Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1920, Image 7
', 1 THE BEE:' OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1920. ' .'s Scout Cruiser of U.S. Navy Will Be Christened Oriiaha Secretary .v Daniels Requests Mayor Smith to Select, Wo man Sponsor Launch ing Next Month. By E, C. SNYDER, tViwhtngton Correspondent OmalU Bee. Washington, Nov. 2$.--(Special TelcKram.) In a letter to Mayor Smith Secretary Daniels of the Navy department announces he has as signed the name "Onfalia" to Scout Cruiser No. 4, in honor of the Gate City. ? ,i, Th vessel is being built by the Todd Diy Dock and Construction corporatir.n, Tacoma, ' Wash., and NiJl probably be completed Novem ber 1.1 921. .He ajiki the mayor to HesignaK a woman to acms sponsor for this vessel which is to be hunched next month, December 4., at Tacoma. " - " TJie old Omaha was a sloop-oT-war and was placed In commission Sep tember 12, 1872; placed out of com mission June 20, 1891 and was Mrieken from the navy register fulv 10, 1914; length, 250 feet; beam. 38 feet; displacement, 2.400 tots, and draft. 16 feet. It was launched June 10, J3C9. tt the navy y&rd. Philadel phia.! ...... T)fe Omaha , was attached to the South' ?acific station under the com mand of Rear Admiral George II. Treble mid made cruises around the coast of South America, Hong Kong, Vladivostock, Yokohama.' Honolulu sad Guatemalan On the night, of February 8, 1920, an extensive fife? occurred on shore in the native town of Hodogaya, a suburb of Kanagawa. A detachment of officers and men was landed from the Omaha at the" request of the Unit ed States consul general and rendered excellent (service in checking the "flame s. The assistance rendered was cordially Acknowledged by the gov ernor of Kanagawa. f Caot. ldhn -C. -Pebiger, Com mander William K. Mavo, Capt. P. C Johnson and Capt. 'L. A. Kim berly are a few of the officers who had romma'id tf this vessel. Brief City News t Man Demands Entrance To Home and Is Shot Rudy Masilko, 2205 South Sixth street, lies in the city jail with a bul let wound in his leg end charge of Intoxication and disturbing the peace after bis name on .the polje blotter. Rudy, with i man named Sam Kish, who escaped, hurled a bride on the front porch of the home of Mrs. Anna 'Jackson, 1422 South Tirteenth street, Wednesday night and cat on the door, demanding they be allowed to see a Tim' Shee han, according to Officer Sinclair, who investigated, v. - The woman ordered tlem from the premises, accordi fig to the offi cer, and when the pair refused to leave, fired a revolver through the door. One bullet pissed .through Masilko'i left ttg. Aftetjhe wound was dressed, he was thrown in jail. ni " , Enter through Kitchen v Through the kitchen door came burglars into the home f Mrs. F. E. Benson, 24.13 South Seventeenth street, Wednesday night. They atole clothing and other articles worth $300. . . -u,-. , . ADVERTISEMENT When ueis-ii Comes Corns G o Painless, Sfire, Quiik- ! hi. 2-Drcjp, 2-5eeonde Wonder. There Isn't fount on th iim to. for a torn and two or three dropa of "C.U-1C so the corn curl? up. shrivels and peeli off in your flnirers so easily that yop art aim r'y ciatur.ishf ;', because you eaft't feel it. i:i)oitli Serves llniHTTho Ep worth Lesitue of the llrst Metho dist church. Twentieth Rnd'Dnveh port Rtreetu, served