 phonograph for $85, Call Tyler 5710. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES X ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole, agents fcr thu CORONA. Get cur price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4120. 1912 Farnam. PROTECTOGRAPHS. F. & E.'a: bargain. T20 Nevlllo Bldg. , Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard scale, 8x34 foot platform, also 28-Inch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha -Bee office, 17th and Farnam St. Phone Tyler 1008. IF YOU NEED XMAS MONEY. Why not sell some of those clothes you laid away.-or those pictures, trunks, furniture, etc., stored In the- attic? Someone may be glad to get them, and an ad In TheBee will help you dis pose of them. Call the Want Ad De partment, Tyler 1000. REFUSEFOR SALE LOOSE WILES BISCUIT CO. 12th AND AVENPOR TST. DOUfV, 1830. , FCR coat,latest model, very stylish, $75. Hudson stal coat, shawl collar, bell cuffs. $140. 2 beautiful seal coats with large beaver collar and cuffs, big sacrifice. Seal muff. $15. Seal tarn, $10. Furs new, never worn. Hotel Harley, 20th and Farnam. Mrs. McNamara. NEW material for garage, 10x14, $50 up: all kinds of lumber, shingles, roofing, pipe, plumbing, machinery and radi ators. H. Gross Lumber and Wrecking Co.. 22d and Paul Sts. SURE and safe Investment, city warran'a to pay you -10 per cent Interest, $100, $500 and $1,000 amounts. E. Q. Solomon 617 Karhach Bldg. Douglas 6262. VK buy, sell safes, make desks, show eases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D. 2724. POTATOES., apples, onions and other vegetables delivered in 5-bishel lots or more. Call Tyler 2735. FOR SALF Black walnuts, hulled and dry.. $2.00 tmahel. Wickham Berry Farm, Salem, Ncu7 , OAK file case for sale. Harney 1507. XMAS bicycles. V. H. Roos. 2701 Leav. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and tiaded. J. C. Reed, 120' Farnamf D. 61lfi. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoe nJ furniture. Ty. 2598. A. Kavett. 705 N. 16. GUTTWAN pays highest prices for furni ture; also men's eloihes Harney 6172, Christmas bicycles. V. H. Rons, 271 Leav Bet want ads setters. are best business SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. PAINTING, pauering. reasons ble prices, - house painting specialty Frank Kull- sek. Walnut 3n:i or Walnut 1 427. CARP ENTERING. K a 1 aTe s T u I VtTroo f s" re" paired, storm windows put up. Ty. 51. FATHER 'LL BET HE HADN'T EAvTEn SITUATIONS WANTED. Female. HOUSEKEEPING by well raised woman, 33, with little girl. Party employing me must be respectable, with comfort able home , and not far from public school if In cltv or country. Write what - you have, size of family, wag? and If full charge given. Box W-60, Omaha Bee. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of Th Bes. Loti of good place ar alway advertisea. Don 1 mis tnem. SEWING, silks, velvet, skirt. Swing" cketa. rellned, remoaeied, reasonable. 6804. Laundry and Day W JfRST-CLASS laundress wVnts day work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Webster 1849. BUNDLE washing. Call mornings, evgs. H. 7320. y BUNDLE washing. . Experienced. I Web. 173$. CLEANING and ironing. Webster 1787. DAY work, cleaning. Harney 6946. WOOL blankets, lace curtains, liar. 1130. IRONING, cleaning, day work. Web. 4748. DAY work wanted, exp. Web, 621gy DAYWORK wanted, exp. Ig. 707. DAY work wanted. Webster 2941. WORK by the hour. Web. 3449. HELP WANTED MALE. Storei and Offices. I YOUNG MAN WANTED For gorieral office work: some experience and knowledge of bookkeeping . preferred.-' - Inquire general office, MORRIS & CO.. South Side. BOOKKEEPER. $125-$150; tyinst, tii; .stenographer, out lof city, $125. WATTS REFER1KNCE COMPANY, 912 First NatlonM Bank Building. Professions and Trades. Wanted A Banker Competent to operate and manage a bank, small western town; good propo sition to the right party. K. F.