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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1920)
. ..... .. , The' Omaha Daily VOL. 50 NO. 140. Etwt4 at M!lm alittar Oatlta P. 0. Uiaw Act Of Mi I, im t Mutk a. in. OMAHA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1920. , By Mill (I Mr). I MM, 4th Dalit Sunday. ti Oillj Oalr. Mi . M OvUMa 4tk Zm (I Mf. . Dall M Sunday. IK: Oall Ool. ttf : 0l. tS THREE CENTS Bee ,- 14 Officers Killed in SimdayRiot t Report of British .Ambassador To United States Tells of Wholesale Murders by Sinn , Feiners in Dublin. Secretary, Colby Is Silent By ARTHUR SEARS HENNING. 1 blrafo Trlbano-Omaha Hca Ltatnl Win Washington, Nov. 26. Following a. two-hour -conference with 'Secre tary of State Colby, Sir Auckland Geddcs, the British ambassador, is sued his government's official re port on the murders of the British officers by, Sinn Feiners in Dublin lust Sunday. , The report describes eight raids in which 14 British officers and gov crnment agents were killed in cold blood, many of them in their beds. The document is replete with thrill ing, blood-curdling details , of the atrocities committed in the private houses invaded by the Sinn Feiners. Neither the secretary of state nor the ambassador would discuss the nature of' their conference, but it is surmised that Sir Auckland desired to acquaint . the State department with the contents of the report he was issuing, if .not to presenf his views of De Valera's appeal to President Wilson for the recogni tion of the' Irish republic. ;' Referred to Colby. , The appeal ,wa,s referred by the president to the State department, which is expected to reply to it soonr or later, explaining that rec ognition is not warranted. tfThe eight Sinn Fein raids and the murders committed in connection therewith are described 'in the re- ; port: ' , 1 "Case A, 28 Erlsfort Terrace. One i murderf -.The murderers' , leader rang the bell and asked the maid for- Colonel Fitzgerald. She dis closed the whereabouts of the bed room of Colonel Fitzgerald. The leader then called on about 20 men, whe were in the hall. , The leader entered Fitzgerald's room. The maid heard his shouts and the assassin's voice say: 'Come on.' Four shots were fired In rapid succession. The police found the body in bed in a ( pool of bloor. Fitzgerald was un ' armed and was the son of a Tipper ary doctor, who had been recently employed as' defense officer at the police barracks in Clare: S6me 1 time ago he was kidnapped by Sinn Feiners who tried to shoot him with his own revolver which missed fire. ,fhey then twisted his arm until it -was dislocated, dragged him to a ... field, propped him against a wall and fired at hini.vj'He leaped over the wall and escaped, and had tome to Dublin for sursrical treatment for his arm. He was only a few days out of the hospital before he was ; assassinated. -yV - '- :' 1 Mahon Killed. ''Case B. 22. Lower Mount street. One murder. Two further murders resulting nearby. House bell was rung and as the maid opened the door 20 men rushed in and demand ed to know the bedrooms of Mr. Mahon and Mr. Peek Mahon's room being pointed- out, they entered and five shots were fired. Mahon was , 'I (Turn to Pace Two, Column Two.) - Low Prices Force Two More North Dakota i Banks to Close Doors ... . : Fargo, N. D., Nov. 26. Two more North Dakota banks closed their doors as a result of depleted re serves, bringing to 15 the number of financial institution) vthat have shut down for similar reasons in the past two weeks. Those that closed to day are the Farmers' and Merchants bank at Sherwood, and the Farmers' State bank at Rhamc. In a telephone mutssage from Bis marck, O. E. Loftbus, state bank ex aminer, said: " ' - "The reason for the closing ' f state banks at this time is owing to ., withdrawals exceeding collections to a point where the reserves have be come depleted. .:, , .. " "The primary cause is the sudden drop in prices of grain and stock to a point where, if sold now, will be a severe loss tj the producer, and he refuses to sell." liquor Valued at $160,000 " r Seized in New York Raid , New York, Nov.' 26. Woies and liquors valued at mgre than $160, 000, were seized in a prohibition raid from the establishment of Louis L. and J. Jay Alterman. al- v ready under $32,000 bond and cited to show cause why their license should not be revoked. Included in the seisure are large quantities of port and sherry, 875 cases and 35 barrels of whisky and 125 cases of gin. One Killed, One Missing In Sujphur Springs Fire Sulphur Springs, Tex., 'Nov. 26. ' One unidentified man was buried to death, jinojher is missing and Miss Marie taiclwell of Dallas was seri ously injured in a fire which de itroyed the new Woodall hotel to , iay; Miss Caldwell received