Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1920, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 13

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Dr. Frederick Kreuger
Speaks Before Omaha
Woman's Club.
Mrs. John lullen, chairman of
the civil service reform committee
of the Omaha Woman's ch. will
have charge of the program at the
open meeting of the club Monday
afternoon, 2:.0 o'clock, in the V.
V. - C. A. auditorium. Dr. Fred
erick Kreuger of the University of
Oniahji,' wiU speak on "State Civil
Service Law."
Piano solos will be given by Miss
Madeline Scott, who will play three
of her own composition s, "The Vil
lain, Hie Brook," and "The Lark."
Miss Gladys Mullen will sing. "The
Swallows," by Frederick Cowen and
"Last Rose of Summer," by Moore.
A violin solo, "Hungarian Dance,"
wilt be played by Miss Alice Horn.
There will be a meeting of the di
rectory at 1:30 p. m.
Sweaters to Near East.
Some Omaha women under the
direction of Mrs. V. T. Graham
have been very generously giving
their time to knitting sweaters to
help keep warm the thinly clad and
under-nourished children of the
Near East. Mrs. J. Finley of the
Nebraska Near East headquarters
announces the shipment Thursday
of a large box of these warm new
sweaters and also a beautiful hand
tnade quilt sent by Mrs. Delia
Thompson of Concord, Neb. The$e
were shipped directly to Dr. and
Mrs. C. K. Gannaway, relief work
ers for the Near East committee,
who went from Stuart, Neb., and are
now at Talas-Cacsarea, where they
have charge of a large hospital, or
phanage and girls' rescue home, car
ried on by the Near East relief.
. Omaha School Forum.
There will be a general meeting
' of the Omaha Schocrh Forum Tues
day afternoon, 4:15 o'clock, at Cen
tral High school auditorium. Com
mittee reports wilt be given, and the
following i officers for the ensuing
year will be installed: G. F. Knip
prath, (president; Miss Virginia El
let, vice president: Miss Nellie
Moriarty, corresponding secretary;
Miss Ora Sallander, recording secre
tary; R. M. Marrs, treasurer: J. A.
Savage and J. F. Woolcry sar-gcants-at-arms:
the Misses Martha
Towcll, RHth Wallace, Ethel Lynn,
Margaret O'Toole and Cassie Roys,
Art Exhibit Sunday. 2 p. m. to V mi,
week days. s. m. to 5 p. m.. Omaha
;iublln library, under susfclce. of Fine Arts
" Omaha Theosophleal Society Sunday, 8
p. m., 216 Lefiang building. Sixteenth
street end Capitol avenue. John T. Kk
lund will apeak on "The Coming of the
iireat Teacher." v
Old People'! Home, Fontenelle Boule
Tard Storulay, 3:30 p. m Rev. H. J. Tay
lor of North Side Christian church win
conduct services. Choir of North Side
Christian church will sing.
Oman Walking dull Sunday, ! :30
a. m., from Twenty-fourth and N fslreets.
South Side, on Itellevue and Fort Crook
lnterurban car. The walk wilt start at 10
a. m. from Twenty-seventh s'.reet station,
Bellevue, going- east one mile, thence south
through LaPlatte. torn'lntto the
party will take the road that runs close
to the bluffs past the old lime kiln to
Dyson's hollow on the Hoctor place. After
lunch the walk will be continued along an
old abandoned road for some distance,
thence west to Fort Crook. Members who
are nuable to mtart early may take the
12:30 p. m. Burlington train to jh Platte.
From there take the road that runs close
to the bluffs, turning to the right at the
lime kiln, joining the main party at Dy
son's hollow on the Hoctor placi about 2
p. m. Miss Lorena Knox and Miss Allle
Houston, leaders.
Bishop Vincent Chautauqua Circle
Monday, 7:15 p. -m., third floor, court
Roosevelt fhautaikiusk Circle Monday,
7:30 p. m.. with Mrs. F. A. Crcssey, 4204
South Twenty-second street.
Dundee Woman's Patriotic Cluh Moiw
da,y. 1 o'clock luncheon at the home oi air.s
lilies Oreenleaf, 4806 Douglas street.
