Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1920, Image 4

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The marriage of Miss Gertrude
Pfeiffer and John Cuesnut took
place Thursday at high noon at the
home ot the bride a mother, Mrs.
William I'feiffcr. Rev. Arthur
Atack officiated. There were no
attendants and only the Immediate
relatives were present. The' couple
will reside at the rfeiffer home.
Turkey Dinner Opens Baxar.
The women of the First Central
Congregational church will hold
baxar at the church building Wed
nesday and Thursday of next week.
The bazar will open Wednesday
evening with a turkey dinner, which
will be served from 6 until 8 o'clock,
Reservations for the dinner may
he made with Mrs. J. C. Lawrence,
- Walnut 0804.
At Home.
! Rev. Thomas Casady, pastor of
All Saints church, aand Mrs. Casady,
. will be at hopie New Year's day
.to all Omaha friends.
Ko Kio!
xKo Kio club will give a dance
- Saturday-cvening at the Blaekstone,
r W. A. Pixley has returned" from
i a business trip in itucagq. ,
A son was born Wednesday at
Stewart hospital to Mr. and Mrs.
' W. R. Murray.
' A son was born to Mrs. and Mrs.
W. II. Young, Wednesday, at, the
Stewart hospital. :. y- (
' John R. Norris of Culpepper, Va.,
.is visiting at tne noma oi
brother, Edgar Warren Norns.
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Wear an
nounce .the birth of a daughter tm
Sunday at the Stewart hospital.
Mr. T. W. Towle and Miss Ma
rian Towle returned Wednesday
from Chicago where they spent scy-
oral weeks. -
-"Mr. and Mrs. Edgar MVHorsman,
Jr., are stopping at the Hotel Lv
layette, Washington, D. C. A. L.
Mauer is also at the Lafayette.
Dr. and Mrs J M. Keys, who
have been residing at Ihe Pram
ford, will" occupy the F. J. Fitz
gerald home' at Thirty-eighth and
I Dodge streets after December U
' Omahana stopping at the Hotel
McAlpin, New York -fity, during
the past week have been: Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Daleial. Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Cassidy, C. E. Childe, F, W.
Hoffman, J. & Young, F, H. High,
and W. Exleye.
" Miss Margaret Faulkner returned
Wednesday from Lincoln, where she
attends school, to ipend the holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mra.
Thomas Faulkner. She will have as
ber guest Miss Mary Hengel of
Pierre, S. D., who is also a student
at the University of Nebraska.
mi.- It--., i. Tf'Uit- 0'"
. During the doctor's visit vWiea
few words in the blank spaees ,a.
a chart opposite the words "rrtedi
cine," "diet" and "general care." wd
so avoid mistake. The, doctor con
siders it a great help and has rec
v ommended the chart habit to other
pothers. It helps the burden ' pf
Cursing inevitable in a large family.
s t II
Friday Clubs.
- Federal AH Club Friday,
S P.
.m., .t.
W. C A. .....
Wet oauana Motnera vnnure
Round Table f'hnuUuauu Circle Ttriay,
1:15 p. ., Y. W. C A. -.. . v-
W. I. L. I Clnb Friday, T:S pi an,
tewing at Soolal Settlement house. ''
Minno lums Woman's Club Friday 2:30
p. m , I with Mra, M. B. Jamlecon, Hi
Bauman avenue. .
W omul's Auxlllariee, Kplncopal Churchea
of ttrearter Omaha Friday. 2:30 p. m.,
trinity cathedral parish house, 1013 North
Eighteenth street. Section B ot All Saints
phurch will have charge ot the program. .
J-Good Luck" Is a
Matter of Proper
l Measurement
There is no such thing as "good
luck" or "bad luck" in cooking if
the recipe measurements are abso
lutely accurate ana tne nousewue
' understands the range. Although
many authorities advocate measur
'iag out beforehand all ingredients
Vieeded for the dish to be prepared,
. practical woman will readily
ei that this makes necessary the
vse of too many measuring utensils
' and dishes. It is much better al--.Vays
to keep standard half pint
"measuring cups in the sugar and
flour cans, teaspoons in the salt jar
'or tea canister and tablespoons in
the coffee can, corn starch jar and
'so on. During the average morn
ing's cooking it should not be neces-.
ary to use more than two etra
, measuring cups, one for Ingredients
, not already provided with cups, the
ether for fats and. liquids. There
should also be a teaspoon and a
tablespoon each for dry and liquid
The equipment for' accurate meas
uring is as follws: On? standard half
pint tin or aluminum measuring cup,
one standard half-pint glass measur
ing cup, one standard half-pint pitch
fcr cup for use in making mayonnaise
nd the like, each divided jnto thirds
and quarters; one quart aluminum or
tin. cup, divided into quarters, and
standard tablespoons and teaspoons.