her in juries in jumping from a second story window. Roy Stone is miss ing. The cause of the fire has not been determined. High Court Upholds' Gas Tax Law in West Virginia , Charleston: W. Va., Nov. 26. The West Virginia supreme court of ap jeals upheld the constitutionality of tie act of 1919, placing a privilege Ux upon oil and gasoline and'.gas 'jt piped for a distance of more than 10 miles. Under the decision the tax cannot be applied to interstate ship ment of ail and gas, but must be col lected wholly on shipments within Greece Will Vote on Former King's Return Early in Decentber -Athens, Noy., 26. Reasons for the holding of the plebiscite in Greece, December 5, with regard to tt)e re turn of ex-King Constantine to the throne are given m the cabinet's proclamation of the plebiscite, made pubM today. This says: .. "By the elections, the Creek peo ple expressed their will clearly on the question of the dynasty to those who had cast doubt upon the rights of Constantine but a plebiscite will be held so that the people "may again emphasize their tvill and in or der to sjiow that the hrone obeys its motto, "My streng h lies in the people's love.' Therefore a vote will be held December 5. authorizing the government to beg the king to return to the throne." . ,, . The campaign in favor of Con stantine is being conducted in the theaters in the same form as when he was trying to evade expulsion by the allies three yea's ago, perform ers singing the familiar song, "Con stantine," and also new ones. Harding Spends Busy Day; Quits Panama Sunday Proper Military Force for Canal Zone Has" Engaged President-Elect's Atten tion During Visit Ancon. Canal Zone. Nov. 26. (Bv The Associated Press.) Senator Harding devoted today, the last day ot his short visit at the Pacific ter minus of the Panama canal', to rec reation for the most part, although he had several more talks with canal zone officials. - The president-elect rose early for a game of golf and later took a mo torboat ride. Late this afternoon he will leave by train for Cristobal, where on Sunday he will go on board his ship to return to the United States, sailing for Norfolk. , Considers Army Plan. The question of a proper military force for the canal zone has engaged Senator Harding's active attention and he will be particularly interested in plans of the War department to increase that, force to a full division. The senator today had luncheon with Brigadier General Kennedy, com mander of troops in the canal zone, and had a long jttrk with that offi cer. During his? motor ride he in spected the forts off the Pacific end of the great waterway. Senator Harding's address at last night's banquet tendered him by President Porras of Panama created a most favorable impression, judging from comments heard afterward. ; "The cordiality . of your greetings snd .the fine spirit- of yoar? good wishes stir me deeply,' fii said, fac ing -President Porras. - "We are rather more than friendly neighbors, quaffing the cup of most cordial as sociation. We are spiritual partners in one of the gigantic advances of the 20th century transportation. , Praises Canal Zone. "Your freedom and cur genius and resources combined to link the oceans, and the day will come when the commerce of the world will stage its' surpassing pageant here. One cannot escape the inspirations and the impelling influences of . com merce anditrade. The adventurous navigators and discoverers came hither and revealed a western con tinent to the old wcrld, but they came because they were inspired by trade. Trade has made peoples eminent throughout all time, and this fact is no less true today than in the past. I need not assure you anew of the friendship of our United States for your republic.. We aie deeply inter ested in the development of your good fortune. More, we want our proven friendship for you to add to the confidence of all America, North, Central and South, in our people and our government. We crave friendly relations, and we wish to promote them' and make themyabiding. We want a Spirit of fraternal American ism which befits the American con tinent, not in selfishness,' not in rivalry' of the old world, but in a mutuality of interest and ; helpful ness to one another." m - Cleveland Judge Is Indicted for Murder t ; Cleveland, Nov. 26. Wi'lliam H. McGannon, chief Justice of the mu nicipal court, faces trial for second degree murder. , He was indicted by the grand jury making its second in vestigation into the killyig of Har old C. Kagy and will be arraigned before Judge Frank Day in criminal court tomorrow. Judge Day set bail at $10,000. , Late tonight Mc Gannon had net been arrested. , The second grand jury investiga tion of the Kagy i slaying began Thursday, the day after John W. Joyce was acquitted c the crime. Witnesses at the Joyce trial tes tified that McGannon was present at the shooting, after McGannon had testified that he left Joyce and Kagy previous to the shooting. "TRAIN ROBBED!" Two weeks ago, this cry sig nalled the biggest train robbery in the history of railroading at Council Bluffs,, when over $3,000, 000 of currency and securities was stolen. - - It was over 40 years ago that the first train robbery occurred' on the Union Pacific railroad. ' The loot was only $60,000, but that was "big money" in those days. v.