Mrs. Anthony French Merrill Monday,
10 SO p. m., Blackstone hotel. Fifth of
a series of lectures, subject, "What is Art
to Us?"
Delphian Society Monday, 3 p. .m.,
Blackstone hotel. Mrs. Ida Cruse Mc
Farlane of Denver university will sfleak
on "Interpreters of Shakespearean Char
acters." Book Club Monday, 2:30, with Miss
Emily Keller, 432 South Thirty-eighth ave
nue. A talk wilt be given by Mrs. An
thony French Merrill of Chicago, who Is
giving a course of lectures in Omaha.
Association of Collegiate Alumnae
Mondav, 2 p. m called meeting at home
of Mrs. Edgar Scott, 614 South Fifty
second street. Members will sew for baiar
to be given December 6 to 11 at the Table
Supply store, Seventeenth and Douglas
Omaha Woman's flub Monday, S:30
p. m open meeting, Y. W. C. A. audtto.
rlum. Mrs. John Mullen, chairman of the
civil service reform committee, will have
charge of tha program. Dr. Frederick
Kreuger of the University of Omaha will
speak on "State Civil Service Law." The
program will also Include piano solos by
Miss Madeline Scott; vocal solos. Miss
Oladvs Jfuilen, and violin numbers. Miss
Alice Horn. The directory will meet at
1:30 p. ru.
loom Is Chautauqua Circle Tuesday, 2
p. in., Y. W. C. A.
LaKalle Cluh Tuesday, 7:30 p. m
Chamber of Commerce, parlor A.
H. E. L. V. Club- -Tuesday evening,
upper, Sollal Settlement house.
Omaha SpanUh Club Tuesday, 8, p. m.,
110 Patterson block, Seventeenth and Far
nam streets.
' Omaha Woman's Club, Tuhllc Speaking
Department Tuesday. 10 a. m., Y. V. C.
A. Mrs. O. Y. Krlng, leader.
IT. 8. Grant Woman's Belief Corps Ken
sington Tuesday. 2:30 p. m.. with Mrs.
A. M. Gregg, 1131 South Twenty-ninth
Omaha Truth Center Tuesday, I p. m
1 Patterson block, Seventeenth and Far
nam streets. Francis J. Oable of Lin
coln, leader.
' (ivorge A. Coster Belief Corps No. 8?
Tuesday, all-day sunshine party at the
home of tha president, Mrs. Ellen Her
shey, 271 S Titus avenue.
Dundee Morning Chautauqua Circle T
Tuesday. S:45 a. m.. with Mrs. A. B. Teb
bins, 5023 Davenport street. Lesson, chap
ters 1 and 2 In the "New Italy."
Omaha School Forum Tuesday. 4:15
p. m.. Central High school auditorium.
Last general meeting of year. CommKtee
reports will be read and officers Installed
for the coming season.
Alice B. Howard Chautauqua Circle
Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., with .Mrs. Alfred
Thompson. 1044 South Thirty-second
street. Lcfsoj "New Italy," part, i,
chapters 1, 2 rnd 3. Mrs K. O. Hampton
will tell the story of Uaribaldl. Miss
Grace Rowland will give the current
events on Italy. Mrs.. 11. A. Phillips,
leader. '
Omaha Business Woman's Club Tues
day, 6:16 p. m., Y. W. C. A. dinner, fol
lowed by program. Miss Dora Hendrlck,
leader. Miss Jessie Towne, dean of wom
en at Central High school, will give a re
view, of some of John Minefield's sonnets
and late poems. Reservations for dinner
must be made before 9 p. m., Monday, at
the Y. W. C. A. office.
South Omaha Woman's Club, Home
Economics Department Tuesday, 2:30 p.
m.. with Mrs. Arthur Miller, 4413 South
Twelfth street. A representative of the
Nebraska Power company will demonstrate
"Klectrlcl Devices." A lecture on "Prod
uct of Iten Biscuits Co." vyill be given
by a representative of tlve Iten Biscuit
company. Assisting th hostess will be
Mesdames Walter W. Hill, Willis A. Ber
ger and Curtis Cook. '
Omaha Woman's Club. Literature De
partmentWednesday. 10 a. m., Y. W,
C. . OscaOrilder Cralk. who directed
tse Fok last season, will speak on "Fes
Walking Club Members
To Hold All-Day Out
L " ing Sunday.