To measure a cupful oi any dry
incident, fill it full an dlevel off the
top with a knife, taking care not to
pack it-in. A spoonful should be
measured in the same way it should
never be "rounded" unless specified.
To measure half an ordinary tea
spoonful fill it level, scraping it off,
and divide the contents into halves
lengthwise. Flour, confectioner's
"sugar, baking soda and any other in
gredient 'which is liable to lump
should be sifted before measuring,
while mustart, baking powder, etc,
which -settle from standing in
can, should ke stirred to lighten.
i A cupful or spoonful of any liquid
is as much as the utensil will hold
without running over. All fats, as
butter, oleomargarine, lard or drip
pings; are packed down andJeveled
before measuring. When they are to
. j ?. :r:-J 1 .L.
oernenea u is spccuicu in urc jc
"xeYpt Sixteen tablespoonfuls level
kif anvthing will fill a half-pint cop.
In oreoaruiK a nortion of a recipe
- .- f - !..i.L. -l l :.
this rule wilj be found a great help.
to-Ura, Allen Cook Book,
To Be Fourth Debutante
I I. .v " '"""V" V- 'f
1 - TV J
I e i ', '
I V ,vi 1 ! S
Among those for whom large hol
iday parties arc planned is Miss
Dorothy Judson, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. F. W. Judson. Her par
ents will give a formal dancing par
ty in her honor Christmas eve, De
cember i at tne note, aiackstone.
Miss judson will ' be tne loqrtn
debutante of the year.
, , , ' i,
What's What
In a lone-imoorted and half-for
gotten story there was a well-mean
ng new hostess " who urged her
gnes,ts at breakfast in this wise:
"Have a good breakfast now; there's
a long day before you. Try that ba-rnti-winsi
and aixoence a oound
have another cup of tea; don't
dc airauu, n s liic Meat uiaukc . v-
koe-5 shillings a pound" and
t on. -
M present the high cost of eating
isAan intensely even painfully in
teresting question to every family,
but it should be reserved for family
discussion. To say the least, it is
rather embarrassing hospitality to
tejl an invited guest what it costs
to feed him. Table talk may cover
a widij variety of subjects, but es
pecially when guests are present
there are some topics distinctly
taboo and one of these "verboten"
themes"1s the cost of. provisions.
(Copyright, 1S2D, by Public Ledger C6.)
Problems That Perplex
. Answered by
Dear Miss Fairfax: . Nearly two
ycara ago I met a girt of 17 at a
dance whose beautiful curls and
charm fascinated me deeply. Since
then I have called on her, and she
la return has visited at my home.
Now during the course of our
friendship my fascination has rapidly
rlpined into love. Nothing seems
too good or expensive for me to buy
for her. I get anything that will
make her happy, and she- always ac
cepts my gifts. -- - "
One night last week as we sat
talking I told her of my love, and
he frankly, though sorrowfully, told
me she had never thought ot me in
that way and didn't think she ever
would., Still, willingly she offered
me her -lips for a kiss. I accepted
them, knowing she did not care for
me, but I could not resist Now
sho's ashamed! Was this worse than
accepting my gifts? 'A.
Accepting your gifts was an un
worthy, because a selfish and mer
cenary thing. However, even to
that there'a the "other side" the
girl may have hated the thought of
hurting you by refusing what you
so generously offered. But at the
moment of refusing the love you of
fered, her kiss waa a delicate and
tender thing offered because she
grieved at having no more to offer
one f whom she had grown to fond
-even If sot in Just the way he
hoped for. So there's no reason
why your friend ahould reproach
herself too deeply. Your letter sug
gests that she may be capable of
fine, deep feeling, and that tf you
are worthy of her best Instead of
yielding to the charm ot her beauti
ful clothes . and winning mannersV
you may yet win her.