-". . .. . The chase was in keepink with frontier days three of the ban dits were killed, resisting capture. This dramatic story of early day life in Nebraska by ' ALFRED SORENSON will appear in ' The Sunday Bee Sinn Fe in A te:d rres Arthur Griff ith, , Mouthpiece of Home Rule Element In Absence ; of DeValera, Taken by , Police. MacNeill Also in Custody By Tha Anoclated Preaa, . DubJin, Nov. 26. Arthur Griffith, founder of the Sinn Fein organiza tion; Prof. John MacNeill, Sinn Fein member of Parliament for London derry City and the National uni versity of Ireland, together with a number of others, including Prof, MacNeill's son, were arrested today by the auxiliary police. Mf. Griffith was to have addressed a meeting of the Irijh Self-Deter- mination league at Manchester next Sunday. Sinn Fein Mouthpiece. In the absence in America of Eamonn De Valera, president of the Irish republic, Arthur Griffith has been probably the most active spokesman in Ireland, for the cause of Irish (freedom. Last night in an interview he charged the policy of reprisals in Ireland was determined uppn by England more than a year ago and inaugurated last March with the assassination of Lord Mayor MacCurtain of Cork. Arthur Griffith came into promi nence in 1917, when he presided at the opening of the Sinn Fein confer ence in Dublin. In a bye-election in June, 1918. he was elected to the House of Commons for East Cavan. Like the other Sinn Fein members, however, he refrained from taking his seat after the general election. , ' Now Is Vice President. x . Last year he was electtd ojie of the vice presidents of the Sinn Fein organization. During the hunger strike of Lord Mayor MacSwiney of Cork he was the author of an appeal to President Wilson and all the heads of the governments on behalf of the lord mayor. ' ' 'Prof. John MacNeill is professor of law in the National University of Ireland. In May, 1916, he was found guilty by a courtmartial of com guilty by' a court-martial of com- yar, and was sentenced to lite im prisonment, but was released duping 1917. In the" general election of 1918 he was chosen to Parliament as a Sinn Fciner, but did not take his seat. . N Taken From-Bed. A statement issued from Dublin castle", the seat of the government, with regard to. the Griffith arrest read: .. . - ' .' -"Arthur Griffith waa arrested at his residence in St Lawrence road at 2 a. m. A large quantity of litera ture was taken from his house. No arms were found. He was in bed at the time, arid was taken away in a motor lorry. He made no state ment. " Hi3 arrest was effected with out trouble." j ' Inspector Is Shot, f Inspector Madden, who has been active against the Sinn Fein move mint, was shot while walking along a street in Cork today. He was not wounded seriously. The court-martial which is trying Directors Martin Fitzgerald and Hamilton Edwards and Editor P. J. Hooper of the Freeman's Journal under the restoration of order in Ireland act, today found the defend ants not guilty on four charges first, making a false statement: sec ond, spreading a report likely to cause disaffection; third, making a statement intended to cause disaf fection, and flurth, making a state ment likely to cause disaffection.; Judgment now will be promulgated on two charges first, unlawfully spreading a false report, and second, spreading a report intended to cause disaffection tiy his majesty. No Formal Charge Filed. London, Nov. 26. The Irish office, in stating this noon that- Ar thur Griffith had been arrested jn Dublin at 2 o'clock this morning, said no formal charge had yet been preferred against him. He was taken away in a lorry to a destina tion not made public. t O'Donnell Dies of I Injuries Received in Los Angeles Race , - Los Angeles, CA., Nov. 26.