Members ofythe Omaha Walking
club will have an, all-day outing
Sunday, leaving Twenty-fourth and
N streets, South Side, on the" Delle
vue and fort Crook intcrurban car,
at 9:30 o'clock.
I'd. ...oil- ..ill .tir. - If! m n.
I i iiv nnin mil aitiu a i lu a. in.
kfrom Twenty-seventh street station,
iseiievue going east one mile, tnence
south through La Platte. From La
Platte the party will take the road
that runs close to the bluffs past
the" old lime kiln to Dyson's Hollow
on the Hoctor Place.
Members are expected to bring a
lunch and the leaders will furnish
the coffee, cream and sugar.
After lunch the walk will be con
tinued along an old abandoned road
for some distance, thence west to
Fort Crook. Those who have had
enough can take the car home from
this point. Those who are still
frisky may continue the walk to
Members who are unable to start
early or who miss the 9:30 car may
take the 12:30 p. m. Burlington train
to LaPlatte.
From LaPlatte take the road that
runs close to the bluffs, turning to
the right at the lime kiln, joining
td main nartv at Dvson's Hollow
on the Hoctor Place about 2 p. m.
The Misses Lorena - Knox ana
Altie Houston, leaders.
Fairies of Zion.
Fairies of Zion met Sunday. No
vember 20, at the home of their
leader, Miss Mary Mazel.
Miss Gertrude Kaplan was elected
assistant secretary. Miss Rose Baum
resigned the office of reporter and
Miss Freda Novey was elected to
fill the vacancy.
A Hanukah oroeram wilt be given
at the next meeting, Sunday, De
cember S, at the home of Miss Mol
lie Freidman, 2519 Blondo street.
Plans are being made for a party
to be given at the home of Libby
Kovitz, December 12.
Rockford College Association.
Rockford College association will
meet afte'rnoon at the
home of Mrs. J. ti. Beaton, u
Cass street. '
Church Bazar.
St. Johns parish will hold a bazar
Wednesday evening, December 1, at
Crcighton gymnasium.
tivals and Pas-cants of the Middle Ages."
Roll call, quotations from Tennyson's
Idles of the King. - airs, uawaru iuui-
son, leader.
' Comus Club Wednesday- 2 P- m., with
Mrs. Arthur Hoover. 915 William street.
Correct Diction Class Wednesday 10:30
a. m Y. W. C. A., Prof. EdwinTuls'
Sunshine Club. Maple T-af Chapter
Wednesday all-day session. Masonic
rto.vul O. B. C. Club Wednesday eve
nine, supper and gymnasium, Social Set
tlement house.
Rockford Association Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. J. . Beaton.
5211 Cass street.
tiolden C.low Charity Club Wednesday.
5:30 p. m., with Mrs. Arthur Moots, 3709
North Thirty-sixth avenue.
P. K. O. Sisterhood. Thapter B K
Wednesday. 1 o'clock, luncheon with Mrs.
W. PWherry, 6201 California street.
Clan Cordon. Ladles' Auxiliary No. 63
Wednesday, 2 p. m.. with Mrs. John Jlc
TaggaVt. '4743 North Thirty-ninth street
A. C. A Book Bevlrw Section Wednes
day, 4 p. m with Miss Helen Nason. 8512
Dndce street. "The unm Thirteen'- win
be reviewed by Miss Avis KobertB.
Lecture on Modern History Wednesday,
4 p. m.. Duchesne college and convent of
the Sacred Heart. Thirty-sixth and Burt
streets. Rev. Alfred Kaufman of Crcigh
ton university, speaker. Ilie public is in
vited. '
American War Mothers, Omaha Chap
ter Kensington Wednesday, l:.iO p. m.,
with Mrs. Louise Plamlieck, S71S South
Nineteenth street. Mesd:imes al KUng,
Oscar Hug and Fannie Dahlquist will as- i
sist. -
Biisinetts and Professional Woman's
League Wednesday evening. Hotel Loyal, (
0:15. dinner followed by program. Charles
E. Duffy, president of the Ad Selling
league, will speak on "Service." , Charles
Gardner will lead the singing.