- R., 845 Omaha Nat'I. Bank Bldg., Omaha. POSITION wanted as cashier of country bank, 12 years experience a cashier, references. E. C Sharp, 1120 D Bl. Lincoln. Neb. WANTED Foreman for morning daily. Non-union man only. First-class rerer ences required, i American, Aberdeen. S. D. WANTED Linotype operator and ma chinist operator for dally paper. Must bo non-union. News, Aberdeen, S. D. FIREMEN, brakemen, $260-$300 monthly; experience unnecessary. W'rito only? naiiway, box Y-1331, umana nee. WANTED Ad compositor and floor man lor oany paper. rcon-union. uauy American, Aberdeen, s. u. WAN4TED Non-union makeup for daily paper, pally News, Aberdeen, S. p. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE 110 So. 14th St. Catalogue Free. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN Man wlMibralns; a 6 a. in" and 9 p. m. man; hard work, but a real future if you can sell goods; 85 years of square dealing our policy; applicant must have unquestionable reference from past or present employers; must know wholesaler and retail grocery trade in Omaha and. state' of Nebraska, de sired by largest manufacturer of the highest-grade food product in their re spective line; salary, drawing account. expenses, commission, bonus,- any .way to satisfy you if you can prouuoe re sults. Apply Garrett & Co., Inc., 641 Peters Trust Bldg., Tuesday, 30th, from 9 to 12 a. m. SPECIALTY Salesman Wanted We want an experienced responsible salesman ior sotahiiahe.l snecialtv line. Work will be covering retail grocery trade of thia section. Please write ior appointment, statlrlv age, whether married or single, residence, salary, and where you can 1 be reached by telephone on Tuesday, I Wednesday or Thursday, Nov. ::ut!i, Dec. 1st and 2d. Address: A-B-C Care Fon- tenelle hotel, Omaha., SALKSMAN wanted at once (with car), to travel rural route In Nebraska, ror na tionally! known mercantile company; steady position to those who qualify. High school education necessary. Ad dress with references, E. B. Company, 300 East Tenth Street, Kansas City. Mo. SALESMEN We want a few more young men to Join our club in Scientific sales manship: complete training $30; posi tions furnished. Box W 19, Omaha Bee. SPECIALTY salesman In silverware, rugs and blankets. Can use a couple of good men. Out-of-town work. C. F. Adam Co.. 623 S. 16th. Hotels ana Restaurants. DISHWASHERS wanted at Fon- tenelle. Miscellaneous. COLORED JANITOR WANTED AT ONCE. EXPERIENCED. HARNEY 1(22., MAS bicycles. V. H. Iloos, 2701 Leav, HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. GIRLS to take course In shorthand, type writing, bookkeeping,- etc , personal In struction enables you to finish quickly. Position furnished. Call Dg. 7774. WILL give right girl free tuition In busl- ness school for a few hours light office work. CalTvDg. 7774. j Professions and Trade?. FIRST class skirt draner wanted. Jeo r. ax, M saunaers-ivenneuy mug. Household and Domestic. GIRLS V Watch the Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid and homelike places always advertised. ' WANTED ATtoNCK Good gtfl for general housework. Small family, modern conveniences. Laundress kept No small children, good wages, good home to right girl, . Address Box X72. Omaha Bee. WANTED White girl for 'general house work, no washing, references required Harney 3082. Mrs. O. A. Young. 14.) So. 3Sth St. , COMPETENT white maid for general housework, small family, best wages, Mrs. W. S. Weston, 303 S. 61st. Wal nut 0278. COMPETENT while, maid for housework; small Hainny; best Mrs. W. F. Weston, 303 8. 61st. general wages. WANTED A middle aged woman for housekeeper. Andrew Smith, 2504 Chicago. Douglas 8145. WANTED A competent white second maid. Apply Mrs. Ward Burgess. 122 N. 22d St. MAID for housework; good. wages. Harney 3077. Phne COMPETENT white cook. Douglas 7894. Hotels and Restaurants. DIKT KITCHEN MAID WANTED AT ONCE. WISE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. TWO girls wanted. $15 per week. Olym pta Cnndy Kitchen. 15th and Harney. WANTKD-rGlr! to wait on lable at ioda fountain. Iiiatnn , Uruir C ( vflL HOVj I I OHtlCET LONEbONE II If WELL -WHY OONT I 1 LOVE TO PLV N 1 WHAT DlO-VOU I sfr ,yt UN ' - v , - HELP WANTED FEMALE Miscellaneous. WANTED Ten ftrl between age of 17 and 24. Eighth grade education or bet ter. Apply Room 614, New Telephone Bidg., 19th and Douglas Sts. , XMAS bicycle. V. H. Roos, 270 Leav. HELP WANTED. Male 1nd Female. WANTED Men, ladle and boy to liarn barber trade: big demand; wage while learning; strictly modem. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCA'f IONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses in accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptometry, shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wtrIe telegraphy, civil service and ell Eng lish ana commercial Drsncne. write, call or phone Douglaa 15(6 for larg Illustrated catalog. Aoorcs BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyle Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of BusI-imt Day and Evening School. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg DouKla 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED A business gentleman with $500 to Invest with service and good salary In an Omaha company. Box 46-W, Bee. - DRUG stores for sale. Mention exactly states interested In. Address v. v. Kniest. Peters Trust Bldg:, Omaha, Neb. TO GET In or out of business. & Co.. 411 McCagu Bldg LEWIS SELL YOUR BUSINESS. 636 BEE BLDG. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. COMPLETE RM. LIST OF ALL CHOICE ROOMS IN OMAHA FOR BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. CALL FOR IT 'ANY TIME. TYLER 1000. WANT AD. SINGLE and double room for men only, running hot and cold Mvater, steam heated, walking distance. Brown's Bachelor Apt.. 508 N. 21st. Doug. 6644. EXCLUSIVa Very desirable room or sleeping porch with dressing room. West Farnam dis trict. Phone Harrey 6076. NICELY furnished room, gentleman pre ferred, strictly modern, private home, Doug. 9326. 613 No. 21st. NICE room for one or two: 5rl pre ferred; walking distance to South Oma ha. 4740 8. 13th St. FRONT room, strictly modern, private home. 1137 Georgia Ave.; gentleman preferred. Har. 3812. ROOM for 2 ladies, also rent part of home to married couple, references. Webster 5267. TWO large rooms near car line, also near restaurant, 626 N. 41st Ave. Wal nut 1860. FURNISHED room, 1 or 2 gentlemen, Drivate home. -walking distance. Har ney 1719. TWO furnished rooms, 521 No. 24th st. Apt. 6, mod. apartment, breakfast. Ty. 1835. 1 Furnished double sleeping rjim, 13 week. LARGE front room, suitable for 2 gentle men or couple. ' 2965 Pacific at. jiar. ' 1200. ' FURNISHED room for 1 or 2 ladies or married cqjiple, breakfast If desired Webster 4667. FURNISHED 100ms In modern house, walking distance, 2566 Harney St. NICE southeast room, private home, walk ing distance. References. Tyler 3b n. GRAY8TONE; 2ith and Cass StT, com fortable rooms. Call Dquglas 7994. NICELY furnished room, 1 block to car line, for lady. Call Harney. 7193. NICELY furnished room for gentleman; Webster 4046. 2201 Spencer St. 1117 PARK AVE. Nicely furnished front room, on car line; plenty heat. LARGE modem room, sttable for 2 ladle or married couple. Har. 1273 - LARGE" front room, 2208 Harney St. southern exposure. NICELY furnished rooms. 116 N. 26th St. Tyler 4844. FURNISHED , room, walking distance. Har. 3172. NICELY furnlshod room or suite; private bath. Best resident district, wai. in. NEATLY furnished room for rent, every convenience. 1616 Chicago uoug. 130. ONE large front Sweetwood Ave. room for two. 410 CLEAN, steam heated rooms; suitablo for two. 2009 Harney Douglas 7192. FURNISHED room for 2. Tyler 6056. STEAM heated rm., 2 gentlemen. P. 3291. TWO furnished sleeping rooms. II. 4848. SINGLE room. 2965 Pacific. Har. 1200. Housekeeping Rooms. CALfT'FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE- vmTNV-.vwrs-t l- -",1-v-W O TXT f 1 rP'V XT I."1 X-I iVR jr ei r a 1 1 yy iwjj .'i o ir - THE. BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST, PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE' FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLER 1000. WANT AD. HOUSEKEEPING room for working people, walking distance, 4636 S. 24th St. South 0256. - LIGHT hosekeepIng or Sleeping rooms. In private, modern nome. weosier aim. 616 SO. 22D Clean, modern, neat, heated housekeeping rooms. a ween up. BASEMENJL room in exchange for house work, loos o. inin m. Board and Rooms. FCB CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH TiAE BF.K WANT ADM, AND V I LIU inNOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OP ROOMS. BEAUTIFUL room next to bath In new, strictly modern home. Excellent meals for married couple or 2 gentlemen. Har ney 6465. 