-?Eddie O'Donnell, facing driver injured yes terday at Beverly Hills speedway, died this morning without regaining consciousness. I The body of Gaston Chevrolet, who died in the crash in which O'Donnell was injured, will be taken to Indianapolis for burial. Mrs. Chevrolet receiyed a telegram from -Louis Chevrolet, brother of the dead man, from Savannah, Ga,, asking whether he should come here. She replied asking him to go direct to Indianapolis to arrange for the funeral. Mrs. Chevrolet will leave Sunday with her husband's body, ac cording to present arrangements. -. Woman Awarded Damages Against New YorkJDoctor White Plains, N. Y., Nov. 26. Damages of $24,486 were awarded Mrs. Sarash Antowill of Yonkers by a jury in the supreme court here in her suit against Dr. Joseph Fried man, under whose treatment-he charges she was severely . burned by an x-ray. i . ; Turkish Forces Advance. t ' Smyrna, Nov. 25. Turkish nation alist forces have advanced is the Ushak sector, about 100 miles' east of this city, and have occupied the townships of Ine-Guel, Simav and Dcmirji. ' The Greek troops that have been holding the, line in this region withdrew without lighting, Hfi T A V drowning I., Nov. 26. Five- h?0 .-m1 Charles Ro Another's life today. es Roberts saved his today. Mrs. Roberts, who is the wife of ,Capt. Perry of a barge, had jumped into the har bor from the barge in an effort to rescue an infant daughter who had fallen overboard. The , baby , was drowned, but the boy threiy his mother a rope, to which she hung until rescued by a tug captain. League Looks to Wilson to Take ' Care of Armenia Great Britain Favors United States Acting as Mediator In Present Extremely Deli cate Situation In East. , Geneva Nov.' 26 (By the Asso ciated Pfess.) The attitude among delegates of the assembly .of the league of nations toward the appeal of the league to President Wilson to act as mediator in the Armenian situation appears to be one 6f hope without expectation that the United States will relieve Europe and the league of an' embarrassing question. Behind the admitted necessity of doingisomething for' Armenia, there1 is . a conflict of European interests I involved. Great Britain, it is un derstood, would look with great dis favor on intervention by any power having rival ' interests. Action by the United States in. Armenia, it is held, would involve no such com plications. , . 1 France May Act. ' In default of action by President Wilson, general opinion here is that France is the country most likely to offer favorable reolv to the media tion appeal made by the council of the league yesterday to the various powers, at the same time the message to President Wilson' was sent Ac ceptance by France,, however, it is understood, would oe on condition of full suoDort by the other powers, The activities of the assembly have been transferred for the time being from the hall of the reforma tion, where the tuil sessions ot the body have been held, to the head- ouarters ot the secretariat. Here the committees and subcommittees were holding sessions throughout the day, .Assembly Meets Tuesday. They will continue. htfr labors until Tuesday, next, when the as sembly will reconvene, hear the first reports of the committees and take up the -resolution of Gtorge Nichol Barnes of Great Britain asking the council to explain why it did not in tervene to prevent the clash between the Poles and Russian ,- bolsheviki last summer., . Committee No. 6 of the assembly has finally settled upon the principle of its report on, disarmament, the French viewpoint prevailing. lhe recommendation will be that disarm ament be imposed only with due re gard for the security of the different states. While a subcommittee is drawing up this report the committee1 is tak ing up the question of an economic blockade as an arm of the league against offending nations. Wilson Receives Note. Washington, Nov. 26. president Wilson received today the appeal of the league of nations that he act as mediator in the Armenian situation. The message reached the White House last night trom ueneva and was delivered to the president this morning. Mr. Wilson already has consented to fix the boundary lines of Armtnia, but there was no information at the White House as to his ideas on' the subject of mediation. Suspects in Jail at Sioux City for Bank . Robbery Admit Guilt Sioux Citv. Ia.. , Nov. 26. Fred Holton, 24, who, with Roy Holman; was arrested Tuesday night follow ing the theft of $1,200 from the State bank at Oto; la., Monday afternoon, broke down last evening and con fessed to the robbery, according to Sheriff W. H. Jones. Holton's ad dress was given at Porterville. Cal. In his confession Holton impli cated Holman as his accomplice in the holdup, and also told where the loot could be found. All but $75 of the money was discovered buried two feet under the ground in a chick en house at Holman's farm, eight miles northwest of Oto, the sheriff said. - . i , Mexico's President-Elect, Returns From Vacation Mexico City, Nov. 26. General Alvaro Obregon, president-elect of the Mexican republic;who has been out of the city for a few days for the purpose of recuperating from an indisposition, arrived here yester day with his family for the in auguration