Omaha Woman's Club. Music Depart
ment Wednesday. 2 p. m., chorus rehears
al, followed by program at 3:15 o'clock.
Henry G. Cox. direcftrY Mrs. W. E. Shaf
er, leader. The program which will be
undor direction of Miss Edith May Miller,
will Include violin soloa, composed and
played by Mrs. Lillian Mouseau White;
piano solos, composed and played by Miss
Madeline Scott: soprano solos, composed
and sung by Mrs. L. M. White; string
trio, Mrs. A. F. Anderson, flute; Mrs. Mar
tin Donlon. eollo; Miss Edith May Miller,
piano; contralto solos. Mrs. Patrick F.
Gill, accompanied by Miss Miller.
W. I. L. L. Club ThurEciiy, 7:30 p. m.,
Social Settlement house. '
Ingfellnw Chautauqua Circle Thurs
day, 7:30 p. m., 666 Brandels theater
building. Ella Cornell, leader.
Omaha M'oman's Club, Home Economics
Department Thursday, 10 a. m.. Y. W. C.
A.. George I. Sawyer will give an Illus
trated lecture on "The Biscuit Industry."
r. E. O. Slsterhrtod, Chapter E Thurs
day, 1 o'clock luncheon, at the home of
Mrs. N. Agor, 2318 South Thirty-first
street. Miss Fannie Chandler will assist.
Dundee Chnntnuqna Circle Thursday,
8 p. m with Mrs. Fred Elliott, Jr., 5107
Webster street. Lesson, complete, "New
Italy;" social hour will-follow. Italian re
freshments will be served.
Ornaha Woman's Club, Art Department
Thursday, 2:15 p. m., Y W. C. A. Mrs.
Chnrles Hubbard will have charge of tlve
program. Claudlo Delltala will speak on
"Art In Rome." Mrs. Avery Lancaster,
deportment leader.
Omaha Story Tellers' League Thursday,
4:15 p. m.. with Mrs. Charles Harding,
120 South Thirty-eighth street. Mrs. Wil
liam Dox will tel( the story of "The Lost
Word." by Dyke "Why the Chimes Rang,"
by Alden. will e told by Miss Kate Win
slade and "Grandfather Chrlstmay." by
Alden, will be related by Miss Isabella
Graham. j
Federal Art Club Friday, 8 p. m., Y. W.
C. A.,
Bound Table Chatitapqua Circle Fri
day. 7:15 p. m., Y. W. C. A.
B. T. Club, Hallway Mall Service Fri
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. A.
Bergstrom, 4405 tChicago street
George Crook Woman' Relief Corps
Kensington Friday, 2 p. m with Mrs. G.
W. Seiheimer, 7710 North Twenty-ninth
Jowe Avenue Presbyterian Ladles' Aid
J Friday, 2:30 p. m Girls' Community
league house, 416 South Seventeenth street.
Ralston Woman's Club Friday, !:30
p. m., with Mrs. Robert Ledwlch. The
music department will have charge of the
program. Mrs. Ledwlch, leader.
lecture on English Literature Friday.
4 p. m., Duchesne college and convent of
the Sacred Heart, Thirty-sixth and Burt
streets. Prof. F. A. Stuff of the Univer
sity of Nebraska will speak on "Meredith
and Hardy." The public Is invited.
Kappa Sigma Club of Omaha and Coun
cil Bsjiffs Saturday, 12:30-2:30 p. m'.,
luncheon and meeting. University club.
P. K. O. Sisterhood, Chapter M Satur
day, 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. J. D.
Ringer, 2206 F street Mrs. Lula Mathews
will assist.
League of the Round Table, Beta Chap
ter Saturduy. 1 o'clock luncheon with
Mrs. A. D. Cloyd. 1117 South Thirty-first
street Study topic for afternoon pro
gram. "American Literature and Origin
und Teacliinrt of the Uld-Testament."
MaJ. Isaac Sadler Chapter, D. A. M.