2t!oi 8T. MARYS AVE. Walking distance, desirable rooni, meals, , gentlemen pre ferred. ROOM, suitable for 2 gentlemen, with hoard, hom prlvlllgei. Webster aiiuii. SOUTHEAST steam heated room, private hath, good phone. Harney 1796. NICELY furnished rooms with good board, on 2 car lines. Har. 6339. 2548 CAPITOL AVE.. BOARD AND ROOM FOR 2 YOUNG MEN. ROOM and board, reasonable. Ty. 267. Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED rooms, $1 a room, clean, warm. -Call Webster 0802. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. SIX -ROOM 1 boulevard home, beautifully furnished. 'double aaraae. Csli di. 3120. SEE J I CCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN TH SUNDAY BEE FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. A GOOD six-room house, sleeping porcn, bath, furnace heat, double garage. Lot corner, 60x150 feet, .raving all In and paid fur. Can give possession "March 1, 1921. lr lnieresieu writ. o. Brumbaugh, Summerfleld, Kan. 5-ROOM cement block house, 12(1. Near Windsor school. 0 cWa rlc ligh G. P. STEBBINS. 1610 ChLfago. FIVE-ROOM house, electric ights, ga and water, $25 per month, derson St. 3334 Man FIVE-ROOM, oak finished Umgalow, $5 4530. -N. S6th Ave. Tyler 1910. , SMALL house, Leavenworth. 1 block south of Welt Call South 1385. , FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. J FURNISHED APARTMENT - fi rooms consisting of large ,jnuntc or reception room, living room. - dining room, two bedrooms, large kitchen an Htirvants' roomn. completely furnishei with excellent furniture Including linens, piano, victrola and records. Will lease ior months to year. Call D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS. Doug. 0046. 816-17 City National, THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street - Tyler .4200 Omaha's Newest and Finest elusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. Ex FURNISHED APARTMENTS I IN THE BLACKSTONE HOTKL. HAR. 945 Unfurnished. FIVE-ROOM and sunroom apartment No. 6. Ardmore Terrace, to be vacant ue cember 1. Rent $125. PETERS TRUST t COMPANY, Tyler 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. BRAND new 6-room apartment in Mount vernoon. 624 soutn 3isr street, siuti. Peters Trust Company Tyler 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts, Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management. FOR RENT Business Property. -STORY brick building, 22x60 feet On 14th near Douglas, fine for small factory or jobbing; $125 per month. Dg. 1731. SEE F. D. WgAD. 310 8. 18TH ST. MOVING AND STORAGE. WE assemble and forward carloads of both household good and automobiles. Watch this column, a it win keep you Informed where we are making carload shipments to. If you are shipping to any of th cities represented or to town adjacent to our shipping points, see us about our rates, as It is likely that our through rate Is less than the regular local rate and you nave the advantage or carload serv Ice. Today we are accepting shipments to tne rouowing cities: 1,0a Angeles, Cal. El Paso. Tex. GORDON FIREPROOF- WARE HOUSE AND VAN CO. 219 N. 11th St. Phone Douglas 394. Omaha, Neb. FIDELITY STORAGE pri AND VAN JJt STORAGE. MOVING, PACKINO HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANO& REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL 8ERIVCB. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglaa 028. MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked room for household goods and pianos, moving, lacking and snipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. - Doug. 4163. ' METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyier 8400. JLOBE VAN. TRANSFER AND STORinia rr. For real service in haullng'or tor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglaa 4339. auio or wagon service. WE can save you money- on automobiles and household goods to California In through cars. Omaha Van Storage Cs. 8C6 So. 16th St. N UNION TRANSFER CO. Let u estimate your moving, packing and storage. 