V- Temperance Punch
A, very tasty temperance punch
fran be. made of cranberry juice.
Cook a few fresh mint leaver in a
pint of cranberry juice for five jnin
utes. Remove leaves. Add the juice
of four lemons and six oranges and
two quarts of boiling water and-the
juice from a small can of nineann
USweeten cautiously to taste. Add
the pinapple . chopped into tiny
cubes and 'garnished with slices of
ipranges. fcerje jiot pc cow.
Cranberry Cherries ,
Many women find that the mar
aschino cherries they used to use
to decorate cakes cr other des
serts are either too' high for their
purpose or, else unobtainable. . Cran-.
berries win again come ; to your
aid. From cranberries ' one can
J, make delicious "mock cherries." ,.
rick out a cuptul of pertect ber
ries. Put them in a small saucepan
and add half a cupful of sugar and
one-fourth of cupful of water.
Place the saucepan on the back of
the stove or over the simmer burner
and let them cook very, very slowly
until they become translucent. Pick
them out carefully with a sterile hat
pin and let them dry on a greased
plate. They keep a long time in-a
dry place and add a bright bit of
cheer to many plain little dtsert9.
Holly leaves may be cut from thin
slices of citron and the mock cher
ries grouped as holly berries in dec
orating a cake iced with white icing.
Get instant relief with
"Eape's Cold Corrfbound"
Don't stav stuff ed-uol Quit blow
ing and snuffling I A dose of 'Tape's
Cold Compound taken every two
hours until three doses are taken
usually breaks up a cold and edds all
grippe misery. v - ; ':
The very first dose opens your
clogged-up nostrils and the air pas
sages of, your head; stops nose run
ning;1 relieves the headache, dullness,
feverishness, , sneexing, soreness,
stiffness. . . . ' '
Tape's Cold Compound" is the
quickest, surest relief- knovn and
costs only a few cents at drug stores.
It acts without assistance. Tastes
nice. Contains no quinine. Insist
on Pape's! .
Affords protection against in
fectioas diseases. All prudent
persons should avail themselves
of thi dependable germicide, .
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get
at the Cause and Remove It
Dr. Edwards' Olive tablet", the sub
stitute for calomel, act gently on tbe
bowels end positively do the work.
v People afflicted with baa breath find
5 trick relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive
ablets. The pleasant, sugar-coated
tablets are taken for bad breath by
all who know them.
Dr. Edwards OliveTablets act gen.
tly but firmly on the bowels and liver,
stimulating them to 'natural action,
clearing tbe blood and gently purifying
the entire system. They do that which
dangerous caJomel does without any
bf the bad after effects. - .
All the becefits of nast wckening,
wiping cathartics are rjsrftjd from
Dr. Edwards.' Olive Tablet without
griping, pain or any disagreeable effects.
. Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered tha
formula after seventeen year of prac
tice among patknts afflicted with
bowel and fiver complaint, with the
attendant tad breath. i .
Olive Tableta are purely a Vegetable
compound mixed with olive oil; you
will know them by their olive color.
Take one or two every night for a week
aad note the effecti15c aadSvV
: - - '
Pa.vlowa Wins
New Admirers
Agile Pavlowa is winning new ad
mirers on the sge and retaining her
old ones; "The New York World,
under date of October 19.1920, says
of her appearance in that city:
"After an absence of several years,
AVna Favlofta ?tld her ballet danc
ers returned to the local stage .last
night at the Manhattan Opera house.
"There was a hearty welcome wait
ing the artkt from n large and fash
ionable auqience that included not
only the friends of the Russian-artist
bufthat was .augmented by persons
interested in the Navy club, which
organisation shared in the proceeds
of the evening. '
"Mme. Pavlow seemed to be her
old self, as agile, as active and as
graceful as when she left She can
do everything other dancers can and
has, in addition, her dwn stock of
dancing tricks that are denied others.
"The opening tallet last night,
'Otnarilla,' in one act, presented the
Is Your Blood Starving for Iron?