Saturday. 2:30 p. m.. with Mrs. Roland
Jones, 3336 Center street Topic, "Bird
Conservation." Mrs. Myron Le'-rned. author
of "Tha Spirit of Wslden W,:d," will give
a lecture on "Nebraska I'iM,," Stcreop
tlcon views of birds will te shown to. Il
lustrate the leftur. An imitation of bird
calls wlfl be given by Mrs Florence .s:ien
nenberg. Vlctrola records 1U uisu be
uaad to Illustrate bird tails i
Soloist at Concert
The solo feature of the third muni
cipal concert Monday night at the
City auditorium will be presented by
Ethel Josephine. Parsons, soprano.
Her number will be Sir Sidney
Bishop's "Lo, Hear the Gentle Lark,"
with flute accompaniment by Dr. R.
S. Lucke, and Olive Seymour Dusen
bury at the piano. Miss Parsons is
a pupil of Louise Jansen Wylie.
She gave several numbers with dis
tinction at a special Folk song pro
gram before the Omaha Woman's
club October 27. when Mrs. Mafx E.
Oberndorfer, of Chicago, chairman
of music for the General Federation
of Women's clubs, gave a lecture
with songs illustrated by Omaha
Other attractions at the free city
concert tomorrow night include The
Shriners' band with Oscar Lieben,
director; The Girls' and Boys' Glee
club of Central-High School, Carol
Marhoff Pitts, director; the 0. L.
Rhoades Harmony Four, a male
quartet directed by Walter B. Gra
ham; "Misner's Merry Melodies"
featuring Marie De. Coy, dancer;
Roumanian Folk singers from South
Omaha, and community singing led
by Hugh Wallace. The public is
The next free municipal concert
will be given Thursday night, De
cember 23, at the Auditorium, when
Christinas carols will- be sung by
5(H) Camp Fire Girls, in charge of
George W. Campbell.
The Clugo club will meet for supper
Monday evening, 6:30; gymnasium class,
7:.0. Mrs. Charles Musseiman, leader.
Tuesday, Lafayette club supper, fi:30
p m. Dramatic .club rehearsal, 7:30. Miss
Ethel MuPiolland, leader.
Wednesday, Woman's club supper. 6:30
p. m. Recreational and social dancing
classes, I'.tfi to 9:30, Mrs. Noel Wallace,
Thursday, K. K. K. club suppar, 6:30 p.
m. Initiation of new members, 7:30. .
Friday, D. T. A. club supper, 6:30 p. m.
Gymnasium class, 7:30.
Saturday Week-end social dance for all
club members and friends. Lafayette club,
Sunday, Open house, 3 to 7:30 p m.
Dramatic, club members hostesses.
AN all-weather car-this pretty thoroughly describes the
Ford Sedan.
In rain or cold weather it Is a cozy, comfortable, enclosed
car; in warm weather, an ideal Touring car. The plate glass
windows are raised .or knvered in a minute's time. The Ford
Sdan is always in accord with your wishes. Finely upholstered;
equipped with electric starting and lighting system; demount
able rims and tire. carrier in rear; instrument board on dash;
the Sedan is a car of convenience and class and has proven
a favorite. as a family car. Yet, the reliable Ford chassis and
motor are a part of the Ford Sedan and that means low up
keep cost, ease of operation, and durability. The Ford Sedan
is just as popular on the farm as in the city. It fits family
needs everywhere.
Come in and see f7ie Ford Sedan. If you nanl one, place your order nor. Oriefi
are filled in the same sequence ihej are received. Male us your Ford headquarters, es iv '
are experts ivith the famous "Ford After-Service. '
y. w. c. a:
Sunday The members of the Ath
letic club will have a hike in which
any girl, whether a member of the'
Athletic association or not, who en
joys hiking is invited to participate.
Each girl .is expected to bring her
own lunch and cup. Coffee will be
served. The hike will start from
the end of the Florence car tine at
3:15 p. m., and the route will be
along the lower river road.
Monday The members of the
Federated Clubs will meet for sup
per at 5:45 p. ni. At 6:30 o'clock,
club program; 7:30 o'clock, class
work; 8:15 o'clock, volley ball.