160bDavenDort. Doug. 2908. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenings. $1.75 per hundred de livered. A. W. Wagoner. 801 No. 16th St. Doug. 1142. THOROUGHBRED Spits dogs, Web. 1381. HORSES AND VEHICLES. 1,300 LB. MARK, 8 yeara old and good sound worker. Single or double," new .harness. Light double harness. 2109 No. 24th St. Web. 2883. v AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. MR. D. C. BUELL, in charge of the Naval Reserve Forcesv of Ne braska, has pust received informa tion from the Navy Department, that Nebraska may send one' Of ficer and fifty Enlisted Men from the Reserve Forces in this state, to participate in a four months' cruise aboard ships of the Atlantic fleet. This craise will consist of fleet maneuvering at Guantanamo bay, tactical and gunnery practices, also cruising through the canal zone arid other South American ports. The cruise to start January the Sth, and end approximately the latter part of April. ' Men who are interested and jyish to take advantage of this oppor tunity, an.i see some sea service, ' . :.. ,,,.:--., ,:,u may get in communication with Mr. D. C. Biftll Douglas 7889, 1203 Farnnm street. Omaha. LARRY NYGAARD. We have some splendid 1919 newly painted Fords for sale, cash ot terms. Try one and you'll buy Drive It Yourself 'Co., 1314 Howard St. Done. 3622. HAVE TOO MANY CARS. Last series Packard brougham at a substantial discount. Will consider any high grade security, real estae, mort gages, bonds, or might consider gooi moderate-priced bungalow. For appolnt nientv call Harney 606 or Tyler 4143. 5 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE MAXWELL, 4-DOOR SEDAN, 1919, LIKE NEW, WIRE WHEELS AUTO EXCHANGE, 2204 Farnanr $1,500 FOR JJARMON CHUMMY FOR QUICK SALE. CALL BLACK 3347. COUNCIL BLUFFS. 1 SOME bargains In used For.i run M Caffrey Motor Co. , The Handy Ford Service Station IttHVand Jackfon onus 1.. E11A , ia vw.'v,' FOR SALE Dodge commercial car, fin condlMon. Has been driven I voo miles. Priced 'Heed right for quick sal. Call Doug ss 47221 ' ' 13 irnDnii nnnopfl uiti'lt l-i iu un c t.o r TRADE. EASY TERMS. CALL 8. 3 O'ROURKE AUTO CO.. 3701 8. 24th 8t, PAIGE 7-passenger, 1st class condition, for sale or trade for light car. John Sr. Daly. 13th and Capitol Ave. ... OAKLAND Sensible SK. .'. v HARRH-OAKLANf) Co ' v 2th Harney flu WE have 60 good used c, to from. All price. MEEKS AUTO CO.. 2026 Farnam. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. B. NICHOLS MOTOR COM 2620 Farnam SJ FORD touring for sale: fine condition leaving city, .will sacrifice. : Address Box X-900, Oitaha Bee. DODGTC tourlne. fine shane. must se investigate. Write. Box R-555, Omaha Bee. DODGE, late 1917 model, good tires, fine mecnanical condition. osier nzvv. WILL trade upright grand piano, in good ' shape for Ford car: come evenings at 6 o'clodr. 3354 Harrison St. , WILL sacrifice 2 or 3-ton duntp truck, fine condition. Inquire 1501 Marcy St. 1919 FORD touring, gocd condition, new 1919 FORD' TOURING. A REAL BAR GAIN. WEBSTER 3665. j Christmas bicycles. V. H. Roos. 2701 Lev. 1919 OLDSMOBILE, 8. Web. fil30. Accessories. peennsyDvXnia VACUUM CUP. 30x3 $12.60 32x3Vi $18.60. 30x3H $15.75. 3x4 .S26.60. Standard Tiro Co. V 410 . No. 16th St. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WRITE for our list of guaranteed rebuilt motorcycles. Victor H. Roos, 27tnanu Leavenworth, Dept. B. Omaha. Neb. FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. 320-ACRE valiey farm 3j miles to town, 100 so. 01 umana, an under cultivation, 200 acres in winter wheat, 2 sets of Im provements, leased for delivered, go ing at $200 per. $11,000 mtg Sell on terms or exchange for smaller farm or Omaha property.. See owner at 212 Keellne Bldg.. Omaha. ) Tftxas Lands. 5CJVN ACRE CASH Texas school land for sale by the atate at $2 per acre; So per acre cash.. balance in 40 years, & per cent Interest Senq 60 postage for further Informa tion. Investor Publishing Co., Dept. 15. San Antonio. Tex. Wyoming Lands. TWO good relinquishments eight miles west Osage. wy,o. Harney 5950 or write bt no. aatn Ave. Miscellaneous. 