7-Then at Spinach and Apples
And Re-enforce Tem With a Little Organic Iron Instead
Of Taking Stimulating Medicine
If your house were falling down M a renlt ef a
bad (oandatioa you would aot wuU your tlmi
lercly proppli
n( it up, but you would replace
(ad airenginen ine lounoaciou, inw iran
la the foundation of your blood. . Wtie
rour blood, w
iron no no
u right. You i
lur Qiooa. , wneH your
blood it atarvioi lor iron no nan tonics n
.atimulanta cam put you right. You muat ha'
Iron.f or withoutlron your blood cannot absorb
nd assimilate yourl ood si t should and n6 thing
You do not get tht atrtngth out ft it. To get
organic iron you muat ant the Pla of fruit
you eat eoes you tot proper amount oigooo
md vefMglea ana tna, nuaia a grains aa our
orafatbera did, or take organic Iron from Omo
to tint and aat mora auch tnncentainuig fooda
as spinach and apples. But be sure that the iron
you take is ecaaic iron and not metallic iron or
mineral iron which people usually taice , aa metal
lic iron is iron just as it cornea from the action of
Strong add oa small pieces of iron, and is
an entirely different thing from organic iron.
trpr aaie by Sherman ot A)cConneIl5
There'a No Picture like the
' The greatest master-pleeeinthe
Art Gallery of Life it Nature's
"Picture rf Health." . . .
ttlsanuuTrsseusiportraralof dtaae
- body at its best, Une beluMainitaeesepoeite
; Astal
steady nerves and flrmmuseleerfsiriy vibrat-
' mar in animation-sssn, suejtc. rrein. and ..
epirited; witb an airef ubMaded confidence' f
" and m face radiant Is color and illuminated
with a glow of hope aad chaaif uluess.
The Great General Tonic .
. Nohinsis more effleadoue aa a rabsilder of exhansted nereas aad
nhyslcaL1 fosses than LYKO. the neat general tonic. i It tends to renew
the worn-out tissues, replenieh the blood, create new newer and sudor
ante, and renethespiritsef thoaswhoere weak, frail, languid and
over-wrought ee the result ef sickness, excessiTe strain, worry or are.
work, it's e rellsbable appetiser, a splendid aid to digestion and a fine
functional regulator of tbe Hear, kidneys and bowels.
aildnsnists sell LTHO. flet a bottle TODAY
UU Msaaf adorns: LYKO MEDICINE
For sal by Beaton Drug Co., 15th aad Faraam Sta., and
' . .'v all retail druggist.
The scientific blending of
of benefit to perrons who suffer from
Narvooaaesei SleepleaaoeM .
Bepressloa Loss oi Appetite
Brain Fan Digestive Troabto
Slow Kevcfjr from laflaenaa aad Kindred Aflmcnta
Aw yda run dofrn? Are you Irritable? Are yeu over worked?
Then try this approved remedy and satisfy youself ot ita beneficial in-
s;uieiw. u vriaiiiaji 19-oz. Domes onjy. 1
' . ' ' , BRI-ACEA DRUG CO.
Sol Manufacturers For Sale by ;
,i No. 1309 So. 16th Street.
No. 22002 Farnam Street
and leading Nebraska druggists.
I i-T , and leading Nebraska drojrelsts. S m"j
Musterole Works Vvlthout the
Blister Easier, Quicker
There's no sense in mixing a mess
of mustard, flour and water when you
can easily relievepain, soreness or stiff
ness with a little dean, white Musterole.
- Mnsterota far mads of pure oil of
mustard and ether helpful Ingredients,
combined in tho form of the present
whit ointment It takes the place ol
mustard plasters, and will not blister.
Mustarole usually gives prompt relief
from son throst; bronchitis, tonsilitis,
croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia,
headache, congestion, pleurlsyjrheuma
tJsm, hunbago, pains and aches of the
back or lointa, sprains, sore muscles,
braises, chilblains, frosted feet; colds of
tha chest (it often prevents pneumonia).