Thsinksgivinpr illnncv tti over 100 youiiR i.tsr'.e of Omaha, most of whom were young .folks without; homes. Aluinnne to Mort The JIanderian Alumnae ticsoftlntlcn will meet at the home Miss Trances Howell, 138 " South Thii4y-fourthvti-e't, Saturday afternoon,, j,. ' Aii ftaflart engineer,- claims to have discovered a method Whereby static .ftectrleitit can be drawn, from the atmosplKrf,- a$d transformed nun (ivnanuc energy. Don't Be a Cora Cripple Use "Coto-lt", You actually wonder whether It can fce true that .you wen along .for ttonthi enduring such misery ( ha . Jrotl could have had such easy and quick relief. Bo yotl doubt? Prove it at our risk. Your mn thaorfiill frfuttdoil if "fiets-lt" fails. Be sure you get the genuine. fbT 4 is nothing else like "Gets-H." mom wr drnirirists everywhere costs but trifle. Mfd. by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, I CHOICE OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF 4. 4W i tW jr - " ,,.T' if I fK 1 v4 7 jit.- ' v -at f I'M 1 HI iVli.vt Wis .T,? I 1 i N't f 41 si :K3 4il nerf f at 1 'As this great sale includes ou r entire stock, it is needl ess for, us to attempt to .describe them, for there $re " ' ' - . DRESS HAtS TAILORED HATS FUR HATS FEATHfeR H ATS K SPORT HATS BANDED HATS , ETC., ETC. , , - " . In fact there is every kind of a hat here for your selection, and re ; gardless of its former pricing, if has been reduced to $5.00 f or Fri- day's selling.'v': xVJrr .-.. -, ' - . "" I '.- - ',."Tf..v V : " . . They. nre made of such materials as Smartly trimmed with such furs as Squirrel. Mink Mole Seal -Kolinsky Etc. Brocade Fur ' ' Duvetyne Velvet Maline Lace, Etc ; ; : No C. O. Ds. 1 No Returns. ' ;,Nq Exchanges.. " J - ' ...... t vj . 1, . . . They may be had, in such colors as Black Brown Copen , Blue , " .Gray ' Sand Etc. Models "frbni such makers as Gage .Bfuebircl VVorchauer Gold Lpre Bruck-Weitf ; Etc. 1 Second Floor B.J i,,.. - ii hum rintin ii ii i iiir-'---' rrnr-irmm1 1 n i,-, lJ v ' 1 i'V .vi We oi iiu tviuiiiat ,vl UAViiMiigvo, : (( . . fy, fcu ", ' 1 y " ' , " , .Second Floor - , ' v?1 : : : 1 ' . r - IK ' ' An ' F ' -rJ i' Thi. i. ju.t on o.ampU of what "Old Mao U IT VlpSkl TP! VI A lTll II TTl?i7 lV'la IPI )W ' ' . ..t - EVERYtiODVi STORE : r0 , ' ' '" 'JpM-l Oh! Look Kiddies! in Friday "night's ; -papers we're going to tell you about Great Bi Ghristmas We have prepared for you. And Don't Forget to tell mother and dad about this, too, because liey will enjoy it just as much as you will. Burgess- BVBRYBODYS STORK" will offer for Friday 5'Old Man Dollar'"- I .SDy 4 :i xis olroud to anndiince u ill ' - - . ' .La. AH ill hsStvk 'i. mat .5ivvv!y hi itruiu ninntMjas m. . ' I v M!m "Dime" Dolh, ' i I ami m 111 . ' II . II I ..' II . I II 1 Muck l -. . jgiiB ..liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii II w - owe Is- i 0 These Towels are a fine quality of huck, in all white, or white with red borders. All are neatly hemmed. They, come in two sizes 18x34 inches, and 18x36 inches.; A Liniit of Five to a Customer. Dowaotalro Stor !cve: HYCOOYB V Old Folks' Coughs 'a. bar KOf 9 will l Mtevod ttfmpOf pf eo'a. ttoM throat tickles relieve. IrritslioA. The remedy toattd fey aero taaa Aftr root of im U Skin Tcrtad Babies Sleep After Cuticura Sol!Sa gSrT5cRt.KUmGliWriUtHlA AND Ml PWH 1 b ' " olftj ,PW , .r . .