24 ACRES IMPROVED,-;, 3raham-Peters Realty Co.. v lit Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg.. Omaha, Nb. Dougla do 8. Evenlna WL 1103. FINANCIAL. V Real Estate Loans $11111 to $10,000 made promptly. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. $10 8. 18th Sr. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 016 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug.. 2716 'ROMPT tervlce, reasonable rate, privet money, oarvm uroe. no irniinn n Money to Loan. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOAN'S. FRED C. TYLOR. 602 SECURITIES BLDG. TYLER' 86S5. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE WANT HOUSES TQ SELL. Buyers galore!' Come in and see ,us. J. J. MULVIHILL, Kealtor. - . 200 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. - Phone Doug. 0096. Wanted Houses to Sell. ' The Old Reliable Real Estate Office. THE M'CAGUE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1506 Dodge St. Douglaa 134. WE HAVE CUSTOMERS Wanting houses from $2,000 to (4.000 with $300.00 to $500.00. Cash down. Reasonable monthly payments. If you wish to sell, call Doug. 1605 at once. Brown Realty Co., 211 Kennedy Bldg. WE buy and sell Omaha real estate. C. B. STUHT CO., REALTORS. 1 " Douglas 87S7. ill C1y Nat'I. To boy or sell Omaha Real Estate se OWLER & M DONALD 120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglaa 1420. YOU WANT TO SELL THAT,. "HOUSE Want quick action 7 Just try us. Call Tvler 496. OSBORNE - REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg HAVE buyers .with $500 cash down. List with us. R. F. Clary Co., zio- Ames Ave.. North OWiaha Realtors. Col. 0I7. Jrnn TJ 13 131X10 REAL ESTATE. . llliDD.illNOlnt. and Rental 605 Omaha Nat'I Bk. Bdg. ' Douglas 2142 IW Q SHRI V1?R EiTATK f ' ,J, irsuranc 1047-9 Omaha Nat Bk. !d. Doug. 13) LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH GLOVER A SPAIN, Realtors, ,918-20 City Nat'I Bank. Douglas 2160. LIST your horn with m or t yon ar. looking for house see me. , frank 1 Panowich. 636 Pai'on Blk. N LISTINGS WANTED. Western Real Estate Co., 412 Karbach Bldg. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. WE HAVE an unusually well locate.! piece ot tracked at 7th and Lcavenoorth. 11x132. track on both sides. At right pne Alfred Thomai. 04 Flrt Kat'l Rank. 100 lot at only $26 each. P. O. Box 736. Omaha. At quick. Trackage. 113 FEET ON 11TH ST.. $50 PER FOOT. BOSTWICK. 400 Petera Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS V'ALSH-ELMER CO.. Realtora. Real 1 Cstste. Investment, Insurance, Rentals lyler 3f. 31 Securities lid. Drawn for The Bee by McManiw Copyright 1920 International New Sarvlr REAL, ESTATE INVESTMENTS. LISTINGS wanted; flats, apartments, busi ness property. Try us for quick re sults; 40 years In Omaha. DUMONT & CO,, ; 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Doug. 0690. 4- GOOD duplex wll! net over 10 per cent or price asked. Well located, practical ly new. ALVRED THOMAS SON REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WANTED 1 A CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE OR GROCERIES -s . to Invoice about $10,000 to trade for a $10,000 equity In a g( cd 80 acres of lar.H In Ih. .a.larii nor, nf Nhr.flli. where crops never fall. Give full pai- tlculars regarding your stock and price !n first letter. Box Y-l"63. Omaha Bee, WANTED TO TRADE FOR HIGH grade aut. or two cheaper rocs, hofise of 8 room:i and lot, rents at $26 per mo. Value $4,000. Incumbrance $1.600.. Write quick to T. C. Krings, Clarlnda, la. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE Kellastone two-story, seven , rooms, tiled bath. Just built; price right. Call owner evlngs, Walnut 0070. Florence. NETHAWAT. h'ub,rhan prop'ty. Col 14'.'. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. Montclair District Sevcn-rocmi, full two-stofy strictly modern, house, located on the Lincoln blvd., in - Montclair addition. Large living room across the front with fireplace and builtin bookcases, dining room with built in biffet, and kitchen on the first floor, finished in oak. Three dandy nice (bedrooms and combination " sunroom and sleeping porch on the second floor with, oak floors and white enamel finish. Two nice maids' rooms on the third fttror with lfeat and electric lights. Full cement basement, furnace heat; atV laundry conveniences;' double ga rage on blvd., witli all special taxes paid. If looking for a strictly modern, nearly new, up-to-the-mi-ntrte residence in a first-class resi dence district, close in, .walking distance, don't fail to see us at once. Payne Investment Co. 537 Omaha Nat'I Bank Bldg. ' D. 1781. Sunday call Col. 3227. VALUE REPRESENTED WILL srC inres- THIS BEAUTIFUL Home at first ii tlgntlon. Modern, 5 large rooms, near Field club and lianscom Park. $6,500. Terms. Call Owner, Har. 1834. ' Omaha Real Estate and investment. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4880. HOMAKED PfKUSS nrtKACt Wanted! A Man with a vision to join the Wil liamson Heater Company an , organization with a vision as traveling salesman for Ne braska and Iowa, selling the Horhaker Pipeless Furnace. His sales efforts will be sup ported by an intense national campaign, an incomparable product, and a sales plan which is helpful and con structive. " If yu are the man, write a letter' asking for an appoint ment to L. D. WOODROUGH, Care Fontenelle Hotel. - Be-sure to give your ad dress and phone number. The following described property will be of fered for sale at the Front Door of the Court House in LEXINGTON, Neb., . December 6th, 1920 The Northwest Quarter of Section 20; the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 17; West Half of Northwest Quarter and West Half of Southwest Quarter of Section 18. ALL IN TOWNSHIP 11, NORTH, RANGE 24 WEST, IN DAWSON COUNTY, NEB. I his .land belongs to the bLKUU fcS I A I t and will be sold on the following terms: One-tenth Cash on day of sale, the balance on the date the sale is confirmed by the Court. This is good valley land, all level and under the ditch. Good improvements and nearly all under cultiva tion. This land is as good as Eastern Nebraska land that sells for $350 to $450 per acre. ALSO, Lots 4 "and 5, Block 22, First Addition to the City of Gothenburg, with the improvements thereon. To be sold on same terms as the other property. Sale will begin at 1 O'clock " in Afternoon of said Date T. M. HEWITT, Referee Lexington, Neb. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings In the United State for the wek ending Novombr 26, reported by telegraph to HradstreeC Jrnmml, New York. aggregate $6,830,491,000 against t,62l,6K0.0OO last week and $7, 4ii0.386.00ti In thl weelt last year. Cana dian clearings aggregate 1 .'f363.43t.00n, a! asninst $3ti4.222.0iiO0 lost week and $898. 646,000 III this week lost year. Following are the returns for this week and I11.1l. with percenUigea of change hown this week ua compared with till woek last year: New York . .$ 3,S7(&.7.r'.OtlO f 1,I4,2V".""U Chicago Philadelphia . Boston Kansas City . 614. 41X. 0110 :n,ii,niiu 391. 355.000 2ti9,2J7.flon 161, bM, 000 494,640,000 388,326,000 204.396,0(10 ' 157.161.000 200.111)0,0(10 1X7,177.001) 1 41.871,000 131.778.000 1 14.903,0110 62,953,000 68,898,01)0 70,884.00(1 , 63, 416.000 Ml. 41 1. (HM 103. 162. OHO 98,707,000 43,611.000 48. 09(, 000 43,768,000 St, 6011,0011 I. 2,840,000 36,515,000 27, 634. 0(1 II. 28,282.0011 , 19.7611.000 29. 18910(1 20. 6o2. 000 12.4115,00(1 26,694. linn 21, 699. IIIW 18.693,000 18.13:1,01111 16. 477, noil 15,683,0iin 29.812,(1011 14, 145,(111'! 16.235,0011 9.916,01111 15.361, 0110 I I. 317,00(1 6.856,000 17.034.OOli 13.O0R.00II 8.262,00(1 18,934.000 12.6511,000 30,349.(1110 7,695.000 St. Loui 123.8.14,000 128.600.000 171,647.000 105,466.000 tO.N93.000 77,125,000 4.7.'i.onn 65.197,000 66.365,000 fiS 887,0110 41.43. (Hit! 69. 893, 000 M 630,000 28,906.001) 35,142.0110 31.471,000 44. 302,0110 43.164,000 24.9:1.000 14.763,000 28.282.0110 15,629.0110 21.913,1)110 20,502.001) 0.1 33.0(10 L, 251, 000 16.646.000 13.475.000 11.758,0(10 11,541.000 '1 1.773. 01)0 26.291.000 t.f 5Ann t, in H.ono . 7.778.000 13, 361,000 ,7,368,000 . 