Tuesday Rev. E. Lamont Gefr
inger, pastor of the First' Memorial
Methodist church, wilt be the speak
er at the noon luncheon for busi
ness girls. A" special musical program-will
be presented.
Mrs. C. A. Campbell, general sec
retary, has called a meeting of the
secretarial staff for 2":30 p. m.
Members of the Friendship club
frorn South High school, will meet
at tFe South Side center.
Wednesday The" members of
Commerce High School club will
meet in the afternoon at the Cen
tral Branch building.
Thursday The Central Student
club will meet in the afternoon at
Central Branch building.
Saturday Members of the alum
nae club will meet for'dinnerv at
6:45 p. m., followed by a dramatic
try oi t.
Hastings Woman's Club.
The Hastings Woman's club pre
sented an "American Speech" pro
gram at its last meeting, at which
the Hon. Wr E. Andrews was
the principal speaker.
Tho music department is prepar
ing a Christmas program to be given
before the club on December 17.
The civic department will give its
annual children's party sometime in
The club is enjoying an excep
tionally successful year, with a pro
gram that is full of entertainment
and inspiration for students and ac
tive social workers alike.
At the Holiday Season Watches for Gifts
Elgin, 20-year case $17.00
Elgin, 20-year case, 17 jewels .... $26.75
Illinois, 20-year case, 19 jewels,
adjustable to three positions. .. .$30.00
Gruen, 12-size, 19 jewels, thin
model $35.00
Howard, the gift watch
A Luting
The-Ford Sedan
Adkins Motor Company,
McCaffrey Motor Company,
Sample-Hart Motor Company,
Universal Motor Company,
C. E. Paulson Motor Company,
Anna Pavlowa and her "Ballot
Russe" will visit Omaha December
30 under auspices of the Tuesday
Musical club. They will appear at
the City Auditorium. Pavlowa will
be supported by Marie Oleneva, Al
exandre Voliniiie, Ivan Clustine and
other feature dancers, as well as a
corps tie ballet of 40 and a sym
phony orchestra conducted by The
odore Sticr. .
Chautauqua Notes.
Italian refreshments will be
served during the social hour which
will follow the lesson of the Dundee
Chautauqua circle, Thursday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Fred El
liott, jr., 5107 Webster street.
The circle will complete the book,
"New Italy," at this meeting.
Tennyson Chautauqua circle will
meet with Mrs. A. D. Cloyd, 1117
South Thirty-first street, Monday
afternoon, December 6, at 2 o'clock.
The lesson will be to complete "New
Italy." A social hour will follow.
Tea will be served.
Time, the essence of existence, tlje all-powerful, the measure of the world's events, be it
a social function or the destiny of , a nation, has no rival ; yet his every breath and
beat of pulse is recorded by skillfully constructed watches. Hence, the watch, in most
instances, solves the difficulty of choosing the right royal gift.
15-jewel Gruen, 25-year case $27.50
15-jeweI Gruen, 26-year case, very
small $40.00
15-jeweI white gold, small quaint
shaping $60.00
14-karat solid gold Elgin Wrist
Watch ..' $30.00
la-jewei, high grade Swiss move
ment, daintily engraved rose gold
ease, a holiday watch feature. .. .$25.00
(To be worn on either chain or ribbon)
supreme. . .$60.00
From Our Selection of Guaranteed,
John Henrickson
16th at Capitol Established 1882
491,1 South 24th St.
15th and Jackson St. '
18th and Burt Sts.
25.62 Leavenworth St.
20th and Ames Ave.
Social Settlement
H. Br I F. cluh will meet for sup
per at the Social Settlement house
Tuesday evening.
The Royal Q. B. C, club will meet
for supper and gymnasium, Wednes-
Liay evening, at the Social Settle
ment. 1
The W. I. L. L. club will meet, for
sewing at the Social Settlement
house Thursday evening at 7:30
The children's dancing class will
meet Saturday evening from 7 to
8:30 o'clock. There will be social
dancing from 8:30 to 11.
The Social Settlement distributed
37 Thanksgiving dinners among the
residents of the Settlement district.