ceremonies. He is much improved in health. i All engagements were cancelled by General Obregon, who announced he intended to observe "Thanksgiv ing." 1,11,1 1 '" 1 Associated Insurance Companies Manager Dies Hartford. Conn., Nov. 26. Her man H. Wilson, 60, general manager of the Associated Insurance com panies and former chief engineer of the United States" bureau of mines, died at his home here last night of pneumonia. He was born in Glas gow, Scotland. ,- i High Tide Closes Mills. Aberdeen, Wash., Nov. 26. The highest tide of the year, 10 feet, four inches, with a strong southwest wind, backed up the water so that the mills on the harbor were com pelled to close for a' few hours. Ths lower ' streets near "he river 'were Allies May Withdraw Greece's Invitation1 to the Feast New Government tments to ' ' . 1 i Be Proposed Soon Abolition of Interior Dcpart ment and Substitution" of . One for Public Works and' Welfare Urged. - Washington, Nov. 26. Abolition of the Department of Interior, crea tion of two new departments one to be known as. .the Department of PAlic Works and .tie other-as the Department of Public Welfare and general reorganization of other gov ernmental, departments is proposed in a bill prepared by Senator Mc- Cormick, republican, Illinois, for in troduction at" the coming session of congress. Senator McCormick ' is now - en route to Europe and the principal provisions of his bill were outlined in a statement issued today from his office. The statement said that the Illinois senator, after completing the measure, discussed the, proposedll changes with Mr. Harding, "who7 expressed great interest in the bill. The proposed Department of Pub lic Works under the bill would in clude all important engineering and building services. The Department of Public Welfare would include various welfare agencies such as the woman's bureau now in the Depart ment of Labor, the pension bureau, now in the Department of the In terior; the public health service, the bureau of war risk insurance, and the vocational training board. The vDepartment of Commerce would be enlarged so as to increase its usefulness to business. . Creation of an office in the Sate department to have jurisdiction over insular affairs and territories such as Alaska, would be provided for. , Mrs. Violet Rowley Marries( Divorced Duke of .Westminster London, Nov. 26. The duke of Westminster and Mrs. .Violet Mary Geraldine. Rowley were married this morning. The wedding occurred at a local registrar's' office. The duke was divorced last De cember by the duches, who before her marriage was Constance Edwina, daughter of Col. William Cornwal-lis-West. A separation agreement had been signed by the couple in 1V14. ?leyc0.vMv'the?T0'n( est daughter of Sir William Nelson of Acton, jCounty . Denbigh, Wales, obtained a divorce decree Novem ber 15. ; Rules on Transportation -I, ' Of Intoxicants Ready Soon Washington. Nov. 26. ieAila- lations governing the transportation ot liquor by owners trom ware houses to their residences, necessif tated by the recent supreme court decision, are expected to be issued shortly, by thebureau of internal revenue. Rapid progress, is-being made in framing the rules officials said. . . Bandits Rob Jewelry Store Of $10,000 in Unset Stones Duluth, Nov. 26. Two men held ub the jewelry store of A. L. and N. J. Hendrickson and after throw ing ammonia in A. L. Hendrickson's face, escaped with unset diamonds valued at $10,000. 1 - Tokio Officials Resign. Tokio, Nov.-' 26. Viscount Tajira, mayor of Tokio, and other officials resigned in consequence of the in vestigation which has been started into graft -scandals as a result of Depar ' Copyright: 1920: By Tba Cblcan Tribunal Many Children Need New Shoes No Salaries or "Overhead" .- ' ' Expense In The Bee's Free . Shoe Fund. Thanksgiving day is over: ' But itill many little children in Omaha are. without shoes to meet the cold weather that is ahead. As an evidence of your thankful ness for what you have, wouldn't it be a good plan to give something to The Bee's fund which provides shoes for th little children -of : Omaha's worthy poor? Only by this pmafe charity can they gtt shoes. Every cent you give goes to buy shoes. Not a cent for salaries or "overhead" expens. - It's a practical charity and the need is very pressing.' Previously reported ; $2(2 SO The Walworth Family 6.00 The Brown Family 6.00 Dr. H. C. Parker 6.00 Wr. and Mrs. a. CatUon, Gothen- burg. Neb. . g.oo Mamie Talcott 6.00 Fred Buach . . .-. 