6.743,000 , 8.179.00(1 8,567.000 8.262. OIIIV 7.192.000, 8, 117,000 7.537,000 12,222.000 Sun Francisco Pittsburgh ... Cleveland Detroit - Baltimore ... Atlaita - New Orleans . Cincinnati ... Richmond ... Omaha Los AnKele. . Minneapolis .. S. -stile. Buffalo Port In nd Ore. Dallas Denver ' Milwaukee .... Memphis ..... Houston St. Paul Louisville Fort Worth' .. ft. Joseph .... Nashvlllo Salt Lake C'y . Wash'ton, D. C. Indianapolis . . . Toledo Cotumbu .... Oklahoma .... Wichita Providence .... lies Moines . . Hnoknne .49... Norfolk Sioux City .... Tulsa Rochester J.... Snvannah Akron u. Oakland ...... Hartford v Ualvestop .... Total, U. !S.. $6,830,491,000 $8,624,68(1,000 f Bradatrret's Food Index. I This week's Index number, baaed on the ! prices per pound of 31 articles used for I nod. Is $3.80. which compare with $3 911 lust woek and .MU ior ine ween cmmiK 1 i....- .f7 iaio Thlw week H num- j , shovX a loss of 4.7 per cent from , . , k nrt t ,5 6 ier C(.nt f,om t,a ! 1 , ! v-Vr. and Is at the 1 1. .....,, '.. ih., v.,i ami three months. Of tho 76 commodities quoted, one ad vanced as compared with last week, 39 de clined and 56 remained unchanged, as follows: I Increased: Benves, live. Decreased: Flour, wheat. rPtf, wheat, spring: 'corn, oats, barley, hams, short ribs; sugar, raw; sugar, refined; coffee, cottonseed nil. tea. peanuts, eggs, "molasses, currants. hogs, live: sheep, live; lambs, live; cotton, gray goods, wool, O,, de laine; wool. O. half blood: linseed oil, pe. Irolluni. refined; union leather, hay. pig Iron, bess.: car wheels, old Philadelphia : car wheels old. Chicago; btcel scrap. Pitts burgh; steel scrap. Chicago: cast Iron. Chi cago; tlnplates.l copper, kad. antimony, spelter. , At the end of 1018. Swiss labor unions "had 177,143 members, of which 26,647 were women. The . largest increases were shown in the building, woodworking, textile and metal trades. Real Estate Transfer 8 Tdmpuj McFayden to Eucne V. ' -Mllle?, Fontenelle blvd.. 82 2-3 ft. n. of Meredith ave., w. s. 41 1-3x100 '. $ 6,000 George C. Black to Frank S. Selhv, Lake st., 150 ft. e. of 58th St., s. s. 50x130 nnd other property.. 4,000 Charles W. Kaley, et al, to Peter C. Cramer, Pinkney St., 260 ft. e. of 27th St.. s. s. 30x90 3,500 Peter C. Cramer ana wife to Frances Gibson. Pinkney st., 280 ft. e. of 27th St.. s. s. 20x90 4,00) E. H. Collins to H. C. Rusch, 30th st.. 88 ft. n. of Willlt St., e. s. 44x132 .. 3, 011O' W. C. Oondlt and wife to Charles Franklin, 4th ave.. 658 ft. s. of Martha st., w. a. 25x115...... 4:'5 James B. Murphy and wife to Min:i McKnlght, 69th et., 32Q ft. s. of Pinkney st.. w. ,s. 40x146 2.9'to Henry V. Hayward to Maude 1-:. Davles. n. e. cor. 32d end Wool worth. 50x150 5.0(0 L'rnest C. Rorick and wife to Salhia O. Mathis. Browne t, 192.5 ft. w. of, 27th St., s. . 44x130.9..,. S.oi'.n REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. A FEW homes and lots for sale In Park wood addition; a safe place for Invest . nient Norrls A Norri Douglaa 4270. FOR quick sale. 1416 N. S9th St.. 6 mi?. $i5H cash. 15 per mo. Creigb. Bee. Doug. 0100. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and invest ment. 442 Bee Bldg. Dougla 8097. BBNfON A MEYEPS CO.. 424 Om. Nat l North. 22d and Saratoga" St. All modern 9-room house, newly dec orated inside, large living room, with beamed ceiling, very large airy bed rooms, den off dining room and den off living room; soft water; 2 lots,. large barn for 2 cars and shade trees: fln neighborhood; price $6,000, $1,000 down. Call CRAHAM-PETtRS CO., Dg. 0663 or H. 3835. 6-ROOM. modern, garage, fruit, pavement, furnished or unfurnished First reason able offer taken. Act qulc. fir rem- ple ton . J ROOM, hot v water neat, corner lots, $37.50 per mo., Imm.vllate possession. F. S and R. E. Montgomery, 213 City Natl. Ban'.: Bldg. MINNE LUSA home and" lot offer th best opportunity to Invest your money. Fhone Tyler 1ST. 1 ell BENJAMIN & TRANKENBERC4 Douglas 0722. Miscellaneous. $100 DOWN buys this 6-rm. home. mod. ex. ht., 1 block to car. cement basement, $2,450; easy moti, payments. D. 4228. R TR iTTTTT real e s t a teT UAXiXVAJA A Sell. Rents. Insures. 350. Peter Trust Bldg. Doug. 0633. 3 'I 5