2&C and 65c jars; hospital size $3.00
usual group of dances, in whi chl
counts and Countesses, marquises I
and marchionesses, peasants ana
gypsies disported. Mme. Pavlowa,
as a gypsy, showed immediately she
had losttione of her suppleness. Vol
inine, the male dancer, found himself
well remembered by the 6uaMence.',
Cheese Apples
Cheese apples are pretty to
serve with crackers or pie. Take
cream cheese of, two colors, one yel
low and Due white. Mash to a paste
with cream and season with pepper
and salt. : l tor; serving with sala.t
add onion itn'ce.f Moald into natur
al apple appcarjnee. stick a clove
in so that only the hfad,shows t
one end, t(? indicate the blossom end
of apple, and use a 'second clove,- full
length, toyrfpresent the stem. Press
the ball slightly to gam just the right
outline tor on apple, serve on
pretty plate with, paper doily un
derneath, or mount .epeh one on; a
cracker. , ' M
Squeaky shoes can be reinidied. by
putting a layer oi vaseline Between
the soles.
Oraante iron la Ilka tha Iron In yew blood and
like the iron in spinach, lentils and apples. It
may be had from your druggist under the name
of Nutated Iron. Nuaated Iron represents ;
,, organic iron In such highly condensed form I
that one dose of It Is estimated to be approxi
mately equivalent (in organic iron content) to
eating one-half quart of spinach, one Quart of
green vegetables or half doaen applet.
Over 4.000,000 people annually using.
Nuxated Iron. It wiil not injure the teeth nor
disturb the stomach. A few doses will often
. commence to enrich your blood, give you
new strength and energy, and, quickly re
vitalise womoutt exhausted nerves.' Your
money will be refunded by toe manufac
turers if you do not obtain satisfactory results.
Beware of substitutes, Always insist op having .
genuine organic iroo-Nuxated Iron. Look for
the letters N.I. on every tablet. Atalldniggiata.
busy stores and sit otlicr good draft lets.
CouldNaturehaw taken you for htr model T
Suppose you Stody yourself fn the minor of
toe pretentand compare your looks, yourfeel
Ings and your condition with the general
characteristics of thia picture of the h uman
body in perfect workiBeT order, all parts of
which are sound, well orianiaed and disposed,
performintj their functions freely, naturally.
If you fait In any single point ef reeem
p'ance, you are not the pioture of health.
It'a imperatlTe. then, that you look to
means to rennild your strength, eneri
vlgar 1 bring your body op to a I
sieie w oaaeocjr la m ox its parte.
aad looD eeav ,
reliable vegetable remedies
Kansas City,
Face and ForeheadtJovered With
Pimples and Blotches. Lost Rest. J
"My faea and forehead rer cor
ertd with blotches and pitjfpln, and
tne itching ana burning wera
intense. I bad trouble to
ret a rood night's sleep, and
toy face was disfigured forJ
tne time being. 1 tried ae
eral remedies, without suc
cess, and then bought Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment.
When 1 bad used two boxes of CuU
eura .Ointment, witb the Cuticora
8oap,I was healed." (Siirned) WUU
Urn Kiikholder, 1351 Ontario St.,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Cutlcura Soap, Ointment and Tal
cum promote and maintain skua
purity, kla comfort and Skin health
often when all else fails.
aavhlsskfrMVyaaB. AdAe: "thr.r.U
erwanw, win.M. Miaie,aes." pws
Vm aoapxae. uunsaemB
tienra Iss ahavee witlieal auaa.
; Owing to jnodern methods of living not one womarr in a thousand
approaches this perfectly natural change in her life without experi
encing a train pi very annoying and sometimes painful symptoms.
, Those dreadful hot flashes, smothering spells, fainting spells,
nervous troubles and irregularities "are symptoms that should nave
prompt attention. These i two letters pfovs what a' successful
remedy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is for women
at this time of life. ;' Z ,
hete Two Women Helped During Change of Life.
- tTaunton, Mass.4 1 could not eat or . Philadelphia, Pa." I want to let you,
.1... S.. .1. n.nntl.a li. J fa,iln..n.ll , U.n. mi.A T xiAir. V Pinlrknm's
and could not walk
three month8,caused
jay cousin, wno was
i,' - t W J!
eiUjT VUlUUAy Tv LIU t5 tm UWHI Va4 UiV
to take Lxdia . Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and it helped me greatly.