6.081 Total t 22.60 Committees Hold Third Meeting on Free fridge Project Representatives of the free bridge committees met in the Chamber of Commerce yesterday to discuss the advisability of constructing a free toll bridge between Omaha and Council Bluffs, proposed by Mayor Smith.' , The mayor of Council Bluffs, Mayor Ed P. Smith of Omaha', and the Chamber of Commerce were represented.' This' was the third meeting of ,the committees.' No definite action was taken, it being deemed advisable by John L. Mc Cague, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce committee, to take time to determine the need of the bridge, and if one is agreed upon, learn definitely what it will cost and where it shall be located. The Chamber of Commerce, which apparently is holding the matter in abeyance, will meet within ten days, when'lt is expected a definite stand on the proposition will be taken and submitted to the other two com mittees. ' London Times Pays Tribute To Work of American Navy London, Nov. 26. The Times pays high tribute to the co-oporation of the United States navy with the British navy in the world warf and especially to Rear Admiral William S. Sims, commander of the Ameri can naval j forces in the. war zone, which- the newspaper says it would have been indiscreet to pay "during the controversy" ,of . the election period. -i . . '' , ' "The American sailor, who is the symbol to us all of that wonderful of common' effort and of com mon victory, is Admiral," says the Times. ... --, f ; ; , ; i League Assembly to Meet ' ; , Again On Next Friday Geneva, Nov. 25. It was an nounced after a meeting of the steer ing committee of the assembly of the league of nations, this morning that the next meeting of the assembly will-be on Tuesday, November 30. I Veteran Reporter Dies. Chicago, Nov. 26. Charles Grit man, 57, pioneer newspaper reporter, who claimed to have furnished Hall Caine with the plot of hijl novelr "The Eternal City," died today. Grit man tried to obtain a share of the royalties when the novel was pub lished, but his claims were not al lowed. He began his newspaper career on the Chicago Inter-Ocean, 16-Inch Guns Are Urged for Naval; Bases' Defense Army Engineer Chief Recom J mends Major Caliber Ar-1 mament Must Be Stuffi- cienj to Protect Coast. Washington, Nov. '26. Adequate defense of naval bases calls for the installation of no major caliber ar mament of less than 16-inch guns, JtfljaXhrerJ4srswg'- Beach, chief of engineers, Ideclares" in his annual report, made public today. The armament' must possess power and range sufficient to oppose suc cessfully any which can be brought against it by a hostile navy the re port asserts, and should be placed on fixed mounts. , Existing armament should noti be removed, General Beach says, as it has an important function in consti tuting interior and secondary lines of defense,, especially against ar mored raiding vessels or first line ships able to pass the outer main line of fortification. . ; Construction of a comprehensive .system of interior roads and water ways, especially along the frontiers, is of great necessity as a measure of defense, the report said. The renort contains recommenda tions for a 10-year program of road construction m Alaska as, outlined by the board of road commissioners for Alaska. Buildiner of an addition al 700 miles of new road at-a cost of $10,000 a mile is proposed. Three classes of roads are con templated: Arterial, or feeder high ways; developments roads, the loca tion of which has not been deter mined, and the prtsent road and trail system, which would be continued. Companions of Slain Pittsburgh Man Make "Confessions,'' Report Philadelphia, Nov. 26. Peter D. Treadway and Marie Phillips, "alias Williams, arrested yesterday in Wheeling, W. Va., in connection with the killing of Henry T. Peirce, manufacturing agent, . arrived here last night in custody of local de tectives who assisted in their arrest. - The prisoners made separate "confessions," according to the de tectives. Both insisted the slaying was actually done by "Alf Smith" and a man known to them only as "Jack." ' Investigation in Vheeling, de tectives declared, virtually has estab lished that two other men had a hand in the killing of Peirce. Gas Overcomes Family of , . Sioux City Publisher Sioux City, la., Nov., 26. Eugene Kelly, manager of ihe Sioux Qty Tribune, his wife, four children and four ' doctors were" overcome by heating gas escaping from a defec tive water heater in the Kelly home here last "night All were uncon scious Mr. Kelly for two hours, The doctors were overcome ' after they were called to the home to at tend the family. .' v TJie Weather . Forecast ; , Fair Saturday; not much chang in temperature. y i Hourly Temoeratures. A a. m la f 1 p. m....... .40 .40 .40 .41 .41 .41 At .43 a. m, ...s t n. m . 7 a. m... a. ... S a. a.,. Ia. ia... S p. m 4 p. n 5 p. m p. m 7 p. m a p. m , ...S7 ...37 , ..SH . ..3 11-a. ... 1 noo ,, . .40 Kliluiitra' FrotKt Milnmonu riurlna th naxt M llnllrttn. to 34 hours from tompcraturca an fol low!: Nnrth. 