More t than 400 attended the
Thanksgiving party at the Social
Settlement houses Wednesday eve
ning. The program included quar
tet numbers by the Armour string
quartet and readings by' Eloise Vir
tue. Two little girls of the Settle
ment districtJosephine Enright and
Sarah Janoff, also gave readings.
Refreshments were served at the
close of the program.
Ice in Sickroom.
If cracked'ice is to be used fre
quently in a sick room, it will keep
longer if you tie a piece of clgxi
gauze vor cheesecloth over a bowl
and place the iee on the cloth, thus
letting the water caused from the
melting ice drain through into the
bowl. Then cover this bowl with
another bowl and place a paper bag
over both bowls. You will find this
Will save many steps to the kitchen
for ice.
LaSalle Club. s
L. L. Kinsejr of Burgess-Nash Co.
will speak on "Office Management,"
at a meeting of the LaSalle clu,
Tuesday evening, 7 o'clock, at the
Chamber of Commerce, parlor A.
Rummage Sale.,
The women of "Hanscom Park
Methodist church wi'l hold a rum
mage sale Tuesday, Movember 30, at
2416 South Twenty-ninth street.
N The women voters of Vienna ex
ceed the men by 25 per cent.
Women's Ideas That
Ida M. Mellen "Fished" for an
Idea and Landed a Big One.
Ida M. Mellon had always been
interested in all forms of water
life. y
It occurred to Tier one d.iy that
this natural aptitude ought to
mean more to Ju-r than rohr fish
ing; there must he a knowledge
of walcr life that could be sold
for greater returns than were ever
paid for a day's sport with hook
and line. -v.
She took course after course in
school and college, always with
this objective in view; she would
know more about everything that
had its being in the water, and
she would take that knowledge
to market some day.
That this was a new profession
for women did not affect her de
cisions. She would make her life
work along the lines of things
she loved most, no matter if a
(Copyright, 1320, Thompsou Feature Service.)
nITiSLTfril !!! I y M IMiPWi
Wr.vitWHM III I I VW! ULUMWs:.-Tap
Make It a Jewelry Christmas.
- Diamonds
At the head of the list
ext, a nice piece of 14-K gold Jewelry, Waldomar
Watch Chain, Gold Knife, Gold Latch Key, Gold Cig
arette Holder or Case.
Next, fine Leather Goods with gold corners.
.Next, Sterling Silver Toilet Ware.
"Jewelry Will Make Somebody's Eyes
Sparkle With Joy"
Why fuss about your GiftiT We have by far the largest
stock in town. Every Gift of gold in a velvet case.
We are permanent in our location. Every article guar
People of taste and discrimination are selecting this
wonderful instrument
The Knabe Piano
shown ohljLin our salesrooms and are proud to have
it displayed in their home.
A demonstration will convince,
but not obligate you at all. .
"The House
I of Pleasant
, Dealings"
Gifts of Jewelry are "Gifts that last," and are
constant reminders of the giver's thoughtfulness.
In our immense stock we have the latest Jewelry
Novelties as well as the newest styles and de
signs fin the regular articles of jewelry. Novel
tics include fancy imported necklaces and beads
in new colors and shapes, out-of-the-ordinary
things in rings, hair"rins, mesh bags and purses,
vanities and many other items,
At One-Half to Two-Thirds ,
Regular Value
Our Name on the Gift Package li a Guarantee
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T. L. COMBS '& CO.
louglas St.
Paid Big Dividends
woman had never trod the path
before her.
She talked fish, she studied O-li,
she wrtote fish. There was noth
ing too small nor too great in
the water to attract her. She bc
eaniea stenographer in an aqua
rium that she might have greater
opportunity to study; she was
promoted to clerk; she arranged
the books and tiles and put aJ! in
formation about aquarium life in
logical order.
This was not so long ago, but
now she is the only woman on a
board of 00 men at the head o
the largest zoological association
in the world.
It would have been easier in the
beginning to have set aside such
an ambition, knowing the hard
work it would take' to attain it.
But that was not her idea. t
You hare an idea of what yon
would like to do as your contri
bution to the woild. Don't
drop it. '
C. B. Brown Co.
Diamond Merchants
16th and Farnam
The Treasure Chest of Omaha
and Farnam St.