Then during the Change of life I used
the same remedy. 1 am seventy years
old now and am able to do mv own
; housework and walk one mile to church
i every Sunday morning and evening. I
" am recommending the Vegetable Com
' pound tc mv friends having the same
troubles as 1 had. Your remedy is the
best ' on earth, 1 cannot find words
' to express my gratitude for it." Mr
HStrsAM C Staplks, 157 B School St,
Taunton, Mass. u
Women of
i ii i s iiiiMiiua.BM iitiwi m , j ' , ADVERTISEMENT '
; Take
v tablato
Popular all ovr the World as a . remeay
for Colds, Grip and Influenza and as a
Be sure its womo
The genuine bears
, this signature
' are lightened when she turns to
the tight medicine. If her exist
nrM )a rrterlar-'irlnnmw riv tsreolu
, heaees and painful disordexa, aha
. wui nna rcuei irgm aer irouoiea i
in Dr. Pierce s Favorite . Pre
scription. If she's overworked,
f ' nervous, or "run-down," she find3
'T;pew life and stcength. It's an
I ' uvigoratlog tonio and nervine
. tor '"woman's complaints" and
weakneeegg, and fy young girls
.. ( . v-v-Ti
without help for rVegetable Compound has done me. I
by female trouble. . haTi organic -troubles and am going
a aoctor, row me
taken witb a pain in my side and a bad
headache. I dould not lie down, could ,
not eat or sleep. 1 suffered something:,
terrible and the doctor's medicine did'
me no good at all my pains got worso
instead of better. I began taking the
Vegetable Compound and felt a chango
from tbe first Now 1 feel fine and ad
vise anyone going through the Change
of life tory itj for it cured me after I
had given-up all hopes of getting better.
I wiu tell any one who writes to me the
good it has done me." Mrs. Margaret .
Daxz,75 If. 25th St, Philadelphia, Pa.
Middle Age Should Depend Upon
-.'C:"- :.
Penetrating. .Antiseptic Zemo
WUi Help You
Nevet mind bow often rou have tried
end failed, rou can atop burning, itching
eczema quickly by applying Zemo,
turnisnea by any druggist tar c cxm
large bottle, $1.00 Healing begins the
moment Zemo is applied. In a short
similar sun diseases wui oe remoTea.
For clearins the skin and making it
vigorously heal thy always use Zemo, the
penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not
others fail it is the one dependsbia
treatment for skin troubles of all kinds.
Tas I. W. Boss Co. Ckvaiard. O,
Bee want ad are best business
1 ' BaaBBaaaeaaaV
Chanse or Life. I waa
Gure Your J
Eupfura Like
I Cured nino"
Old 8ea Captain Gored His Owl
Bnptore After Doctors Salt'
"Operate cr Death."
Bis Bemedy and Book Seat Free.
Captain Collinca sailed the seas for
tnany years; Uien he sustained a bad
double rupture that soon forces him ta
not only remain -ashore, but kept him
bedridden tor years. He tried doctor
after doctor and truss after truss. No
results r Finally, he was assured that
he must either submit to a dangerous
and abhorrent operation or die. He did
neither! He cured bimaelf instead.
"Fellow Mea and Women. You Dent Ha
To Be, Cut Up, and Tea Don I Her ,
To Be Tortured By Trasses.'
Cantatn nolllnre mad a BtndT of
himself, of his condition and at last ha
waa rdwaraea oy tne nnaina ox tne
method that so quickly made him a well.
Strong', vigorous and happy man.
Anyone can Use the same method
It's simple, eay, sate and Inexpensive.
Every ruptured person w the world
should have the Captain Colllnga book,
tellfna; aU about how be cured nlmaeif.
and how anyone may follow the aatne
treatment intlielr own home without
any trouble. The book and medicine are
FREK. Theyiwlli be sent-prepaid to
any rapture sufferer who will fill oat
the below coupon. But jaend it rleht
away dow before you put down this
paper. r
Cnpt. W. A. Colllngs (Ino.)
BoxlllE Water town, Nj x.
Please send me your FRKE Rupture
Homed? and Book without any obll
t atlou oa my part whatever. ,
Address ..........;...;....,..
fTI-w . JKasaaffi
r y ' V