30 lKri: weit, li Collins is Traced, to Colu in b us Man 'Sought in Conncctioi With Bluffs 'Jiil ltohbcry Recognized (by Railroad Men There Gives Sister 5 $10 Bilk V," ' ! Columbus, Neb., Nov. 26. Keith Collins of Couucil Bluffs.Ja.', sought in connection with the robbery of Burlington train No.' 8 In that city on the night of November 13. at which time securities worth $3,500,- 000 were stolen, was in t this city. Wednesday, it became known here today when federal men conferred with the local authorities. While in this city he visited at the home of , his sister, Mrs. Lottie Laughlin, and upon bis departure Wednesday night made her a pres-. ent of five $10 bills. ' Leaving his sis ter's home, he engaged a taxicab U take him to Fullerton, Neb. , Collins Recognised. While in Columbus Collins 'was recogvlzcd by railroad men who kn&w tjim when he was a fireman on the Union Pacific '. railroad, in this city. In engaging the taxicab driver' to take him to Fullerton he stated that his mother was .dying and he must get to her bedside in a hurry. ,'. : Arriving in Fullerton, according to federal officers, he dismissed the drivser from Columbus and engaged another' to take lwnrto St. Edward, where he has a brother. The fed eral officials now in Columbus fol lowed -his trail to St. Edward, where he apparently dropped out of sight. ,';. When Collins arrived in Colum bus he had two suitcases, but the taxi .driver who took him to Fill- i lertoii stated that , when he left he carried but one. 'The, six federal officers now here searched the home of his sister to day, but failed to find any trace of the missing suitcase. , Deny Auto Found in Omaha Was One Used by Bandits According to Council Bluffs po lice and federal officials who investi gated the rohbery of the Burlington fast mail train on November 13, the automobile found by Omaha police in a garage owned by Mrs. H. J. Albright, 3070 Mason street, was not the one said to have been driven by Keith Collins the night of the robbery. They say that an automobile of the same-stake which; is bcimr held at Bluff r -police "headquarters, - was ' the one used by the mail robbers. This machine is the property of C. VV. Moats, 417 Park avenue, and was stolen from the Union Bacific transfer on October 24, about the time the young mail thieves say they first planned the robbery. Moats Knew Coilins. Moats was personally acquainted with Keith Collins, being sought by federal authorities for implication in the mail robbery, and with Fred E. Poffenbarger, under arrest ae lead- (Turn to Page Two. Column Toiir. Former Salt Lake City Mayor Sentenced on 23 Separate Charges Salt Lake City, Nov. 26.--Plead-mg guilty , td 23 charges of misap propriation' df public funds, S. Ed mond A. Bock, former mayor of Salt Lake City, was sentenced to an indeterminate term in the state prison of not to exceed five years on each charge. Sentence was passed by Judge Harold M. Stephens in the district court. Bock will not be required to an swer charges of forgery preferred against him in connection with his extraction of $12,000 from city funds during his tenure of office as city auditor. The forgery charges were dismissed on motion of District At torney Frank S. Richards, who stated that he construed the for geries io be only steps in obtaining the money and to be included in the misappropriation charge. Since the discovery of the .shortage in city funds, Bock had been at liberty ou $10,000 bonds. -ii i .,. i I ,T ..m , , . ' College Senior Killed by Fellow, Student, Jury Says Philadelphia, Nov. .26. Elmer C, Drewes, Dartmouth college senior, whose body with a bullet hole through the head, was found in the outskirts of this city, October. 17 came to his death "from a gunshot; wound in the brain inflicted bv William P.. Brine's," according to the verdict of the county grand jury. The verdict .was reached after the jury had, listened to a large number oi witnesses, including the parents of the victim. Brines is a sophomore at the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. ' Bodies of Two Taken From Canadian Wreck Identified Toronto, Ont.. Nov. 26. The bodies of two persons killed in the wreck of the Grand Trunk flier near here last night -were positively iden tified as those of M. J. Sullivan of St. Louis, and Emmanuel Brown, a sleeping car porter. An official statement issued by the Grand -Trunk railroad denied that more than two persons lost their lives when Pullman coaches of the flier left the rails and were side swiped by a passing freight train.' Several passengers were , seriously injured. Window Shades DoWn4' New York. Nov. ' 26. Prfce .re duction of approximately 33 1-3 per' cent on window shades U an- t i l ' . i t - 1 Tomgrrow, by lha Co ' 3 v.' - .'. '-.